What would you recommend to read for self-development. What books to read for the development of intelligence and personal development (list). Elizabeth Gilbert, The Origin of All Things

A reasonable person always strives for knowledge of the world and himself as a particle of this world. Many books have been written on this subject. After all, each of us is trying to become better in order to use our hidden potential more fruitfully in the future. Acquaintance with the best works on philosophy, psychology and the creative development of the individual contributes a lot to the self-development of the individual. Literature News offers a selection of self-development books organized around the area you want to focus on.

Of course, the first step in self-development should be clearly defined in the choice of priorities. Self-development includes many directions, and in order to do this difficult, but extremely useful thing in the best way, the first thing to do is to clearly define for yourself what exactly is most important to you at this life stage.

The main topics of self-development include:

philosophy of life;
Practical psychology;
classical fiction;
Physical development;
intellectual development;
Creative development;

Alexander Sviyash. “What to do when everything is not as you want”

Books on the philosophy of life for self-development

El Tat. "Medicine for the Soul"

St. Petersburg psychologist under the pseudonym El Tat published a book for those who are tired of the endless cycle of modern life, driving the weak into the narrow framework of inevitability. But there is no weakness, it is only a state of mind that can and should be changed for the better. The book El Tat contains simple truths about health and happiness, popularizes knowledge about the world and man, formulated by Hermes Trismegistus, and also contains the author's judgments about humanity and the world.

Valery Sinelnikov. "The mysterious power of the word. Love Formula".

The book introduces the reader to an effective strategy for verbal coding for success, health and well-being, and even reveals the essence of the mysterious formula of love. After all, our whole life is governed by words. It is only important to choose the most appropriate words for any particular situation.

Alexander Sviyash. "What do you do when things don't work out the way you want?"

The popular psychologist Alexander Sviyash in his book, in a simple and intelligible language, sets out his unique methodology, diagnoses problem situations and gives practical advice for understanding the causes of events. With its help, the reader will learn how to correctly form the desired events in his life.

Barbara de Angelis. "Secrets About Men Every Woman Should Know"

Practical psychology for self-development gh

Vasilina Veda. "Practical Psychology for Women".

The essence of the book is in its title. The author will help you gain popularity as the most charming and attractive woman. This book is for those women who want to learn how to always please the people around them, to reveal the true potential of a real Woman.

Andrey Gnezdilov. "Smoke from an old fireplace"

A well-known Petersburg doctor and storyteller has created a wonderful book about fairy tale therapy. After all, any fairy tale is a concentrated wisdom. The author's philosophical tales, written in the best traditions of classical and modern fairy tales, will help the reader cope with difficult situations that often ruin people's lives.

Barbara de Angelis. "Secrets About Men Every Woman Should Know"

The popular author of psychological literature in his book gives ten simple tips for women that will help them feel confident and happy even in the most difficult situations that arise in the process of communication between a woman and a man.

Classical fiction for self-development

Margaret Mitchell. "Gone With the Wind"
Lev Tolstoy. "War and Peace"
Gustave Flaubert. "Madame Bovary"
William Shakespeare. "Romeo and Juliet"
Alexander Ostrovsky. "Dowry"

Classical works of world fiction do not need additional advertising. In each of them, in one form or another, the complex life collisions of the characters are presented. For centuries, people have been experiencing life with unflagging interest along with the heroes of these books, relating themselves to them, reflecting on the loyalty of their actions. This is exactly how a new life experience is acquired - watching the heroes of books, who often look more alive and real than the people around the reader. Also, the undoubted advantage of classical literature is their film adaptations, made by the masters of world cinema. After all, all of the above books have been transferred to the screen more than once.

Books for physical self-development

Bernie S. Siegel and Peter Calder. "Eye of rebirth"

Simple and affordable 6 initial exercises aimed at rejuvenating the body are very effective. Doing them, along with recommendations on proper nutrition and the properties of various food combinations, is quite capable of prolonging your youth and adding vigor.

Lucy Lydill, Narayani Rabinovich and Giris Rabinovich. New book on yoga. Step by step guide»

The book is a simple and accessible yoga tutorial that allows you to perform simple yoga exercises at home, even without a yoga mentor, which at the initial stage will be completely replaced by this book, which includes asanas for children, pregnant women, and the elderly, as well as breathing exercises. There is a large illustrative material that facilitates the perception of the book.

