What does it mean to read fluently? How to teach children in elementary school to read correctly and fluently. The small size of the operational field of view in a child

How to teach a child to read quickly? Speed ​​reading technique.

Reading skills are the basis of all learning, one of the main conditions for a child's success in school. The process of reading for children is quite complex, because memory, imagination, sound and auditory catalysts are simultaneously involved in it. Meanwhile, the speed of reading should be as close as possible to the speed of speech. But how do you learn to read fast? You are offered a speed reading technique that will help your little child prodigy to significantly raise his own level, and increase his reading speed.

At school, a child with a low reading speed will find it harder to learn new material. During the time that he will spend on reading the conditions of the problem or exercise, a fast reading child will have time to rewrite everything in a notebook and begin to complete the task. Reading speed is the most important factor in academic achievement, so learning to read quickly is very important. There is such a thing as "optimal reading", it involves reading 120-150 words per minute. This figure appeared for a reason - it is believed that it is when reading at this pace that the best assimilation of the material by the student is achieved.

Why is speed reading not for everyone?

Some of the main causes of slow reading in children are the following:

Reason number 1. Low level of memory and attention (when reading the fourth word, the child no longer remembers the first, and, therefore, cannot understand the meaning of what he read). Attention is the main engine of the reading process. Brain processes in themselves are very fast, and therefore a slowly reading child switches his attention to some extraneous thoughts, as a result, interest in what is being read disappears, reading becomes mechanical, and meaning does not reach consciousness. So main advice in this case, it is imperative to systematically work with the child at home to develop memory.

Reason number 2. Decrease in the volume of the operational field of view. That is, the child's gaze does not cover the whole word or even several words, but only two or three letters.

Reason #3: Low vocabulary.

Reason number 4. Regression - the so-called recurrent eye movements. Many children, without noticing it themselves, reread the word twice, automatically, as if for complete confidence in the correct reading.

Reason number 5. Not developed articulatory apparatus.

Reason number 6. Works selected not by age.

Speed ​​reading technique: how to learn to read quickly?

There is a special training in speed reading, a special method of speed reading developed by specialists. The following exercises will help ensure that your child has a speed reading technique, moreover, conscious and expressive: .

Speed ​​Reading: Step One.

Involve your child in active reading from an early age.

Read to him yourself more often, and while reading, stop at the most interesting moments and, referring to fatigue, ask the child to read a piece of the work. Pretend that you are distracted and listened, be sure to ask again what he just read, ask what words were repeated several times? Explain the words the child does not understand. Discuss what you read.

Speed ​​reading training: step two.

Make reading essential to your daily life.

Every day, write notes to your child, some postcards, plans, lists of things that you instruct him to do.

Speed ​​reading training: step three.

Make watching filmstrips traditional for a while, like in infancy, reading a fairy tale before bed. The slow change of bright frames, short captions under each, easy to read are excellent conditions for improving the technique of fast reading.

Speed ​​reading training: step four.

Learn parallel reading.

To do this, you need to prepare two identical texts. You will read the text aloud, and the child will follow you, run your finger along the lines. Gradually increase the speed of reading, but make sure that the child has time for you. Read some fragments slowly, and some quickly, for example, thus highlighting the dialogues. Ask if the child noticed a change in speed?

Speed ​​reading training: step five.

Control the speed reading technique, give the child reading tasks for a while.

To do this, select a simple text consisting of words familiar to him, note the time, for example, one minute, and then count how many words he managed to read. Be sure to tell him this number and “spur” his interest, with a question like: “Can you do it faster? Let's check!". Let him read the same text again, there will definitely be more words read. Praise him and check the time again. Do this three times, but no more. This task will demonstrate to the child that he can read much faster and that learning to read quickly is not at all difficult.

Speed ​​reading training: step six.

Practice reading silently, not out loud.

When reading aloud, the following processes occur: 1. the eyes read the text, 2. a signal goes to the brain, 3. the organs of speech are prepared, 4. the text is spoken aloud, 5. the ears perceive, 6. the signal is again sent to the brain to analyze what was heard and compare it with read. With this reading, the loss of speed is obvious, whispering is exactly the same story. When reading happens "to oneself" - a completely different picture. The child's eyes look ahead, and he begins to understand the meaning of the read text, the speed increases accordingly, sometimes at times.

Speed ​​reading training: step seven.

Accent games.

As already explained, understanding the meaning of the text being read is the main trump card in how to learn to read quickly. And the placement of the correct stress is not the last thing here. When reading a word incorrectly, the child does not catch the meaning, loses the thread of the story he is reading, and accordingly slows down and cannot retell what he has read. How to read quickly if the brain is frantically trying to find meaning, but, in the end, it never finds it. Therefore, learning to read quickly also involves classes with stress. Choose any word and take turns stressing all the syllables in a row, so the child will understand what exactly is being said. Then ask him how to pronounce this word correctly.

Speed ​​reading training: step eight.

Stumbling over consonants.

Children often stumble when reading when they see several consonants in a row: “sister”, “mug”, “construction”. Your task is to write out such words on a piece of paper and let the child read them periodically until the difficulties with such moments disappear. Do not be lazy to enter new words.

Learning to Read Quickly: Step Nine.

Buzzing reading.

The following speed reading technique may seem strange to you, but do not neglect it - it is very useful for learning to read quickly. The child needs to read to himself and at the same time buzz out loud like a bee.

Speed ​​reading training: step ten.

Develop vigilance.

Write five or six vowels in a row, inserting one consonant somewhere in the middle, and ask the child which letter is extra?

Speed ​​reading training: step eleven.

Develop ingenuity.

Write words that differ by only one letter. For example: 1. cat - mouth, 2. cat - whale, 3. forest - weight, 4. forest - bream. Ask what is the difference and what is the similarity of these words.

Learning to Read Quickly: Step Twelve.

Articulation gymnastics as a quick reading technique.

Such exercises improve pronunciation, set the breath, make speech clear. To do this, read more tongue twisters, and doing it in different ways: loudly and confidently, slowly and in a whisper, strictly monitor reading, clearly pronouncing the endings in words. The fast reading technique also includes reading sayings and proverbs.

Speed ​​reading training: step thirteen.

The development of the field of view.

Take a sheet of paper and draw a table, writing one letter or syllable in each cell. The child is required to read them all to himself, pointing to the letter with a pencil, and trying to read quickly. It is important that he tries to remember the location of the following letters or syllables one after another. You can read them from top to bottom, bottom to top, make words, and so on. .

Speed ​​reading training: step fourteen.

Develop anticipation - this is the name of a semantic guess.

While reading the text, the child catches the next word with peripheral vision, can, based on what he read, guess what the next word will be. The speed reading technique may include the following exercise, the purpose of which is to develop anticipation. You need to write sentences in which there are words with missing syllables or letters, let the child fill in the missing letters. Then, complicate the task and just write separate phrases or words for him, with gaps in the middle, at the end, at the beginning of words.

Speed ​​reading training: step fifteen.

Bookmark reading.

When reading the text, the child should move the bookmark not as usual, under the line, but closing it with the word he has already read. This exercise will help you learn to read without repetition and increase the pace.

Learning to Read Quickly: Step Sixteen.


