First aid for allergic reactions to the drug. What to do if an adult or child has a sudden allergy? General features and types of allergies

Allergy- this is hypersensitivity the immune system to the effects of certain substances, which are commonly called allergens. They can enter the body in different ways - through the respiratory tract, through the digestive system, the skin, or when drugs are injected into a vein or muscle. Allergy tendencies are hereditary and can affect children even at an early age, starting with newborns. Allergies can manifest themselves in different forms, but acute and severe allergic reactions requiring urgent care are especially dangerous: anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema and urticaria... These conditions are dangerous to the health and even to the life of the child, with them it is important to provide the baby correctly and quickly assistance even before the ambulance arrives !

Anaphylactic shock

An acute general allergic reaction with a sharp violation of all vital functions is associated with a large release of special substances - allergy mediators (histamine and its analogs). A shock is possible when eating highly allergenic foods - exotic dishes, citrus fruits, strawberries. For food allergies or oral medications, the reaction may take about 15-30 minutes. Especially dangerous are foods such as cheeses, eggs, sauerkraut, fish and seafood, tomatoes, chocolate and strawberries, citrus fruits.

When taking or administering medications, stinging insect bites, inhaling allergens, an almost instantaneous reaction of the body develops with a sharp decrease in blood pressure, loss of consciousness, nausea and vomiting, respiratory distress and skin rashes. With the introduction of medications or insect bites, reactions develop so quickly that the child may not even have time to report that he is feeling bad

At the first signs of shock, you need call an ambulance immediately and proceed to provide emergency care. The life and health of a child sometimes depends on the speed and correctness of this assistance. It is important that the child finds himself in a hospital as soon as possible.

What to do before the ambulance arrives?

  • calm down and calm the child as much as possible if he is conscious;
  • lay the child on the ground or floor with raised legs so that blood flows to the body from the legs;

  • limit the intake of the allergen: you can apply ice to the injection site; when an insect bites, apply ice to the bite site, immediately remove the sting; when taking food or medicine - rinse the stomach and give Activated carbon, do not give the child to drink before gastric lavage;
  • in case of loss of consciousness, lay on its side so that there is no sinking of the tongue with suffocation, control the pulse and breathing, in their absence - artificial respiration and chest compressions. Hospitalization in a hospital.

Quincke's edema

Local tissue edema that occurs in the face and eyelids, ears, hands, genitals and soft palate, neck and larynx, digestive tract. Due to strong tissue compression, edema can lead to organ dysfunctions and suffocation. It lasts from a couple of hours to a day and gradually disappears, it can give fever, diarrhea, abdominal pain, with an increase in edema - loss of consciousness.

First aid for angioedema:

- immediately call an ambulance, calm the child,

- give activated charcoal, make an enema.

-Hospitalization in a hospital.


This is an acute allergic reaction with a profuse skin rash in the form of dense red spots of various sizes on any surface of the body. The areas of the rashes are 1-3 cm in size, raised above the surface of the skin, when pressed on the elements, they form white dots. The rash lasts up to two days, disappearing without a trace, lesions of the mucous membranes with angioedema, difficulty breathing, vomiting and diarrhea may occur.

First aid for urticaria

-Immediately call an ambulance, calm the child,

- stop the intake of the allergen before the arrival of the doctors,

- do not feed or water the child,

- give activated charcoal, make an enema

Hello dear reader! Do you suffer from allergies? Surely, if the answer is yes, you will be interested in how first aid is provided for allergies at home. Truth? On the other hand, every allergy sufferer knows how to quickly relieve an attack.

Nevertheless, I decided to tell you what I know myself. I do not pretend to be absolutely correct in all the actions that I describe in this article. Moreover, qualified assistance should be provided only in a hospital and only by qualified personnel of medical institutions. It is very important.

Allergy is a protective reaction of the immune system to various stimuli.

Such a reaction can occur to chemicals, household dust, insect bites, fungal spores, pollen, animal dander, food, and more. In general, an allergy is a malfunction of the body, therefore, allergy can occur not only to external stimuli, but also from internal factors - an allergy to substances produced by the body itself.

Usually, allergies are not treated, it is almost impossible. More often they only try to prevent or minimize it, although in some cases this turns out to be impossible. Prevention of allergies is very important, as it is the beginning of the following diseases: skin dermatitis, urticaria, bronchial asthma.

