PCR rnc hiv quality in 10 days. How they fool us with PCR diagnostics for HIV. How is the PCR test for HIV

A method for treating a disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus has not yet been found. But the diagnostics has achieved significant success. An HIV test performed by PCR is one of the options for detecting the virus in the body.

Polymerase chain reaction, or PCR, is one of the modern methods for diagnosing HIV. It is based on the ability of nucleic acids to self-reproduce. A cell of any living organism includes protein and nucleic acids:

  • RNA - ribonucleic acid,
  • DNA deoxyribonucleic acid.

These macromolecules store the genetic code. If the concentration of viral cells in the blood is low, the sample does not contain whole DNA chains, but their separate "building blocks" - nucleotides. The polymerase chain reaction reveals even such "fragments" of viral cells. This allows you to get a result in the early stages after a possible infection, when the first clinical symptoms have not yet appeared.

The most accurate result can be obtained using venous blood for analysis. Before being examined, a couple of days. Stop taking immunostimulating drugs within 2 weeks.

A biomaterial sample is digested in a medical laboratory reactor. Then the fractions are treated with enzymes. The reagents combine with the DNA of the viral molecule and duplicate it. From one cell it turns out 2, from 2 - 4, then 8. The number grows exponentially. The chain reaction allows you to increase the amount of the viral component in a short time and make it visible to laboratory technicians.

The norm is a negative test result, which looks like this: "No virus DNA detected." This is the reference (average) value.

Advantages and disadvantages of the HIV PCR technique

Diagnosing HIV using PCR has undeniable advantages, but there are also significant disadvantages. The first are:

  • High accuracy. The probability of getting false negative results is extremely low.
  • Versatility. Not only blood is suitable for research, but also other biological fluids (vaginal discharge, semen). Saliva and urine are also used, but the accuracy of the result will be lower. In these media, the concentration of viral cells is negligible.
  • Wide range of analyzes. One biomaterial sample can be tested for several diseases.
  • Execution speed. Polymerase chain reaction is an urgent diagnostic method. The answer can be found the next day.
  • The reliability is 80%. The PCR method can detect viral particles, even if their concentration is low. This allows you to diagnose the disease at an early stage and start therapy in a timely manner.
  • Early diagnosis of HIV infection. The time when HIV is detected in the blood using PCR is 10-14 days after the alleged infection. This is the standard snippet for diagnosing an immunodeficiency virus. not yet detected at this stage; ELISA method does not work.
  • There is no age limit. This testing can be performed on the baby from the moment of birth.

Disadvantages of the PCR method in the diagnosis of HIV:

  • Higher cost compared to 3rd generation ELISA.
  • Sophisticated medical equipment required.
  • An error of 20% due to the high sensitivity of the reaction. With autoimmune diseases, malignant tumors, chronic infections, PCR can give a false positive result.

Who is the PCR for?

  • An early response is needed for preliminary diagnosis. PCR helps to confirm or disprove ELISA results.
  • Immunoblotting was positive. If PCR analysis is performed first, then confirmation of the result by the method of immune blotting is mandatory. Research complements each other. Using 2 methods at once, doctors eliminate the possibility of errors.
  • When positive is confirmed, PCR can help track the effectiveness of the therapy.
  • Used to test donated blood for the presence.
  • PCR can be performed even for children under one year old. This method is used to find out the HIV status of newborns whose mothers are carriers of the virus. A test carried out in the first days of life will show whether intrauterine infection has occurred. Infection could have happened when the child passed through the birth canal. acquired by the baby during childbirth can be identified in 2 to 3 weeks.

How long does the PCR analysis take, and where can I take it?

Conducting an HIV PCR test and decoding the results does not take much time. Blood collection takes 5-7 minutes. In the standard case, 24 hours is enough for a laboratory assistant to prepare a certificate. Diagnosis takes no more than 8 hours, the rest of the time is required for registration. The patient receives the report the next business day. perform within 2 hours.

