What is the danger in dietary supplements? Dietary supplements: real harm and dubious benefits. Near-cancer sensations on the assembly line

In Russia, Ukraine and other countries former USSR There is a constant discussion about the benefits or harms of food supplements (dietary supplements). That is, vitamins and minerals that should replace what we supposedly get from food.

Some say it is harmful, others say it is beneficial.

Those who say that it is harmful believe that if you need vitamin C, eat an orange; you need carotene, eat carrots and so on.

Those who say that it is useful claim that in order to get daily norm vitamin C, you need to eat more than one kilogram of oranges. It’s the same with carotene, especially since it’s not clear how this carrot was grown.

There is such a range that I don’t know whether to take dietary supplements or not.

Supplements - reviews from doctors

Alexey's review Kovalkova nutritionist

Dietary supplements are not only vitamins and minerals, dietary supplements are substances that catalyze a certain action in the body and act very smoothly and gently.

Let's imagine. You are driving a car and your oil light comes on, what should you do?

There are two possible answers: the first is to go to the service center, and the second is to unscrew the light bulb. You drive on and nothing lights up, nothing interferes. We understand that harm is being done.

So here are all the medications that drugs act exactly like this: you have a headache, they give you a headache pill; you have blood pressure, you are prescribed a pill for blood pressure, a fever - for fever, a stomach ache - for the stomach, that is, they are treated symptomatically.

Now tell me, if you take antibiotics and hormonal drugs from the doctor, what can they cure?

Most diseases are not cured, but are transferred to the chronic stage. A person lives and constantly uses medications. And now there is a huge war between manufacturers of dietary supplements and medicines. And, depending on how much money was paid, our medicines are either fake or dietary supplements are all poison and deception.

The way dietary supplements work is that they work very slowly, gradually. They work by aligning the body’s internal cycle and metabolic processes so that a person recovers.

That is, we can say that this is an element of preventive medicine that doctors forgot about a long time ago; we simply no longer have it in Russia. When we went to resorts, took vitamins and supplements, we forgot about it. Medicine now treats based on the fact: what hurts, we inject it there. If it doesn't help, then we amputate.

Many people say that dietary supplements are some kind of nonsense.

I always bring very interesting example, there are all two medical drugs, for the discovery of which they were given a Nobel Prize.

One of them is statins for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and the development of atherosclerosis, which fights bad cholesterol, and the second is a dietary supplement called ubiquinone, an excellent substance that affects blood vessels, improving their elasticity four times.

And (fatty acids), recognized throughout the world, Americans now consume them every day because they restore the vascular endothelium damaged by carbohydrates. When ulcers form from carbohydrates (from sugar), omega-3 is the only remedy in the world that can restore the endothelium.

That is, there are unique substances that heal the body from the inside, normalizing its life cycle.

It is also very important that if you buy dietary supplements, it is very important that they bear the GMP production mark. This means that this drug is of the highest quality, that is, it is produced on luxurious equipment. The mark is awarded internationally, that is, they come from Europe, check everything, they must contain natural ingredients.

Question. Are there safe dietary supplements for weight loss? You remember all these scandals with Thai pills and so on. Everyone was passionate about it and the results were terrible. I have many friends who have gained dozens of kilograms and still can’t cope with it.

Answer. When losing weight, we limit our diet. That is, we already do not receive enough vitamins and microelements. And when we limit food, there is generally a meager amount left. And all our internal biochemistry begins to go haywire - this is not enough, this...

Therefore, dietary supplements are needed as a replacement component, as a complementary component, but it doesn’t happen that you take a pill, and in the morning your fat has resolved, keloid scars and unwanted pregnancy have gone away.

Review by Marina Ushenina- microbiologist, nutritionist

When you are young, you have a margin of safety, you have an advance given to you by God, and how you use it, how many years you spend it, determines how long you will live.

In a metropolis, where people often eat almost artificial food, they don’t breathe at all. ecological air, where they are constantly faced with emotional stress, because they are sometimes required to do more than they can do in a working day, of course, talk about healthy people no need to.

To say that you can simply eat fruits and vegetables and thereby restore your natural balance is now, to say the least, naive.

Review by Lyubov Alimova— doctor of systemic medicine, head of the Valeology Center.

