Diet for renal colic menu. Diet rules for renal colic: recipes and menu for the week. Therapeutic fasting, junk foods and salt-free diet

Acute intense pain in the lumbar region often becomes a sign of kidney disease. lies in the displacement of stones in the urinary tract, in the bend and obstruction of the ureter, and in inflammatory processes. The passage of stones or sand in the urinary system causes a number of inconveniences, even causing shock syndrome in humans.

Doctors consider prescribing a special diet as a way to prevent such a common disease or alleviate symptoms. A special diet will not cure the disease, but it will help reduce pain, relieve symptoms and reduce the load on the organs of the genitourinary system.

An attack of renal colic appears unexpectedly, regardless of the time of day and is short-term or long-term in nature. The main symptom is acute pain that begins in the lumbar region, hypochondrium, then descends along the urinary tract to the genitals and groin. The attacks are accompanied by chills, elevated temperature, vomiting, tachycardia.

Renal colic in 90% of cases is a consequence of the formation of sand or kidney stones. But other changes in the body are also noted that can become signs of the appearance of such a disease.

Signs of urolithiasis are more often observed in men (12%) than in women (7%). The explanation is the observance of a proper diet by women who monitor their own figure and food. But this disease, provoked by infection, most often affects the weaker sex of the population. Therefore, the chances of contracting urolithiasis are equal. The age category of patients is in the range of 20-50 years. More often the load on genitourinary system affects the right kidney; bilateral foci of the disease are extremely rare.

Diet for renal colic

Along with drug or surgical treatment, the doctor must prescribe a special diet for the patient for renal colic. Proper nutrition should minimize the load on the kidneys. If the kidneys are not functioning sufficiently, the body needs to stock up on the necessary useful substances and ensure homeostasis of body systems. It is important to replenish vitamins and minerals where they are lacking.

  • Eat fractionally, dividing food into 4-5 meals in small portions.
  • Avoid overeating and food that is difficult to digest.
  • Eat low-calorie foods.
  • Reduce salt intake to a minimum.
  • Avoid fried, spicy, sour, fatty, smoked and flour foods.
  • Eliminate drinks such as strong tea, all types of cocoa, and chocolate from your diet.
  • Increase your fluid intake to 2-3 liters per day (in the absence of contraindications).
  • Completely abstain from alcoholic beverages.
  • In case of renal failure, remove proteins from the diet and reduce the drinking regime.
  • Avoid fasting.

With colic, the necessary unloading of the body often occurs when doctors prescribe a diet called Table No. 10. This system involves a specially designed diet that improves metabolism in the body. Table No. 10 includes:

  • Boiled lean fish or dietary meat;
  • Porridges, soups, vegetable broths;
  • Weak tea with milk, water, non-concentrated vegetable juices;
  • Fermented milk products;
  • Vegetables, fruits.

Table No. 10 contains all the principles and components of proper nutrition. Compliance with this regimen will improve the functioning of all body systems, including the condition of the genitourinary system.

A diet for renal colic is prescribed by the attending physician or nutritionist. Specialists monitor the patient’s condition daily while maintaining a proper diet.

Proper nutrition helps soften the stone and promotes its dissolution. In addition, regularly consuming healthy foods will help reduce tension in the urinary tract, which will ensure quick passage of sand. A diet for renal colic improves the patient’s condition and prevents relapse.

Diet for different types of stones

Since renal colic in most cases foreshadows urolithiasis, it is worth understanding the options dietary nutrition at different types stones There are oxalate and phosphate. The chemical composition of kidney stones is influenced by the quality and content of urine. To alkalize or oxidize urine, it is necessary to change the diet according to the type of stones. You can find out what diet to follow for renal colic by taking urine and blood tests.

Diet for urates

The presence of urates (uric acid stones) in the kidneys forces urine to be leached. To do this, you will need to give up sour berries, cheeses, smoked meats, legumes, and strong coffee. Protein consumption should be reduced to 100 grams per day.

