What aphid looks like: photo, description and causes of the appearance of a pest of cultivated plants. Dangerous pests of the personal plot - aphids

Aphid- a tiny soft-bodied insect, which is one of the most malicious garden pests.

Its main trump cards in the struggle for survival are extraordinary gluttony and the same extraordinary fertility.

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What do aphids eat

Her favorite plants include:

  • tuberous begonia;
  • nasturtium;
  • mallow;
  • kosmeya;
  • roses.

Among vegetable, greenhouse and melon crops:

Several damages for which they are responsible. To fight an aphid infestation, you can use both natural remedies in the most literal sense of the word - fragrances and essential oils- acting directly on the biodiversity of your cultivation. In fact, there are many species that feed these insects themselves and leave the plant intact.

Among the friends of the plant are ladybugs: they quickly colonize plantations, do not damage vegetation and help uniform growth by bringing oxygen to the leaves as well as to the ground. Stores specializing in organic agriculture, eggs are often found, scattered on the plant and waiting for the hatch. However, they are easy to obtain, so it is necessary to order before the obvious waiting time between reproduction and the final consumer. Other predatory insects include beetles and anthocorids, and if they are found in rural areas, it may be beneficial to encourage the presence of birds such as zinc and swallows, aphids.

    • cucumbers (primarily);
    • tomatoes;

  • potato;
  • salad;
  • cabbage;
  • eggplant;
  • Bell pepper;
  • watermelon melon.

Among horticultural crops:

  • Apple tree;
  • Cherry;
  • plum;
  • viburnum, red and black currant.

Why are aphids dangerous to plants?

With their proboscises, insects pierce the skin of young plants and suck out the juices, weakening the plants, preventing them from developing, bearing fruit and blooming.

However, when passing home remedies, the presence of aphids is primarily indicated by an abundant plant plant with a powerful but not exaggerated yield so as not to destroy flowers and leaves. The flow will temporarily force insects out of the abutment, which is then poured onto the ground and removed with a small garden shovel. However, since this operation is not sufficient - eggs and specimens may still be present among the leaves and, as already noted, reproduce at a certain rate - it may be useful to spray an aqueous lotion on the plant.

They cause chlorosis, that is, a disease in which the plant cannot synthesize chlorophyll in the required quantities - the external signs of the disease are yellowed and withered leaves. In addition, aphids are carriers of viral infections. Yeast and mold fungi actively multiply on sugary secretions of aphids (padi).

It is considered wrong that the only way to protect the flowers of our gardens and balconies is to use chemicals that fight parasites. Not that kind of nature is magic and it offers us biological solutions like ladybugs. Ladybugs are a natural solution to control parasites and especially aphids. Consider that in our latitudes of the nineteenth century there are species of aphids that can threaten the health of our plants by sucking up their lymph, and if you do not want to use chemistry to eliminate them, you need to turn to "helper insects", which are divided into predators and parasites.

The fight against this pest must be comprehensive. Simple preventive measures will help, if not completely destroy the pest population, then significantly reduce their number and prevent reproduction.

Prevention of the appearance of aphids

In autumn, after harvesting, perennial weeds are weeded out and treated with herbicides, which often harbor aphid colonies.

Predators include ladybugs, which also help other insects keep aphids in check. But what do ladybugs eat, even call them bugs? Here, because of its feeding, the animal is ideal for cleaning balconies and gardens. Other ladybugs feed on mother eggs, ladybugs, white flies, and aphids. There are several biological aphid control plants that favor lady cows in your garden and balcony. This is the first one on the list. More commonly known as "dandelion" or "dandelion", dandelion is an acexis of many medicinal properties.

All plant residues, garbage are taken out of greenhouses and greenhouses and burned. The greenhouse is fumigated with sulfur bombs. It is better to remove the top layer of soil by 3-5 cm; in small greenhouses, the soil must be completely changed every 3-5 years.

In early spring, before planting seedlings, the greenhouse and garden tools should be treated with bleach or caustic soda. Before planting in open ground it is necessary to inspect the area for weeds and get rid of them.

Infusions and decoctions are prepared from its leaves. From warm flowers it is easy to grow a plant in ceramics. Excellent repellant even against mosquitoes. A bit demanding, it only takes a little freshness in the hottest months of the year. With his beautiful blue-blue colors it attracts ladybugs for both color and pollen. Geranium is one of the most beloved and widely used balcony flowers, as well as a red insect treat, it is also great to keep a mosquito. Even very easy to grow and widely used, as well as mojito in herbal teas and fresh drinks, it is a rustic plant with an unmistakable and pleasant aroma for ladybugs.