Books for intellectual self-development

Charles Enel. "Master Key"

The classic book, written at the beginning of the 20th century, is dedicated to the system of creative thinking created by the author, which gives a concise and clear statement of the laws that underlie any success. After all, each of us creates our own reality.

Edward de Bono. "Teach Yourself to Think: A Self-Teacher for the Development of Thinking"

Thanks to the five stages described in E. Bono's book, the reader can turn his brain into a powerful thinking machine by learning to correctly structure and effectively use the process of processing data entering the mind.

Stanislav Muller. "Unlock Your Mind: Become a Genius!"

Becoming a genius is not as difficult as it seems. The super-learning technology proposed in this book by Stanislaw Müller? will allow you to turn on hitherto unused reserves of your mind, regardless of age and temperament.

Books for creative self-development

Julia Cameron. "Artist's Way"

The book is recommended for the development and disclosure of the creative abilities of the individual. It will be especially useful for those who are too suspicious and not sure of their talent. The book is a practical guide, the methodological course is designed for 12 weeks of interesting classes.

Stephen King. "How to write books"

The recognized master of literature in a simple and accessible form shares with the reader the secrets of creating really interesting texts. The book is read with the same pleasure as his works of art, there are living examples of semantic and stylistic mistakes made by other authors.

Books for self-development in business

David Allen. "How to Get Things Done"

According to the author, the ability to relax is often no less important than the art of concentrating on problems. The book is dedicated to developing the ability to structure events, the right organization, clear priorities and overall planning.

Yuri Moroz. How to start your own business. Beginner's Guide".

Would you like to open your own business? In this case, you will need a book by Yuri Moroz, a well-known business coach and consultant, the creator of his own distance learning methodology for business. It will be useful for both students and beginners, as well as those who already have experience in private business.

Frank Bettger. "From a loser to a successful businessman"

Frank Bettger. "From a loser to a successful businessman"

The book by F. Bettger was once recommended to readers by none other than Dale Carnegie, and this says a lot. The highest paid sales agent in the United States at the time shares the secrets of his successful transactions, helping the reader to believe in himself.

Oh Mandino. "The Greatest Trader in the World"

The book in a fascinating way introduces the reader to the laws of money and personal success. It is considered one of the best books on personal improvement in the field of selling and overcoming the difficulties associated with it.

Napoleon Hill. "Think and get rich"

The book of the famous philosopher and success psychologist Napoleon Hill, based on personal life observations, has been a bestseller of business self-development literature for more than 70 years. Thanks to her, you can build a clear plan for your personal success in life.

Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter Rich Dad Poor Dad.

The book is loaded with useful business advice, although it doesn't provide specific instructions for action. Instead, the authors give a field of accessible, sometimes anecdotal examples from life. Indeed, for a successful struggle for well-being, first of all, you should know the laws of how money works.

Your attention is given a list of the best books on self-development. By reading these books and doing everything that is given in practice, you will become a very successful person. These books for self-development will advance you in all areas of life, from career to personal life.

List of the best books for self-development

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen Covey

Release date: 1989

The book of the famous business consultant is fraught with the secrets of personality formation, based mainly on humanistic psychology. It tells about the qualities that people should have who sets the goal of achieving success. It is worth noting that Covey in his book practically does not mention God, the Bible and religion, although he says essentially the same thing.

"The Art of the Deal" - Donald Trump

Release date: 2004

Donald Trump opens up the world of big business to his readers, and using examples from personal business practice, clearly demonstrates how to act in order to close grand deals. Trump is very outspoken. He tries to hide his flaws, while being proud of his virtues. This book introduces the basic rules that allow you to succeed in the conclusion of various transactions.

"How to Make Big Money in a Small Business" - Jeffrey Fox

Release date: 2012

Successful business can not be compared with any bank deposits and bonuses. The book of the all-famous consultant will help you succeed in building your own business. Jeffrey Fox's recommendations are as concise as possible and quite simple to implement. They can be useful for both professionals and newcomers to the business industry.

"Buffetology" - Mary Buffett

Release date: 2006

This book is the most detailed and global study of the investment methods of Warren Buffett. It will introduce you to the general concepts and equations that told Warren whether or not to make investment decisions. In addition, you will be able to learn about the activities of some of the companies that have aroused Warren's interest. It also tells how he determined which firms to invest his money in.

