Tablets "Vikasol" to stop menstruation: reviews, features of use and side effects. Vikasol for menstruation Vikasol for heavy menstruation with clots

Vikasol is used to stop menstruation if necessary or to delay their onset. The main purpose of this drug is to reduce the amount of blood loss during menstruation. This symptom is characteristic of a number of pathological conditions. It should be understood that the medicine will not help eliminate the cause itself, but is only part of the overall treatment plan.

The hemostatic properties of this drug will help reduce the intensity of discharge, and its use can improve general condition body. This occurs by relieving all the characteristic symptoms of anemia caused by regular heavy menstruation. Women note the disappearance of weakness, dizziness, and drowsiness.

The drug is an affordable medicine and is sold in pharmacies without a prescription. But its availability does not mean that you should self-medicate. There are a number of contraindications; if taken uncontrolled, there is a risk of causing various complications (reproductive function or associated with blood stagnation and increased thrombus formation). Therefore, it cannot be used without the appointment of a specialized specialist.

What effect does Vikasol have on the body?

How to take Vikasol

Instructions for using the drug depend on the form in which it enters the body. If an immediate effect is required, intramuscular administration is selected once (1 ampoule) daily.

For heavy periods, Vikasol tablets are prescribed 0.03 g daily. This daily norm corresponds to 2 tablets, which are taken by the patient 1 piece at an equal interval of 12 hours. This scheme allows you to maintain a constant concentration of the main active substance in the body.

Regardless of the method of administration in the body (orally or intramuscularly), it is prohibited to exceed the daily dosage of the drug. If you drink Vikasol more than indicated, then it is possible that side effects. As well as severe complications that are caused by increased thrombus formation.

How to take Vikasol to stop menstruation? Usually, to reduce the volume of secretions, the drug is prescribed in. For more quick effect– in the form of an injection, in other cases – in the form of tablets. The duration of the course is a maximum of 4 days; if your period ends earlier, the drug is discontinued.

If necessary and on the advice of a doctor, you can take the medicine a week before the onset of menstruation, thus achieving the effect of delaying menstruation for several days (sometimes leading to a complete skipping of one cycle). It is not recommended to choose this option if desired simply for personal reasons (for example, so as not to experience certain restrictions during vacation). Side effects and possible complications can be much more dangerous, and you may not get any results (for example, if a woman has problems with absorption, etc.).

Vikasol's analogs

If Vikasol tablets are ineffective during menstruation or the patient has an individual intolerance, you can try analogues of the drug. They are also prescribed by a doctor. Despite the fact that analogue drugs have a similar composition (the same main active ingredient) and mechanism of action, they cannot be replaced independently. For example, Vikasol, although with caution, is used during pregnancy. It is strictly forbidden to use some analogues during pregnancy.

  • 30 pieces each - from 18 to 45 rubles.
  • According to reviews, there is no difference between the medicine different manufacturers no, so it doesn’t matter in what price category the drug was purchased.

    Typically, this drug is used during menstruation in order to change the monthly cycle.

    Vikasol tablets and pharmacology

    Blood moves through the vessels in a normal rhythm, if there are no problems with coagulation and in the absence of blood clots. The smallest deviations from the aggregative state of the blood cause disruption of homeostasis. The blood coagulation system is responsible for the absence of bleeding.

    Vikasol is a hemostatic agent or coagulant of indirect action - it stimulates the formation of a blood clot, which stops bleeding, a hemogenic drug. It is an artificial water-soluble analogue of vitamin K, an essential blood clotting factor. Its international name is menadione sodium bisulfite. We buy it in pharmacies in the form of tablets or injection solution.

    How does Vikasol work during menstruation?

    It stimulates the synthesis of prothrombin in the liver, which starts the chain of thrombus formation. Judging by the mechanism of action, women, without consulting a doctor, take Vikasol to delay menstruation or stop it.
    • with vitamin K deficiency during obstructive jaundice;
    • when part of the small intestine is removed;
    • for infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with hemorrhages (dysentery);
    • for Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis;
    • for pathologies circulatory system;
    • with diarrhea;
    • with the smallest hemorrhages in the layers of the skin;
    • with hemorrhagic disease of newborns;
    • with prolonged bleeding after surgery.