HIV testing in this way is not carried out under the compulsory medical insurance policy. You cannot get this service for free at a state clinic. On the other hand, almost all commercial laboratories usually have the necessary equipment and reagents. Performing a PCR test is often part of general HIV screening. The price of a comprehensive diagnostics is from 600 to 1000 rubles.

You can complete the procedure anonymously. At the reception, the patient is given an individual number by which he can recognize the result. Modern medical centers display all data on their website in the client's personal account.

A number of sexually transmitted diseases are diagnosed by ELISA and PCR methods.

When preparing for the examination, it is undesirable for patients to eat fatty foods for two days. Like a blood test for viruses, samples are taken on an empty stomach, the last meal was no later than 8 hours ago. Eliminate fried and alcohol from the diet. By observing these simple requirements, you bring your survey results closer to more accurate ones.

The list of detected diseases includes:

  • human papillomavirus (HPV);
  • chlamydia;
  • herpes (an additional blood test for herpes is prescribed);
  • ureaplasma;
  • mycoplasma;
  • gonorrhea;
  • cytomegalovirus;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • toxoplasmosis.

PCR for HIV in the diagnosis of infection

Due to the fact that there are no known symptoms characteristic exclusively for HIV infection, based only on the complaints of the patient who has applied, it is not possible to recognize HIV infection.

HIV testing has become a necessity because modern public opinion about this disease boils down to the fact that AIDS is considered a death sentence. There were such cases that after irregular sexual contacts, a person pays increased attention to the signals of his body, finding, and often inventing new signs of a fatal disease.

Research in laboratory conditions is currently the only and most reliable diagnostic option (blood test for HIV). Use PCR to identify the following health problems:

  • to confirm or deny the presence of HIV during the seronegative window;
  • with a dubious result of immunoblot (to establish an accurate description of the pathological process);
  • when establishing the genotype of HIV-1 or HIV-2;
  • to establish and monitor the viral load of the body;
  • to identify HIV status in newborn babies whose mothers are carriers of HIV;
  • with blood transfusion.

The superiority of the PCR method in diagnosing infectious diseases:

When a patient who has applied for medical help is found to have an affirmative result for HIV infection, they begin to conduct more in-depth studies of the patient to clarify and clarify the nature of the disease and its course, as well as the basis and nature of secondary diseases, the level of immunity damage.

ELISA and PCR analyzes: research features, principles and decoding

Blood for analysis is taken from a vein. During pregnancy, blood sampling for AIDS is carried out in a rigorous manner. Conclusions about the absence or presence of immunodeficiency virus in the patient's body are made based on the results of the presence or absence of antibodies. ELISA should not be performed immediately after suspicion of infection, but after a while, so that antibodies form in the patient's blood. It takes place for various reasons from 3 weeks to 3 months.

In addition, it was revealed that the ELISA result can be both false-positive and false-negative. When diagnosed very early for the suspected infection, when antibodies to HIV have not yet appeared, a false negative result is obtained. In such cases, for clarification, you need to retake blood for HIV after 1-3 months.

A false positive result, on the contrary, can be obtained in the case when the applied patient has chronic infections, oncological diseases, autoimmune diseases, in addition to those listed, deviations from the norm are possible in other situations. Therefore, if the ELISA result is affirmative, it will certainly be rechecked by the most susceptible methods.

PCR diagnostics is one of the current most high-tech methods of research, it is often used to detect infectious diseases. DNA diagnostics has incorporated several different methods of conducting research, the method of polymerase chain reaction, or PCR, is more popular today.

This method is based on finding a small part of the DNA of the causative agent of this infection in tissues for micro-examination. At the same time, a small part of DNA contains up to several hundred DNA pairs, which are in strict order.

The PCR method is the most accurate, with its help it is possible to determine the presence of a virus, regardless of whether antibodies have appeared or not. But, despite its accuracy, the method has one major drawback, which is precisely due to its increased accuracy. There is a fairly high probability that the result will be false. Therefore, in connection with this method and in addition to it, other methods are used to detect gene and antigenic materials.