"Think and Grow Rich" - Napoleon Hill

Release date: 2007

This book will tell you how to act in order to become a happy and rich person. It tells about what helps a person throughout his life to move only forward, achieve goals and increase wealth, while others do nothing to take at least one step towards their dreams.

"The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" - Sharma Robin

Release date: 1997

This edition is intended for those who are in search of the meaning of life and their true destiny. The main character has to go through a lot of difficult life events. However, he still manages to overcome his spiritual crisis. Reflecting on the meaning of his own existence, he discovers the laws of life, which he will tell readers about.

"Road to the Future" - Bill Gates

Release date: 1995

Bill Gates opens his vision of the future to readers, introduces the basic principles of computer science, as well as the formation of the global computer industry. He will also talk about the impact of computing technology on all areas of human activity, on education and business.

"10 commandments every business leader must break" - Donald Cue

Release date: 2009

This amazing publication can be called a desktop Bible for every businessman. It's no secret that Donald Q has seen quite a lot in business in his lifetime. Based on his experience, he created 10 commandments, the implementation of which is guaranteed to lead to failure.

The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership - John Maxwell

Release date: 2001

Each chapter adds to the meaning of the next law of leadership, illustrating it with examples of the successes and failures of others. For those who are currently new to the field of entrepreneurship and business, this book will help you become familiar with the basic principles of leadership, which will help you start your career.

"To hell with all of it! Get it done - 2 "- Richard Branson

Release date: 2010

This book is an addition to the first part. Five new exciting chapters inspire even more optimism. The author introduces the reader to a few more rules of life that allow you to develop creative qualities, as well as find your own way to express yourself and fulfill yourself.

"How to Win Friends and Influence People" - Dale Carnegie

Release date: 1936

This edition was not written for sale, but, nevertheless, to date, it is dissolving much faster than any others. Dale Carnegie wrote it for people who studied in the faculty of public speaking and human relations. The author reveals to readers a lot of tips that will be useful in any life situation.

“Say yes to life. Psychologist in a concentration camp - Viktor Frankl

Release date: 2010

This book made its author a great spiritual guide for humanity in the 20th century. Viktor Frankl, who on his life path met with fascist concentration camps, Being in terrible murderous conditions, he managed to show the great strength of the human spirit and tell people what the meaning of life is.

"Where's my cheese?" - Spencer Johnson

Release date: 2008

This book is about how in a labyrinth 4 characters are in search of a piece of cheese. The author under the cheese veiled everything that every person desires: a well-paid job, his own home, prosperity, freedom, health and family.

The Art of War - Sun Tzu

Release date: circa 500 BC

This book can be called a treatise that appeared 500 years before the Bible. In this edition, the reader is presented with a harsh paradox of human history, in which two lines are intertwined: love and war, which have literally equal success.

"Black Rhetoric" - Carsten Bredemeyer

Release date: 2006

The book is distinguished by a rather non-standard approach, which opens up a successful set of methods and techniques for training before readers. After reading it, you will learn what the magic of the word is, you will be able to improve your contemplation and form your own style of discussion.

"Know a liar by the look on his face" - Paul Ekman

Release date: 2010

Saturated with a large number of meticulously selected photographs and some exercises, this publication will teach you to flawlessly identify deception, instantly reading his opponent's emotions, both real and "sham", in the face of his opponent. After reading this book, you will be able to improve your skills in order to protect yourself from lies and falsehood.

"The Art of Manipulation" - Henrik Fexeus

Release date: 2008

Do you know that everyone around you is manipulating you? Colleagues, relatives, comrades, neighbors. You, in turn, also have an impact on your surroundings by any actions. Thus, a vicious circle is obtained. Do you feel like you made your own decision? Alas, there is a huge possibility that it was someone's manipulation ...

"How to Make Anyone Fall in Love with You" - Lail Lowndes

Release date: 2001

The book will help you find your ideal, learn how to take the first steps and make a good impression on others. The author will talk about how to awaken exciting sexual feelings in a partner, and how to instantly find out what drives your partner crazy in bed.

"My Neighbor Is a Millionaire" - Thomas Stanley

Release date: 2005

This fascinating book will tell you a lot of interesting facts about the rich and famous people. All this will never be highlighted in popular television programs and certainly will not be written in the media. You will learn about what allows rich people to become even richer.