Each allergic person has a purely individual manifestation: someone may practically not show any signs that the patient will not know that he is hypersensitive to anything. In others, on the contrary, the allergic reaction can be so severe that medical intervention is indispensable. The manifestations of allergies are often similar to those of other diseases, so they can be confused.

There are several types of allergies:

  1. Respiratory allergy. As a rule, it is associated with the ingress of irritants into the nasal mucosa and manifests itself in the form of sneezing, runny nose, choking, coughing, itching in the nose, wheezing;
  2. Dermatosis: appears when the skin comes into contact with an allergen in the form of irritation or redness of the skin, peeling, itching, dryness, rashes on the body, blisters, edema may occur.
  3. Enteropathy: Symptoms of this allergic reaction are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, swelling of the lips and tongue;
  4. Allergic conjunctivitis: caused by itching in the eyes, burning of the mucous membranes, swelling of the eyes, lacrimation;
  5. Anaphylactic shock: the most terrible type of allergy, usually there is sudden shortness of breath, convulsions, a rash on the body, a person loses consciousness literally a few seconds after contact with an irritant. Without emergency assistance, serious consequences are possible, up to death.

Help with allergies

Allergy expression can be mild or severe. If there is a mild allergic reaction, the following measures should be taken:

  1. Clean the place of contact with the allergen, if the allergen was food and irritation went down the esophagus, where you cannot get it with a simple rinse, you should drink a liter of clean water;
  2. Isolate from the allergen if it is external;
  3. Apply a cold compress to the irritated area of ​​the body, in case of bites;
  4. Take an anti-allergic drug.

First aid by a stranger

If the reaction to the allergen is severe, then it is most likely that the patient will not be able to do anything on his own. And here it is important that someone is there. If a person is conscious, then he must control himself and call for help, as far as possible, to take anti-allergic drugs.

However, most often the victim does not have time to react and all his salvation falls on a stranger. For him, the principle of action is as follows:

  1. It is immediately necessary to call the ambulance team;
  2. If the victim is conscious, it is necessary to give an anti-allergic agent;
  3. It is necessary to put the victim on a flat surface, freeing the person from objects that impede breathing;
  4. If the patient is vomiting, then he should be put on his side;
  5. If there is no pulse or breathing, resuscitation is necessary.

Many people think that since an allergy cannot be cured, and it manifests itself only in a mild form, then it is not particularly dangerous and does not require treatment, but this is not the case. Allergies should be controlled by isolating the person from allergens if possible and taking antiallergic medications.

On this, perhaps, we can finish. Be considerate of yourself and your loved ones. Don't forget to subscribe to blog updates. Please repost this article to your accounts. social networks, you are a trifle, but I am pleased. All the best, bye, bye.

Publication date: 26-11-2019

Allergic diseases have become more frequent in recent years. Often, the patients themselves are frivolous about their problem. It seems to be nothing serious, stroked the cat - a runny nose appeared, ate some raspberries - a rash appeared. For several days, drops from food allergies dripped, and the rash was smeared with ointment, and everything went away. First aid for allergies can stop a more severe attack from developing. However, allergic diseases often have very sad consequences for health.

It seems not a disease, but worries

On the one hand, allergy is difficult to define with the word "disease", since it is a whole list of conditions that manifest themselves due to the increased sensitivity of immunity to certain chemicals. In a person with a normal body reaction, immunity reacts to bacteria, viruses, cancer cells. They are perceived as alien and must be destroyed.
Even the most careful treatment, unfortunately, cannot guarantee that the situation will not deteriorate. As a rule, the tendency to an allergic reaction manifests itself even in early childhood... Most often these are food allergies. First aid for allergic reactions is very important. Unfortunately, there are many reasons for the worsening of the forecast. It may be a wrong lifestyle, frequent contact with allergenic substances.
It is not always possible to completely exclude all contact with allergens. Some patients, despite the fact that hypersensitivity can be dangerous, do not consider it necessary to be treated. In addition, chronic diseases often appear with age, which only exacerbate the problems. In addition, as the condition progresses, cross-allergy may develop. For example, a person was allergic to pollen, and over time, bouts of food allergies began to occur upon contact with cherries or carrots. First aid for allergic reactions will help to avoid more serious consequences.

What is the danger of allergies?