Like other pests, aphids thrive in high humidity and high temperatures. A good drainage system equipped on the site will protect the garden not only from aphids, but also from another misfortune of gardeners - slugs.

Especially “appetizing” plants for aphids should be planted away from vegetable beds and greenhouses.

Perfumed mulberry, garlic, parsley and dill complete what is just a short list of plants that should not be missing from your balcony or garden. So choose what to plant if you want to organically protect your greenery and house cute ladybugs. However, not all ladybugs are good either. The problem is big, as this Asian ladybug really loves the famous Italian vines; but we are sure that few people can please the consumers of Chianti and Barbera to the Asian ladybug.

However, the globalization that brought us to these Asian lady cows has not yet led us to a solution to curb them. It seems that the only remedy currently possible is an extract of Nepata katara, a plant that loves cats, but spraying catfish in vineyards does not seem to be an advantage for future wine. On the this moment there is no solution and this is a big problem because the Asian ladybug is actually crowding out the native. The most curious thing is that these ladybugs were deliberately introduced for biological control in France, Belgium and the Netherlands and then took over.

Plants are less affected by aphids if you do not overfeed them with nitrogen fertilizers. It is better to feed the plants with ash or potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.

Check plantings regularly for insect infestation. Severely affected branches should be cut and discarded. Sometimes it is enough to tear off or pinch off the affected tip to prevent further infection.

The series was the best of the remedies because Asian ladybugs also eat other ladybugs! Piotr Schretek, Oto Nakldal, Jan Liszka. Since the beginning of this year, further requests have been found for a forest conservation advisory service regarding the massive appearance of the large black aphid sowing on the bark and branches of frozen spruce or other introduced spruce species. With the onset of spring, the number of apiaries with excessive presence of aphids multiplies, and problems with their appearance increase.

This honeycomb scatters needle colonized spruce and soil surface and objects under the crown projection. Honey, bees and ants mostly concentrate on grass, as secretion is their favorite food. They can cause downstream problems, especially health problems. It is clear that this phenomenon is completely inappropriate for urban greenery.

Mechanical means

The easiest way to get rid of aphids is to simply pick them up with your hands.

The second way is to water the plants with a strong jet of water from a hose. It is preferable to do this in the morning, so that the plants have time to dry out during the day.

Organic (biological) agents

The most famous aphid fighter is ladybug. Her larva can destroy up to 70 aphids per day. In total, a ladybug is capable of destroying up to 700-800 harmful insects in her life.

This is the species that is native to North America, in the western part, from Mexico in the north to California, Oregon, to Washington state and Canada. Here it lives on local fir species, but also on some other forests. Therefore, in Europe it is an introduced species, which has not yet been reported in the territory of the Czech Republic. The emergence of this aphid in our country could be expected, as has been known from neighboring Germany since the beginning of this decade. Later it was also found in Serbia.

This will likely happen in other neighboring countries as well. Curvilinear curves are relatively large, round round aphids, shiny, dark brown to black, with two bright lines consisting of wax effusion. The snout is decorated with short protrusions, the so-called siphons, which protrude from the oval sclerotic mark. The cauda is short and round, showing only an unimpressive character. Growth is longer, longer than your own body. Women with winged eyes are thinner, with well-developed wings.

It is possible to attract cows to the garden by planting fragrant herbs - parsley, dill, coriander, tansy. They also love chamomile.

In order for the cows to overwinter in the garden, and in the spring they would begin to breed numerous offspring, you need to provide them good conditions for hibernation - in late autumn, leave a bunch of dry leaves, bark or stones somewhere in a secluded corner.

In both forms, the striking long curved curves of the last pair of legs occur. Life cycle in Europe spans up to six generations. The vast majority of individuals in the colonies are wingless, but winged females are commonly found. The inverted eggs are put into production in November, but in mild winter weather, females may survive and breed into the late winter months or early spring of a new generation. This is the reason for the numerous colonies occurring at the very beginning of the year.

Aphids are sown in colonies on the bark, mainly on the underside of the branches or on the trunk. Their number reaches two peaks during the year; the first in May and June, the second in September and October. Colonies produce a large number of honey, which is collected mainly by wasps and ants, but bees have also been observed.

Another enemy of aphids is the lacewing or fleurnitsa. She loves to eat aphids so much that her larva is called the “aphid lion”. They are attracted to dandelions, yarrows and other umbrella plants.

For the wintering of lacewings in September, special houses are installed, inside which dry leaves, bark and straw are placed. To attract insects there, the houses are treated with special baits - attractors.

