Why does a person yawn after cleaning. What happens after the removal of damage. Life after removing spoilage - precautions

Reader question:

When I tried to connect to the ground grid (I, of course, am still a beginner in this kind of work, although the crystal is activated), I visualized it as best I could, sending a ray with the intention of highlighting the darkened areas. I did not notice the result on myself right away. For about ten minutes, she yawned painfully. What was it? Was it draining energy (feeling good) or was there a flow through me?

I can't know, each case is individual, but there are possible options:

Pumping out / trying to influence or dissuade (do this or that practice)
- distraction
-unusual energy drop
- too much of your own energy was spent in the action itself, tired
-just wanted to yawn (sleep), it's okay

Colleague addition:

during work with thin plans and bodies, two types of special effects can be distinguished: belching and yawning. in the first case, the body reacts to low-vibration structures in the field and brings them out ("lifts up"), in the second - there is an adjustment to higher vibrations and expansion of consciousness. these effects can be traced in ordinary life - belching occurs in dirty places, energetically saturated with darker and denser vibrations. in places where the Mission of Service to Spirit or Knowledge (school or temple) takes place - yawning. everything is individual of course and directly depends on a person's ability to synchronize with space.

usually yawning happens when something goes inside or, on the contrary, comes out. one way or another, yawning is contact with a subtle plane. In this described case, it was more likely that those illuminated dark areas in the lattice were being cleaned, because many volumes passed through themselves, and it is also believed that when you have a throat you need to try not to open your mouth, thereby directing energy inward through the channels

Similar effects are also possible if you decide to write down some insight, think over a solution, read new information, etc.

I remind you: for ANY work, especially with similar symptoms, do not forget about.
Well, too.

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What meaning is attributed to a yawning habit? According to the views of many peoples, including the Slavic, yawning does not mean drowsiness at all, it is a signal of danger. It is very difficult for a person to resist the urge to yawn, and if you yawned, you thus opened the way for unclean spirits that can penetrate the body and harm your soul. Hence the often encountered recommendation to baptize the mouth or simply cover it with your hand.

Other peoples believed that during a yawning, the soul can leave the body, so you should not open your mouth wide or you should protect it with your hand or the sign of the cross.

On the other hand, some other peoples associate yawning with positive meanings. The Chinese, for example, believe that when someone yawns, he thus calls for help from higher powers.

Esotericists believe that yawning has a different meaning. This action begins when there is not enough oxygen in the blood and the body seeks to replenish its energy supply. But where does the lack of energy come from? Why does a person often yawn? The mystics suggest that the evil eye or damage is manifested in this way, so if you often yawn, this may cause fear that you have been jinxed. Although, of course, it can always be a simple lack of sleep!

There is also a point of view according to which a person yawns when negativity leaves his body, so yawning is often encountered during healing sessions, including among the healers themselves.

In the East, it is widely believed that in real life yawning may indicate that you are currently communicating with an unpleasant person, perhaps energy vampire, and your body, feeling a breakdown, thus tries to make up for the lack of energy. Thus, the sign of yawning may also be due to the fact that there is someone in your environment who "pulls" strength out of you.

It is also interesting that yawning is "contagious", while not all people are affected by someone else's yawning. What is the reason for this? There is such an explanation: we "become infected" by the yawning of other people only when this person is close to us, when he is in some way similar to us and there is sympathy or good relationship between us.

The meaning of omens to yawn to the nearest hour

Compilations folk signs offer their values ​​of this will be accurate to the hour on different days of the week. According to such collections, the spectrum of this sign is very wide: from negative (for example, receiving very bad news) to wonderful. If you wish, you can check the meaning of the action on such collections. Interestingly, there are many signs associated with love relationship: Yawning can signal someone's interest or, conversely, a loss of interest.

Bad news

Early Monday morning yawns, from 7 am to 8 am, predict bad news. Tuesday from 10 to 11 am and Friday morning from 7 to 8 is also not the best time, the folk oracle says that this omen is not good.

If you started yawning on Monday from 4 to 5 pm or on Tuesday from 7 to 8 am, then this is a warning: you have given your heart to a person who is not worthy of you. The sign of yawning at midnight on Monday has a similar meaning. The time from 17 to 18 on Wednesday is not the most best value: your body tells you. that they are cheating on you.

Meeting a new love

Often popular superstition connects the sign of yawning with the emergence of new love. Yawning at the following time can predict this:

  • 7 to 8, 11 to 12 am on Monday
  • 6 pm to 7 pm, 8 pm to 9 pm on Monday
  • 8 am to 10 am on Tuesday and 11 am to 12 pm
  • 9 to 10 on Wednesday
  • 20-21 Wednesday
  • 8 to 9 on Friday
  • 6 a.m. to 7 a.m. Saturday
  • 7 to 8 am Sunday


Yawning from 12 to 13 on Monday, as well as from 21 to 22 o'clock can speak of a future conflict. Tuesday from 12 to 13 is also not a good time, the sign of yawning speaks of possible quarrels and disagreements.

