Stonecrop species. Bright and unpretentious stonecrop caustic: description and photo of varieties, care and reproduction. The use of stonecrop caustic

Stonecrop is an unpretentious herbaceous plant, which owes its name to the poisonous juice it contains, which helps in the fight against various skin diseases. But despite the decorative and beneficial properties of the culture, before planting it on the site, the gardener should weigh the pros and cons well, since it will be quite difficult to get rid of caustic stonecrop with uncontrolled seed dispersion.

The description of caustic stonecrop is not replete with colorful epithets.

  • The species is represented by ground cover plants with a height of up to 10 cm and creeping shoots covered with thickened, small foliage.
  • When flowering, which is celebrated in the second year after planting from May to August, yellow flowers bloom.
  • Over time, seed pods form in place of the flowers, which ripen by the end of autumn. The seeds are very small.
  • The root system of the plant is well branched.
  • A year after planting, the caustic stonecrop forms a beautiful and thick rug.

Common species and varieties

Based on the type species of sedum acre, many varieties have been bred by breeders.

Among them, the following stand out for originality and decorativeness:

  • yellow queen. Plants of the variety have small wedge-shaped leaves and creeping stems, painted yellow.
  • minus. The shortest variety with beautiful needle-shaped leaves.
  • Oktoberfest. The variety is distinguished by the light green color of the shoots and white flowers in the form of miniature stars.
  • elegans. A variegated representative of the species with compact, dense bushes.
  • Aureum. It is distinguished by color - the leaves of the variety are painted green, and at the ends - yellow.

Is it necessary to plant a cultural weed

To decorate rocky art objects, such as an alpine slide or rockery, sedum is suitable.

However, despite the survivability and rapid spread, it still needs to be landed, taking into account certain rules:

  1. Stonecrop caustic can grow in shady places, but shows the greatest showiness and fragrant flowering in sunny areas.
  2. The plant is undemanding to soils and grows well, both on sandy soils and on fertile loams.
  3. Planting a ground cover representative of the flora can be carried out throughout the growing season.
  4. When planting between specimens, it is worth keeping a distance of 10 cm.
  5. When the plant is placed in the ground, it should be remembered that the root neck of the caustic stonecrop should be flush with the ground level.
  6. Since the plant has poisonous juice, it should not be placed in close proximity to other herbaceous inhabitants of the garden.

Cultivation and care in the open field

It is very easy to grow a perennial succulent with medicinal qualities, with almost no effort.

  • Watering. The drought-resistant variety does not need regular and abundant moisture. Systematic watering is required only after planting, when the rooting process of the culture is underway. It is also recommended to occasionally water the stonecrop during a period of prolonged drought, which it tolerates better than overflows, which can cause a loss of decorative qualities.
  • Soil processing. Unlike other species, sedum sedum does not need weeding, inhibiting weeds on its own with the help of poisonous juice. There is also no need to loosen the soil under a plant with a superficial root system.
  • Top dressing and fertilizers. The “live rug” does not need additional nutrition. But to ensure more fragrant and prolonged flowering, you can enrich the soil with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers with a reduced concentration of 3 times, from that indicated on the package. It is not recommended to use nitrogen in an accessible form, since it stimulates the growth of green mass and reduces the plant's resistance to diseases.
  • Pruning. After flowering is completed, in order to prevent self-seeding and the spread of the plant throughout the area by blowing small seeds with the wind, it is recommended to remove dried flowers in a timely manner. Also, after 5 years of growth in one place, anti-aging pruning should be carried out. A signal of its need will be the appearance of new leaves with a pale color. In the process of shearing, old, damaged and dried shoots are removed.
  • Wintering. Frost-resistant culture does not need additional protection, keeping green foliage even under a layer of snow.
  • Protection from diseases and pests. Due to the poisonous juice contained in the plant, sedum is rarely attacked by pests. When they appear, you should simply cut off the damaged and populated parts. Fungal diseases can develop on a crop only if the irrigation regime is violated. To cure sedum stonecrop, it is necessary to carefully remove the affected parts and treat the "green rug" with a fungicidal preparation according to the manufacturer's instructions indicated on the package.
  • Reproduction of culture. Stonecrop caustic propagated by seeds that are properly sown before winter directly into open ground. There they will undergo a natural stratification and, with the onset of spring, will sprout. Also, the culture can be bred vegetatively by dividing the bush. The rhizome should be divided in spring or autumn, excluding the flowering period, for which the plant spends a lot of vitality.

