How to make talkan and fruit milk from sprouts. Live food "talkan" Talkan What is talkan

Talkan- this is sprouted and crushed grain, which our ancestors have been eating since ancient times.

Sprouted grain, which serves as the basis for Talkan, is a source of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, fiber, macro- and microelements in a form easily digestible by the human body. This is the secret of the healing properties of Talkan - a complete food that quickly gives strength. For exceptional benefit Altai peoples They called Talkan “Living Food”.

Talkan does not require large energy expenditures for the body to assimilate, since in sprouted grain the entire supply of nutrients is converted into a form ready for absorption: proteins into amino acids, starch into glucose. As a result, when consuming dishes based on talkan, the body quickly saturates, which gives reason to recommend it for inclusion in programs for regulating food intake. excess weight. For the sick diabetes mellitus talkan can be an essential protein product from which many delicious and nutritious dishes can be prepared.
Talkan contains amino acids and microelements, thanks to which wounds and ulcers, including stomach ulcers, heal well. Skin cells are rejuvenated and hair growth is stimulated.


Normalizes acid-base balance;

Contains large number dietary fiber from the grain shell, which, passing through digestive tract, absorb and remove harmful substances from the body;

The work of the intestines is stimulated, which provides effective relief from constipation and eliminates the processes of rotting undigested food residues in the gastrointestinal tract;

The skin is cleansed, allergies disappear;

Promotes the accumulation of necessary vitality.

Cooking method

You can quickly prepare various tasty and healthy dishes from Talkan, for example:

  • 3 tbsp. Pour talkana with 1 glass of milk or any fermented milk product, add raisins, prunes or dried apricots, sugar or honey to taste. Let stand for 5-7 minutes.
  • 3 tbsp. Pour 1/2 cup boiling water over Talkana, add 1 tsp. vegetable oil, salt, fried onions. Let stand in a tightly sealed container for 5-7 minutes.

It is useful to replace part of the wheat flour with Talkan when preparing flatbreads and pancakes; add Talkan to omelette, porridge, minced meat.

Talkan has a beneficial effect on the skin: 2 tbsp. Talkana, 1 tsp. honey, 2 tsp. natural oil dilute wheat germ with a small amount hot water to the consistency of “thick sour cream”. Cool to body temperature and use as a mask for dry, chapped or sunburned skin.

Talkan produced by the SibTar enterprise, it is made from sprouted grains of cereal crops growing in Siberia.

Compound: Groats made from sprouted rye grains.

Nutritional and energy value per 100 g of product: proteins - 12.2 g; fats - 3.4 g; carbohydrates - 8.9 g;

calorie content - 154 kcal/644.8 kJ.

Best before date: 12 months.

Store grain stocks in clean, dry, ventilated areas that are not infested with pests, at a temperature not exceeding 25°C and a relative humidity of not more than 75%.

TALKAN is an ancient product that was prepared exclusively from sprouted grains of cereal crops.
TALKAN produced by the SibTar enterprise is made using its own technology from wheat or rye grain based on centuries of folk experience.
TALKAN is a food that has nutritional healing and preventive properties and gives strength to the human body. Due to its nutritional properties, TALKAN replaced many food products for people; a large and varied number of dishes were prepared from it. Many peoples called TALKAN “Living food”.
TALKAN contains proteins and carbohydrates in an optimal ratio for absorption by the human body and very important microelements.
TALKAN does not require large energy expenditures from the body for its absorption, since in the sprouted grain the entire supply of nutrients is converted into a form ready for absorption: proteins into amino acids, starch into glucose. As a result, when eating dishes based on TALKAN, the body quickly saturates, which gives reason to recommend it for inclusion in programs for regulating excess weight. For patients with diabetes, TALKAN can be a necessary protein product from which many tasty and nutritious dishes can be prepared.

