Human papillomavirus (HPV): how does the disease manifest in men? HPV type 66 symptoms in women

Human papillomavirus type 66 is a variation of the papillomavirus, which is at a high risk of developing oncology. Getting into the body through unprotected sexual intercourse, the use of other people's hygiene products, this virus begins to mutate and as a result of which the tissues undergo pathology. This can be facilitated by the most harmless factors in the form of insufficient functioning of the immune system, the common cold, disruption of the hormonal system, stress and nervous disorders.

HPV 66 is dangerous because the virus can sleep in a woman's body for a long time without making itself felt. Its active manifestation and reproduction appears when there are infections in the woman's body, such as herpes, chlamydia and other diseases of the genital organs.

New growths that appear have a high risk of acquiring a cancerous form, often causing cervical cancer in women.


When infected with a virus, the patient may be disturbed by the characteristic symptoms:

If this symptom bothers a woman, she should immediately see a specialist. Also, the patient must protect her partner from infection, because, as noted earlier, most often HPV 66 infection occurs through sexual contact.

As you can see, genital warts give rise not only to aesthetic defects, but also bring unpleasant painful sensations, which are increasingly difficult for a woman to put up with. After all, the resulting growths in intimate places affect the vulva, urethra, vagina, cervix, perineum first of all.

But the most dangerous characteristic manifestation of HPV type 66 in women is a precancerous condition of the cervix. In medicine, this condition is called cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, the third stage of which is considered the beginning of a terrible disease.

Development phases

66 strain belongs to sexually transmitted viruses. The probability of infection in this way is more than 60%. Naturally, with a large number of sexual partners, infection with this virus increases significantly.

Three months is the average period from infection to the development of HPV 66. Although there is a pattern that this period can last for several years. For example, a woman could have contracted the virus several years ago, and he could have manifested itself in the form of cervical dysplasia only recently. Due to such a long phase, it becomes impossible to determine the exact onset of papillomavirus infection.

The process from infection with a virus of this type and the onset of development of cervical cancer can even take tens of years. It is a gradual process from minimal genital mass to clinically evident cervical cancer.

In addition to subsequently contracting unprotected sex, infection is possible from an HPV-infected mother to a child during childbirth. But this risk is called minimal, and it is only one percent.

Type of risk and threat of pathologies

As noted earlier, HPV type 66 poses a great threat to a woman's health, since with a long existence in her body, this virus can stimulate the appearance of a precancerous or cancerous condition of the cervix. This happens due to the fact that the papillomavirus, after entering the woman's body, begins to block the work of special proteins that are responsible for resisting viruses and tumors.

Thus, these proteins can no longer sufficiently resist the virus and engage in the fight against unwanted microorganisms. Also, the penetrated virus does not allow proteins to resist the development of various kinds of tumors. Subsequently, the protective purposes of the body are also not fulfilled enough, the body weakens, which provokes dysplasia of the cervix.

This stage is not yet so dangerous, because with dysplasia, normal healthy cells are transformed into precancerous ones. But if you do not pay attention to this, do not follow the specified treatment, or independently, without the consent of a specialist, apply therapy, then soon a precancerous condition may contribute to the appearance of cervical cancer.

It has been scientifically proven that cancer of the cervix arose against the background of HPV in more than 90% of women. The same risk exists for women whose close relatives have had a similar diagnosis or other cancers. The danger is that for such women, in the presence of a virus, the likelihood of such a diagnosis is significantly increased.

Cervical dysplasia subsequently infected with this virus is facilitated by certain factors: the duration of the use of hormonal agents and intrauterine devices, repeated childbirth, hypervitaminosis, HIV infection, frequent change of sexual partners, dependence on smoking.

A significant risk of developing precancerous cells in a woman's body is also the onset of sexual activity at an early age, because by that time the genitals are not yet sufficiently formed.


A woman should be very attentive to her health, therefore you need to undergo a preventive examination by a gynecologist at least once every six months. Thanks to this, the fair sex will be able to identify in advance unwanted problems with intimate health and quickly eliminate them.

If, nevertheless, the human papillomavirus gave rise to the development of dysplasia, and there is its slightest suspicion, then the specialist will first prescribe a number of some studies: smear, scraping from the affected area of ​​the cervix, blood test, biopsy.

