How to seal apple juice with pulp. Preparation of fruit and berry juices without sugar

Today we want to invite you to prepare excellent plum juice with pulp, and you will learn how to make it at home from our recipes.

Recipe for plum juice with pulp for the winter


  • (“Hungarian”) – 6 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 0.8-1 kg;


We first wash the plums in one water, then rinse them in another. We cut each cream along the base and remove the seeds. Place the processed fruit in a large, wide saucepan and pour 2 fingers above the plum clean water. We put everything on the switched on burner gas stove and cook the fruit until its peel begins to peel off from the pulp. We take a large, deep colander, place a clean saucepan under it, and when the cooked plum has cooled a little, dump the entire contents of the fruit container onto it. Wipe the plums and discard the remaining peel. Thoroughly stir the mashed plum puree with the liquid in which they were boiled, gradually add fine sugar, periodically tasting the juice and boiling it for 5-7 minutes, pour the entire volume of juice in the pan into the fried jars. We roll up each container with a lid, and when everything has cooled down to room temperature, put it in a cool place.

Recipe for apple and plum juice with pulp for the winter


  • apples (sweet) – 1.5 kg;
  • white plums – 1.5 kg;
  • fine sugar – 450 g;


We peel the dense, washed fruits of white plums and remove the seeds we don’t need from them. We also cut the washed apples into two halves, carefully cut out the core, and chop the rest of the fruit into slices. Place two prepared fruits in one wide metal container and add drinking water so that it covers the pieces of fruit and put everything on the switched on stove. Cook the contents of the container until the pulp is well cooked and the peel itself begins to peel off. Then we pour half of the liquid in which the apples and plums were cooked into a separate bowl, and transfer the rest into a colander. When the remaining water has drained from the fruits and they have cooled to a warm state, then place a container with poured compote under a colander and wipe the cooked plums and apples into it. Remove the colander and put the compote with fruit pulp on the stove. Add fine, white sugar to them, stir and cook the apple-plum juice for about 13-15 minutes. Pour it hot into glass jars and preserve the juice for the winter.

Juices are obtained by pressing fresh, ripe and healthy fruits and berries. When pressed or squeezed together with the juice, the most valuable soluble substances are extracted from the fruit - sugars, acids, mineral salts and vitamins. Great value have juices for feeding children, as well as sick and convalescent people. At home, you can prepare natural juices without sugar by sterilizing them in an airtight container.

Apple juice

To prepare juice, they take apples, most often more than one variety. Usually take 1 part sour, 1 part tart and 3 parts sweet apples. Good juice is obtained by mixing apples with pears. To prepare juice, you can take beaten but well-ripened healthy fruits. Only rotten and green ones are removed. If apples have been sprayed with toxic substances, then for better washing, 1% hydrochloric acid is dissolved in water. To prepare the solution you need to take 10 g of acid per 1 liter of water.

The washed apples are chopped and placed under a press. You can use a juicer or an electric juicer. Unclarified juice is poured into sterilized glass containers and pasteurized. To clarify the juice, with constant stirring, quickly heat up to 80 degrees and cool immediately by lowering the pan into a large container with cold water. The cooled juice is allowed to stand for two hours, filtered and pasteurized a second time. After the first squeeze, a lot of juice remains in the pulp. In order to extract it, the pulp is placed in an enamel pan, water is added at the rate of 1 glass per 1 kg of pulp, heated to 60 degrees and kept at this temperature for 12 minutes. Then they are pressed a second time, pasteurized and used in the future for the preparation of jelly.

Canning juice by pasteurization.

Juice can also be preserved by pasteurization. To do this, the juice needs to be heated to 85 degrees and poured into a container, without adding to the top 2 cm. Pasteurize at 85 degrees. Pasteurization time: for cans with a capacity of 0.5 l 15 minutes, 1 l – 20 minutes, 3 l – 30 minutes.

Apple juice with pulp

Wash the apples, peel them, cut out the core, cut into slices, put in an enamel pan and boil for 15 minutes. Pass the boiled fruits through a meat grinder with a fine grid twice. Place the resulting puree back into the pan, dilute with hot water to the required thickness, bring to a boil and pour into jars while boiling. Fill the jars to the top, turn them upside down and cool.

