How higher powers control a person. How to get help from higher powers. Tough educational process

My dear friends! Higher powers, angels, luminous entities constantly give us signals. You just need to be able to listen to them and learn to read their messages. Perhaps the mental discomfort that has long weighs on you is not at all related to overwork at work or a child's deuces at school, or problems with friends or your own troubles in your personal life. Maybe some forces in this way make you understand that you are not on the right path?

By listening to the language of the Higher Forces, you can correct a lot and even avoid mistakes! This is our energetic, emotional and intuitive state. That is why it is so important to listen to yourself, to your soul and to what your heart prompts. If your soul is singing, you are on the right path, if you feel discomfort, heaviness, vague anxiety, you need to deal with this.

Unfortunately, modern man has forgotten how to do this, as he lives in the world of information technology. Mobile phones and the Internet disrupts the flows of communication with the higher plane of the universe and people are lost ... To be always in touch with the subtle plane, there are various techniques, meditation, even a simple way - more often to be alone with nature - will allow you to strengthen it.

In the meantime, I have identified several forms of providence messages for you.

Signs - warnings

Higher powers use a different language of signs and signals. This is most often a random event. They choked, their leg cramped, suddenly a stomach ached .... something fell from the table and broke, a dead bird was found on the road. We are warned of both good and bad events. Take a closer look at the world around you, people and yourself! Such signs can only be interpreted after a fait accompli. In the case when you do not understand these signals, the signs are repeated up to three times, and then the Higher powers move on to the next, more rude way of communicating with you.

Signs - situations

The deal did not take place, your wife, husband cheated on you, your car was stolen, he did not come on a date, you were not hired ... worst problem? If a person gets irritated after these signals and does not understand them, then the methods of education are toughened. They want to show you that you are wrong. But if the lesson is understood, the situation evens out, and failures are quickly replaced by successes.

Signs - punishments

This is God's punishment, or punishment. What is most valuable for a person, that's why they beat him. Disease and illness of the body is often used as an educational measure. They beat him in such a way that it is impossible not to notice it. And you always need to figure out why you were punished? And if you understand why, then the punishment is removed, and the problems go away. With the help of such failures, the Higher Forces direct a person on his path so that he fulfills his destiny.

Signs - Direct Contact

The punishment for the slow-witted is repeated three times. If you do not respond, then direct contact language is used. You get to a bioenergy, a clairvoyant, a healer, a priest, where the reason for your failures is suddenly explained to you. Guardian angels are stubborn! They love you very much and give you hints to the last.

Signs - Aggression

Rough way of handling. For example, leaving the house, you see on the wall a large inscription "You are a fool!" Until you understand that this phrase applies to you, it will remain in place! Or, for example, you sit and think: "It's time to get a divorce." And at this time, a perfectly strong chair underneath you falls apart. You are given to understand what will come of your venture. Sometimes, the universe responds to your thoughts so quickly that it is simply impossible not to understand these signs.

Signs - Suggestions

This is a straightforward text to memorize. It is based on the use of memory directly, without the participation of thinking. A person becomes addicted - from alcohol, drugs, casinos, sects, fishing, etc. Everyone has what they deserve or what they asked for. But there is still a chance to change your mind. a chance is given to everyone, my dears!
At the last stage, the educational process becomes more rude and harsh. The punishments are getting stronger. As if suddenly incurable diseases appear, accidents occur. And if after that a person does not understand anything, he is simply removed from earthly life.

Of course, the Higher Plan also sends us good signs, they are always filled with warmth and light in a person's soul, it is impossible to confuse them with anything!

On the eve of Christmas, when heaven is open for our addresses, I want to talk with you about how to correctly ask questions to the Higher Powers, incl. questions to the angels.

I'm sure each of us in our life, one way or another, received messages from angels. Someone received greetings from the other side in the form of clear signals expressed in some kind of visual or auditory images - it could be a phrase uttered in your head, or maybe some kind of visions that came as a response to a request. But most often the message from the angels comes in the form of a deep feeling of tranquility, a feeling that everything will be fine, i.e. expressed simply by an explicit change in the internal state. This is the most common option and, by the way, the most truthful.