TALKAN contains amino acids and microelements, thanks to which wounds and ulcers, including stomach ulcers, heal well. Skin cells are rejuvenated and hair growth is stimulated.
TALKAN normalizes the acid-base balance, contains a large amount of dietary fiber from the grain shell, which, passing through the digestive tract, absorbs and removes waste and toxins from the body. This stimulates the work of the intestines, which provides effective relief from constipation and eliminates the processes of decay of undigested food residues in the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, the likelihood of developing many diseases is significantly reduced, the skin is cleansed, and allergies disappear.
TALKAN, when regularly included in the diet, helps to accumulate the necessary vitality.
TALKAN is an indispensable food during religious fasts.
TALKAN - centuries-old folk wisdom.

SEVERAL recipes with TALKAN

Three tablespoons of TALKAN, one glass of milk or fermented milk product, yogurt, juice, tea
Three tablespoons of TALKAN, three tablespoons of cottage cheese, one glass of milk or fermented milk product, honey or sugar to taste. Stir until smooth.
Three tablespoons of TALKAN, three tablespoons of sour cream, one tablespoon of honey or fruit syrup. Mix thoroughly.
TALKAN is a skin softening and cleansing product. Two tablespoons of TALKAN, half a glass of hot water. Stir, cool to body temperature. Wipe your face like you would with cosmetic milk.

The product, obtained from sprouted grains, contains microelements necessary for our body and is a natural ester sorbent. Regular consumption of healthy flour helps in the fight against bad cholesterol and overweight, promotes rejuvenation of the body, improves appearance skin and hair.

Composition and characteristics

Talkan is obtained by grinding sprouted grain. Depending on the source raw material (wheat, barley, oats or rye), one of the types of this “live” flour is obtained. Today in stores you can find mixtures of two or three grains. But product experts recommend that everyone choose their own type:

  • wheat contains proteins (glutenin, leukosin), fiber, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, vitamin E, B1 vitamins. Wheat sprouts contain minerals that slow down the aging process. In addition, wheat grains are rich in chromium, potassium and lithium. These microelements help in the fight against atherosclerosis, diabetes, ischemia, and cardiovascular diseases. Vitamin C and iron are necessary to protect against anemia and for overall strengthening of the body. Calorie content is 320 kcal. Experts advise including wheat talkan in the daily diet for people working in cold climates and experiencing heavy physical activity;
  • Rye talkan contains up to 15% protein and 70% carbohydrates. It contains vitamin E and A, B vitamins, phosphorus, zinc, calcium, manganese and other minerals. The protein of sprouted rye grain contains amino acids: lysine and threonine and unsaturated fatty acids. Regular intake of rye sprout flour will increase overall tone, improve metabolic processes, and cleanse the body of toxins. Nutritionists advise taking this product for diabetes, dysfunction thyroid gland, for the prevention of cancer;
  • oat talkan is rich in B vitamins, carotene, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc, iodine. Oatmeal flour has a relatively high content of fat (up to 8%) and starch (up to 60%). Talkan from oats contains polyphenol, which normalizes the functioning of the liver and pancreas. Oatmeal will help with sleep disorders and quickly restore the body after colds. The product is useful for the prevention of a number of diseases: hypertension, anemia, diabetes, liver and kidney dysfunction, gastrointestinal diseases;
  • Barley talkan contains about 60% carbohydrates, 10% protein and 6% fiber. It is worth noting that barley protein nutritional value superior to wheat. Barley grain contains a rich set of vitamins (A, E, D, PP, B) and microelements (manganese, potassium, magnesium, iodine, bromine, calcium, phosphorus, silicon, zinc).

This composition makes barley flour a healing remedy for people of all ages. For older people, it is useful for maintaining normal cholesterol levels, regulating blood pressure, maintaining mental activity.

Men who consume barley talkan prolong their sexual activity and reduce the risk of prostatitis. Barley flour is also useful for female beauty: silicon and amino acids will help maintain skin, hair and nails in ideal condition.

“Live food” will cleanse the body of toxins and help in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, obesity, and allergies.

How to use talkan correctly?

Talkan is a unique flour, its use helps:

  • rejuvenation of the body;
  • normalization of metabolism, weight loss, improvement of skin and hair condition;
  • reducing blood pressure and the risk of cardiovascular diseases;
  • increasing immunity.