Thanks to the above range of analyzes, the doctor will be able to tell in detail about the disease - to confirm the presence or absence of 66 HPV types, the stage of the disease and choose the right therapy.

Today, the modern and most accurate method for determining the type of virus and its oncogenicity is using the Digene test. If cervical dysplasia is at the initial stage, in a precancerous state, then it can be successfully treated, the main thing is not to delay treatment and quickly proceed to all the doctor's recommendations. Otherwise, if you start the disease, things can be much more serious.

Treatment features

Unfortunately, today a single universal remedy for the papilloma virus does not yet exist, since its complete elimination from the body is impossible.

Since there are no effective means in the fight against the DNA of the virus, only its consequences - neoplasms and tissues with cellular changes - can be treated. Therefore, as a therapy, patients are prescribed treatment that eliminates the symptoms and fights against their consequences.

The first thing doctors do is to boost the immune system. Indeed, in most cases, with strong immunity, this virus would not have manifested itself.

Since the type 66 virus can provoke a precancerous condition in a woman's body, it will be effective to use several methods to eliminate it- removal of the growths directly, the use of antiviral drugs and the appointment of immunomodulators.

The effectiveness of treatment is achieved in a combination of these methods. But, in order to exclude the transformation of neoplasms into a cancerous form, first of all, they are removed using laser therapy, radio wave therapy, electrocoagulation, cryodestruction, and the use of surgical excision.

In the treatment of the papilloma virus, antiviral drugs are also taken. Among them, "Allokin-alpha" has proven itself well - it helps to destroy the virus, and also stimulates the immune system.

The use of "Epigen intim-spray" will be reasonable just in the presence of the 66 virus strain in the body. It is not only a medicinal agent that resists the virus and reduces itching in the genital area, but is also effective in the prevention of this disease.

Panavir is also popular among medicines. It is produced in the form of a solution for injections, ointments, suppositories, and a spray. Effective enough in the fight against the virus.

Necessarily therapy also involves the use of immunomodulators, after all, the immune system under the influence of HPV is greatly reduced. Therefore, the doctor offers the patient the use of drugs that increase the immune system, among them: "Likopid", "Groprinosin", "Polyoxidonium", "Immunomax" and a lot of other means.

Such treatment in pregnant women is not carried out so as not to expose the child to harmful substances. But after childbirth, treatment must be resumed without fail.

All of the above methods give high results only at an early stage of the disease. If HPV gained momentum and provoked an already more severe form of dysplasia, then the woman undergoes cervical conization or extirpation, followed by therapy.

Severe dysplasia caused by HPV type 66 provides for long-term inpatient treatment and subsequent rehabilitation of the body.

After all the treating manipulations and operations, the patient should be examined by a gynecologist once every three months for a year and twice the next year after therapy, in subsequent years a visit to this specialist is reduced to one visit per year, unless, of course, the woman is worried about intimate health.

How to avoid infection?

Prevention of this disease is not difficult or impossible. All that is needed to avoid infection with a similar virus: follow a healthy lifestyle, eat the right food, give up intimate relationships with frequent changes of sexual partners, use only personal hygiene products.

Remember, in order for the virus to enter your body, only one contact is enough. Therefore, in public places in the form of swimming pools, saunas, ask in advance whether disinfection is carried out there.

The widespread spread of this virus pushed scientists to develop a special vaccine that can protect women from the effects of HPV types in the future. The vaccine is used in 3 stages in adolescence, the main condition is the lack of experience in sexual activity.

All recipes for the treatment of papillomas of type 66 help get rid of the external manifestation of the virus and remove its symptoms, but it is very difficult to cure this disease completely. But doctors are not powerless and a woman can also help to bring her health back to normal.

Remember that neglect of your health can lead to drastic actions, such as the inability to give birth to a child. And to prevent this from happening, you need to undergo preventive examinations in a timely manner, lead a healthy lifestyle, maintain your immunity and follow the culture of sexual relations. And then the risk of a malignant virus appearing in a woman's body will be minimal, and life will become full!

HPV type 66 is a highly oncogenic type of papillomavirus, considered the main cause of cervical cancers in women. HPV 66 is transmitted in several ways, some time after infection, specific rashes appear on the skin and mucous membranes, which is associated with a violation of the cell division process.

What is the danger of human papillomavirus type 66

Infections caused by HPV 66 negatively affect the immune system, disrupting the production of proteins necessary to destroy infectious agents and cancer cells.

