Color therapy meaning colors. Color therapy - color treatment options. Color therapy in Ayurveda

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In ancient India, color treatment has been practiced since time immemorial. There were no artificial light sources in the conventional sense at that time. Therefore, it was necessary to use the sun's rays, placing colored glasses or dyed fabrics on their way to the human body.

In Europe, scientific research on the therapeutic effect of color effects began only in the middle of the 19th century, and it is associated with the names of the French physicians Poto, Juard, Poegue and Pleasanton. Their work has attracted the attention of European doctors of various specialties. And since then, interest in color therapy has not waned.

It all started with the treatment of neuralgic disorders. After observing the pain-relieving properties of sunlight through a blue filter, and Poeg’s observations of the same property of violet, color therapy became scientific. At the beginning of the twentieth century, many Russian and German therapists confirmed the results of observations of French colleagues on the therapeutic effect of colored rays on the course of various diseases. So for the modern Western scientific world, the most ancient remedy was revived, which has long been part of the arsenal of therapeutic techniques of the healers of the East.

Each color has different meanings in its own way. Color affects our thoughts, social behavior, health and relationships with people. The language of color - when you learn to understand it - will explain a lot to you and help you solve your problems. With the help of this knowledge, you will become wiser, improve your health and get rid of ailments.

Red (pathogen)

The area of ​​red in the body is associated mainly with the genitals and reproductive organs, as well as with sexuality. Since ancient times, primitive people have associated red with vitality. It symbolizes the energy and power of creation.

Psychologically, red can promote growth or cause destruction.

The red color has a strong cleansing effect; he will relieve you of melancholy and drive away negative emotions, heal your psyche and body. Muscles also respond to red. It helps to relax stiff limbs and joints, especially the legs, and is useful for paralysis.

The color red is warming and should be used by those prone to colds and needing warmth. Helps to stop the inflammatory process. However, overuse of red can cause irritation and complications of the disease.

If you feel sluggish or unwilling to tackle difficult but necessary tasks, working on your visual representation of red will give you strength.

Red is optimistic. He has energy and pressure, pushing to accomplish great things. Red is the color of strong people, it personifies perseverance and will, vigor and fun. However, if you have high blood pressure, it can worsen your condition and cause anger and irritation.

If you are excited or, on the contrary, get tired quickly, constantly want to sleep, try decorating the room in which you work with something red. Buy red roses, hang a picture in red in front of your eyes, or just put a bright red folder on the table. This will immediately improve your mood, put your nerves in order, increase your efficiency and vitality.

Orange (creator)

Orange color is useful for any disturbances in the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, heals the kidneys and bladder, and stimulates the adrenal glands. When a threat arises, the adrenal glands produce adrenaline, which instantly enters the bloodstream and forces them to act quickly to avoid danger.

Orange is the color of the harvest, the fruits of the earth, grown under the rays of the sun. It stimulates the appetite.

It is the color of action, enthusiasm and freedom that will help you rebuild your life when everything seems to be smashed to smithereens: you are experiencing grief, divorce, bereavement, shock.

People suffering from lung, heart and endocrine diseases should definitely get orange curtains. The body will respond to this color with great health. And if you hang them in your bedroom, you will forget about sexual dysfunction.
This color is good during menopause, as it balances the hormonal state. It helps with infertility and helps to cleanse mucus from any body system.

Orange is used to treat mental breakdowns and depressive conditions. It helps to get rid of obsessive fears and strengthens morale.

Orange encourages going forward. Working with this color, a person instinctively gropes for the right path, regardless of his intellect. With the energy of orange, you will become the mistress of your destiny.

Yellow (sociability)

The yellow color affects the solar plexus, which is associated with the liver, gallbladder, spleen and stomach. Thus, the area of ​​yellow color extends to the entire digestive tract. It is good for the skin and nervous system, improves vision.

Yellow is a wonderful "orderly". It tones and detoxifies the entire body, helps relieve constipation, controls weight, as it promotes the movement of bodily fluids, for example, stimulates the secretion of gastric juice necessary for digestion, controls perspiration, relieves swelling.

It is noticed that yellow color strengthens the central nervous system, promotes the desire to speak out, which relieves the soul and relieves obsessive thoughts.

Yellow color gives liveliness to the mind, helps to quickly assimilate information, promotes clarity and accuracy of thought, awakens curiosity. With the help of the energy of yellow, you can overcome all difficulties and use all the possibilities. This is the color of energetic people.

Vibrations of yellow are useful for lack of self-confidence or shyness. Yellow gives fun and joy. It can relieve depression and a gloomy outlook on life. This is the color of laughter.

Yellow is very diplomatic, full of composure, style and sophistication. This is the color of focus, so use it when you need to bring certainty into your life.

