Nice dog name for a boy

With the question: "What is the name of the dog?" faced by almost everyone who decides to buy a puppy. Someone manages to find the answer to this question very quickly. And someone spends months looking for a suitable nickname for a pet. It is difficult to say what it is connected with. But, to make your task easier, let's try to give some theoretical advice and options for dog names.

What is a guard dog called?

Guard dogs are not necessarily huge dogs. They may be small. But it is very important to choose the right one that will protect property and people's lives. It is better if his name is short and sonorous. The pet will respond to it with lightning speed. And, of course, the name of a dog involved in such a serious matter as security should be serious, solid. No Bagels, Zhorikov, Pukhlik.

Here are some examples of names that can be called a boy's dog - a guard and watchman: Agor, Arbat, Ador, Bart, Bezhdai, Best, Valdai, Vando, Vulkan, Gold, Gras, Grad, Demon, Dart, Damir, Euphrates, Ermak, Eras , Jacques, Zhuv, Zhus, Zeus, Zagray, Zigurd, Zobar, Ivard, Emerald, Ingur, Ilmar, Karo, Kazar, Craft, Celt, Lazar, Lars, Largo, Mirage, Mars, Moor, Nabat, Knox, Nero, Opal , Odion, Orc, Pamir, Pirate, Pilot, Ragdai, Rex, Reg, Rambo, Royce, Sabur, Sarmat, Glorious, Satkhan, Typhoon, Fog, Tager, Timur, Troy, Torro, Ural, Hurricane, Urkhan, Ugai, Fighter , Queen, Forest, Farhat, Circassian, Chekan, Cheran, Storm, Sharkhan, Shuttle, Yutlai, Jung, Jupiter, Jagr, Yardis, Scimitar, Yakhont.

What is a hunting dog called?

Hunting dogs are a separate category of pets. They require thorough training. Hunting dogs are independent and intelligent. It is very important to name the boy's dog so that the owner can control and direct his actions. If voiced consonants predominate in the name, then the animal will hear it through any noise, and will also catch the nickname if it is pronounced very quietly. Do not choose too long nicknames. And if you still settled on one, then it should have good diminutive options: Archibald - Archie, Barmaley - Bar, Robinson - Rob.

Don't know what to call a male hunting dog? Use this list: Abay, Ax, Ajax, Akhtar, Bagh, Basco, Boyd, Werd, Volt, Gaboy, Garry, Grad, Dagly, Dark, Jazz, Drop, Jacquard, Zhur, Zaire, Zaltan, Zur, Irtysh, Irbis, Iskander, Kairat, Kent, Condor, Kuchum, Lavr, Lazio, Latif, Locks, Max, Murphy, Mirt, Nako, Nitro, Nordway, Walnut, Orlik, Pango, Peach, Paris, Porto, Ratmir, Ronald, Rudis, Snow, Spaid, Tagore, Track, Tibul, Pattern, Uranus, Floyd, Frost, Hayk, Holt, Hugo, Tsargo, Cerar, Chardi, Chesko, Shaggy, Shedu, Eric, Erlis, Standard, Juraj, Yutser, Amber, Iago, Jason.

What do you call a pocket pet?

Not all dogs are called to be heroes and help a person in important matters. Often we get dogs just to make them happy with their presence. Someone trains their pets a little, others pamper them and allow absolutely everything. In this case, naming a boy's dog is very simple.

The main thing is to have plenty to choose from: Arseny, Atosha, Antip, Baksi, Boatswain, Butuz, Vilya, Waltz, Broom, Glamour, Grisha, Dado, Dikby, Dandy, Emelya, Yeni, Zhigan, Jamet, Chyablik, Bunny, Raisins, Iris, Ipsy, Cross, Colt, Krosh, Labri, Ray, Ludwig, Micron, Sailor, Bluegrass, Nathan, Nobel, Nukki, Ozzy, Ostap, Pampus, Pepper, Radish, Roger, Sinbad, Cedric, Skiff, Taffy, Tobbi, Taylor, Willie, Funtik, Philby, Harley, Hooch, Choi, Candied Fruit, Champy, Chocho, Chaffee, Satan, Screw, Andy, Enrique, Jupiter, Unity, Yaffi, Yashek, Yardley, Janush.

How to give your dog the right name

Despite the fact that the owner is absolutely free to choose a nickname, naming a pet, he must still be guided by the principles of reason. The name is most often given to a dog in childhood, but even then you should understand what it will do in the future and how it will look. So big watchdog you should not give lisp, stupid nicknames (Bunny, Lyolik, Fawn), even if in early childhood he looked like a funny soft toy.

If you are still determined to joke, then you can choose a nickname for a big dog from the following: Abrek, Babai, Giant, Gladiator, Hefty, Zhigan, Zold, Condor, Fierce, Okay, Misha, Nero, Fire, Porthos, Rambo, Glorious, Tigran , Uzbek, Frant, Fruit, Juan, Circassian, Shurin, Elbrus, Humor, Yard.