Under the influence of the virus, cervical dysplasia develops - a pathological condition that precedes cancer. At the next stage, a malignant transformation of cells occurs.

In addition to the high risk of developing oncology, type 66 HPV is dangerous with the following complications:

Reasons for the appearance

Papillomatosis refers to infections with a high level of contagiousness. Type 66 HPV is transmitted in the following ways:

  1. Sexual. Signs of the disease after intercourse may not appear, but this does not mean that infection has not occurred. HPV can remain inactive for a long time. Barrier methods of contraception do not protect against papillomavirus infection - the microorganism penetrates the pores of the condom.
  2. Contact and household. You can become infected with HPV even with a single use of someone else's hygiene products. Possible in public places - baths, saunas, swimming pools.

The development of the disease is facilitated by the activation of HPV, which occurs under the influence of the following factors:

  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • the presence of other sexually transmitted infections;
  • non-observance of the rules of personal hygiene;
  • long-term use of hormonal contraceptives, cytostatics, antibiotics;
  • the use of an intrauterine device;
  • abortion;
  • hormonal changes during pregnancy, lactation, menopause;
  • decreased immunity against the background of vitamin deficiency;
  • frequent stress;
  • alcoholic, nicotine or narcotic intoxication of the body.

Typical symptoms

All infections caused by papillomavirus type 66 are characterized by the absence of specific symptoms. Most of the infected are hidden carriers. However, with a decrease in immunity, the disease makes itself felt. A feature of this type of HPV is the ability to provoke the development of concomitant infections - candidiasis, gardnerellosis.

Regardless of the method of penetration into the body, papillomavirus type 66 in women contributes to the appearance of:

  • bloody vaginal discharge;
  • genital warts;
  • and burning sensation when urinating;
  • swelling of the mucous membranes;
  • pain during intercourse;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • pain and feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen.

The clinical picture of HPV infection in men includes:


Diagnosis of diseases caused by type 66 HPV involves the use of the following methods:

  1. Examination by a gynecologist. Allows you to detect specific growths and signs of malignant degeneration of the tissues of the cervix.
  2. Bacterial sowing. A diagnostic method that involves placing a sample on nutrient media and then studying it.
  3. Daigen test. Based on the detection of HPV DNA in human biological fluids. Provides detailed information about the virus present in the body.
  4. PCR study. A widespread method for the rapid diagnosis of papillomatosis. It is impossible to obtain complete information about the course of the disease with its help, because the analysis does not allow determining the concentration of HPV.
  5. ELISA. Based on the detection of specific antibodies in the blood of an infected person. Each phase of infection has its own type of immunoglobulins produced.
  6. Biopsy followed by histological examination. It is prescribed for suspected malignant degeneration of tissues.

Treatment methods

To eliminate diseases caused by papillomavirus type 66, both conservative and surgical techniques are used. The drug treatment regimen includes:

  1. Antiviral drugs (). Reduces the activity of the virus, prevents the spread of rashes and their reappearance.
  2. Cytotoxic solutions (Podophyllin). The agent has a cauterizing and antitumor effect. With regular use, the cells of the neoplasm are destroyed, over time it is rejected. The drug is not recommended to be applied to the mucous membranes of the vagina, cervix and rectum.
  3. 50% 2-chloropropionic acid. Treatment is carried out in a stationary setting. Before applying the drug, the affected areas are treated with alcohol. With spot use of the solution, the growths are rejected after 48–72 hours.
  4. ... It can be used to eliminate papillomatosis of the cervix. It is applied pointwise by means of a glass capillary.
  5. Immunostimulants (Viferon, Altevir). They increase the body's resistance, helping it fight HPV.

Minimally invasive surgical interventions help to get rid of a cosmetic defect:

  1. Cryotherapy. It implies the effect of low temperatures on the tissues affected by HPV. The tissues die off, the papilloma falls off, leaving a shallow ulcer. The recovery period lasts 10-14 days.
  2. Diathermocoagulation. During the procedure, skin growths are destroyed by high-temperature exposure. Removal of papillomas is performed under local anesthesia. The method has a high risk of complications, therefore it is rarely used.
  3. Laser therapy. A laser beam is directed to the affected area, which promotes tissue evaporation. At the site of the papilloma, a wound remains covered with a dense crust. The healing process takes no more than 10 days. The method is suitable for removing growths of any size.
  4. Radio wave destruction. Often used for papillomatosis of the cervix in women, it has a low risk of complications.