The list of products allowed for urate stones includes:

  • Lean poultry, fish.
  • Fermented milk products.
  • Sweet fruits.
  • Vegetables boiled, stewed, raw.
  • Porridge (except buckwheat).
  • Baked goods based on wholemeal flour.

Diet for oxalates

Oxalates in the kidneys exclude from the diet all foods filled with these substances. This includes sorrel, tomatoes, and beets. It is forbidden to consume rhubarb, sour berries and fruits, milk, and legumes. It is necessary to minimize the consumption of foods rich in vitamin C and protein.

The oxalate diet is accompanied by the intake of the following products:

  • Sweet vegetables and fruits;
  • Boiled beef;
  • All types of cereals (except semolina);
  • Dietary meat and fish;
  • Tea with added milk.

Diet with phosphates

Phosphates are extremely rare in the kidneys. They cause colic when phosphates crystallize by changing them when exposed to an alkaline environment. It is necessary to balance the acid-base environment. With a phosphate diet, dairy and fermented milk products, potatoes, sweet fruits, and salt are completely excluded from the diet.

The following products can help in the fight against phosphates:

  • Eggs without yolks;
  • Pumpkin;
  • Berry and birch juices;
  • Sauerkraut;
  • Various cereals;
  • Rose hip decoction.

Following special diets depending on the type of kidney stones will help regulate the acid-base balance. This will prevent existing stones from growing, will help soften them and remove them, and reduce the risk of new stones forming.

Fasting days

If there are no contraindications, the disease is mild and without complications; a special diet is used on fasting days. It is permissible to unload the body in this way only in agreement with a doctor and under his supervision (especially if this is done for the first time). Medical fasting should not be confused with fasting days. Complete refusal to eat is considered a contraindication for renal colic, since the patient’s body requires saturation. Proper fasting involves eating one type of product throughout the day.

Product options for fasting days:

  1. Fresh oatmeal on the water. The porridge intake is divided into 5 times, washed down with rosehip decoction.
  2. Fresh vegetable salad in vegetable (olive) oil. One serving is 300 grams. Use 5 times a day.
  3. The watermelon diet helps remove kidney stones. It is also allowed to use fruits other than bananas for unloading.

Treatment of renal colic with folk remedies

In addition to traditional medicine, they are good for removing the main symptom of urolithiasis - renal colic - folk remedies. The main medicines that help treat patients are decoctions and lotions. A compress based on crushed flaxseed is applied to the painful side, it relieves pain. Decoction of pumpkin seeds - healthy drink with renal colic. Eating boiled wheat once a week helps prevent kidney stones.

Treatment of urate stones traditional methods gives good results with regular and long-term (1.5-2 months) use of various decoctions. This includes a lingonberry decoction based on lingonberry leaves, parsley root, calamus and knotweed, a decoction of barberry (barberry, juniper) and a decoction based on birch leaves (birch, black elderberry, flax seeds).

Phosphate and oxalate stones are well treated with the following folk methods:

  • A decoction of barberry flowers based on barberry, immortelle, lingonberry, motherwort, and sweet clover herb.
  • A decoction based on budra herb, containing budra herb, blue cornflower, mint, wintergreen leaves.
  • A decoction based on immortelle includes immortelle, budra herb, black elderberry, blue cornflower, burnet root.

To prevent the occurrence of renal colic, it is important to find out about the root cause of its occurrence. Since urolithiasis is often to blame, it is worth putting in order your usual diet. Received on time useful product, included in the diet, will avoid the appearance of stones and eliminate relapse. Therapeutic nutrition will make it possible to reduce pain and improve the general condition of the patient.

Proper nutrition for kidney pathologies will allow you to adjust therapy and significantly improve the course of the patient’s disease. For a long time proper diet the likelihood of relapse is significantly reduced. A diet will be needed for progressive pathology, during examination and after treatment. In some cases, restrictions on certain types of products are extended for life.