Allergies begin to progress over time, which leads to a more severe manifestation of attacks:

    Allergic rhinitis, which manifests itself as "harmless" nasal discharge, can turn into bronchial asthma with frequent seizures;

    A rash on the skin, accompanied by itching, eventually manifests itself as an anaphylactic reaction;

    Gradually, the symptoms of sensitivity appear more and more often, and the attacks become more severe;

    There is an increase in substances with food allergies, to which there is a reaction;

    Severe concomitant diseases appear that require treatment;

    Often, a harmless rhinitis turns into a life-threatening condition;

    It should be noted that the quality and life expectancy of an allergic person begins to decline.

What to do if you have an allergy attack

First aid for allergies, for a person who has an allergy attack, is extremely important. Symptoms of an allergic reaction can often be life-threatening. There are many cases when the called ambulance team simply does not have time to reach the patient and provide assistance. Sometimes seconds count.
The most severe consequence of food allergy is anaphylactic shock. It is expressed:

    A sharp decline blood pressure;

    Blood circulation is impaired;

    A red rash appears;

    Swelling of the eyes, lips and limbs;

    Symptoms of suffocation are observed;

    Nausea, vomiting appear;

    A lump in the throat and a metallic taste are characteristic;

    The patient has fear;


    Often the patient loses consciousness.

No less dangerous consequences also has Quincke's edema. Most often, young women suffer from Quincke's edema. The characteristic features for food allergies are:

    Respiratory spasms;

    Swelling of the mouth and larynx;

    The throat is swollen;

    The patient cannot breathe, or swallow;

    Epileptic seizure may occur;

    The skin swells;

    The patient develops symptoms of suffocation;

    In the absence of help, death can occur.

So, severe manifestations of food allergies are life-threatening, and therefore the patient needs help. Of course, you need to call an ambulance team, but before the doctors arrive, you need first aid for allergies, which will allow the patient to hold out until the doctor arrives. The consequences of generalized urticaria can be no less serious.

If Quincke's edema occurs

In this case, the patient needs immediate help. Quincke's edema often ends with anaphylactic shock. How to help?

    First of all, contact with the allergen should be eliminated;

    The patient needs to refuse to take any food;

    Loratadine or cetirizine may be given;

    If there are ampoules of suprastin or diphenhydramine at home, then give an intramuscular injection with one of these drugs;

    In order to remove histamine from the body, you need to take a tablet of activated carbon or smectite solution;

    A cleansing enema will also ease the condition.

If a child has an attack

Often, children are afraid of the manifestations of attacks of suffocation or severe itching. Therefore, the child must first be reassured. And then sitting him up straight, as a rule, in this position, it becomes easier to breathe. In the event that vomiting attacks are disturbed, or loss of consciousness is observed, then an antihistamine tablet should be crushed and given to the child. You can give a syrup or capsule if the baby is conscious. In any case, you need to control the situation.

If the child has a loss of consciousness and the pulse cannot be felt, then artificial respiration and heart massage should be done.

When a child or adult develops a food allergic reaction, some symptoms indicate a danger of the situation. In this case, an MANDATORY call for an ambulance is required. By phone, the operator needs to inform:

    Difficulty breathing

    Shortness of breath worries;

    There are cramps in the throat and signs of choking;

    There is nausea and vomiting;

    I have a stomachache;

    Disturbed by general weakness and dizziness;

    The patient has lost consciousness.

All of these symptoms are dangerous and require immediate medical attention.

Home remedies for allergy sufferers

If an attack of food allergy has developed at home, then the patient can be helped at home. First of all, you should rinse your mouth and nose, this will avoid the development of complications. Moreover, if the condition worsens, then a doctor's call is required.


As an emergency resuscitation measure, a home cleansing enema and activated charcoal are suitable. In severe cases, an injection of hydrocortisone or prednisolone will help. In order to relieve itchy skin, you should use an ointment containing these components. Intravenous administration of glucose solution will help.
After the blood pressure has returned to normal, you can take an antihistamine. If the source of the food allergy is unknown, then a local remedy should be used to treat the condition. For rashes and elimination of puffiness, ice compresses should be applied at home. In this case, the ice is wrapped in a clean cotton cloth.

When the temperature rises, you need to make a cool compress on your head. You can give a pill of paracetamol or ibuprofen (if they are not allergic).