The choice of the method of treatment depends on the location and size of the neoplasm, the presence of concomitant diseases and the general condition of the body.

Human papillomavirus type 66 belongs to a group of high cancer risk. Currently, there are more than 100 types of viral infection. And many of them have the ability to transform from a benign formation into a cancerous tumor. Negligence towards growths leads to sad consequences. A timely visit to a qualified specialist will reduce the likelihood of disease progression. Asking the question of what type 66 HPP in women is - only a doctor can answer.

Warty neoplasms spread throughout the skin. The appearance of growths signals the presence and infection of an infection, that is, the normalized functioning of the immune system is disrupted in the body.

Possible causes of infection with HPV type 66 virus

A viral infection of type 66 is localized on the mucous membranes of the genital organs, and causes significant discomfort with the manifested symptoms. Do not delay the visit to the doctor, as in the early stages, you can do with more humane methods of removing the papilloma. The mucous membranes, where genital warts appear, cannot be treated with drugs and solutions that cause burns. And this, extremely narrows the list of applicable medications.

It is undesirable to ignore the growths in the genital area. Although there are cases in medical practice when patients experienced self-healing, one should not tempt fate and hope to chance.

To begin with, you need to figure out what can accompany the penetration of the virus into the body, what are the reasons that are most often the founders of the penetration of the infection? Many people are asking these questions. That is why it is the task of a qualified specialist to illuminate them during a routine examination of a patient.

Full-fledged advice will be able to warn a person and keep him healthy. The patient should feel free to ask the doctor questions. So, each examination of a woman by a gynecologist is accompanied by taking a smear. Ask yourself why this is being done and what should be avoided in everyday life, so that an infectious disease, even if it enters the body, does not continue to develop. Progression is really dangerous.

Possible reasons for the penetration of infection in the body, which include:

  • a weakened immune system (the main reason for entry into the body):
  • improper diet (food with preservatives, a large amount of fried food);
  • immoral lifestyle (frequent change of sexual partners);
  • the presence of bad habits (alcohol, smoking, drug addiction);
  • non-observance of personal hygiene (use of other people's accessories).

All the reasons voiced lead to the possible appearance of HPV. Therefore, be more alert to your health and to what you do in your daily life.

Ways of entering a woman's body

As for the papillomavirus, this is a common disease. Every second person on the planet has clear symptoms of infection. The presence of external manifestations in the form of all kinds of growths can be seen with the naked eye. But internal genital warts can only be detected by a qualified specialist. The doctor should write out a referral for further examination in order to identify the nature of the growth.

The main methods of HPV penetration into a woman's body include:

  • sexual intercourse;
  • the onset of sexual activity at an early age (young girls do not have enough information about a viral infection, therefore, most often they are at risk);
  • contact-household method of penetration (accommodation and use of common personal hygiene items);
  • by airborne droplets (an extremely rare case when the attending physician becomes infected from the patient during the procedure for removing the build-up);
  • infection of the child, observed during labor;
  • contamination through food is possible only in people who work without protective clothing when cutting fresh meat and fish.

It is necessary to understand that the presence of growths on the body is a signal system for action. You should immediately consult a doctor to get the necessary advice. Repeatedly, patients complain about the qualifications of specialists. Therefore, if you have not received complete information from a specialist, contact another clinic where the health of patients is treated more consciously. The choice of a hospital depends on what the person wants and everyone has the right to do it on their own.

Common treatments for HPV

Modern clinics are equipped with quality equipment. The choice of techniques is varied. But treatment can be effective only with an integrated approach. Therefore, before answering the question of what type 66 HPP in women is and how to deal with it, you should know what methods of excision of papillomas exist in general.

Initially, the visible build-up should be removed. In a clinical setting, it will be quite safe. Modern hospitals and centers are focused on painless removal of the growth. And yet, they are the ones who offer innovative methods. But it is necessary to list all the existing ones in order to understand what can be expected when removing papillomas. These include:

  • surgical excision is used only for deep excision and when the clinic cannot offer another method;
  • radio wave manipulation - causes pain and a long process of restoration of healthy epithelium, leaves scars;
  • cryodestruction - when removing, liquid nitrogen is used (that is, the neoplasm is frozen), thereby achieving a natural separation of the build-up;
  • laser therapy is a modern method of getting rid of papillomas, it is used most often, since it does not cause pain and relapse, which is extremely important for the patient.