The diet does not imply a strict restriction, which can negatively affect general condition health. Some foods are completely excluded from the diet, but the food should be varied and contain the entire range of necessary vitamins and microelements. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates should not exceed the norm. The predominance of products with active lipotropic properties is desirable. They will contribute to normal fat metabolism and limit the accumulation of bad cholesterol:

  1. The main load on the kidneys comes from the intake of large amounts of food with a high content of salts and protein. Salt is reduced to 3-5 grams per day, distributed across all dishes or eliminated altogether. The amount of protein should not exceed 25 grams per day. In most cases, they try to exclude vegetable proteins (legumes, semolina and wheat, white bread). With an increased intake of such protein foods, the kidneys begin to be overloaded with products of amino acid metabolism.
  2. The calorie content of food is gradually reduced. This will allow you to control your overall weight and significantly reduce the development of adipose tissue in the kidneys. Fatty and fried foods prepared with transgenic products contribute to the accumulation of lipids. Margarine for renal colic and excess butter will be especially harmful to the kidneys. For preparation use unrefined sunflower or purified olive oil.
  3. The intake of phosphorus in increased quantities causes enormous harm. When the element accumulates, calcium is gradually washed away, and for the kidneys it is important to maintain a balance between these substances. Phosphorus is found in the highest amounts in roasted seeds, peanut butter and nuts, beer and carbonated drinks. These products also contain an element that is harmful to the kidneys called cadmium.
  4. To support the work of the paired organs, kidney supplements are periodically taken. Herbs help cleanse the kidneys and break up stones. With regular use folk recipes the progression of infectious diseases is excluded.

It is better to develop a diet for renal colic together with a nutritionist and nephrologist. In 87% of cases, the cause of pain is kidney stones. First of all, it is necessary to establish the nature of the formation of stones and their chemical composition.

What can you eat

For kidney stones or pyelonephritis that cause renal colic, diet No7 or No10 is prescribed. Meals are distributed into 4-5 servings per day. Lean or dietary meat (rabbit, clean chicken fillet). If there is no swelling, the amount of fluid is increased. The dishes focus on liquid porridge, pureed soups and vegetable broths.

Allowed products for oxalates:

  1. any boiled cereals except semolina porridge;
  2. berries and fruits (sweet);
  3. lean meat, fish and poultry (except duck);
  4. butter and vegetable oils;
  5. jellies, juices and compotes from dried fruits;
  6. weak tea with milk.

It crushes and removes stones well from pear, cucumber, peach, and quince.

Allowed products for urates:

  • any lean meat and fish;
  • all types of cereals except semolina and buckwheat;
  • dairy products and curdled milk;
  • products made from wholemeal flour;
  • any non-acidic berries and fruits.

Allowed products for phosphates:

  • egg white;
  • poultry meat;
  • lard and any oil (margarine is excluded);
  • legumes, sugar, honey;
  • fruits and berries, fruit drinks and jelly made from them;
  • pumpkin.

For renal colic, you will need to not only follow a diet, but also include fasting days. Typically, the patient eats one meal all day without adding salt with a small amount of oil. On fasting days it is better not to include bananas or grapes.

What to exclude from your diet

The list of prohibited products is quite wide. Getting used to a limited diet in the first 30 days is difficult. But if you follow all the recommendations for creating a diet, the patient will gradually forget about renal colic. The diet is also recommended for those people who are at risk of developing kidney stones.

Fatty, sweet and salty foods are completely excluded. During an exacerbation, drinking alcohol is extremely undesirable.

  • any types of fats;
  • lamb, duck, pork;
  • coffee, strong tea and carbonated drinks;
  • fatty poultry and fish;
  • fresh products made from premium flour;
  • salted cheese (brynza, suluguni, braid);
  • legumes in limited quantities;
  • spicy and hot sauces, gravy from meat broth;
  • mushrooms (except champignons and oyster mushrooms);
  • garlic and onions;
  • radish;
  • cocoa;
  • parsley and celery;
  • chocolate and products made from it (puddings, drinks);
  • canned foods, pickled and salted products;
  • smoking in any form.