"Samurai Without a Sword" - Kitami Masao

Release date: 2005

In this amazing book, the author sets out to the reader in as much detail as possible the secrets of the leadership wisdom of the legendary Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who was a famous and well-known leader in Japan. It is worth noting that these methods can be successfully used in modern life.

"Geniuses and Outsiders" - Malcolm Gladwell

Release date: 2013

Life is not fair. Some get everything, while others get absolutely nothing. Is it right to look for the reasons for this only in one's own qualities? The author was able to discover hidden laws behind what has always been considered only an accident. "Geniuses and outsiders" is an acquaintance with the world of the laws of life, which can be skillfully applied to personal interests.

"Think Like a Millionaire" - T. Erich Ecker

Release date: 2009

Surely, you asked yourself the question: why do some bathe in luxury, while others save every loin. As a rule, when thinking about the reasons for this, we, first of all, remember education, intellectual abilities, business relationships, luck, and so on. What if the problem is completely different? This book will give you an original point of view.

"Peaking Out" - Brian Tracy

Release date: 2003

The book contains an effective, efficient technique, thanks to the application of which, everyone will be able to achieve grandiose results in their lives. A detailed guide to success, consists of principles drawn from economics, psychology, religion, politics, philosophy, and business. This series of steps will help you succeed.

The Intelligent Investor - Benjamin Graham

Release date: 1949

This edition, by all means, should be read by those who seek to reasonably use the possibilities of the stock market in order to increase their own fortune. The Intelligent Investor is a unique bible of the stock market, which reveals to the reader an effectively working investment methodology.

"Learning to speak in public" Vladimir Shahidjanyan

Release date: 2009

Release date: 2008

There are books that should always be at hand to help boost your morale at the right time. It is to this number of books that "7 Strategies for Wealth and Happiness" can be attributed. Each of the strategies is an incredible source of new knowledge that allows you to achieve success, if used.

"The subconscious can do anything" - John Kehoe

Release date: 2011

The author of this book for three years, in seclusion, carefully reflected on the mental activity and intellectual abilities of a person. The methods of activating the immense resources of the brain, which were discovered by John Kehoe, allow you to radically change your life for the better.

Jewish business. 67 golden rules” – M.L. Abramovich

Release date: 2007

This book contains original and unusual business rules that were discovered by the ancient sages hundreds of years ago. And despite this, these rules will become relevant and relevant in modern life. Perhaps it is they who make it possible to establish colossal financial fortunes?

Rich Dad Poor Dad - Robert Kiyosaki

Release date: 1994

The author of the book is sure that there are certain rules of money that rich and successful people certainly adhere to. And 95% of the population play by completely different rules that they are taught at school. That is why it is dangerous in our time to inspire a child - study more, look for a job. It was appropriate in the last century, but certainly not now.

"How to attract a client" - M. Raffel

Release date: 2009

Such a useful book will tell you how to properly work with clients so that the business develops and profits grow. The publication will help to recognize regular, as well as attract new customers. The book is full of practical examples and actionable recommendations.

"The Ultimate Secrets to Absolute Self-Confidence" - Robert Anthony

Release date: 2007

It has been proven that the right way of thinking is the key to a joyful and fruitful life of a person. As soon as each of us manages to correctly and objectively assess the true state of things, we will be able to change ourselves and our lives in general.

"See you at the top" - Zig Ziglar

Release date: 2011

The book will give you a couple of tips on how to build a strong position in life. "See you at the top" is a worldview, but there is little to no dry theory. Here, many years of experience in sales and the wisdom of communicating with partners, which will put everything and everyone in their place.

"The richest man in Babylon" - George Clason

Release date: 2009

This unique bestseller contains the secrets to achieving the most ambitious goals, the keys to success and colossal wealth. The well-known Babylonian Parables have helped thousands of readers, inspiring them to seek prosperity and wealth. This book will teach you how to make money, save it and increase your own capital.

The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership - John Maxwell

Release date: 2008

The book contains laws that will certainly remain relevant in any situation. Each new section talks in detail about the next law of leadership, giving real examples, as well as methods for applying this law. Here you will find useful information for both beginners and pros.

