Do I need a filter in the aquarium. How long should a filter in an aquarium last? Why an internal filter in an aquarium? Why an external filter in an aquarium? Why a bottom filter in an aquarium

And who said that the first aquarium should be immediately "filderable"? We are sure that almost all aquarium gurus started out with a small aquarium. As a rule, the first aquarium is a 10-50 liter jar.

If you want to try doing aquarium fish or just do not want to spend money for an expensive aquarium and equipment yet - I suggest you consider creating an aquarium from a simple jar and improvised means. We hope that this article will help you navigate the nuances of creating a mini aquarium.

What you need to create an aquarium from a jar.

1. Jar / bottle: You can use a 3 liter bottle, however, please note that the larger the can, the better. There are cans of 5 and 10 liters. In addition, glass decorative flowerpots are sold - you can use them.

2.: You can buy a beautiful, colored small packing in the pet store, it is not expensive. As a soil, you can also use small pebbles, other river or sea pebbles, quartz. Such soil should be rinsed and boiled before being placed in a jar.

3.: Necessary to supply oxygen to the aquarium, it is inexpensive. If the aquarium jar is large (from 10 liters), you can purchase a filter with aeration - this will significantly save you from the routine care of your first aquarium. Moreover, it will contribute to good things in the aquarium.

5. Fish and plants.

The process of creating an aquarium from a jar.

1. We wash my aquarium jar with soda, pour over boiling water, rinse everything thoroughly.

2. We fill up the soil.

3. Install the scenery.

4. Fill with water.

5. We plant plants.

6. We adjust the biological balance.

7. We launch the fish.

The nuances of creating an aquarium from a jar.

First, the bigger the pot, the better. Try to get as large a jar as possible. The larger the jar, the better the fish, the easier it will be for you to care for it.

Secondly, under no circumstances use it as an aquarium. plastic jar or a bottle. Plastic will poison the fish, and it is also less transparent than glass.

Third, since a filter does not fit in a small jar, you should perform its function weekly - siphon the bottom, wipe the inside of the jar with a clean sponge, change a little fresh water. However, there are also nano filters and hinged filters ... we urge you to think about everything in advance.

Fourth, fill and replace only settled water.

Fifth, keep in mind that the aquarium jar should not be placed on a windowsill or other sunny place. From this, the aquarium will bloom, and the fish will die.

Sixth, try to maintain temperature regime necessary for fish. Buy a thermometer and see that the temperature is not critical. There are nano-heating pads for small ponds.

Seventh, use starter medications to reactivate beneficial bacteria. For instance, . Keep track of the level in the aquarium - this is very important !!!

Fish in a jar, what kind of fish can you keep?

An unconditional recommendation would be a fish - Cockerel or Betta. This is very beautiful unpretentious fish, which does not need aeration (compressor), as it swallows air from the surface of the water using a special organ - the gill labyrinth.

Guppies are hardy and unpretentious fish. They have beautiful tails. We had a chance to see a mini aquarium with gupeshkas without the slightest care (aeration, filtration, etc.) - and they lived !!!

Here's another, a number of fish that can live in small aquariums:

Specialty store salespeople always strive to sell as many items as possible to accompany the main purchase. Therefore, to a direct question whether you need a filter in an aquarium, you will definitely be answered in the affirmative and even offered help in choosing. In fact, a lot depends on the situation. With the right combination of flora and fauna, the model can exist without a filter. Even 20-30 years ago, such technical equipment was a gimmick, and many aquarists simply did not use them.

What is a filter for?

This is a special device designed to purify water in tanks where fish live. This process is called filtration. The device consists of two elements: a turbine head - a pump that pumps water, and a cartridge with a cleaning material.

Filtration improves the living conditions of fish, which generate a lot of toxic waste. In nature, this is not a problem due to the large volumes of water that either carries this waste away or dissolves it. But in small aquarium significantly increased "population density", which can lead to gradual turbidity or pollution of water, to the appearance unpleasant odors... In addition, it is during the purification that the water is saturated with oxygen, without which the fish cannot live for a long time.

Given the placement, the filter can be:

  • interior;
  • external;
  • canister;
  • bottom.

You may be advised to add to the aquarium Activated carbon... It can indeed be useful in some cases (it absorbs heavy metal salts, toxins, dyes and some chemically active elements), but it should be used only for certain situations and only as a cleaning element.

