Should every pregnant woman take vitamins? Scientists' opinion. How to choose the right multivitamins for pregnant women? What vitamins are needed at 7 months of pregnancy?

“Vitamin-mineral complexes bring enormous benefits to manufacturers of vitamin-mineral complexes”

“Do pregnant women need vitamins” is one of the most relevant holivars of our time. Dozens of copies have been broken, doctors have been accused of collaborating with pharmaceutical companies, and manufacturers of vitamin complexes have been accused of conspiracy to destroy all life on earth.

The slogans of opponents of vitamins are well known: “vitamins are not used in any developed country in the world, especially in the United States,” “the effectiveness of essential micronutrients has not been proven,” “vitamin B6 is thiamine, and thiamine is toxic to the liver!”

However, even experts who occupy the most radical positions are forced to admit that it is impossible to completely do without vitamins and minerals.

As a result of these positional contradictions, domestic vitaminophobia began to take completely ridiculous forms: considering vitamin-mineral complexes to be an absolute evil, doctors “make concessions” and continue to recommend a certain set of vitamins and micronutrients to pregnant women.

Concession #1: “Taking folic acid is enough.”

Deny the importance of using folic acid at a dose of 400–800 mcg/day. impossible. The connection between folate deficiency and defects in the development of the neural tube in the fetus is well covered in the popular and professional literature. The incidence of other birth defects is much higher with folate deficiency. First of all, these are congenital heart defects (occurrence 1:100), defects of large arteries, fetal malnutrition, Down syndrome, cleft palate.

At the same time, there is a misconception that the use of folic acid to prevent fetal malformations is quite sufficient. Unfortunately, this is absolutely not the case. There are two extremely important points in the folate story. First, you should start taking folic acid 12 to 16 weeks before conception. Only in this case can one count on a preventive effect, because neural tube defects and the most severe defects form very early - before the 28th day of gestation. Secondly, it is necessary to take the correct dose of folic acid.

In Russia, an alarming trend has emerged - the prescription and consumption of folic acid in excessive doses of 5000 mcg per 1 tablet. and 1 mg (1000 mcg) 3-6 tablets per day.

I have a theory to explain this phenomenon. To the question: “What dose of folic acid should be recommended at the pregravid stage (in preparation for pregnancy) and during it?” - most obstetricians-gynecologists confidently answer: “400–800 mcg/day.” There is probably some arithmetic gap in our education. Let me remind you: 1 mg = 1000 mcg. The recommended dose of folate is 0.4–0.8 mg = 400–800 mcg. If you bought folic acid in a dosage of 1 mg, correct mode intake - ½ tablet. per day.

The fact that in our country they “bruise their foreheads” in their zeal has been known for a very long time. Therefore, today I meet masterpiece prescriptions: folacin, 1 tablet. x 3 times a day = 15,000 mcg of folic acid angiovit 1 tablet. 2 times a day + folic acid 1 tablet. x 3 times a day = 13,000 mcg per day

Why doesn't "more" mean "better"? What is the cause of anxiety? Folic acid in a dose corresponding to the daily requirement for pregnant and lactating women belongs to safety category “A”. The use of doses of folic acid exceeding the daily requirement transfers this vitamin to category “C” (a risk to the fetus cannot be excluded). Enough research has been accumulated on this topic. For example, high plasma folate levels in pregnant women are associated with a high risk of obesity and insulin resistance in children.

Concession No. 2: “We’ll probably still need iodine.”

In the Soviet Union, there were state programs for the comprehensive prevention of vitamin deficiencies. With the beginning of reforms in Russia, the program for the prevention of iodine deficiency was completely stopped, although it has been known since the 1920s that Russia is an iodine-deficient region. Therefore, since the 1990s, cases of congenital iodine cretinism have appeared in the Russian Federation, which was practically not observed in the USSR. What’s simpler is salt iodization and the use of potassium iodide at a dose of 150 mcg/day. at the pregravid stage, 200 mcg/day. during pregnancy and lactation.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to assess the intellectual damage that has already been caused to the nation. In regions with iodine deficiency, according to research, IQ is 10–15 points lower than in regions with iodine supply.

Concession #3: “We need to add iron.”

It’s sad, but the Russian Federation is recognized as an endemic region for iron deficiency. The epidemic of “pregnant anemia” is sweeping victoriously across the country, covering almost 100% of all pregnant women seen in antenatal clinics. Anemia is not just low hemoglobin. This is a whole set of pathological processes: placental insufficiency, delayed growth and development of the fetus, chronic intrauterine hypoxia, weakness of labor, hypotonic bleeding. Having missed latent iron deficiency at the very beginning of pregnancy, we quite naturally end up with anemia by 22 weeks, along with a full range of related problems.

Concession No. 4: “We forgot about calcium!”

By the way, the need to take calcium is rarely forgotten. And if the doctor forgets, the patient will definitely remind him. The fear of losing teeth during pregnancy prevails over the fears of excessive “ossification” of the head, which, by the way, really makes it difficult to configure the head as it passes through the birth canal.

It is advisable to add vitamin D3, some copper, zinc and manganese to calcium. Calcium without manganese, as they say, is money down the drain.

Concession No. 5: “What about without magnesium?”

With the help of magnesium preparations, modern obstetrics is trying to maintain pregnancy, perform light sedation, lower blood pressure, treat preeclampsia (a disease in the second half of pregnancy, symptoms: increased blood pressure (BP), sudden onset of edema and the presence of protein in the urine), and also improve perinatal outcomes .

Concession No. 6: “We really need vitamin E.”

- Why did you prescribe vitamin E to the pregnant woman?
- It has a progesterone-like effect.
- Why do you need a progesterone-like effect? Is it not destiny to prescribe progesterone?

I think it’s just a tradition that has its roots in pre-morning and pre-Dufaston times. At a dose of 400 IU, vitamin E can have a teratogenic effect (impaired fetal development with the occurrence of structural defects).

It’s monstrous, but I still meet pregnant women taking Aevit. This medication contains 35 mg of retinyl acetate (more than 100,000 IU of vitamin A), which is 30 times the amount allowed in Russian Federation top level consumption and 10 times the threshold for teratogenesis. The instructions for the drug say in black and white that the drug is not recommended for pregnant women. But no, someone still “preserves” something using high doses of vitamins A and E.

Opinion: “Let the pregnant woman just eat well!”