The 48 Laws of Power and Seduction - Robert Greene

Release date: 2005

The great psychologist Robert Green will help everyone learn the art of seduction and charm. You will learn how you can easily and simply control the thoughts and disposition of the people around you. With the guidance in this book, you can turn your smile, gestures, and words into intense weaponry.

"Way of the Warrior" - Dan Millman

Release date: 2009

The book is based on true events from the life of the author, who decided to go on a journey into the depths of his soul. Guided by the advice of the mighty, wise warrior Socrates, Dan goes into the final battle with himself, a battle in which it is destined to either stay alive or die.

"Body Language" - Allan Pease

Release date: 1992

You can easily understand what a person is thinking even if he is silent. His facial expressions and gestures will say much more, which will allow you to alleviate the problem of choosing the right line of behavior with this or that person. After reading the book, you can feel more authoritative and liberated, even in an unfamiliar environment.

"The Art of Success" - Alan Lacaine

Release date: 1996

The book is designed for those who want to live a happy and cheerful life. Its author describes in detail the actual problems of modern life, as well as the diseases arising from them. At the same time, he talks about the existing means of overcoming the problems under consideration.

"Ten Secrets of Wealth, Happiness, Love, Health" - Adam Jackson

Release date: 2007

This book is worth reading and applying 10 secrets of the mysterious "old Chinese" in life. Your life will certainly change magically. By following the recommendations and practices, you will not only get back what you have lost, but you will get much more by reconsidering your outlook on life.

"Do you have time for success" - Julio Melara

Release date: 2012

Despite the fact that the author wrote the book at a fairly young age, he managed not only to detail his own thoughts on business and communication with people, but also competently conveyed the wisdom of other people. This allowed him to create a unique creation

3. Important years

Someone calls the years from the twentieth to the thirtieth the second youth, someone - the beginning of adulthood. Dr. Mag Jay, a clinical psychologist, claims that this is the most important decade in a person's life.

In her opinion, during this period it is worth thinking seriously about work, love, physical and intellectual development. A smart and constructive book about years that should not be wasted.

You are waiting for real stories from life and fresh scientific research. As well as the observations of psychologists, sociologists, neurologists, economists and top managers involved in personnel policy.

4. Dreaming is not harmful

A bestseller with 35 years of experience on how to make dreams come true. This legendary book will help you discover your strengths and hidden talents, and then chart the path to your goal and realize your plan.

Barbara Sher is sure that becoming the creator of your own life is easier than it seems. You just have to be bolder: dream, read, do.

The book is really worthy of admiration (no wonder it came out in 1979 and is still popular). It is written to make you a winner. A person who gets what he wants.

5. Development of willpower

A book for those who want to learn self-control and become the master of their own destiny.

Renowned American psychologist Walter Mischel talks about how to develop willpower and apply it when faced with everyday challenges: the need to lose weight, stop smoking, prepare for dismissal and other important problems.

The publication is included in the top 100 Amazon.com in the "Cognitive Psychology" section.

6. Mindsite

Many people suffer from "mental traps": obsessions, mood swings, anxiety, unpleasant memories. How to get rid of these problems and become a happy person?

Psychiatrist Daniel Siegel talks about an important skill that can change your life for the better. This skill is the ability to focus on your inner world and abstract from the "autopilot" - ingrained irrational habits.

The real stories from the book prove that we have the power to change ourselves, our brains and our lives.

7. Memory does not change

Neuroscientists say that there is no good or bad, short or long memory. There is memory well or badly trained.

“Improving memory is not only possible, it is also interesting,” says psychologist Angels Navarro. You will agree with this statement when you see the fun brain training exercises in this book.

By doing them, you will not only train your memory, but also develop other cognitive abilities, which include attention and thinking.


This book will help you get rid of overwork and stress. The author, a productivity expert, explains how to stay energized for 15-19 hours of wakefulness and not feel tired.

Work days will no longer seem too heavy and busy for you, and in the evenings you will be active enough to take care of personal goals.

A book for everyone who wants to do more at work and find time for family, recreation and hobbies.

9. An easy way to stop procrastinating

This book will be useful to anyone who constantly puts off difficult and unpleasant activities, and then tries to do the impossible in one day.

Renowned psychologist Neil Fjork has been procrastinating his clients for 30 years; and he believes that procrastination is a symptom of deeper phenomena, namely loss of motivation and perfectionism.