Apples in their own juice

Place sliced ​​or whole apples in boiling water for 3 minutes, cool in cold water and immediately put into jars. Freshly prepared apple juice heat to 90 - 95 degrees, pour into jars and pasteurize at 85 degrees. Pasteurization time: for 1 liter cans 15 minutes, 2 liters – 25 minutes, 3 liters – 30 minutes.

Cherry juice

To prepare cherry juice, you need to wash the fruits and crush them with a wooden pestle or masher in a saucepan. In order to extract the juice completely, press it. After the first pressing, add water to the pulp at the rate of 200 g per 1 kg of pulp, boil while stirring for 3 minutes and press again. Juices after pressing are consumed in the form of natural juice or for mixing with other juices. They are settled, removed from the sediment, filtered and preserved using the methods described above.

Grape juice with pulp

To prepare grape juice with pulp, take ripe sweet grapes, wash them, let the water drain, separate the berries from the bunches, remove rotten, unripe berries, pass through a juicer in the form of a cone attachment to a meat grinder. Pour the resulting grape juice with pulp into an enamel pan, put on fire, boil for 15 minutes, then pour into heated jars while boiling, cover with varnished lids, seal and cool.

Grape juice

To prepare juice, select sweet grapes, rinse them, drain, separate the berries from the bunches, removing rotten, damaged and unripe berries.

Place a canvas napkin in the basket of a hand press, add a portion of grapes, cover with the ends of the canvas napkin and squeeze out the juice. Pour the resulting juice into an enamel pan and heat at 95 degrees for 15 minutes, then pour the juice into heated jars or bottles, cover with boiled lids, seal, wrap the jars in cloth, soak in it for one hour, after which they are removed from under the cloth and cooled .

Grape juice (2 option)

If there is no grape press, then the juice can be prepared as follows: rinse ripe sweet grapes, let the water drain, separate the berries from the bunches, removing damaged, rotten, unripe ones. Place the sorted berries in a colander placed over an enamel bucket and mash. Pour the resulting pulp and juice into a 10-liter container that holds 8 kg of mass, cover the container with gauze and place in a warm place for 3 days. After 3 days, the pulp floats up, and grape juice is released at the bottom of the container. Then pour the grape juice from the bottle into an enamel bowl through a colander and filter through a cloth, several layers of gauze or a cap stocking. The pulp is placed in portions into a burlap stocking and carefully squeezed out by hand. Boil the resulting juice in an enamel pan for 15 minutes, then pour it while boiling into heated jars, cover them with varnished lids, seal, and cool.

Redcurrant juice

Red currant berries give off juice well without heating. To preserve color, pour crushed berries with water heated to 60 degrees and keep covered for 3 hours. The juice obtained by pressing requires immediate processing. To do this, place the juice in a saucepan or basin, add a little water, bring to a temperature of 90 degrees and, stirring carefully, heat for 5 minutes. Fill the prepared jars with hot juice, immediately seal them with boiled varnished lids and, turning the jars upside down, set them to cool.

Blackcurrant juice

Take washed healthy berries, place them in a saucepan, add water at the rate of 2 cups per 1 kg of berries, heat to a boil while stirring and boil for 5 minutes. Most often, the juice is squeezed twice. For better yield, the pulp after the second squeeze is removed from the bag, poured with hot water (1 glass per 1 kg of squeezed pulp) and heated to a boil, stirring continuously. After this, the pulp is squeezed out again.

The juice from all the pressings is mixed, filtered, heated to 100 degrees and packaged hot. Filled jars are immediately rolled up with boiled varnished lids and, turning the jars upside down, set to cool.

Gooseberry juice

To prepare gooseberry juice, you can use both large and small berries, but always not fully ripe ones. The sorted berries are boiled in boiling water (1 cup per 1 kg of berries) for 8 minutes with continuous stirring, and then crushed. The hot pulp is immediately squeezed out under pressure. They repeat this three times. After the second squeeze, the mass is removed from the press, 1 glass of water is added per kilogram of squeezed pulp, brought to a boil while stirring, and squeezed again. The juice is filtered, heated to 100 degrees and packaged hot.

Who doesn’t like to pamper themselves with fresh aromatic juice, and even prepared with their own hands from fruits collected in their own garden? Sweet or sour, red and yellow, surprisingly tasty and juicy - a real pleasure, and not only! Let's talk today about why you should pay attention to pear-apple juice with pulp: benefits, harm, composition, preparation of this drink and the most simple recipes. If they also grow in your garden fruit trees, don’t rush to pack everything up at once and preserve it for the winter, hurry up to get the benefits of fresh fruit!