Sample menu for the week

1 day

  1. Breakfast: egg white omelet with oatmeal, strawberry jelly.
  2. 2nd breakfast: biscuits or unsalted crackers.
  3. Lunch: rice milk porridge, baked zucchini with chicken cutlet for a couple. Juice.
  4. Dinner: fruit salad, boiled protein, a glass of kefir.

Day 2

  1. Boiled potatoes with steamed fish, cucumber, stale bread.
  2. Jelly or popsicles.
  3. Vegetable soup from millet and chicken, vinaigrette without vegetable oil and onions.
  4. Buckwheat porridge and chicken balls, seasoned with sour cream, kefir.

Day 3

  1. Potato, cheese and tomato casserole, fermented baked milk.
  2. Cottage cheese with apples or low-fat curd mass.
  3. Stewed beef with carrots and zucchini with low-fat sour cream sauce.
  4. Baked apples, jelly.

4 day

  1. Cabbage cutlets or pancakes, fermented baked milk.
  2. Bananas or banana milkshake.
  3. Oatmeal soup with rabbit meat balls, mashed potatoes with fish sauce.
  4. Salad of fish and vegetables, dressed with low-fat sauce, fermented baked milk.

5 day

  1. Milk porridge, jelly.
  2. Oatmeal cookies with hot compote.
  3. Cabbage soup made from non-sour cabbage, baked rabbit or chicken meat.
  4. Rice porridge, stewed vegetables, juice.

Day 6

  1. Boiled protein, any porridge, fruit juice.
  2. Low-fat pudding made from semolina and bananas.
  3. Beet soup seasoned with sour cream, baked rabbit, jelly.
  4. Any porridge with gravy and vinaigrette.

Day 7

On Sunday you can have a fasting day. Supposed to drink large number water and eat fruit with bread.

While following a diet, you should monitor your condition.

You can also watch this video, which explains what renal colic is, as well as what treatment methods are available.

Attacks of renal colic, which are characterized by acute pain in the side, lumbar region, abdomen and external genital organs, indicate serious disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys. The cause of pain is overflow of the renal pelvis with urine due to blockage of the urinary tract by stones, clots of mucus, pus or blood, due to various diseases or injuries. Help in such acute conditions is aimed primarily at relieving pain and treating the diseases that caused the attack, and a diet for renal colic is one of the effective ways to prevent and alleviate symptoms during treatment.

The first signs of renal colic are spontaneous attacks of sharp, unbearable pain, repeated with varying frequency and duration, localized in various areas (lower back, side, abdominal area above the pubis, external genitalia) along the ureter. Together with a set of other symptoms, this is evidence of a blockage in the upper urinary tract, which prevents the normal removal of urine from the kidneys. Various factors can interfere with the flow of urine:

  • Kidney stones are hard stones in the kidneys that form as a result of urolithiasis. Moving along the path from the pelvis to the ureter and further, they can block the output of urine.
  • Lumps of mucus are formed during pyelonephritis and can clog the ureter.
  • Compression of the ureter - with nephroptosis, kidney dystopia, as a result of trauma, congenital anomalies, tumors.

The first signs of renal colic are spontaneous, recurring with varying frequency and duration

Acute difficulty urinating leads to the fact that urine overflows the renal pelvis, the pressure in them increases, and blood circulation in the kidney is disrupted. All this indicates serious abnormalities in the functioning of the kidneys, and, therefore, the possibility of severe complications, therefore it is wrong to consider renal colic only as an acute pain syndrome.

In addition to pain, symptoms of renal colic include:

  • frequent and painful urination;
  • traces of blood in the urine (hematuria);
  • feeling of nausea and frequent vomiting;
  • noticeable increase in blood pressure;
  • decrease in heart rate.

In each specific case, symptoms may vary, as they depend on the disease that caused the colic.

Most often, renal colic results from the development of urolithiasis in the kidneys.