Now is such a social period that if you start to get sick, then you can’t keep up with this life, that is, life seems to push you to the sidelines.

You can imagine that our body is a factory that constantly needs raw materials. Correct, rational nutrition– this is when your factory has enough everything for a full-fledged product.

What do we mean by youth, just the external state of the face? Or we understand that we have an organism that functions like clockwork in our youth, when we are able to work, when we are energetic. Therefore, if we are talking about the youth of the body, then, of course, we need to work with internal tasks.

Eat different levels technologies and, therefore, those dietary supplements that are simply obtained by drying herbs are not expensive. But where they are involved high technology, this increases the cost.

Review by Alexey Chizhov– Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation

This is primarily due to the fact that our body does not know how to adapt so quickly to the colossally changing environmental factors that develop at incredible speed.

Look, the concentration of toxic factors increases every year. You and I eat food that contains a huge amount of additives that are not necessary for the body. That is, the body cannot cope, so we age much faster.

In general, the body of the majority, especially Russians, is, as I say, in the third state. This is neither illness nor health. This is an intermediate state and the slightest negative push pushes him into illness.

And if a person begins, for example, to exercise, take protective complexes, and so on, then his body can return to a state of complete well-being or health.

If enough large number While people react negatively to synthetic vitamins, this does not happen when taking natural complexes. Everything is balanced there, and the body takes what it needs and what it lacks.

And when a person takes several pills of vitamins, microelements, non-pharmacological naturopathic class, along with food for breakfast, then, without a doubt, he provides himself with powerful support.

Review by Vladimir Startsev– Doctor of Medical Sciences, urologist highest category, oncologist, nutritionist

This is why there are dietary supplements, which contain many vitamins and microelements that we need every day.

They should not be confused with food additives, which are often taste enhancers and preservatives.

Supplement is completely different, it is a small capsule that contains daily ration, the necessary components that need to be consumed.

One or two capsules may contain the optimal amount of minerals and elements for life throughout the day. And this is the work of the brain. This is the work of the heart. Joints. It is difficult to say which body system biologically active supplements do not affect.

Review by Svetlana Smirnova– infectious disease doctor, psychophysiologist

Naturally, if a person has an active, stressful lifestyle, then the need for vitamins and microelements is... just air without which it is impossible to live!!!

Currently, consumers do not experience a shortage of products on store shelves. On the one hand, this is good, but less and less balanced in composition can be found. Due to the use of food additives, our diet has been enriched with various taste sensations, but the content of vitamins, minerals and essential microelements has sharply decreased.

Now in pharmacy chains you can find a huge number of dietary supplements that are recognized as solving the problem. In this article we will try to figure out what dietary supplements it is.

What are dietary supplements

If you look at it from a medical point of view, they are not mandatory components of nutrition. They are not needed for full life. If a person’s diet is balanced, then he gets everything he needs from the foods he eats.

If there is a deficiency, it is quite possible to change the situation for the better by taking multivitamins, since there are a huge number of them in pharmacies. Then the question arises: dietary supplement - what is it?

Such additives are obtained by extracting from various organic and inorganic complexes. This process is quite lengthy and complex, which requires manufacturers to comply with all production technologies. Since private companies are more often involved in this, it is sometimes not at all profitable for them to comply with all the rules.

Because of this, situations occur when poorly purified substances get into the tablet or they are not there at all. For complete assimilation, it is necessary to observe a combination of components with each other, and this is often not done. As a result, most doctors confidently claim that dietary supplements are practically useless for the body; it is quite possible to live without them.

It's good if instead useful tablet the package will contain ordinary chalk or a neutral substance, but there are cases when you even come across combinations that are hazardous to health. So think about it after this, BAD - what is it, benefit or harm to the body.

Composition of dietary supplements

All supplements contain various food components and biologically active substances. Among them are the following:

  • Squirrels.
  • Fats and fat-like substances.
  • Vegetable oils.
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids.
  • Triglycerides.
  • Carbohydrates.
  • Vitamins and microelements.
  • Enzymes of plant origin.
  • Probiotics.
  • Bee products and many others.

Despite the fact that dietary supplements can be purchased at any pharmacy completely freely, without a doctor’s prescription, you should think twice before using them. It is better to consult a doctor to weigh the pros and cons, calculate the dosage and need for use.

