Can I freeze sliced ​​apples? Can apples be frozen in the freezer for the winter? We will increase the shelf life

Can apples be frozen for the winter? It often happens that autumn has turned out to be a rich harvest, and there is a desire make a supply of fruit for a year in advance... But there is a danger that if the cold is improperly processed, the fruits simply spoil.

Do apples and pears freeze? Freezing a few apples different from freezing berries, therefore, subject to all technologies, autumn fruits will be stored in the freezer whole year.

Fundamental rules

The most important subject is large freezer, in this case, the fruits will retain all vitamins and nutrients fully.

Can apples be frozen in the freezer? At poor refrigerating capacity it will not be possible to produce the necessary blanks for a long time.

Apples for freezing must be ripe, intact.

When freezing overripe, rotten fruits, there is a possibility that after thawing, they turn into an unappetizing puree... Preference should be given to apples recently harvested, because the less time has passed from the moment of harvest to processing, the better.

About the benefits

Can apples be frozen for the winter? Which benefit from them? Charlotte, apple pies, strudel, compote, various desserts and much more - all this will be available for cooking at any time of the year. Everything clean, environmentally friendly and already sliced.

But the main plus is retention of all properties, fresh apple. After all, it is freezing that preserves the maximum amount of vitamins in products, about 90%.

Can apples and pears be frozen for the winter and why? Many fresh fruits by the end of winter lose almost all vitamins, so frozen fruits make it possible in spring support immunity.

Slicing methods

What is the best way to freeze slices, whole apples or in another way? Can be frozen like whole fruit and lobules... Even freezing is possible applesauce... When frozen, apples are cut into slices.

In this case, the form can be any: slices, slices, pieces, circles. Removing the peel, stalk and seeds is a matter of taste for every housewife. It all depends on the purpose for which the preparation is made.

If for pies and compotes - quite the presence of the peel is acceptable, then for fruit sauces, casseroles and similar dishes, of course, it is better to do without peel.

Everyone knows such a property of apples as darkening after cutting, but this can be avoided.

Must be prepared in advance solution(1 liter of water + 5 g of citric acid).

After cutting, immerse the slices for no more than 20 minutes in this composition, which save them from darkening... You can freeze as soon as apples, and mix them with various berries and fruits.

Required temperature

How to freeze fresh apples at home? At what temperature can I freeze apples for the winter? There are several methods of freezing: dry and so-called shock freezing.

Dry- the fruits are laid out on trays and sent to the freezer. Temperature regime not less than -23 ° С. 2-3 hours after freezing, the apples are laid out in a container. After that, the frozen pieces can be stored in a regular freezer at a temperature of at least -18 ° C.

Shock freeze Is an ultra-fast freezing of apples in bags. To do this, in the operating mode of the freezer, it is necessary to set the "fast freezing" mode.

Shelf life of frozen apples

How long can apples be stored in the freezer? If all the rules are followed correctly, frozen apples can be stored in the freezer. up to 12 months, retaining all its properties.

Remember that re-freezing prohibited.

Freezing methods

What are the ways to freeze apples for the winter at home? There are several methods for freezing apples.


Cut the apples into slices, remove the seeds and stalk (but you can also freeze with seeds).

Arrange the sliced ​​apples on dry cutting boards or trays.

The slices must not touch each other and lie in one layer... And immediately put it all in the freezer.

After 2-3 hours, you can already start packing. The neatly removed slices are laid out in plastic bags or containers in small portions.

When packing in a bag, make sure that as little air is inside. If packing takes place in plastic containers, then they are correct close very tight to avoid air and moisture getting inside.

In sugar syrup

Boil the syrup (mix 750 g of water with 450 g of sugar and 1500 mg of ascorbic acid). Cut apples into slices dip in cold syrup for a day... After that, blanch the slices (pour over boiling water), put on baking sheets and chill in the freezer.

After decomposition into packages, with minimum amount of air... Apples prepared in this way have the aroma of baked apples and are a good dessert.

And the shelf life of such apples is increased due to the use citric acid, which acts as a preservative.

Preparation of mashed potatoes

Peel and chop the apples, you do not need to add sugar, cook for 15 - 20 minutes on low heat... Cool, grind with a blender, pour into plastic containers or jars. So, ready-made pie filling is always in the refrigerator.

Freeze whole

To do this, you need to rinse and dry the apple. With a special knife, neatly remove core.

Dip the fruit in a specially prepared solution ascorbic acid(50 g water + 1500 mg acid) for a few minutes.

Then put the apple in a special freezer bag, having previously released air from there.

An apple frozen in this way can lie in the freezer for six months, keeping all its useful qualities... Such fruits are used in cooking for such dishes as apples in dough or whole apples baked with sugar.

Of course, frozen fruits save a lot of time for any housewife, so you should definitely take a little time in the fall to enjoy almost fresh apples before the new harvest.

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Apples are available all year round. They can lie until next season, so finding them in the supermarket in winter or spring is not a problem. But the taste and texture are not at all the same.