A characteristic feature of colic is the suddenness of the onset and change in the location of pain during the development of the attack. In the acute phase, pain is felt in the side, in the lumbar region near the spine, then gradually moves down to the genitals, often intensifying. Having reached a maximum, in the constant phase the pain can last for several hours (from 1 to 4), and in rare cases longer. Having started suddenly, the pain can just as suddenly stop. This does not mean that the cause of their appearance has been eliminated. Diagnosis and examination to identify the cause of renal colic should not be postponed for a single day, since the consequences can be very serious.

According to statistics, the most common cause of renal colic is the development of urolithiasis in the kidneys. There are many reasons for the formation of kidney stones, and not all of them are fully studied, however, the role of food, their choice, combination, method of preparation and other factors together have a significant impact on this process.

The goals that the diet sets for itself and solves for renal colic and kidney stones are aimed at:

  • correction of metabolism (including purines) and bringing it back to normal;
  • ensuring an appropriate (alkaline or acidic) urine reaction in order to prevent the formation of a certain type of stones and their removal from the body;
  • weight correction, as a result of normalization of intestinal function.

The diet necessary to achieve your goals is closest to treatment tables No. 6 and No. 14 (according to Pevzner). The basic rules that you should rely on when creating a diet are as follows:

  1. Daily norms should not exceed:
    • for proteins – 80 g (at least half of them are animal proteins);
    • for carbohydrates – 400 g;
    • for fats – 90 g (vegetable content – ​​no more than 30%);
    • sugar – no more than 80 g;
    • total kilocalories per day – up to 2400.
  2. Diet requirements.

Alcohol should be avoided completely.

Meals - 4-5 times a day, the last one - no more than three hours before bedtime. To make everything easier digestive tract Portions should be taken small. Neither fasting nor overeating is acceptable.

  1. Heat treatment of products.

Frying should be excluded from culinary processing of foods. Boiled meat, fish and poultry are included in the diet 2-3 times a week, while daily norm should not exceed 150-170 g.

  1. Water and salt regime.

The presence of kidney stones dictates a limit on salt intake - no more than 5-6 g per day. Daily fluid intake - vegetable and fruit juices, water with a low degree of mineralization, herbal decoctions - at least 2-2.5 liters. A large volume of fluid helps remove excess salts from the body.

  1. Alcohol consumption.

Alcohol should be avoided completely. Alcohol promotes the precipitation of salts, increases the concentration of urine and can cause spasms of the ureters.

  1. Weight loss.

Fight with overweight– a significant contribution to the victory over kidney stones. Normalizing weight reduces uric acid levels, thereby reducing its deposits in the kidneys. Fasting days can be carried out at least once a week.

The preparation of a dietary diet for use during the treatment of renal colic and in the period after an attack should be focused on increasing the alkaline reaction of urine (with the exception of cases of phosphaturia, in which an increase in the acid reaction is required). It is recommended to eat a variety of vegetables and fruits, milk and its derivatives, foods high in B vitamins (to remove oxalates and urates), vitamin A (promotes accelerated regeneration of the mucous membranes of the ureter and kidneys).

Products that are allowed to be consumed:

  • Hot first and second courses - porridge with water, vegetable soups in lean meat broth, meat and fish dishes, oven-cooked or steamed, egg dishes.
  • Lean poultry and beef.
  • Lenten varieties of fish.
  • Low-fat cottage cheese and other dairy products.
  • Vegetables - potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, pumpkin, zucchini and others.
  • Fruits - apples, pears, grapes and other sweet berries, plums.
  • Drinks - decoctions, lingonberry and cranberry fruit drinks, tea and coffee are not very strong and with milk.
  • Vegetable oil and butter– as food additives.

In order to reduce the load on the kidneys during treatment and relieve attacks of renal colic, a large number of products are prohibited. And, although diet does not directly have any effect on the course of colic, it is a good preventive measure that allows you to avoid the formation of kidney stones in the future.