The following time periods are also not very successful: on Wednesday from 13 to 14 hours, on Thursday from 12 to 13, on Friday from 16 to 17 hours.

We wish you a successful clue of the true reason for yawning! Do not forget that a lot depends on your attitude to this or that phenomenon. If you sincerely believe that your yawning is a good sign, then it will be so!

One of the most controversial signs is why you yawn when you read a prayer. There is an assumption that this is because of a demon sitting in a person and interfering with the words of the holy texts. But is this so, or can we yawn while reading the doxologies for other reasons?

Yawning when praying, beliefs and facts

According to doctors, the phenomenon may not be triggered by magical factors:

  • a small amount of oxygen in the room;
  • tiredness, lack of sleep;
  • nervous shock. Sometimes yawning affects the body like a sedative. If a person is very worried, they may begin to yawn. It is believed that this makes it possible to relax a little, get distracted, tone the body;
  • in the presence of certain ailments, you should consult a doctor who can explain the phenomenon;
  • banal boredom.

They give their explanations and folk beliefs... For example, the evil spirits in a person, which oppose to praise the Lord, make you yawn while praying.

The opinion of the church on this issue is ambiguous. Some priests deny the existence of magic, because these are just scary stories.

Others are inclined to believe that demons can really take over a person, making him possessed. At the same time, it is assumed that a person can yawn while reading prayers if the demons are not in him, but nearby.

When the cause is the evil eye or damage

There are many opinions about whether there is damage or the evil eye and whether this is manifested through yawning. The clergy do not believe in the existence of negative programs.

However, numerous magicians and sorcerers convince us otherwise. So, frequent yawning during prayer, staying in holy places, in a temple at or other rite, signals the presence of the evil eye, damage.

Signs of a negative program - constantly wanting to sleep, lack of desire to do anything. Indicate also a dry spell, a fringe, a love spell, however, any witchcraft program can manifest itself as a yawn.

You can eliminate the negative using praise to eliminate corruption. After you get rid of the yawning, be sure to set yourself reliable protection from damage, evil eye and other witchcraft.

Is yawning in church, temple a sign of cleansing?

Frequent yawning can be not only a sign of a negative program, but also its withdrawal. If a person had an evil eye, a love spell and began to remove them, the negative thus begins to come out.

In this case, yawning may be accompanied by headache, dizziness. In addition, tears may start flowing, stuffy nose, and sore throat. In this case, you need to wait until the symptoms go away on their own.

If the program was not strong (the usual evil eye), a person will begin to cleanse himself only by going to a temple or holy place. This does not even require special conspiracies.

What if I yawn while reading a prayer?

If the reason is stuffiness in the room, fatigue, just sleep and ventilate the room. But if you think that this is the presence of a demon in you or an evil spirits nearby, perform such a ceremony.

On the waning moon at 12 o'clock in the morning, take one bought at dawn in the temple, pour the holy water into a container, which was also collected in the morning. Turn your face to the window, light a candle and say:

I will light a candle, but I will pray to God. In the name of the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, I drive all demons out of myself, I defend myself from evil spirits. As the moon wanes, so your strength wanes. I conjure evil spirits, from now on you will not approach me, hear my prayer, but disappear. Amen.

It is allowed to pronounce the text as much as you see fit. Try not to yawn while reading. If it doesn't work out, the ritual is performed the next evening.

For frequent and severe yawning attacks, light another church candle and read the most strong prayer Our Father . You need to repeat it until it feels better.

It is advised, after the cessation of yawning, to immediately carry out a rite of cleansing yourself, the room where you live, and to put up reliable protection with prayers from evil.

The reason for yawning has not yet been revealed by science. The people associate it with the presence of damage, the presence of demons nearby or in a person. We apologize on behalf of the editors for the fact that this article provoked you at least one blunder.

Some habits of our body exist with us all our lives, they are like built-in programs that are included in the basic package of such a bio-device as a person. One such program is yawning. Today I propose to think about what yawning is and what are its functions.

From the point of view of psychology, spontaneous yawning can occur when the body is trying to get rid of various blocks and clamps. They arise from stress and restrained emotions (resentment, anger, anger). The effect of yawning is tantamount to laughing or crying.

