Sterlet beneficial properties. Sterlet fish: composition, benefits, sterlet in cooking. How to select and cut fish

It’s not for nothing that sterlet enjoys the reputation of being the king’s fish. Not a single royal meal was complete without it, and as the main dish. And under Peter I they even began to breed it in Peterhof so that the great sovereign could eat this fish at least every day.

Like all the most valuable fish, sterlet belongs to the Sturgeon family. It is found in the Black, Baltic, Caspian and Azov seas, as well as in lakes, Onega and Ladoga, and in rivers, for example, in the Volga, Ob, Northern Dvina and Pyasina. Sterlet was artificially released into Onega, Amur, Neman, Pechora and Oka. This valuable commercial fish has long been the object of pond and lake farming.

Sterlet is very picky about its living conditions, and therefore it can be considered a kind of indicator of the level of water purity, because it will not live in dirty and oxygen-poor water.

By appearance This fish is very recognizable due to its peculiar thin nose and closed dorsal scutes. It is characterized by its large size, small mustache with fringe and a bipartite lower lip. The sterlet does not have ordinary scales, but its body is covered with bony scutes, which are located on it in five rows. Two rows run along the edges of the fish’s belly, two more stretch along the sides, and the most powerful is located along the ridge. Where there are no scutes, the body remains naked or is covered with fractional bony scutes.

The color range of this fish varies depending on its habitat, but in most cases gray and grayish-brown shades predominate. Some individuals can reach up to one and a half meters in length, with a maximum weight of 12 kg. However, the average parameters of a sterlet are 50-60 cm in height and 1-3 kg in weight.

Among its sturgeon counterparts, the sterlet ranks first in terms of fertility. Its elongated eggs are smaller than sturgeon eggs, but in value they are not inferior to rare beluga caviar.

It is believed that sterlet is our Russian national treasure. It is not for nothing that the image of this fish is present on the coats of arms of Saratov and Belozersk, and the Krasnodar city of Yeisk immortalized this fish both in the coat of arms and on the flag.

The royal fish, which was ordered to be bred in Peterhof so that Peter I would not depend on irregular supplies, forever became a symbol of the festive feast. Its undoubted advantages include the fact that you do not need to have special culinary skills to cook sterlet for either the king or the president. In general, this fish is extremely difficult to spoil, since its taste will always be excellent, the main thing is not to oversalt or pepper it. There are apparently no recipes with this fish, but it is best to choose those that contain ingredients that can highlight the uniqueness of the sterlet. For example, it can be served stewed in white wine with tomatoes and onions, or baked with berry sauce. And the side dish for such dishes should be as simple as possible: boiled potatoes with butter or fresh vegetables.

Pies, pies and sterlet jelly - dishes of traditional Russian cuisine - are very tasty described in many works of Russian classics. And sterlet fish soup, dearly loved by Russian merchants, was intended to be served only to the most dear guests, in order to show them honor and respect. This kind of fish soup is also prepared in modern restaurants; it is boiled in chicken broth and then diluted with champagne.

Steamed and smoked, sterlet is good for salads. The most successful combinations– with cucumbers (no matter salted or fresh), potatoes, carrots, eggs and green peas. Smoked sterlet comes with a sauce made with white wine and fish broth with a dash of lemon juice, dill and onions.

Composition and beneficial properties

The value of this fish lies in its high content of zinc, fluorine, molybdenum and nickel. Vitamin PP and omega3 acids have a very good effect on brain activity and blood circulation, so sterlet helps maintain a normal cardiovascular system, and the likelihood of a heart attack is greatly reduced, in addition, this fish helps reduce the risk of low-quality tumors.

Sterlet is a commercial fish and belongs to the sturgeon family. As you know, this species is known for its taste and nutritional value.

This fish is freshwater and is found in almost all rivers of Russia. She, unlike other sturgeons, constantly lives in the reservoir, and not only during spawning.

In the material you will learn more about the properties of sterlet, see photos and characteristics, and also find out how to eat and prepare it correctly.

Sterlet: description of composition

Sterlet is a unique product because, unlike many others, it contains no carbohydrates. That is why it can be eaten even when diabetes mellitus. This product belongs to the category protein, since on average it contains about 17.5 percent protein. This is a complete protein containing amino acids that are found only in food and cannot be produced by the body on its own.

It is curious that the amount of protein in sterlet can vary depending on the season and place of catch. For example:

  • Volga sterlet depending on the time of year, it may contain from 18 to 18.6% protein;
  • fish from northeastern rivers has from 10.5 to 15% protein.