Earlier we talked about the fact that getting rid of a viral infection is possible only with complex therapy. Therefore, in addition to excision of papilloma, antiviral drugs should be taken. They will help to remove the infection from the blood plasma. Along with antiviral drugs, a number of immunomodulators are presented.

But you should not start a course of treatment with medicines on your own, since many of them have contraindications and cannot be combined with each other. Follow the instructions strictly and buy medicines from trusted dealers.

Preventive measures or what is important to know?

Preventive measures are always aimed at maintaining the immune system. It is she who is responsible for the overall health of the body. As soon as protection is reduced, all bacteria and viruses begin to activate, thereby causing the development of disease in the body.

You immediately have a question, but there is 100% protection against malicious infection, and what actions should be taken. It is impossible to answer unequivocally. It is important to understand that your health and longevity depends only on you. Remember, the more complete your health care is, the less likely you are to become infected with the virus.

For the full functioning of the immune system, adhere to some rules, and then, it will be a reliable barrier in your body.

  1. Lead a healthy lifestyle (walks in the fresh air, active sports).
  2. Balance your nutritious, everyday diet (fruits, vegetables, meat, fish).
  3. All products, preferably fresh or boiled.
  4. Eliminate bad habits, they significantly disrupt the vitality.
  5. Introduce introductory procedures as a rule, this will have a beneficial effect on the immune system.

Back in the last century, vaccination specialists have developed the drugs GARDASIL and CERVARIX. Patients who were vaccinated voluntarily did not subsequently show signs of papillomavirus. Knowing how dangerous the disease is, you should think about vaccinations. It is only important to know that you are using high-quality drugs, and follow the technology of administration of the drug in order to guarantee a positive result.

Traditional methods

Traditional medicine in the world health arena is not the last. But in order to make a decision to treat yourself or not, you should get qualified information about the genetics of the neoplasm.

A viral infection can degenerate into a malignant formation. And here, it is in no way possible to do only with herbs and solutions. But let's not be so categorical, and highlight the methods with which you can fight the infection, because this virus is preventable.

HPV 66, both a strain and a variety, is localized in the genital area. It is impossible to use all kinds of recipes based on acetic acid, celandine or garlic. Preparations with the listed ingredients will cause burns on the mucous membranes. Therefore, you can use more humane medicines based on herbal ingredients.

It should be noted that in addition you can prepare funds, masses, mixtures that you will take internally, thereby purifying the blood from the presence of the virus. You are guaranteed antiviral effect, and since all components will be of plant origin, this will have a fruitful effect on your overall health.

  1. Infection can occur during sexual intercourse. Even the presence of a condom will not guarantee safety, since the virus is so small in size that it freely penetrates the pores of the latex.
  2. It is very important to have a permanent partner and avoid casual sex.
  3. The infection can be spread by kissing and even shaking hands.
  4. People who do not follow basic personal hygiene rules can easily contract HPV.
  5. The disease can occur due to the use of personal belongings of the infected: washcloths, towels, combs, slippers.
  6. When visiting a bath, sauna or swimming pool, you must wear rubber slippers, since the high humidity in such places is a favorable environment for the development of the virus.
  7. If the mother has HPV, there is a high chance that the baby will be infected at the time of birth.

The main thing to remember is that all types of viruses that are transmitted by contact, and not sexually, do not pose a danger to the human body, but only cause aesthetic inconvenience.

HPV 66 type: features

For the treatment to be effective, you should know what type 66 HPV is. This is a type of virus that. The virus, entering the body, begins to mutate, causing pathological changes in tissues. The slightest favorable conditions, such as a decrease in immunity, colds, stress, hormonal imbalance, can provoke the degeneration of formations into cancerous tumors.

The danger of HPV type 66 is that it may not manifest itself for a long time, especially if women do not have diseases in the genital area. But, if a woman has herpes, chlamydia and other genital infections, there is an active multiplication of formations and their transition to a cancerous form. In most cases, this type of HPV causes a woman. Particularly attentive in this regard should be women whose family or close relatives had a diagnosis of cervical dysplasia. With infection in such patients, the risk of cancer increases several times.