To get the maximum benefit from the product, you need to know the secrets of its use. As a rule, “live food” does not require long-term hot processing. The Mongols, Bashkirs, Tatars, Kyrgyz and other peoples, for whom talkan is a national product, prepare quick and delicious dishes with honey, milk, nuts, tea, spices.

For example, in Tibet you will be offered tsampa - nutritious balls made from barley flour. To prepare them, use strong black tea, talkan, salt and butter. All ingredients are mixed and small balls are formed from the resulting mass. In Bashkiria, the same recipe was varied with honey: the result was a tasty and healthy dessert.

Talkan can be added to the soup by adding a few tablespoons of flour at the end of cooking. Dumplings and cutlets, porridges, pancakes and pancakes, cocktails and jelly are made from “living food”. But those who consume healing flour in its raw form will receive the maximum benefit.

We offer our readers recipes healthy dishes:

  • porridge with nuts and honey. Pour four spoons of oat talkan hot water, let it brew. After a few minutes, add nuts, honey, dried fruits to the mixture;
  • chok-chok (Altai recipe). Mix pine nuts with wheat talkan. Add honey and boiled water. Make balls or figures from the resulting mixture;
  • cocktail for a slim figure. Mix a teaspoon of talkan with a glass of low-fat kefir. This drink will completely replace light dinner or a snack;
  • cottage cheese with talkan. Mix 150 grams of cottage cheese and two spoons of talkan, adding sour cream or honey to taste. You can diversify the recipe by including jam, nuts, and berries in the list of ingredients;
  • tea with talkan and spices (Tibetan recipe). Brew strong black tea, add hot milk, spoon butter, salt, ground cinnamon and a couple of spoons of “live food”.

For weight loss

As already noted, unthreshed sprouted grains are rich in fiber and microelements. This determined the effect of talkan as an eterosorbent, effectively cleansing the body of waste and toxins. Dishes with “living flour” are perfect for fasting days, and a smoothie with yogurt or juice will replace an office snack.

Any type of “live flour” will help you lose weight if you use the product correctly:

In the morning, on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals, take 2 tablespoons of talkan and drink a glass of water. For dinner, prepare a cocktail with kefir or yogurt and 2-3 tablespoons of “live flour”. Daily norm talkan for losing weight - no more than 8 spoons.

To lose weight and improve tone, you can include talkan in any dishes. But it is worth remembering that the combination of healing flour and fatty foods(for example, butter) with a sedentary lifestyle will have the opposite effect, and the body will gain weight. Therefore, any diet for weight loss should be part of a health system.

Contraindications and possible harm

Due to the excellent digestibility of the product, talkan can be taken by people different ages. Contraindications include serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as stomach ulcers. Despite the obvious benefits of the product, exceeding the norm can lead to dire consequences. “Live flour” is rich in fiber, and those who are introducing it into their diet for the first time should start with small doses to avoid flatulence. And of course, like any food product, talkan has an expiration date. Eating low-quality flour that has expired can be harmful to the body. Next, we will talk about the rules for selecting and storing “live food”.

Selection and storage

Today talkan can be bought in pharmacies and stores healthy eating. As a rule, manufacturers release the product by packaging it in paper or plastic bags. The storage period should not exceed 10 months. At home, to preserve the beneficial properties of flour, you can use food containers with lids, placing them in a cool, dry place.

By correctly choosing and using unique “living food” you will get quick effect, which will be noticeable to you and others.

Talkan is a product from sprouted grains of cereals, made using a special technology based on the most ancient recipes of nomadic peoples.

Talkan contains proteins and carbohydrates that the body needs, in an ideal ratio of 1:5 for proper absorption, and, in addition, fiber and very important microelements - zinc, magnesium, iron, calcium, copper, selenium, etc.

Talkan is absorbed by the human body as completely as possible, because In sprouted grain, 90% of the entire supply of nutrients is converted into a form ready for absorption: proteins - into amino acids, starch - into glucose. In addition, sprouted grains are filled with the most powerful vital energy, which is necessary for the future plant for growth and development, it fills a person with health and strength. That is why talkan is called “live” food.