10. Never Eat Alone

Forbes magazine called the author of this book "one of the most sociable people in the world." And for good reason: Keith Ferration is the No. 1 networker. He, like no one else, knows that the most important skill in business (and not only) is the ability to build relationships.

Since ancient times, books have meant a lot to every person, whole literary evenings gathered to plunge into the atmosphere of unusual works and prose. Now books are not only fascinating stories, but also helpers to improve brain activity. This article contains the best books to increase the intelligence of adults.

What are the books for the intellect

In order to pump your brain, you do not need to visit doctors and psychologists; scientific and psychological literature will help in this matter. To increase intelligence, you do not need to spend time and energy reading ordinary, mediocre books, it is better to buy a complex, meaningful manual.

“Artificial memory,” the anonymous author continues, “has two basic components: images and places. Images represent the content of what a person wants to remember. The places - or loci, 30 as they are named in the Latin original - are where these images are kept. The idea is to first mentally recreate a space that you know well and can easily imagine, and then fill that imaginary space with images of what you want to remember. The Romans called this method the method of places. In the future, it began to be called the palace of memory. (Einstein walks on the moon. Science and art of memory)

“The brain is able to store only connections; objects of the surrounding world and products of brain activity contain connections. The links are in the apple. The links are in the phone number and historical date. What is primary: the object or the connections in it? This is a difficult philosophical question. So let's skip it. For us, the main thing is that the brain fixes only connections. The rest is irrelevant for memorization." (Textbook of Mnemonics)

These quotes from different books reflect the essence of the problem. This literature develops thinking, contributes to the active work of the brain, and also improves memory. Consider which books for the development of intelligence and vocabulary can help you.

Best Emotional Intelligence Books

There are a lot of development books. But in order to be beneficial for the brain, a special list of books was compiled that presents exercises to improve memory, thinking, and simply to improve brain function.

This serious book tells that in addition to standard intelligence, there is also another - emotional, which in some situations plays a crucial role in many social situations.

It tells how to be able to cope with your feelings and manage emotions in the most decisive and tense situations. Therefore, if you do not know what to read for the development of intelligence, then this manual will be what you need.

Here are the basic concepts that prove the fact that people with emotional intelligence become more developed, smart and successful than just erudite people.

This is a kind of psychological simulator that will allow you to know yourself and your abilities from a completely different perspective.

Prices for Daniel Goleman Emotional Intelligence


This is a continuation of the previous part of the tutorial. Here are those aspects that will help to correctly direct a person to a successful business. It is useful to read it not only for people who have their own business, but also for those who only dream of opening their own business. It will improve the development of mindfulness, the amount of vocabulary, and also give useful tips for memory training.

Prices for Daniel Goleman Emotional Intelligence in Business


Ardent businessmen always think that business is a cold calculation, where there is no place for emotionality. But in fact, this is a deep misconception. In this manual, the authors not only refute this version, but also show theoretically and practically how to improve the thought process, exercises for the development of thinking, as well as improving all parts of the mind.

It has been proven that control over emotions allows you to reach high peaks, as well as control the thoughts and feelings of other people. For those who have read a lot of non-fiction, the intelligence-boosting books in this series make a great desk reference.

Prices for Sergey Shabanov, Alena Aleshina Emotional intelligence Russian practice


Many people believe that in work it is impossible to react emotionally. But the authors think exactly the opposite. With the help of the book, they prove that laughter, tears, anger, and restraint are quite an adequate and important state of a person.

Only a person who reads this book will be able to understand how easy it is to develop intellectually, as well as to better understand people. This will help the leaders of organizations not only get useful advice, but also tell you what to do to improve intelligence.

Prices for David Caruso, Peter Salovey The Emotional Intelligence of an Executive


The development of children is one of the most important components. To choose books for the development of memory and intelligence, you need to seriously think. But I want to say that among all this manual is one of the best.

Quote:“Good parenting starts in your heart and continues when your children experience strong emotions: upset, angry or afraid. It is to provide support when it really matters. This book will point you in the right direction."

Prices for John Gottman Child Emotional Intelligence

The best books on mind development

Here we include the following works:

This book is worth buying if you want to change your life for the better. Billions of your thoughts sent into the universe come true. Therefore, it is important that thoughts are as positive as possible.