This speed reading technique involves reading words that are written in different scripts. Moreover, such words can go in a row, making up one sentence. It is necessary to ensure that a different font does not confuse the child, is not perceived by him as some kind of obstacle.

Speed ​​reading training: step seventeen.

Build up the words.

Write on a piece of paper in a column of words that increase in length when they are modified:

Teaching Speed ​​Reading: Step Eighteen.

Teaching Speed ​​Reading: Step Nineteen.

Reading through teeth.

The child reads an unfamiliar text at maximum speed for him, tightly clenching his teeth and lips at the same time. After reading, he will need to answer some questions about the text. It is recommended to carry out such an exercise every time before reading the text aloud.

Teaching Speed ​​Reading: Step Twenty.

Accompanied reading.

Learning to Speed ​​Read: Step Twenty-One.

Rhythm tapping.

The exercise involves the child reading an unfamiliar text, while tapping a previously learned rhythm with a pencil.

Learning to Speed ​​Read: Step Twenty-Two.

Learning to Speed ​​Read: Step Twenty-Three.

Mandatory daily five-minute reading.

The child should read in the mode of buzzing reading for five minutes. These exercises should be carried out for 4 lessons daily. Family games. Do not be lazy to regularly arrange all kinds of games with letters and words in your family. Such training will help the child easily navigate in the space of many letters and easily read unfamiliar words.

Learning to Speed ​​Read: Step Twenty-Four.

Reading consonants.

It is necessary that the child takes a deep breath and reads 15 consonants as you exhale - absolutely any set will do, for example: s, t, p, k, n, w, d, c, f, l, g, u, n, f.

Learning to Read Quickly: Step Twenty-five.

Folding words from halves.

Take any simple word, break it into two parts and write it on two different cards, thus preparing about 10 words for one lesson. Invite the child to fold the cards, collecting the whole word. Even better if such words can be made up of several options using the same cards. Constantly change and supplement cards. Over time, move on to more complex words of three or more syllables.

Learning to Read Quickly: Step Twenty-Six.

Reading with expression. The child needs to read a small passage of text, as he usually reads. Then return to the beginning and read it again, but with expression, with intonation, and therefore at a different pace. Having read the already familiar passage, he must continue to read the text further without stopping. The point is that the tempo, on a familiar text, developed and accelerated subsequently does not subside, even when it passes to an unfamiliar part.

Learning to Read Quickly: Step Twenty-Seven.

We train attention. While reading the text, the child, on command “stop”, stops reading, tears his head off the book, closes his eyes and rests for a few seconds. Then, on the command “start,” he must find the very place in the book where he had previously finished reading.

Learning to Read Quickly: Step Twenty-Eight.

The child, silently, reads a small paragraph at maximum speed, he should start reading the next paragraph aloud, then again - a paragraph to himself. The method of fast reading in this case works like this: reading to yourself, as you remember, is much faster, reading aloud, with sharp transitions, the pace of reading is partially preserved, and the child reads faster.

Learning to Read Quickly: Step Twenty-Nine.

Role reading.

Teaching Speed ​​Reading: Step Thirty.

Reading upside down text.

You can learn to read more confidently and quickly by practicing reading an upside down sheet of text. This contributes to the development of the skill of memorizing holistic standards of letters, the combination of letter analysis with the semantic endings of words.

Learning to Speed ​​Read: Step Thirty-One.

A set of deformed sentences.

Practice with your child changing words in a sentence. For example, write a sentence: “friends came to me for a holiday”, out of place: “friends came to my holiday for a holiday”. Write on a piece of paper a dozen such sentences, let the child unravel them.

Learning to Speed ​​Read: Step Thirty-Two.

Search for a given word.

Arrange a competition with children or involve an adult: say any word from the text on the page, whoever finds this word the fastest is the winner. Incentive prizes are welcome. Such a game will form the ability to see not separate fragments, but a complete image of the word. In addition, the exercise develops verbal memory.

Learning to Speed ​​Read: Step Thirty-Three.

Schulte tables.

In fact - these tables are randomly located numbers, the task is to quickly find them in order. The main benefit of this quick reading technique is to expand the field of view, to develop the speed of search visual movements. Draw a square about 20-25 centimeters, dividing it into 30 cells. Randomly enter numbers into these cells, starting from 1 ending with - 30. The process of searching for a number must be done silently, silently and indicate the numbers found with a pencil. Before starting the exercise, the child needs to fix his gaze in the center, so that he can see the entire table. In addition, horizontal or vertical eye movements are prohibited, the gaze, like the numbers, must be somewhat erratic. A prerequisite for the technique of speed reading to improve is the systematic study and a positive attitude. The question of how to read quickly and the development of methods and techniques for fast reading are being dealt with by some authoritative experts whose literature we would recommend you read: Academician Andreev, I. Fedorenko, E. Zaika, N. Zaitsev, I. Pelchenko and others. Remember that the ability to read fluently is not an end in itself, it is a vital necessity, without which it will be very difficult for your child to study further and achieve some success, both in studies and in communication. Children quickly learn the material, show a readiness for creativity and self-expression. Success gives rise to joy, self-confidence, and stimulates leadership.

And most importantly: do not skimp on the praise of your student.