Green (manufacturer)

Green affects the heart as well as other organs located in the chest. He is the most harmonious and balanced of all the colors of the universe. This is an emotional indicator - if the balance of the green color is disturbed, pains in the heart arise, which may be the result of envy and jealousy. Green is conducive to wholeness and love. It is the color of emotional relationships. Since green helps to get rid of negative feelings, turn to it during stormy periods of life, it will calm and cool emotions. Green is directing. Therefore, it is used when you need to make a decision.

Green is the gateway to freedom, halfway rest, the color of friendships, it relieves negative emotions and stress, weakens anxiety and restores stability.

Green is the color of decision making. If you hesitate and hesitate, close your eyes and visualize green. He is very productive, especially in business. A characteristic feature of green is practicality. He disposes to generosity, brings comfort to the world.

Green is composed of yellow and blue. Yellow is the last color on the hot side of the spectrum, and blue is the first part of the cold side. Yellow brings clarity and blue brings wisdom. Together, they help you become aware of the events in your life. This is very important, because most of the diseases develop as a result of negative images of the past, from which it is necessary to get rid of.

Green loves harmony and balance: it is neither hot nor cold, neither active nor passive. This is the color of great change. Green helps with claustrophobia (fear of confined spaces) by expanding the space.

The color green is excellent for treating heart disease, relieving headaches, improving liver function, stabilizing blood pressure and calming the nerves. It is a wonderful tonic. It is in harmony with everything, therefore it is a healing color with a wide spectrum of action. Trees and grass - what could be the best color therapy for humans?

Blue color (truth seeker)

This is the color of the present - the era of Aquarius, the seeker of truth, who goes ahead in search of truth.

Blue represents the highest order of the mind. His strength lies in calmness and directness; usually diplomats have a blue aura. Sometimes blue craving means a desire for change.

The color blue helps with stress and anxiety, it can lower blood pressure. With its help, they relieve inflammation, stop bleeding, reduce pain in sciatica and stomach ulcers; it helps with urinary incontinence.

Blue is not helpful if you want to lose weight. It is noticed that he attracts overweight people, because he calms and encourages them to stay the way they are. Craving for blue is characteristic of weak, spineless people.

Blue brings peace and contentment. He emanates calmness, poise. It disposes to reflection, reminds of the need to rest and relax.

How many people suffer from insomnia and do not know what to read at night under a blue lampshade, then sleep will not take long. You can also hang a blue-and-blue patterned rug in the bedroom, the result will be the same.

Blue (spirit of justice)

The blue color facilitates the course of diseases of the endocrine system. In addition, it affects the skeletal system, especially the spine. The brain, eyes and sinuses are also treated in blue.

It is the most potent pain relieving color in the spectrum. It is able to reduce the effects of air, water and food pollution, as well as negative vibrations that are introduced into the subconscious. Since the field of its influence includes ears, eyes and nose, blue color is good for acute inflammation of the sinuses and catarrhal phenomena.

The blue color is used for bronchitis, asthma, for the treatment of lumbago, migraine, eczema, bruises and inflammations, in small doses - for hyperthyroidism and kidney disease.

Blue color can reveal addictions of any kind - to drugs, alcohol, cigarettes. Such bad habits usually indicate that something is wrong with a person. This color heals from painful memories, helps to cope with emotional turmoil, promotes inspiration; wonderful cleaner. Blue is the color of the fulfillment of desires and intuition. With its help, you can understand what you need to get rid of in life.

Purple (mastermind)

Physically, purple affects the pineal gland, located in the diencephalon. All mental orders come from here. Purple should be used with caution - it is a heavy color. Too much can cause depression. It is not recommended for the treatment of young children.

The color purple is very useful for any internal inflammation. It is also good for sciatica. Reduces skin rashes, weakens the heartbeat, helps with any disorders related to the head (for example, a concussion). Supports the immune system and may soothe shattered nerves. It is useful for fatigue and eye pain, soothes emotionally unstable people.

The color purple is very powerful. He carries the world, combining strength and softness. This is the highest energy of humanism, kindness and love. Absorb purple to reveal and release hidden possibilities. If you feel lonely or disconnected from life, imagine purple - it will protect you.

Since purple is a color that combines red and blue, it promotes the union of body and spirit. Sharpens vision and senses, but suppresses appetite.

Saturate yourself with all the colors of the rainbow

The World Health Organization has defined health as "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not just the absence of disease."

Bioenergy therapy as a health prevention deserves special attention in the modern civilized world. I have already told you more than once that new devices are being created that can see, measure and weigh the biofield, prana and many other "mystical" phenomena.

This, in turn, makes it possible to diagnose, for example, such a terrible disease as cancer at such an early stage that its treatment is reduced to simple bioenergetic procedures. After all, cancer is popularly considered simply the most powerful damage. And those miraculous cases of cancer recovery, described in medicine, are they nothing more than the removal of all the same damage? Maybe yes, maybe no. Science will answer this question very soon. And you and I have hope.

