Why tomatoes grow poorly and what to do

Tomatoes are grown in almost every vegetable garden - this is an easy crop to cultivate. It is planted in the open, in the ground, in a greenhouse, it happens, seeds are sown right away, and sometimes seedlings are made. Tomatoes of different varieties yield satisfactory yields, but only with good growth. Unfortunately, there are times when tomatoes develop slowly. Why tomatoes grow poorly and what to do about it will be described below in the article.

Why do tomatoes grow poorly outdoors?

Why do tomatoes grow poorly outdoors? At least once this question was asked by every gardener who grows them. There can be many reasons and all of them are quite realistic to solve.

Why do tomatoes grow poorly in a greenhouse?

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What to do if tomatoes do not grow?

There are many reasons why tomatoes grow poorly, as you can see, but how to solve them? Above, several simple tips have already been given, now it is worthwhile to study in more detail how to prevent growth from stopping or to correct the situation.

  • Watering tomatoes should only be done with warm water infused in the sun. This should be done early in the morning or in the evening, when the sun has disappeared.
  • Frequent watering is much preferable to rare, but abundant. The latter lead to cracking of the fruit.
  • It is not necessary to collect seeds from sown tomatoes from year to year. It is necessary to renew the seed, otherwise the yield of the variety will rapidly fall every year. Once every three years, it is worth buying new seeds, store-bought in bags and sowing them, rather than picking from the tomatoes sown for this year.
  • When choosing a variety for planting, you need to pay attention to where it should be grown? If tomatoes are intended for a greenhouse, they cannot be grown outdoors and vice versa. If you neglect this rule, tomatoes, having reached a certain growth, will simply stop developing or will not bear fruit.

VIDEO - 10 mistakes when growing tomatoes