HOW TO TEACH A CHILD TO READ FLUISELY If your child already knows how to read whole phrases tolerably syllable by syllable, we gradually move on to teaching the baby to read fluently. Below are 14 lessons with which you can teach your baby to read fluently, and most importantly - correctly. It is advisable to teach a child of six to seven years of age fluent reading no more than 30 minutes once or twice a day. You can complete these lessons in any order. A day - no more than 4 lessons. LESSON 1 How to develop vigilance in a child Try this task: - In a series of five to six vowels, insert one consonant. Invite the child to find the extra letter. You can change this assignment. - Write down the words in which only one letter is different: whale - cat; juice - bough; wood - weight, etc. The child must answer how the words differ from each other. LESSON 2 Exercises that develop articulation in a child These activities help improve pronunciation, promote proper breathing, and help to make speech clearer. Game "make a word from halves" Pick up simple words consisting of two syllables. At least ten words are required for one lesson. Write these words on two cards and ask your child to put the words together correctly. Cards need to be changed constantly. LESSON 3 How to quickly train attention The task is as follows. Your toddler is reading a text in a book. At your command "Stop!" he takes his eyes off the book, closes them and rests. On command "Read!" the child must find the fragment where he paused his reading. LESSON 4 Semantic guess (anticipation) The principle of anticipation - when reading, the child's peripheral vision sees the outline of the next word. From what he read, he concludes what word should be next. To develop a semantic guess, you can do the following exercise with your child. Write words in which either a letter or a syllable is missing. Let the child guess which letters to enter. These activities greatly improve a child's ability to learn to read fluently. LESSON 5 Teach your child to read in parallel You will need two identical texts. Start reading slowly, and let the child read after you, following the lines with your finger. Gradually speed up the pace, but make sure that the baby does not lag behind. LESSON 6 Time Reading Choose a simple text. Record the time (for example, a minute) and let the child read. When the time is up, count how many words the child managed to read in a minute. When reading again, the child will read more words. To develop a clear pronunciation, read tongue twisters with your child. First, read them slowly and in a whisper. Then - confidently and loudly. Make sure that the child clearly pronounces the endings of the words. In the same way, read proverbs and sayings with your child. How to teach a child to read well? The kid must learn to read to himself. When a child reads aloud, the eyes see the text and send a signal to the brain. At the same time, the organs of speech are prepared, and the ears perceive the spoken text. LESSON 7 The stress game Choose a word with several syllables and try with your child to stress each of the syllables. The child must determine which accent is correct. Try to involve your child in the reading process. When reading your favorite fairy tale to him, stop at the most interesting place. Say that you are tired of reading and ask the child to read a short passage of text. LESSON 8 Watch filmstrips This activity is the best way to train the technique of reading. LESSON 9 How to develop a child's field of vision a) Draw a chart. Write one letter in each cell. Invite the child to read them all silently, pointing to the letters with a pencil. You need to read as soon as possible and memorize the sequence of letters. b) Invite the child to read the unfamiliar text to himself. This should be done as quickly as possible and with closed lips. Then ask them to retell what they read. Now you can read the text again, but out loud. Invite your child to read aloud to music. Train your child to read words written in different scripts. LESSON 10 Role-play reading. You need to read the text with different intonations: the bear - in a rough voice, the bunny - in a thin and quiet voice. LESSON 11 To teach your child to read fluently, practice reading upside down. This is how the memorization of integral patterns of letters develops. The child will learn to combine the semantic ending of the word with the letter analysis. Go to this exercise not immediately, but when the child learns to read without errors. Thanks to this exercise, the child will learn to read quickly and correctly. LESSON 12 Find the word game Say any word and invite the child to quickly find it in the text. This is how the ability to see a holistic image of a word is formed and verbal memory develops. LESSON 13 Rhythm exercise While reading an unfamiliar text, the child must tap a certain rhythm with a pencil, which is learned in advance. LESSON 14 A game with consonants. Invite the child to take a breath: and while exhaling, quickly read any set of fifteen consonants. For example: p, t, d, k, w, c, n, d, s, h, x, b, f, f, p. Now you know how to teach a child to read well and fluently. But in any case, do not try to teach a child to read fluently if he is under 6 years old or he is still poorly prepared (does not know all the letters, often pronounces words incorrectly while reading simple text written in large print).

Many of us still remember that same blue primer with a big bright letter "A" on the cover. Thanks to this book, millions of children quickly learned to read. Time has passed, and now these children have matured and become parents themselves. But now they are already do not refer to the same book by which they themselves once learned to read. Today, there are so many methods for teaching children to read that you can easily get confused - what to choose in order to quickly teach a child to read and, most importantly, correctly. Tyulenev's technique designed to teach kids almost from the cradle, Zaitsev cubes and rough Mary Montessori letters promise miracles in learning. Young parents rush between all these ways, and with them - and their child.

And yet, how to teach a child to read , which method to give preference to, when to start training and with what? These questions concern many young fathers and mothers. But few of them think about to learn letters and be able to put them into words and phrases with offers is not the most important thing.

Now very fashionable early development of babies . As soon as the child is one year old, they already begin to teach him to read and count. But it has already been proven that this is fraught with consequences for the emerging psyche of children. The belief that the sooner a child’s education is started, the better, is wrong. According to neurologists, parents aspiring to very early learning may harm your baby.

Let's see how the formation of the child occurs.

early pregnancy and up to three years, the first functional block of the brain is formed, which is responsible for the emotional, cognitive and bodily perception of the child.

At the age of three and up to five years - eight years, the second functional block of the brain is formed. It governs perception: sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch.

According to ophthalmologists, early childhood education reading is fraught with consequences for the eyes - myopia may develop from premature visual stress. Experts do not recommend learning to read before the age of five or six. Before this age, the formation of the ciliary muscle, which is responsible for visual acuity, occurs.

The development of the child's conscious mental activity occurs between the ages of seven and fifteen.

The functional blocks of the brain are formed sequentially. All attempts by parents to "jump" any of the stages will negatively affect the development of natural processes. that occur in the child's body at one time or another. There is simply a distortion in the natural development of the baby. Consequences of Early Childhood Education may not appear immediately. That is what they are fraught with. Years later, this can affect the emotional and personal relationships with people. And it can also result in an unpredictable form: stuttering, tics, neurosis, various violations speech and compulsive movements.

How to determine that physiologically the child is ready to learn to read?

- the child has formed a speech, he can speak in sentences and compose a coherent story;

The child does not have speech disorders . And here we mean not only the correct pronunciation of individual sounds, but also violations of the rhythm and melody of speech;

The child is well oriented in space, not getting confused in the concepts of top and bottom, right - left;

The phonemic hearing of the child is quite developed - he easily recognizes the sound not only at the beginning of the word, but also in its middle part and at the end of the word.

How to teach a child to read so as not to cause tears, reproaches and resentment? This question is often asked by parents of future first-graders. Of course, you can stop at the usual method for everyone. It comes down to daily monotonous activities, during which the child learns to write hooks and sticks. and also reads the primer. But all moms and dads know that such activities bring boredom, fatigue and irritation, the child does not learn to read thoughtfully. As a result, a reluctance to study develops. And although the child will receive certain knowledge and skills, such training is unlikely to become for him a good school for the development of feelings and emotions, as well as a means of learning about the world around him and himself in it. For learning to become fun game and turned it into a collaborative creative process children and adults, so that the child learns to read correctly and quickly, choose a different path.

Just like babies learn to understand spoken language they must learn to read words and sentences. But the most important thing is that it is quite real and the facts confirm it.

Scientists have proven that the eye sees but is not aware of what it sees; The ear perceives sound, but does not understand what it hears. The whole process of understanding this happens purely in the brain.

When we hear a spoken word or sentence, the sounds are split into multiple electrochemical impulses that are sent to the brain. Our brain connects all these impulses together and perceives their meaning and meaning. A similar action occurs with vision. Our eyes see what is written, but do not understand it. The brain does not see what is written, but understands it.

Visual and auditory endings are passed through the brain, which processes the information received. In the event that the baby would have to own only one of the many skills, then the ability to read would undoubtedly become such a skill. . It is it that is the basis of all types of standard, formal and non-formal education.

How to quickly teach a child to read so that he does not get tired and does not lose interest? Exercise regularly, but not for long. For the first lessons, five to ten minutes will be enough. Gradually, this time can be increased to thirty minutes. Practice as a game - the child should be easy, interesting and not bored.

Before proceeding with the reading technique, learn all the letters with your baby. Cubes will help a lot with this. The pictures drawn on them will help you recognize the subject and associate it with the letter. Teach your baby to name the letters correctly: watermelon - "A", house - "D", etc. Play a game with your baby - ask him to find the letter "A". At the same time, do not rush to give hints. The child must learn on his own find the right cube. If he can't, he needs help.

You can see with modern methods of teaching preschoolers to read correctly by clicking on the link - EXPAND THE PAGE . 10 important tips to help you teach your child to read correctly:


What method of teaching reading to follow ? When teaching your child to read in syllables, give preference to the usual primer, which was compiled by K. Zhukova. This book is an effective helper for a child who is learning to understand how to put letters into syllables, syllables into words, and these words into whole sentences. There are few pictures in the book, but they are quite enough so that the child is not bored.