The essence of the diagnosis of hepatitis using PCR

There are five proven viruses that cause liver disease. These are the well-known viruses of hepatitis A, B, C, D, E. Very rare are cases when hepatitis is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus, which is actually a type of herpes. The listed viruses are representatives of different families, which affects their treatment, depending on the type of hepatitis.

One of the most accurate and reliable methods of molecular genetic diagnostics is PCR, that is, polymerase chain reaction. This method makes it possible to diagnose various types of diseases of a hereditary and infectious nature in a patient.

PCR - the study allows you to diagnose one of such complex diseases as that is difficult to treat. The reliability of PCR for HIV justifies itself only in 80 cases out of 100.

The main way to diagnose HIV infection in the human body is his blood, that is, testing for this disease is carried out. The simplest and most common diagnostic method is to take venous blood and conduct it in a special laboratory. Of course, the obtained positive result can be false, therefore, it is rechecked in a more precise research way in a reference laboratory.

The polymerase chain reaction is not considered a rather expensive procedure, and its implementation requires special equipment and highly qualified specialists. It is for this reason that it has not become widespread among the population.

The use of PCR analysis for the diagnosis of HIV allows you to obtain an accurate and reliable result about the presence of the disease, however, it often depends on the preparation of the patient himself.

PCR analysis is performed in the following cases:

  1. Diagnosis of HIV infection in newborn children who were born from a mother infected with AIDS.
  2. In order to control the concentration of HIV in the patient's blood
  3. Blood donor examination.

Even if the PCR study shows a positive result, the diagnosis is not made only by such a test. Most often it is used as an additional method for resolving controversial situations.

PCR analysis, unfortunately, cannot be called a universal method, the conduct of which gives accurate results for the presence or absence of infection in the human body. This is due to the fact that it is this type of research that gives false positive results more often than other methods. This method of diagnosis is used when diagnosing a disease or when testing for HIV infection. It is mainly used as an auxiliary method for diagnosing the AIDS virus.

However, despite the likelihood of a false positive result, such an HIV test has several advantages over other diagnostic methods. It is possible to carry out PCR analysis as early as 11-15 days after the date of the alleged infection, and all other methods make it possible to assess the presence of the AIDS virus in the human body only after a long period of time. This discrepancy is explained by the fact that most screening tests for HIV are based on the definition of the virus, the formation of which occurs within three months.

The main difference between PCR studies and other diagnostic methods is the fact that it detects not the virus, but the presence of the virus itself in the patient's body.

It is for this reason that the polymer chain reaction method can be called ideal if there is a need for premature detection. In addition, such a method can be used when the presence of antibodies cannot be a reliable indicator.

For more information on HIV research, see the video.

If it is necessary to identify the degree or severity of pathology in the human body, they resort to quantitative PCR studies. It is he who allows you to obtain information about the level of concentration of infection in the patient's body. The progression of the disease is accompanied by a gradual increase in the concentration of the virus and quantitative PCR diagnostics allows you to determine the stage of infection and the effectiveness of the carried out. Diagnosing the viral load before the disease is detected and after treatment allows a conclusion about how effective the treatment is.

Other diagnostic methods for HIV

Today, the diagnosis of HIV infection is a standard procedure, which involves the use of various types of diagnostics:

ELISA test systems

Carrying out such a screening test allows the virus to be detected within a few weeks after its penetration into the human body. Such a study is not aimed at determining the presence of the virus in a patient, but at diagnosing the production of antibodies to it. There are several generations of ELISA tests, each of which has a different sensitivity. Such a test sometimes gives results, which is explained by improper processing and the presence of various types of pathologies in the patient's body.

Immune blotting

In the event that immune blotting shows a positive result, then we can talk about the final diagnosis of HIV. The main method of its implementation is the use of a nirocellulose strip, on which proteins of viral origin are applied.

