Tomato juice from homemade tomatoes for the winter. Tomato juice with onions and bell peppers. Tomato juice with spices and garlic

Tomatoes - one of the most useful fruits. They contain acids that are so necessary for metabolic processes. They are useful for anemia, cardiovascular diseases, and loss of energy. Freshtomato juice , made from tomatoes, is rich in magnesium, potassium, calcium and sodium. There is a lot of controversy about how many beneficial vitamins remain in tomato juice after conservation. But my task is not to discuss this topic.

That's why will share with you

a recipe for making tomato juice ortomato puree at home

so that you say thank you to the caring sun and your skillful hands in winter. After all, the applicationcanned tomato juice in the household it is unlimited - you can make a dressing for borscht or main courses and just drink a glass of juice for pleasure.

Tomato juice ortomato puree can you toto preserve with or without spices

Tomato juice recipes from Nadezhda

11 kg. We need tomatoes (the output is 4 kg. of finished tomato, but this is provided that you will boil tomato juice for several hours to get a thick tomato mass, I usually don’t cook for so long):

700 grams of sugar175 grams of salt1 tablespoon vinegar essenceOr 275 grams of 9% vinegarA few cloves of garlic½ teaspoon ground red pepper30 grains of allspice6-10 clove buds3.5 teaspoons of cinnamonAdd nutmeg if desired

Canned tomato juice without spices

For a tomato, you need to choose well-ripened, unspoiled fruits. Wash them, cut and grind them in a meat grinder or juicer. Boil the ground tomato in an enamel or stainless steel dish (aluminum is oxidized), stirring continuously with a wooden spoon. Do not fill the saucepan with the tomato to the top, because it foams a lot when boiling. Cook the tomato paste quickly, over high heat for half an hour, then reduce the heat, add salt and sugar to taste. The cooking time should not exceed 45-60 minutes (it depends on what consistency you want to get tomato juice: if for drinking, cook for a short time, if you want to get tomato paste, then boil the tomato mass by a third).

Tomato juice without spices can be closed without sterilization. Only you need to pour it hot into sterilized dry and hot jars and immediately roll up the lid.

Store in a cool place at a temperature of 10-12 degrees.

The easiest tomato juice recipe

Choose fleshy tomatoes that have virtually no seeds. If you have a juicer, this is the most the best way for making tomato juice, because when you grind tomatoes in it, the seeds are automatically sifted out. You can also twist the tomatoes in an electric meat grinder. Put the chopped tomatoes to cook in an enamel bowl, after boiling, boil for 15-20 minutes, stirring constantly. Do not add any spices. Pour boiling tomato juice into sterilized jars and cover with lids.

Store in a cool place at a temperature of 10-12 degrees.

Canned Tomato Juice with Spices

With spicestomato juice close in this way. Prepare and boil the tomatoes as in the unspiced tomato recipe. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add sugar and salt. After a while, when it dissolves, add vinegar essence and spices and boil for another 2-3 minutes. If you like a spicier tomato, add more spices to your taste. Then the tomato juice is poured into sterilized jars and rolled up with lids.

Tomato juice, like fresh

If you want to keepin tomato juice morevitamins , you can close it in another way. Bring ground tomato juice to a boil, 95 * C, but do not boil, pour hot into prepared jars and sterilize: liter - 20-25 minutes, 2 - 25-30 minutes, 3 - 30-40 minutes.

Tomato juice is so popular for a reason. If ordinary fruit juices it is desirable to eat only as a drink, then tomato is very often used in cooking.

It is great for soups, stews, as a dressing for stewing meatballs, cabbage rolls, potatoes, fish. Therefore, many housewives love him.

Preparation for harvesting

To make homemade tomato juice for the winter, you need to choose the right tomatoes. Sweet, juicy and always red tomatoes are best suited. Unripe fruits will give the juice bitterness and acidity. Do not choose lettuce tomatoes, they are very fleshy and contain little juice.

In no case do not take overripe tomatoes for tomato juice, they are poorly stored, and the taste will more resemble sour tomato paste.