Talkan is made from sprouted grains of wheat, oats, rye and barley. It comes in two fractions - large and delicate. Tender talkan cooks instantly, while large ones take 3-5 minutes longer. From a large talkan you get delicious porridge, it is added to soups and made into cutlets. And small talkan is used for making cocktails, drinks, and desserts. Also, all talkans can be mixed together in any proportions and prepare your own delicious dishes!

IMPACT ON THE BODY: Rejuvenates the body due to the presence of antioxidants in sprouts: vitamins “A”, “C”, “E” and enzymes;

Has a beneficial effect on digestion, treats eczema, cleanses the skin various types rashes, acne, allergies;

Restores visual acuity, color and thickness of hair, strengthens teeth; A large amount of magnesium in sprouted grains helps lower blood pressure, remove cholesterol from the body, and reduces the likelihood of heart attacks; The living energy of fresh sprouts stimulates the internal self-cleaning and self-regenerating abilities of the body, promotes the formation of hemoglobin and purifies the blood;
Increases performance and improves sexual function;
Is a prophylactic agent for preventing cancer;
An effective remedy for reducing excess weight;
Increases immunity, promotes immunity to colds.


It is recommended to consume 2-3 tablespoons of talkan per day. It can be eaten with milk, kefir, yogurt, broth, water, and added to various dishes. To prepare the porridge, just steam the talkan with boiling water for 5 minutes, add salt, oil and seasonings to taste. Talkan is absorbed as completely and quickly as possible when honey is added to it. For stomach and intestinal ulcers, it is recommended to use gentle talkan.


Quick breakfast.

Mix 3 tbsp. spoons of large talkan, pour boiling water and leave covered for 5 minutes. Add 1-2 teaspoons of any oil (cedar, pumpkin, sesame, sea buckthorn, etc.). To taste, add honey, raisins, nuts or salt, garlic, fried onions and carrots.

Mix half a glass of honey and 1 glass of vegetable oil thoroughly with 200g of small talkan until a homogeneous mass is obtained. You can take 100g talkan and 100g sesame flour. It turns out surprisingly tender and tasty halva!


Brew two hundred grams of large talkan with 3 cups of boiling water, add 1 cup of vegetable oil, mix the cooled mass with 3 eggs, 2-3 cloves of garlic, finely chopped onion and ground black pepper. Form small cutlets and fry on vegetable oil. This great dish With minimum cost time to prepare, and very tasty!


Mix 1-2 tbsp. spoons of tender talkan with 1 glass of kefir, yogurt or juice. An excellent, tasty and delicious dessert that you can drink just like that or with some snack.

Candies "Talkanelki".

Mix 200g softened butter (can be replaced with sesame or sunflower), 1 can of condensed milk or cocoa (can be replaced with honey), 0.5 cup clean water, 0.5 cups of walnuts and 200g of small talkan. Roll into small balls with your hands, place on a plate and place in the refrigerator for 1 hour. These sweets will be the highlight of any feast!

Stay healthy.
"Merchant Tyumen"
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Olya Likhacheva

Beauty - how gem: the simpler it is, the more precious it is :)


Many people who prefer healthy food products, I am interested in the question: talkan - what is it, where to buy, what are the benefits and harms? Reviews from people consuming talkan indicate healing properties product - increasing efficiency, tone, saturating the body with microelements and vitamins.

What is talkan

Cereals have high nutritional value and many delicious, healthy dishes are prepared from them. The popular talkan is a product made from sprouted grains of barley, oats, and wheat, which are ground to flour and used to prepare porridge, drinks, and other dishes.

The product "Talkan" has excellent taste and beneficial properties, thanks to the sprouted grains that are included in the composition. The original component of the product was barley, known as the main crop in Altai settlements even before the 19th century. In Khakassia, barley was called talkan and they learned to cook hearty, light dishes based on it.