This book will make a woman not only smart, but will also throw in more good thoughts to develop her life. With the help of thoughts one can become rich and healthy. Interesting? Then read.

Prices for Louise L. Hay Positive thinking how to be happy every day

Joseph O'Connor, Ian McDermott "The Art of Systems Thinking" ()

This book is a bright path to the world of systems thinking. It tells about the techniques and rules for the concept of complex systems, and also provides exercises that train mental activity. The manual is written easily, so while reading it is not worth making great efforts to understand it.


When this manual was just created, the main task was to competently, clearly and easily present the material for people who want to fulfill themselves in life. Already millions of people have been able to achieve their goals with the help of this book. After reading, there will be an understanding of the functioning of the economy.

Prices for Paul Heine Economic Way of Thinking


The book details methods for changing negative thoughts to positive ones. She suggests where to take the potential for changing lives on real examples.

Prices for Norman Vincent Peel The Power of Positive Thinking

The best books for the development of the brain, intelligence, memory

This literature is aimed at developing attention. So, what books to read for the development of intelligence:

A modern, useful book that, in theory and practice, allows you to show how to learn quickly, read, act quickly and respond to emerging situations. All techniques and exercises are written in an accessible language, so only the person who does not train will fail.


This book will be an excellent simulator for increasing brain and intellectual activity. This simulator has collected everything you need so compactly that it has no analogues.

Prices for Anton the Mighty Exercise book for your brain


Sometimes it happens that your thought breaks off in mid-sentence, and you forgot what you were talking about. This book is great for helping you get through those times. After reading, you will no longer forget the most obvious things.

Prices for Charles Philips Super Brain Trainer

Our brain is one big system that allows and minutely analyzes the events that occur in our lives. However, from time to time he needs help. For these purposes, you can read the book by Joe Dispenza.

Prices for Joe Dispenza The power of the subconscious. Develop your brain


How to discover your opportunities? What powers do we have? What incredible things can a person do? This book will help answer all these questions.

Prices for Andrey Rodionov Intellect training


Children are very interested in everything around them. But often, due to the large flow of information, it is difficult for them to perceive anything. Brain gymnastics is not just a book, it is a real textbook on the development of attention and thinking.

Prices for Paul Dennison, Gail Dennison Brain Gymnastics. Book for teachers and parents


This manual proves that it is necessary not only to improve your body, but you must definitely take care of your intellect and soul. The brain is also a muscle that requires a lot of exercise.

The period of a person's education is not limited to the years spent at the school desk. To achieve success at work, in personal life and in communicating with other people, it is worth it. The book has always been considered the best teacher. What to read for self-development? Here is a selection of 40 fiction and popular science works worthy of becoming a reference book for a modern person.

Classics: 9 fiction books for all time

  1. Antoine de Saint-Exupery. "Little Prince". A fairy tale written by a French pilot for children should be read, first of all, by adults. The work teaches to truly love and make friends, and also makes you look at the world of adults through the eyes of a child.
  2. Bulgakov Mikhail. "Master and Margarita". A mystical novel that is difficult to perceive, in which two storylines are intertwined - the events taking place in Moscow in the 30s of the last century, and the last days of the life of Jesus Christ.
  3. Gabriel Garcia Marquez. "One Hundred Years of Solitude" A work-parable by the Spanish author, leading to the idea of ​​how important it is to value and protect family ties in a world of people doomed to loneliness.
  4. Green Alexander. "Scarlet Sails". A romantic story about a naive girl, Assol, waiting for a prince on a white ship with scarlet sails. People do not understand it and shun it, but one day they will see - dreams come true, if you really believe.
  5. Dostoevsky Fedor. "Crime and Punishment". A socio-psychological novel that conveys the feelings of a student who killed an old woman for profit. Fear and remorse force him to admit his guilt, demanding just retribution.
  6. Orwell George. "1984". The most famous dystopia in the literature of the 20th century, describing a world where a totalitarian regime reigns. The story in the novel is fictional, but the author managed to analyze it so deeply and describe it in detail that it seems realistic.
  7. Leo Tolstoy. "War and Peace". The era of romanticism in the Russian Empire is a period of tender feelings and passionate confessions, balls and duels, and also a war going on with Napoleonic France. One of the best works of Russian literature captivates not only with the intricacies of the plot and a vivid description of battle scenes, but above all with the philosophical reflections of the author.
  8. Erich Maria Remarque. "Three Comrades". The novel takes place in Germany in the 1920s. But the hardships of the post-war period are just a background in the work, on which an inspiring story of love and friendship unfolds.
  9. Hemingway Ernest. "Bye weapons!". The best book about the First World War, which makes one realize the value of human life, as well as love, which seems like a mirage in moments of near death.