Possible difficulties in growing

When growing an unpretentious succulent plant that is very easy to propagate and does not require specific care, however, difficulties can sometimes arise due to slow growth. The main reasons for this situation are active replenishment of forces before flowering or intensive growth of the root mass. The last state, as a rule, is noted after transplanting the stonecrop to a new place of growth.

Application in traditional medicine

Due to its benefits, sedum is widely used in folk medicine, having diuretic, healing and antiseptic properties.

  • Stonecrop infusion is used in the treatment of malaria: half a cup of a decoction of 1 teaspoon of dry grass and 250 ml of boiling water is drunk three times a day after meals.
  • Also, a decoction is drunk for stomach cancer as an adjuvant that relieves the side symptoms of radiation therapy.
  • Ointment from stonecrop juice and butter heals and disinfects open wounds.
  • With the help of herbs, compresses are made to relieve attacks of rheumatism.

Important! So that the use of caustic stonecrop does not harm your health, you should consult a doctor before using it.

Stonecrop caustic - how to get rid of

A plant with a branched but superficial root system is fairly easy to weed out. However, over time, the seeds, blown by the wind, germinate again, which makes the culture look like a weed. To remove stonecrop from the site completely, it is recommended to sift the ground manually. Although this procedure will not give a 100% result the first time.

Advice! So that the procedure for removing caustic stonecrop from the garden is not so painful, you should not allow uncontrolled dispersal of crop seeds.

Thus, sedum sedum is a spectacular ground cover succulent, which, subject to agrotechnical requirements for cultivation, can easily be used to decorate a rock garden, a flower garden, and as an unpretentious, rapidly growing lawn.

In nature, it is rare to find a plant that is so unpretentious in care and indifferent to fertilizers, but at the same time it has not only a beautiful decorative appearance, but is also the main ingredient in many traditional medicine recipes. This amazing plant has a name - sedum sedum, it was he who became the hero of our article.

Botanical description

Outwardly, stonecrop caustic looks like a low sprawling shrub with a large number of creeping stems. This is a perennial plant that blooms in the second year of life. The root system consists of one short root with branched rhizomes, with the help of which the bush extracts moisture from the soil. The leaves are small and thick, flowers with five petals are bright yellow. The flowering period is from May to early August. After flowering, a fruit is formed in place of the flower, inside which seeds ripen, they reach full maturity by the end of autumn.

Did you know? A few centuries ago, young girls smeared their cheeks with caustic stonecrop juice to give them a blush.


This wild plant is widely distributed on rocky slopes and fields throughout Russia, Europe, in the western part of Siberia, and also in some areas of North Africa. Stonecrop caustic prefers dry places in glades, meadows and edges. Sometimes it grows as a weed in vegetable gardens.

The use of stonecrop caustic

Stonecrop caustic has long been used in many recipes of traditional medicine.

Preparations based on its juice can cure such common skin diseases as acne, acne, warts, eczema and lichen. It can be found in the formulations of many homeopathic medicines for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and blood pressure disorders. In folk medicine, there are a huge number of stonecrop-based recipes designed to cure epilepsy, gangrene, body ulcers, hemorrhoids, as well as bone fractures and joint diseases. From this plant, you can prepare healing teas, tinctures, ointments and make compresses.

Important!Shrubs do not need frequent transplanting to a new place. One transplant to a new flower bed in 2-3 years is enough.

Growing at home

Stonecrop is an unpretentious plant, the care of which does not require special skills. However, subject to certain rules, the plant will have a healthy and attractive appearance.

Selecting a landing site

This herbaceous shrub needs good lighting, so when choosing a place to plant it, pay attention to sunny areas in the garden. In the shade of trees, it is also possible to grow it, but you are unlikely to wait for fragrant flowering from a plant.

Soil and fertilizer

Stonecrop has very ascetic requirements for the conditions of its maintenance, the composition of the soil is no exception. The “simpler” the composition of the soil mixture, the better it will grow and bloom. Choose loose soil with lots of clay and sand, add some humus and ash to the mixture, and the ideal soil for the growth and flowering of this type of plant is ready.

There is no need for additional feeding. If you decide to apply phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, then choose their smallest concentration. Fertilizers containing nitrogen have a double effect on stonecrop - they accelerate its growth, but at the same time significantly reduce the plant's resistance to disease.