The range of host tree species in Europe is mostly eaten and frozen and eats huge, rarely other species such as Atlas cedar. During this year, through inquiries about the presence of this aphid, it was shown that it is widespread throughout the country. Known settlements include Bohemia and Moravia and Silesia. It mostly occurs in urban areas due to the host species. One of the well-known localities is also the forest nursery, which offers one of possible ways distribution - through the import of seedlings to create tree plantations.

Birds are dangerous enemies- tits, warblers, kinglets, robins, sparrows - they will be happy to eat aphids and feed their chicks with it, you just need to equip drinking bowls and feeders on the plot for birds.

Because of the finds winged people also plausible is the autonomous distribution of flight populations, respectively. air transmissions. In its homeland, this aphid is considered almost exclusively on Christmas tree plantations. Although we can assume that the site is controlled by a wider range of natural enemies, interventions are only recommended in the year leading up to the "harvest" of the trees. This is mainly about the aesthetic appearance of spruces, which can suffer from the development of aphid colonies.

There is still not enough news about the harmfulness of this aphid in European conditions; only data from Serbia indicate the death of some of the attacked firs. However, one can consider the negative impact of the coverage of the assimilation zone with melliferous foam by the aforementioned blacks, which can lead to warmer and sunnier periods for overheating of the needles and their faster aging, respectively. permanent damage. It is also possible to limit assimilation. On the contrary, beekeepers evaluate the presence of this aphid for abundant honey production positively.

But black garden ants feed on honeydew- sweet secretions of aphids, so they jealously protect their "herd" and carry aphids through plants, looking for new "pastures" for them.

Therefore, we must also fight with ants. To do this, the anthill is slightly dug up and poured with boiling water. The nest can be stirred up and covered with fluffy lime or tobacco chips.

Due to the fact that the marshmallow rarely causes more problems We do not expect our conditions to lead to widespread malnutrition and death from contaminated exotic berries. Therefore, if protective measures are taken against this type of aphid, the reasons for such a decision will be to take into account predominantly aesthetic or hygienic aspects.

Chinara's curvature protection strategy can essentially involve three approaches. Tolerance problem. Execution of the intervention. As a last resort, we may also consider removing them. We cannot yet use biological control methods, but predatory larvae of golden snakes and pests have been recorded from natural enemies at the place of origin, but they cannot reduce the numerous colonies of aphids.

Aphids are repelled by nettles, spicy herbs - sage, thyme, mint, rosemary, lavender, as well as green manure (plants that increase soil fertility) - lupine, sweet clover, clover, rape, colza, oil radish. Due to the high content of natural pyrethrins (insecticides), aphids and Dalmatian chamomile repel.

Folk remedies to combat aphids

They include spraying the affected plants with self-prepared solutions. Here are some recipes:

If we allow aphids to appear on exotic trees, we can expect the problem to recur and escalate during the growing season, especially in years that precede mild winters. However, in the case of grown trees in arboretums or parks, this may often be the only option due to the cost of treating tall trees, which, in addition, does not have suitable equipment capable of delivering the spray even to the higher parts of the crowns. Insecticide interference with lower trees is also likely to be a frequently chosen measure.

  • A solution based on potato tops: pour 2 kg of chopped tops into a bucket of warm water, leave for 3-4 hours, strain.
  • Infusion of yarrow: pour 200 g of fresh grass into 2 liters of boiling water, leave for 1 hour. Then add 8 liters of water.
  • Liquid soap solution: 2 teaspoons of liquid soap in 2 cups of water. You can add 1 cup of vegetable oil.
  • A decoction of onion peels: for 10 liters of boiling water, half a bucket of peels. Leave for a day, strain and spray.
  • Ash-based solution: pour 1 kg of ash into 8 liters of boiling water, insist under the lid for 2 days, strain.
  • Just spray the plants with the cheapest vodka from a spray bottle.
  • Water with Coca-Cola - for 1 hour of water, 5 hours of soda (regular, not diet). It is imperative to dilute it with water, since in its pure form a carbonated drink can burn the tender leaves of young plants.

In order for the funds to have the greatest effect, you need to spray the plants in dry, calm weather.

Chemical agents to combat aphids

If none of the above helped, heavy artillery is used - insecticides. Preventive treatment should be done in early spring, before bud break. Many insecticides are toxic to bees and are therefore not used during the flowering period.

Mild organic products based on pyrethrins cause the least harm environment, plants, beneficial insects, but it is precisely because of the mild action that they will have to be used more often.

Among these drugs are Inta-vir, Iskra, Akarin, Decis, Fury. They quickly decompose and do not cause addiction in aphids.