To determine how much tomato you need, use a 1: 1.5 ratio (one and a half kilograms of tomato per liter of finished product). For classic recipes usually only tomatoes and salt are used, but you can brighten the taste by adding garlic, celery, onions, cinnamon, cloves, Bell pepper and other components of your choice.

Tomato juice for the winter without sterilization

For cooking, you need to use a juicer. You will need the following ingredients:

  • 9 kilograms of tomatoes;
  • 100 grams of sugar;
  • salt to taste.

The option of making tomato juice for the winter through a juicer is very simple. Rinse tomatoes under running water, cut out the middle. Next, cut the tomatoes into 2 pieces and pass them through a juicer. Pour the gruel into the prepared dish and set to cook. After the juice has boiled, it is necessary to grind it with a sieve, add salt and sugar, and put it on the fire again. Boil for 5 minutes over low heat. We pour it hot into sterile jars, roll it up. Using the same recipe, you can prepare tomato juice for the winter through a meat grinder.

Tomato puree with pulp

Very tasty preparation for the winter, reminds tomato sauce... It can be used to prepare a variety of dishes, and can also be added to ready-made food instead of ketchup or sauce. Suitable for meat and fish dishes, side dishes and gravies. Prepared with a blender.

To make tomato puree you need only 2 ingredients:

  • Tomatoes;
  • Salt.

Selected fresh tomatoes must be washed and tails removed. Next, cut them into small pieces so that they fit easily in a juicer blender. Grind to make a homogeneous puree. Pour the puree into a suitable saucepan and place on the stove. When the foam rises, remove it with a slotted spoon, and leave the mass to cook over high heat for 25 minutes.

Choose tall dishes for mashed potatoes, as the foam will rise rapidly. And your stove will stay clean.
To sterilize the jars, scald them with boiling water or keep them in the microwave for 5 minutes at maximum power. An indication that the juice has cooked will be a change in the color of the froth from white to red. After that, remove the puree from the stove, salt and pour into the jars. After seaming, we wrap the cans in a blanket and keep it until it cools completely.

Tomato juice in a slow cooker

This method of preparing tomato juice for the winter is probably the easiest. You do not need to constantly stand over the pan so that the foam does not run away and constantly stir the contents.

To prepare the juice, you will need the following ingredients:

  • tomatoes (the amount depends on the capacity of the multicooker);
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • granulated sugar.

Wash the tomatoes and cut the tails. Checking for any damage. Now they need to be cut and chopped in a food processor. Do not worry that the peel remains on the tomatoes, it will completely grind, and you will not even feel it. But, the fiber contained in the peel will remain. Pour all the resulting juice into the multicooker bowl, add salt, granulated sugar and pepper, mix. We set the "quenching" mode on the multicooker and leave for 40 minutes. Wash the cans and sterilize them. We fill them with the resulting tomato product and roll them up. Further, as usual, we leave for a day under a blanket to cool completely. Store in a cool place.

Tomato juice with pepper

Many people like to combine tomatoes with bell pepper... The juice from these vegetables is unusual and aromatic. Only red bell peppers and juicy ripe tomatoes should be chosen.

The ingredients indicated in the recipe are calculated for 3 liters of ready-made juice. So, we need:

  • 4 kilograms of tomatoes;
  • 600 grams of bell pepper;
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • 3 pcs. allspice;
  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons of granulated sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of kitchen salt.

Wash the tomatoes and peppers and clean them of seeds and stalks. We pass the vegetables through a juicer, and the resulting juice is transferred to a prepared pan. We put it on fire, and put the prepared spices (except for salt and sugar) in a gauze bag and throw it into a saucepan. So, the juice will completely absorb the aroma of spices, and then nothing will need to be caught. After boiling, add salt and sugar, and leave to cook for 15 minutes over low heat. In the meantime, we are preparing the banks. We turn off the stove, throw out the bag of spices, and start pouring the juice hot into sterilized jars. For 24 hours, keep the juice wrapped in a blanket, and then move it to a cool storage room.

Tomato juice with celery

By adding celery to the juice, you can make it even healthier and tastier. For such an interesting piece for the winter you will need:

  • 1 kg of tomatoes;
  • 3 stalks of celery;
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon of ground black pepper.