Because you can hear the voice in your ears, you can hear the call, you can see some image - and all this can be a falsification of the mind. But it is impossible to falsify the state of rest, especially if before that you were in confusion, anxiety and tension.

How exactly should the angels formulate their requests?

There is one important rule - you need not ask for events, not some advice, not facts, you need to ask states.

We all came here, to Earth, with our unique stellar handwriting, with our unique past lives in order to build our unique life. And if we wanted to know the answer, we would simply open up our genetic memory and immediately leave the game. It’s like seeing a game of chess played out all the way to the end. Why then play? Then there is no need to be in the body. But the fact of the matter is that we chose to play this game, knowing in advance that in this particular life we ​​have limited ourselves in something.

Often the mind wedges itself into the dialogue of our heart with the Higher powers and wants to receive some kind of logical or rational answers. But, in fact, angels cannot give you any valuable instructions, they can only help energetically influence your space, help you stay calm. The rest is all you decide for yourself, because it is you who are your life.

You've probably heard such a metaphor that a person is stronger than an angel, because he can choose between good and evil, has freedom, unlike an angel who does God's will. Therefore, you are the master of the situation, and you choose the road. And heavenly forces are beings that energetically help you to realize your desires. They help you to achieve that inner balance, to create such inner harmony that will be favorable for the embodiment of your creative desires in life. Angels can tell you whether it is better to go to the right or to the left on the road you have chosen, but they cannot say which road to go.

Accordingly, the questions you ask should not be so much questions as requests. You ask from the bottom of your heart - what should I know to ... For example - What should I know so that I can do this? And you are waiting for an answer.

Information should come to you quite by accident, in everyday life: in a magazine you will accidentally see it, hear it in a momentary television interview or in a conversation ... Just be careful, watch the signs. If you wanted to look into a magazine - take a look, if you wanted to linger at the TV - linger, you suddenly wanted to talk to a person with whom you have never spoken - talk. Those. you need to feel the gravitation within yourself - this is openness to contact. And this information will help you make a decision that will clear up some of your inner doubts.

But you must understand that the answer will come at the right time. As long as you are tense and waiting for an answer, you will not receive it.

In any case, remember that when you receive an answer (these words, visions or signs), you must certainly have a feeling of deep peace inside. Because any response from the Higher Forces is accompanied by a feeling of tranquility. Unmistakable help always brings with it the energy of Home, the energy of God, the energy of Creation. And this energy necessarily gives a feeling of serenity.

Therefore, if you doubt whether you are getting an answer, the marker is very simple: does in your soul and warmth? If yes, then you have received the support of the Higher Powers.

Conscience does not allow many to address angels often, to "pull" them over trifles. This is a common misconception. We ourselves, no matter how much we love each other, but get tired of communicating even with the closest people, and we need time to stay in, to recover. And we unconsciously transfer this image to our angels.

But here you need to understand that angelic energy is built into us. The Creator manifests itself through us on Earth, His spark is present in each of us. And the angels are the light of God. Therefore, when you find yourself in a situation of unbearableness, when you understand that in a “human” way you cannot disperse the clouds in the depths of your heart and the sticky web in your thoughts, you need to ask for help not from someone, but from your own divine part. - turn to the Heart. It is from there that help comes.

Angels are happy to transform our pain, our fear. Because the transformed distorted energy returns to the Creator as a radiant light. And this is the purpose of the angels - the return of the divine light to its original pure state. And it is thanks to people that the angels can realize this.

But they cannot respond until you make a request. And in this sense you should always contact... When, for example, you feel a grudge against your parents and turn to the angels, saying: “I ask you to remove this burden from my soul and tell me what I must do to revive my love for these people”, you give the green light, give access for transformation.

Therefore, not just “you can address”, but you can always apply when you lose clarity of thought, feel confused, when you are confused, when clouds have appeared in your horizon ... Ask for clarification, ask to transform all negativity, ask.