What absolutely should not be done


If you know that you have a tendency to allergic attacks, then be sure to have antihistamines with you. For example, loratadine, cytirizine. Allergy ointments, for example, hydrocortisone, elok. Prednisolone has an excellent ability to quickly localize an attack. In addition, you need to have ampoules of adrenaline and syringes. In this case, it will be possible to provide first aid at home.
It is categorically impossible to leave a person who has an allergic attack alone. You cannot offer him water or food. If the attack occurs after the injection of the drug, you need to leave the needle. In this case, the doctor can quickly determine the cause of the attack.

“Allergic reactions” - any person has come across this concept at least once. Over the past few decades, according to the World Health Organization, the number of allergy sufferers has been steadily growing. Allergy is considered one of the most common pathological conditions among the entire population of the planet - about 40% of all people suffer from various forms of allergic reactions.

Allergens are factors that cause allergies to develop. It should be noted that individual pathological reactions of a particular organism can be caused by exposure to hundreds of different types of allergens - these are insect bites, animal hair, plant pollen, food, chemical elements, sunlight, medicines, and other influencing factors.

The concept and mechanism of development of allergy

In order to be able to provide an injured person with adequate first aid, it is necessary to have an idea of ​​what an allergy is, and what is the essence of this phenomenon.

The reason for the development various diseases there may be abnormal or infected cells in the body that enter the human body. The immune system fights diseases by producing special antibodies - T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes, which fight these cells, neutralizing and destroying them. Allergic reactions are specific reactions of the immune system to certain stimuli. Normally, a healthy body does not respond to such "provocations", but if a malfunction is formed in the immune system, things such as dust, wool, odors can be perceived by the body as antigens, that is, as causative agents of diseases.

In response to the ingress of these allergens into the body, the corresponding mechanisms are triggered in it - immunoglobulin IgE is produced. When IgE cells reach the stimulus cells, they bind to mast cells and basophils. As a result, a complex “IgE + mast cells + allergen” or “basophil +“ IgE + allergen ”is formed. The first type of compounds remains in the organs, the second circulates through the bloodstream, reaching the skin, lungs, stomach, and skin. The body's primary reaction to an allergen is manifested by smooth muscle spasm, a decrease in blood pressure, the formation of edema and blood thickening.

External manifestations and causes of the development of allergies

Symptoms of allergic reactions are manifested in different ways - its specificity may depend on the type of allergens, as well as on the way they enter the body. Allergens can enter the body through the skin, respiratory tract, sinuses, and digestive tract.

The most typical symptoms are:

  • , labored breathing;
  • frequent sneezing;
  • , nasal congestion, abundant discharge mucus from it;
  • , itching in the eyes, their strong, swelling of the eyelids;
  • nausea, indigestion;
  • redness and itching of the skin, the appearance of rashes;
  • swelling of the eyes, mucous membranes, lips, nose, neck, face;
  • tingling of the oral mucosa, numbness of the tongue.

Often, all these manifestations are complemented by the development of a state of anaphylactic shock - such a pathology threatens the patient with a fatal outcome if urgent measures are not taken to provide him with assistance. Anaphylactic shock is manifested:

  • severe swelling of the throat and airways, due to which a person cannot breathe normally;
  • rash all over the body;
  • redness and itching of the skin;
  • sensation;
  • a sharp drop in blood pressure;
  • abdominal cramping, nausea and;
  • weakening and acceleration of the pulse;
  • loss of consciousness.

What can provoke such a condition in a person? Almost any factor can be an allergen. the environment in food, liquid, air.

For example, household chemicals, latex, animal hair, dust, pollen, fungi and mold spores, food, insect bites.

Allergy manifestations

The symptomatology that accompanies the mechanism of the body's reaction to the allergen determines the form of the allergy - mild or severe.

The mild form usually manifests itself:

  • limited localized urticaria affecting the skin;
  • allergic conjunctivitis;
  • rhinitis (damage to the nasal mucosa associated with constant congestion and increased mucus secretion).

A severe allergy not only causes discomfort to the victim, but also poses a real danger to his life. It is accompanied by anaphylactic shock with a sharp drop in blood pressure and impaired microcirculation in the internal organs; Quincke's edema (spasm of the respiratory muscles, suffocation); generalized urticaria with intoxication syndrome.

What to do with a mild allergic reaction

Usually in such cases, itching and redness appear on it in the area of ​​contact of the skin with the allergen, the eyes begin to itch, and increased lacrimation is formed. A slight swelling may be determined in the affected area. A person feels a stuffy nose, mucus is intensively separated, he sneezes often.