The benefits of pear-apple juice with pulp

The healthiest juices are those made from unpeeled fruits. However, if the fruits were bought at the market and not grown yourself, then it is better to remove it.
Fresh juices are very good for health: both in the treatment of a number of existing diseases and in their prevention. Supporters traditional medicine Doctors agree that drinking apple and pear juice every day for breakfast helps to activate metabolism and the proper functioning of the digestive system. If you drink them at the beginning of the day, you can normalize the process of removing excess fluid that accumulates in tissues and internal organs, because the diuretic effect appears. Improvement in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract occurs precisely due to the pulp content in the drink, which contains large number fiber.

Pear and apple juice is useful for diseases of the circulatory system, as well as for liver disorders. It is recommended to be used as a restorative after physical activity. In addition, it is indispensable in the diet of people who have suffered acute viral infections and pneumonia. This is the kind of fresh juice that is recommended for infants who are starting their first complementary feedings. You should start with the pear-apple composition without fear allergic reaction and other complications in a small child. This, by the way, is different, which can cause allergies.

This product has become very popular among people suffering from diabetes mellitus. True, they should use not quite ripe fruits in the juice, which contain a lot of fructose and sorbitol, and do not require insulin for their absorption. When treating anemia, you can use this juice.

By the way, the debate over whether pear-apple juice weakens or, on the contrary, strengthens, can be resolved with a simple answer: both. Depends on what fruit you use. For example, in early varieties of pear there are practically no tannins, which lead to hardening of the stool. In ripe fruits, the level of arbutin increases, which has a similar effect.

If you constantly drink this product, you can forget about gastritis, intestinal discomfort and cholecystitis.

What is pear-apple juice with pulp rich in, what is its composition?

This valuable drink contains vitamins A, E, B, P, H, C. It is valued for its high content of magnesium and potassium, iron and sodium, calcium and chlorine, copper and sulfur, boron and cobalt. There is little to compare this fresh juice with in terms of the number of useful components it contains. Juice from pears and apples contains essential oils, fructose and glucose, pectins, antioxidants and mineral salts. All this together helps strengthen the immune system, maintain vigor and activity, as well as good mood. It also contains beta-carotene, which is beneficial for beauty and youth.

With regular use, they are eliminated harmful substances, toxins and waste, dangerous cholesterol goes away. Useful composition this product eliminates negative consequences poisoning, including mushrooms. People who know first-hand what painful heartburn is should include it in their diet. The rich vitamin composition and low calorie content allow you to consume the drink while losing weight without compromising your health and with the most noticeable effect.

Is pear-apple juice with pulp dangerous? Is it likely to cause harm to anyone?

It's worth remembering that maximum number beneficial properties the drink has automatic or manually. Then the natural fermentation process begins, bacteria appear that can have a negative effect on the intestinal microflora and kill beneficial bacteria in the stomach. By the way, it is the blending of pear juice with apple juice that allows you to reduce the number of bacteria formed in the composition.

In general, there are practically no contraindications to the use of this fresh juice, which makes it safer than, for example,. And if individual intolerance occurs, you should stop using it.

How to make pear-apple juice with pulp: preparation using a juicer and a meat grinder

From 20 kilograms of juicy ripe fruits you can get about 12 liters of fresh juice with pulp. The standard proportion when combining apple and pear compositions is 2:1, respectively.

If you prepare the drink by hand, you can simplify the process using a meat grinder. We pass washed and sliced ​​fruits through it, obtaining a fragrant, juicy mass. Then we take a clean and not very dense cloth, maybe gauze, through which you need to squeeze out the resulting composition. The pulp should also pass through the fibers, so it will be preserved more. useful substances, which are present both in the seeds and in the peel. Sugar can be added to taste, but to get a more dietary juice, you can simply use sweet fruits.

You can further simplify the process by using a juicer. The product can be preserved immediately after it has been squeezed out, making sure to sterilize the sealed container.

Useful folk recipes

If you are tormented by laryngitis, runny nose, sore throat and other inflammatory processes that lead to damage to the vocal cords, take fresh apple and pear juice, slightly heat it in a water bath, add a tablespoon of honey. Take half a glass of this remedy three times a day.

If you add lemon and a little grated ginger to this drink, you can get a powerful tonic for the immune system.