Express methods

This is considered a novelty in the field of diagnosing HIV infection and the result can be assessed within a few minutes after they are carried out. The most accurate and reliable results are obtained by immunochromatographic tests, the use of which is based on the principle of capillary current.

It is possible to speak about the presence of HIV-infection in the body only after confirmation of ELISA tests by IB analysis.

Diagnosis of HIV infection in the human body makes significant changes in his usual way of life and relationships with others. It is the responsibility of the medical staff to save the test results, and only the patient himself decides who to report his illness to. PCR is one of the diagnostic methods that allows you to detect the presence of a virus in the human body in just a few weeks.

According to WHO statistics, over the past 40 years, 25 million people have died from AIDS. The damage from this infection is colossal. Most of the infected turned out to be in African countries, where this infection came from. With HIV, the diagnosis of the disease becomes especially important. True, the means for treating HIV have not yet been created, but early therapy can lengthen the patient's life and improve its quality.

Diagnosis of HIV infection

HIV infection is determined at different stages by the following methods:

  • ELISA - enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.
  • Western blot.
  • PCR - polymerase chain reaction.
  • Express tests.

The PCR method was developed by the American biochemist Carey Mullis, who received the Nobel Prize for this in 1983. Today, this method in medicine in the diagnosis of all infections is considered the leading one due to its accuracy and information content. HIV is no exception in this regard.

The essence of the analysis

Any living cell contains RNA and DNA. These nucleic acids are capable of self-copying and self-replication. The DNA fragments are unique for each infection. These nucleic acid fragments circulate in biological fluids. They are caught and recognized by special equipment - a reactor. This is the basis of the method. The laboratory assistant counts these fragments. The retrovirus HIV is monitored for RNA. Even with single copies of viral particles, PCR can detect and count them.

Venous blood is most often used as the test fluid. Special components of the method come into contact with the particles of the virus and make them detectable, because there is a manifold increase in the found fragments.

In the case of HIV, the result of the presence of the virus can be obtained long before the clinic appears. Therefore, due to its high sensitivity, PCR has such a high diagnostic value. A huge plus of PCR lies in the versatility of the method. The incubation period of infection for PCR is not an obstacle.

Research cost

The PCR method is quite expensive. This is one of its big drawbacks. To carry it out, you need the latest equipment and a high qualification of a laboratory doctor. By virtue of the foregoing, PCR diagnostics are not performed in small settlements. You can take the analysis only in specialized large clinics.

The cost of HIV DNA determination in Moscow clinics is from 2,800 rubles, determination of viral load (virus RNA in plasma) by PCR - from 8,800 rubles, and HIV resistance to protease inhibitors - from 16,500 rubles. As you can see, the prices are quite high. PCR can be carried out free of charge in state clinics under the compulsory medical insurance policy. It is important that the procedure can be done anonymously. At the reception, the patient receives a number by which he can find out the result. In modern medical centers there are personal accounts of clients, where these data will be entered.

Research Objectives

PCR diagnostics for HIV is prescribed in such cases:

  • Identification of an infection in a child born to a sick mother or carrier in order to determine intrauterine infection.
  • If the ELISA gave dubious results (PCR for HIV helps in this case to make a final diagnosis).
  • To identify the quantitative content of the virus in the body.
  • With positive immunoblotting, they complement each other with PCR.
  • Donor testing.
  • For early diagnosis of HIV.
  • To determine the effectiveness and resistance to ART.

The advantage of this analysis is that PCR for HIV can be performed even for children under one year old.

The study is often performed not for primary diagnosis, but already in the course of treatment. Primary diagnostics are serological tests (they determine the level of antibodies to HIV). If the result is false, it is repeated - this may be with a low viral load.

PCR diagnoses HIV when there are no antibodies to it yet. In this case, the ELISA method will not give an answer.

And the PCR for HIV will already be positive. But the symptoms of this period of HIV are nonspecific. At first, the patient is treated for a long time and unsuccessfully for ARVI by a therapist. It should be borne in mind that the diagnosis of HIV only on the basis of PCR is not made, it is necessary to undergo other complex tests. The PCR method is often used as an auxiliary method for complex cases.