Classification of dietary supplements

Since it is most often prescribed in medicinal purposes, then their classification is based on this use. There are two classes of dietary supplements:

  1. Nutraceuticals.
  2. Parapharmaceuticals.

The first group of drugs is intended to eliminate nutritional deficiencies. This includes all synthetic vitamin preparations, amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids. By taking them, you can normalize the diet of both adults and children.

Parapharmaceuticals, or they are also called bioregulators, affect the body differently. They affect the functioning of organs, increase the body’s resistance to various unfavorable factors of the external and internal environment.

Bioregulators have a more powerful and targeted effect. They are usually prescribed for prevention various diseases. But very often it is quite difficult to separate these two classes from each other, since the same drugs can belong to two groups at once.

Historical background

Traditional medicine has always played a major role in the search for remedies and methods of treating various diseases. At the dawn of human existence, this was a common need, since official medicine did not have such development.

Almost until the mid-19th century, medicine relied on the experience and knowledge of folk recipes that had accumulated over centuries. Information was collected and recorded by famous scientists of antiquity, for example, Hippocrates, Avicenna, Galen and many others.

Despite the widespread use of plant objects for treatment, with the development chemical industry learned to isolate active substances and produce medicines based on them. Gradually they began to displace folk recipes. Currently, we continue to observe this process, with a huge number of new drugs being synthesized every year.

It was assumed that it would gradually cease to be used, but the opposite is true. Modern synthetic drugs result in a large number of side effects.

Again, more and more often we are trying to get rid of our ailments folk remedies to cause less harm to your body. Medicine did not wait long and decided to use it. This is how a new generation medicine appeared - dietary supplements. What is it, briefly, if it is, then this is the official successor traditional medicine, just in a slightly different guise.

There are many supporters of the idea that it is dietary supplements that can finally cure a person, and not traditional medicine.

Despite the fact that we have not yet fully figured out whether dietary supplements are good or bad, in medicine they are usually recommended to be used in the following cases:

  1. To quickly fill the deficit of missing substances, for example, vitamins, microelements.
  2. To reduce caloric intake in order to reduce body weight.
  3. To satisfy the needs of a sick body for certain substances.
  4. To increase resistance to adverse environmental factors.
  5. For preventive purposes to prevent metabolic disorders.
  6. In order to change metabolism, for example, to speed up the elimination of toxic substances.
  7. To restore immunity.
  8. To normalize intestinal microflora.
  9. To regulate the functioning of the body.
  10. Many dietary supplements are excellent antioxidants.

Based on this, we can conclude that biological supplements can be prescribed to almost every person; the reason and justification for taking them can always be found.

Principles of using dietary supplements

The use of additives is based on some principles:

  • The principle of functionality and consistency. That is, the impact must be complex, since the functioning of organs in the body is directly related to nutrition.
  • The principle of phasing. At different stages of the disease, it is advisable to select different supplements. For example, in the first stages it is necessary to urgently eliminate the symptoms of the disease, and at the end of treatment, eliminate the toxic effect of taking medications.
  • The principle of adequacy. It is necessary to prescribe dietary supplements, taking into account the nature of the disease and the characteristics of its course.
  • Syndromic principle. The prescription of biological additives should be made taking into account those symptoms that are pronounced.
  • The principle of optimality. When treating or preventing diseases, the dosage must be selected individually.
  • The principle of combination. Dietary supplements can be combined with food and other medicines.

Analyzing all the principles, we can say about dietary supplements that this is a substance that must be used in combination with other therapy during illness. It is impossible to cure with supplements alone.

Even though supplements are not a drug, there are some rules for taking them.

  1. You should start taking it with a small dosage to see how the body reacts, and then you can increase it to the one recommended by your doctor.
  2. For more effective absorption, biological supplements are best taken with food.
  3. If a dietary supplement contains calcium, it is better to consume it half an hour before or after meals, so as not to affect the acidity of gastric juice.
  4. If a dietary supplement is prescribed, it is advisable to take it in the first half of the day so as not to disturb night sleep.
  5. Dietary supplements containing live microorganisms must be stored in the refrigerator and used between meals.
  6. You should not take more than the dose prescribed by the doctor or the one recommended on the package.
  7. You cannot take several types of dietary supplements at the same time.
  8. Biological additives are stored in a dark and dry place. Do not refrigerate unless otherwise specified in the storage instructions.