As for fat, sterlet is a product medium fat. The amount can fluctuate even more than the amount of protein for similar reasons. The minimum fat content is observed after spawning and is about 5.9 percent; by autumn frosts, fat accumulates and reaches its maximum level - up to 6.5 percent.

Fat is distributed unevenly in the carcass. There is more of it in the abdomen and a minimum in the back. When cutting sterlet, waste is produced, in which maximum quantity fat is found in the head and liver.

Royal fish sterlet

Sterlet: calorie content

In many sources calorie content of sterlet indicated within 88 kcal per 100 grams. Such information applies to fish caught in the Volga, but is completely inapplicable to the Yenisei sterlet, which has a fat content of 30 percent or more, which will be more nutritious. If the fish has 15 percent fat, then its calorie content will be from 230 kcal per 100 grams. Therefore, if we talk about the calorie content of fish caught in the fall in the Yenisei, it will be from 400 kcal.

This fish is not only very tasty, but also incredibly healthy for the body. Naturally, you need to eat it correctly and within reasonable limits so that it can benefit the body.

Know the following:

Sterlet and other sturgeon are considered the most delicious and useful varieties fish They belong to the red delicacy varieties, and the fish meat does not necessarily have to be red.

It is also worth noting that a number of religions that prohibit the consumption of meat and milk allow the consumption of fish. Fish is also a dish that can be eaten during fasting.

Diseases cardiovascular system most often cause death in people over 50 years of age. They are often a consequence of systemic atherosclerosis, which occurs due to a disorder in cholesterol metabolism.

Sterlet contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, including omega-3 and omega-6. They not only improve metabolic processes in the body, but also act as cholesterol protection.

If you eat polyunsaturated fatty acids along with fish, the formation of atherosclerotic plaques slows down and the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases. It is safe to say that eating sterlet is a good prevention of many cardiovascular diseases.

And also the substance Omega-3 increases serotonin levels in the blood(natural antidepressant). It is recommended to eat this fish during depression.

Fish meat contains large amounts of iodine, deficiency of which can cause disruption of the thyroid gland.

How to eat sterlet correctly for weight loss

Many people who lead a sedentary lifestyle suffer from excess weight. And inactivity is not the only reason; the fact is that few people eat properly.

Now there is large number all kinds of diets, and the fish diet is very popular. It lies in the fact that fish is the main component of most dishes.

Since sterlet (especially spring-caught Volga) contains a lot of protein and some fat, it can be included in the diet when following a fish diet. Its calorie content will be even lower if you eat boiled fish.

The fish diet has these rules::

  • recipes for dishes containing meat must be prepared so that it can be replaced with fish;
  • increase your water intake;
  • eat small meals 5-6 times a day.

Since sterlet does not contain carbon, it can be eaten even if you follow the well-known Kremlin diet.

The taste of this fish is so incredible that it is almost impossible to spoil dishes based on it.

There are a large number of recipes for sterlet dishes; you need to choose depending on your diet, and also try to prepare dishes that highlight the taste of the fish itself. For example, it will be incredibly tasty and aromatic if it is stewed in wine and served with onions and tomatoes. And as a side dish you can serve boiled potatoes or vegetables.

As for fish soup based on sterlet, this is traditional dish Russian “royal” cuisine and part of the national flavor. To prepare it you will need the following ingredients:

  • fish – 0.5 kg;
  • any freshwater small fish – 1 kg;
  • onion - one medium head;
  • cut the potatoes and put them in a saucepan;
  • add rice, salt, boil and cook over medium heat for about 10 minutes;
  • cut the sterlet into portions and place in a saucepan. Cook for about 15 more minutes.

For many, the question of how to properly clean this fish remains very important. It is recommended to choose it fresh.

This fish does not need classical cleaning, unlike other freshwater ones. And if you don’t peel it at all, then nothing bad will happen; after cooking, the skin will come off the carcass.

The carcass has a hard skin that resembles sandpaper. You just need to cut off the growths on it on the back and sides, which are called bugs. The bugs on the back are cut off with a knife, and the sides are cleaned in the same way as cleaning the scales of river specimens.

Like other sturgeons, the sterlet has a vizier - this is a vein that runs along the spine. You definitely need to get it so that you don’t get poisoned by fish meat. Viziga has white and very noteworthy. Make a cut near the head and tail of the fish and carefully pull it out. Then the carcass should be washed thoroughly.

Sterlet is the famous “royal” fish, which in Rus' has always been considered a symbol of prosperity. It has an unusual taste and also has great benefits for the human body.

Sturgeon – useful product, which helps maintain health and beauty for many years.