Choosing a nickname for a miniature breed dog is easier. But even here it is necessary to take into account such factors as pedigree, participation in exhibitions, hunting. When naming a dog, always remember its status in the future and the appropriateness of a particular nickname.

It is easier to name a dog with a dubious origin, that is, a mongrel. She usually does not have as many requirements as a thoroughbred dog. The same applies to pocket dogs.

Pay attention to the phonetics of the name. Here is what filmmakers recommend in this regard:

    The nickname should not be too long, or shorten well. So the animal will perceive it better (Ferdinand - Fred, Ramuald - Ram, Lucius - Luke, Donatello - Don, Michelangelo - Mickey, Mike, Gerald - Jed, Pontileimon - Pontius, Pat, Riccardo - Rick, etc.)

    Dogs hear nicknames well, which contain the following letters and their combinations: G D, F, R, H, J, AR, GR, DR.

    Avoid names with too many vowels (Ike, Owen, Winston).

    You should not be overly superstitious and think that the name can affect the fate of the dog. This is a very dubious statement, which is not confirmed by life.

How to name a boy's dog

When choosing a nickname for a pet, do not blindly follow any phonetic rules and recommendations from other dog breeders. Take them into account, but let your main guideline be emotional relationship with a pet. Before you name a dog, listen to yourself. Think about what quality of her character or appearance resonates the most in your heart. What is the first thing you think of when you think of your dog?

    Albus, Amor, Bieber, Woyzeck, Gluck, Don, Dreyfus, Jerome, Zagri, Eli, Klaus, Kurt, Luffy, Lucifer, Magnus, Nikifor, Olaf, Preston, Rocky, Roger, Santi, Solomon, Tibul, Ulysses, Fred, Hasan, Zeptor, Cheddar, Schultz, Evans, Jagr.

How to name a girl dog

Despite the fact that the same requirements are imposed on girls' dogs as on cables (they protect property, serve in the police and the army), the owners treat them more affectionately. In order to choose a nickname for a dog, do not forget about it. A girl is a girl.

    Alma, Berta, Vita, Verona, Gladys, Dana, Eva, Zhuzha, Winter, Zoe, Irma, Chiara, Lima, Lotta, Malibu, Manon, Nancy, Audrey, Pella, Rassy, ​​Siena, Tilda, Uganda, Urza, Farry, Thekla, Chloe, Honda, Czech, Chicha, Chantal, Shera, Esta, Etna, Yuvita, Yunvil, Yanka, Yauza.

And very often, bitches have more talents and abilities than cables. It is difficult to say what it is connected with. Perhaps with the fact that they nervous system more labile, and, perhaps, the maternal instinct laid down by nature makes them more sensitive, more receptive. This can also help you name the dog correctly:

    Alexa, Beauty, Buza, Spring, Vivian, Sleeve, Donna, Jeannine, Venture, Inky, Spanish, Cassie, Lindy, Madeleine, Nomi, Oda, Midnight, Rwanda, Glory, Tina, Tundra, Umbra, Ounce, Fifty, Khazra, Hershey, Changa, Chizel, Sade, Shansin, Elbi, Eris, Yunira, Yuzhanka, Yamato, Yalla.

It often happens that people get a puppy spontaneously.
In such cases, the owners may not have had enough time to plan some important aspects, including the nickname of the future four-legged friend.

And it happens that a person knows in advance that he will acquire a new family member, but problems still arise with a dog's nickname. So how to correctly choose a name for a cable and take into account all the influencing factors?

Nicknames for the mongrel

Determining the age of a dog that you take from the street is always difficult, which means getting used to your new nickname, the animal will be a little longer than a puppy brought up in the family from an early month.

For outbred dogs, boys, most often, choose non-original, simple nicknames, as if emphasizing their former belonging to the street.

Dog nicknames for boys mongrels:

  • Ball
  • Tuzik
  • Bobik
  • buddy

That was the name of the mongrels boys in most cases, because these dog names are quite simple. In addition, both abbreviations from Slavic male names (Gosha, Tyoma) and full forms (Semyon, Fedor, Yegor) are suitable.

Doggy for a queen or popular names for small breeds

For pedigreed dogs, boys, it is customary to choose more intricate nicknames. Many breeds have a noble origin and history, which means that the name for such a pet should express prestige.

If nothing comes to mind, you can use sites with foreign names, at the same time you can not only pick up a sonorous dog name, but also find out its meaning.

For example, a puppy-boy would suit:

  • Baxter
  • Charles (Charlie)
  • Archibald (Archie).

For some, foreign dog names may seem too pretentious and simply ridiculous to call a boy like that, but you should also look at the abbreviation that you will call the dog.

Comfortable - choose a name from which you can name at least a couple of abbreviations in order to use derivatives and diminutive forms.

Canine Elephant and Pug or about the difference between breeds of different sizes

Of course, you won’t call a toy terrier a big man, and a dog name for a shepherd boy “baby” will not work. Likewise, when complaining, it is worth considering the dimension of your pet so that in the future it does not seem ridiculous.