Be sure to wash the tomatoes and cut the tails. We use a juicer to make juice from them.

If you don't have a juicer, you can mince the tomatoes and then grind them through a sieve. It will take more time and effort, but the result will be the same.

Pour the liquid into an enamel pot and bring to a boil. Add coarsely chopped celery and bring to a boil again. Then all this must be grated through a sieve or chopped with a blender. We put it on fire again, and turn it off as soon as the mass boils. Pour into sterilized jars and roll up.

Tomato paste juice

Such a recipe can help out when there is no way to make blanks. You just need to take a responsible attitude to the choice tomato paste... Very often in the composition of this product you can find harmful additives... So take only tomato paste that contains only tomatoes, salt and water.

For cooking we need:

  • Water.
  • Tomato paste.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

For 1 liter of water, you will need 4 tablespoons of tomato paste. Just mix everything together, adding spices to taste. If this amount of tomato paste seems insufficient to you, you can add more.


Now we have clearly seen how to prepare tomato juice for the winter. The cooking options are quite simple, so after spending a little time, you can get a product that will be many times tastier and cheaper than the purchased one. And most importantly, vitamins and other useful elements will remain in tomato juice for the winter.

Many housewives harvest tomatoes for the winter in different types, and after all they think about tomato juice. That is, an excess of tomatoes is already being used for juice.

But there are true connoisseurs of tomato juice, for whom winter is unthinkable without this drink. Such connoisseurs understand that there can be many types of tomato juice; you can roll up a mixture of tomato juices and other components. In this case, we get a whole range of unexpected tastes.

And the juice made at home, with your own hands, will be incomparably tastier than the store counterpart. Moreover, there are practically no variations there. And your own, home, will have a completely different look and taste.

Let's actively harvest tomato juice for the winter. It contains the necessary vitamins, and it is so pleasant to drink tomato juice, thick, sharp and aromatic on winter days. And it is much more useful than swallowing pharmaceutical vitamin preparations.

Banks for storing juice are thoroughly washed, sterilized and dried.

Tomato juice for the winter, a basic recipe


1. Washed tomatoes, put in a saucepan, pour cold water... Water must cover them completely.

2. Cook slowly until the tomatoes are soft. After that, we wipe them through a fine sieve, discard all the skins.

3. We boil the resulting juice so that it loses 1/3 of its original volume.

4. Pour into hot sterile jars while it is still boiling and roll up.

Juice prepared in this way costs several years. Before drinking, add some salt to it.

Tomato juice prepared with pulp


Ripe tomatoes, 1.2 kg

Salt, 2 tsp

1. We will not boil such juice, but we will have to undergo a sterilization procedure.

2. Put the washed tomatoes in a colander and immerse them in boiling water for 1-2 minutes. Taking out, in the same way we bathe them in cold water... This is all in order to remove the skin. Indeed, after this contrasting bathing, it can be removed easily.

3. Crush undressed tomatoes with a wooden crush, then rub through a sieve. Collect the wiped mass in glass or enamel dishes, and then filter it through several layers of gauze.

4. You can add salt to the juice, or you can leave it as it is. We pour the juice into the jars and sterilize them. The larger the jar, the longer the process. At the end of sterilization, we roll up the jars and turn them over.

Tomato juice from yellow tomatoes


Yellow tomatoes in the proportion: 1½ kg of tomatoes for 1 liter of juice

Salt (optional)

Sugar (optional)

1. Pass the tomatoes through the juicer. As a last resort, grind them in a meat grinder, and then wipe them through a metal sieve.

2. Pour the juice into an enamel pan and set to heat. After waiting for a boil, cook for 15 minutes, remove the foam.

3. If you wish, add salt and sugar to the juice. Pour into jars and roll up. Turn it over, put it on the lid and wrap it up - let it freeze.

