List of non-alcoholic drinks. The ABC of thirst: soft drinks from A to Z. Used as a natural material

Beverage producers in Russia, catalog 2020 year. Production and wholesale at factory prices. Beverage manufacturers - brands and trademarks of domestic companies. List:

  • Fonte Aqua LLC;
  • "Russian Elite Tea";
  • "Aveo"
  • "Taiga treasure";
  • OJSC Deneb, etc.

The range includes: tea, coffee, cocoa, chicory, drinking and mineral water, carbonated drinks, kvass, fruit drinks, nectars, juices, energy mixes, flavored lemonades and other non-alcoholic products. Manufacturers of non-alcoholic mineral and other products use safe containers and glass. Consumer reviews are the best! Drink Russian enterprises food industry- a sign of quality!

Delivery of products in Moscow and the Moscow region, to the regions, CIS abroad - by transport organizations. Address, phone number, official website of the company - in the “Contacts” tab. The production facilities also produce children's products. Natural composition! Photo gallery, publications - on the company page.

Russian companies are calling for cooperation from suppliers of raw materials, children's institutions, and dealers of all categories. To buy in bulk or download the price list, please contact the exhibition manager in the column on the right.

Sparkling water is a constant favorite and has become an integral part of daily meals, regardless of whether it is lunch, snack or dinner. Typically, a soft drink contains water, flavoring, and a sweetener such as sugar or corn syrup. Since the carbonated drink contains the lion's share of sugar, it can be included in the list of 10 foods that are unacceptable for a good figure.

Sometimes the drink can be replaced with drinking water, which has a number of advantages. But today we present to your attention 10 most popular without alcoholic drinks.

10. 7-up

The company took up the production of this drink Charles Leiper Grieg in 1929. The drink, which contains lemon, lime and soda, is now produced Dr Pepper Snapple Group And Pepsi Co, a company popular in all parts of the globe. Previously it was called Bib-Label, but due to the merger of companies, they decided to replace the name with 7-up.

It includes:

  • sparkling water,
  • concentrated grapefruit juice,
  • brominated vegetable oils,
  • citric acid,
  • natural flavors,
  • preservatives,
  • high fructose corn syrup,
  • glycerin ether of rosin.

The drink was introduced to the market by Bishop Herb, the creator of the drink. At first he wanted to create lemonade. The ingredients of the drink have not changed.

Have you ever wondered what the acronym A&W means? In fact, it is a joint company between Roy Allen and Frank Wright ( Frank Wright), and we can notice that the abbreviation A&W represents the first letters of their last names. The drink is popular not only in Canada.

The drink appeared in 1979 and was a combination of lemon and orange flavors. This interesting idea belongs to Mark Stevens, in addition he collaborated with Coca-Cola Company.

Non-alcoholic drink produced Coca-Cola Company, does not contain caffeine, it is colorless, contains lemon and lime. First introduced to the US market in 1961. Is a constant rival 7-up.

A popular drink produced by the Independent Brewing Company, which began operations in 1919. Due to high prices and expenses, the company collapsed and went bankrupt; in 2008 it was acquired by Dr Pepper Snapple Group.

The very first soft drink in history, known as American soda. One of the company's drinks . It has two flavors - French vanilla and cream soda. He was the main competitor A&W due to its excellent taste and pleasant smell.

Product produced by the company Dr. Pepper Snapple Group, launched on the market in 2008. Originating from Texas, it serves multiple markets in Canada, Japan, the Middle East and the United States. It belongs to the company Canada Dry Ginger and to the family of John J. McLaughlin.

A unique and recognizable aroma that differs from other known carbonated drinks. Created in 1885 by Charles Aldenton of Waco, Texas. In 1904, the drink began to be sold in the United States. It is now imported to South America, Asia, Australia and Europe.

The company began business in 1886, and it still manages to hold a leading position, despite the new and cheaper carbonated drinks that are popular with consumers today. She is the company's main rival Pepsi, which received first place in the ranking of popular soft drinks in 1980.

Alcoholic drink with a strength of 25 to 51 vol. used as an aperitif before meals. Anise tincture is made by infusing anise seeds with vodka. During the aging process, anise gives its essential oils. This drink appeared on the modern territory of Russia and Europe in the 16-17 centuries. along with caravans of spices from the Far East. Thanks to his unique aroma it was used in baking and, of course, in the production of vodka.