It is necessary to exclude all hot seasonings and spices, mayonnaise, ketchup

What foods should you not eat:

  • Drinks - strong coffee and tea, carbonated drinks, cocoa, all alcoholic drinks without exception.
  • All fatty foods– fish, meat, lard, sausages and pates, animal fats, dairy products and milk.
  • Freshly baked baked goods.
  • All hot seasonings and spices, mayonnaise, ketchup.
  • Onions, spinach, garlic, sorrel, asparagus, radishes, rhubarb.
  • Confectionery products with chocolate, fatty creams, dyes, food additives.

If the diagnosis showed that renal colic arose due to nephrolithiasis, it is necessary to make adjustments to the diet in accordance with the type of stones.

Urolithiasis, nephrolithiasis, urolithiasis are different names for practically the same multifaceted disease, the essence of which is the formation of kidney stones. The reason for the formation of kidney stones and the conditions under which their growth becomes more intense are metabolic disorders and a high concentration of salts in the urine. Here the diversity manifests itself again - an increase in the concentration of certain salts leads to the growth of stones of the corresponding chemical composition:

  • sodium and potassium salts - to an increase in urates;
  • calcium and ammonium salts - oxalates;
  • calcium salts of phosphoric acid - phosphates;
  • calcium salts of carbonic acid - carbonates.

Since food products influence the level of salt concentration in urine, their ionization and contribute to deposition inside the kidneys, proper nutrition for renal colic and the use of diets is an important component of the treatment process. Knowing the chemical composition will help you decide both on foods that could cause the growth of stones of this type, and on choosing an appropriate diet.

  • Oxalate type

When treating oxalate stones (after mandatory agreement with the attending physician), a diet is used - treatment table No. 5 (according to Pevzner).

Introducing restrictions on carbohydrates, fats, salt and foods with high cholesterol levels. Reducing the consumption of foods high in oxalic acid, vitamin C, calcium (potatoes, spinach, sorrel, cheese, cottage cheese, legumes, citrus fruits, drinks - strong brewed coffee, tea, cocoa). Alcohol is completely excluded.

Treatment table No. 5 (according to Pevzner)

It is recommended to include porridges (buckwheat, oatmeal, millet), meat, fish and poultry (boiled only), vegetables ( green peas, cucumbers, cabbage, carrots), fruits (apples, apricots, pears, quinces), drinks - mineral water(alkaline), kombucha.

  • Urate type

The main goal of diets for this type of stones is to normalize purine metabolism. This is achieved by eliminating foods from the diet that can disrupt the acid balance in the body and restoring water balance.

When treating urate stones, a diet is used - treatment table No. 6 (according to Pevzner).

You should limit the consumption of protein products to 100 g per day - meat of all types and meat broths, fish and fish broths, mushrooms and mushroom broths, offal, vegetables (peas, sorrel, spinach, beans), alcohol (red wine and beer), exclude everything salty, coffee, chocolate.

When treating urate stones, a diet is used - treatment table No. 6 (according to Pevzner)

It is useful to include in the diet: fermented milk products (ryazhenka, milk, kefir), porridge (oatmeal, rice), vegetables, fruits, drinks (tea with lemon, orange, grapefruit and other citrus juices), honey, walnuts.

  • Phosphate type

For phosphate stones in the kidneys, treatment table No. 14 is indicated (according to the Pevzner classifier).

It is necessary to exclude from the diet all smoked meats, fried and spicy foods, mushrooms, hard cheeses, eggs, chicken meat, and liver.

Restrictions are being introduced on milk and dairy products, baked goods, and cereals (corn, buckwheat, oatmeal).

For phosphate stones in the kidneys, treatment table No. 14 is indicated (according to the Pevzner classifier)

Allowed products: meat, fish, butter, vegetable oil, eggs and dishes made from them, vegetables (pumpkin, peas, Brussels sprouts), sour apples, red currants.

In cases where the exact composition of kidney stones cannot be determined, universal recommendations are traditionally followed, which are based on abundant fluid intake (at least two liters per day) and a well-balanced diet.

Fasting days

If you eat the same product throughout the day, excluding all others, you can safely call such a day a fasting day.