In this case, first aid at home is to exclude contact of the body with the allergen, as well as to reduce and reduce the unpleasant consequences of such contact.

The oral cavity, nose, skin should be rinsed warm, and if an allergy appeared after an insect bite, you need to remove the sting from the wound. Apply a cool compress to the itchy area. Further, the patient needs to take antihistamines - Loratadin, Tavegil, Erius. Usually, this sequence of actions is enough to cope with the pathological condition.

In what cases it is necessary to call an ambulance

After first aid has been provided to a person, contact with the allergen is interrupted, appropriate medications are taken, an improvement in the condition and a weakening of symptoms should occur.

The patient must be immediately taken to a medical facility to provide medical care if he has:

  • cramps in the throat;
  • respiratory dysfunction;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • severe swelling of the mucous membranes and skin;
  • weakness and loss of consciousness;
  • increased heart rate;
  • drop in blood pressure.

How does a severe allergic reaction manifest?

Quincke's edema is the most dangerous for humans. It appears especially often in young women with allergies. Quincke's edema is a swelling of the subcutaneous tissue and mucous tissues of the nasopharynx. As a result, a person has a violation of the swallowing and respiratory function, suffocation develops, which can lead to death. Also, Quincke's edema is accompanied by the appearance of a cough, asphyxia, against its background, an epileptic seizure may begin.

Such procedures are repeated several times within an hour or two. In addition, the patient is given a Tavegil or Suprastin pill.

In case of manifestations of allergic reactions in a child, he must be seated directly. If he is dizzy, the baby is laid on his back, turning his head to one side in case of nausea. In any form, the child must be given antihistamines, and then urgently delivered to the doctor.

First aid for allergies is aimed at saving the life of the victim. The provision of assistance is aimed at eliminating the contact of the body with the allergen, reducing the manifestations of allergies, Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock. In this way, unpleasant consequences and even death of a person can be avoided.

Who among us has not encountered allergies, this insidious disease, which with improper treatment can cause irreparable harm to health. There are many different allergens in the environment that cause a variety of reactions in our body. Next, we will tell you how to treat allergies right and get rid of it once and for all.

The first stage - we understand the concept of allergies

What is allergy? This is the response of the body's immune system to the penetration of foreign chemical allergens. The disease does not occur immediately, usually it is necessary to deal with the root cause more than once. Only then does the immune system start producing antibodies to the allergen.

In the classical interpretation, the definition of allergy sounds like the production of immunoglobulin (lgE) by the body, which is an antibody to various antigens. Normally, immunoglobulin in the blood is almost absent, but with an allergic disease, its content increases significantly.

Anyone can get sick. The disease does not spare either infants or the elderly. Only the manifestation of allergies can be different. For some, it manifests itself in a mild form, disappearing when contact with the allergen is terminated, for someone it proceeds in a severe form, where medical intervention is indispensable.

What causes allergies

Before, how to treat allergies, you need to understand what causes it. Anything can serve as allergens, that is, the causative agents of the disease. The main ones are:

  • Pollen: pollen flowering plants and trees.
  • Household: dust, household chemicals.
  • Fungal: mold and various fungal manifestations.
  • Food grade: cow's milk, seafood, berries, eggs, etc.
  • Epidermal: wool, fluff, saliva.
  • Medication: different kinds drugs
  • Helminths: pinworms, roundworms, etc.

However, sadly, new causes of allergies are constantly being added to this list. According to statistics, about 90% of the world's population suffer from some form of allergy. Most of the patients fall on highly developed countries, where progress is making progress. Many of the people do not even realize that they have a predisposition to the disease. A combination of many circumstances is necessary for the disease to manifest itself.

For this reason, when individual symptoms appear, people do not even assume that it may be an allergic reaction. Since the symptoms are similar to various diseases, the treatment is not carried out correctly. As a result, chronic forms of the disease develop.

Forms and types of allergies

Back in 1906, physician Clemens von Pirke drew attention to the fact that patients have different reactions to the same allergens. In some, it all starts with a common runny nose and lacrimation, while in others, the allergy proceeds with colic in the abdomen. Others report skin rashes. So the main groups of manifestation of this type of disease were identified:

  • Respiratory.
  • Food grade.
  • Dermal.