We considered the question: “Dietary supplement - what is it and how to use it?” Now it is necessary to study the pitfalls of taking such drugs.

Danger and harm of dietary supplements

It is already known that dietary supplements are obtained through a complex technological process; one tablet can contain a whole orange, but its cost will be several times more expensive than fresh fruit. Trying to help their body, some take supplements in large dosages, but all the excess is still excreted, which means our money goes down the toilet.

Here are just some of the dangers that lie in wait when using dietary supplements:

The benefits of dietary supplements

Dietary supplements cannot be taken as medicine; they are a common food additive. Although using it with natural ingredients that our body needs can be beneficial. Taking this into account, it can be noted that dietary supplements can prevent the development of many diseases or assist in their complex treatment.

  • For the prevention of certain diseases.
  • Replenishment of vitamins and minerals.
  • Strengthening the immune system.
  • In the complex treatment of chronic diseases.

Differences between dietary supplements and medications

If you ask a pharmacist: “Dietary supplement, what does this mean?”, then most likely he will answer you that these are substances of plant and animal origin, that is, completely natural. There are some features of supplements that distinguish them from medications:

  • The active substance is contained in small doses.
  • Milder effect on the body.
  • Non-toxic.
  • The body tolerates them more easily.
  • Very rarely cause complications or give side effects.
  • Can relieve the toxic effects of drugs.
  • Do not accumulate in the body.

After studying this information, you already doubt that dietary supplements are harmful.

You shouldn’t believe everything that is shown and advertised on television, everyone’s body is different, and the reaction to taking dietary supplements can be unpredictable. Take care of your health, lead a healthy lifestyle, and then you definitely won’t need biological supplements.

Are dietary supplements harmful to health?

The question is not worth it at all. Asking whether dietary supplements are harmful or useful is the same as asking whether dietary supplements are useful or dangerous, for example, green. Because the term dietary supplement can now hide anything, from harmless, but very necessary for our body, fish oil, to very potent drugs, which in some countries are sold only by prescription.

And the history of the appearance of “dietary supplements” is as follows.

The human body, in addition to fats, proteins and carbohydrates, also requires microelements and all sorts of biologically active substances. which serve building material for body cells and initial components for biochemical reactions occurring in the body.

If a substance is not supplied at all through food, it can cause a serious and even fatal disease, such as pellagra. And if the substance is supplied, but in insufficient quantities, then the body’s wide capabilities make it possible to compensate for the deficiency by changing metabolism, but at the same time, chronic conditions also arise that can result in serious problems over time. For example, you can do without fatty acids Omega-3, the body will begin to use much more accessible Omega-6 instead, but the walls of your blood vessels will be significantly weaker than if you took Omega-3.

So, the problem is that if the amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates that you need can change depending on your lifestyle and physical activity, then the amount of biologically active substances you need does not depend on this.

Whether you burn 5,000 kilocalories per day or only 2,000, the amount of microelements you require will not change. If you and I led an active lifestyle and did a lot of physical work, we would eat 5,000 kilocalories a day and do everything we need with it. But in the modern world physical activity a person is usually limited to 2-3 thousand kilocalories. This means the amount of microelements and biologically active substances that is received modern man with food, about two times less than we would like.

It cannot be said that such a shortage will be fatal; in biochemical terms, the human body is a very flexible system and there is always a metabolic pathway that allows you to get by with smaller quantities of the required substances, but requires greater costs.

Therefore, even if biologically active substances enter your body in significantly smaller quantities than required, you will not notice this for years until defects gradually accumulate and manifest themselves in the form of a painful condition.

For example, if there is not enough calcium, then the bones will become fragile, and if there is calciferol, then even the existing calcium will not be absorbed. With a lack of omega-3 fatty acids, as well as with a lack of copper, defects will form in the vascular walls, and a lack (as well as an excess) of iodine will lead to damage thyroid gland.

The idea of ​​the need to replenish missing biologically active substances in food through food additives did not come to humanity right away. Historically, the first dietary supplements were vitamins, whose deficiency led to serious diseases: scurvy, anemia, pellagra, rickets, polyneuritis.