English arak or araq
alcoholic drink, strength from 30 to 60 vol. widespread in the East, Central Asia, Europe, India, the islands of Sri Lanka and Java. The prerequisite for the creation of arak was the need for beneficial use of grape products. Nowadays, depending on the region, arak is made from rice, grapes, figs, dates, molasses, plums and other fruits.


fr. aygue ardente- water of life
Alcoholic drink with a strength of 55-65 vol. in taste and appearance it is very close to cognac. It is produced in the southeastern part of France in the province of Gascony. By origin, Armagnac is almost 100 years older than cognac. It was first mentioned in the 15th century. The production of Armagnac is very similar to the production technology of Cognac. The only differences are in the distillation process.


Greek balsamon- medicinal product
Alcoholic drink with a strength of 40-45 vol. (some up to 65 vol.), infused with medicinal herbs, is used exclusively for medicinal and preventive purposes. Traditionally the balm has brown due to a variety of herbs, roots and fruits.


fr. Benedictine- blessed
And an alcoholic drink based on a collection of about 27 types of herbs, honey and locally produced cognac, with a strength of 40-45 vol., belonging to the class of liqueurs. This drink first appeared in 1510 in France at the monastery of St. Benedict in the Abbey of Fecamp. The created drink included about 75 types of herbs. However, the original recipe for Benedictine has been lost. The drink was revived with some improvements in 1863.


It’s difficult to put into words “ brandy» a specific drink, rather it is a method of its production. We can say that brandy is concentrated wine. Initially, it was supposed to be diluted with water before drinking, but the drink turned out to be so good that over time it became an independent product of wine distillation.


English inourbon
The original American alcoholic drink is a type of whiskey, but is made from corn. The strength of the drink is 40-45 vol., but most often the drink has 43 vol. This drink first appeared in the late 18th – early 19th centuries. in the small town of Paris, Kentucky. The drink was named after the region of the same name in the Bourbon state, in which the founding city is located. During civil war bourbon was given to soldiers without fail as an antiseptic for washing wounds.


German wermuth- wormwood
An alcoholic drink flavored with herbs, spices and medicinal herbs with a strength of 15 to 20 vol. Belongs to the class of fortified wines. The recipe for making vermouth was first mentioned in sources of the 10th-9th centuries. BC in the works of Hippocrates. The first mass production began in 1786 in Turin by winemaker Antonio Benedett Capran. At that time, exclusively white wines were used as the basis of the drink, but now any wine is used.


lat. Vinum
An alcoholic drink created through the natural fermentation of grapes or any other fruit juice. The strength of the wine after fermentation is 9-16 vol. When making fortified wines, high strength is achieved by diluting the wine with alcohol to the desired percentage. Wine is the most ancient drink. There are many legends of the first appearance of the drink, which are reflected in the epics of Ancient Greek, Ancient Roman and Persian mythology.


Celt. uisge baugh– water of life
A strong alcoholic drink (40-60 vol) obtained by distilling malted grains of wheat, barley and rye. It is not possible to determine exactly where the drink originated. The dispute is between two countries – Ireland and Scotland. However, the first mentions were preserved in Scottish documents from 1494. These are records of the monks who first produced the drink. From the moment of its appearance until the 17th century. Whiskey was produced on a national scale by virtually every farmer, jeopardizing the production of sufficient bread for the population.

Cherry liqueur

eng. cherry liqueur
An alcoholic drink infused with cherry fruits and leaves based on grape brandy with added sugar. The strength of the drink is 25-30 vol. Cherry liqueur was invented in England by Thomas Grant from the town of Kent. The liqueur was made from one variety of black cherries - morel. However, now almost all varieties are used. In addition to England, cherry liqueurs are also produced in Germany, France and Switzerland.

Still water

A liquid that is odorless and tasteless in small volumes and colorless under normal environmental conditions. Contains dissolved mineral salts and various chemical elements. It has a vital function in the development and functioning of the human body. Still water acts as a universal solvent, thanks to which all biochemical processes occur.

Sparkling water

It is a natural mineral or drinking still water enriched with carbon dioxide (CO2), flavored and sweetened to increase its shelf life. Due to carbon, carbonated water is purified from possible microbes. Filling water with carbon dioxide is carried out using special industrial equipment. There are three types of sparkling water based on the level of carbon dioxide saturation.


An alcoholic drink that is colorless and has a characteristic alcoholic odor. This is the most common drink in the world. In most countries, vodka is used as a neutral alcohol to create cocktails; in Slavic countries and post-Soviet countries it is consumed as an independent drink. Fortress in different countries ah can vary from 32 to 56 vol., it all depends on the state documents regulating the production of vodka.