How easy it is to endure stress, heat, cold, bad ecology, negative external flows of energy, and also to control your own psyche.

Imagine that the nervous system can withstand a load of force, well, for example, 100 units, and you received stress (external shock) by 200 units. Where to get the missing energy to provide the nervous system to resist stress? If you have nowhere to take it, then you will get a disorder of the nervous system and a disease on the "nerve soil" (with a stronger blow, the metabolism, hormonal, immune systems, etc. may "fly out").

We must always have a reserve of vitality (or nervous energy) in order to cope not only with "bad weather", but also with our own fears, jealousies, resentments. Today we are going to learn to accumulate additional energy in our physical body.

Inside our spine are the foundations of energy centers (the so-called chakras), and the vortices of these centers go beyond the physical body. Chakras are both pumps of energies of different colors, and a kind of accumulators of these energies. Energy can also be stored and stored in the chakras. You should have a lot of energies of all colors of the rainbow:

1st chakra - tailbone - red,
2nd chakra - lower back - orange,
3rd chakra - solar plexus - yellow,
4th chakra - center of the chest - green,
5th chakra - throat - blue,
6th chakra - forehead - blue,
7th chakra - crown - purple.

How to take any energy out of the air and fill the energy centers with it? This can be done with your attention, imagination and breathing.

Enter a state of humility, send a smile to the whole world, read a prayer - this is your protection and a guarantee of a collection of pure energies.

Get into a comfortable position (sitting or lying in a quiet room with fresh air). Imagine red energy around you first, inhale, while exhaling, mentally put red energy in the coccyx area. Some may feel warmth in the coccyx, others will not feel anything - it doesn't matter, everyone has their own sensitivity (sensitivity).

Then move on to the orange energy - fill it in the lower back, kidneys and genitals. Yellow - in the solar plexus, green - in the chest, heart, etc.

After saturating the chakras with multi-colored energies, move on to a general set of energy. To do this, imagine around you the energies of the sun and the moon, silver, mix silver and gold sparks and draw them in while inhaling. As you exhale, fill the entire body (arms, legs, skin) and the space around the body with energy.

Create a mentally dense rainbow film (like a soap bubble). Imagine how it springs under the flow of external negative forces, and lets all the good, the good inside. At the same time, your soul is in a state of inner smile.

That's all. You are ready for any trouble!

Nowadays, modern medicine is paying more and more attention to unconventional methods of treatment that were investigated by ancient scientists. One of these treatments is color therapy.

Color therapy Is an effective technique for the effect of color on the human body. There are several types: emotional, physiological and optical. Scientists have shown that color treatment can cause physiological changes in the human body. The use of color and sunlight in color therapy does not completely heal, but significantly lifts the mood and brings a surge of energy. Each shade has supernatural power.

The influence of color therapy on humans has been proven empirically. It has been confirmed that physical impact on the body with saturated blue and red colors changes the human physiology. The red color makes you worry, respiration becomes frequent, nervousness appears, the rhythm of the pulse quickens, the work of the musculoskeletal system is stimulated. Blue, on the other hand, has a slowing effect. Orange and red - have an effect on the part of the brain that is responsible for hearing and vision. Therefore, the red tones excite and increase the volume of the noise. Blue and green shades are soothing and relaxing, thus softening sounds. Purple, dark gray and black are depressing and heavy colors that spoil the mood and make people depressed.

If we consider the influence of color in terms of optical impact, then we include here: optical effects, such as a rainbow, mirage, halo, aurora, etc .; and the illusion of color perception. The main property of our eyes is the ability to distinguish colors.

When color affects the human psyche, color affects our emotional state and feelings. For example, green is the color of calmness. It has a beneficial effect on tired, broken people, creating an atmosphere of comfort and serenity. But if you add a shade of yellow to green, it brightens up and becomes more active. Mixing blue and green colors gives the opposite result, the color becomes more strict, thoughtful.

Let's analyze the main colors in color therapy in order to understand the effect of color on a person.

Blue is the color of fate, faith and hope. The connection of the blue color with the sixth energy center ("third eye") gives the whole spectrum of information perception: clairvoyance, telepathy, dreaming, intuition. The influence of color is expressed in the form of positive changes associated with the respiratory system, nervous system, thyroid gland, cecum. Blue color rejuvenates, raises creative enterprise, is responsible for immunity. Dark blue adjusts to deep reflections, instills meekness and peace. Refusal of the blue color indicates a person's unpreparedness for relaxation. Subconsciously, he is afraid of serenity, from which he experiences fear that can lead to depression.