Tomato juice with vinegar


Overripe tomatoes, bright color, 1 kg

Vinegar 8%, ½ tbsp

Salt, ½ tsp

Sugar, 1 tbsp

1. Wash tomatoes and cut into pieces, rub through a sieve. To speed up the process, you can use a juicer.

2. Filter the resulting juice through cheesecloth, in several layers, add sugar, salt and vinegar.

3. Pour the juice into a saucepan and set to heat. Bring it almost to a boil, but do not allow it to boil.

4. Pour the juice into hot jars and sterilize for 10-15 minutes. Store in a cool place.

Tomato juice with spices and garlic


Bright red tomatoes, 11 kg

Garlic, several cloves

Salt, 175 g

Sugar, 450-700 g

Vinegar essence, 1 tbsp (or vinegar 9%, 275 g)

Cinnamon, 3½ tsp

Cloves, 6-10 buds

Ground red pepper, ½ tsp

Allspice, 30 peas

Nutmeg, on the tip of a knife

1. Pass the tomatoes through a juicer, getting the juice clean, without seeds and skins.

2. Put on fire in an enamel saucepan, heat, then cook for ½ hour.

3. Continue to cook quietly, reducing heat. Throw sugar, salt into the juice, cook for 5-10 minutes; throw in spices, garlic, vinegar.

4. Cook for another 10-20 minutes, roll up in cans.

Tomato juice with onions and bell peppers


Tomatoes, 1 bucket

1 onion

Garlic, 3 wedges

Bulgarian peppers, 3 pieces

1. Remove the skin from the tomatoes, subjecting them to blanching for this purpose for 1-2 minutes, and then bathing in cold water for the same time.

2. Cooking vegetables: remove the core from the peppers, cut them, onion and garlic into pieces. We pass everything together through a juicer (replacing it with a meat grinder, followed by wiping and filtering).

3. Put on fire in an enamel saucepan, heat, then cook for 10 minutes.

4. Pour into hot cans and roll up.

Tomato juice with celery, delicious and healthy


Tomatoes, 1 kg

Celery, 3 petioles

Salt, 1 tbsp

Ground black pepper, 1 tsp

1. For this recipe, thorough container sterilization is critical.

2. Squeeze the juice out of tomatoes using a juicer.

3. Bring the juice in an enamel saucepan to a boil.

4. At this time, cut the celery into pieces and throw into the juice.

5. Again, we wait until it boils, and filter the juice through a sieve. After that, boil it again and roll it up in hot cans.

Tomato juice with dill and bell pepper


Juicy and ripe tomatoes, 10 kg

Dill with umbrellas, 1 bunch

Bulgarian peppers, ½ kg

1. We sort out the vegetables, reject the damaged ones, wash them.

2. We pass both tomatoes and peppers through a juicer. Pour the juice into an enamel pan.

3. We put it to warm. When it boils, throw in the dill, salt and sugar, cook the juice for 30-40 minutes.

4. Pour boiling juice into jars and roll up. We turn over and wait until it cools down. We keep it cool.

Tomato juice with cloves and bay leaves


Tomatoes, slightly overripe, 14 kg

Bay leaves, 2-3 pieces

Sweet peppers, 2-3 pcs

Black pepper, 5-6 peas

Carnation, 5-6 buds

1. Prepare the peppers and tomatoes properly and squeeze the juice out of them using a juicer.

2. Put the juice on the fire to warm. When it boils, throw in the spices and salt.

3. Cook quietly for 5-7 minutes and roll up.

Tomato juice with apple and beetroot juice


Ripe tomatoes, 2 kg

Beet juice, 200 ml

Homemade apple juice, freshly squeezed, 1 l

1. Wash the tomatoes and blanch. Cut into slices and squeeze out the juice. We use a juicer or wipe the tomato slices through a sieve.

2. Pour the beetroot and apple juice into the resulting tomato juice, set on fire.

3. Pour boiling juice into cans, preheat them, and roll them up.

Tomato juice with basil


Red tomatoes, slightly overripe, 4-5 kg

Salt, 1 tbsp

Sugar, 1 tsp


1. Squeeze juice from tomatoes. A juicer works best. If it is not there, then you will have to grind the tomatoes in a meat grinder and wipe the mass.

2. Collect the juice in an enamel pan, heat it and make it boil for 20 minutes. At this time, put basil, sugar and salt in it. In the absence of fresh basil, you can replace it with dried one.

3. Pour the juice into hot jars and roll up. We put the jars on the lids and wrap them well with a blanket. Let it cool down slowly.