Did you know? The use of stonecrop is possible not only in medicine. From this plant, tasty and healthy honey is obtained.

Watering and humidity

Stonecrop growing in the garden in the open air rarely needs watering - it independently takes the necessary moisture from the soil. Additional moisture is possible during especially dry weeks of summer. Air humidity and spraying are also not needed for comfortable growth - a plant growing in nature chooses areas with dried soil, so excess moisture will do more harm than good.


Reproduction of stonecrop caustic is possible in two ways - by seeds and vegetatively. Both methods do not require special skills, we propose to consider each of them in more detail.


Reproduction of stonecrop caustic seeds is a fairly easy process. Seeds are sown in mid-March. A prerequisite for the successful reproduction of stonecrop in this way is the preliminary stratification of seeds. To do this, you will need to place the seed in the ground, cover the container with glass or plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator. The temperature should not be lower than +5 ° C; in modern refrigerators, this temperature regime is observed in the compartments for storing vegetables and fresh herbs. The term of stratification is two weeks.
Once a day, you need to slightly open the film for a short time for ventilation, and if the soil dries out, moisten it with a spray bottle. After such preparation, the seeds are ready for germination - the container with the seeds is opened and placed in a well-lit place, with a temperature of at least +18 ° C. Under all conditions, the first sprouts should appear in 15-25 days.

The dive of the sprouts is carried out after 2 large leaves appear on the stem. Seedlings are ready to move to open ground at the end of May. Remember that the distance between planted sprouts should be at least 10 cm - young shoots need free space to grow. Propagation by seeds helps to preserve the varietal qualities of plants, which is very important for breeders. It will be possible to enjoy the bright and fragrant flowering of caustic stonecrop only in the third year of its growth - this can be called the only disadvantage when propagating with the help of seeds.

Important! If you decide to use the juice of this plant for the treatment of diseases, be sure to consult your doctor before starting therapy. Ingestion of caustic stonecrop is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women, as well as people with diseases of the central nervous system.


Reproduction of stonecrop caustic is also possible in a vegetative way - by dividing the bush or its cuttings. This should be done in spring or autumn - during the flowering period, the plant cannot be divided. Vegetative propagation occurs in two simple steps:

  1. Carefully trim the selected shoot with a sharp knife or scissors. To understand how long the handle should be, be guided by the length of your index finger.
  2. Dig a shallow hole in the soil, at the bottom of which place a little humus. Place the shoot in the hole and cover it with earth on top. It is not necessary to apply fertilizer, but this method will help the plant to quickly adapt to a new place and take root.


If your bush has been growing in one place for five or more years, then it needs rejuvenating pruning of shoots. During this procedure, old stems, dry leaves and shoots that have lost their decorative appearance are removed. It will be useful to add new soil to the roots.

The main signs that the plant needs such a procedure will be the appearance of young leaves with a pale color and the crushing of flowers. Decorative pruning is the regular removal of faded flowers.


Stonecrop caustic is resistant to temperature drops and does not require special shelter in winter. Even under a layer of snow, its leaves do not fall off and do not lose their color.

Possible difficulties in growing

Despite the ease of propagation and the unpretentiousness of the plant to environmental conditions, many gardeners face some difficulties in the process of growing stonecrop in the garden. The most common problem is slow growth. This happens when the stonecrop gains strength before flowering or grows roots, that is, the root system is actively growing underground, and the aerial part has temporarily suspended its development. Most often, growth retardation occurs after transplanting caustic stonecrop to a new location.

Pests, diseases and prevention

Most pests bypass the stonecrop caustic side. One reason is that its juice is poisonous to insects. If the pest decided to feast on sweet flowers, you can get rid of it mechanically - by carefully cutting off the damaged part of the plant with garden shears.
The ability of sedum caustic to grow on infertile lands makes it resistant to damage by diseases common to garden plants. Improper care of herbaceous shrubs can provoke the appearance of fungal infections, which, if diagnosed in a timely manner, do not pose a great danger to other inhabitants of the garden.

You can fight the spread of fungal spores in one simple way - the diseased sedum bush is dug up, and the stems damaged by the fungus are carefully removed, the cut point can be sprinkled with crushed coal. In this form, the bush is left to rest for a day. So that the roots do not suffer from a long stay in the air, wrap them in a damp cloth. After such storage, stonecrop can be safely planted on the beds.