There is also such a point of view. And we are not against it, we are only for it! But the real food situation is not encouraging. A detailed report has been published on the website of the Federal State Statistics Service State system observations of population nutrition in 2013, which revealed a monstrous failure in fish consumption. Less than 30% of citizens eat fish daily or several times a week. At the same time, abuse of bakery products and potatoes leads to an increase in nutrition-dependent non-infectious diseases.

There is also a problem with the amount of vitamins and minerals contained in food. Modern technologies food production does not allow the accumulation of vitamins in vegetables and fruits in sufficient quantities. We eat fish that have never swum either in the sea or in the river. We buy a bird that has grown up in a cage without ever biting a worm. We eat apples whose cores do not turn dark due to vanishingly small quantities. ascorbic acid. It is no secret that the vast majority of vitamins and micronutrients are simply destroyed during the cooking process.

Determining nutritional standards for pregnant women is also not easy. In practice, questions immediately arise. What if this woman has three children and is pregnant with her fourth? What if you had very heavy menstruation before pregnancy? What if you vomit 5-6 times a day until 14 weeks?

What happens? By refusing to use balanced vitamin-mineral complexes containing verified physiological doses of vitamins and micronutrients, are we trying to put together a puzzle of folic acid, iodine, calcium, iron, magnesium, selenium, manganese and zinc in the pregnant woman’s body?

Why did we decide that we would do this better and more accurately than in specialized production? Why did we think that a handful of pills is better and safer than one? Isn’t this the same “medicinal promiscuity” that we talk so much about at congresses from high stands?

“Unfortunately, some of the lecturers at such conferences not only treat facts very loosely (whether scientific or legal documents), but also present their personal fictions as the ultimate truth.

They especially love to attack vitamins, vying with each other to point out their “uselessness” or “harmfulness” or the “lack of evidence”, and in the fight against vitamins they even forget that a woman, even without any pregnancy, needs daily replenishment of physiological doses of vitamins and microelements. It’s as if before pregnancy a woman is a person who, according to Rospotrebnadzor standards, is recommended to consume vitamins and micronutrients, and with the onset of pregnancy, she is a Martian who needs only folic acid and iodine among micronutrients.”

Olga GROMOVA, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology of the Ivanovo Medical Academy, Scientific Consultant of the Russian Branch of the Center of the UNESCO Institute of Trace Elements

Oksana Bogdashevskaya


Agree that nutrition plays almost the most important role during pregnancy. You carefully compose your diet in order to enrich it with a variety of valuable substances.

Nowadays we are told everywhere that vitamins are early stages Pregnancies are necessary, but is it really so?

Really, from the first day of pregnancy, you need to treat her like dangerous disease requiring additional tablets?

Let's figure it out.

Nutrition during pregnancy

If you are planning a pregnancy or are already pregnant, then the very first point that needs to be reviewed is the quality and diet.

Create a diet based on the principle of the most healthy and natural products possible. Eating a variety of dishes during certain times of the year will allow you to stock up on all the necessary nutrients.

  • Provide a balanced amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates by including meat, fish, cereals, dairy products, vegetables, fruits in the menu every day;
  • Try to avoid unhealthy foods: soda, too spicy, salty and smoked foods, various processed foods;
  • Reduce your consumption of baked goods, pastries, and sweets (read the article on the topic: Sweets during pregnancy >>>);
  • When gastronomic delights arise, do not ignore the signals, this is how the body declares a lack of some necessary elements.

Important! If examinations show a lack of any substances in the body, then they can be replenished by adjusting your diet.

The best vitamins for early pregnancy are those that came with food, and were not produced in an incomprehensible chemical production.

Pregnancy is not a disease, but a natural state of a woman. Your task is to help your own body go through this stage with dignity, without serious losses and complications.

You will learn how to eat properly during pregnancy from our book Secrets of Proper Nutrition for the Expectant Mother >>>.

There are no abstruse words and terms in it, but there is a detailed daily diet and a convenient diagram for creating a menu for the week.

Vitamins that must be taken at the beginning of pregnancy

The best vitamins for the 1st trimester of pregnancy are folic acid. All other vitamins must be supplied to the body through diet. If there is a suspicion of a lack of a specific vitamin, then donate blood biochemistry and make sure of this.

Before drinking pharmacy vitamins, try adding to your diet those foods that contain the vitamin you need.

Folic acid (vitamin B9)

Folic acid is one of the components without which the full development of a baby is impossible. If you are just planning a pregnancy, then you will definitely be prescribed vitamin B9 2 - 3 months before the expected conception and during the early stages of fetal development.

Know! The truth is that your body is not able to synthesize folic acid, but rather obtains it from food or medication. Moreover, medicine assures that this element is better absorbed from tablets.

Since the required daily intake at the initial stage of pregnancy is 400 mcg, it is quite difficult to extract it from the diet alone.

Vitamin B9 plays vital role V:

  1. formation nervous system baby;
  2. processes of iron absorption by the mother’s body;
  3. cell division and correct transmission of genetic data;
  4. maturation of the placenta, which prevents frozen pregnancy and miscarriage.

The foods richest in folic acid are:

  • beef liver,
  • cod liver,
  • spinach,
  • walnuts,
  • hazelnut

If your gynecologist prescribes you vitamin B9, do not under any circumstances neglect taking it. Remember that a deficiency of this element is fraught with disturbances in the development of your baby, such as:

  • hydrocephalus (water on the brain);
  • anencephaly (lack of a brain);
  • other disorders in the structure of the skull and brain;
  • mental and mental underdevelopment;
  • physical deformities and defects (cleft lip, cleft palate, etc.);
  • premature birth;
  • low birth weight of children.

Folic acid will also have a beneficial effect on your body. Helps strengthen the immune system, support heart function and circulatory system. It will also reduce the risk of developing postpartum stress.

Vitamin E (tocopherol)

What vitamins are needed in early pregnancy? Another vitamin that is often prescribed to the expectant mother at the beginning of pregnancy is vitamin E.

  1. This component is responsible for the production female hormones, thereby normalizing the reproductive function of your body;
  2. Tocopherol can protect pregnancy from spontaneous abortion;
  3. It regulates the functions of the endocrine system, helping to maintain efficiency;
  4. Vitamin E has an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory effect, prevents blood clots;
  5. The element is involved in the production of the hormone prolactin, which is necessary for further lactation.

The daily requirement of your body during pregnancy ranges from 20 mg of tocopherol. Depending on the state of health and test results, the doctor may prescribe from 200 to 400 mg per day.