For boy large breed it is worth giving preference to sharper nicknames, while dogs and boys are decorative and simply small breeds Something sweet and gentle will do. It is necessary to reasonably compare the nickname with appearance animal, and for this, be sure to find out how a puppy of this breed will grow up.

In a large family or what to do if you have several dogs

When you talk to your pet, he first of all reacts to sounds. If there are hissing sounds or voiced consonants at the end of the nickname, the dog will remember this and will respond every time he hears this combination.

That is why it is important that the names (and their abbreviations) of two or more dogs in the family sound significantly different from each other.

Otherwise, when you call one certain dog, both will resort to the call.

What else you need to read:

How not to name a boy's dog

Make sure names don't sound similar and make sure each dog remembers its name. This is not difficult to do: just spend time separately with each pet and often call him a dog name and all possible abbreviations from it.

Among other things, take the choice of a dog name for a boy seriously, with an adequate hike. The puppy will quickly get used to the way you call him and this will be fixed for him for the rest of his life. Retraining will be very difficult, and sometimes impossible. So don't be tempted to name your dog something jokingly. Now this idea may seem good to you, but later you can also regret it.

However, if you name your pet after your favorite cartoon character, but it does not sound stupid and inappropriate, then this can be used as an option.

Try on different options for the dog, evaluate their sound by ear. Consult with loved ones and friends to make sure once again that the dog name sounds good and fully suits your four-legged fellow.

Of all animals, the dog is the most reliable and devoted pet to man. She is always glad to see us. When we come home, our pet greets us by wagging its tail, and when we leave the house, it whines sadly. Therefore, when choosing a nickname for a puppy, we must remember that we are choosing a name for our best friend.

How to name a puppy?

Often we call our favorites by coat color - Ryzhik, Chernysh, Snezhok. Remember the nicknames of dogs - astronauts: Gypsy, Coal, Dezik, Veterok, Mishka, Brave? But it happens that we get lost and do not know what to name our boy puppy, especially when his dad and mom are eminent. If you like animated films, you can name your pet after the names of dogs from cartoons: Pif, Rex, Goofy, Tuzik, Tiffu, if the puppy is cheerful, Pluto, and smart, Pirate. Who does not know Bobik and Barbosa or Kobi, the mascot of the Barcelona Olympics.

When a puppy appears in the house german shepherd, and we don't know what to call him, the first name that comes to mind is, of course, Mukhtar. No less famous names are Scarlet, Sharik, Dzhulbars or Ajax, who saved dozens of schoolchildren from under the rubble of snow.

And, here's how to call a Yorkie boy puppy, small, but faithful and devoted to you? Patient, stubborn with a hunting character, he will suit the name Prince, Mickey, Romeo, Charlie, or Pixie, in honor of the Yorkshire terrier from the movie with the famous Stallone.

The nickname of our four-legged friend can be an adjective, for example, Affectionate, Brave, Courageous or Loyal (Fido), as the name of the dog, which for fourteen years went out to meet his master at the bus stop.

Lovers of poetry, literature and music call puppies, remembering poems, novels and even musical terms: Jim, Accord, Etude, Artemon, Bim, Hector, Pilot, Artoshka.

What to name a husky puppy?

A beautiful, intelligent and hardy sled dog, carries the image of the north. Therefore, nicknames are most often northern. For example, Aquilon or Nord (northern wind), Iceberg, Buran. Shaman.

To the whole world famous name Balt (Balto), the dog that saved a city in Alaska from an epidemic. For this feat of the Husky, two monuments were erected. Indomitable spirit, fidelity, intelligence, friendliness, character traits characteristic of the future adult dog. Sometimes they are simply called Huskies. Some owners give names: Kai, Klaus, Bars, Storm and others, the main thing is at least a little bit of a breath of the north wind.

How to name a chihuahua puppy?

You admire the beautiful tiny creature that you hold in your arms. You want the whole world to be delighted with it. It is better if the puppy has a nickname that reflects the nature and size of your pet. Although many owners give their dog the names of famous mythical heroes. The names of small beautiful flowers, such as Buttercup or the mysterious Adonis, are suitable for her nickname. Britney Spears named her favorite Beat Beat, Pamela Anderson Luca. Ah, the Hollywood Chihuahua star's name is Mooney.

What is the name of a spaniel boy puppy?

A wonderful companion, kind and affectionate, will suit the nicknames of famous dogs of this breed: Bob, Caesar. Major, Cupid, Socrates, Nick or Toby (from the book of Conan - Doyle). Richard Nixon was madly in love with his Chikker, who gave him a lot of trouble, and the actor Abdulov his spaniel Kuzya.

A puppy boy can be named with both the name of an idol and the country where you dream of visiting. But at the same time, it must be borne in mind that the nicknames of dogs similar to the names of people can drag you into an unpleasant story. This happens when puppies have names that sound similar to commands.