Why dream of wet matches in your hands. Matchbox dreams. What do matches mean in a dream

If you have a box of matches in front of you, there are wonderful people next to you.

You lit a match - you will have a new friend.

The match went out - the friendship was over.

Seeing many matches - you will have many close friends (one match - only one close friend).

Light a match - a prediction about the beginning of a new and delightful friendship.

Putting out a match is the end of a long-term friendship.

Interpretation of dreams from the Gypsy dream book

Dream interpretation - light

A dream in which you light a light bulb in the room portends receiving interesting news or a letter from afar. Lighting a chandelier means that soon you will become the hero of some kind of celebration. Lighting candles foreshadows a successful outcome of long walks in many instances.

If you light a kerosene lamp in some kind of hut, lost knows where, - this is a love experience. To light the gas in a dream means that you will find a way out of a difficult situation, but it will cost you too much and you will have to ask your friends for help. Lighting matches - to petty quarrels that will go out the same way they broke out.

Interpretation of dreams from

Thanks to the signs that we see in our night dreams, we have a real chance to change our life in better side and also accept all the gifts prepared by fate. An ordinary object such as a match has a very strong symbolic meaning in a dream. Why do matches dream? The dream book will help you find the answer to this question and tell you what a similar image portends for the dreamer.

  • Burning matches in a dream warn of the appearance of serious enemies on the horizon. Perhaps they can unite with your old ill-wishers. The fight against them will be very long and will bring many losses;
  • Light the match yourself - you will have to answer for all the sins and misdeeds of your past. They will also become known to the public, they will have to be punished for them;
  • See matches that have gone out before your eyes. You will be able to cope with all the difficulties, and enemies and ill-wishers will be forced to admit defeat;
  • Matches personify the inner state of the dreamer himself. This means that if in a dream you managed to see a filled matchbox, then in real life you are full vital energy... All diseases bypass you, and the soul is filled with positive. That is why all difficulties and obstacles cannot lead you off the intended course. One has only to maintain this state. You are also trying to diversify your life with all kinds of hobbies and hobbies. The fewer matches you could see in the box, the more boring life and the inner world of a person;
  • Completely burnt matches indicate that you need to go in for sports and self-development. This dream warns that you can become seriously ill if you do not change your lifestyle;
  • If the match burns with a bright flame, then you are leading a hectic sex life. Light and throw matches. This image symbolizes the fact that you often change sexual partners. This will play a bad joke on you in the future;
  • Find a match by chance. New useful acquaintances await you. The time you will spend with new friends will forever remain in your memory;
  • Breaking a match - to a quarrel. In real life, a serious conflict awaits you, both with family and friends. The conflict will happen through your fault. The interpreters recommend that you forget about your pride and take the first step towards a truce;
  • Dream Interpretations believe that if you are burned by a match in your night dreams, then in real life you will fall in love very much. But this will only bring big disappointments. Perhaps after these events you will have a deep depression;
  • Light a cigarette in a dream. You will receive favorable news or a promising job offer;
  • If in a dream you scattered matches, then you often miss the opportunities that fate presents to you. But putting the scattered matches back into the box is an auspicious symbol. You will be able to make friends with your own "I", find answers to your questions, and you will also start doing your favorite thing, which will bring you good profit and incredible pleasure;
  • Buy matches in the store. This image marks the fact that you will soon receive a lucrative job offer that will help you make your goals a reality. Also, now the period will begin when all investments of funds will bring profit.

Interpretation of the image of a dream according to Miller's dream interpreter

  • Seeing a box of matches in a dream - to difficulties and obstacles for life path... Miller believes that in order to overcome all obstacles, you will need to ask for help from your comrades. But do not forget that this service will have to be paid for this service in the future;
  • Light a match. This image marks the dreamer making a large amount of profit. Perhaps your bosses will notice you, and this will give you the first step to take off on the career ladder;
  • The match burns with a bright flame. You will have a meeting with your enemies and ill-wishers. You shouldn't count on an easy victory. On the contrary, this war will bring many losses and disappointments;
  • Extinguishing matches. To overcome all obstacles on the path of life, you will need to rely on your experience and intuition. Only they will help you find a way out of a difficult situation.

Freud's dream book

Matches in a dream symbolize masculine strength. If you saw whole matches in your night dreams, it means that you have no health problems in an intimate sense. Burned or broken matches are cause for concern. Perhaps you often change partners, and this can lead to serious illness.

Why do matches dream - interpretation of the image according to Miss Hasse's dream book

Seeing a matchbox in a dream is an auspicious symbol. This image marks career success and financial independence. But lighting matches is in trouble. Perhaps the cause of your troubles is the mischief of enemies and deceitful comrades. It is worth taking a closer look at your surroundings, as even the closest friend may turn out to be a "wolf in sheep's clothing."

Interpretation of a dream according to Tsvetkov's dream book

Esoteric Tsvetkov is sure that matches dream of betrayal. Perhaps you are unable to realize your plans, because deceitful friends in every possible way prevent you from doing this. If you had to light a match, then in real life you will have to find yourself in the epicenter of a serious conflict. To light a cigarette with a match - to disappointment in love affairs.

Matches- usually characterize male potency.

Whole and well-burning matches- they talk about the good shape of the dreamer and do not portend any complications in this area.