Among the powerful and proven drugs for decades are dichlorvos in aerosol cans, karbofos, as well as their analogues - Rogor and Fozolon.

Remember that these chemicals are highly toxic and must be used strictly following the instructions.

Be sure to use gloves, protective clothing and a respirator. Drugs should be kept out of reach of children and pets.

Remember that strong, well-groomed, healthy trees, flowers, shrubs and vegetable crops much less susceptible to the danger of "infecting" aphids. Therefore, the main measure to be taken to combat this pest is to carefully and regularly care for the plants.

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Aphids are considered one of the most malicious and dangerous garden pests. This insect in all its varieties easily occupied green spaces: from garden crops and flowers to fruit trees, which cause great damage.

What are the armies of such a numerous insect? What are the most effective troubleshooting methods?

What is an aphid?

Outwardly, these are small insects of black or green color, ranging in size from one to five millimeters, with an ovoid body, soft and easily crushed, thin legs, elongated mouthparts, thickened in front. Aphid lives on fruit trees, the underside of leaves, stems, tops of shoots, she mercilessly sucks out the juice of plants with her proboscis. Along the way, the insect secretes a poison that causes twisting, deformation, death of leaves, stunting of shoots, and curvature of the tops. In addition, sweet masses pollute the leaf surface, thereby disrupting the normal life of plants and causing their death.

The created conditions of increased sugar content are the optimal environment for the development of black sooty dew, a dangerous viral disease that prevents the process of photosynthesis and depresses already weakened plants. Insects cause the greatest harm to seedlings of fruit trees.

What is aphid and why does it multiply so quickly? One fertilization is enough for a wingless female aphid to then produce numerous offspring every two weeks for six months (and this is about fifty generations in the summer season).

How to detect the presence of aphids in the area

Determining what an aphid is and recognizing its appearance is quite simple:

  • colonies of such an insect are visible to the naked eye - they are located on the shoots of the plant, on the underside of the leaves;
  • the affected parts of the plants are covered with honeydew - a sticky liquid secreted by aphids;
  • the leaves of the plant are twisted, dry up, the flower buds do not open, the fruits stop in their development.


Fighting such a pest is extremely difficult, because insects multiply very quickly, creating numerous colonies. Aphids can be removed by hand, washed off with a hose with a powerful water jet. In the neighborhood of horticultural crops subject to aphid attacks, it is recommended to plant onions and garlic that repel this pest.

Of the natural predators of aphids, ladybugs, some types of wasps, hover flies, lacewings and small birds eat aphids. To attract such rescuers, it is recommended to plant fragrant herbs, green manure and nettles on the site. Birds and insects may not ensure the complete destruction of pest colonies, but their help will not be superfluous.

Folk methods

An effective remedy for aphids is herbal decoctions and infusions. Although they are not chemicals, in high concentrations they can cause burns to the plant, and in addition to aphids, they are a danger to other types of insects. Therefore, it is recommended to use them carefully, having previously tested the action on a limited plot of land. The fight against aphids on fruit trees with plant solutions is recommended during the budding period, after flowering and before harvesting, no later than 2-4 weeks.

Garlic infusion

To prepare it, five cloves of garlic must be passed through a press, which must be insisted for 4-5 days in half a liter of water, then combined with 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil and a teaspoon of liquid soap. The resulting preparation should be sprayed with aphid-affected plants.

Chamomile infusion

100 grams of dried chamomile inflorescences and leaves insist in 1 liter of water for 12 hours. Spraying should be done in a ratio of 1:3 with the addition of 4 grams of soap for each liter of infusion.

Dandelion infusion

200 grams of roots and 400 grams (during its flowering) insist in a bucket of water for about 4 hours.

Tobacco infusion

In 5 liters of water, 200 grams of dried and crushed tobacco leaves should be infused for 2 days. Bring the volume of the drug to 10 liters, strain.

Coniferous infusion

Soak 1 kg of pine needles for 24 hours in 4 liters of water.

Potato infusion

Grind 1 kg of potato tops, insist for 3 hours in a 10-liter bucket of water.

Soap and tops of tomatoes against aphids

A common remedy for aphids - vegetable oil and soap, the viscous consistency of which, in combination with the enveloping properties of the oil, interfere with the respiratory process of the insect. Plants should be sprayed in the evening hours every few days.

An infusion of crushed tomato leaves (2 cups) is considered quite effective, which are recommended to be soaked overnight in water (2 cups). The resulting infusion must be filtered, poured into a container, from which the unwanted guest should be sprayed.