These are primarily vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, cereals, bran, some vegetables, berries and fruits. The component is also found in food of animal origin: meat, liver, eggs.

Vitamins according to indications

To determine which vitamins to take in the early stages of pregnancy, in addition to the required ones, take a biochemical blood test. It is quite possible that a deficiency of iodine, iron, calcium, magnesium or other important elements.

  • Throughout Russia, the majority of the population experiences iodine deficiency. This component ensures the functioning of the thyroid gland, which, in turn, is responsible for hormonal background women;

Iodine is necessary for normal mental and physical development of both the child and you. Include appropriate foods in your diet.

  • Low hemoglobin will indicate iron deficiency, which is monitored throughout pregnancy with a routine finger prick blood test. In a state of anemia, the child suffers from hypoxia, lack of oxygen;
  • Calcium deficiency is fraught with tooth decay, hair loss, and damage to nails. And the baby experiences a lack of building material to build a skeleton (read about when and what develops in a baby growing in your tummy in the article Development of a child in the womb >>>).

All these elements are, of course, necessary and important, but whether it is possible to absorb them from the so-called “best vitamins for pregnant women in the 1st trimester,” which include Vitrum, Materna, and Alphabet, is a big question.

  1. The problem with all chemically synthesized vitamins is that they are integrated into the body faster and, thereby, do not allow vitamins from food to be absorbed;
  2. The body relaxes, stops extracting vitamins from food and you are hooked on pharmacy vitamins as if on drugs;
  3. This is very beneficial for their manufacturers. And instill in you that from the first weeks of pregnancy you need complex vitamins– also part of sales marketing.

BUT! Your task is to endure healthy child, and they have to sell as much as possible.

Nowadays, many children are born and suffer from allergies of unknown origin. Mothers go on diets, suffer, children's arms and legs peel and itch, and no one can explain the reason.

But one of the likely reasons is precisely the mother’s constant intake of chemical vitamins during pregnancy.

The smart approach for you

When you are preparing to become a mother or are already pregnant, do not rush to think about what vitamins to take in the early stages of pregnancy. You only need folic acid.

  • If your body is weakened, hemoglobin is reduced, or you are expecting a second or third baby, and the period between births is 2–3 years, then only in this case is it possible to take multivitamins;
  • But it’s better to choose the most natural vitamins and drink them in courses, separately:

We drank iron, then calcium with vitamin D3, then potassium, etc.

A relatively healthy body does not need additional substances.

  • Some saturated complexes can cause blood thickening and allergic reactions in you, which can pass on to the child;
  • Take into account the fact that synthetic vitamins are only half absorbed and can provoke dangerous compounds;
  • An excess of vitamins is more dangerous than a deficiency. To remove excess elements, the liver and kidneys will have to work in enhanced mode.

Before deciding whether to take vitamins in the early stages of pregnancy, think a hundred times and do not once again harm your body and your own child. In this matter, it is important to take an individual approach.

According to studies that have been repeatedly conducted by the WHO, women expecting a child with adequate nutrition should only take pregnant women with iron and folic acid in the composition.

But if a pregnant woman’s diet does not comply with doctors’ recommendations, then in addition to the substances listed above, you should definitely take multivitamins: they will make up for the lack of components necessary for the normal development of the child.

Prescription of specific drugs is carried out taking into account:

  • individual characteristics of each woman;
  • medical biography;
  • age;
  • working conditions;
  • chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
  • presence of bad habits;
  • climatic conditions.

Taking multivitamins is mandatory if a woman is carrying more than one fetus, as well as if the pregnancy occurred less than 2 years after the previous one.

But there are also opponents to the claim that pregnant women should take synthetic drugs. They believe that a pregnant woman can obtain all the necessary substances from food, as, in fact, this happened in the times of our ancestors.

However, today this statement is not very logical, since the quality of the products leaves much to be desired. And therefore, you should not risk either your health or the condition of the baby.

Vitamins vital during pregnancy

Currently, scientists name 13 vitamins that have a certain effect on the human body.

All of them are extremely important for the biochemical and physiological processes occurring in the body and prevention various violations in cells. During pregnancy, a woman most needs the following vitamins and chemical elements (there are 7 in total):

  1. Vitamin A. Important for the development of bone tissue, retina, promotes the production of red blood cells.
  2. Vitamin B9 (folic acid). It is necessary for the formation of the brain of the unborn baby, it also promotes the proper development of the placenta, serves as the prevention of miscarriages, frozen pregnancies and embryonic defects.
  3. Vitamin C. Increases resistance to pathogenic bacteria and promotes the absorption of iron.
  4. Vitamin E. Important for the development of the placenta, regulating blood circulation, prepares the baby’s lungs for action, and minimizes the risk of anemia.
  5. Calcium. It is part of bone, connective tissue, dentin, and promotes the proper development of internal organs, skin, and eyes.
  6. Iodine. Helps the fetus receive hormones from the mother's body, ensures the correct formation of the brain, genital organs, heart muscle, and musculoskeletal system.
  7. Iron. It is necessary for the prevention of anemia; with its participation, oxygen is delivered to the developing fetus.

Ideally, prenatal vitamins should contain all of the above substances. If any additional components are required, they are prescribed by a doctor according to indications.

What are the features of vitamins for pregnant women?

Multivitamin complexes that should be used during pregnancy differ from regular ones. Therefore, you need to take only special medications. At the same time, reviews from friends about which vitamins are the best during pregnancy should not be the determining criterion.

Read the instructions carefully before taking vitamins

After all, what suits one woman will not necessarily work properly on another. We should not exclude the fact that there may be an excess of some elements in the pregnant woman’s body (which is no better than their deficiency).

In this case, the question of whether to take certain vitamin preparations at all can only be answered by a doctor based on the tests prescribed for the pregnant woman.

When deciding which vitamins are best to take during pregnancy, it is also necessary to take into account the developmental period of the baby. After all, the child is gradually growing and, therefore, the woman needs more and more vital elements. Usually, taking a vitamin preparation is prescribed after the first trimester of pregnancy, according to indications.

What should be included in prenatal vitamins?

Multivitamins indicated for use by pregnant women should not contain:

  • folic acid (it is prescribed even before pregnancy, at the planning stage);
  • iodine (it is worth noting that in complexes its content usually does not exceed 150 mcg; this amount is not enough for a pregnant woman, therefore, to replenish iodine in the body, it is necessary to use an additional iodine-containing drug or include appropriate foods in food).
  • calcium (without it, the correct formation of the baby’s skeleton is impossible).