As it expands scientific research More and more substances and minerals were discovered that, as it turned out, were necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. They also fell into the category of dietary supplements.

Then a whole class of substances was discovered that, although not essential, their presence helps the body perform its functions better, for example, lycopene or so-called “soluble fibers”. So the class of dietary supplements was expanded to include these substances.

The expansion of the range of dietary supplements led to a situation where a fairly large number of substances appeared among the additives, the high biochemical activity of which made it possible to classify them rather as drugs (for example, Saw Palmette). It was necessary to draw clear boundaries between “medicine” and “dietary supplement”. In the end, the issue was resolved as follows: if the patient can independently obtain the drug directly “from nature,” from plant or animal raw materials, then it can be classified as a dietary supplement, despite the degree of its activity.

Thus, there is now a huge number of quite potent drugs on the market that are obtained from plant or animal raw materials and are therefore classified as dietary supplements. For example, the hormone melatonin is not only produced in the human pineal gland, but is also found in bananas, potatoes, and chamomile, which allows it to be sold as a dietary supplement.

Since the dietary supplement market is much less controlled than the drug market, it opens up a wide field of activity for unscrupulous sellers. If you are offered to buy an expensive “miracle drug” that will instantly cure something that modern medicine cannot, you can be sure that the seller has all the permits and documents for the drug in order and is selling it legally. But the drug is registered as a dietary supplement, not a medicine.

Which, of course, does not mean that the word “dietary supplement” is synonymous with the word “fraud.” There are only a fraction of a percent of “scam” drugs on the market, and the bulk of the turnover is made up of truly necessary and useful substances. True, they are not always sold at an adequate price, and sometimes a drug that has the status of a dietary supplement is sold in some “health store” several times more expensive than a drug of the same composition in a pharmacy chain. However, this applies only to Russia.

Abroad, it’s exactly the opposite. If your doctor has prescribed you a medicine of plant or animal origin, then it makes sense to search by the name of the active substance in American online stores. It will be much cheaper, but the quality will most likely be higher.

The table below shows some prices for comparison. The price is for daily dosage.

Medicine in Russia Dietary supplements in the States Note
Karsil Forte 0,2$ Silimarin 0,12$ Silimarin - more effective due to synergistic herbal additives.
Vitrum Centuri Forte0,25$ One Daily women's 50+ 0,04$ Vitamin and mineral complexes with a very similar composition.
Don 2$ Glucosamine-Chondroitin-MSM - 0,25$ The drugs are not complete analogues. Dona is pure glucosamine, European and American paraparts - glucosamine with the addition of Chondroitin - which dramatically increases efficiency. The price is indicated based on the same dosage, since Dona's manufacturers recommend a dose twice as low as the others (this is not enough).
Melaxen - 0,5$ Melatonin 0,05$ The drugs are 100% identical and even from the same manufacturer. The Russian one is just a repackaging.
Omega-3 0,12-0,4$ (different manufacturers) Omega-3 0,017$ The price is based on the same dosage (manufacturers' instructions recommend different doses).
Bilobil Intens - 0,5$ Ginkgo Veggie Caps - 0,14$ The drugs are identical.
Creon 10000 - 0,7$ Pancreatin- 0,22$ Pancreatin is not the same as the Russian “Pancreatin”. In dosage form and structure it is similar to Creon.
Permixon - 1$ Saw Plametto Berries - 0,22$ Various dosage forms. In Russia it is an extract from berries, in the States it is dried berry powder. Prices have been recalculated taking into account the specific dosage.
Psyllium - 0,6$ Psillium Husk Cups- 0,19$ The drugs are completely identical and even seem to be from the same manufacturer.

The question of the need and expediency of using dietary supplements, including in pediatric practice, is one of the most pressing issues in modern medicine. The frequent participation of doctors in the so-called “pyramids” involved in the distribution of nutritional supplements in the nineties played a negative role for the image of dietary supplements. A situation in which a doctor essentially turns into a salesman does not look very ethical, which is why many patients have a strong opinion that they are being forced to purchase completely useless drugs, and often at a considerable cost. Is this really true? Let's try to figure it out.

So, what is a dietary supplement? According to the official definition, “biologically active food additives (BAA) are natural (identical to natural) biologically active substances intended for consumption simultaneously with food or for inclusion in food products.”