At night it is very good to make a request. In general, it is good to contact not at the moment when you are already feeling bad, but regularly with a request to set you up - for the day or for the night. If you asked for peace in your heart for today, if you thanked life, if you tuned in to love, then no hardships of life, no confusion will harm you in any way.

For example, I always have before my eyes two large portraits by the artist Suvorov - the Archangel Uriel and the Archangel Michael. I communicate with them every day, thank and interact, and read appeals to them in the morning and in the evening. Despite the fact that the era of cataclysms has long passed in my life, I clearly understand that this is not superfluous, even now.

I am often asked - how to develop and strengthen the connection with the Highest?

Dear ones, an era has come. In past epochs, the connection with the Highest was an exit from the fields of the Earth, and now the connection with the Highest is, on the contrary, an invitation from Him to us, to the Earth. And it happens through a point in the Heart.

Therefore, one should not confuse genuine enlightenment with a game called esotericism and. True enlightenment is when every cell in your body raises the frequency. And this happens when you are focused on love for people, for the world and for yourself, as a part of this world.

Those. if you set the goal of love in your heart, life itself will tell you which practices will help you. For some, meditative crafts or drawing mandalas can help to open the heart, someone needs to go to a shelter for dogs and treat them there, and someone needs to make peace with their grandmother, with whom there have been tensions for the past 10 years.

You yourself feel that allows you to open a new door within yourself. So stay inthis is the most rapid approach to the Highest... What I wish you!

God, Angels, Higher powers, Space, the Universe - there are so many mystical names and each one is close to his own, the point is not in the name, but in the fact that there is something above us that leads, prompts and controls us, and this is an indisputable fact. The Higher Forces are constantly talking to us. The only question is to hear and understand their language. After all, all our troubles and misfortunes are already the cry of the Universe: “Stop! You're not going there! You have turned from your path, which leads you to your Happiness and Joy! I have sent you Signs so many times to protect you from the winding path and danger. " The universe always cares about us, drawing our attention to the information we need. Each time it sends warnings in the form of Signs. And we stubbornly do not want to hear her voice ... Or we hear ... and do not understand it or perceive it incorrectly ... Let's figure it out.


This is our energetic, emotional and intuitive state. This is why it is so important to listen to yourself, your soul and what your heart tells you. Unfortunately modern man it's hard to hear your heart. If your soul is singing, you are on the right path, if you feel discomfort, heaviness, vague anxiety - you have chosen the wrong path!


If we do not listen to ourselves, the Higher powers use the language of signs and signals. This is not an accidental event - they choked, their leg snapped, something fell, someone interfered or said something. We are warned of both good and bad events. Take a closer look at the world around you, people and yourself! Remember and track - such signs can only be interpreted after a fait accompli. In the case when you do not understand these signals, the signs are repeated up to three times and then the Higher powers move on to the next, more rude way of communicating with you.


If a person has turned from his path, they begin to speak with you in the language of situations - the deal did not take place, an important meeting was broken, your wife is cheating on you, etc. ... All situations are life lessons. Thus, the Higher Forces do not hinder you, but protect you from the worst problem?
If a person gets irritated after these signals and does not understand them, then the methods of education are tightened. They want to show you that you are wrong. But if the lesson is understood, the situation evens out and failures are quickly replaced by successes.


This is already akin to "punishment". In a generally accepted sense, it looks something like this: what is most valuable for a person, to what he is most attached - they beat him. If this is money, then financially, it collapses love relationship, disease is often used as an educational process. They beat it so that it is impossible not to notice or miss it. And you always need to figure out why this happened? And if you understand why, then the problems quickly go away and everything is restored with an even better effect. But analysis of the "flights" takes time - a simple phrase or thought "I understood everything" is not enough, you need to reconfigure all your energy system... Then there will be similar rechecking moments and situations that will not look exactly the same as the previous problem - this will last until you cross "your own line of comprehension" of experience and mistakes. With the help of such harsh failures, the Higher Forces direct a person on his path so that he fulfills his destiny and "learns his lessons."