In which sequences to learn vowels and consonants. First, we teach the child open vowels - A, O, U, E, Y. Now you can proceed to hard consonants - M, N. But make sure that the child pronounces them correctly: not “em”, and not “me”, but simply “m”. The next in line are deaf and hissing sounds: Ш, С, etc.


Do not forget to repeat the material of the previous lesson with the child at each lesson. Remember together what sounds you learned in the last lesson. By consolidating the material covered, you will help develop a competent reading mechanism in your child.


Take a look at the primer. Show your baby how the first letter of the syllable "m" hurries to the second letter "a". Explain to the child that this is how it should be pronounced: m-m-ma-a-a - m-m-ma-a-a. In such an accessible form, the child understands that one letter runs to another. As a result, they speak together, without separating from each other.


Now let's start learning simple syllables. To easily teach a child to read, you need to start with simple syllables, in which there are only two letters: ma, la, ra, mu, mo. The kid must master and understand how two letters form a syllable. It is important for him to master the mechanism of reading by syllables. After he understands this, he will easily learn to read more difficult syllables - with deaf and hissing consonants: shi, yes, in, etc.


You can start learning more complex syllables. Do not rush to read words or books. Give your child a better understanding of the mechanism of reading by syllables. Just complicate the task - read with him syllables that begin with a vowel: am, av, he, y.


After all the syllables have been mastered, we start reading the simplest words: “ma - ma”, “ra - ma”, “we - lo”.


How easy is it to teach a child to read by syllables? Be sure to teach your child to pronounce syllables correctly. This is a guarantee that he will learn to read well. Note. According to one of the methods, teachers and educators in kindergartens teach children to sing syllables. Kids quickly get used to it and sing syllables constantly in one breath. However, they do not make any pauses between words. Some kids get so carried away that they sing the entire paragraph without respecting the punctuation marks - periods, exclamation marks and question marks. If you decide to teach your child to read, do it well. No need to let the child sing everything. Pay attention to him pause between words especially between sentences. Teach your child to this order: sang the word - pause, sang the second - pause. In the future, he himself will learn to shorten the pauses. But at the beginning of training, it is simply necessary to do them.


What is the best age to teach a child to read? Do not get ahead of events. At the age of three or four, it is unlikely that your child will be interested in poring over books, learning to read and putting letters into syllables. At this age, it is definitely too early to start learning to read. The only exceptions are those cases when the child himself unequivocally shows a desire for this.

But at the age of five and six, children must be engaged so that they can read and write words block letters. Those children who go to Kindergarten taught by educators. If your baby does not attend kindergarten, you will have to deal with the child. Let this responsibility be at least partially taken over by the grandmother or grandfather. As a last resort, hire a tutor. This is necessary because modern methods assume that the child will come to the first grade already prepared and reading in syllables. This is also important from a psychological point of view. If you teach your child to read before school, in first grade it will be easy for him read and the first stress of school can be avoided.

TIP 10

To quickly and correctly teach your child to read by syllables, turn learning into a game . Do not force your child to expressive or fluent reading. It is much more important that he independently be able to put letters into syllables, read them in a book, and be able to compose words, phrases and sentences. He just needs to master the technique of reading. It does not matter if at first it will be slow and difficult for the baby. Remaining calm, smoothly and quietly help him correct mistakes while reading. Let it be like a game. After all, in the game you can relax without getting stressed. In the process of learning to read, it is necessary to ensure that the baby, without straining, understands what the elders want from him.

If you follow these tips, you will be able to teach your baby to read quite tolerably in a month and a half.

If your child already knows how to read whole phrases tolerably in syllables, we gradually move on to teaching the baby to read fluently. Below are 14 lessons with which you can teach your baby to read fluently, and most importantly - correctly. It is advisable to teach a child of six to seven years of age fluent reading no more than 30 minutes once or twice a day. You can complete these lessons in any order. A day - no more than 4 lessons.


How to develop vigilance in a child

Try this task:

In a row of five to six vowels, insert one consonant. Invite the child to find the extra letter. You can change this assignment.

Write out the words in which only one letter is different: whale - cat; juice - bough; wood - weight, etc. The child must answer how the words differ from each other.


Gymnastics that develops articulation in a child

These exercises help improve pronunciation, promote proper breathing. and help you speak more clearly.

The game "fold the word from the halves"

Pick up simple words consisting of two syllables. At least ten words are required for one lesson. Write these words on two cards and ask your child to put the words together correctly. Cards need to be changed constantly.


How to quickly train attention

The task is as follows. Your toddler is reading a text in a book. At your command "Stop!" he takes his eyes off the book, closes them and rests. On command "Read!" the child must find the fragment where he paused his reading.


Semantic guess (anticipation)

The principle of anticipation - when reading, the peripheral vision of the child sees the outline of the next word. From what he read, he concludes what word should be next.

To develop a semantic guess, you can do the following exercise with your child. Write words in which either a letter or a syllable is missing. Let the child guess which letters to enter . These activities greatly improve a child's ability to learn to read fluently.


Teach your child how to read

You will need two identical texts. Start reading slowly, and let the child read after you, following the lines with your finger. Gradually speed up the pace, but make sure that the baby does not lag behind.


Reading for time

Choose simple text. Record the time (for example, a minute) and let the child read. When the time is up, count how many words the child managed to read in a minute. When reading again, the child will read more words.

For development . First, read them slowly and in a whisper. Then - confidently and loudly. Make sure that the child clearly pronounces the endings of the words. In the same way, read proverbs and sayings with your child.

How to teach a child to read well? The kid must learn to read to himself. When a child reads aloud, the eyes see the text and send a signal to the brain. At the same time, the organs of speech are prepared, and the ears perceive the spoken text.


The game "make an accent"

Choose a word with several syllables and try with your child to stress each of the syllables. The child must determine which accent is correct.

Try to involve your child in the reading process. When reading your favorite fairy tale to him, stop at the most interesting place. Say that you are tired of reading and ask the child to read a short passage of text.


See filmstrips

This lesson is the best way to train reading technique.


How to develop a child's field of vision

a) Draw a table. Write one letter in each cell. Invite the child to read them all silently, pointing to the letters with a pencil. You need to read as soon as possible and memorize the sequence of letters.

b) Invite the child to read the unfamiliar text to himself . This should be done as quickly as possible and with closed lips. Then offer to retell what you read . Now you can read the text again, but out loud.


Role-play reading.


To teach your child to read fluently, read upside down.
This is how the memorization of integral patterns of letters develops. The child will learn to combine the semantic ending of the word with the letter analysis. Go to this exercise not immediately, but when the child learns to read without errors. Thanks to this exercise, the child will learn to read quickly and correctly.


Find the word game

Say any word and invite the child to quickly find it in the text. This is how the ability to see a holistic image of a word is formed and verbal memory develops.


rhythmic exercise

While reading an unfamiliar text, the child must tap a certain rhythm with a pencil, which is learned in advance.


Consonant game.

Invite the child to take a breath: and while exhaling, quickly read any set of fifteen consonants. For instance: r, t, e, k, w, c, n, d, s, h, x, b, f, f, p .