    • increased blood clotting;
    • with frequent blood clots;
    • Hemolytic jaundice of newborns is one of the most severe diseases of infants, accompanied by the breakdown of red blood cells.
    If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or have kidney or liver failure, you must be especially careful when using this drug.

    Vikasol in gynecology

    Since this is a clear pharmacological drug, it can cause side effects. Vikasol has long been known to help with menstrual and even dysfunctional uterine bleeding. Women take it to stop their periods without thinking about the consequences. But in vain.
    • It is impossible to stop menstruation immediately with Vikasol. It will begin to work effectively only after a day, which means that if you have heavy periods or uterine bleeding, you will have time to lose a decent amount of blood. The help of medicine will be late. Vikasol can stop menstruation only if there is a deficiency of vitamin K.
    • Uncontrolled use of Vikasol may cause functional disorders in the body.
    • In every third case, side effects occur when taking Vikasol: it is not possible to stop menstruation in time, but allergic urticaria, high blood pressure, and tachycardia appear.

    How to take Vikasol to stop menstruation?

    Take the drug in tablets - 0.015 - 0.03 g throughout the day - that's 2 tablets. For intramuscular injections - 0.03 g, no more, which corresponds to 1 injection. It is forbidden to increase the dose, as this will lead to the development of edema and general education blood clots

    At the same time, we must remember that menstrual discharge, which, based on physiological norms, should come out, but when taking the medicine, they somehow remain inside, which leads to their decomposition in the body. And this is very dangerous.

    Is it worth putting your health at risk, even if a long-awaited vacation by the sea coincides with menstruation? Of course, forced use of Vikasol will give the desired results - it will speed up or stop your periods altogether, but this gross interference in the body will backfire on you.

    Critical days do not always go according to the textbook. Sometimes the cycle needs adjustment. Vikasol has been used for this purpose for a long time during menstruation; it is an old, proven drug. And although there are already more modern means, some experts prefer to prescribe it to patients.

    Read in this article

    Some information about the drug

    The action of Vikasol is based on stimulating the liver to produce prothrombin. This is a component that promotes the formation of a fibrin clot in the blood. The latter is necessary for its folding. But its role is not limited to reducing and stopping various types of bleeding, because essentially the drug is an analogue of vitamin K, which is involved in many reactions occurring in the body. And therefore, Vikasol, being used during menstruation for various purposes, is considered safe in terms of consequences for the reproductive system.

    The product exists in tablets and liquid form. In the first case, its effect is slower, beginning only 12 hours after administration. Vikasol solution works faster in the body, as it enters it in the form of an intramuscular injection.

    Why use Vikasol on critical days

    Menstruation depends on the state of the reproductive system and the diseases that trouble it. If they go too intensely, this is an absolute threat to health. Vikasol indications for use during menstruation are as follows:

    • , caused by the presence of , . With them, the uterine mucosa is hypertrophied, there is more tissue excreted during menstruation, and accordingly, the woman loses a lot of blood;
    • Prolonged menstruation due to hormonal disorder. An excess of certain substances also leads to abnormal thickening of the endometrium, which is renewed unevenly and for a long time;
    • Intense discharge due to poor blood clotting. Vitamin K deficiency is often to blame;
    • Heavy and long-lasting menstruation due to the inability of the uterus to contract. Here, Vikasol is intended to replenish blood loss and is used in addition to the main therapy;
    • from the genital tract. Vikasol is used to eliminate the symptom, but not the cause, although it helps, along with other means, to stop them.

    In all of these cases, the active substance of the drug forces the blood to clot faster, helping to increase the number of platelets in it. Therefore, Vikasol gives an effect during menstruation in the form of a decrease in the amount of discharge. Blood loss is also reduced.

    The drug is usually prescribed together with other agents that can support hemostasis: aminocaproic acid, calcium chloride, ascorutin.

    It is also used as an “ambulance” for bleeding in addition to other means, and, if necessary, simply to moderate the intensity of menstruation.