Various warnings and punishments for the dull ones are repeated three times, if you do not react, then the language of direct contact is used. You are drawn or you accidentally get to some person, a specialist, a clairvoyant, a healer, a priest, to a lecture, a seminar, where the reasons for your various failures are suddenly explained to you. The words of such people will not always be pleasant to you, they will "pull you alive", you will want to argue, prove, run away, not listen - this will be one of the signs that this place contains the greatest problem that needs to be paid attention to.


A rougher way of addressing - for example, leaving the house, you see on the wall a large inscription "VANYA IS A FOOL", until you understand that this phrase refers to you, it will remain in place. Or you sit and think “it's time to break up with your business companion” ... and at this time a completely sturdy chair falls apart under you and you get a bump. This means that they give you to understand what will come of your venture ... There are a lot of such examples - everyone will find their own.


Direct text for memorization. It is based on the use of memory directly, without the participation of thinking. A person becomes addicted to alcohol, drugs, casinos, sects, fishing, etc. Everyone reaps what they sow. And it's not too late to change your mind - there is a chance.


And then the educational process becomes more rude and harsh, the so-called "signs, warnings" are replaced by "punishments" which, if you do not pay attention to them, only intensify, as if suddenly diseases appear, accidents, problems, dislocations or fractures of the limbs of the hands occur or feet, accidents happen. And if after that a person does not understand anything, he can simply be put face to face with an incurable disease, disability, or death ...

Believe or not believe - the question is not worth it, just notice, track and draw conclusions!

I came across the necessary information on the Internet, a feather fell on my head, the right answer came in a dream - communication with the Higher Powers happens in different ways. Your Spirit Guides are always eager to help and guide the soul to the path when you ask for it.

There is different types beings that usually guide us. Of course, there are many more of them, but these are the main ones.

Your spirit guides all work in harmony with your Higher Self and Soul to support you in life and help you follow your path.

They help strengthen your conscious connection with your Higher Self, so that it is it that guides your life, and not the fearful and limiting ego of your lesser self.

When you have a clear and strong connection with your Higher Self, the role of your Ego in your life is significantly reduced, your heart expands, and you focus exclusively on how to be more creative, joyful being.

Friends you can trust

Often one of your Spirit Guides is a trusted friend or colleague who your soul knew in the soul world or / and in a past life.

You may have even asked them to serve as one of your Guardians and watch over you throughout your lifetime on Earth.

Spiritual Guides of your kind

You may have a Spiritual Guide from your lineage, someone from your family who cares deeply for you.

This could be a grandfather or grandmother, or a deceased relative, or even someone else in your family history.

Sometimes spiritual ancestors come to you without your request, because they love you and want to help you.

Or you may have made a formal agreement with this creature in the Soul World to watch over you for your entire life, making him one of your Guardians.

Communication with the Higher Forces

Although we cannot see them, our Spiritual Guides are around us constantly... The energy structures that make up their bodies are composed of much higher frequencies than our eyes can detect.

They are so high that their "bodies" are not material, but pure energy. This is why spirit beings are sometimes called "energetic beings" or " beings of light».

Our Mentors communicate with us by sending us “messages” in a variety of sophisticated non-verbal ways.

How do your Spirit Guides send you messages?

Sometimes your Guides send messages through your subconscious mind, your intuition, or your dreams.

It could be that inspirational idea that just appeared in your head, or a vision that you saw in your dream or dream.

What you always assumed was yours conscience, instinct or discernment, is often a message from your Mentors.

Sometimes your Guides will send you a message by replaying song on the radio, which has an important symbolic meaning.

Or "accidentally" jumping to a specific page in a book that you are reading, thus forcing you to notice some very useful idea, or stopping you on a specific web page or web publication with very relevant information.

At first it may all seem like a coincidence, but useful things like this continue to happen at a rate that seems impossible, and you can no longer deny that something meaningful and purposeful is happening.

By now, you've probably already figured out how your Mentors communicate with you - they communicate with you telepathically.