Light blue or blue tint, symbolizes innocence, purity, lightness. This heavenly color is responsible for the emotional side and has a calming effect on a person. For this reason, the influence of color on the human psyche is widely used in psychology and psychotherapy offices, when working with patients. Blue is easily perceived, therefore it causes a humbling effect on the body and favors harmony. This flavor also takes place in modern medical practice. The effect of color on the body helps to normalize blood pressure, is used for skin diseases. People who prefer blue are often optimists, easily find a common language with others, are open, dreamy, and friendly.

Love and passion, blood and fire are symbolic of the red tone. The meaning of color for most people is associated with sexuality, violent experiences, with emotional intensity, danger, fear. It is the color of an uncontrollable flow of energy that does not obey either the body or the mind. Red color gives confidence, vigor and activity. But don't go overboard with red. You need to know the edge, otherwise red will grow into aggression, hot temper. It is recommended in color therapy for ailments that arise against the background of physical fatigue, exhaustion of the body, and weakness. Red color stimulates blood circulation, prevents anemia, has a beneficial effect on the kidneys and liver.

Yellow is the color of good mood. It invigorates, energizes, warms, is the color of intellectuals. It has a good effect on memory, the creative process, and is aimed at optimism. The organs on which yellow acts are the stomach, gallbladder, nerves, lymphatic system, brain. It also has a cleansing effect on the liver and skin, on the digestive organs, activates the gastrointestinal tract, and promotes the secretion of bile. The meaning of color depends on the variety of shades of yellow and each of them affects the human body in its own way. The deep honey shade of yellow is exciting. Soft lemon disposes, raises the strength of the spirit. This color forms the main psychological need - social and spiritual development. Therefore, people striving for knowledge, for love and respect, for self-realization and development, and for realizing the meaning of life, choose yellow.

Mixing two colors: yellow, showing activity, and passionate red, gives an orange tone. The meaning of color characterizes the maturity of a person, energy and strength. Orange has a positive effect on the human psyche, allowing you to avoid stress in difficult situations. It is the color of self-motivated, positive and self-confident people. But, having spent the energy of orange, do not forget to restore stocks, as during this period laziness and apathy will come into their own. This shade strengthens the will to win, accelerates the activity of the endocrine glands, is responsible for the metabolic process, helps to strengthen lung tissue, is effective in diseases of the genitourinary system, increases appetite, and causes joy.

The color of life, movement, growth is green. This color has a large palette of shades and, depending on which tone is dominated by deep blue or bright yellow, it has different meanings in psychology. Restrained green relieves stress, dark cold shades of green cause apathy, depression, drowsiness. This tone is used in the treatment of claustrophobia. The soothing green environment makes it easier for clients to endure indoor color therapy. People who prefer green in clothes and interiors have a calm character, avoid quarrels and conflicts. Eastern sages believed that the effect of color on the body had a positive effect on human energy. These colors of life have a beneficial effect on the organs of vision, bronchi, complex organic substances in the body, the musculoskeletal system, and strengthen the muscles.

The ideal color, which has collected the entire palette of colors, is white. This color is perfect, there are no barriers for it, the potential is limitless. It inspires, gives freedom, awakens to life. White tone is often used in worship as a symbol of purity, faith, enlightenment and truth. White color therapy is permissible only in combination with other shades that are selected individually. This color helps with ailments of the endocrine system and organs of vision.

The influence of color on a person has been proven more than once by this shade. The color of grief, stiffness, longing is black. This is the color of passivity, denial, the messenger of the kingdom of darkness and death. Black keeps what he owns. The person who chooses this color is closed and does not allow strangers to penetrate into his personal space. It symbolizes completion, the end, therefore, with the advent of darkness, we are happy to dissolve into the night to gain strength, to give rise to something new. Black knows hidden knowledge, so he is able to control the situation and wants to rule. But, nevertheless, he feels the need for constant control of higher-level subjects.

Intense, deep, cold, calm and mysterious purple color. The meaning of color symbolizes masculinity, wisdom, common sense. Purple is easy to drown out with any shade, but its expressiveness and bottomlessness cannot be taken away. He is able to give a luxurious and festive look to the outfit, but he inspires and gives sensitivity to a person. This color binds together soul and flesh, material needs with mental needs. The shade of violet is inherent in healers, creative people, kings of the clergy. The effect of color on the body is recommended for people suffering from epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, concussion.

One of the most delicate shades is pink. All softness, femininity, tenderness and serenity are contained in this color. The influence of color gives calmness and reliability. Maybe that's why he is loved by sane and distrustful people who are afraid to stand out from the crowd. The pink color plays a dual game, on the one hand, the adult, mature consciousness of a person, on the other, the energy of a child. And only skillfully possessing them, a person is able to feel the joy of existence, to enjoy participation in this process, the name of which is life. The absence of pink in the mind of a person makes him insensitive, unable to appreciate the harmony of human souls, unable to solve problems. It is difficult for them to be free and charming, they do not know how to give happiness and joy.