    Vikasol as a means of restoring normal discharge during menstruation

    Women use Vikasol quite often for heavy periods. Thanks to the increased synthesis of prothrombin caused by the action of vitamin K, the blood thickens and does not easily leave damaged vessels. In addition, this substance is involved in the formation of new components of biological fluid. That is, vikasol also helps in recovery general well-being, eliminating weakness, drowsiness, and delays the risk of anemia.

    It makes sense to use the drug as the main immediate treatment when it’s just about heavy periods. If this is bleeding, Vikasol is not entirely suitable for stopping it immediately, but can be used as part of complex therapy. The drug does not contain vitamin K in its pure form, but only a substance that is converted into it later. Until then, bleeding may continue for 12 hours.

    Vikasol tablets for menstruation are usually taken no more than 2 per day. If a woman has ailments associated with intestinal absorption, the drug may be only partially absorbed, and then it will not have the expected effect. The doctor will take this feature into account by prescribing it by injection or increasing the dose. It will be necessary to monitor blood clotting in any case.

    Stopping menstruation

    In achieving the effect, how to take Vikasol to stop menstruation is not the least important. To do this, you can start taking tablets from their first day, 2 pieces per day, dividing the use over time. They can also be replaced with a daily injection of the drug solution. Stop taking the medication when finished critical days. Those who are deficient in vitamin K will be able to stop them faster. In this case, the use of the product will be completely physiological and safe.

    But in general, Vikasol should not be used as a habitual remedy to stop menstruation. It has contraindications, side effects and is potentially hazardous to health if used without good reason.

    The very forced end of menstruation can negatively affect the functioning of the reproductive system as a whole, lead to hormonal delays, and the appearance of thickened areas on the uterine mucosa.

    Menstrual blood, which should have been released in this period, when left in the uterine cavity, begins to oxidize and decompose. This can cause an unpleasant odor and an inflammatory process, which will then take a long time to get rid of.

    What else is in the instructions for Vikasol

    It is always worth adhering to the principle that only a doctor can prescribe medications. Vikasol is no exception; the instructions for using the pill during menstruation prohibit it from being taken by those who have:

    • Tendency to thromboembolism;
    • Increased blood clotting;
    • Atherosclerosis.

    The risk of blood clots increases in women who exceed the usual daily dose of 60 mg or take more than 1 injection of the drug solution.

    For those who are planning to use Vikasol, the instructions for use during menstruation warn of possible adverse reactions in the form of:

    • Allergic rashes, redness causing itching;
    • Swelling of tissues. Women with bronchial asthma in whom Vikasol can cause spasm in the respiratory system;
    • Reductions blood pressure and, as a result, weakness, dizziness, fainting.

    And this is another reason why you should not take the remedy without your doctor’s blessing.

    Vikasol, when used during menstruation, can make their flow more comfortable and faster. It will prevent loss of strength, the development of anemia, and will help the body quickly restore blood reserves. This will happen when the drug is really needed. If you use it for the immediate need to quickly stop menstruation for reasons of comfort, you should not resort to this method more than once a year.

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    Vikasol during (heavy) periods should be taken 2 tablets per day and only as prescribed by a doctor. ... headaches, development of depressive states, increased emotional lability (with long-term use).

  • Menorrhagia - heavy and prolonged periods... Menometrorrhagia - irregular long-term bleeding... You can also take etamzilat, vikasol, tranexam - hemostatic tablets - for several days.

  • A world filled with opportunities to gain new knowledge gives women the chance to believe that they are fully capable of treating their ailments on their own.

    For example, women on their own, without consultation or prescription from a doctor, start taking Vikasol tablets. As a rule, Vikasol is taken during menstruation to change the course of the menstrual cycle.

    Let's figure out whether it is worth so selflessly believing in your strength and knowledge, and thus causing irreparable damage to your own health.

    Vikasol tablets from a pharmacological point of view

    The liquid part of the body - blood, moves through the vessels in the absence of disturbances in the normal rhythm, when there are no problems with blood clotting and there are no blood clots. The most minor deviations from the normal state of blood aggregation lead to disruption of homeostasis. The blood coagulation system is the main component responsible for the absence of bleeding.