Apples tolerate freezing well. Depending on the preparation method, they can spend up to 9-12 months in the freezer, only at the same time, unlike their relatively fresh counterparts from store shelves, they lose less vitamins and other useful substances.

Freezing whole apples

Apples placed in the freezer as a whole can be used in open cakes in winter - they will look great. And they can also be - as is or with a filling, for example, cottage cheese, dried fruits, raisins.

1. Wash and dry the apples.

2. Take out the core - cut with a regular knife or remove with a special knife. Peel the apples if necessary.

3. Dip apples in water with lemon juice so that they do not darken.

4. Place apples in bags, release the air, put in the freezer for storage.

Freezing apples in slices

Such apples can be used as a filling for pies, dumplings, compotes, desserts, etc. They can be frozen as they are, or they can be sprinkled with sugar before that.

1. Wash apples, peel, core.

2. Cut into slices, spread on a paper towel and let dry.

3. Arrange the apple slices on a tray, place in the freezer and let freeze completely.

4. Remove from the chamber, transfer to bags or containers, and place back in the freezer for storage.

Freezing apples in the form of mashed potatoes

Applesauce from the freezer can be used as complementary food for babies, make sweet sandwiches with it, add to desserts or eat as a dessert, make a sauce from it, or even make fresh winter jam or

If you like to bake apple pies or pies during the cold season, freezing apples for the winter at home is the perfect way to prepare the filling for such baked goods. You can prepare the pulp of these fruits in any form convenient for you: cubes, quarters, halves or slices. I will focus on the last option, since I believe that apple slices are the most relevant type of slicing both for pies and for compotes and jam. They can be thawed and mashed to make pies.

You can freeze apples in the freezer for the winter, choose your favorite variety. Rinse them in water to remove any dirt.

Then cut it in half, and then cut it in half to make quarters, which are the easiest to cut seeds. Remove the seeds along with the pods and rinse all of the apple quarters again in water.

Cut the quarters into wedges or slices into a container. Try to carry out all manipulations with apples quickly so that their pulp does not have time to oxidize and darken. If you have a lot of fruits, then it is best to sprinkle them with lemon juice or water, dissolved in it with citric acid, after freeing the quarters from the seeds.

Place the apple slices in bags or freezer containers. Tie them tightly or seal them with lids and place in the freezer, taking out as needed. Apples are frozen for the winter!

By the way, you can create delicious mulled wine from such a blank in winter by adding it to warmed red wine. Now you know exactly how to freeze apples for the winter in the freezer.

How I use frozen apples:

  • In winter, I bake pies and make only with them, and what a flavor is in the kitchen! Winter "plastic" apples did not stand nearby!
  • If you freeze a lot, then there will be enough apples until the next harvest. And then it is very convenient to cook compote - in June the cherries are already fresh, but there are no apples yet, and I use frozen slices.
  • I cook from frozen stocks delicious sauces by the morning oatmeal and pancakes, add to, to stewed sauerkraut.
  • Any pastry, any hot dish with apples, sauces, mousses, garnish for duck, chicken - frozen slices can be used everywhere.
  • You can quickly make mashed potatoes for your baby, and frozen apples store much more vitamins than stale fresh apples.

I have already shared this method of freezing with all my friends and everyone is very grateful and satisfied to me. I will share with you, it's simple, fast, convenient and economical.

Total and active cooking time - 20 minutes
Cost - $ 1.5
Servings - 3 kilograms

How to properly freeze apples


Apple - 3 kg.


It is advisable to take apples without damage. If they do exist, then delete everything. You don't need to peel the apples, just wash them. If you don't need the skin in a dish that you will cook from frozen apples, just peel it off, it is very easy to peel right from the frozen slices. Wash the apples.

Cut apples into quarters. Remove the pod and stem. Arrange the apples on a plastic cutting board, be sure to dry them so that the apples do not stick. Suitable metal trays can also be used. Place trays of apples in the freezer. I usually increase the freezing temperature to a maximum of -23 degrees. After two to three hours, the apples are ready. Pour them into storage bags, seal tightly and store in the freezer.

It is not customary in every family to freeze apples for the winter. However, if you know how to properly freeze apples for the winter, then you can provide yourself with vitamins all year round. Frozen fruits can be prepared as tasty pie, and prepare mashed potatoes for the child.

Properly prepared fruits will be able to delight with their taste and benefits. As a rule, apples are frozen both in pieces and as a whole. Several practical advice will help to properly prepare the fruits:

  1. Always choose fresh apples. The fruits should not be crumpled and without wormholes. Ripe fruits of any variety are used.
  2. To prevent apple preparations from darkening during freezing, they should first be soaked in cool water with citric acid.
  3. The frozen pieces will take up less space in the freezer. Before the freezing procedure, the ingredients are thoroughly washed and must be dried. Otherwise, you will get a solid lump of stuck together slices. The core with the seeds must be cut out.
  4. It is better to put the fruits in special freezer bags or containers. So that they lose less moisture, they should be packed tightly to each other.
  5. The ideal freezing temperature is minus 18 degrees. The shelf life is up to 12 months.