Mulled wine

German glühender Wein– hot, flaming wine
This is a very tasty alcoholic hot drink, the basis of which is red wine heated to 70-80°C with sugar and spices. It is traditionally consumed in Switzerland, Germany, Austria and the Czech Republic during mass Christmas celebrations.


English hoog-mug– mishmash
A soft drink based on raw chicken eggs and sugar. Belongs to the dessert class. There are several legends from different countries where eggnog originated. So in Germany, the creation of eggnog is attributed to confectioner Manfred Kekenbauer. In Poland - to the singer of the choir at the synagogue in the city of Mogelev, Gogel, who, having lost his voice, took the advice to drink a scrambled raw egg. Subsequently, various ingredients were added to the main components, creating more and more new variations of the drink.


Italian Grappa– grape pomace
An alcoholic drink produced by distilling grape pomace. It belongs to the class of brandy and has a strength of 40-50 vol. In accordance with the international decree of 1997, only those drinks that are produced on Italian territory and from Italian raw materials can be called grappa. This decree also strictly regulates the quality of the drink and the standards for its production.


English grog
An alcoholic drink based on rum or cognac, diluted hot water with the addition of sugar, lime or lemon juice, as well as spices: cinnamon, vanillin, coriander, nutmeg and others. Grog is a truly sea drink. It was first used in the 18th century. after the order of Admiral Edward Vernon to dilute the rum with water due to the excessive passion for it by sailors.


A English alcoholic drink originally from the Netherlands. Gin production began in the mid-17th century. in the Netherlands, and after the “Glorious Revolution” it spread to England. Over time, the process of making gin has remained virtually unchanged. Its main component is wheat alcohol, which, through the process of vertical distillation and the addition of juniper berries, acquires its unique dry taste.


Arab. julab– rose water
A chilled cocktail whose main ingredient is fresh mint. The following components are used in its preparation: alcoholic drinks, syrups, table mineral water, fresh fruits and berries. Initially, julep, like water with sugar, was used to dilute bitter medicines, mixtures and tinctures in it.


fr. Calvados
An alcoholic drink based on pear or apple cider, produced in the French province of Basse-Normandie. The drink belongs to the brandy class and has a strength of 40-50 vol. Only drinks produced in the French departments of Calvados (74% of total Calvados production), Orne, Manche, Er, Sarthe and Mayenne can be called Calvados.


lat. theobroma cacao- food of the gods
A tonic and aromatic non-alcoholic drink based on milk or water, cocoa powder and sugar. The ancient Aztec tribes began to use cocoa powder for the first time (about 3000 years ago). Only men and shamans enjoyed the privilege of drinking this drink. Ripe cocoa beans were ground into powder and diluted cold water, added there hot pepper, vanilla and other spices.


port. cachaca
An alcoholic drink made by distilling sugar cane. The strength of the drink can vary from 38 to 54 vol. Cachaça is the national drink of Brazil, and its production is strictly regulated by law. The word cachaca is a common noun of the commercial name of the drink in Brazil. Thus, in the state of Rio Grandido, cachaca is included in the food basket of citizens.


A low-alcohol drink produced by incomplete fermentation of milk or bread sourdough. The strength of the drink does not exceed 2.6 vol. Kvass is traditionally made by Slavic peoples. According to the international classification, kvass belongs to the category of beer; in Russia and Ukraine it is also considered an independent drink.


from tour kef- health
A nutritious drink obtained from milk by fermentation of lactic acid bacteria: rods, streptococci, yeast, acetic bacteria and about 16 other species. Their number must be at least 107 per liter. The drink has white, uniform texture, sour milk smell and a small amount of carbon dioxide. Kefir is most widespread among residents of Slavic countries and the Middle East.


A sweet dessert drink with a jelly-like structure. It is prepared on the basis of fruit and berry compotes, uzvar, juices, syrups, milk, jam diluted in water with the addition of corn or potato starch, as well as grain starter. The jelly contains sugar as a sweetener.


English cobbler- tavern owner, brewer
A cocktail dessert drink consisting of a variety of fruits, syrups, juices, alcoholic beverages and crushed ice. Cobbler was first prepared in America in 1809. It was made by a tavern owner as a sign of reconciliation after a quarrel with his wife, which made her absolutely delighted, and the whole world received a new drink.