All dietary supplements are conventionally divided into nutraceuticals and parapharmaceuticals. If we slightly paraphrase the Guidelines of the Federal sanitary rules, norms and hygienic standards (MUK, nutraceuticals are sources of basic nutrients and, first of all, vitamins, and their content in a particular product should not exceed the daily requirement by more than ten times for vitamins C and E and three times for vitamins B, D, folic acid etc.
And parapharmaceuticals have a clinical effect similar to that of drugs, but the daily dose of the active substance contained in the dietary supplement should not exceed a single therapeutic dose of a similar medication (provided that the dietary supplement is taken at least twice a day). At the same time, dietary supplements cannot contain potent, narcotic or toxic substances, as well as plant materials not used in medicine or nutrition.
Official definitions give little to the average person. Let’s talk about the fundamental differences between dietary supplements and medications in clear language.

The main difference between dietary supplements and drugs lies in the very name of this group: biologically active food supplement. Their main purpose is to compensate for the deficiency of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Features of conducting modern agriculture: soil depletion, the use of pesticides and numerous fertilizing designed to increase productivity and accelerate the ripening of vegetables and fruits - led to significant change chemical composition the products we consume.
For example, the content of vitamins and iron in our apples is several times less than in the apples that our grandmothers ate. A similar situation arises with livestock products.
Progress is, of course, wonderful, but the changed composition of products has led to the emergence of deficiency conditions among the population, and a lack of essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals in the body can cause the development of serious diseases.

  • deficiency of magnesium and potassium leads to heart rhythm disturbances and muscle cramps;
  • Vitamin C deficiency leads to decreased immunity and infectious diseases;
  • vitamin E deficiency – to hormonal imbalances;
  • deficiency of essential amino acids (for example, glycine) leads to a decrease in mental performance, a decrease in the ability to concentrate, and increases emotional lability;
  • deficiency of phospholipids (lecithin) - to impaired attention, up to a pronounced decrease in learning ability;
    Selenium deficiency leads to dysfunction of the thyroid gland, etc.

Abroad, the need to correct the diet has long been recognized. In European countries, Japan and the USA, from 50 to 90% of the population regularly use food additives(in Russia about 3%). Many dietary supplements are included in government programs for health protection and disease prevention and are used in food preparation. Unfortunately, in Russia things have not yet gone further than salt iodization, but even this small amount has led to a significant reduction in the incidence of goiter (an enlargement of the thyroid gland caused by iodine deficiency, often accompanied by a decrease in its function).

Second significant difference The dietary supplement is that in order to register a new product it is necessary to undergo a hygienic assessment, similar to that for food products. Clinical trials designed to confirm its effectiveness and safety, which are mandatory when registering any drug, are not required.
The lack of serious expert assessment has played a cruel joke on dietary supplements. A huge number of “dummies” have appeared on the market, discrediting the entire group as a whole. To be fair, it should be noted that recently the situation has been changing in better side. Firstly, many serious manufacturers of dietary supplements have begun to conduct clinical trials of their products on the basis of clinical research institutes. Secondly, word of mouth works well in Russia, and unscrupulous manufacturers simply go bankrupt due to the lack of demand for the products they produce.

Third, very important point, which I would like to dwell on: dietary supplements, by definition, cannot be used to treat painful conditions, but their use as a prophylactic agent, during the recovery period after an illness or injury, and also as an adjuvant against the background of a traditional course of therapy can give a very good result . IN the latter case the doctor is obliged to carefully study the composition of the dietary supplement to exclude undesirable interactions of its active components with medications received by the patient.

Here we come to the most difficult topic regarding dietary supplements - the rules for their use. Since dietary supplements are not medicines, all of them are freely available and available to the public. I want to say right away - before purchasing the product you are interested in, be sure to read the instructions!
The vast majority of dietary supplements are not intended for use in children under 12 years of age; some of them have contraindications or special instructions. For example, before taking calcium, it is recommended to compensate for magnesium deficiency. Some herbs have estrogen-like effects (red clover, licorice, etc.), and their use during puberty can lead to hormonal imbalances.
Zinc-based dietary supplements reduce the absorption of tetracycline antibiotics, which can cause serious complications due to an insufficient dose of the antibacterial agent in the blood. Vitamin D cannot be combined with vitamin E. One of the active substances contained in aloe has a carcinogenic effect, and abuse of dietary supplements based on it can provoke the development of cancer. You can continue ad infinitum.