Preparation for analysis

Before taking a PCR for HIV, 2 days before the analysis, you must not eat fatty foods, alcohol. It is also better not to strain mentally and physically. If the patient is prescribed a course of immunostimulation, it is stopped 2 weeks before the analysis.

It is better to donate blood in the morning. Other biological fluids of the body (sperm, vaginal secretions) can also be examined, but the best material is blood. Saliva, sweat, urine and tears are not used, since the virus content in them is minimal.

Pros of PCR for HIV

The advantages of the method are the extremely low probability of a false positive result, the universality of the reaction for any biological body fluids. The analysis has a wide range:

  • A single blood sample can be used to check for different infections.
  • The technique is urgent, the result is ready the next day.
  • The reliability ranges from 85 to 98%.
  • The presence of HIV can be determined 10-14 days after infection (there are no antibodies at this time yet).
  • There are no age restrictions, you can conduct it right from the moment of birth.

Cons of the method

The disadvantages of PCR are as follows:

  • Expensive analysis.
  • Sophisticated medical equipment is required.
  • A high qualification of a laboratory assistant and a doctor taking the analysis is required.
  • The reaction is highly sensitive, so the error can be 20%.
  • A false positive result can be obtained if the patient has autoimmune processes, oncology, chronic infections.
  • Special cleanliness of the laboratory is required, because the virus can enter the analysis from the air. Then the result will be wrong.

For laboratories in which PCR is carried out, special strict measures have been developed according to the SanPiN system for internal control to improve the quality of diagnostics. In addition, all the rules for working with this technique must be observed:

  • It is required to strictly follow the information on the test tubes.
  • Before taking blood, look again and make sure that the analysis is prescribed.
  • The nurse must make the correct labeling of the tubes.
  • The laboratory doctor must correctly carry out all manipulations with the biomaterial in order to prevent cross-contamination.
  • The test system must be of excellent quality.

Only if all these conditions are met, the error in the answer can be only about 2% of episodes.

Analysis duration

Many are interested in how long it will take for HIV PCR to be ready. Diagnosis lasts no more than 8 hours. The patient can receive an answer the very next day. Express testing is performed within 2 hours.

PCR reliability

Despite its many advantages, PCR is not considered an ideal diagnostic method. They turn to him if it is necessary to receive screening tests for the presence of HIV in the body.

When is blood taken for analysis?

How long does it take to take an HIV PCR? A reliable result can be obtained already when taking blood 4-4 days after the alleged infection. After 2 weeks, the reliability for HIV will be 98%, and with a period of 5 days - 80%. The presence of PCR on the result will be reliable, but for an absolutely accurate result, ELISA is also carried out.

An ELISA test will be effective only in the presence of antibodies to the virus, this time can take from 1-3 months to six months. Since ELISA gives a higher probability (98% -99.9%), PCR cannot be called a 100% confirmatory test for HIV infection. But on the other hand, this is the only technique in which there is no need to wait for the appearance of antibodies.

With HIV, the PCR method can be used to obtain information about the effectiveness of ART, the stage of HIV disease and the amount of VL (quantitative assessment of the presence of HIV in the body). This will indicate the severity and extent of the changes.

It is also necessary to pass tests for PCR for HIV if there are antibodies in the blood, but their presence does not indicate the reliability of HIV infection clinically.

They are tested not only for infection and casual sexual intercourse. Other reasons:

  • Pregnancy planning.
  • Upcoming operation.
  • Casual sexual intercourse.
  • Some professions require this test for admission to work (teachers, doctors and other medical personnel).
  • Prisoners.
  • TB patients.
  • Employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the police.
  • Returning from exotic countries after vacation (if desired, make sure that there is no infection).
  • Prostitutes.
  • Foreign students.
  • Drug addicts.