English cock's tail– rooster tail
A drink obtained by mixing (mixing) various alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. The volume of one serving of cocktail does not exceed 150 ml. Also, the cocktail recipe clearly states the proportions of the components, the violation of which can irreparably spoil the drink or lead to the creation of a new type of it.


lat. cola
A tonic sweet carbonated drink that contains caffeine. The drink got its name from kola nuts, which were used in the original recipe as a source of caffeine. The drink was first produced by the American chemist John Stith Pemberton in 1886 as a medicinal syrup. The drink was sold in 200 ml portions. in pharmacies as a remedy for “nervous disorders”. After some time, the drink began to be carbonated and sold in vending machines.


fr. compote- make up, mix
A dessert non-alcoholic drink made from one type or a mixture of fruits and berries based on water and sugar. Compote is prepared from fresh, frozen or dried ingredients. This drink is very popular chilled in the summer, and in cold weather, compotes go well warm as a source of vitamins. Compotes are also prepared for the winter for future use.


fr. cognac
An alcoholic drink produced in the city of the same name, Cognac (France). It is produced from a special type of grape using special technology. Cognac is made from white grape varieties. The main share of them is the variety uni blanc. Full ripening of the grapes occurs in mid-October, so the process of creating such a noble drink begins in late autumn.


Arab. qahwa- stimulating drink
A tonic non-alcoholic drink made from roasted coffee beans. Coffee is a heat-loving plant, so it is grown on high mountain plantations. Two varieties of coffee trees are used to produce coffee: Arabica and Robusta. In terms of consumer properties, Arabica is less strong, but more aromatic, Robusta is the opposite. Therefore, a mixture of these two varieties in different proportions is often sold. The history of coffee is shrouded in a huge amount legends.


fr. cruchon- jug
A refreshing cold drink, usually alcoholic, consisting of fresh and canned fruits and berries and a mixture of wines. To enrich the drink with carbon dioxide bubbles, champagne or sparkling mineral water is usually added to the cup. Due to the slight similarity in the preparation scheme, the cruchon can be said to be “the brother of punch” and “a distant relative of the cocktail.” Before serving, the drink must be cooled to a temperature of 8-10°C and not added large number ice.


Turks. ҡымыҙ- fermented mare's milk
An alcoholic drink based on mare's milk, obtained by fermentation under the influence of acidophilus and Bulgarian bacillus and yeast. The drink has a pleasant sweet and sour taste, white color with a slight foam on the surface. Kumis, made from various types of starters, may contain different amounts of alcohol. Its content can vary from 0.2 to 2.5 vol. and sometimes reach 4.5 vol.


lat. leagueface– dissolve
C sweet alcoholic drink infused with fruits, berries and herbs and spices. Its strength ranges from 16 to 50 vol. The date of creation of the drink is unknown, but it is believed that the first prototype of modern liqueurs was the Elixir of Benedictine, created in the 16th century. monk Bernardo Vinzelli in the city of Fécamp. Many monks and distillers tried to repeat or improve this liqueur. As a result, new, no less tasty, types were obtained.


fr. lemonade– limonized
A refreshing non-alcoholic drink made from lemon juice, sugar and water. It has a light yellow color, lemon aroma and a refreshing taste. First appeared in France in the 17th century. during the reign of Louis I. According to legend, the appearance of the drink is associated with an almost fatal mistake by the court cupbearer. He inadvertently scooped the monarch into a glass instead of wine lemon juice In order to somehow correct this rash act, he added water and sugar to the glass.


An alcoholic drink with a strength of 5-16 vol., made from honey. The percentage of sugar ranges from 8 to 10%. The most ancient archaeological excavations in Russia, dating back to the 7th-6th centuries. BC, find evidence of the production of a honey-based drink by local peoples. Therefore, mead is one of the most ancient alcoholic drinks in Rus'.


Italian Martini
alcoholic drink, strength 16-18 vol. infused with herbs. The herbal collection usually includes more than 35 plants, including: yarrow, mint, St. John's wort, chamomile, coriander, ginger, cinnamon, cloves, wormwood, immortelle and others. In addition to leaves and stems, flowers and seeds rich in essential oils are also used. The drink belongs to the class of vermouths.


A fluid produced by the mammary glands of humans and mammals. It contains a large amount useful substances necessary for the growth and development of the body. Milk contains fats, proteins, vitamins and microelements. The color of milk can vary from white to yellow-blue. It depends on its fat content. Due to the lactose content, it has a slightly sweet taste. Milk includes more than 100 useful components, of which about 20 balanced and fatty amino acids, lactose, and minerals.