On the other hand, many dietary supplements combine very well with each other, enhancing the effect of their use. For example, many doctors, including pediatricians, successfully prescribe to patients a combination of three dietary supplements for functional disorders in the cardiovascular and nervous system: Ginkgo Biloba, Q10 and Lecithin.

Conclusion: dietary supplement is a very important and useful component healthy image life, which, when used correctly, allows you to avoid many health problems or reduce their severity. But they must be used in strict accordance with the instructions included with the product, and if any questions arise, the buyer should consult their doctor. Consultation with a doctor is especially necessary when it comes to parapharmaceuticals.

If you are going to take dietary supplements, then first of all you need to understand that dietary supplements are not a medicine and cannot serve as a treatment for various diseases, and also that in some cases dietary supplements can harm your health.


Dietary supplement is a dietary supplement that is absolutely not needed by a person to lead normal life activities. For normal development, the human body needs fats, carbohydrates and proteins, as well as various vitamins, which enter the human body with food during a nutritious diet, or are supplemented by taking special multivitamins. Thus, we see that dietary supplements are completely unnecessary for the human body. We recommend that you read

So, why is Bud dangerous and why is it needed? A dietary supplement is a product that is obtained through a rather labor-intensive process by extracting substances from various products. This means that one orange, or several cherries, etc. were stuffed into one dietary supplement tablet, but the cost of such a tablet is 100 times more expensive than the same orange or blueberry, or another product. An analysis carried out at a scientific institute showed that taking dietary supplements is completely useless, since a person receives everything for his life activities from food or a vitamin complex. Excessively taken drugs (supplements) are eliminated from the body as excess substances, hence the first financial harm.

COST: The main danger of Bud is its cost, i.e. you're paying a lot of money for something your body doesn't need or for something you can get from regular cheap fruits and vegetables. Only here you get fresh substances from fruits and vegetables, and processed ones from dietary supplements, and it is far from controversial whether fresh components are better or chemically processed ones.

FAKE: Considering the high cost of dietary supplements and the fact that they are practically not controlled by anyone, there are a large number of fakes. Those. Having bought a dietary supplement at a high cost, you can take not an extract from products, which is quite labor-intensive, but regular chalk or vitamin C, or something else. Or perhaps you will take poisons that will be dangerous to your body and may harm your health. We recommend that you read

LOW QUALITY: Considering that dietary supplement is not a medicine, anyone can produce and make it, and no research is required on the safety and effectiveness of the resulting drug. This leads to the fact that sometimes there are no documents for dietary supplements, and they are produced without meeting the necessary pharmaceutical requirements, which leads to cheaper production and low quality of the product. Those. you buy Bydy for a lot of money, but get a minimum of effect, or even none at all.

NOT EFFECTIVE: One of the most important disadvantages of dietary supplements is their ineffectiveness. It turns out that a person gets sick and to treat the disease begins to use dietary supplements, which he heard about in advertising as a miraculous remedy for getting rid of diseases, and as a result the body does not receive the necessary drugs to fight the disease, and the disease begins to progress, which can lead to serious consequences and even death. Dietary supplements are also dangerous because they do not treat diseases in any way, and are harmful because they are not a medicine that cures diseases, but are only an extract from food that you can get by eating delicious and healthy fresh fruits and vegetables. Think about it, you’re not curing diseases. food, because food is not medicine, so are dietary supplements. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with

PSYCHOLOGICAL DEPENDENCE: The danger of dietary supplements lies in the fact that many people are subject to suggestion and self-hypnosis; by listening or watching advertisements, they begin to believe in a miracle cure for all diseases with the advertised product (dietary supplement). Such people fall into psychological dependence, spend a lot of money on buying dietary supplements and, sometimes, take them a huge number, which can also be harmful to health. After all, dietary supplements usually contain dyes, flavoring additives, preservatives and other chemical elements that have a harmful effect on the kidneys and liver. And the most important thing is that these people are trying to treat diseases with something that is not intended for treatment and is not a medicine, it is a dietary supplement!