Also, certain symptoms in the patient can force the delivery of an HIV test:

  • Sudden weight loss.
  • Diarrhea lasting more than 3 weeks.
  • An unreasonable rise in temperature for a long time.
  • Swollen lymph nodes.
  • Undetermined cause of pneumonia, candidiasis, etc.

Deciphering the analysis is the prerogative of the attending physician, not the laboratory assistant.

PCR or ELISA, which is better?

When RNA of the virus is detected both qualitatively and quantitatively. This assay clearly identifies a specific pathogen even if there are multiple cross-reacting ones. Biological material can be used even when it is dry. The downside is the high sensitivity of PCR, when a false-positive result can be given by the presence of even a miniscule amount of foreign DNA on instruments or a test tube.

The task and possibility of ELISA is to determine the presence of antibodies to a retrovirus. Although it is 99% accurate, it is not applicable in the early stages.

Qualitative HIV test

Conducting a high-quality PCR for HIV determines the presence of the virus in the body. The results in this case will look like this: positive, false positive, negative. But this study will not provide information on the amount of retrovirus. Such a qualitative analysis is inappropriate when HIV infection in the body has already been identified in other ways.

It is impossible to control the effectiveness of treatment with high-quality PCR.

Quantitative analysis for HIV

It is carried out only for HIV-infected people in order to count the number of copies of the virus RNA in a biological product.

The purpose of such a study is to monitor the ongoing treatment and identify the resistance of the virus to it. Antiviral therapy in such calculations is not blindly prescribed by a doctor, so it will be more effective. Quantitative PCR for HIV infection is done much more often. This test is displayed with a copy / ml of blood.

What results can be given:

  • Virus RNA is absent or very little (about 20 copies / ml). There is no certainty of the diagnosis.
  • From 20 - to 10 in the 6th degree copies / ml - the diagnosis is reliable.
  • More than 10 to 6 copies / ml - large VL.

Laboratories can perform real-time HIV PCR analysis. This implies the observation and numerical assessment of the accumulation of PCR products with automatic fixation of results.

That we have been fooled by HIV / AIDS for 30 years is a medical fact that has long since needed any proof. I do not want to offend anyone, but the truth is that at the moment, having in front of me all the available information about an alternative point of view, that is, presented by HIV dissidents, it is simply impossible to continue and further naively believe in an artificially created and imposed with the help of a cynical and deceitful promoting HIV / AIDS theory.

If you expressed your bewilderment that diagnostic tests for HIV do not determine the virus itself, but only antibodies to it, and this applies not only to enzyme immunoassay, but also to the considered more accurate immune blotting, then you probably heard the assurances of doctors later or some informed people that there is a polymerase chain reaction method, which has nothing to do with antibodies, but directly detects the virus itself.
Have you heard about the PCR diagnostic method, and in particular HIV infection? For sure. Have you tried to understand and understand at least a little? No? So it is clear that we are being fooled? Good. But now I will show it clearly, on my fingers ...

Yes, we are really impudently and cynically fooled when they assure us that a PCR test for HIV determines the presence of the virus itself or its concentration in the blood, that is, the viral load. And I’ll say right away that in this respect, the PCR method is not only no different from ELISA and IB, but we can say directly based on exactly the same principle.
What does it mean? Let me remind you that the diagnostic HIV tests ELISA and Immunoblot are based on the reaction of antibodies in the test sample with the virus antigens placed in the test itself. What is there in the test systems as these HIV proteins - only God knows, and then probably not everything. Accordingly, it is completely incomprehensible which antibodies react with these supposedly HIV proteins, resulting in a list of 62 points about diseases and conditions that cause a false positive reaction.

What is the basis of the polymerase chain reaction method, and how is it diagnosed for the presence of infectious diseases? In the case of hepatitis and HIV, the patient's blood is examined. To establish the presence of a specific pathogen in the blood sample under study, a primer is used for PCR testing, that is, a DNA fragment of the pathogen itself, complementary to a specific region of its DNA, that is, in essence, the primer attaches to a DNA region in the same way as regions are connected to each other double helix of DNA.
Do you get it? Your blood is taken, then something is added to it that supposedly is undoubtedly a unique part of the HIV virus genome, other necessary ingredients are added, then thirty times all this is heated and then cooled, and as a result - voila! you are HIV positive! your viral load is 3 million! start taking therapy urgently!