The most common is the respiratory form, in which the respiratory organs are affected. It occurs when mucous membranes come into contact with an allergen. It is characterized by rhinitis, wheezing, cough, shortness of breath, bronchospasm. In the most severe cases, Quincke's edema occurs. Symptoms are similar to those of colds. In this case, it is important to make a correct diagnosis.


Food allergy is in the nature of poisoning and intestinal upset. Manifested by nausea, bloating, vomiting. In severe cases, diarrhea appears and may continue long time and has similar symptoms to other intestinal diseases. Most of these symptoms occur with food allergies. How to treat allergies for food? You will need a strict diet that excludes allergenic foods.


Many have had to deal with skin allergies. It occurs when an allergen acts on the skin: sun exposure, insect bites, contact with chemicals, etc. Skin rashes, blisters, itching in the affected areas, peeling appear. Naturally, tissue edema and skin redness appear. With improper treatment, against the background of these symptoms, eczema may develop, which is a complication of this disease.

Hypotheses why allergies have become so common

According to WHO, the treatment of allergies is one of the ten most pressing problems in medicine. Scientists dealing with this problem note that since about the middle of the last century, this disease has been gaining speed in its development and covers various segments of the population. There are several hypotheses about the reasons for the increase in the number of allergy sufferers:

  • hygienic.
  • nutritional.
  • ecological.


Various hypotheses are put forward for an increase in the number of allergy sufferers. Among them is the hypothesis of hygiene, or rather, its negative impact on the immune system of the human body. Improving living conditions and living standards turns out to lead to a violation of the imbalance between the endogenous threat and the strength of immunity.

Getting used to living in greenhouse conditions, human immunity ceases to fight antibodies that enter his body from the environment. Washing out all useful and harmful microorganisms with household chemicals, the use of modern hygienic body care products (shower gels, body lotions, etc.), which contain petroleum products, all this leads to a change in the gene pool of the body.


Look at what we eat: these are genetically modified foods, where the presence of a huge amount of chemical additives is simply off scale. Food products are made available to the population, naturally, the content of natural components in them decreases. All this leads to weakening protective properties the human body.


Ecology plays a huge role in our life. It is noted that the growth of allergic reactions is acutely observed in industrial regions. A large emission of harmful substances by industrial enterprises leads to intoxication of the body, which is manifested by allergies and other diseases.

Allergy diagnostics - the first stage of its treatment

To properly treat a disease, you need to properly diagnose it. Manifestations of an allergic reaction often have very similar symptoms to other diseases. Therefore, before how to treat allergies, it is urgently necessary to contact an immunologist and identify the causes of the disease.

For diagnostics, use:

  • skin (scarification) tests;
  • monitoring of immunoglobulins in the blood;
  • immunofluorescent method.

Skin (scarification) tests

Skin test is the most common type of diagnosis. Several skin incisions are made on the back of the hand, and an extract of the suspected allergens is dripped into them. After a few hours, a diagnosis is made based on the reaction that has arisen. With a visible change in the wound, the allergen is determined. However, this is a risky form of determining the root cause of the disease, since an acute allergic reaction can occur during the tests.

Monitoring of immunoglobulins in the blood

An immunological test is carried out in a laboratory way without the presence of the patient. The patient donates blood from a vein, which is mixed with extracts of suspected allergens and the basophil reaction is examined under a microscope. This diagnostic method is the most reliable and safe, but also more expensive.

Immunofluorescence method

With an accuracy of 98%, the immunofluorescent method can determine the causative agent of the allergy. So far, this type of diagnosis is the most common in Europe, but there is a glimmer of hope that in the future in each of our clinics it will be possible to undergo a test on the ImmunoCAP apparatus, which will most accurately identify the allergen. So, the diagnosis is established, you need to start treatment.

Unfortunately, many people ignore the manifestations of allergies and do not resort to treatment. Perhaps it will pass by itself. This is a big mistake because the disease can lead not only to chronic forms, but in some cases - to death. Indeed, with each subsequent relapse, the disease manifests itself in more severe forms.

Allergies can catch you at the most inopportune moment and time. That is why, if you know that you have a predisposition to one form or another of an allergic reaction, you must notify all your relatives and friends. Sometimes these precautions save lives.