Aquarium without filter

How can you make your aquarium survive without a cleaning device? Everything is not so difficult - you just need to arrange a separate biosystem in it that independently maintains its biological balance. To do this, you need to purchase a high-quality container for keeping fish, properly care for it, plant plants that will enrich the water with oxygen, and have inhabitants that fit perfectly into this biosystem.

Which one is better to choose?

Recently, it has become fashionable to purchase so-called nano-aquariums with a capacity of 10-15 liters. However, in our case, such a volume will not work - the smaller the ecosystem, the more difficult it is to achieve biological balance in it. Models for 50 liters are considered the best option, but you also need to take into account how much the fish you are going to have. It is very important not to overpopulate the body of water - from this, an excess of nitrogen-containing waste is formed in it, which the processing bacteria cannot cope with. If you do not want to leave your pets without oxygen or arrange for them oxygen starvation, it is better to limit the number of individuals. Even if the chosen model allows you to accommodate more inhabitants, you do not need to be zealous in this matter.

How to care?

Such care is somewhat specific and has its own characteristics, but it is no more difficult than caring for an aquarium with a cleaning device. The main thing is to find out even before starting the installation if the individuals you have chosen can live without additional oxygen supply. Experts advise novice aquarists to pay attention to several important points.

  • First, it should be remembered that biological equilibrium in a newly populated vessel will not be established immediately. This takes some time - usually about a month. Do not be alarmed if during this time the water darkens or becomes cloudy several times.
  • Secondly, you need to monitor the condition of the water. If it is not filtered, then to reduce the amount of harmful substances, it must be periodically changed. Of course, not all the water, it is enough to renew 20-30% of the total volume, but this must be done weekly.
  • Third, carefully research the soil that you purchased. Before placing it in the aquarium, it must be rinsed and disinfected as much as possible.

What does it take to sustain life?

A container without a filter should be planted as tightly as possible with plants. This is done to enrich the water with oxygen. Experts advise using vallisneria or pterygoid fern. These plants grow rapidly and, as they feed, absorb substances that can harm the fish. It is also advisable to plant several Echinodorus in the reservoir. They have a very strong root system that helps to avoid silting or soil acidification. You can also add some types of mosses. However, it must be borne in mind that moss grows very slowly and cannot absorb all harmful substances; it is better to combine it with something fast-growing.

Plants in large numbers will absorb quite a lot of oxygen at night, so it is necessary to make sure that the water surface has as large an area of ​​contact with air as possible. For example, models without a compressor are advised to buy without a cover. For the same reason, it is better to make them low but wide. The room where the aquarium is installed should be regularly and well ventilated.

What fish can live in models without a filter? Care features

Many fish can tolerate the absence of a filter well, you can pick it up for every taste. Experts recommend starting not too whimsical inhabitants. Excellent in such a biosystem will feel:

  • guppy;
  • swordtails;
  • barbs;
  • zebrafish;
  • some subspecies of goldfish.

You should not choose fish that require too complex care. For example, even professional aquarists do not always cope with dicus or scalar. It is necessary to care for fish in aquariums without a filter in the same way as in models with it. The only important difference is that in devices without cleaning, the inhabitants cannot be overfeeded. Food residues in the water create phosphorus-containing substances, which can lead to excessive growth of algae, which can only be grown in an aquarium with a purifier.

Professional service from Aqua-Store

If you have any questions about the choice of aquariums and their maintenance, please contact the specialists of the Aqua-Store company. They will be happy to select a model of the required volume for you, help you with the choice of inhabitants and plants, and tell you how to properly care for them. You can contact us by phone or email.

Aquarium without filter. Introduction.

I think it is not worthwhile to describe in detail the process of filtration in the aquarium here, let's just define the basics. It is known that there are several types of filtration in an aquarium: mechanical, chemical and biological. With mechanical filtration, everything is relatively simple, it is the removal of large particles of dirt from the water, chemical, removal of unwanted elements dissolved in water, including drugs, after fish treatment, with the help of special substances - adsorbents. What remains is biological filtration, this is, in a simplified version, the decomposition of harmful substances that accumulate in the aquarium during the life of the inhabitants of the aquarium, with the help of various bacteria.

For biological filtration, rather expensive ones are used, compared to other aquarium equipment, they come in different designs, the most common are external canister-type filters. The main function of the filter is to provide a place for the filler, filter material, on the surface and inside of which the very bacteria settle, with the help of which harmful substances are decomposed into less dangerous ones. Is it possible to make an aquarium without a filter, and to refuse from the filter not to the detriment of the aquarium itself?