The choice of color depends on individuality and character, so the influence of color on a person is of no small importance. The color palette affects both physiological processes and the human psyche. Having studied the impact of each shade, you can create the desired image, provoke specific feelings and emotions.

Color therapy or how color affects the human body (video):

Color therapy - treatment with color of various problems of both physical and psychological nature. It has long been proven that color can influence a person, improving his condition and leveling his energy. The most popular color therapy is in, but it also helps to cope with some physiological problems.

Color therapy in psychology

Scientists have proven that the energy of color is able to penetrate the body and stimulate the pituitary and pineal glands there. Thanks to this, hormones that affect physiological processes begin to be produced.

The meaning of colors in color therapy:

  1. Yellow helps to clear out negativity and show creativity. It improves the functioning of the digestive system.
  2. Green color in color therapy it is used to achieve inner harmony. It is also recommended for heart problems.
  3. Purple in color therapy promotes the acquisition of wisdom and allows you to penetrate into consciousness. Overuse can make a person arrogant. From a physiological point of view, purple purifies the blood and has a positive effect on bone tissue. Lilac color in color therapy has a similar effect, but it is considered a shade that affects the subconscious and sensuality.
  4. Red color in color therapy makes you feel safe and. It has a positive effect on the nervous and circulatory system. Minus color - increased human activity.
  5. Blue in color therapy is aimed at giving a person patience. Physiologically, it helps relieve muscle pain and reduce appetite. With frequent use, blue can provoke passivity.
  6. White color in color therapy it is considered positive and kind. It helps a person to stock up on energy, and it also increases mood. It has a positive effect on the nervous system, and also removes toxins.
  7. Pink color in color therapy it is used for relaxation, and it also evokes romantic feelings. It helps to get rid of stress, as well as to normalize the work of the heart.
  8. Orange color gives strength and energy, and it also has a positive effect on the human psyche. It is chosen by motivated and positive people. It improves the functioning of the endocrine glands and metabolism.
  9. Blue color in color therapy, it helps a person get rid of experiences, and he also contributes to the development of intuition. Use it during the treatment of rheumatism and tonsillitis.

In psychology, color therapy is often used to relieve stress, to correct behavioral reactions in children, to stabilize the emotional background and to solve many other psychological problems. Only knowing the meaning of colors, as well as their influence on the emotional sphere and psychological state, can you correct the correction correctly.

Psychosomatic aspect in the treatment of children

Each color has a certain wave. It affects those organs of the endocrine system that are responsible for the production of hormonal substances - the pituitary gland and the pineal gland. That is, the color gives a signal for intensive production, or to reduce the production of these substances.

Children are more impressionable, they are able to deeply perceive what they see. Therefore, the use of color therapy is one of the most effective ways to influence not only the psychological background of the child, but also the physiological state.

Features of the influence of colors on the child's body

  1. Red and its shades have a positive effect on getting rid of various dermatological problems. The parallel use of such rays together with yellow rays helps to eliminate problems with iron deficiency, depression, increases physical activity and endurance, and promotes active growth and weight gain in babies.
  2. Orange the spectrum is recommended for use in case of violations in the activity of the cardiac apparatus, with frequent diseases of the upper respiratory system. Orange rays directed to the area where the spleen is located are very effective for the treatment of flu and colds.
  3. Yellow is an indispensable aid for vision. It is easy to perceive and helps in correcting many ophthalmic problems.
  4. Blue has a positive effect on the psychological and mental state, helps in the correction of mental disorders, helps to relax the muscular apparatus of the organs of vision.
  5. Thanks to blue color decreases appetite, decreases the manifestations of skin problems - vitiligo, burns.
  6. By using green colors can calm down and relax, treat various phobias, in particular, the fear of confined spaces.
  7. Thanks to purple the spectrum can strengthen the natural protective functions of the body, balance the blood pressure indicators, and improve the emotional background.
  8. Pink color can be used to treat "childhood" diseases (chickenpox, measles, scarlet fever, etc.).

For a child, the most positive color combinations are blue, cyan and green. With their help, the child's psyche relaxes, the quality of sleep improves. That is why experts in the field of psychology recommend using just such a combination of colors when arranging a room for a child.

How to apply

There are two main methods of using color therapy - special and everyday. The special method includes the use of a certain range in clinics, as well as in specialized medical institutions in specially equipped rooms. Also, special methods of application involve: organizing a corner with a certain range in firms, in offices; the use of special cards by a psychologist or psychotherapist and deliberate concentration of attention on them.

Color therapy- color treatment at home involves the use of a certain range in the interior of the premises, clothing, accessories, the use of products of a certain color. According to many experts, both methods are effective.