In classical medicine, which does not take into account the theory of subtle bodies and the energy structure of the body, the reasons for yawning are considered to be a lack of oxygen. Fatigue, boredom, being in a stuffy or smoky room are accompanied by a slowdown in breathing and contribute to the accumulation of excess in the blood carbon dioxide... Then the brain gives our lungs a signal: "Take a deep breath", and the person yawns. Two more versions are connected with overheating protection and regulation of pressure in the ears.

There are also several ways to look at yawning from an energy standpoint.

One of them is that yawning is the restoration of the energy cocoon and deep cleansing of the subtle bodies. At the same time, cleansing and filling with energy occurs. Spontaneous yawning can signal that some negativity is being released. A person may yawn with a deep perception of knowledge while listening. Yawning is an indicator that energy is moving up the spine. You need to control yawning by locking energy inside and channeling it through the channels.

In addition to the five main known types of prana (Prana, Udana, Samana, Vyana, Apana), yogic treatises describe five additional types of prana: Naga - responsible for belching, hiccups and gag reflex, Kurma - affects the muscular system of the eyes, contributing to the act of blinking, and also focuses vision, Kpukala causes yawning and causes a feeling of hunger and thirst, Devadatta is responsible for the sneezing process, Dhananjal spreads throughout the body, promotes its nutrition and controls the activity of inflammatory processes. Yawning is a manifestation of a lack of prana. Basically, we get prana with the help of breathing, part with food, part as a result of other interactions with the external environment.

During the physiological act of yawning in the subtle body, a channel opens in the sahasrara region through which prana from the environment enters the subtle body.

Sometimes a person is attacked by such a yawning that it even leads to tears. Such "yawning" can occur both when carrying out special cleaning techniques, and spontaneously, for no apparent reason. This is due to the fact that the fifth energy center, which is located in the throat (chakra - Vishuddha), has been activated. One of the functions of this chakra is to neutralize the expansion of destructive energy in the human biofield. The cleansing process is accompanied by a deep yawn.

It is worth mentioning that when you yawn, your body becomes vulnerable to entering it. They seem to be trying to fill the resulting "free space". Yawning is the process of opening your inner world and the entry of those energies that control you there.

The hadith says that the yawning is from the shaitan and if a person does not cover his mouth during the yawning, then the shaitan will penetrate into him. “If any of you yawns, let him close his mouth so that the shaitan does not enter” (Abu Daud).

The ancient Greeks and Maya believed that during deep breaths through the mouth, the soul can escape.

In any case, if such information exists, it is probably worth starting to control the yawning process. When you feel like yawning, take a sharp breath. Yawn without opening your mouth, forcibly contracting your cheekbones and pressing your lips together.

There is also information that Vedic scriptures indicate that during the act of yawning, desecration of all the people around occurs, so it is imperative to cover your mouth with your palm.

There is an opinion - if you yawn, when you say a prayer, this unclean force does not allow you to repeat the sacred doxology. Is this so, or is it just fatigue?

In the article:

Why do you yawn when you read a prayer

People tend to give things too much great importance, therefore, they try to explain many things with the help of signs and witchcraft. Therefore, superstition is so widespread that yawning during praises is a bad sign, a demon sits in an individual and resists the repetition of the sacred text.

But is it? Pay attention to what time of day you are praying. If it’s early morning and you’ve just woken up, or late in the evening and it’s time to go to bed, yawning is a normal process that indicates a desire to sleep.

Much depends on the room... It is possible that it is rarely or poorly ventilated. Yawning can also signal an imbalance in carbon dioxide and oxygen. When human blood contains a lot of carbon dioxide, the body tries to get saturated with oxygen, causing yawning.

If this is a regular occurrence, there may be a reason to see a doctor. Too frequent yawning may indicate the appearance of diseases.

Yawning can act as a sedative when the person is very nervous. This allows you to cheer up, tone the body. You may be excited about this moment, think about problems rather than focus on prayer.

Another reason for the phenomenon is boredom. It is believed that when a person is in a passive state, his breathing slows down, and the nerve cells work worse. When you yawn, the lack of oxygen will be replenished and blood circulation will improve.

The opinion that the process itself makes it possible to reduce mental stress is very widespread. It is because of this that a person yawns if he watches a boring film, listens to an uninteresting lecture, or does something that he does not like.

Yawning with the evil eye

You can argue for a long time about whether there is damage and the evil eye or not, but still, many people believe that regular yawning during prayer indicates the presence of a negative witchcraft effect. Indeed, it is so.

Let's also remember the consequences for the victim. A person falls into depression, he has no strength, he does not want to do anything, one desire is to sleep. Therefore, he can yawn regularly.

You can repeat it an unlimited number of times until it becomes easier. After suppressing yawning, perform a high-quality cleansing ritual as soon as possible to get rid of any negativity.