Another disease that poses a danger to plants is necrosis. When you see signs of necrosis on the stems or leaves, remove the damaged parts and plant the cuttings apart from each other. All preventive measures against diseases and pests come down to one principle - moderate watering and a minimum of fertilizers.

When it comes to decorating a garden plot or landscaping it, sedum is a worthy alternative to many flowering plants that require special care and increased attention in the process of growing them. Among gardeners, the number of fans of this unpretentious shrub is growing every year.

Video: Stonecrop caustic - unpretentious ground cover succulent

stonecrop or Sedum acre has many names in different industries. The most common can be considered as follows: messenger, juvenile, bird bread, stone pepper, warty grass, bitter wall pepper.


Stonecrop is a plant of the Crassulaceae family that has been growing for many years and has a herbaceous appearance. It has a creeping and fairly thin multi-branched rhizome. The stems of the plant are succulent, their height reaches 5-15 cm.
The leaves of the warty grass are small and fleshy, as well as sessile. On barren shoots, the leaves are tiled in several rows, and, as for flower-bearing shoots, here they are rarely located.
Each short flower has five petals, they are located on straight pedicels and gather in a wide inflorescence. The calyx can reach from 2 to 5 mm, it has free sepals. The corolla incorporates golden-yellow petals, which have an impressive length. These flowers bloom from May to July. Fruit ripening occurs in August-September. The fruit is a collected leaflet.

Stonecrop caustic perennial is most often found on sandy and rocky areas, as well as in light forests and upland meadows. Often it grows as a weed in gardens and fields. This species is most widespread in the Caucasus, Western Siberia and the CIS. Please note that the plant itself is very poisonous.

Procurement and collection of raw materials

For medicinal purposes, it is worth harvesting a leaf of stonecrop caustic during the flowering period. In the process of harvesting, special care must be taken, since the juice of the plant should not get on the skin. When in contact with the skin, stonecrop juice can cause inflammation.
Dry it in the shade outdoors. If you use a dryer, then the temperature in it should reach 40 degrees. Before finally drying the raw material, it is dipped in boiling water for 1 minute. You need to store stonecrop in a dry place.


Rock pepper grass contains alkaloids, namely sedridine and sedamine. Rutic, ascorbic acid, tannins and glycosides also take place here. But the most important thing is the presence of organic acids (lactic, malic, oxalic), as well as sugar and mucus.

Medicinal properties, features of application and treatment

Bird bread has a general tonic, irritant and diuretic effect, it is also able to enhance intestinal motility. In medicine, its most common use is as a laxative. It is also great as a medicine against atherosclerosis, epilepsy, jaundice, anemia, hemorrhoids.
As an external agent, crushed grass is called an effective remedy for getting rid of neoplasms. Young ointment can be used to treat burns and skin diseases. Fresh juice has a special property that allows it to be used to remove corns and warts.

Doses and dosage forms

  • Infusion of herbs from stonecrop. 2 tablespoons of dry grass pour two cups of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. After straining, the infusion is taken in half a glass 3 times a day.
  • Ointment from stonecrop. Dry grass is crushed and mixed with any fatty product. Most often it is used for ulcers, purulent wounds, as well as for the removal of corns and warts.

Stonecrop caustic (messenger, young, young) is a herbaceous perennial plant belonging to the Crassulaceae family. An adult plant has a height of up to 15 cm, it has a thin branched, creeping rhizome. It has numerous stems that lie or rise above the soil. The leaves are thick, fleshy, ovoid in shape. During flowering, it is covered with golden five-leaved flowers.

Stonecrop is used by folk medicine to treat many diseases, although it belongs to poisonous plants and has a number of contraindications. We will tell you about the strength of the plant on our website in an article about stonecrop, medicinal properties, use, description, contraindications of a medicinal plant.

We briefly gave a description of the plant at the very beginning of the article, and now we will tell you where it grows:

You can meet this plant in the European territory of the CIS, the republics of the Caucasus, as well as in Western Siberia. He likes to settle on dry, stony soils, limestone rocks. You can meet him on the open slopes of hills, coastal sands, in meadows, in forests.

Biochemical composition of the plant

For medicinal purposes, stems, leaves, flowers are usually used. It is in them that carbohydrates are concentrated, as well as fructose, sucrose, sedoheptulose. The plant contains organic acids, alkaloids, phenols and their derivatives. There is vitamin C, tannins, flavonoids.