Basic values ​​of the palette

Each color has its own vibration wave and its own information that distinguish our organs of vision. The following values ​​can be distinguished:

  1. Scarlet- warms, has a positive effect on the work of the circulatory and hematopoietic system, muscular apparatus. Promotes physical activity, helps to find a balance between emotions and thoughts.
  2. Orange gamma helps in the functioning of the digestive system, improves the activity of the upper respiratory system, promotes the production of hormonal substances that are responsible for positive emotions, helps to improve the functioning of the reproductive system.
  3. Thanks to yellow the shade appears confidence, determination, willpower.
  4. By using green palette, you can achieve pacification, optimism, harmony. The effect on the cardiac apparatus is especially positive.
  5. By using blue color, the functioning of the urinary system is improving, relaxation of the body and psyche is achieved.
  6. Thanks to blue color can reduce painful sensations, help in getting rid of bad habits.
  7. Impact purple gamma on the organs of the endocrine system helps to balance the hormonal background.

When treating with color therapy, a careful approach is required, since an excessive amount of flowers causes reverse reactions - instead of treatment, the disease worsens.

Impact of the green palette

Green is the most harmonious. It contains the following qualities: friendship, love relationships, generosity, prosperity, peace. There is a positive effect on the human body:

  • Helps to establish the work of the heart apparatus, auditory and visual apparatus;
  • Helps to reduce allergenic substances, prevents the development of the inflammatory process;
  • Improves the functioning of the organs of the urinary system;
  • Helps relieve headaches.

Also, green helps to eliminate psycho-emotional stress, eliminates the negative effects of prolonged and intense stress, is an assistant in making even the most difficult decisions, relieves negative emotions and thoughts. It is recommended to contemplate the natural color palette, it is much more effective than the artificial one.

Exposure to the yellow spectrum

The effect of yellow on the physiological side of the body is as follows: it improves the activity of the organs of the digestive tract, the solar plexus, liver and gallbladder, improves the quality of memory and attention. It also eliminates problems with the epidermis, kidneys, helps to remove toxic substances, thereby achieving healthy weight loss, improving metabolic processes.

Psychologically, yellow helps to overcome shyness, insecurity, depressive states, gives a positive emotional attitude, energizes the mind, gives refinement and concentration to nature, increases curiosity, and improves the emotional background. Yellow color helps to establish communication, makes it possible for a person to feel needed in society, self-actualize.

Applying white

This color is the personification of innocence, it symbolizes the transition from life to death. Psychologically, it helps to clear negative thoughts, emotions, attitudes.

Blue palette

Blue is an activator of intuitive thinking, contributes to the achievement of goals. This color relieves pain, helps to achieve healing from diseases of the organs of vision, hearing, problems with the bone apparatus, the spine, improves the therapeutic effect in eliminating problems with the organs of the endocrine and digestive systems.

Regulates blood pressure indicators, reduces the severity of the manifestations of the climacteric period, cleans the respiratory system from harmful substances, eliminates problems with the skin (bruises, abrasions, epidermal diseases).

Also, blue helps fight negative addictions. Psychologically, this spectrum makes it possible to improve the functioning of the brain, restores mental health, soothes, instills self-confidence, relaxes, instills a feeling of comfort and security, eliminates negative emotions, and is an inspirer.

Applying the red scale

Red has a positive effect on the general well-being of a person, on his psychological state. At the physiological level, it has the ability to:

  • Positively affect the work of the circulatory system, dilates blood vessels, prevents the appearance of congestion and blood clots, dilutes blood fluids, increases the production of red blood cells;
  • Increases the natural protective functions of the body, the level of hemoglobin, helps to achieve the maximum effect during various therapeutic procedures;
  • Regulates the activity of the liver;
  • Improves blood pressure, relieves colds, infectious processes in the body;
  • It activates the activity of the brain, increases blood circulation;
  • Promotes the restoration of immunity weakened for a period of diseases.

At the psychological level, red replenishes energy reserves in the body, gives self-confidence, energy, helps to get out of depression, apathy, melancholy.

Features of the use of pink, orange and purple

Delicate pink color is an assistant in the therapy of heart diseases, regulates the activity of the vascular system, eliminates depression, increases the rate of recovery from colds and diseases, relieves problems in the reproductive system, makes it possible to achieve pacification and physical relaxation.

Thanks to the orange spectrum, you can achieve a positive attitude and thinking. There is a positive effect on such internal organs: spleen, liver, gallbladder. Cleans the body of negativity, toxic substances, gives vigor, self-confidence, joy, helps a person to be reasonable, transforms negativity into positive, teaches us to accept our fate and all events in life and cope with difficulties as efficiently as possible.

Purple will surely please sentimental, emotional, romantic natures. It promotes weight loss, positively affects the organs of vision, the lymphatic system and immunity, improves heart rate, eliminates migraine attacks, helps fight skin problems - acne, acne, boils.

The use of color therapy in sessions with a psychologist

The human organs of vision perceive only red, blue and green colors, all the rest are shades that are assimilated after mixing the primary colors. If the eyes do not perceive any spectra, the person sees black.