What amount of vitamins is considered optimal when carrying a child?

It is for women carrying a child that the norm of vitamins indicated for use is as follows:

  • A – up to 2500 IU;
  • B1 – 1.5-2.0 mg;
  • B2 – 1.5-2.0 mg;
  • B3 – 15-20 mg;
  • B5 – 4-7 mg;
  • B6 – 2.5 mg;
  • B9 – 0.8-1 mg;
  • B12 – 3.0-4.0 mcg;
  • D – 400-600 IU;
  • E – 10-15 IU;
  • C – 70-100 mg;
  • K – 65-80 mcg;
  • N – 30-100 mcg.

And the norm of microelements that should enter the body of the expectant mother is:

  • iron (30-60 mg);
  • magnesium (320-355 mg);
  • calcium (1000-1200 mg);
  • phosphorus (1200 mg).

Vitamins by trimester

As the child grows and develops in the womb, the needs for certain substances that the baby receives from the outside also change. Therefore, a deficiency or, on the contrary, an excess of vitamins and nutrients can lead to very unpleasant consequences, both for the fetus and for the health of the woman herself.

Folic acid is taken not only during pregnancy, but also at the planning stage

1st trimester

During this period, the child’s nervous system is being formed. For this process to end favorably, the mother’s body must receive a sufficient amount of folic acid.

And taking vitamin B6 helps prevent toxicosis, increased nervousness and convulsions in pregnant women. It is prescribed from the third month of gestation. For better absorption, the vitamin is taken together with magnesium.

They start taking vitamin A at the end of the 3rd month of pregnancy and continue to do so thereafter. From this time on, the fetus grows more intensively and it is very important that during further development the correct proportions of the embryo are maintained.

You cannot take several multivitamin complexes at once.

2nd trimester

At this time, to ensure the active growth of the baby, a pregnant woman urgently needs vitamin D. Its deficiency is fraught with the formation of intrauterine rickets and improper formation of the child’s musculoskeletal system.

Vitamin E, taken by a woman during this period of pregnancy, favors the growth and development of the baby, and also ensures optimal distensibility of the uterus, normal functioning of the placenta and minimizes the risk of premature birth.

By the end of the 3rd month of pregnancy, the woman, and, consequently, the baby, needs more iron and calcium, which are actively spent on building the skeletal system and the formation of the baby’s blood cells.

Last trimester

At this time, you can stop taking vitamin B9, since the need for it subsides.

Until childbirth, a woman needs to take vitamins B6, E, calcium and iron supplements - all of them help support the fetus during the completion of the formation of internal organs and serve to prevent developmental delays.

A pregnant woman's diet should be balanced and should not contain harmful foods.

Popular vitamin and mineral complexes

Women who are planning the birth of a baby and are responsible for their own health should listen to medical recommendations regarding the use of a complex of vitamins for pregnant women.

Modern pharmacological companies offer a large selection of drugs to maintain the health of the mother and the full development of the body of the future newborn. It is difficult to say which one is better or worse - each product has useful composition aimed at solving a particular problem.

Complimentary Mom

This drug will be useful for nursing mothers (its components are absorbed into breast milk, which provides the baby with useful substances and minerals), as well as for those women who are just planning a pregnancy. And, of course, the composition of the vitamin complex fully corresponds to the physiological needs of the female body during the period of bearing a child.

In addition to the fact that the pills provide the expectant mother with 75% of useful substances, they are also very pleasant to take (and this is especially important if a woman suffers from toxicosis), thanks to the citric acid and sugar in the composition.


The peculiarity of the drug is that one blister contains pills of 3 colors. Each of them is intended for use at a designated time: morning, afternoon and evening.

The tablets contain a certain list of biologically active elements and vitamins that are best absorbed at a specific time of day.


The drug intended for pregnant women was developed by US pharmacists and exists in 2 forms: Prenatal and Forte. They are different different composition, as well as the percentage of components.

Both versions are rich in all the vitamins necessary for the expectant mother’s body, as well as macro- and microelements. However, Vitrum Forte has a more extensive range of useful substances in its composition: so, in addition to calcium, iron, zinc, the drug also contains molybdenum, selenium, chromium, calcium pantothenate, biotin, iodine, beta-carotene, copper oxide, manganese.

Vitrum Prenatal is indicated as a prophylactic during pregnancy, and Forte’s purpose is to solve very specific problems characteristic of the physiological state of a woman expecting a child.


This is a complex that is rich in vitamin B9 and essential minerals. The product also contains an additional element - metafolin, which is an active form of vitamin B9 and is absorbed better than folic acid in its usual form. In particular, the drug is prescribed to those patients whose body is not able to fully absorb B9.

The drug is available in 2 forms: labeled “1” - it should be taken when planning conception, and in the first 3 months of gestation; and marked “2” – use is indicated from the 4th month of pregnancy.


The drug contains the usual set of vitamins and minerals, however, Pregnakea does not contain calcium, so if the female body is most deficient in this macronutrient, then the drug will not be suitable.

As for the rest, one capsule of the drug per day is enough to increase the immunity of a pregnant woman, her physical activity, as well as regulate metabolic processes. In addition, Pregnakea is a worthy remedy for the prevention of malformations of fetal development.

Only a doctor can choose the right vitamins


A feature of this drug (coated tablets) is the optimal selection of combination and concentration of essential vitamins (B9, B5, B12, B2, B1, B6, C, E, D) in combination with biologically important active elements (iodine, chromium, selenium, iron , manganese, zinc, calcium - the latter is especially valuable, because its deficiency is acutely noticeable in the last months of pregnancy).

The dose and regimen of taking the drug is determined by the doctor.


The multivitamin complex in the form of grayish-yellow tablets includes: 12 vitamins (A, E, D3, C, group B, PP), 7 minerals (manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, zinc, copper).

Each substance in the composition is carefully dosed in accordance with the needs of the body of the expectant mother and the growing fetus.

Elevit is prescribed for the prevention of hypovitaminosis when a woman is malnourished, and in connection with individual indications.

Multi-tabs Perinatal

The composition of the complex, rich in vitamins and minerals (in particular, Multi-Tabs is the optimal concentration of folic acid and iodine) provides the mother’s body with everything necessary for the harmonious formation of the fetus, easy gestation, serves as the prevention of stillbirth, vascular disorders of the embryo, and also promotes good health and excellent mood women.