For medical purposes, the aerial part of the plant is harvested during flowering, finely cut. Then the raw material should be doused with boiling water, dried in the sun, and then dried in a dryer or oven at a temperature of 60-70 ° C. The finished raw material retains its medicinal properties for about 2 years.

The use of stonecrop caustic

The plant is used for hypertension, epilepsy, scurvy, fever. Fresh stems, leaves are used to treat anemia, hepatitis, ascites, atherosclerosis. Stonecrop is a mild laxative and therefore preparations based on it are used to eliminate constipation.

Externally, it is used to treat gangrene, skin ulcers, abscesses, infected, purulent wounds. It is used for skin cancer, hemorrhoids. Also, the plant effectively relieves pain in case of fractures, its juice reduces warts, freckles, age spots, calluses.

Infusions or decoctions of dry herb sedum, mixed with milk, help with scurvy, asthenia, cystitis. They are used to get rid of fever, malaria, heart disease, blood vessels, hypertension.

A decoction of dried stems and leaves is also used to treat anemia, with inflammatory processes in the stomach and intestines. Externally - as an anesthetic for arthritis.

Boils, eczema, lichen are treated with an ointment from the fresh juice of the plant with interior pork fat and camphor. It is used to treat wounds and bone fractures, with skin tuberculosis.

Powder from the dry grass of sedum, mixed with honey and table vinegar, is used to treat epilepsy, anemia, scurvy, carbuncles. It is also used as a detox when bitten by a dog or other animal.

A mixture of fresh juice with vegetable oil is rubbed on the scalp with dermatomycosis.



Pour 1 tsp. chopped herbs 1 tbsp. boiling water. Cover, wrap with a towel, leave for 4 hours. Strain, drink 1/3 tbsp. after meals, three times a day.


1 tsp herbs pour 1 tbsp. water, bring to a boil, simmer over low heat for 5 minutes. Cool, strain, drink 1 tbsp. l. three times a day, use the decoction inside and as an external remedy.

Contraindications for the use of stonecrop caustic

As we know from the description, the plant is poisonous. Therefore, when using it internally, special care should be taken. If even a slight overdose is allowed, indigestion may occur, breathing may be disturbed, and a serious disruption of the heart may occur.

When using externally fresh juice, severe skin irritation may occur, up to the formation of blisters. Therefore, before applying the product to the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, seal the healthy skin around it with strips of adhesive tape.

How else is stonecrop used?

The plant is used in veterinary medicine to treat diseases of the digestive system.

Stonecrop caustic - a wonderful honey plant. When a drought sets in, it releases a large amount of nectar, which attracts bees. Honey turns golden yellow, very fragrant. Refers to the elite varieties of honey.

The plant is also used as an ornamental. With its help, they create a continuous green vegetable carpet, they close the bare rocky, sandy areas of the garden.

I hope you find the information I have provided useful. But be careful when using the plant for medicinal purposes. Be sure to check with your doctor. Be healthy!


The same plant can be used for both ornamental and medicinal purposes. Among these is Stonecrop Caustic. It has been used in folk medicine for hundreds of years as a remedy for a wide variety of ailments.

Now, more and more often, flower growers and gardeners are paying attention to it simply because the stonecrop will create perfect flower carpet on any surface. So, where did the sedum come from, what do you need to know about it in order to please the eye and the pride of the grower?


Stonecrop caustic in the wild is found in places with insufficient humidity. This species is found in both hemispheres in different climatic zones. Homeland stonecrop caustic arid foothills of the Caucasus and Asia Minor.

This explains the fact that sedum sedum grows best on the sandy slopes of the mountains. It occurs in different climatic zones - from the Middle East to Western Siberia, and has also been acclimatized in Japan and New Zealand.

flowering time

The geographical dispersion of sedum caustic explains the differences in flowering periods in different areas. The earliest time to start flowering is May. The latest end of flowering is July.

Seeds ripen in August. The flowering time also varies, averaging 35-40 days. Flowers form inflorescences - paniculate or in the form of an umbrella.

Photo stonecrop (sedum) caustic.

Home care

Landing and care

When planting sedum stonecrop, it is necessary to limit yourself to sand with a small addition of ash and compost. Loamy soils are suitable. With light soil, it is enough to make a hole, place the roots of the plant in it and water a little. For maximum aesthetic effect, plant tightly.