In addition to the organs of vision, the skin and human organs are also able to pick up the vibration of colors. Thanks to this, a large number of techniques have been developed to help achieve physical and psychological health.

Among such methods of psychocorrection, one can single out: art therapy, staying in multi-colored rooms, wearing clothes of a certain color, an aromatic bath with the use of components for dyeing water. Contemplation of natural shades is also recommended - ponds, forest, grass, foliage, autumn and winter landscapes.

In addition, contemplation of paintings, flower arrangements, fire sources and artificial reservoirs is also recommended. Each shade has its own effect on the psychological and physiological background, helps to solve certain problems.

Color therapy, as a color treatment, also involves the use of techniques that include the use of special equipment to influence one color or another, depending on what kind of ailment needs to be cured.

Thanks to color therapy, you can achieve the maximum effect in the treatment of physical diseases and psychological negative conditions. You don't have to be a psychologist to use different shades correctly. It is enough to study their meanings.

Color therapy - color treatment options

The beneficial effects of color on the human body have been known since ancient times. For many centuries, many diseases were successfully treated in Egypt, China and India with color. History shows that even then there were special rooms with colored glass, stained-glass windows, allowing the sun's rays to be refracted into different colors. Even Avicenna prescribed to his patients the effect of certain colors, depending on the nature of the disease and the state of mind of the patients.

Color therapy - color treatment options

Now color therapy has become a very popular healing method. With its help, you can correct the disorders of both the soul and the body. The effect of color therapy is based on the fact that each of the biologically active zones of the body reacts to one of the colors. Penetrating into our body, elementary color particles - photons - cause certain biochemical reactions in tissues, stimulate important glands, generate hormones, and regulate metabolism.

The color wave hits the active receptor zones of the iris, then enters the brain and penetrates into all physiological structures. The famous Russian physiologist Professor S.V. Kravkov conducted many experiments on the connection of color vision with various organs. It was found that there is a relationship between the perception of color by the iris of the eye and the hypothalamus, which plays an integrating role in the physiological and mental functions of the body.

Professor Gloizman investigated the reactions by placing the subject in beams of different colors. Under red light, the pressure increased, the pulse quickened; after a three-hour stay in the red room, the patient, suffering from silent psychosis, cheered up, began to smile and asked for food. Green and blue irradiation led to a decrease in pressure, a decrease in heart rate (went down to the optimal physiological level). In the same way, red, orange and yellow have been shown to increase appetite, while blue, blue and purple, on the contrary, significantly reduce it. Cold colors help from high temperatures and acute diseases: blue, purple. Warm colors fight against the ailment caused by hypothermia of the body: yellow, orange, red. The red and yellow rays have shown interesting results in the treatment of apathetic and anemic children. They were expressed in an increase in the number of red blood cells, an increase in the child's weight, an increase in his activity and in an improvement in his mood.

An important step in the development of science was the works of American scientists Babbitt and Pleasanton, which describe the therapeutic effect of each color of the spectrum. So, Dr. Babbitt recommended to treat infertility with red, nervous disorders with blue, and use yellow as a laxative.

Each color has its own area of ​​"responsibility" in our body.

Red color increases blood pressure, quickens the pulse, promotes the activation of hematopoiesis and the normalization of metabolism. If you have a headache, place a red towel soaked in cold water over your eyes and lie down for a while. The red color improves blood circulation and increases the production of adrenaline, so that the spasm that causes the headache disappears after a while.

If your throat hurts, it is recommended to wear a red scarf. For skin diseases or rashes on the body (measles, scarlet fever, chickenpox), red is used to increase the rate of these rashes, thus facilitating and accelerating the course of the infection. Similar studies were carried out by the British scientists Down and Blount: they treated skin diseases and rickets in children. And this color also tones the muscles of the "frozen" limbs, motionless joints. Red increases your sex drive and sexuality, so consider getting red bedding or bedspreads in your bedroom. It also warms well. Red is needed for those who are prone to colds and need warmth.

Pink helps with insomnia. In addition, scientists have noticed that this color is able to break down subcutaneous fatty tissue, i.e. promote weight loss.

The effects of colors in the blue-blue spectrum were studied by the French physician Poeg. He treated neuralgic disorders with light filtered through blue and violet filters and found it to have excellent pain relieving properties.

The blue color is a very good anesthetic, therefore it is used for migraines, burns, bruises and inflammations. It is the strongest pain relieving color in the spectrum. Blue calms breathing, helps with asthma, bronchitis. It is believed that the blue color facilitates the course of diseases of the endocrine system. With a runny nose, a blue handkerchief is what you need - it perfectly helps with acute inflammation of the sinuses. Also, this color has a beneficial effect on the skeletal system, especially on the spine. Blue is recommended for women with menstrual irregularities and during menopause.