IN general scheme treatment and prevention of renal diseases, the diet for renal colic should include at least one fasting day per week. Among carbohydrate fasting days, it should be noted those based on the following products:

  • Oatmeal day - prepared in water without salt. The number of receptions during the day is 5-6 times.
  • Fruit day - you can choose any fruit or berries. The only exception is banana. Watermelon has the best recommendations. Number of servings – no less than 5. Volume of one serving no more than 250 g.
  • Vegetable day - prepare at least 5 servings (each up to 300 g) of vegetable salad with the addition of vegetable oil.
  • Drink day - the choice of drink for a fasting day is a matter of individual taste. Among the proven ones is a mixture of rosehip decoction with fruit juice(up to 500 ml) and drinking water(250 ml). Drink in equal portions 5 times a day.

Since the diet, which also includes fasting days, is used as treatment, its prescription should be entrusted exclusively to the attending physician. Fasting days are also recommended to be carried out under the supervision of medical personnel.

The occurrence of renal colic is a rather unpleasant event that causes a lot of suffering to a person. It manifests itself as a result of the formation of stones and their passage through the urinary tract. Sometimes its occurrence is associated with a violation of the outflow of fluid from the kidneys as a result of blockage of the pathways, or compression from the outside. Sometimes occurs when an organ is displaced.

The attack occurs suddenly and can last for several hours, and in the absence of the necessary help, for several days. Drug or surgical treatment is prescribed by a urologist or nephrologist only after passing all the necessary tests. And this may take some time.

Along with treatment for such a pathology, it is important to know what foods can be consumed, since failure to comply with these rules can negate all possibilities of obtaining a positive result. Some dietary restrictions should be used immediately after the first attack. Let's take a closer look at what kind of diet is used for renal colic, what can be used as food and what cannot be used.

The diet for renal colic in men and women has its own rules:

  1. The diet should be varied; the foods on the table of such a patient should provide the body with all the necessary nutrients and beneficial substances.
  1. You need to eat in small portions and often. During the day, you should distribute the usual amount of food into 4-5 meals. This should be enough so as not to feel hungry, and at the same time not put too much strain on the organs that digest food. For the same reason, you should not cook food that is difficult to digest.
  1. You should not take large amounts of food, as this is a direct path to obesity. And this is one of the provoking factors for the development of renal colic. Calorie intake should be reduced by reducing the amount of carbohydrates and animal fats.
  1. For any kidney pathology, you should limit the use of salt as much as possible, including dishes with a high salt content.
  1. It is not recommended to eat fried foods; it is better to steam them or bake them in the oven.
  1. It is necessary to limit foods in the diet that cause bloating (fresh bread, flour products, fatty meats, marinades, pickles).
  1. If there are no contraindications, then the patient is recommended to drink about 1.5-2.5 liters of liquid. Water should be taken non-carbonated and purified from salts and impurities.
  1. As kidney failure develops, the diet becomes more strict. The drinking regime should be reduced, and the amount of protein food should be reduced as much as possible.
  1. If the patient's kidney function is impaired, therapeutic fasting is completely contraindicated.

Product exclusion

After clarifying the cause that caused renal colic, you should exclude those foods that can worsen the condition:

  1. In case of urolithiasis with a predominance of oxalate stones, it is necessary to stop eating foods containing a lot of calcium (dairy dishes) and oxalic acid (spinach, sorrel, tomatoes, legumes, carrots, lettuce).
  1. If you have urate stones, you should not eat cheese, cocoa, spinach or drink strong tea.
  1. Phosphates will be formed less if you do not consume dairy products and alcoholic beverages.
  1. All spices, onions and garlic should be removed from the table. They contain essential oils, which can provoke spasm of the smooth muscles of the urinary organs.

What can you eat?