100 g of sturgeon contains approximately 164 kcal. This is a fairly fatty fish - it contains about 10% fat, but also more than 15% protein. Many amino acids, including essential ones. And the protein substances from sturgeon are absorbed by 93-98%. In 100 g there are 2.5 g of unsaturated fatty acids and only 80 mg of cholesterol. Therefore, this fish can be included in the diet menu - the fats in it are healthy and necessary for the proper functioning of the body.

Vitamin composition: C, PP, B1, B2. There are also a lot of minerals: calcium and fluorine, nickel and phosphorus, chlorine and potassium, sulfur and magnesium, sodium and molybdenum, iron and chromium, iodine.

What are the benefits of sturgeon?

This fish is very valuable product, which it is advisable to include in the diet at least sometimes. Proven benefits:

  • reduces stress levels;
  • improves brain function and cognitive functions;
  • normalizes the activity of the nervous system;
  • reduces cholesterol levels;
  • easily digestible and gives a good boost of energy;
  • promotes weight normalization;
  • provides essential amino acids;
  • replenishes mineral reserves;
  • has a beneficial effect on the condition of bones and teeth;
  • promotes rejuvenation of skin and other tissues;
  • normalizes appetite;
  • protects against the development of cardiovascular diseases;
  • does not overload the digestive system;
  • increases resistance to infections;
  • provides the body with amino acids;
  • promotes accelerated tissue regeneration;
  • helps to recover faster from injuries, including bone fractures.

Tender, juicy sturgeon can be eaten in order to preserve beauty and youth, a bright mind, good mood and excellent health.


Sturgeon meat, fat and black caviar began to be actively used in cosmetology in the 20th century.

The Frenchwoman Madame Millette noticed that women working in the caviar industry had young and smooth hands despite their hard work. The savvy woman instructed her subordinates to study the properties of black eggs and their benefits for the skin, and a little later she launched a line cosmetics. The cosmetics were a great success as they really worked wonders on the skin and fought against age-related changes.

Today, large-scale production of cosmetics from caviar and other parts of fish from the sturgeon family has been stopped, since they are expensive and rarely found in natural conditions.


The bladder of this fish is used in medicine. It is used to make surgical glue, which is necessary during operations.

Eating sturgeon meat will not harm anyone with atherosclerosis, cardiovascular pathologies, or gastrointestinal disorders.


Sturgeon can be included in the Mediterranean diet menu. This power system for a long time studied by specialists. Research has shown that its adherents:

  1. They are often long-lived.
  2. They are less likely to suffer from obesity (including abdominal obesity), heart disease and gastrointestinal tract diseases.
  3. There is less risk of developing cancer.

In general, sturgeon does not interfere with any diet, as it provides a person with proteins, amino acids and minerals.

The fat of this fish helps to cope with stress and increased irritability - frequent companions of diets.

The product has tangible benefits on the skin, bones, hair, teeth and nails, in a word, everything that suffers primarily from a poor diet.

If you are trying to lose weight, it is advisable to take sturgeon with boiled and fresh vegetables. Fruits must be present in the diet to timely replenish vitamin reserves.

You can use sturgeon for weight loss:

  • cook;
  • stew;
  • bake in foil;
  • grill;
  • steam it.

Since this fish itself is expensive, it should be alternated with other types of fish. River and sea inhabitants, when consumed, help improve metabolism, do not overload the gastrointestinal tract and are well absorbed.

Whereas sturgeon gives not only a feeling of fullness, but also pleasure from every meal. And during a diet, it is important to learn how to use it correctly, enjoying even a small portion.

Possible harm

Caviar and sturgeon itself can be contaminated with botulism pathogens. Therefore, buy fish only from reliable suppliers.

When purchasing, you should also conduct a visual inspection of the product, and not trust the seller’s words alone.

With caution, so as not to harm your health, this product should be eaten when:

  • obesity;
  • diabetes mellitus

Some people have an individual intolerance to sturgeon. This can also be considered a contraindication.

How to select and cut fish

It is advisable to buy live sturgeon, but such fish are the most expensive. Quickly chilled fish is a little cheaper, but its price can scare the inexperienced buyer. Therefore, most often people buy frozen products.

Inspect the frozen sturgeon and make sure that:

  • The carcass weighs 3 kg or more. The small sturgeon is rich only in bones, but has not had time to gain meat and fat.
  • The carcass is intact and beautiful: the fins are not torn off, the tail is in place, the skin is not damaged.
  • The gills are clean, without blood or dirt.
  • There is no extra “snow”, a lot of ice, or bruises.
  • The ice glaze is thin, there are no yellow or greenish spots, there are no foreign inclusions or pebbles.

The cleanliness and integrity of the carcass guarantees that the sturgeon was frozen once and has not been thawed or re-frozen.