    Of course, there are some diseases in which blood clotting disorders are at the genetic level, for example, Wergolf's disease, hemophilia. Even hemostatic drugs, for example, Vikasol, are not able to help.

    Vikasol is a hemostatic agent or an indirect coagulant, that is, it stimulates the formation of a blood clot that stops bleeding. In fact, Vikasol is an artificial water-soluble analogue of vitamin K (an essential blood clotting factor). The drug exerts its effect due to sodium bisulfite menadione, and in pharmacies we can find it in the form of tablets or injection solution.

    Mechanism of action of Vikasol

    The drug, as a synthetic analogue of vitamin K, initiates the synthesis of prothrombin in the liver. This, in turn, triggers a sequential chain of thrombus formation. Based on the mechanism of action, women independently take Vikasol to delay the onset of menstruation and to stop menstrual flow. Thus, the number of discharges and their duration are reduced.

    The package insert informs you under what conditions Vikasol is indicated:

    • vitamin K deficiency in obstructive jaundice;
    • removal of part of the small intestine;
    • infectious diseases gastrointestinal tract with hemorrhages, for example, dysentery;
    • Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis;
    • pathologies of the circulatory system, for example, thrombocytopenic purpura; multiple nasal, dysfunctional uterine, internal bleeding;
    • diarrhea;
    • hypothrombinemia;
    • minute hemorrhages into the layers of the skin;
    • hemorrhagic disease of newborns;
    • prolonged massive bleeding after surgery.

    The instructions for use do not exclude the item “contraindications”:

    • increased percentage blood clotting;
    • frequent blood clots;
    • hypercoagulability;
    • hemolytic disease in newborns.

    Particular caution should be exercised with use during pregnancy and lactation, with liver and kidney failure, and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency.

    Tablets "Vikasol" in gynecology

    The drug is an official pharmacological drug, which means it can cause side effects. The drug’s help with heavy menstrual bleeding, and even with dysfunctional uterine bleeding, has been known for a long time. Women willingly advise their friends to take it to stop their periods. Women usually find such dubious advice by reading reviews on women's forums. Some reviews help you find answers to your questions, but you should not rely on them, because each body’s reaction is individual to a particular drug. For some reason, women believe that they can take Vikasol whenever necessary, without thinking about the consequences, although the old drug no longer has the best reputation.

    Reasons why Vikasol will disappoint a woman:

    • You will not be able to stop your period immediately with this drug. Active work Vikasol starts in a day at best, which means by this time you will have already lost large number blood (if your periods are excessively heavy or uterine bleeding has begun), and the help of the drug will be late. Vikasol will stop heavy periods only if they are caused by a deficiency of vitamin K;
    • If Vikasol is taken uncontrollably, serious functional disorders in the body are not far off;
    • Evaluating the reviews of women who once assessed the effectiveness of the medicine on themselves, we can conclude that in every third case side effects appear. That is, it is not possible to stop menstruation on time, and in addition other problems arise, for example, allergic urticaria, tachycardia, increased blood pressure, etc.

    How to take the drug to stop menstruation?

    As a rule, the package insert is created precisely so that the patient once again reads all the indications, contraindications and risks of taking the medicine, as well as the method of dosing and taking it in different situations.

    The number of side effects, which reviews only partially mention, will be reduced if the medication is prescribed by a gynecologist in accordance with the indications. Taking the drug in tablet form – 0.015 - 0.03 g during the day (2 tablets). Injection form - intramuscularly no more than 0.03 g, that is, 1 injection.

    It is prohibited to increase the amount of the substance taken, since excessive intake leads to the rapid development of edema and massive formation of blood clots.

    You shouldn’t compromise your health, even if the long-awaited vacation comes at the same time as your menstruation. Perhaps taking Vikasol early will reduce the amount of discharge, speed up or even stop menstruation, but soon the body will remind you of such a gross intervention in physiology.