Now you know how to teach your child to read well and fluently. But in no case should you try to teach your child to read fluently. , if he is under 6 years old or he is still poorly prepared (does not know all the letters, often pronounces words incorrectly while reading simple text written in large print).


You have passed the stage of learning the alphabet with your child. He can easily find a given letter in the text. It's time to move on to the next stage - learning to read. How to teach a five-year-old child to read?

Your next task will be teach a 5 year old child to read syllables. Start by connecting two letters - a consonant and a vowel. Explain to the child that they should sound together. While walking with a child, or doing household chores, in a playful way, lay out simple words into syllables with your baby. Make flashcards with letters to make syllables easier to read.

At this stage, it is necessary that a child of 5 years old master the technique of folding syllables from letters. If you studied letters in the alphabet or with the help of cubes, now you need to have no pictures - they distract the child's attention.

How to teach a five-year-old child to read?
Turn the learning process into a game. Write letters on a piece of paper, print them on a computer, draw them with paints on whatman paper that hangs on the wall. And you can write letters on the groats, poured in a thin layer on a tray.

Associative games help a lot. During the walk, pay attention to the surrounding objects, their outlines resembling letters. For example: a television antenna on the roof resembles the letter “t”, a satellite dish resembles the letter “o”, a lamppost resembles the letter “a”, etc.

It is better to start teaching a 5-year-old child to read with short three-letter words - cat, nose, garden, etc. Words with paired syllables will help a child quickly learn to read: pa - pa, ma - ma, ba - ba. It is very good to read the words in a singsong voice. When the child reads the word, ask him what letters it consists of. Help him if he wants to.

How to teach a five-year-old kid to read sentences from familiar words? It is important that the sentences are not long and complex. If next to the sentence there is a picture of what it says, it will be easier for the child to understand that he did not work in vain and read the sentence correctly. He will experience the joy of doing it on his own.

After you have mastered reading syllables with your baby, you can begin to read simple words and simple sentences. To do this, you will need small children's books with poems and stories. . How to quickly teach a child to read poetry?

Reading with a 5 year old child small poems, not only the technique of reading will develop. Such activities contribute to the development of the child's memory and logic of thinking. A prerequisite is the presence of a picture next to each rhyme . It should depict the event that is mentioned in the rhyme.

Here is an example of such a rhyme: “we cooked soup soup, from pearl barley cereals, but it turned out to be porridge, then our grief.” Before you start reading the rhyme , ask the baby who is shown in the picture, what he is doing, and what is nearby, etc. Then, after reading the first line, repeat it with your child. After reading the second line, repeat two lines already. Usually kids love these books and enjoy reading them. And even with remember poems by heart . The kid will experience great pride, reading poems one of your guests. Sometimes the child cannot remember some incomprehensible or difficult words for his perception. Do not rush to suggest in this case. Remind him that he is already big and can handle it on his own. This will help a 5-year-old child to cheer up, and he can easily read a complex word and continuation of the rhyme. Read new rhymes with your child everyday. Be sure to repeat the old ones. And when guests come to you, ask the baby read your favorite poems - he will do it with great pleasure.

When the child knows the letters well enough, feel free to move on to composing and reading syllables. This important milestone in your child's development should not be underestimated. Clearly explain to the child how to connect the letters correctly. Turn an activity into a game . Letters-magnets will help you with this. Move them with your child and read aloud. Ideally, this stage should be completed at the age of four. In extreme cases - at the age of five.

And if you missed this moment - how to teach a child to read at age 6? If you see that the child is not prepared for school, take your time. Let him stay at home. And you take good care of him. After all, it's never too late to start learning. Don't panic. Not all children can read at the age of six.

How to teach a 6 year old to read? The teaching methodology is quite simple. You need books with colorful pictures in which all the words are written in syllables. But keep in mind that you do not have much time for training. With the right approach to classes, you can teach your daughter or son to read well in six months, a maximum of a year.

Here it is important to understand that reading for a child of 6 years old should not be a tedious obligation. It must be his favorite pastime. If the child himself strives to read, your classes will be much more fruitful. They will become interesting and exciting. Therefore, your task is to develop a child's interest in reading. Turn classes into a game, come up with a variety of ways to learn , teach your child to read games online. And in no case should you scold the child when something does not work out. This can push the child away from classes, and reading will be associated with punishment.

Reading sessions should be regular. Practice with your baby for at least an hour a day. But this must be done with his consent. The first books of the child should arouse his interest so that he strives to read them every day. Having learned to read before school, your child will feel confident against the background of the rest of the students.

Start reading small poems with a child of 6 years old . You can move on to reading fairy tales later. After all, at first it will be difficult for the baby to master a large amount of information. Be sure to ask your child to tell you about what he has read. It is useful for the development of the memory of a 6-year-old child. Plus, it will positively affect the development of the personal qualities of your baby. It is very important during training to praise the child for his achievements, no matter how small they are. This will contribute not only to the rapid development of reading techniques - your child will feel more confident and believe in himself. After all, the child needs your affection and love so much!

It is almost impossible to overestimate the importance of knowing English in our time. Many parents are well aware that teaching a child to read English - it is simply necessary. Firstly, such classes will help prepare the child for school. Secondly, they will fill in possible gaps in the school curriculum. And thirdly, it will definitely come in handy for a child when mastering a computer.

Each of the parents has certain knowledge in the field of English . But not everyone knows how to use this knowledge to pass it on to their own child.

How to teach reading to be easy English language your baby? Do not rush to learn the English alphabet with your child . You can confuse the child with this. But there are situations when a child has learned the name of the letters, but does not know how to read - very often this is observed among schoolchildren. We'll fix it. You need to clearly explain to the baby the difference between the names of the letters and their pronunciation.

How to quickly master the technique of reading in English for a child ? This question is asked not only by mothers who have basic knowledge of the language, but also by young teachers. The main condition for this is a positive attitude towards learning and positive motivation. It is important to convince the child that reading is very interesting. Purchase books for children in english with bright and colorful illustrations. Explain to your child that if he learns to read, he will be able to read these books himself, which will pleasantly surprise his father, mother, grandparents.

Before moving on to learning, watch films in English with your child without translation. The child needs to hear how it sounds English speech. Buy your child a book with expressive pictures that will help and facilitate language learning. It has already been observed that children learn English quite quickly, even without being able to speak Russian properly. This is due to the fact that children easily perceive new information.

Start learning English by reading the alphabet . Follow the correct pronunciation. Choose a few simple words and say them together. Conduct classes in the form of a game - so the child will be better involved in the learning process.

How easy is it to teach a child to read English by syllables? When the baby learns to distinguish letters, start adding syllables. It is very good to teach a child with plasticine letters. Sculpt them with your child. So he will better remember not only their pronunciation, but also how they look. Invite the child to collect a word familiar to him from plasticine letters. If he made a mistake, calmly explain to the child what it is. Do not scold the baby, help him and constantly praise him. He will try even harder. After all, your opinion is very important to him.

Such a game will help very well in mastering the English language: take the sheets blank paper and write the pronunciation of the letters on them with markers. Spread the sheets around the house. A game with associations will also help teach a child to read in English - go to the table and say its English name. Each time, passing by, the child will remember the English word. This will greatly speed up the process of mastering the language.