The tablets are taken without chewing and washed down with plenty of water for better absorption. This is done once a day.

Other vitamin complexes

The list does not end with the above multivitamin complexes. The composition of such drugs is largely the same, but every woman expecting a baby is free to choose for herself the drug that will not cause allergic reactions and, of course, acceptable according to the financial capabilities of the family.

In particular, pharmacies also offer the following:

  • Amway;
  • Magnelis;
  • Orthomol;
  • Pregnavite;
  • Emfetal;
  • Fertilovit;
  • Pregnazon.

What are the benefits of vitamin tablets? With them, precise control and regulation of the dose of useful components is possible. After all, including food with such substances in your diet is not easy to do.

It should be noted that all iron-containing preparations can turn a pregnant woman’s stool and urine dark; this should not alarm the woman.

The best vitamins for pregnant women, reviews

If for some reason you do not have the opportunity to eat a balanced and healthy diet - whether due to a lack of time for frequent cooking, a stressful work schedule, or a lack of funds - taking vitamins will solve the problem of saturating the body, and, consequently, the unborn child. And to determine the best vitamins for pregnant women, reviews of women who took medications during gestation can help.

You can highlight for yourself both the advantages and disadvantages of the presented vitamin complexes, and then choose the most suitable option.

Proper nutrition will help provide a woman with vitamins, but not fully



  • the interaction of microelements contained in the preparation is taken into account;
  • since the tablets are multi-colored, in case of allergies, you can stop taking pills of a certain color;
  • contains the largest amount of iodine compared to other drugs of a similar nature, so you do not have to take this mineral additionally.

Disadvantages: insufficient vitamin B9 content, so you will have to ensure additional intake until at least 3 months of pregnancy.



  • high iron content, the intake of which serves to prevent anemia and helps treat it in the initial stages of development;
  • optimal amount of vitamin B9.

Disadvantage: lack of iodine, although this disadvantage is compensated for by the drug VitrumPrenatal Forte.


Advantages: optimal amount of iodine and vitamin B9.

Disadvantage (and it is quite significant): high saturation with vitamins A and B, which often leads to allergic reactions.


Advantages: provides the body with all the necessary vitamins during pregnancy.

Disadvantage: there is also no iodine, so additional medications containing this mineral are required.

Iodine is extremely important for a pregnant woman



  • rich in magnesium (this is the best prevention of possible miscarriage);
  • improves blood circulation.

There were no deficiencies identified in the reviews.


Advantages: It is considered the best drug to date, containing all the elements important during pregnancy. Therefore, there is no need to take additional medications.

Disadvantage: this mainly concerns not the composition of the drug, but its high cost.

Having weighed and compared all the pros and cons, we should not forget that any multivitamin complex (and this does not depend on its quality) has its contraindications. Therefore, choosing the best vitamins for pregnant women, as well as determining the methods of their use, should be exclusively done by the doctor who is observing the woman while she is expecting a baby.

Vitamins that are given to pregnant women free of charge

Currently in Russia the law provides for free provision of vitamins to pregnant women. This is carried out on the basis of relevant laws and regulations.

They, in particular, indicate that women expecting a child have the opportunity to receive free vitamins, calcium and iron supplements (all of which are included in a special list) in an amount not exceeding 30% of the cost of the birth certificate.

It’s not difficult to get free vitamins: for this, the gynecologist must prescribe to the woman special recipe, and it must be used within 10 days in a state pharmacy in the area where the antenatal clinic is located.

You can get a prescription for free prenatal vitamins from your gynecologist.

The only aspect that somewhat limits the provision of free vitamins to pregnant women is the following. The procedure for issuing such drugs is carried out by territorial medical associations.

Each of them, unfortunately, is financed differently (this depends on the number of people assigned to it), accordingly, the situation with the provision of free vitamin preparations to pregnant women may also be different.

In some antenatal clinics, all pregnant women are given the amount they need. And in others, where there is no sufficient funding, vitamins are given free of charge only to certain categories of women expecting a baby: those with many children, the unemployed, etc.

The following vitamins and other medications are currently available free of charge:

  • Alpha tocopherol acetate capsules;
  • Beviplex dragee;
  • Bio-Max tablets;
  • Vitamin E and Vitamin E Zentiva;
  • Vitrum vitamin E;
  • Vitaspectrum tablets;
  • Vitatress tablets;
  • Vitrum tablets;
  • VitrumPrenatal, VitrumPrenatal forte and Vitrum Superstress tablets;
  • Doppelhertz vitamin E;
  • Hexavit dragee;
  • Gendevit dragee;
  • Glutamevit tablets;
  • Zithrum vitamin E;
  • Iodine balance;
  • Iodomarin;
  • Potassium iodide;
  • Complivit, Complivit Mama, Complivit Active tablets;
  • Maltofer solution and tablets for oral administration;
  • Megadin and MegadinPronatal tablets;
  • Microiodide;
  • Multimax tablets;
  • Multi-Tabs Active, Multi-TabsIntensive, Multi-Tabs Classic and Multi-Tabs;
  • Perinatal tablets;
  • Multivitamin tablets;
  • Revit and Revit-UVI tablets;
  • Selmevit tablets;
  • Supradin tablets;
  • Teravit, TeravitAntistress, TeravitPregna tablets;
  • Tocopherocaps;
  • Tocopherol acetate 5%, 10% and 30% solution;
  • Tri-V Plus tablets;
  • Undevit and Undevit-UVI tablets;
  • Fenyuls Complex;
  • Ferretab complex;
  • Ferrovit and Ferrovit forte tablets;
  • Folic acid, tablets;
  • ElevitPrenatal tablets.

Often pregnant women decide to take so-called fish oil, but its use must be agreed with a doctor

Why is it important to choose vitamin supplements with a doctor?

Do not forget that any multivitamin complex cannot be a harmless drug, and without consulting a doctor, the expectant mother should not prescribe anything for herself. Since both an excess of substances and their deficiency are fraught with serious consequences for the fetus and mother.

What if vitamin preparation prescribed by a gynecologist, you should strictly adhere to the prescribed dosage.

It is also worth remembering that often taking such pharmaceutical drugs leads to the appearance of allergic reactions. In such cases, the doctor reconsiders his prescription and selects for the pregnant woman drugs that will be well tolerated by her body.

Instead of a conclusion

The purpose of multivitamins, which can be freely purchased in pharmacies, is exclusively prevention. That is, they cannot be used as a method of treating diseases that develop from a deficiency of vitamins and nutrients. When taken according to medical recommendations, they do not cause an overdose.