Nutrition for renal colic, despite a number of prohibitions, must necessarily satisfy the needs of the body. If there are problems with the kidneys, the following must be present on the table:

  • any types of cereals;
  • fresh fruit and vegetable salads (except for prohibited products);
  • vegetable broth soups;
  • as a seasoning you can use bay leaf, a little onion (in the form of a golden fry) or cinnamon;
  • Lingonberries, strawberries, watermelon and celery are not only tasty foods, but also remove urates;
  • pickled cabbage and birch sap removes phosphates well;
  • cucumber, quince, apricot and pear help with oxalate stones.

Is it possible to use fasting days?

Fasting days can significantly improve the condition, but only if there are no serious complications of diseases accompanied by renal colic. Therefore, you should consult your doctor before undergoing it. It is best to arrange such days for the first time while in a hospital, under the supervision of qualified personnel.

Since complete fasting is contraindicated for kidney disease, you can unload the body by using only one dish throughout the day. In this case, it is best to opt for the following products:

  1. Oatmeal. For the diet, it is boiled in water and not seasoned with salt or sugar. The total amount of the prepared dish is divided into five portions. You can wash down the porridge with an unsweetened decoction of rose hips.
  1. It is very good to cleanse the body if you eat fresh food all day long. vegetable salad, tucked vegetable oil(it’s better to take olive oil). Take 5 times a day, 300 grams of the product.
  1. Renal colic may resolve with a fruit diet. It can be done using any berries or fruits, with the exception of bananas. The best option for kidney stones is watermelon.

Only an experienced doctor or nutritionist will advise and help create the optimal menu, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient and the presence of concomitant diseases. This will speed up the healing process as much as possible and will prevent the development of spastic pain in renal colic.

Kidney problems can vary greatly. One of the most unpleasant symptoms for the patient is the appearance of renal colic. This phenomenon in itself is not considered a disease - it usually refers to symptoms of another disease that affects the kidneys.

With renal colic, the patient experiences pain, which makes it difficult for him to maintain his performance and good mood.

However, the greatest danger is represented by the diseases that cause this symptom. They can be different, and some are very dangerous.

Therefore, it is necessary to identify the cause of colic and try to neutralize it.

Basic nutrition rules

Actions in case of colic development vary depending on the identified disease. But there is also general recommendations, which allow, if not normalize, then improve well-being. One of them is related to nutrition. It is nutrition that often causes disorders in the body, especially when it comes to the excretory system.

Since the kidneys are a filtering organ that removes waste substances, they are most affected by a person's diet. If the patient consumes large amounts harmful substances, the kidneys cannot cope with the process of their elimination, which leads to the occurrence of disorders in them. The result is colic. Therefore, when patients complain of such a symptom, doctors almost always recommend changing their diet.

To rationalize nutrition for renal colic, you need to understand what rules you should follow. They can be formulated as follows:

The diet of such patients can be made more varied by mastering new ways of processing foods. Exists huge amount combinations and combinations of products, thanks to which even the most picky person can find dietary dishes suitable for him.

As an example, you can indicate the following daily menu option:

  1. For breakfast, you can make an omelet and a sandwich with bread and butter.
  2. For lunch, you should cook a broth from cereals (without adding meat), potato balls, and you can drink a glass of milk.
  3. A dessert made from cottage cheese and berries is suitable as an afternoon snack.
  4. For dinner, you are allowed to boil the chicken, adding a vegetable salad to it.

This example is not suitable for all patients with renal colic (for example, with colic caused by phosphate stones, drinking milk is prohibited), so it is advisable to clarify the specifics of your diet with your doctor. The necessary restrictions will be discussed below.

Permitted and prohibited products

Patients need to know not only general rules, which you need to focus on when building your diet. It is important to get specific recommendations about what can be used in food. The list of permitted products may vary from patient to patient, since its composition is influenced by the most different features, such as the causes of renal colic, their frequency and severity, individual intolerance to certain foods, concomitant diseases, etc.

The choice of foods is also influenced by what type of kidney stones led to the development of colic. There are three main types of such stones, and each case has its own recommendations. This:

It is important that patients know what products they can use, but it is even more important to know what they should not use. The list of prohibited products also depends on what type of stones predominates in each particular case. According to this.