You will definitely need children's books in English. It is desirable that they have a lot of pictures, and the texts are simple for the child to master. Read texts need to be translated together so that the child quickly remembers the meaning of words.

It is not enough to say: I want to teach my child to read in English. It is important to know the sequence of training.

- Starting classes in English, learn the alphabet;

Explain to your child that in English one letter can mean different sounds;

Read words with an open syllable with your baby: bite, name, Pete, etc .;

Then you can learn to read simple English words with a closed syllable: six, map, not, pen, etc.;

Now try to combine English words open and closed syllable; do this while playing with blocks or cards with written letters: you call the word to the baby - he adds it up. So you will train visual and muscle memory;

Try to make simple sentences with your baby;

Now you can make various phrases with your child;

At this stage, you can move on to reading books and listening to audio books with your child;

When a child has mastered the simple rules of reading in English , move on to more complex texts;

If you constantly praise the child even for the smallest achievements, reading in English will become his favorite pastime and the child will be able to quickly learn to read any texts in English.

Thanks to these exercises, the child will learn to read quickly and correctly.

Many of us still remember that same red primer with a big bright letter "A" on the cover. Thanks to this book, millions of children quickly learned to read. Time has passed, and now these children have matured and become parents themselves. But now they no longer turn to the very book from which they themselves once learned to read. Today, there are so many methods for teaching children to read that you can easily get confused - what to choose in order to quickly teach a child to read and, most importantly, correctly. Tyulenev's technique is designed to teach kids almost from the cradle, Zaitsev's cubes and the rough letters of Maria Montessori promise miracles in learning. Young parents rush between all these ways, and with them their child.

And yet, how to teach a child to read, which method to give preference to, when to start learning and with what? These questions concern many young fathers and mothers. But few of them think about the fact that learning letters and being able to put them into words and phrases with sentences is not at all the most important thing.

It's very fashionable now early development kids. As soon as the child is one year old, they already begin to teach him to read and count. But it has already been proven that this is fraught with consequences for the emerging psyche of children. The belief that the sooner a child’s education is started, the better, is wrong. According to neurologists, parents who strive for very early learning can harm their baby.

Let's see how the formation of the child occurs.

- WITH early dates Pregnancy and up to three years is the formation of the first functional block of the brain, which is responsible for the emotional, cognitive and bodily perception of the child.

- At the age of three and up to five years - eight years, the second functional block of the brain is formed. It governs perception: sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch.

According to ophthalmologists, early teaching a child to read is fraught with consequences for the eyes - myopia may develop from premature visual stress. Experts do not recommend learning to read before the age of five or six. Before this age, the formation of the ciliary muscle, which is responsible for visual acuity, occurs.

- The development of the conscious mental activity of the child occurs at the age of seven to fifteen years.

The functional blocks of the brain are formed sequentially. All attempts by parents to "jump" any of the stages will negatively affect the development of natural processes that occur in the child's body in a given period. There is simply a distortion in the natural development of the baby. The consequences of a child's early learning may not be immediately apparent. That is what they are fraught with. Years later, this can affect the emotional and personal relationships with people. And it can also result in an unpredictable form: stuttering, tics, neurosis, various speech disorders and obsessive movements.

How to determine that physiologically the child is ready to learn to read?

- the child has formed a speech, he can speak in sentences and compose a coherent story;

- the child has no speech pathology disorders. And here we mean not only the correct pronunciation of individual sounds, but also violations of the rhythm and melody of speech;

- the child is well oriented in space, not getting confused in the concepts of top and bottom, right - left;

- the child's phonemic hearing is quite developed - he easily recognizes the sound not only at the beginning of a word, but also in its middle part and at the end of a word.

How to properly teach a child to read, so as not to cause tears, reproaches and resentment? This question is often asked by parents of future first-graders. Of course, you can stop at the usual method for everyone. It comes down to daily monotonous activities, during which the child learns to write hooks and sticks, and also reads the primer. But all moms and dads know that such activities bring boredom, fatigue and irritation, the child does not learn to read thoughtfully. As a result, a reluctance to study develops. And although the child will receive certain knowledge and skills, such training is unlikely to become for him a good school for the development of feelings and emotions, as well as a means of learning about the world around him and himself in it. To make learning an exciting game and turn it into a joint creative process of children and adults, so that the child learns to read correctly and quickly, choose a different path.

Just as babies learn to understand spoken language, they must learn to read words and sentences. But the most important thing is that it is quite real and the facts confirm it.

Scientists have proven that the eye sees but is not aware of what it sees; The ear perceives sound, but does not understand what it hears. The whole process of understanding this happens purely in the brain.

When we hear a spoken word or sentence, the sounds are split into multiple electrochemical impulses that are sent to the brain. Our brain connects all these impulses together and perceives their meaning and meaning. A similar action occurs with vision. Our eyes see what is written, but do not understand it. The brain does not see what is written, but understands it.

Visual and auditory endings are passed through the brain, which processes the information received. In the event that the baby would have to master only one of the many skills, then the ability to read would undoubtedly become such a skill. It is it that is the basis of all types of standard, formal and non-formal education.

How to quickly teach a child to read so that he does not get tired and does not lose interest? Exercise regularly, but not for long. For the first lessons, five to ten minutes will be enough. Gradually, this time can be increased to thirty minutes. Conduct a lesson in the form of a game - the child should be easy, interesting and not bored.

Before proceeding with the reading technique, learn all the letters with your baby. Cubes will help a lot with this. The pictures drawn on them will help you recognize the subject and associate it with the letter. Teach your baby to name the letters correctly: watermelon - "A", house - "D", etc. Play a game with your baby - ask him to find the letter "A". At the same time, do not rush to give hints. The child must learn to independently find the right cube. If he can't, he needs help.

10 important tips to help you teach your child to read correctly:

What method of teaching reading to follow? When teaching your child to read in syllables, give preference to the usual primer, which was compiled by K. Zhukova. This book is an effective helper for a child who is learning to understand how to put letters into syllables, syllables into words, and these words into whole sentences. There are few pictures in the book, but they are quite enough so that the child is not bored.

In what order to learn vowels and consonants. First, we teach the child open vowels - A, O, U, E, Y. Now you can proceed to hard consonants - M, N. But make sure that the child pronounces them correctly: not “em”, and not “me”, but simply “m”. The next in line are deaf and hissing sounds: Ш, С, etc.

Do not forget to repeat the material of the previous lesson with the child at each lesson. Remember together what sounds you learned in the last lesson. By consolidating the material covered, you will help develop a competent reading mechanism in your child.

Take a look at the primer. Show your baby how the first letter of the syllable "m" hurries to the second letter "a". Explain to the child that this is how it should be pronounced: m-m-ma-a-a - m-m-ma-a-a. In such an accessible form, the child understands that one letter runs to another. As a result, they speak together, without separating from each other.

Now let's start learning simple syllables. To easily teach a child to read, you need to start with simple syllables, in which there are only two letters: ma, la, ra, mu, mo. The kid must master and understand how two letters form a syllable. It is important for him to master the mechanism of reading by syllables. After he understands this, he will easily learn to read more difficult syllables - with deaf and hissing consonants: shi, yes, in, etc.