In order to answer this question, we need to figure out where else, except how these beneficial bacteria... In fact, they are common throughout the aquarium, regardless of whether the filter is in the aquarium or not, colonies of bacteria settle on the walls of the aquarium, plants, decorations and the largest colonies, on the ground and inside it. Accordingly, by installing a filter, bacteria are provided only with an additional area and conditions are created for their reproduction and, therefore, to effectively perform their functions for processing harmful substances.

Conditions necessary for the functioning of an aquarium without a filter.

Let's now figure out what needs to be implemented in an artificial reservoir so that the aquarium without the use of a filter can normally exist and develop. The most important thing is to create and maintain in the aquarium, balance, balance between all its inhabitants. Depending on the volume of the aquarium, its population should be adequate to this volume, in other words, with a small population of the aquarium, the total load on the aquarium also decreases, since fewer inhabitants emit less waste products and the aquarium system is able to cope with this quantity, that is, to recycle.

The next one is very important point, an aquarium without a filter, should be planted as densely as possible with plants, the plants use substances secreted by fish for their nutrition. Moreover, part of the plants must be rapidly growing, the faster the growth rate of the plant, the more actively it consumes nutrients for its development, thereby preventing the accumulation of harmful substances to dangerous levels. The rapidly growing ones include such unpretentious plants as: vallisneria, and others. It is desirable to have in an aquarium without a filter, such plants as, for example, having a powerful, developed, root system, they prevent siltation and souring of the soil and help maintain the overall biological balance of the system. Slow growing species such as different kinds mosses or ferns (Thai fern), due to their slow growth, participate in the process of consuming substances, not so actively, nevertheless, in combination with other species, they can of course be used when organizing an aquarium without a filter.

After the aquarium is started, filled up and after a while the plants are planted, you need to give the aquarium time to mature, the biological balance should naturally be established, as a rule it takes several weeks. After this period, you can add fish, once again I want to note that there should be a moderate amount of fish in an aquarium without a filter, the system itself must cope with the load, and this is impossible with a large population. It is also very important to make periodic water changes, 10-20% of the volume of the aquarium, in parallel with the change to be carried out in areas of the bottom that are not planted with plants. With this approach, the aquarium without a filter will function normally. for a long time, not differing in any way from aquariums equipped with a filtration system.

An example of an aquarium without a filter.

As an example, let me cite my 60 liter aquarium without a filter, in general there is absolutely no equipment in this aquarium, there is only a heater that this year was turned on only once when the water temperature in the aquarium dropped below 22 degrees C. Lighting in the aquarium was implemented with using two energy-saving lamps, 15 watts each. each, warm and cold light. The soil in the aquarium is natural, coarse sand, from the coast of the Gulf of Finland.

The simplest and most unpretentious plants grow in the aquarium, this is elodea, a small bush of Thai fern, floats on the surface, riccia and fern, which is also called water cabbage. From the population of guppies that constantly breed and, as they grow, move to the upper aquarium with a volume of 360 liters. Also live, cherry shrimps, at one time I got 8 pieces in exchange for aquarium plants, now there are certainly more of them. Live food and dry food in flakes. I make changes in the aquarium every two weeks for about 20% of the volume. There have never been any species of algae in this aquarium.

In the photo the aquarium after the global weeding, the old photos unfortunately have not been preserved, a little later I will update the photos, as the aquarium will overgrow again.

Now let's talk a little, for which aquariums the absence of a filter, most likely, cannot be recommended. First of all, these are of course aquariums where planting is impossible or difficult, these are aquariums with cichlids, goldfish. It is also necessary to have filters in aquariums with such demanding fish of water quality as discus fish, although here, too, options are possible, instead of using external filters, you can organize a channel or install a phyto filter.

I will update the article a little, since the launch of the aquarium, about 8 months have passed as of September 27, 2015, there were no problems with the aquarium. The plants described above and growing in this aquarium are constantly weeded as they grow, guppies and cherry shrimps also reproduce normally, algae do not cause any problems, they are simply absent in this aquarium. To be honest, I do not make water changes very regularly, sometimes I change the water every week, sometimes after a month, then I just add the required amount instead of the evaporated one. The lighting is the same, that is, energy-saving lamps, I did not do tests, although I'm going to, just for the sake of interest.

Several photos of the aquarium to date.

Well, that's all I wanted to tell you about. I want to draw your attention to the fact that everything stated in the article, an aquarium without a filter, is based on my personal observations and experience in maintaining a freshwater aquarium, write your questions and comments in the comments.

It would seem that fish are the most harmless pets, and it is quite simple to grow them. But in practice, this is not at all the case.