Do not forget the following: like any drug with many active ingredients in its composition, multivitamins can cause allergic reactions.

One more thing worth noting important nuance: During pregnancy, it is not recommended to take several medications containing a complex of vitamins and biologically active substances at once.

It is rare that a pregnant woman’s diet is sufficiently balanced, so taking vitamins is mandatory

As for whether it is worth taking vitamin complexes at all for up to 3 months of pregnancy, or whether it is enough to limit yourself to taking medications containing specific vitamins, the opinions of experts are divided.

Thus, gynecologists-obstetricians who have a negative attitude towards the embryo being subjected to additional exposure to chemicals advise against taking multivitamins.

Other doctors, on the contrary, are supporters of early vitamin prophylaxis, citing the fact that scientists have not proven harmful effects of these drugs on embryo development.

Therefore, the final decision should still remain with the expectant mother.

To find out which vitamins are the most necessary and best for pregnant women in the 1st and other trimesters, you can rely on reviews, but you should take them only after consulting a doctor. In this article we will look at popular useful options.

How are they different?

The standard complex contains the norm that one adult needs, and elements have been added to the preparations for pregnant women taking into account the needs of the baby. Most often, girls suffer from calcium deficiency, which is why it is included in all pharmaceutical preparations. The dosages of E and B9 have also been increased.

The special composition of medications is designed to powerfully support the body with valuable substances. These measures are important for weakness, lack of basic elements, and a number of chronic diseases. The course is calculated individually, taking into account general condition and the results of the examination completed.

How pregnancy affects the need for vitamins

The formation of the fetus requires a large amount of building materials, which are taken from the mother's body. Therefore, the need for a number of additional components increases sharply. They are difficult to obtain from food, especially if the deficiency level is already approaching a critical level. A new algorithm for the body’s functioning is added, in which the consumption of calcium, magnesium, and some macro- and microelements almost doubles.

An unfavorable condition is determined by a blood test and requires correction under the strict supervision of a doctor. He develops recommendations and gives prescriptions for which prenatal vitamins to take in a specific situation.

Why taking medications may be contraindicated

This happens in two cases:

  1. Severe allergy to the components of the drug.
  2. Excess of a certain substance in the body.

Waiting for a baby triggers a mechanism for changing chemical processes, which leads to an imbalance, so there is a deficiency or excess of certain elements.

Top components for expectant mothers

Each trimester is characterized by its own changes, which require its own set of components that guarantee the woman’s well-being and benefits for the growing baby. Dosages change, but the basic list remains standard.

Folic acid

Facilitates the process of egg fertilization, affects the formation of the placenta, and reduces the risk of miscarriage. Too high a content will have the opposite effect.

Group B

This is a whole complex where each component is important and enhances the effect of the others. The elements stimulate metabolic processes and help absorb nutrients, necessary for the formation of all systems of the baby’s body.

E (tocopherol)

A powerful antioxidant that maintains strength, allows you to get the missing energy, has a relaxing effect on smooth muscles and at the same time prevents the threat of losing a child.

D3 (cholecalciferol)

It is synthesized only under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and is partially found in food. Deficiency is common, and in this case the element must be prescribed in dosage form.

A (retinol, beta-carotene)

Its action is to regulate metabolism and form cardiovascular system child. Deficiency leads to fetal anemia, nutritional and developmental disorders. The component is part of the basic complexes, replenishing the daily norm. When taking several drugs simultaneously, it is necessary to clarify the dosage.

The most necessary microelements for pregnant women

Many women experience a sharp decrease in hemoglobin, cramps, and dizziness in the first trimester. Symptoms indicate a lack of micro- and macroelements that the body requires during this difficult period.


Needed for normal synthesis of hormones produced by the thyroid gland. Deficiency contributes to underdevelopment, low weight newborn, complications during childbirth.


The action is to prevent miscarriage, maintain immunity, form the embryo, and stimulate the synthesis of nucleic acids. Deficiency weakens labor and increases the risk of fetal malformations.


Necessary to maintain hemoglobin levels. Excess leads to headaches and disruption of the digestive system. Included in most vitamin complexes recommended for expectant mothers.


It is included in the structure of teeth, bone tissue, and participates in the formation of the child’s nervous system. During pregnancy, it is very quickly washed out of the body and requires constant renewal. Included in the list of required substances.


Contained in vegetables and fruits of red and orange colors. Participates in the formation of the brain and retina. Needed by pregnant women (especially after 30 years). Natural concentrations are low, so additional sources are required.


Beneficial for mother and child, has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, reduces the intensity of swelling and relieves allergy symptoms.

Review of necessary and useful pharmacy vitamins for pregnant women: how to choose

Taking medications in line with popular opinion is dangerous to your health. Therefore, the deficiency of substances is first determined, the presence or absence of allergic reactions to components is determined, and medications are reviewed and compared various manufacturers. After this, you need to consult a doctor, where you can offer your options for consideration and jointly select the optimal one.

A distinction should be made between drugs and dietary supplements. In the first case, during production, full-fledged clinical trials were carried out and a special certificate was issued for the pharmaceutical drug; in the second case, commercial compliance was passed, as for food products. Therefore, there is a possibility that the dietary supplement does not contain the required amount of important components or that the dosage is incorrect.

Which company to choose

Pharmacies offer a wide range of drugs. Sometimes you can find several analogues that differ only in the country of origin.


The company produces vitamins for pregnant women, the names of which are well known. This is the series “Complivit”, “Alphabet”. They have a balanced composition, perfectly compensate for the lack of substances, and are perfectly absorbed.

“Healing gift of Altai”

The brand's products are not intended for use during pregnancy, but will help replenish the lack of valuable substances after the period of feeding the baby. Bioactive complexes normalize metabolic processes, strengthen the immune system, and improve the condition of hair, nails, and skin.

Bayer HealthCare

The German pharmaceutical company specializes in over-the-counter medications. Conducts research aimed at improving the quality and effectiveness of products. It has been on the market for a long time, and has proven itself well among most buyers over several decades. There are representative offices in many countries, including Russia.

Merck KGaA

The oldest company in the world, founded in the 17th century in Darmstadt. The range is constantly updated and is one of the five leaders in the production of dietary supplements. New drugs and vaccines are being developed.


Supplies vitamin-mineral complexes and biological supplements since 1922. Located in the USA, it ranks high in quality and popularity.