In the world of psychology: 10 books that change people

  1. Napoleon Hill. "Think and get rich". The bestseller, first published in America back in 1937, has been reprinted 42 times and is still among the top sellers. For those who want to become successful and rich, the author of the articles advises to take 13 specific steps and get what you want.
  2. Allen Carr. "An easy way to quit smoking." A legendary book in which the author described the technique that he himself developed and quit smoking with its help. The method has changed all the habitual ideas of smokers that only strong wills can say goodbye to cigarettes forever. It is based on unobtrusive psychotherapy, which the reader does not even notice.
  3. Brian Tracy. "Get out of your comfort zone." This is a practical guide from a well-known business coach. From the book you can learn about 21 methods to improve personal effectiveness. The implementation of the rules proposed by the author in life will allow you to better manage your time and yourself.
  4. Miller Sharon. "Stress resistance". The reason for many failures in the business and personal sphere is the inability to adequately respond to crisis situations. The book will teach not only to calmly experience stressful conditions, but also to make them useful.
  5. Ekman Paul. "Psychology of lies, lie to me if you can." How not to become a victim of psychological manipulation? What words and gestures betray a lie? The answers to these questions will be of interest to everyone - from a housewife to a politician.
  6. Keith Ferrazzi. "Never eat alone." A collection of articles on networking - an effective communicative technique that allows you to quickly establish friendships and through them solve life's problems.
  7. Robert Sutton. "Don't work with the f***." Loafers, egoists, manipulators, hooligans - there are many people who interfere with productive work. But the main thing is that you have to coexist with them. How to deal with destructive team members? Which of them can be changed, and which one is better to part with?
  8. Covey Stephen. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. In his book, the successful entrepreneur and motivational speaker introduces readers to the intricacies of self-improvement. The author teaches how to set goals correctly, lists the skills inherent in a leader.
  9. Chaldini Robert. "The Psychology of Influence". The popular science work that glorified the American scientist opens the door to the complex world of interpersonal relationships. The book is worth reading for those who want to better understand others and their motives, learn how to influence people.
  10. Frankl Victor. "Say yes to life" The book-revelation, written for those who have lost their life orientation, lost faith in their abilities. The work is based on the personal observations and experiences of Viktor, a psychotherapist who went through the Nazi death camps.

Ten books for self-development of men and women

Most men would like to see themselves as successful, determined and attractive. What topics are of interest to the representatives of the stronger sex? Memoirs and biographies of famous people are not only entertaining, but also educational. Useful information for yourself can be gleaned from manuals on imageology, the psychology of personal and professional growth.

  • Barbara de Angelis. "Secrets About Women Every Man Should Know"
  • Waldschmidt Dan. "Be the best version of yourself!"
  • Gray John. "Men are from Mars, women are from Venus".
  • Larsen Eric. "On the limit".
  • Machiavelli Niccolo. "Sovereign".
  • Rand Ayn. "Atlas Shrugged".
  • Seelig Tina. "Make yourself".
  • Flusser Alan. "Real man."
  • Humes James. "Secrets of Great Orators".

Women are concerned about what clothes to wear to look stylish and attractive. In addition to fashion, they are interested in the basics of healthy eating and cooking, raising children and relationships with men. Modern ladies are not alien to the problems of professional growth.

  • Blumenthal Brett. "A Year Well Lived"
  • Brodsky Danielle. Diary of a Business Woman.
  • Grace Natalia. “Work, money and love. Guide to self-realization.
  • Goodman Amy. “We put it on, we throw it away.”
  • Lowndes Leil. "How to make anyone fall in love with you."
  • Tim Gunn. Fashion bible.
  • Fat Natalya. "Duel with treason".
  • Harvey Steve. "You don't know anything about men."

There are many interesting books. All of them, both artistic and scientific, develop the intellect, aesthetic taste and spiritual qualities of a person. That's why it's important to keep reading and keep a close eye on what's new.