You can start learning more complex syllables. Do not rush to read words or books. Give your child a better understanding of the mechanism of reading by syllables. Just complicate the task - read with him syllables that begin with a vowel: am, av, he, y.

After all the syllables have been mastered, we start reading the simplest words: “ma - ma”, “ra - ma”, “we - lo”.

How easy is it to teach a child to read by syllables? Be sure to teach your child to pronounce syllables correctly. This is a guarantee that he will learn to read well. Note. According to one of the methods, teachers and educators in kindergartens teach children to sing syllables. Kids quickly get used to it and sing syllables constantly in one breath. However, they do not make any pauses between words. Some kids get so carried away that they sing the entire paragraph without respecting the punctuation marks - periods, exclamation marks and question marks. If you decide to teach your child to read, do it well. No need to let the child sing everything. Pay attention to the pauses between words, and especially between sentences. Teach your child to this order: sang the word - pause, sang the second - pause. In the future, he himself will learn to shorten the pauses. But at the beginning of training, it is simply necessary to do them.

What is the best age to teach a child to read? Do not get ahead of events. At the age of three or four, it is unlikely that your child will be interested in poring over books, learning to read and putting letters into syllables. At this age, it is definitely too early to start learning to read. The only exceptions are those cases when the child himself unequivocally shows a desire for this.

But at the age of five and six, children must be engaged so that they can read and write words in block letters. Those children who go to kindergarten are taught this by educators. If your baby does not attend kindergarten, you will have to deal with the child. Let this responsibility be at least partially taken over by the grandmother or grandfather. As a last resort, hire a tutor. This is necessary because modern methods assume that the child will come to the first grade already prepared and reading in syllables. This is also important from a psychological point of view. If you teach your child to read before school, it will be easy for him to read in the first grade and the first stress from school will be avoided.

To quickly and correctly teach your child to read by syllables, turn learning into a game. Do not force your child to expressive or fluent reading. It is much more important that he independently be able to put letters into syllables, read them in a book, and be able to compose words, phrases and sentences. He just needs to master the technique of reading. It does not matter if at first it will be slow and difficult for the baby. Remaining calm, smoothly and quietly help him correct mistakes while reading. Let it be like a game. After all, in the game you can relax without getting stressed. In the process of learning to read, it is necessary to ensure that the baby, without straining, understands what the elders want from him.

If you follow these tips, you will be able to teach your baby to read quite tolerably in a month and a half.

If your child already knows how to read whole phrases tolerably in syllables, we gradually move on to teaching the baby to read fluently. Below are 14 lessons with which you can teach your baby to read fluently, and most importantly - correctly. It is advisable to teach a child of six to seven years of age fluent reading no more than 30 minutes once or twice a day. You can complete these lessons in any order. No more than 4 lessons per day.

How to develop vigilance in a child

Try this task:

- In a series of five or six vowels, insert one consonant. Invite the child to find the extra letter. You can change this assignment.

- Write down the words in which only one letter is different: whale - cat; juice - bough; wood - weight, etc. The child must answer how the words differ from each other.

Gymnastics that develops articulation in a child

These activities help you improve your pronunciation, promote proper breathing, and help you speak more clearly.

The game "fold the word from the halves"

Pick up simple words consisting of two syllables. At least ten words are required for one lesson. Write these words on two cards and ask your child to put the words together correctly. Cards need to be changed constantly.

How to quickly train attention

The task is as follows. Your toddler is reading a text in a book. At your command "Stop!" he takes his eyes off the book, closes them and rests. On command "Read!" the child must find the fragment where he paused his reading.

Semantic guess (anticipation)

The principle of anticipation - when reading, the peripheral vision of the child sees the outline of the next word. From what he read, he concludes what word should be next.

To develop a semantic guess, you can do the following exercise with your child. Write words in which either a letter or a syllable is missing. Let the child guess which letters to enter. These activities greatly improve a child's ability to learn to read fluently.

Teach your child how to read

You will need two identical texts. Start reading slowly, and let the child read after you, following the lines with your finger. Gradually speed up the pace, but make sure that the baby does not lag behind.

Reading for time

Choose simple text. Record the time (for example, a minute) and let the child read. When the time is up, count how many words the child managed to read in a minute. When reading again, the child will read more words.

To develop a clear pronunciation, read tongue twisters with your child. First, read them slowly and in a whisper. Then - confidently and loudly. Make sure that the child clearly pronounces the endings of the words. In the same way, read proverbs and sayings with your child.

The game "make an accent"

Choose a word with several syllables and try with your child to stress each of the syllables. The child must determine which accent is correct.

Try to involve your child in the reading process. When reading your favorite fairy tale to him, stop at the most interesting place. Say that you are tired of reading and ask the child to read a short passage of text.

See filmstrips

This lesson is the best way to train the technique of reading.

How to develop a child's field of vision

a) Draw a table. Write one letter in each cell. Invite the child to read them all silently, pointing to the letters with a pencil. You need to read as soon as possible and memorize the sequence of letters.

To teach your child to read fluently, read upside down. This is how the memorization of integral patterns of letters develops. The child will learn to combine the semantic ending of the word with the letter analysis. Go to this exercise not immediately, but when the child learns to read without errors. Thanks to this exercise, the child will learn to read quickly and correctly.

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Reading is the most important process of processing and perception of graphic information, the learning of which begins from an early age.

The quality of mastering this skill largely determines the further success of a person in studies, in creativity, and even in everyday matters. We will consider not only how to learn to read quickly, but also how to capture the most important information in the text. The quality and speed of future intellectual work directly depends on the latter.

Why is it important to be able to read quickly?

Before mastering the art of fast and thoughtful reading, it makes sense to think about whether you need it?

If not, check out the article for general development and… read on anyway! Only choose those authors who are really interesting to you and cheer you up. Enriching the brain with new information is also an important task that keeps the intellect in good shape.

Maybe after a couple of years you will want to achieve something. Then all the initial data will be at your disposal. Namely, a more or less trained brain. Even reading fiction has been proven to make him tense.

If you are a goal-oriented person and want to become the best (s) in a field that requires serious intellectual work, this article is for you (it will detail how to read quickly and memorize).

What is a reading person like?

We live in the information age, in which the speed of mastering new knowledge plays a decisive role. A person who can quickly absorb a large amount of information:

  • Self-assured.
  • Has adequate self-esteem.
  • Achieve a lot in life.

How to learn to read quickly?

Let's move on to the rules that are applicable in practice. Learning to read a specific text quickly? Then let's go:

  • Read only useful books. For example, if you want to become a successful businessman, read the autobiographies of talented entrepreneurs. You will benefit from the story of Steve Jobs, which tells about the difficult fate of a man who made a breakthrough in the field of information technology (by the way, he was not distinguished by discipline and was a rebel in his youth. However, this did not prevent the implementation of his ideas). It also makes sense to read Adam Smith, namely his work An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. It tells in detail about how the capitalist system functions, what its main problem is, and crises of overproduction have already been predicted.
  • Choose books written in an interesting and lively language.
  • Before reading the paper volume, flip through it and read the table of contents. This way you will be guided through the main sections of the book.
  • Read the piece quickly twice. Even if you do not understand some detail, do not focus on it: your task is to catch the main idea.
  • Study the book in a comfortable environment for you. This refers to a quiet place where no one can distract you.
  • Do not read unnecessary books: they clog your memory with unnecessary information.