In order for fish and other living creatures not to die, you need at least high-quality food, sufficient lighting, regular cleaning of the aquarium and, of course, water filtration. All these tasks fall on the shoulders of the owner, who must regularly perform all these procedures.

The aquarium filter is a must-have for modern aquariums. Without it, life is possible only if there is a large number living plants. Filters have two main parts. The first is a pump that pumps the water, the second is a cartridge with filtering material.

Internal filters are installed in the aquarium itself, external filters are mounted outside, connected to the aquarium with hoses. The second type of devices is more powerful, so their use is rational if you have a large aquarium.

The main task of this device is mechanical water purification, elimination of the remains of the life of the inhabitants of the aquarium, as well as mixing the water and enriching it with oxygen.

Provided that the device is installed correctly, the lower and upper layers of water will constantly mix, improving the gas exchange of water and air in the room.

The upper layer of water is separated from carbon dioxide and goes down, as a result, the fish will not accumulate at the surface, but will be evenly distributed in the water.


It will not be superfluous to equip the outlet pipe with a special branch pipe for the air intake mesh. It creates fine air bubbles for efficient aeration.

Dirt is retained during filtration. When the filter becomes clogged, the filter must be washed carefully, but strictly without the use of detergents.

Does an aquarium need an external filter, what are its pros and cons

An external filter is often referred to as a “bucket” by aquarium lovers. Install it near the aquarium or in a cabinet under it. Due to its larger dimensions, it can accommodate more filter material. As a result, better water purification is provided.


Most of the external filter models are mixed and have two filtration sections. The first is mechanical with a padding polyester or a sponge for collecting dirt, the second is a layer with biomaterial.

The device is internally divided into sections. Mechanical parts are placed on top, then a layer of biomaterial - coal or ceramic granules. You can also additionally use other fillers to remove heavy metals or ammonia.

In expensive models, they even install a water heater to maintain a certain temperature.

External filters are purchased for large aquariums, usually with a volume of 200 liters or more.

The advantages of external filters include the following:

  • better filtration,
  • more convenient cleaning and maintenance,
  • purification in several stages: mechanical, biological, as well as water softening due to additional fillers.

Of the shortcomings, it is worth noting only the higher cost, which is justified by a completely different level of purification, as well as wide additional capabilities, for example, the installation of various additional fillers to remove certain chemicals from the water.

When choosing this device, you should pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • for a small aquarium, you can take the device small size but high quality and quiet,
  • for aquariums with a volume of 30-70 liters, a throughput of 300 l / h will be sufficient,
  • aquariums with a volume of 100-200 liters need a filter with a capacity of 500 l / h,
  • with an aquarium volume over 200 liters, this figure should be at least 700 l / h.

There is a large selection of brands in stores, so it will not be difficult to choose a device based on the characteristics of the aquarium and your budget.

The debate about whether to use charcoal in filters has not subsided for a long time. Someone uses it constantly or periodically, someone does not use it at all.

Aquarium Filter Charcoal it has a particularly porous structure, due to which it absorbs chemicals well. This is used to purify both air and water.

For aquariums, you cannot use the coal that is sold in pharmacies, it quickly turns into dust and does not fulfill its function.

Most often, bituminous and additionally granulated are used. It absorbs chlorine, tannins, phloramines, toxins, but unfortunately, it is completely unarmed in front of nitrites, nitrates, ammonia, heavy metals, phosphates. Additional filler is required to remove them.

The pore size directly affects the ability of coal to absorb harmful substances. Coal particles should be 1-2 mm in size, not shiny and hard.

Doses and duration of use of coal depend on the characteristics and sizes. For a 50 liter aquarium, one cup of charcoal is usually used with a change once a month. For more convenient use and replacement, it is better to put the charcoal in a separate bag.

It is worth noting such an important feature of coal as the absorption of drugs from the water after the treatment of fish. If it is planned to add drugs to the water, the coal must first be removed, and returned back after the end of the treatment.

Many aspiring aquarists are wondering whether it is necessary to turn off the filter in the aquarium, for example, at night, or it must work continuously.

Experts confidently answer - in no case should you turn off the device. Colonies of bacteria that carry out biological purification of water live in the filter, and they do not die only under the condition of a constant supply of oxygen-enriched water.

Soon after turning off the filter, they will die, and after turning it on, they will poison the water, and the fish will die.

The intake of air into the water should be regular regardless of the time of day. The only exceptions are aquariums with an abundance of plants; they can do without artificial aeration at all.