Art. rus. mursa– water with honey
A soft drink, usually non-alcoholic, based on fruit and berry juice, water and sugar or honey. Also, for piquancy and additional aroma, you can add citrus fruit zest, spices (cinnamon, cloves, coriander) and tinctures of medicinal herbs (St. John's wort, sage, mint, lemon balm and others) to the fruit drink.


Hindi punch- five
This is a whole group of hot, burning or chilled alcoholic cocktails containing fresh or canned fruits and juice. Among the alcoholic drinks used in the preparation of punch are rum, wine, grappa, brandy, arrack, claret, alcohol and vodka. Traditionally, the drink is prepared in large containers (punch bowls) and served at receptions and parties. The strength of the drink varies from 15 to 20 vol. and sugar content - from 30 to 40%. The most famous punch recipes are Caribbean Rum Punch, Barbados Punch and Plantation Punch.


An alcoholic drink prepared by fermenting malt wort with yeast and hops. Barley is most often used as malted grains. Depending on the type of beer, the strength of the drink can vary from 3 to 14 vol. Beer is the most popular alcoholic beverage and ranks third in the world in the overall list of drinks after water and tea. There are more than 1000 different types of beer. They differ in color, taste, alcohol content, raw ingredients used and cooking traditions in different countries.


from Indian dialect pisco- flying bird
An alcoholic drink made from muscat grape varieties. Pisco belongs to the brandy class and is the national Peruvian and Chilean drink. The strength of the drink is 35-50 vol.


English rum
An alcoholic beverage produced by the fermentation and distillation of cane molasses and syrup resulting from the manufacture of cane sugar. At the exit, the drink has a transparent color, and after aging in wooden barrels it acquires an amber color. The strength of the drink, depending on the variety, can vary from 40 to 75 vol.


The national low-alcohol drink of the Japanese, produced by fermenting rice. The taste of sake can have notes of sherry, apples, grapes, bananas, spices, and herbs. The color of the drink is usually transparent, but color changes towards amber, yellow, green and lemon shades are allowed. The strength of the drink varies from 14.5 to 20 vol.

Do you love walking outdoors? It's so cool to take a walk and get some fresh air sometimes. Often while walking we see people different ages with bottles of sweet carbonated drinks or just juices. These include people who like to run, people who just want to take a walk, and mothers with strollers. And although the dangers of carbonated drinks have long been known, people still think that they are a good replacement for plain water or, as athletes think, a good source of glucose and carbohydrates? if it is colorful and sweet...

Many are still not entirely familiar with the complete list side effects and the destruction that these drinks can cause in our bodies.

We are here to change your mind.

No, we in no way want to intimidate you, we want to help you... Everyone has their own life and everyone perceives information in their own way.

In fact, if you regularly consume these carbonated drinks and juices, you may stumble upon a full range of the most unwanted diseases in your life - most of which are a consequence of early death.

It shouldn't come as a surprise when I say that sugar is the main ingredient in these unhealthy drinks. That is why all this fuss is being made today...

Let's try to understand this topic...

The harm of carbonated drinks...

1. Carbonated drinks lead to fatty internal organs

If you consume excess sugar in the form of sugary drinks, there is a high chance that it will lead to excess fat on your body. This does not mean the appearance of fat that collects on the hips, buttocks and sides (in the form of subcutaneous fat), although this can also happen.

This indicates the appearance of visceral fat. This type of fat that collects around vital organs such as the liver, kidneys, intestines and stomach, and is associated with diabetes mellitus Type 2 and other inflammatory diseases.

As MedUniver writes in one of its articles, British scientists from Bangor University conducted research involving a group of volunteers who drank 0.5 liters of soda daily for one month.

Of course, after the end of the experiment, the participants themselves did not feel any negative health effects, but the results of the tests surprised the scientists. It turned out that, despite the fact that all the participants were slim and fit people, after a month of drinking sugary carbonated drinks, all of them had the same indicators as those observed in patients with the second degree of obesity. That is, obesity began inside, around the organs.

Based on research, scientists advise stopping drinking sugary carbonated drinks so as not to provoke metabolic disorders and not suffer from obesity in the future.

2. Sweet carbonated water speeds up the aging process

All the anti-aging products on the market assume that people don't want to age even naturally, that is, to maintain a youthful body for as long as possible, right? It seems everyone would agree with this opinion.

But by continuing to drink sweet carbonated drinks, we can only speed up this process.