Rating of the most effective best vitamins for pregnant women

The criteria for compiling the list are based on consumer opinion, objective factors, laboratory research, confirming or refuting the information declared by the manufacturer. The most important for buyers are:

  • compound;
  • efficiency;
  • ratio of quality and price;
  • availability for sale;
  • limitations and side effects.

According to these parameters, the top three are: “Elevit Pronatal”, “Alphabet - Mom’s Health”, “Vitrum Prenatal Forte”.

Best for 1st trimester

Up to 12 weeks, the active formation of the foundations of a new organism takes place, the circulatory, nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine systems, intestines, and the main sections of the brain are laid. The lack of certain substances during this period provokes the development of pathologies. They are required in increased doses, since they are necessary for mother and child equally.

Good vitamin complexes for early pregnancy: Femibion ​​Natalcare I, Elevit Pronatal, Tocoferopax.

Best for 2nd and 3rd trimesters

The rapid development of bone tissue, weight gain, the formation of the muscular system, small vessels, and the complication of the lobes of the brain characterize the development of the fetus, starting from the 13th week. The lack of components seriously affects a woman’s health, which is reflected in the development of anemia, vitamin deficiency, and metabolic disorders. In case of acute deficiency, late toxicosis, severe edema, malfunction of the liver and kidneys, and accelerated weight gain occur.

Top 10

The list includes domestic and foreign drugs that have proven their effectiveness, as confirmed by numerous positive reviews.


The additive is produced by MERCK. Contains 9 essential microelements, including iodine.

"Elevit Pronatal"

The complex composition is suitable for any period from the moment of conception to childbirth. Produced in Russia by JSC Bayer. Domestic pharmaceuticals are different high quality and is manufactured taking into account the needs of the woman’s body in our country.


The drug is among the top 10 best vitamins for pregnant women in the 2nd trimester: reviews confirm its effectiveness and safety for the fetus.

"Vitrum Prenatal Forte"

Made in the USA. Contains a complete list of required elements. It is used for preventive purposes when there is a threat of underdevelopment of the placenta, the occurrence of toxicosis in all trimesters, and improves immunity.

"Alphabet - Mom's Health"

A domestic product from VneshTorgPharma with excellent characteristics and high efficiency. The composition is dominated by natural ingredients in an easily digestible form. It is constantly on sale and can be purchased without a prescription.


Recommended in the 3rd trimester. Available in the form of capsules with pasty contents. The manufacturer declared a complete absence side effects. The combined multivitamin preparation contains the daily requirement of elements. Suitable for use during breastfeeding.

"Multi-tabs Perinatal"

The composition contains amino acids and antioxidants. The company's Danish pharmaceutical product is recommended after 20 weeks and during breastfeeding. Prevents hair from weakening and tooth enamel from thinning.

"Complivit Mama"

When creating, the peculiarities of the climate and diet in our country were taken into account, the dosages of individual components were adjusted taking into account the changing seasons and the physiological characteristics of the inhabitants of Russia.

Advantages Flaws
✔Good compatibility. ✔There are contraindications.
✔Domestic production.


The product is made in the UK. Contains elements necessary for the expectant mother in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters.


The German drug has a preventive effect and prevents the occurrence of elemental deficiency. Well tolerated in case of toxicosis. Not considered a medicine.

Other useful vitamin complexes

The action of some pharmaceuticals may have contraindications or may not provide the desired result, since each organism is individual. Therefore, before taking any products, you need to consult a doctor, who can prescribe products that are not included in the top 10, but are most suitable in a particular case.

"Complivit Trimester"

Refers to food additives. 3 complexes have been developed in accordance with the needs in each trimester. It is convenient because you do not have to change the drug if it works well and does not cause side effects. The Russian product is adapted to the conditions of our country, contains about 75% daily norm vitamins This measure was taken to prevent hypervitaminosis.


Gently relieves symptoms of toxicosis, increases immunity, regeneration ability, resistance infectious diseases. Refers to dietary supplements.


The Russian complex of the Argo company is multicomponent, includes all important micro- and macroelements, is easily digestible, and does not require strict adherence to the time of administration. The tablets are a convenient size for swallowing. Two types have been developed with an additional component: iron or calcium.

What vitamins are best during pregnancy?

Only a doctor can accurately determine the most suitable complex based on an examination and taking into account the timing. The main criterion is well-being. It is important to immediately respond to changes in the body’s condition when taking medications and immediately seek advice. Requirements when selecting a vitamin complex:

  • availability of necessary components;
  • adjusted dosage;
  • no side effects.

It is better to choose large, time-tested manufacturers that have the appropriate certificates for each drug. It is important to inquire about domestic analogues. They are often not inferior in quality, but are cheaper and are almost always available in pharmacies.

Is it possible to do without taking funds?

Of course, all the required substances can be obtained with proper nutrition. The exception is an acute deficiency of a certain element or the heavy workload of the expectant mother, which does not allow her to competently build a diet. IN summer period with an abundance of greens, vegetables and fruits, this is quite feasible.

If you still need an additional source, then in the 3rd trimester it is better to think about what vitamins for pregnant women are suitable for breastfeeding. This will help maintain the health of the mother and provide the baby with the optimal composition of milk. And others

While waiting for a baby, the female body changes a lot: at the level of metabolism, the functioning of the hormonal system, blood composition and, accordingly, the need for various nutrients. A certain amount of micronutrients is required by both the developing baby and the growing placenta. So expectant mothers really have a need for an additional portion of vitamins and microelements.

“The situation is aggravated by the fact that most women enter pregnancy already deficient in vitamins,” says Valery Sergeev, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of Nutritional Sciences of the Russian scientific center medical rehabilitation and balneology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, nutritionist-gastroenterologist. — About 70% of Russians suffer from their shortage. And regardless of age, income level and social status.”

Due to these circumstances, the expectant mother should not expect to gain her norm of nutrients only from food. But you shouldn’t rely completely on vitamin-mineral complexes. It is very important to take into account your condition, as well as the trimester of pregnancy.

Together or separately?

If for one reason or another a woman cannot eat a varied diet, taking vitamins during pregnancy is extremely important. And even with an ideal diet, there are those vitamins and microelements that you cannot get from food alone.

“The body requires these beneficial substances in very small quantities, thousandths and even millionths of a gram,” says Natalya Timofeeva, obstetrician-gynecologist at the perinatal medical center of the Mother and Child group of companies. “But food often cannot provide even this. During pregnancy, a deficiency of vitamin D, folic acid, iron, calcium, iodine and zinc is especially dangerous.”