The benefits and harms of talkan

What are the benefits and harms of talkan? Cereal dishes are rich in fiber and dietary fiber, so their intake is recommended to improve digestion. Vegetable protein, contained in large quantities in cereals, is better absorbed by the body than animal protein, and microelements and vitamins help restore wasted energy and maintain health. Using sprouted grains is beneficial because nutrients, contained in them, acquire a biologically accessible form: amino acids are formed from proteins, glucose - from starch.

Eating this healing flour helps solve not only digestive problems, but also improves the condition of the skin, nails, and hair. Its use helps to effectively cleanse the intestines, remove toxins, rejuvenating the body. Therefore, “Talkan” is recommended both for dietary, medical nutrition, and everyday consumption by people leading an active lifestyle.

Potassium contained in flour improves heart function and cardiovascular system, normalizes blood composition, helps remove salts from the body, dissolve cholesterol plaques. People with allergies should use the product carefully; it is better to try flour made from sprouted grains in small portions. Flour contains a large amount of fiber, so consuming dishes made from it can cause flatulence. It is worth refraining from taking the product if there is an exacerbation of stomach diseases.

Talkan barley

The benefit of barley talkan is that the prepared decoction contains a lot of mucus, which envelops the stomach and intestines, protecting against irritation. Lysine and vitamin B3 contained in barley have an excellent effect on the skin, participating in the metabolism of fats, proteins, amino acids, purines, and tissue respiration. Women appreciated this, especially since the beneficial properties of barley are manifested in regulating the menstrual cycle, reducing the negative manifestations of menopause, and losing weight.

Wheat talkan

No less popular is wheat talkan, which looks like ordinary cereal. Sprouted wheat is a recognized champion in vitamin E content, so the product is indispensable for diseases associated with metabolism, including obesity. Often wheat porridge from sprouted grains is produced with seasonings - cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla, which not only improves its taste, but also increases its beneficial functions. The high content of vitamin B contributes to the proper functioning of the nervous system.

Talkan for weight loss

Due to the high content of minerals, vitamins, and fiber, talkan is used for weight loss. Properly prepared at home dishes from sprouted grains will help improve peristalsis, reduce hunger, and speed up the recovery process of muscle tissue. To reduce weight, the product is consumed according to the following scheme: 1 tsp. dissolve in a glass of water and drink 30 minutes before meals.

How to use talkan correctly

Doctors advise how to use talkan correctly - this is to eat it raw. They are better absorbed this way useful substances, the body's metabolic processes are activated. Stir two teaspoons of powder in a glass of water or kefir, and drink the resulting thick drink in the morning on an empty stomach. This breakfast or dinner is low in calories, containing only 295 kcal. To get rid of excess weight, doctors advise eating porridge or a shake made from cereals instead of a full breakfast and dinner.

How to cook talkan

You can prepare talkan in different ways, if desired, you can even make delicious desserts. Talkan porridge is prepared from a medium-ground barley mixture:

  1. Boil 0.5 cups of water, slowly add 1.5 cups of cereal.
  2. Add a little salt, cook until soft, the cereal will swell.
  3. If you are preparing a non-dietary version of porridge, then add milk or cream, and ready-made porridge- butter.
  4. Leave the porridge, wrapped in a towel, to steep for 5-10 minutes.

Altai tea is prepared from barley mixture:

  1. Add 1-2 tablespoons of the mixture to 100 ml of warm water.
  2. After brewing, let it brew for 5 minutes. Consume with honey or milk.

Reviews from doctors about talkan

Professional reviews from doctors about talkan indicate the effectiveness of the product’s influence on metabolic processes and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Its general strengthening, vasodilating, anti-inflammatory properties make it possible to prescribe the product for therapeutic and preventive nutrition after illness. At dietary nutrition for weight loss, talkan is indicated for use instead of breakfast and dinner, mainly in its raw form, diluted in water or kefir.

Talkan price

A comparison of prices for talkan shows that this product can be bought from 135 to 150 rubles per package (400-500 grams). Prices for products are higher in specialized eco-stores. Some manufacturers add additives and spices to the composition, which also slightly affects the cost.