According to the website of health and medical science of the Republic of Belarus, according to American researchers, there is a connection between cell aging and the consumption of sugary drinks.

Despite the fact that it is not summer, the intensity of competition for manufacturers does not depend on weather variables. The main battles today take place not on the beaches, but in offices and restaurants.

Mineral and drinking water

Traditionally, the Research Center for Brand Management and Brand Technologies (RCB&B), together with the Brand Public company, focuses not on the most massive, but the most iconic consumer segment, oriented to the greatest extent on brand consumption in the premium segment. This time, the researchers interviewed respondents with a monthly income of 100 thousand rubles. for 1 family member.

In total, 98 respondents aged 21 to 33 years, living and working in Moscow and the Moscow region, were interviewed. The survey also included an older age group of respondents (from 34 to 45 years old) in the amount of 94 respondents with income similar to the first group.

It is worth noting that age characteristics gave their indicators, which is clearly demonstrated by the first question: “What mineral and drinking water do you prefer to buy for your own consumption?”

Older audiences buy similar brands of water, but, of course, the influence of advertising campaigns carried out by PepsiCo and Coca Cola, aimed primarily at an active young audience, played a significant role. However, in fairness, it is worth noting that an additional hidden question (“Name which brand is produced by the PepsiCo corporation, and which is Coca Cola?” (Bon Aqua and Aqua Minerale were presented)) caused complete confusion in the heads of both the elder and younger generations. For example, in younger group 46 out of 98 respondents (47%) found it difficult to answer, and 21 people gave the wrong answer. IN senior groups The indicators of ignorance or outright difficulty in answering were slightly higher - 52 people out of 94 respondents (55%). But at the same time, 26 people (28%) gave an exact answer. But let’s return directly to the first question regarding the personal consumer preferences of the older group. Despite the general similarity with the preferences of the “young” audience, the older group demonstrates a fundamental difference in the consumption of brands from PepsiCo and Coca Cola (brands “Bon Aqua” and “Aqua Minerale”).

The second question was not so much provocative as clarifying how much the positioning of brands coincides with their status perception among a high-income audience. The question was: “What kind of water (drinking or mineral) do you keep in your home bar or refrigerator when guests arrive?” and when counting the votes of respondents, it turned out that the personal consumption rating of not all brands coincides with the positional rating. Let's consider the answers of the younger and older groups of respondents.

The older age group of respondents, unlike the younger one, practically did not change their personal rating and offer guests the same thing that they drink themselves. The only exception (or rather, addition) is related to “Seltzer”, because only in the “guest” rating there were mentions of fruit flavors (apple), while in the personal rating of drinking and mineral waters There were references to “just pure” unflavored seltzer water.

The last question was related to an opinion about water abstracted (to some extent) from personal preferences and taste, because it depended on the representation in the assortment of cafes, bars and restaurants that the respondents visit: “What kind of water do you order when visiting cafes, bars , restaurants?

The older age group of respondents gave a special group of answers here too, demonstrating, in particular, a non-brand approach in choosing an order. This is often explained by the fact that in other establishments, drinking water in glasses is automatically served before meals.


The Russian consumer has long realized the value of healthy products. Despite the crisis, demand for such goods remains high. Against the backdrop of instilling in citizens a love for what is native, kvass also fell into this category, which is perfectly associated with Russian traditions and values

Over the past few years, kvass in Russia has become increasingly popular among the population. Several factors contributed to this. Almost all manufacturers have positioned and continue to position their drink as a traditionally Russian product. Take, for example, brand names (“Bread Land”, “Matushkin Kvass”, “Mug and Barrel”, “Nikola”, etc.). All of them are associated with Russian open spaces, family, antiquity and traditional way of life. This is in sharp contrast to the values ​​of Western brands, which usually offer drive, fun parties and life for pleasure. Taking into account the fact that over the past few years, Russians have been actively told on TV screens about “rising from their knees” and the special path of development of the country, the message of kvass brands was simple and clear to a wide range of consumers living in both cities and rural areas.

An important role in the popularization of kvass was played by the emphasis on positioning it as a healthy product. Along with the increase in the welfare of citizens, the demand for healthy drinks also increased. Even the tense economic situation has not discouraged Russians from craving for natural products. According to data from research company Nielsen published in the spring, staying in shape is still important despite the crisis. As shown by the results of a global online study, consumers’ “appetite” for healthy eating and staying fit will only increase.