    Vikasol is a drug that can stop menstruation or make it less intense. But, like any medicine, it must be taken according to certain rules. What do Vikasol instructions for use during menstruation look like?

    Vikasol for menstruation

    The drug Vikasol is a stimulator of the production of an important protein in the blood, prothrombin, which promotes blood clotting. Essentially, it is a medicine that stops or reduces different types bleeding, including menstrual bleeding. Therefore, it is often prescribed for heavy periods to reduce their intensity.

    Participates in the process of synthesizing new elements of biological fluid - stabilizes the general condition of the body, relieves fatigue, and prevents the development of anemia.

    Instructions for use during heavy periods

    Not all women understand exactly what Vikasol is and what this drug helps with. The medicine can be taken in the form of tablets or intramuscular injections. With the first option, the active substance begins to work after 12 hours, and with the second, almost immediately after administration.

    Most often it is prescribed if unusually heavy menstruation has begun. It can be triggered by:

    • fibroids formed in the ovary;
    • diseases of the uterine mucosa - endometritis and endometriosis;
    • hormonal imbalance;
    • inability of the uterus to contract;
    • lack of vitamin K;
    • poor blood clotting.

    In these cases, Vikasol is prescribed to stop menstruation, but you need to understand that it does not eliminate the causes of heavy bleeding. The medicine helps increase the platelet content in the blood, making it clot faster.

    Self-administration of the drug is not the most best idea. It can help some, be useless for others, and even harm others.

    The active substance works best if copious discharge caused by a deficiency of vitamin K. In many other cases, Vikasol tablets during menstruation can begin to act effectively only after 12-24 hours, and during this time you can lose a lot of blood. This is especially true in cases when we are not talking about heavy menstruation, but about uterine bleeding.

    If you do not consult a gynecologist on how to take Vikasol, you can not only become a victim of side effects, but also lead to serious disorders in the body.

    How to take Vikasol during menstruation

    Instructions for use of Vikasol during menstruation depend on the form in which the medication was prescribed. The amount of active substance that can be taken per day is 60 mg. These are two tablets or one intramuscular injection. Tablets are usually prescribed before meals, twice a day, 7 days before the expected period, but the doctor can adjust the distribution of the daily dose. You can take the medicine continuously for no longer than 4 days in a row.

    It is important to remember that the medicine does not work immediately. Therefore, to stop your period, you should not try to do it by taking a loading dose.

    Using the drug in excess of the norm threatens the formation of blood clots, hormonal and menstrual disruption. Blood whose movement has been stopped accumulates in the body and can cause the development of an inflammatory process, swelling and internal decomposition of the blood.

    Similar problems are often observed in women who have used a stopping drug to delay the onset of their periods for personal reasons. After such experiments, the menstrual cycle can take a long time to recover and be accompanied by problems in the reproductive system.

    Indications for Vikasol during menstruation

    The indications for prescribing Vikasol are usually as follows:

    • hemorrhagic syndrome due to hypoprothrombinemia;
    • blood loss after injury, trauma or surgery;
    • lack of vitamin K.

    The latter often occurs if a woman has had jaundice, for a long time suffered from diarrhea, had cirrhosis of the liver or hepatitis.

    The use of this medicine has been proven to be highly effective for uterine bleeding and hemorrhagic disease in infants. It is prescribed in case of overdose of drugs that destabilize the amount of vitamin K in the body.

    If Vikasol is not used, analogues of this remedy are Dicynon, Etamzilat, Kontriven, Tranexam, Vilate.

    They prefer to work with Dicynon and Etamsylate during operations. But analogues also have a number of contraindications. They should not be taken for thrombosis, porphyria and bleeding caused by an overdose of anticoagulants. Also, unlike Vikasol, some analogues cannot be used during pregnancy.


    Vikasol during heavy periods should not be taken by those suffering from:

    • thrombosis;
    • predisposition or presence of thromboembolism;
    • high blood clotting rate;
    • hypercoagulability;
    • atherosclerosis.

    As already mentioned, the excess daily norm can cause the development of many pathologies, so you should not violate the rules of administration. The use of this medicine is considered useless if a woman has von Willebrand disease and Verhoff disease or hemophilia.