The color blue is also able to relieve pain and irritation, with its help, reduce inflammation and eliminate the burning sensation, for example, with sunburn, soothe pain in stomach ulcers. When injured, it is useful to look at the blue color - this will help stop the bleeding. People suffering from insomnia are advised to read at night under a blue lampshade, then sleep will come immediately. This color improves immunity, has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland. It also helps with urinary incontinence.

The purple color is useful for any internal inflammation, it normalizes the state of the lymphatic system. Flashes of violet soothe shattered nerves, relieve pain in the eyes and help with migraines. And purple dishes can reduce even the most "brutal" appetite.

The yellow color refers to the gastrointestinal beat. Therefore, it is used for disorders of the liver, gallbladder, spleen and stomach. This is confirmed by the studies of the scientist L.A. Kitaeva-Smyk: with abundant exposure to yellow, the subjects, first of all, found sensations in the abdomen and in the solar plexus region, and with various variations with this color, they experienced secretion of gastric juice, with vibration - nausea.

If you are dieting or suffering from malnutrition, take care of some yellow detail in your everyday life: a glass and a plate at home, napkins or a mug when you have a snack at work. Yellow relieves constipation, with its help you can control weight, because it stimulates the secretion of digestive juices necessary for digestion. This color promotes the movement of fluids within the body, controls perspiration and relieves swelling. It also frees us from harmful toxins. In addition, yellow has a positive effect on the nervous system, increases intellectual abilities, improves memory, and promotes clarity and accuracy of thought. If you want your child to do well in school - solve problems with him with yellow hands and rulers, and let him teach poems on a yellow piece of paper.

The color green was used by the French physician Potto in the treatment of nervous diseases and various disorders. He believed that green works in those cases "when it is necessary to bring the mind and body into balance." Green strengthens the immune system, has a positive effect on the work of the heart, relieves headaches and dizziness. It is used as a tonic that can stabilize blood pressure and calm nerves. If you have suffered severe stress or nervous shock, you feel heaviness in your temples, even an ordinary green blanket or pillow will help you. Green promotes eye relaxation, has a mild anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect. Green is believed to expand space, so it can be treated for claustrophobia.

Light green raises the mood and increases the overall activity of the body - a person becomes more mobile and active. Thanks to him, it is much easier to establish social contacts and establish communication with others.

Orange has a beneficial effect on the adrenal glands, kidneys and bladder. It has an effect on the lymphatic system and helps to cleanse the body. Orange stabilizes hormones, so women are recommended to use it during menopause. He also helps with infertility. This color removes mucus and harmful substances from the body, is useful for endocrine diseases. And orange is also used to treat mental breakdowns and depressive conditions.

Silver color accelerates all processes of the body, and therefore it is useful for removing toxins, improves metabolism and increases the overall tone of the body. Silver calms the nerves, reduces anxiety and soothes during nervous shocks.

The golden color also has a beneficial effect on the entire metabolism and improves hormonal functions.

Black and white are neutral colors, so their effect on the body is insignificant. It is only known that a large amount of black strongly suppresses, introduces into a state of confusion. But white is able to reflect light as well as possible - solar and artificial. Already many scientists and doctors advise using sun or light baths to boost immunity, generally improve mood, and fight autumn and winter depression. Therefore, when you want to "heal" with light, try to have as much white as possible in the space around you. An impromptu tent made of white sheets and white clothes on you is best suited for this.

Color treatment. How to apply colors in practice?

1. Wear the correct color clothing. Also, at home or on vacation, you can wrap yourself in colored sheets, towels or bathrobes. You can find colored glasses - walk around in them at home or just lie down for a while with a bandage over your eyes.

2. Use colored water. You need to drink it if you are worried about internal diseases, or wash and take baths. You can “charge” the water by processing with a colored lamp, pouring it into a colored bottle, and salt or food coloring is suitable for the bath.

3. Create a "colored interior". Pick up bedspreads, carpets, furniture covers, tablecloths and accessories - something that you can quickly put away or put down at any time. You can hang windows with colored curtains or hang a translucent colored lampshade.

4. Irradiate with colored rays. With this method of exposure, it is possible to irradiate both the whole body as a whole, and its individual parts or organs that need treatment. For irradiation, use lamps with colored glass or films, colored lamps or candles in colored glass cups.

5. Eat foods of a specific color. If you need the energy of red - eat tomatoes; if you want to calm down with purple - buy eggplants; if you feel that you lack green - lean on cucumbers. Sometimes it happens that you really want to eat something specific - think about it, it is quite possible that your body does not have enough "energy" of this particular color, and it has a real need for this product. So do not deny yourself such impulses.

6. Try meditating with color. Relax, concentrate and start imagining a large amount of a certain color, imagine how it first surrounds you, then gradually fills your body.

All health and excellent mood!