Having discovered in oneself or in one's loved ones certain signs of an illness, it is necessary to take urgent measures, i.e. provide first aid:

  • limit contact with the allergen.
  • Rinse clean water the place of contact with the irritant.
  • apply a cold compress on the reddened area of ​​the skin (if the reaction is of the skin type).
  • take an antihistamine (prerequisite).
  • warm and plentiful drink.
  • horizontal position.
  • with swelling of the larynx, take a drug that relieves spasms and makes breathing easier.

If all of the above methods are not effective and the patient's condition seems to deteriorate, it is necessary to call an ambulance team or contact medical institutions yourself. One of the complications of allergy symptoms can be Quincke's edema, which cannot be dealt with at home, which can lead to the death of the patient.

Almost always, timely assistance in the event of an allergic reaction accelerates the process of treating the disease.

How to treat allergies: all ways

There is an opinion that there is no treatment for allergies as such. But with the right approach to this disease, you can prevent relapses of this disease and, in some cases, get rid of it completely. For this purpose applies complex treatment... One way to get rid of allergies is almost impossible. The main stages of treatment include:

  • the use of medications;
  • hyposensitization;
  • allergy treatment with folk remedies;
  • prevention.

At the moment, many scientists around the world are struggling to create a universal serum in laboratory conditions, with the help of which people will be vaccinated against the occurrence of allergic reactions of various types of action.

While developments are underway, it remains to apply traditional methods of prevention and treatment of the disease in almost 90% of the population of our planet.


It is almost impossible to remove the manifestations of an allergic reaction without medical intervention. There are several groups of medicines, with the help of which the treatment and relief of the first signs of the disease are carried out. These include:

  • antihistamines;
  • decongestants;
  • steroid sprays;
  • inhibitors of leukotrienes.

First of all, in case of allergic manifestations, it is necessary to stop the production of histamine by the body. The production of histamine is due to the ingress of an allergen (chemistry, food, dust, etc.) from the external environment into the human body. For this purpose, antihistamines are used, the action of which is expressed in the deactivation of histamine.

Antihistamines are prescribed for classic allergies, for example, for allergic rhinitis, pollen conjunctivitis, and household allergic reactions. Antihistamines are necessarily prescribed for skin lesions: itching, dermatitis, sunburn, urticaria. Severe allergies, such as Quincke's edema and anaphylactic shock, also require antihistamines.

Currently, pharmacies sell third-generation antihistamines. In the last century, drugs of the first generation were sold, which caused side effects: apathy, drowsiness, lethargy.

The second generation had an effect on the heart muscle, which led to either tachycardia or bradycardia. All these side effects are completely absent in the third generation drugs, and the effect of their use persists for a long period of time.

These drugs include:

  • Ebastine - the effect of the drug lasts up to 48 hours.
  • Claritin - the effect is noted within a day, a visible effect is observed after an hour
  • Telfast - the action occurs in an hour and lasts for a day. However, it is not recommended for children under 12 and pregnant women.
  • Cetrin - helps well with skin allergies, but is also recommended for the respiratory form of the disease
  • Vertex - the action is observed after a few minutes and lasts up to 24 hours
  • Hydrocortisone ointment for external use. It is prescribed for skin types of allergic manifestations.

For allergies of the respiratory tract, accompanied by nasal congestion, difficulty breathing, sinusitis, decongestants are used - drugs for the common cold. Their action is based on reducing the edema of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract and reducing blood circulation in the tissues of the nasopharynx. It should be noted that many of the decongestant drugs are addictive. Therefore, they are not advised to apply for a long time.

These include:

  • Oxinmetazoline.
  • Naphazoline.
  • Xylometazoline.
  • Tetrizoline.

Steroid sprays have the same effect. How to treat allergies sprays? Basically, they are prescribed to people for whom the use of decongestants is contraindicated. Sprays have fewer side effects, therefore, can be used by pregnant and lactating mothers.

Leukotriene inhibitors have also been used successfully. Leukotrienes are chemicals that cause inflammation of the lining of the upper respiratory tract. It is leukotrienes that cause swelling of the mucous membrane, bronchospasm, which can lead to bronchial asthma and angioedema.

This type of drugs is allowed to be taken together with other drugs due to the lack of a reaction of interaction with them. Known drugs such as Montelukast and Zafirlukast, which relieve the symptoms of hay fever and seasonal allergies.

If you know that you are prone to allergic diseases, you just need to have all of the above groups of medicines in your first-aid kit.