When infected with papillomavirus, a woman may have the following:

  • painful sensations;
  • itching or burning in the genital area;
  • unpleasant pain during intercourse;
  • white or bloody discharge.

If such symptoms are found, women at risk should immediately consult a doctor.

Diagnostic methods

  • Since the type 66 HPV type is oncogenic, every woman should be examined by a gynecologist when papillomas appear. The doctor will examine the vagina and cervix using special mirrors. To detect the presence of dysplasia, a smear must be taken. The cytology of the smear will make it possible to determine with a certainty of 80% whether the patient has cancer.

At the initial stage of development, papilloma is small, most often resembling roughness. Therefore, the gynecologist carries out their processing with special compounds.

  • And also a fluid is taken from the patient for cytological examination.
  • If all the results show the presence of cancer, a biopsy is performed for a more reliable diagnosis. This examination will allow to determine with 100% accuracy whether a woman has cancerous tumors.
  • , which allows you to study the DNA of the papilloma.
  • To establish the type of virus and to determine exactly whether it is oncogenic, a Digene test is performed.


Since type 66 can trigger the development of cancer, several treatments are used to eradicate it.

  1. Destruction of growths is carried out.
  2. Antiviral drugs are prescribed.
  3. Immunomodulators are prescribed.

For more successful treatment, it is advisable to combine different methods of treatment. First of all, so that the formation does not develop into a cancerous form, it is removed using techniques such as:

  • Radio wave therapy.
  • By the method of diathermocoagulation.
  • Surgical excision is used.
  • Chemical moxibustion is used with a drug such as Solkovagil. This method is only indicated for nulliparous women.

An important place in the treatment of HPV.

  1. The most effective is Allokin-alpha. It not only qualitatively destroys the virus in the body, but is also a good immunostimulant.
  2. When treating type 66, it is advisable to use Epigen intimate spray. It not only effectively fights papillomas due to its high antiviral properties, but also helps to reduce itching of the genitals. Moreover, it can also be used for preventive purposes.
  3. Panavir is very popular due to its high efficiency in the fight against popillomaviruses. It is easy to use, as it is produced in the form of sprays, ointments, suppositories and injection solutions.
  4. A drug from the interferon group, Viferon, has proven itself well.

Immunomodulators are mandatory. HPV significantly weakens the immune system, due to which the body cannot fight the virus on its own. Therefore, it is recommended that the infected take a course of such drugs to choose from, such as:

  • Likopid;
  • Groprinosin;
  • Polyoxidonium in the form of candles;
  • Immunomax, which is a powder for subsequent preparation of injections.

Treatment of HPV type 66 does not give a positive prognosis if the disease is started. Even treatment cannot prevent further relapses of the disease. Therefore, it is important not only to carry out a full-fledged complex treatment, but also to be observed by a gynecologist.

A woman should undergo a medical examination at an antenatal clinic every three months for the first year after removal and treatment of type 66. Over the next year, she must pass an examination and pass all the necessary ones every 6 months. If the dynamics of treatment gives positive results, the patient needs to visit a gynecologist once a year for preventive purposes.

Human papillomavirus type 66 is one of those types of papillomavirus that has a high level of oncogenicity, that is, it can cause cancer.

After the penetration of the microorganism, growths and various formations often appear on the skin.

Scientists managed to study more than one hundred and twenty strains of the papillomavirus. According to studies, their presence is noted in more than seventy percent of people.

However, you should not make panic out of this, because many of them are completely harmless and can be easily treated. Unfortunately, these types cannot be attributed to the sixty-sixth.

What is the difference

Not all strains of papillomavirus require treatment. Often, doctors recommend simply leading a healthy lifestyle and observing the rules of personal hygiene, after several weeks (and sometimes years) the virus is defeated by the body and is completely suppressed.

HPV type 66 differs from such strains in that it insistently requires immediate diagnosis and exclusively professional treatment.

Under the influence of external conditions, some circumstances, education can cause the following problems:

  • the appearance of cancerous tumors on the cervix;
  • the formation of oncology in the vagina and vulva;
  • cause cancer of the penis;
  • cause the development of cancer in the anal area.

The experiments carried out revealed that most often the papillomavirus appears in the body of a healthy person due to contact directly with an infected person or contact with his personal objects (often a towel, soap, and others).