Qualitative perception of information is the key to success

In this section, we will tell you how to read quickly and remember useful information. That is, how to understand the essence of the studied material. This is the purpose of reading - to learn how to extract the most important information from the text. Well, then put it into practice, if possible ...

Scientists have proven that the text read is well remembered when a person follows five simple rules:

  1. Share what you read with friends. When a person retells the plot of a book in his own words, the probability of depositing new information in memory approaches 100%.
  2. Takes notes as you read. They should reflect the key points of the book.
  3. He knows exactly the best time for his brain. It has been proven that most people perceive information well in the morning and afternoon. For other people (their minority), the opposite is true: they absorb information only in the evening or at night.
  4. Does not speak aloud what he has read - this reduces concentration.
  5. Focused only on reading the book: no external event can divert his attention from this most important matter.

Following these simple rules, the individual begins to read faster and learns to remember important information. It's great if these five points become a habit of a goal-oriented person.

In the next chapter, we'll show you how to learn to read aloud quickly.

Is oratory necessary today?

The ancient Greeks knew about the importance of beautiful and fast speech aloud. Philosophers and thinkers for whom she was famous Ancient Greece had excellent oratory skills. That is why their valuable thoughts and ideas were easily perceived by ordinary people.

Is it important for a modern person to be able to read aloud quickly and without hesitation? The answer will definitely be positive.

And this applies not only to actors, philologists and scientists. Even an ordinary economist will need this skill in life. If only because at the end of the university each student defends his diploma in front of a large audience. And in further work, the ability to speak quickly and beautifully can become a decisive skill: often the promotion of an individual on the career ladder depends on a well-pronounced speech.

Now you know why this skill is so important. Next, we'll show you how to read aloud quickly.

It is best to learn this from a competent teacher. However, no one canceled independent education either. If you chose the second path, your assistants will be:

  • audio courses;
  • spelling dictionary (in it you can find the right stress for any dubious word);
  • interesting audio books and TV shows (it is advisable to choose those in which people with a philological or acting education participate);
  • voice recorder - it's very funny to listen to your speech in the recording and find mistakes;
  • constant practice - it is she who determines further success in this direction.

Speed ​​reading - what is it?

So, what does this interesting two-root word mean? Speed ​​reading is the ability of a person to quickly read the text and navigate it 100%. Of course, it sounds strong ... and not too believable for an ordinary person who remembers how much time it took at school to study a difficult paragraph on history. Of course, if the individual turned out to be inquisitive, he certainly knew the material well. But for a qualitative study of 10-15 pages of text, sometimes it took more than one hour of time ...

Historical figures showing phenomenal results in speed reading

We will try to convince the reader that it is quite possible to read a book thoughtfully in one day. In any case, history knows individuals who can do this. Who are these amazing people?

  • Lenin - read at a speed of 2500 words per minute! He was a unique person in every way; and such individuals are characterized by outstanding intellectual abilities.
  • Napoleon.
  • Pushkin.
  • Kennedy.

The list can be continued for quite a long time... What contributes to such phenomenal results in speed reading? Two aspects - a person's devotion to an idea (this applies to politicians. Lenin is the most striking example) and the natural desire to create something new (this applies to creative people).

Specific speed reading techniques

We are still writing an article not about outstanding people, but about how to learn to read quickly common man. The scientific methods will be presented next.

  • First, the book is read from beginning to end; then from the end to the beginning. The essence of the method is to gradually increase the speed of reading.
  • Diagonal reading. This method consists in studying information obliquely, quickly scrolling through pages. Effective when working with works of art. This method was especially fond of Lenin.
  • Driving your finger from the bottom of the line. This method, known to every person since childhood, is effective. Conducted studies prove this.
  • appropriation technique. Means identifying and remembering keywords.
  • Empathy technique. It consists in the visualization of the main character or the events taking place in the book from the side of the reader. This technique is effective when reading fiction.
  • "Assault method". Used and used by scouts of various countries. It consists in the rapid assimilation of a certain amount of information by a specially trained person.

Speed ​​Reading for Kids

Intellect should be developed from a young age, that is, during the active growth of a person. During this period, the child's brain is 100% ready to assimilate new information. And in later life, all the skills acquired at school (including the ability to read quickly) will play into the hands of an already formed person.

In the previous sections, we looked at how to learn to read quickly for adults. Next, we will talk about speed reading techniques for children. Namely, how to read very quickly.

First, let's talk about a not very pleasant (but quite common aspect in our time) - about the reasons for slow reading in childhood. Then - about how to teach a student to read quickly.

Reasons for slow reading

  • Low vocabulary. It is replenished in the course of reading new books, learning new things and communicating with people.
  • Weak concentration of attention on the text.
  • Weak articulatory apparatus. This problem eliminated by special exercises presented in children's manuals.
  • untrained memory. It develops by constant reading of interesting texts and performing semantic exercises for them.
  • The content of the book is too complex. Not every student is able to perceive the intricate plot of a literary work. Here an important aspect is the knowledge of the parent of the characteristics of his child. Then there will be no problem with choosing a book for a child.
  • Return to the same word or phrase (usually complex). The child does not understand its meaning and therefore rereads it again. Of course, this reduces the reading speed. It's great if the child is not shy to ask the meaning of an incomprehensible word. And the parent, in turn, can play a role explanatory dictionary- that is, on the fingers to explain what this or that word or phraseological unit means.

How to increase the speed of reading a child (or how to teach to read quickly) will be discussed further.

To do this, the parent will need:

  • Interesting and short text. It is desirable that it is suitable for the age of the child.
  • Timer.

Record the time before the start of reading (for example, 1 minute). After the specified time, stop your enthusiastic child and recount all the words you read.

Then repeat this operation for the second circle and so on. If everything goes right, then with each new time the read passage of the text will become larger. This suggests that the child's reading speed is increasing.

This section answers the question of how to learn to read very quickly.

How to teach a child to comprehend information?

As mentioned earlier, in reading, not only speed is important, but also the quality of perception of new information. It’s great if a person acquires the habit of meaningful reading from childhood.

Meaningful Reading Techniques for Children

  • Extraction of key information. After reading a certain passage of text, ask the child to tell in a nutshell what the meaning of what they read is. If difficulties arise, repeat the exercise again.
  • Role reading. Suitable texts in which there are dialogues between two characters. Invite the child to read the direct speech of the character that he liked the most. You voice the lines of his opponent.
  • Reading funny phrases. You can remember the ones you read as a child. The most important thing is that they are interesting for the child. For example: "Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dry." This technique also answers the question of how to learn to read aloud quickly.
  • "Schulte table". It is a lined square, designed for 25-30 cells. A number from 1 to 30 is written in each cell. The child is asked to silently find the numbers in the process of increasing. This exercise improves the scope of operational vision.
  • Regularity of lessons. One of the most important points. No matter how simple or complex methods of fast reading a child learns, the only sense will be from regular classes.
  • Don't forget to praise your child. At the end of the lesson, you need to tell the baby that he is making progress, and all the acquired skills will help him a lot in later life.

One of the most important school skills is speed reading. How to quickly read and understand the essence of the studied material, we discussed above.