Conversely, matches that are damp or broken that cannot be ignited- symbolize the onset or the onset of impotence.

Jewish dream book

Matches- to money.

Dream interpretation for bitches

Matches- difficulties, quarrels.

Seeing boxes of matches in a dream k - to cope with problems and troubles, you will have to work well and diligently.

Modern combined dream book

Dream of matches- predicts prosperity and changes in life at the most unfavorable moment for you.

Light a match in the dark- to unexpected news and twists in fate.

Complete dream book of the New Era

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be discouraged - this is just a dream. Thank you for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Wherever it is night, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things leave ”.

Open the tap and tell the dream to pouring running water.

Wash your face three times with the words "Where the water flows, there the dream goes."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn the linens inside out.

Don't tell anyone your bad dream before lunchtime.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Parable "Absolute Economy"

An old and very rich Jew was visited by his nephew.
He wanted to tell the old man about a profitable investment.

Indeed, the nephew had a very sensible business plan, promising fabulous profits.
They sat down comfortably by the fireplace. The nephew took out his pipe, filled it with tobacco, lit a match and said:

- I have considered all the possible risks, thought out the prospects for the development of the case.
I won't let you down!

Uncle was silent, only grinned and said:
- No, I won't give you money. You are too wasteful. You need to be more economical.

- But why do you draw such conclusions? You see, I even light up matches from matches!

- That's just the point, you light a match, and a fireplace is burning next to you.
I would save matches, after all! - summed up the old rich man.

Dream interpretation of matches

Matches are not toys for children. Many of us could hear such a phrase, but what exactly it means could not be understood immediately. Why do matches really dream? What does this sign portend?

Common understanding

The correct decryption can be obtained only by referring to a large number of trifles, and therefore it is so important to analyze each one and draw appropriate conclusions. According to the dream book, matches have some symbolism, which can only be revealed with the help of imagination and intuition.

Light a match light in a dream

Miller's works

Turning to the work of psychologist Miller, you can see several interesting ideas. He believes that a box of matches portends decline, and if the dreamer starts lighting matches, then he will receive a large sum of money.

Is burning

What is the dream of a burning match? Such a sign tries to tell the dreamer that enemies have appeared in his closest circle of friends, waiting for a certain moment to strike. If you yourself started lighting a match, then your future problems will be associated with wrongly committed acts.

Goes out

Burnt matches symbolize the dreamer's wisdom. He will be able to stop at the right moment using his mind. Before making any decision, you need to weigh the pros and cons.

Especially for men!

I dreamed of a smoldering match

Answering the question of why a match is dreaming, it is worth considering its significance for a representative of the strong half of humanity.

Bright flame

If the match burns with a bright flame, then the potential of a lover is hidden in the dreamer. Often lighting and throwing matches is a sign that in reality a man has many women.


You may dream of a barely smoldering matchbox, which is not characterized in the best way. The dreamer should take care of his health, as impotence may lie in wait for him.

Inner essence

As the dream book writes, the dreaming match must be correctly deciphered, and for this it will be necessary to remember their number:

In addition, the burnt skeleton will be interpreted negatively, but the whole one - on the contrary.


A dreamed dream can also be interpreted to characterize the immediate environment:

  • find a match - to gain new acquaintances;
  • to ignite - to a long and strong friendship;
  • to break - to an impending quarrel;
  • put out - to big problems between old friends.

It makes sense to consider some of the distinctive features.

Your actions

If the dreamer accidentally scattered matches, then in fact he will be expected to move, for which he did not prepare in any way. Such a decision can be made by your superiors, and therefore you need to be extremely careful in your wording. Start collecting scattered sticks - to restore order.

Light a match, and then burn yourself - to an early love relationship.

Other people's actions

If someone starts lighting a torch, and then gives you a light, then you can get the long-awaited news. The matches fell apart due to someone else's fault - to the loss of a good chance.

Other meanings

Among all the variety of interpretations, it is difficult to dwell on one, since each dream has its own unique characteristics. Some dream books say that small burning sticks personify the dreamer himself: both an internal and an external state.

If you managed to see a large box filled with the same matches, then such a sign says that the sleeping person is in good shape, and he is not afraid of any illnesses. Seeing burnt skeletons in a box is a health problem. The optimal solution is to exercise regularly.

If you have a box of matches in front of you, there are wonderful people next to you. You lit a match - you will have a new friend. The match went out - the friendship was over. Seeing many matches - you will have many close friends (one match - only one ...

What does the dream in which matches dream mean

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The meaning of a dream about Matches (fire)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing is a challenge. Light up - for money. Burners - ill-wishers, "spiteful critics". A box of matches - a splash of anger is possible.

Dreaming Match - interpretation in the dream book

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A box of matches dreams of difficulties and troubles in what you have planned. Scattered matches are unreliable helpers. Light a match and see that they burn well - make an unexpected profit. A match that quickly goes out - unfortunately.

Dream Interpretation: What Matches Dream About

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Difficulties, quarrels. Seeing boxes of matches in a dream - in order to cope with problems and troubles, you will have to work well and diligently.

Decoding and interpretation of sleep Match

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A box of matches dreams of difficulties and troubles in what you have planned. Scattered matches are unreliable helpers. Light a match and see that it burns well - make an unexpected profit. A match that quickly goes out - unfortunately.

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