    Side effects

    Severe side effects can occur even if the medicine is not abused. This is one of the reasons to carefully consider the need to take it. A third of women who took Vikasol suffer from side effects. These could be:

    • hives;
    • severe itching and redness of the skin;
    • allergic rashes;
    • lowering blood pressure;
    • tachycardia;
    • dizziness;
    • headaches;
    • destabilization of liver function;
    • hemolytic anemia;
    • loss of consciousness;
    • red spots on the face;
    • swelling and cramping in asthma sufferers;
    • change in taste perception.

    Due to the risk of side effects and improper absorption of the drug by the body, its use should be monitored by a doctor. During the treatment process, monitoring blood clotting is a necessary aspect.

    Vikasol is a drug that is quite effective when it is necessary to reduce menstruation or stop bleeding completely. But its effectiveness does not apply to all cases and the drug does not work immediately after use. Therefore, an independent decision to take this medicine when bleeding is detected may be erroneous. Also, you should not use the medication as a way to delay the onset of your period for several days. Such amateur activities can lead to serious functional disorders of the reproductive system and the body as a whole.

    Tablets "Vikasol" to stop menstruation: reviews, features of use and side effects

    The drug "Vikasol" is vitamin preparation of synthetic origin, prevents the development and stopping of bleeding of various etiologies. It has a reversible effect on the blood clotting system and is indicated for people with serious liver diseases and heavy uterine bleeding. It can be taken on later pregnancy.

    In this article we will look at how Vikasol is used to stop menstruation. Reviews will also be provided.


    The active medicinal substance of the drug "Vikasol" is an analogue of vitamin K, which is responsible for blood clotting in the body. It is a hemostatic and anticoagulant. After absorption into the systemic circulation, it is capable of:

    How does the medicine work?

    The drug begins to act actively 7–24 hours (depending on the dosage form) after administration. The scheme is as follows:

    1. When released into the blood, it binds to plasma proteins.
    2. Affects the formation of prothrombin and blood coagulation factor IV (production of proconvertin).
    3. Converted to vitamin K.
    4. Excreted through the kidneys in the form of metabolites in the urine.

    Many patients use the drug "Vikasol" to stop menstruation. Reviews confirm its effectiveness in this case.

    What dosage forms are there?

    The drug can be purchased in pharmacies in the following dosage forms:

    • In the form of tablets, packaged in packages of 25-50 pieces. Active ingredient – ​​0.015 g per tablet.
    • In the form of ampoules: 1% injection solution with a volume of 1 ml, from 10 to 100 doses per package.

    We will tell you below how to take Vikasol to stop menstruation (reviews are also available).

    In what cases is it prescribed?

    The drug has a pronounced effect in the treatment of diseases that change the composition of the blood and its clotting. We list the main ones:

    • hypovitaminosis of vitamin K, including hepatitis and jaundice associated with low secretion of bilirubin;
    • peptic ulcer, colitis, bleeding from the stomach and duodenum;
    • impaired functioning of the pancreas, small intestine, Crohn's disease;
    • prolonged nosebleeds, subcutaneous and mucous hemorrhages;
    • prolonged uterine bleeding (hypermenorrhea);
    • in order to stop bleeding in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy (prescribed by a doctor).
    • prevention and treatment of bleeding in newborns;
    • radiation sickness;

    • restoration of blood clotting after taking anticoagulants - vitamin K antagonists;
    • persistent diarrhea, dysentery;
    • preparation for surgery.

    The instructions for the drug do not contain information about the possibility of using Vikasol to stop menstruation. Reviews confirm this.

    In veterinary medicine, the drug treats postoperative bleeding and injuries, food poisoning of animals.

    Contraindications for use

    The main contraindications are pregnancy and liver failure. It is not directly prohibited, but it is not recommended to use the drug together with a large dose of alcohol.

    It is also contraindicated to take the medicine if you have the following pathologies:

    • hypercoagulation syndrome (increased activity of the blood coagulation system);
    • thromboembolism;
    • jaundice of newborns;
    • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

    How to drink Vikasol during menstruation? How to stop bleeding? These are common questions.