Hyposensitization - a way to treat allergies

Hyposensitization is an immunotherapy that is used along with medication. It consists in the fact that allergens are introduced into the patient's body, starting with small doses, gradually increasing. Subsequently, immunity to this type of allergens is developed.

Hyposensitization is carried out in the case when it is almost impossible to prevent the patient's contact with the irritant. This is contact with house dust, pollen, microbes, etc. This treatment includes the ASIT method. With its help, the body's sensitivity to the stimulus decreases and the resistance of the immune system increases. Hyposensitization is carried out during remission, because the effect is achieved in 4-6 months.

During the period of hyposensitization, symptomatic methods of treatment are also used, which in combination helps to "prepare" the body to resist the allergen and not lead to a relapse of the disease.

But there are also contraindications for treatment with this method. Allergens should not be administered to patients with bronchial asthma, pregnant women, mental illness and malignant neoplasms, circulatory disorders and diabetes mellitus... In such diseases, the introduction of even small doses of allergens can lead to irreversible consequences.

Traditional methods of treating allergies

Folk remedies take place only along with medication and immunotherapy. How to treat allergies with the help of decoctions, ointments, recipes - all this will be told by the attending physician. For a long time, healers removed the main manifestations of allergies with the help of their drugs, both from the inside and outside.

There are many recipes for treating allergies using various decoctions, lotions, ointments, balms, which are prepared from the gifts of nature. It turns out that the plants around us can both cause disease and cure it. It has been proven that the treatment of allergies with folk remedies is highly effective and gentle for the body, because all preparations are made from natural ingredients that do not cause serious complications.

When using decoction baths medicinal herbs(chamomile, string, mint, etc.) can get rid of itchy skin and accelerate the healing of scratching wounds, if any. For these purposes, alcoholic herbal tinctures are also used. Regularly rubbing the affected area can reduce the symptoms of skin allergies.

For internal use, freshly squeezed juices from fruits, vegetables and even themselves are recommended medicinal plants... Celery root, carrots, dandelion leaves, beets, cucumbers and many other vegetables are used for healing juices. Juices help to strengthen the immune system and increase the chance to fight allergies.

It is good to take decoctions and herbal infusions. For the preparation of such decoctions, a huge variety of herbs are used: this is celandine, calendula, hawthorn, valerian, mint and lemon balm. The variety of herbs used to treat allergies is so great that you can simply list them endlessly.

There are many natural remedies available for treatment.

TO folk remedies both mummy and propolis can be attributed to allergies. But all of the above components should be used only after consultation with the attending physician, because often the drug itself can be an allergen for the body. The greatest effect is brought by the combined method of treatment, when traditional medicine is used in combination with drug exposure.

Prevention of allergic diseases

Everyone knows that it is easier to prevent a disease than to cure it. It is about prevention, which plays a very important role in the fight against allergies. Prevention is based on preventing contact with the allergen, the cause of the disease itself. Consider the main measures to protect your body, then how to treat allergies, or rather to warn her.

Of course, it is very difficult to completely isolate yourself from the cause of the disease. After all, if the allergy is caused by seasonal flowering of plants, you need not go outside at this time. It's almost impossible. If the body's reaction is caused by medications, you need to correctly approach the choice of drugs in the treatment of various diseases, and almost everyone gets sick.

People who are acutely reacting to pets can only be given one piece of advice: no matter how sad, but you will have to send your wards to good hands, completely isolating themselves from contact with hair, saliva. In the event that an allergic reaction occurs to dust, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning in the apartment every day.

With food allergies, a diet is drawn up, which must be adhered to almost constantly. Violation of the diet and the consumption of food allergens can lead to relapse and even to chronic diseases.

If you are going on vacation, be sure to bring antiallergic medication with you. Typically, countries with warm climates have a very low solstice, which seems very harmless. However, reactions to the sun can ruin your entire vacation. Sunburn are one of the manifestations of an allergic reaction to the environment.

Insect bites can also cause allergies, especially wasps and bees. After the bite, it is necessary to remove the sting if it remains in the skin. Emergency help is the use of antihistamines that help reduce the risk of developing anaphylactic shock and angioedema.

So what happens? Allergy sufferers need to carry with them a whole first aid kit of the most essential drugs for first aid? Yes! And yes again! Better safe than being in a hospital bed for an extended period of time. Take care of yourself and be healthy.