They can bring thoughts and ideas into your mind, and they can “hear” your thoughts. This is possible because we are all part of the Universal Consciousness.

Duplicate numbers - wake-up call

More and more people are noticing repeating numbers on clocks, on roadside billboards and signs, and elsewhere - there is a lot of personal information about this phenomenon on the internet.

Have you noticed such repetitions lately? Maybe 11:11 on the clock, or 111 on license plates and elsewhere? Or other repeating numbers like 222, 333, or 444?

Or maybe others numerical sequences that you've seen so many times that it's amazing.

The number that first caught my attention was 911. I saw this number on watches, on license plates, on the sides of trucks, everywhere and so often that I knew it couldn't be a coincidence.

With such repeating numbers, your angels and other Guides trying to get your attention and communicate with you. Numeric message codes are a very common way to communicate with us.

Some people don't need to communicate through numbers because they can hear their Mentors' “voices” in their heads loud and clear, but for the rest of us, this is a very viable communication strategy.

There are books that explain this topic in detail and list the numbers and their meanings (Angel of Numbers 101, Numbers of Angels by Joan Seykrid).

Why Can't You Hear Your Guides

When the time comes for your Spiritual Guides to help you, they tune in to your energy and try to communicate to you through your subtle feelings and intuition. If you don't hear the manual, then here's why.

1. First and foremost reason: you don't believe.

You can definitely say that you will not see or hear something that you do not believe in. It's simple.

Assuming you are open to the idea of ​​Spiritual Guides, the next reason you may not hear their subtle messages is constant wandering of your mind.

Your egoistic and analytical mind is constantly overwhelmed, thinking and planning. This acts as noise, making it very difficult to hear subtle messages.

Your selfish mind overloads your analytical mind because it is afraid, and the choices it makes are usually based on fear, not love, as is always the case with higher Spiritual Guides.

Fear Is a very strong emotion and it drowns out your higher Guides.

Also, many of us are so busy: rush, do, do, do without stopping. All you can do is calm your mind, slow down and relax- it will help tremendously.

Meditation and walking alone in nature are several ways to calm your mind and allow the subtle messages of your Guides to pass.

Do whatever you like, relaxing and soothing.: gardening, fishing, painting, whatever. When you are in the relaxed flow of doing something that you enjoy, your subtle senses are more receptive.

During the training, there are energy-meditative practices, during which communication with the Spiritual Curators of the Institute takes place. You learn to explore your spirit world and communicate with your Spiritual Guides.

2. The second reason is anxiety.

Many of us have a lot of stress, anxiety and anxiety. This state arises from thinking about past problems and troubles and projecting them into the future, imagining that bad things will happen.

Worry is mental noise that drowns out and interferes with the hearing of your Guides.

Every time you start to worry, focus on your desires... Think about what you want and what you are going to do to get it, and dive into some of these plans.

This will keep your mind occupied with what it wants, not aimless inert worry.

Another thing you can do to overcome your anxiety is cultivate more faith and trust so that life is not "survival of the fittest."

Truly believe that your Guides and the Universe have your back and that if you follow their instructions, everything will be fine.

Total trust will allow you to relax deeply, you will begin to receive divine guidance and act much more accurately, and soon things will become much smoother in your life.

3. The third reason is over-analysis and over-planning.

Instead of carefully planning everything, try to simply move according to how you feel in this moment: be more spontaneous and go with the flow.

When you allow yourself to deeply feel what you are doing at each moment, you are, in fact, surrendering to the higher wisdom of your Guides and the Universe - do it consistently and watch the magical beginning!

Conversations with the Universe

There are more beings and levels of consciousness in this vast and magnificent universe than we can imagine.

And you can connect with all of them, even with the Source of Consciousness (God). Actually, The source always communicates with you, you just don't recognize it because it is very symbolic and subtle.

Your higher consciousness, your higher self, is in fact the Source of Consciousness. The source is subdivided into many small parts, and we (our consciousness) are part of these parts.

We are all connected through the Universal Field of Consciousness; we are all part of one great Being, One Consciousness, which we call the "Universe". We are all One.