But wait. Can't you see how you were fooled from the beginning?
You were assured that the PCR method detects the virus itself. But this is an absolute lie! The PCR method in this respect is no different from ELISA and IB! It is unknown what is used there under the guise of HIV antigens in the test systems, so in PCR tests under the guise of primers passed off as part of the DNA of HIV itself, absolutely unknown substance is used in the same way. You understand that if HIV does not exist, then there can be no question of any HIV DNA, or HIV RNA, or antibodies to HIV, in particular maternal antibodies, with which we are fucked brains, telling that all children have them from HIV-positive mothers, and disappear by themselves in the second year of life ...

Like this.
- The PCR method detects the HIV virus itself, there can be no mistakes or doubts! And this most accurate method shows the viral load, which is very important for monitoring the dynamics of the disease and its treatment!
- Well, well .. Are you talking about the virus itself? And what is used there as a primer? The same virus? The one that Montagnier and Gallo discovered 30 years ago? Did they find him? Was it really cleared? Really photographed? True, they proved that he uses T-lymphocytes for replication / reproduction, as a result of which their total number is depleted and a dangerous immunodeficiency occurs? This is all true?

And in fact, the PCR method in speedology is used not so much thanks to its inventor Carey Mullis (rather even contrary to his opinion!), But thanks to Montagnier and Gallo, who sucked HIV out of their fingers, and whose DNA primers are used in PCR diagnostics of HIV ...

So that's it. If you've been told that your PCR test shows you are HIV positive and have a high viral load, or your child is involved, don't worry! you are impudently deceived! The inventor of the polymerase chain reaction method, microbiologist Carey Mullis, is an HIV dissident, and he is categorically against the use of PCR in HIV diagnostics, because he understands well that in the case of a non-existent HIV virus, this is just a blatant cynical deception ...

Another moment. Have you heard of undetectable viral load? The fact is that not all HIV-positive people, when tested for the amount of virus in the blood, come up with a certain result, which, depending on the value, is considered a low or high viral load. If there were very few such people, they would not be talked about at all. But the fact is that there are apparently a lot of them, and therefore it is said about the undetectable viral load in HIV infection. I will not mention PR therapy, which supposedly reduces VL to undetectable. No, the fact of the matter is that without any therapy in very many people, it is not determined. Never.
That is, the patient has been diagnosed with HIV infection, but with the help of the famous hypersensitive space-accurate PCR-diagnostics method, it is impossible to find the HIV virus in his body. How so?

And then we are told that the method is, of course, the most unique, but modern technical means do impose restrictions, and the saaaam small cooperations cannot be detected in PCR diagnostics.

That is, the patient undoubtedly has HIV. The virus is incurable, indestructible, cunning, cunning, malicious, extremely clever and inventive. And even the super-magical PCR method is unable to detect where the cunning virus is hiding from scientists and doctors.
It turns out that, on the one hand, we are told what a wonderful and high-precision PCR method, it can guess the whole elephant and even the whale by one molecule - and on the other hand, blowing our eyes out, we are indistinctly mumbling about undetectable viral load in thousands of patients who are tens of years are living with HIV and are not on antiretroviral treatment.

So it goes. They fool us as they want. Don't be unafraid idiots. Do not take the word of any doctor or scientist. They will tell you three times seven boxes about the space accuracy of PCR tests, but just one comment about the HIV primers used in this case smashes the whole magnificent picture to smithereens. Because for fun, we can say that just as Gallo patented the first HIV tests when he discovered a fake HIV virus, he could have patented HIV primers for PCR diagnostics of HIV infection, because primers are essentially the same thing. that HIV antigens are some specific biological substances inherent only to this virus (genome fragments or specific proteins) ...