And yet, doctors today do not prescribe vitamin-mineral complexes to all expectant mothers in a row. “Many doctors refuse vitamin therapy because it provokes excess growth of the fetus,” explains Ekaterina Krivtsova, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor at Moscow State Medical University, Vice-President of the Interdisciplinary Scientific Society for the Prevention and Treatment of Obesity. “Larger children are born who have a higher risk of developing a number of diseases: metabolic syndrome, obesity, diabetes.”

Doctors are increasingly saying that vitamins and minerals should be taken based on the trimesters of pregnancy, and separately. “Different micronutrients need to be drunk at different times of the day,” explains Natalya Timofeeva. — Vitamins are taken in the first half of the day, microelements in the second. Moreover, the latter are better absorbed between meals.”

How to take vitamins by trimester

On different dates During pregnancy, both mother and baby require a different set of vitamins and microelements.

First trimester

* Folic acid

Ideally, you should start taking it three months before the expected conception, and end in the third month of pregnancy. It is most needed at 2-4 weeks of pregnancy, when the neural tube is formed (from which the brain will subsequently develop).

How much do you need? The doctor selects the dosage individually; depending on your condition, it can range from 0.4-0.8 mg per day.

Why take it? All women planning pregnancy need folic acid. After all, it helps the birth of a new life:

Supports cell division;

Ensures the correct transmission of genetic information by participating in the synthesis of DNA bases and RNA molecules;

Promotes the full formation of the placenta, reducing the risk of miscarriages and frozen pregnancies.

* Vitamin A

It is prescribed 2-3 months before the planned pregnancy and at its very beginning, at 1.5-2 months. Then you should take a break and take another course 2-3 months before giving birth.

How much do you need? During pregnancy, about 2500 IU of vitamin A is needed.

Why take it? Vitamin A is necessary for cell division and differentiation into different tissues. That is why it is prescribed before pregnancy and in the early stages. In later stages, it supports the normal development of the skeleton, visual apparatus and nervous system.

* Vitamin E

It is prescribed several months before the expected conception, and continues in the first trimester.

How much do you need? The daily dose is about 15 mg.

Why take it? In a non-pregnant woman, vitamin E normalizes the production of female sex hormones and the menstrual cycle, promoting conception. Then it protects against early forms of toxicosis and short-term miscarriages.

Taken in courses during the first two trimesters.

How much do you need? The daily dose is 1500 mg.

Why take it? At the beginning and middle of pregnancy, calcium is necessary for the normal formation of the skeleton, kidneys and endocrine system. But in the last trimester, an excess of this microelement is fraught with ossification of the baby’s skull and, accordingly, difficult childbirth.

It is problematic for expectant mothers to get the right amount of calcium from food, so they are prescribed special medications that vary greatly in their effectiveness. “First generation drugs - calcium salts, for example, gluconate or phosphate - are very poorly absorbed in the intestines and, accordingly, are poorly absorbed,” says Valery Sergeev. - Second generation drugs - calcium salts plus vitamin D - are quite effective. Third generation drugs are even more effective due to the set of microelements. Therefore, they are often prescribed. These products contain calcium, vitamin D, zinc, copper, manganese, boron, magnesium and other trace elements.”

* Vitamin C

Ascorbic acid should be taken in the first and third trimesters of pregnancy. And if a woman smokes, it must be done before conception. In this case, the doctor may prescribe 80-90 mg 2-3 months before the planned pregnancy.

How much do you need? The daily dose of vitamin C for a pregnant woman is 90-100 mg.

Why take it? Vitamin C is necessary for the normal formation of all membranes of the fertilized egg and the proper development of the placenta.

II trimester

It is necessary to compensate for iodine deficiency in the early stages of pregnancy in order to prevent congenital anomalies of fetal development and endemic cretinism.

How much do you need? The expectant mother needs 250 mg of iodine per day.

Why take it? Iodine is necessary for the synthesis of thyroid hormones, which ensure the normal formation of the baby’s skeleton and intellectual development. It has been proven that in areas where the soil is poor in iodine, children are born whose IQ is 10-15% lower than that of children from areas rich in this microelement.

“The expectant mother’s metabolism slows down due to insufficient thyroid function,” says Valery Sergeev . - Therefore, a woman begins to rapidly gain weight, and against the background of decreased appetite. She often complains of lethargy and lethargy, weakness and chilliness. The skin becomes dry, nails become thin, and hair becomes brittle. In this case, you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible.”

Iron supplements are prescribed to all pregnant women in the 2-3 trimesters.

How much do you need? On average - 30-60 mg per day. And sometimes more, for example, if the expectant mother regularly engages in fitness.

Much depends on what the level of iron was in the woman’s body at the time of pregnancy. “The expectant mother should measure this level, because if there is not enough iron in the body, the dosage of drugs increases,” explains Valery Sergeev. — For these purposes, an analysis of ferritin levels is best suited: it reveals a decrease in microelement reserves in the body before others. This condition is called latent iron deficiency. Some experts argue that it is even more dangerous than anemia.”

Why take it? To prevent anemia from developing, due to which the fetus will suffer from a lack of oxygen. In addition, iron is involved in the synthesis of a special protein necessary for muscle contraction. That is why its deficiency, even latent, is accompanied by muscle weakness, including that of the uterus; it will not be able to contract normally during childbirth.

III trimester

*Vitamin D

In the last trimester, it is prescribed to almost all expectant mothers for prenatal prevention of rickets.

How much do you need? The daily dose is 400 IU.

Why take it? Vitamin D maintains normal concentrations of calcium and phosphorus in the blood and thus participates in the formation of the skeleton of the unborn baby. In addition, this vitamin is necessary for the normal development of the fetal cardiovascular system.

When is it better to choose complex drugs?

There are special situations when taking individual vitamins and minerals is not enough - you need to drink complex preparations. Here are some typical cases.

* Multiple pregnancy. In this case, vitamins and minerals for growth and development are required not by one, but by several babies at once. And mom gains weight much faster, and her body requires more nutrients.

* Vegetarianism. In this case, the main sources of protein, calcium, vitamin B 12 - meat and dairy products - are excluded from the diet. Their shortage needs to be compensated.

* Toxicosis. In this case, it is simply not possible to eat your portion of vitamins and microelements!

* Active sports (more than four times a week). In principle, such women should take additional vitamins both before and during pregnancy.