According to Nielsen, over the last couple of pre-crisis years, kvass remained among the leading growth categories. As the results of 2008 showed, the category grew faster than the category of sweet carbonated drinks (13% in volume terms versus 4% in Russian cities with a population of over 10 thousand people). According to Nielsen, for this period the share of kvass was about 12%. Today (for the period from January to June 2009) the share of kvass is about 13% in physical terms of the total sales of soft carbonated drinks (sweet soda and kvass). At the same time, the share of kvass continues to grow (11% in volume terms in the same period a year earlier).

Meanwhile, according to Dina Smirnova, customer service manager at Nielsen Russia, the main disadvantage of kvass is its high seasonality. “The difference between the peaks (February to July) is about 8-10 times,” she notes. — A manufacturer can compensate for a seasonal decline only by having in its portfolio other drinks whose sales are less susceptible to a seasonal decline. It will not be possible to completely neutralize the seasonality of kvass, like many other non-ferrous drinks. But, of course, it can be smoothed out somewhat by working with consumers to rid the category of the image of exclusively summer drink. For example, offer the consumer other situations for consuming a drink, and not just on a hot summer afternoon. It’s worth noting that the seasonality of kvass has decreased slightly over the past couple of years.”

Now in Russia there are more than 200 kvass producers. Moreover, the share of leading brands - (in alphabetical order) “Blagodey”, “Nikola”, “Ochakovsky”, “Pershin”, “Stepan Razin” - accounts for over 60% in physical terms of the total volume of retail sales in the “urban” category Russia".

In terms of the importance of retail channels for distribution, categories as a whole have changed little. Among the most notable changes over the cumulative period of Nielsen's study were the growth in the share of convenience stores and grocery stores and the decline in the importance of hypermarkets, supermarkets, and impulse channels such as kiosks and pavilions.

“It is interesting that when analyzing trends in the development of distribution channels in various categories of drinks, the following phenomenon was noted - the continued importance of impulse channels for beer and an increase in its assortment. There is a hypothesis that the growth of the beer category shelf is due to a decrease in the soft drink shelf,” Smirnova emphasized.

It is worth noting the efforts to promote kvass as a category by leading companies such as Ochakovo. Its constant presence on shelves since the 90s of the last century, as well as the company’s almost weekly participation in various promotions and sponsorship of events, made famous not only the company’s brand, but also kvass itself as a drink. As a result, not only Russian manufacturers paid attention to this market. Thus, in 2007, Coca-Cola launched the production of Kruzhka and Barrel kvass. Naturally, only information about the manufacturer indicates the foreign origin of the brand. The drink itself is positioned as “traditional Russian kvass with a unique refreshing taste and aroma of a golden brown crust.” rye bread" The brand also has its own website, called nashkvas. It is noteworthy that the start of the American company in the domestic market was successful. If in April 2008 217.5 hl of product were sold, according to Business Analytics, then in April 2009 - already 7349.1 hl. Developed logistics combined with the magical “traditional” and “Russian” did their job.

In 2009, the kvass market attracted new players - brewing companies. According to experts, the beer market has come close to the threshold of consumer saturation. In addition, in Russia for the period from January to December 2008, for the first time in 12 years, a decline in beer production was recorded. In physical terms, it amounted to 0.6% compared to the same period in 2007. This forces brewers to look for new markets and offer customers new products. In addition, beer, and alcohol in general, has recently come under severe criticism. The country is already preparing for almost a new anti-alcohol campaign and discussing the possibility of introducing a “prohibition law.”

The Russian Ministry of Finance also decided to make life more difficult for beer producers. The agency proposed an accelerated increase in excise tax rates on beer in 2010-2012. According to the ministry's plans, excise taxes on the foamy drink should be increased approximately three times.

The above also contributed greatly to the emergence of new kvass brands from brewing companies on the market. At the end of April 2009, the Baltika brewing company began production of a national non-alcoholic product - Khlebny Krai kvass.

According to Anna Gorchakova, leading public relations specialist at the Corporate Relations and Information Directorate of Baltika Brewing Company, the kvass market in Russia grew in 2008 by 19% compared to 2007. Analysts expect that next year the consumption of kvass will grow faster than the consumption of other soft drinks: lemonades, water, juices. Competition on the kvass market is much less than on the beer market, which ensures good conditions to launch a new brand. In addition, over the last ten years, throughout the world and in Russia, consumer interest in natural and healthy drinks, which is traditional Russian kvass, has been growing. This sustainable trend allows us to count on long-term success.