If you want to purchase steaks, please note:

  • The packaging should not be torn.
  • There is only one sticker price tag (and not a whole layer of pieces of paper with different terms suitability and price).
  • Steaks are greyish, slightly creamy, pinkish-beige or almost white.
  • There should be a layer of slightly yellowish fish oil on the outside of the steak.

The fish should have a pleasant, subtle aroma. If sturgeon has a sharp, ammonia-like smell, the product has that same second freshness that Bulgakov criticized.

Sturgeon caviar

Black caviar, which everyone loves so much, has a lot of useful properties. It contains vitamins A, D, E, healthy fatty acids, and many minerals.

But it’s wrong to overeat on sandwiches with black caviar on holidays. To this delicious product brought real benefits, you need to eat one sandwich several times a week with high-quality butter and crumbly caviar on fluffy white bread.

In cooking, this fish is used in a variety of ways. Not only meat, but also sterlet caviar is used to prepare a wide variety of dishes.

In Rus', this fish has long been called the “royal fish.” There are even dishes made from this fish, the name of which contains this word “royal”. How much does the royal sterlet fish soup cost? But besides fresh fish, smoked sterlet is very popular. Just like any other fish, it is smoked in two ways - cold and hot smoking.

Smoked sterlet can be purchased at the grocery store ready to eat. But you can also make it yourself, at home. The most delicious and authentic smoked fish will be obtained using a smokehouse, but you can do without it. To prepare smoked sterlet at home, you will need fresh, cleaned, washed and gutted fish, salt, and liquid smoke. The sterlet is salted, then it is covered with liquid smoke and left for 30 minutes. Next, it is wrapped in foil and cooked in the oven for 40-50 minutes at 180 degrees. Smoked sterlet prepared in this way will taste and aroma similar to store-bought.

Contraindications for use

But it should be remembered that eating smoked sterlet can also be harmful to health, since liquid smoke contains compounds harmful to the human body.

Sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus)


Sterlet is considered the smallest in the sturgeon family: the average length of the fish is 60 cm, the maximum is 110-120 cm, usually weighs 1-2 kg, but there are individuals weighing 7-8 kg and even 15 kg. It is distinguished from other sturgeons by its longer nose and closed dorsal scutes. The color of the fish ranges from brown on the back to white on the belly, but it can vary depending on the habitat. Sterlet lives in fresh waters, the maximum age is 20-25 years. It usually feeds on bottom invertebrates, but does not refuse the eggs of other fish. Sterlet spawns in May-June, laying eggs on hard, pebbly soil. Fertility 4-140 thousand eggs. In nature, sterlet crosses with sturgeon and stellate sturgeon, this cross is known as sturgeon and stellate sturgeon.


It lives in the rivers of the Azov, Caspian and Black Seas, in the Northern Dvina, Yenisei, Ob rivers, and is found on the middle reaches of the Irtysh River (from Pavlodar and below). In addition, the sterlet has inhabited the basins of Lakes Ladoga and Onega. In the Volga River it is found in the area of ​​the Volgograd Reservoir, in the Don River - along its entire length from Rostov to Tula regions, in the Ural River it is found within the Orenburg region. Sterlet was also released into the Western Dvina, Neman, Onega, Pechora, Amur, Oka and some reservoirs. IN recent years The number of sterlet began to fall due to the pollution of rivers by harmful runoff, their shallowing and poaching.


In cooking, the most varied and delicious dishes are prepared from sterlet; it is no coincidence that in Russia it has long been called the “royal fish.” At meals of monarchs, sterlet dishes were served first. Classic dish- sterlet, it turns out especially tasty with the addition of champagne. Sterlet can also be steamed, baked, fried and stewed. This fish makes excellent jellied and jelly, as well as a filling for pies and pies. Steamed or hot smoked sterlet is used in salads.

Composition and properties

Like other sturgeon, sterlet is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6, which improve metabolism, reduce the risk of heart attack, and prevent the development of malignant tumors. Sterlet contains a large amount of vitamin PP, chromium, zinc, nickel, and fluorine.


People with pancreatic diseases should not get carried away with sterlet - a large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in fish can be harmful to them.

Interesting fact

The coats of arms of several Russian cities contain an image of a sterlet, for example, on the coats of arms of Saratov, Rybinsk, Belozersk and Yeisk.

How long to cook sterlet

Gut the sterlet and cook over low heat for 15-20 minutes. To prepare sterlet fish soup for 1 kg raw fish 1.5 liters of water is required.

Calorie content and nutritional value sterlet

The calorie content of sterlet is 88 kcal.

Nutritional value of sterlet: proteins - 17.5 g, fats - 2 g