    An overdose of the drug leads to the following symptoms:

    • itching, urticaria, redness of the skin;
    • bronchospasms;
    • dizziness;
    • drop in blood pressure, tachycardia.

    Also, injections can lead to redness of the injection area and the appearance of local allergic reactions. Very rarely, newborns experience convulsions and jaundice. When taken simultaneously with other hemostatic drugs, the risk of adverse reactions increases.

    How to use Vikasol Biosynthesis tablets correctly?

    Tablets and ampoules for intramuscular administration are prescribed in the following dosages:

    • adults – no more than 30 mg, per day – no more than 60 mg;
    • the maximum daily dose in pediatrics will be 2 mg (for newborns) and 15 mg (for children and adolescents 10–15 years old);
    • for elderly people it is recommended to reduce the daily dosage by 2 times;
    • if there are severe and life-threatening conditions, then it is permissible to increase the dosage of Vikasol in the injection solution with the use of additional hemostatic agents with rapid action.

    The course lasts on average five days. The regimen for using the drug is prescribed individually. It is influenced by the severity and duration of the disease.

    After starting treatment, the prothrombin index of the blood should be monitored.

    If simultaneous administration of broad-spectrum antibiotics is required, the effectiveness will decrease, so it is necessary to increase the daily and single dosage.

    This is confirmed by the instructions for use for the drug "Vikasol". For heavy periods, only a doctor should prescribe it.

    How is the drug used in gynecology?

    Women use Vikasol to stop menstruation, as well as when there is heavy menstruation. However, only the attending physician should prescribe the medication, since the use must be justified and safe. The remedy treats:

    • dysfunctional uterine bleeding based on vitamin K deficiency;
    • endometritis, endometriosis – prescribed together with other medications;
    • prolonged bleeding after abortion or in cases of medical termination of pregnancy.

    If "Vikasol" is used uncontrollably during menstruation, this can lead to disturbances in the functioning of the reproductive system, as well as reduce blood clotting and cause allergic reactions, provoke heart rhythm disturbances, a drop or increase in blood pressure.

    The permissible dose of the drug should not be exceeded during menstruation (women can do this to reduce the volume and duration of menstruation). This is strictly prohibited, as it is dangerous to life!

    If there is an emergency, you can take the drug once to stop your period. This should be done according to the following scheme: 1-2 tablets per day. Do not take the drug for more than 2 days.

    We looked at how to use Vikasol to stop menstruation. Reviews confirm the effectiveness of this product.

    Reception in pregnant and lactating women

    The advisability of using the drug "Vikasol" in pregnant women is decided together with the attending physician. There is no information about the negative effect of the active substance on the fetus.

    It is extremely rarely prescribed in the 3rd trimester, when prevention of labor hemorrhages is needed or there is placental abruption. It is taken in combination with vitamin E, injections of “Dicynon”, “No-shpa”. It is not contraindicated during breastfeeding. It is now prescribed extremely rarely during pregnancy.

    How is it used for newborns?

    If a newborn is diagnosed with a hemorrhagic disease (bleeding of the intestines, stomach and umbilical wound), then he may be prescribed a course consisting of one intramuscular injection, which must be done every three days. In particularly difficult cases, simultaneous blood plasma transfusion is required.

    How to store?

    The drug is stored at a temperature no higher than 25 degrees, away from sunlight. To purchase it at a pharmacy, you need a doctor's prescription. Its shelf life is two years.

    Vikasol is a synthetic analogue of water-soluble vitamin K. According to its therapeutic effect, Vikasol belongs to the group of hemostatic drugs and coagulants.

    Clinical use of the drug is aimed at eliminating the effects of “blood thinning” drugs such as Warfarin (Coumadin) and stopping bleeding of various etiologies. Currently, additional evidence is emerging that Vikasol can also be used for osteoporosis.