It is not allowed to re-freeze the fruits, as well as store them for more than a year. If the volume of the freezer allows, then it is better to isolate them from vegetables and other foods.

Recipes for freezing apples in the freezer for the winter

One of the most popular ways to freeze apples is in slices. Chopped ingredients take up little space in the freezer and are easy to store. How to freeze apples for the winter in the freezer will help step by step recipe... The amount of fruit depends on the volume of the freezer.


  • apples of any varieties - 3 kg;
  • citric acid - 7 g;
  • freezer bags.

Rinse the specified number of apples with running water, wipe with a towel. Then cut to remove the seed part, the stalk. It is not necessary to cut off the peel. Especially if the blanks are intended for compote. Cut into slices or nice slices.

Dissolve citric acid in a small amount of water, immerse the cut apples. The procedure is necessary to prevent darkening of the pulp and the pieces are better preserved.

Then dry the slices on a cloth napkin. Spread the parchment on a large baking sheet, carefully lay out the chopped ingredients. It is important to ensure that they do not come into contact with each other. Place the blanks in the freezer.

After 2.5 - 3 hours, take out the pieces and transfer to a freezer bag. The less air gets into the storage container, the better the taste and benefits of the fruit will be preserved. Store packed frozen apples for the winter for 6 - 8 months.


Freezing fresh apples as a whole is not a novelty for a long time, but rarely anyone uses this method. In winter, you want to get the most out of it, and purchased fruits contain nitrates. Shock freezing of dacha apples completely preserves vitamins, and can be widely used for various dishes.


  • fresh apples - 1.5 kg;
  • ascorbic acid - 10 g;
  • drinking water - 50 ml.

Wash the apples and dry thoroughly. Since the fruit is frozen whole, the skin does not need to be cut off. However, you can neatly cut the core out with a thin knife, keeping the apple intact.

Dissolve ascorbic acid in water, immerse the fruit for 20 minutes. The solution will help maintain the light color of the pulp.

Dry before freezing, preferably placing each fruit in a separate small freezer bag. Remember to release the air from the bag. Place whole fruits in the freezer.

It is permissible to store whole apple preparations for no more than six months at a temperature of –18 –20 ° С.

For filling pies and charlotte

Frozen apples significantly save time and simplify the cooking process. It is enough to defrost the prepared and peeled fruit. The recipe is useful for making charlotte or sweet rolls.


  • fresh apples - 7 pcs.;
  • citric acid - 5 g;
  • filtered water - 1 l;
  • sealed freezer bags.

Rinse fragrant apples and cut into pieces. It is necessary to remove the stalks, the core with seeds. Grind in circles or slices.

Prepare an acidic solution. To do this, mix citric acid with water. You can use natural lemon juice. Place the apple slices in the resulting solution. Withstand 15 - 20 minutes.

After the specified time, put the ingredients on a flat surface and dry. Place dry wedges in sealed bags or containers. Put in the freezer, shake the bag after 30 minutes so that the slices do not stick together. Frozen apples for the winter for charlotte and sweet pies can be used at any time.

For complementary foods

If the period of complementary feeding coincided with the cold season, you should take care of the quality of nutrition in advance. Frozen apples from the garden are good for babies, as they retain more than 90% of all vitamins. For baby food at first use apples of green varieties, they do not cause allergies.


  • fresh apples - 10 pcs.;
  • water - 70 ml;
  • freezing containers.

Rinse the fruits, wipe dry. Cut out the core, the seeds are not allowed to get into the workpieces. Cut the prepared fruits into squares.

Next, prepare the applesauce. To do this, put the ingredients in an enamel pan, put on fire. To prevent the apples from burning, pour in a small amount of water. Do not add sugar. Simmer the apple slices over low heat until they boil down to a thick mass. Cook for 25 - 30 minutes, then let cool at room temperature.

Treat the containers with boiling water, put the applesauce, close the lids tightly. Place the complementary foods in the freezer. The shelf life of frozen applesauce is no more than a year. Usually, blanks are used no later than 9 months later.

In sugar syrup

Apples frozen in sugar syrup work well for sweet meals. Also, blanks are used for filling in pies or compote.


  • apples - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 3 glasses;
  • sugar - 2 cups.

Wash the fruits, cut into slices, remove the seed part. Place in a deep bowl.

Prepare sweet syrup. Dissolve the sugar in water, pour the apple slices with the resulting syrup. It is important that the liquid covers them completely. Cover the bowl tightly with a plate or lid. The ingredients should be soaked for 5 to 7 minutes.

Pack in a thin layer in airtight bags, releasing excess air from the container. Put in the freezer, the freezing temperature should be minus 18 - 20 degrees. The shelf life of blanks for the winter does not exceed 12 months.