Can it be sexually transmitted

Not all strains of papillomavirus can, and the sixty-sixth belongs to the group that is most often transmitted in this way. Moreover, it is not so important what type of sexual relationship you have with an infected person, but it can be:

  • oral - in this case, it is transmitted through saliva, and warts form in the mouth;
  • vaginal - in this case, it is transmitted through the infected genital areas, and formations appear on the genitals;
  • anal - especially often this type of pathology is noted in males with an unconventional orientation, although it can also occur in men with a traditional orientation.

Expectant mothers and women in general with HPV should think about it, because sometimes there is a chance that a child will contract the virus. This should happen when he passes through the birth canal.

However, such a risk is only equal to a percentage, for this reason, you should not worry too much. The attending physician will be able to give the best recommendations. Sometimes, when there is a serious risk, a caesarean section is performed.

What is characteristic of the disease

Especially often, representatives of the fair sex suffer from the manifestation of the disease. Moreover, it is very dangerous that sometimes no symptoms of its presence are noted. Often this happens in the absence of other problems with the body.

Sometimes the symptoms of papillomavirus resemble the condition of allergy sufferers, because signs may appear:

  • burning sensation - a very unpleasant sensation appears in the genital area;
  • itching - the areas of the genitals are very irritated and bother you all the time.

Reference! Often, symptoms appear in those who have other infections / problems with the body in general. Among such infections are herpes, syphilis and others that can be sexually transmitted.

Other kinds of symptoms are also possible:

  • A "strange" kind of discharge appears that was not there before. They can be white, light red or almost brown in color. At the same time, there is no connection with the menstrual cycle.
  • Mild or severe pain is felt every time you urinate.
  • Sexual intercourse itself causes unpleasant, unusual or painful sensations.

Human papillomavirus type 66 is dangerous because, if it remains in the body for a long time, it can cause the appearance of cancerous tumors or the formation of a precancerous condition of the cervix.

What is the relationship between genotype 66 HPV and cervical cancer

Infection, after entering the human body, proceeds to encode certain proteins that are designed to perform the following functions:

  • to provide antiviral properties, to fight harmful microorganisms;
  • to resist the effects of various types of tumors.

Due to these actions of the papilloma virus, the body soon becomes weaker, in particular its immune system. Soon, dysplasia of the cervix is ​​detected - this is by no means a cancerous condition.

At this stage, the transformation of epithelial tissue cells into precancerous occurs, which can lead to cancer in the future. This all happens only in the absence of treatment or the use of self-prescribed therapy, without the knowledge and consent of a professional doctor.

Scientists and doctors have found that more than ninety percent of women who have been found to have cancerous tumors on the cervix have papillomavirus in their bodies.

All the time, representatives of the fair sex should be on the alert, who had cancer in their family, and in particular, cervical dysplasia. Because then the probability of cell degeneration into precancerous becomes much.

Factors of occurrence

Those who do not always suffer from papillomavirus genotype 66 become victims of cervical dysplasia. This is facilitated by certain conditions:

  • the patient was pregnant and gave birth several times;
  • for a long time was treated with hormonal-based drugs;
  • an intrauterine device has been used for a long time;
  • the patient suffers from hypervitaminosis;
  • recently, there has been an infection with the human immunodeficiency virus;
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • frequent change of partners, promiscuous intercourse;
  • smoking cigarettes for a long time.

The risk of oncology on the cervix is ​​present in cases when sexual activity is just beginning (when the genitals are not yet fully formed).

Diagnostic details

Men and women should take a more responsible attitude to their health and visit a specialized doctor at least once every six months, especially for the fair sex. Thanks to this, you will be able to identify all ailments in advance and begin treatment even when it is very effective and easy to carry out.

If there is a suspicion that there are serious problems, the delivery of laboratory tests is necessarily assigned, which include:

  • smear;
  • scraping directly from the affected area, polymerase chain reaction;
  • blood test;
  • biopsy.

Preference should be given to the most modern analyzes, because in this case it will be possible to find out about all the details of the disease: does the patient really suffer from the sixty-sixth type, how much he is developed, are there many transformed cells, is it worth starting treatment.

Dysplasia of the cervix is ​​easy to cure, it just needs to be started immediately after suspicion of its presence. In advanced cases, the situation is more complicated.

In both men and women, HPV type 66 can cause many diseases - it is better to immediately consult a doctor so that a specialist can quickly cure the disease and make papillomaviruses harmless.