“The company has always been interested in the kvass market,” noted Gorchakova. — Some of the company’s factories — Pikra and Zolotoy Ural — even produced kvass before the start of the beer boom. The lack of free capacity over the past two years has not allowed the company to enter the national kvass market. The launch of a new plant in Novosibirsk last year and the anticipation of stagnation in the beer market provided the company with sufficient production capacity to launch kvass and compete for leadership in the fast-growing market.” According to her, the company's presence vast experience and an established distribution system help in the sale of kvass.

It is noteworthy that, like beer, “Khlebny Krai” will be supplied abroad. “At the end of April, the export of Khlebny Krai kvass to the USA and Europe began,” said a Baltika representative. — From the moment the kvass was launched until it was sent for export, a little more than a month passed. The Baltic “malt drink”, which is what kvass is called in the USA, will appear in the states of New York, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey. In the future, “Bread Land” will be sold in stores in Illinois, Florida, and California. The average price for a 2.5 liter bottle will be about $3.20. In Europe, the potential of Khlebny Krai kvass is also highly appreciated. Since the end of May, it has been sold in Greece and Cyprus, and it is planned to supply the drink to Germany, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy and other European countries. As for further export plans, we are not disclosing them for now.”

The SABMiller RUS brewing company also entered the market with a new kvass brand. She introduced Matushkin Kvass to the Far East market. As the company’s brand manager Sergey Ghazaryan explained, the region was not chosen by chance. “Kvass is produced at the enterprise of the SABMiller RUS company in Vladivostok, since there is production capacity for this, we are not yet going to export it outside the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories, since at the moment this is impractical. The cool weather in the Far East slightly spoiled the season as a whole, but we are satisfied current results and we are confident that next season they will be even better,” Ghazaryan noted. As for the possibility of positioning kvass not only as a traditionally Russian drink, but from some other perspective, the representative of SABMiller RUS believes that kvass is a traditionally Russian drink - this is a given of the product, one of its main characteristics. When developing a brand positioning, this characteristic can be interpreted in different ways, focusing on the preferences of the target audience.

Carbonated soft drinks

Carbonated soft drinks are represented on the domestic market very widely, so competition among goods in this category is quite high. According to the study, it can be concluded that the majority of respondents are aware of most existing brands. Thus, from the proposed list of drinks, more than half of the survey participants indicated that they knew most of them. Moreover, the difference in the level of spontaneous knowledge and knowledge with a hint among the five leading brands (Coca-Cola, Fanta, Pepsi, Sprite, 7up) is small: it ranges from 5 to 10 percentage points.

What brands of carbonated drinks do you know (including from hearsay)?

21% of respondents drink carbonated drinks every day, of which 8% do it more than once a day. The majority of respondents (30%) drink carbonated drinks several times a week. About 22% of respondents drink soda once a week.

Among consumers of products in this category largest group comprised of young people who do not feel committed to any particular drink. Typically, there are 2-3 favorite brands that study participants purchase, depending on the availability of one of them at the point of sale at the time of purchase. But at the same time, they take their choice quite seriously. Only 5% of respondents can purchase what is at hand.

The main characteristic is the ability to quench thirst (this was indicated by 67% of respondents). Affordability occupies approximately the same positions in the list of preferences of soda consumers, for whom having a favorite flavor turned out to be no less important (60% and 61%, respectively). But the degree of brand awareness is of concern to 22% of survey participants.

What do you pay attention to when choosing a brand of carbonated drink?

Energy drinks

The study showed that among the not so wide range of energy drink brands presented on the Russian market, the leading positions are occupied by Burn and Red Bull, which are known to approximately 9 out of 10 young people who took part in the survey.

What brands of energy drinks do you know (including from hearsay)?

The study also showed that Russian youth drink energy cocktails much less often than regular soda. For example, among survey participants, only 6% drink energy drinks daily, 19% - several times a week, 20% - once a week.

Among young people who consume energy drinks, 43% are brand loyal.

Choose one statement that best describes your attitude towards choosing an energy drink

Let us note that among survey participants who consume energy drinks, there were more innovators (those people who are open to experiments: they are ready to buy and try new brands of goods): 10% versus 6% among soda consumers. Also among energy drink consumers there are twice as many of those who do not identify certain brands on the market (10%). Once in the store, these people will not hesitate to buy the energy drink that catches their eye first. At the same time, affordability is the second most important factor (49%), which respondents pay attention to when making a choice to buy this or that energy cocktail.

What do you look for when choosing a brand of energy drink?