Plant separately from other plants: caustic stonecrop releases substances that have a deadly effect on them.

  • seeds - spring;
  • part of an adult plant - from March to October.


High solar activity in deserts makes stonecrop dependent, planting in shady places is not recommended. If necessary, use fluorescent lamps (common in winter).


  1. Favorable for the growth of stonecrop caustic is the temperature range of 8-26 degrees Celsius.
  2. It tolerates heat and direct sunlight well.
  3. Home-grown succulents in winter should be hung next to a cold window.


Too much water is bad for stonecrop caustic. More often (moderately) it needs to be watered in the summer and the first time after planting. The most dangerous time in terms of moisture loss is July-August, after flowering.

Stems and leaves lose moisture, as evidenced by their unsightly appearance. The soil should have time to dry out. In winter, water once a month. The leaves of the plant are not sprayed.

Air humidity

Tolerates dry air, moderately humid air is optimal.

top dressing

Do not abuse!

  1. Produced once a summer with fertilizer for cacti.
  2. Some point to the admissibility of using complex mineral fertilizers in limited quantities, but their use can harm this type of stonecrop. Rather, this recommendation can be seen as a transfer to sedum of recommendations for other related plants. The use of mineral fertilizers is not recommended.
  3. Nitrogen fertilizers will help rapid growth, but at the same time weaken the plant. It will become more vulnerable to disease and low temperatures. Decide what is more important: a quick or long-term aesthetic effect.

The soil

Soil is the main source of moisture for stonecrop. The unpretentiousness of stonecrop caustic in the wild is determined by the requirements for the soil.

The best option- light sandy soils with a small amount of impurities. Should not dry out completely and be excessively wet.

rest period

lasts October to February.

  1. Stonecrop is considered one of the most winter-hardy plants among related ones. When growing a garden in the cold season (coinciding with the dormant period), snow cover or a shelter replacing it is necessary.
  2. Autumn leaf fall can destroy stonecrops grown in the garden, because. the leaves block out the sunlight and prevent the stonecrop from breaking through in the spring.


Held every year in the spring. The signal to start is the appearance of green leaves. Required periodically removal of old shoots.


  1. Produced when needed. The motivating reason is the growth of stonecrop.
  2. It is recommended to repot the plant every five years to avoid soil depletion.


The main methods of reproduction are seeds and cuttings.

  1. seeds first planted in boxes (you can both in spring and autumn).
  2. Boxes with seeds are dug into the ground or placed in a greenhouse. Patience will be required from you: growth will be slow, diving into the garden can be done when two true leaves appear. Flowering can be expected after 1-3 years. The method is common among breeders.

  3. cuttings- a common way.
  4. Its advantages are simplicity, speed, reliability. However, it requires special preparation of the site for planting. There should be no weeds in the soil, it should be leveled and slightly compacted. The cuttings, cut off near the ground, are slightly dried, and then laid out on the prepared soil.

    Then they are sprinkled with garden soil with the obligatory addition of sand. Planting is watered (according to recommendations) and, for the first time, it is advisable to avoid excessive heat. After that - wait two weeks and can be planted in open soil.

The propagation method by dividing the rhizomes is not suitable for stonecrop caustic.

Pests and diseases

  1. Nematodes- pests of the aerial part. The leaves begin to wither, the plant dies.
  2. Weevils- gnaw the leaves of stonecrops. It is possible to collect pests.
  3. fungal infections- affects various parts of the plant. It is necessary to remove the infected part.
  4. Root necrosis- a disease that affects the root part. Removal of the affected plant is required.

Application in traditional medicine

Used in folk medicine various derivatives of stonecrop.

  1. Ointments based on juice have long been used to remove warts.
  2. Well proven juice in the treatment of purulent wounds.
  3. Dried leaves and stems harvested during flowering are used to make teas with a diuretic and stimulating effect.
  4. Decoctions of stonecrop were recommended for scurvy and gastric diseases.
  5. Stonecrop infusion has been used in the treatment of malaria.

Stonecrop juice is not only unpleasant in taste. It is poisonous, and treatment with caustic stonecrop is possible only under the supervision of a specialist.

Possible problems

Maintaining the necessary temperature and humidity conditions in the apartment requires considerable effort. Pets may try to taste the stonecrop.