    The drug is also effective as a specific antagonist for bleeding associated with taking indirect anticoagulants. Widely used in the third trimester of pregnancy to prevent bleeding in newborns. Vikasol is indicated for use by women with uterine bleeding, but should not be taken during menstruation - this can cause hypomnorrhea.

    Often women use Vikasol to delay menstruation or to stop menstrual bleeding. Since the effect of the drug on the body is quite serious, independent use may result in undesirable consequences and health problems. It can take years to treat irregular menstrual cycles due to improper use of medications. Before using the drug “for the female part”, consultation with a gynecologist is required. Self-instructions There is no information on the use of Vikasol during menstruation.

    Operating principle:
    After using Vikasol, the therapeutic effect is observed within 8 to 24 hours (after intramuscular administration).

    Substrate enhances K-vitamin reductase, which activates vitamin K and ensures its participation in the hepatic synthesis of K-vitamin-dependent plasma hemostasis factors. After intramuscular administration, it is quickly absorbed and, after going through a cycle of metabolic activation, is oxidized to the diol form.

    In addition, Vikasol is an activator of a special enzyme - vitamin K reductase - and stimulates the body's natural vitamin K - this promotes the active production of the above blood clotting factors.

    Vikasol is available in the form of tablets and solution for parenteral intramuscular administration.

    Indications for use Vikasol

    First of all, Vikasol is intended for conditions accompanied by a reduced ability of blood to clot in a timely manner. The drug is usually prescribed for bleeding and bleeding of various etiologies:

    • hemorrhagic syndrome associated with hypoprothrombinemia;
    • bleeding after wounds, trauma and surgery;
    • ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by bleeding of varying severity;
    • hemorrhages under the mucous membranes and skin that occur when the level of blood platelets decreases (thrombocytopenic purpura);
    • bleeding from the nose and rectum due to hemorrhoids;
    • in the third trimester of pregnancy (to prevent bleeding in newborns) - prescribed only by a doctor according to indicators;
    • radiation sickness;
    • hemorrhagic bleeding in newborns;
    • dysfunctional uterine bleeding;
    • pulmonary tuberculosis, accompanied by bleeding;
    • the use of anticoagulants, which are considered vitamin K antagonists.

    Newborns and infants: for the prevention and treatment of hemorrhagic disease of newborns caused by vitamin K deficiency (born from mothers taking anticoagulants).

    Vikasol - instructions for use in ampoules and tablets

    The method of administration depends on the patient’s condition; injections are used only in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor. Vikasol - dosage in ampoules and tablets

    Vikasol in ampoules is administered intramuscularly.

    Adults: standard single dose – from 10 to 15 mg, daily dose – 30 mg.

    Higher doses of tablets/powder for adults: single dose orally – 30 mg, daily dose – 60 mg.

    The highest dose for intramuscular administration: single - 0.015 g, daily - 0.030 g.

    Children: infants up to 1 year – 0.4 mg/kg per day, up to 2 years – 6 mg/day, 3/4 years 4 – 8 mg/day, 5/9 years 9 – 10 mg/day, 10/14 years 10-15 mg/day. Frequency of use: 2 to 3 times a day.

    Before surgery, the drug is prescribed 2-3 days before surgery. Women in labor are given a daily dose immediately after admission to the maternity hospital, and then, if labor has not occurred, after 12 hours and after 24 hours. Dosage for newborns – not higher than 0.004 g.

    Additional information:

    The course of treatment is 3-4 days. If necessary, after a 4-day break, the course of treatment can be repeated.

    After administration of Vikasol, an analysis for the prothrombin index is required 3 hours later, and if the indicator does not reach the norm, the drug is administered again. In a normal situation, the daily dose should not exceed 40 mg and depends on the patient's data.

    For surgical interventions with possible severe parenchymal bleeding, it is prescribed for 2 to 3 days before surgery.

    Elderly patients are more sensitive to replacing anticoagulant therapy with the drug; therefore, the lower limit of the Vikasol dosage range is recommended.

    For hemophilia (a hereditary disease accompanied by reduced blood clotting) and Werlhof's disease, the drug is ineffective.

    Vikasol reduces and blocks the effect of neodicoumarin, phenylin and other anticoagulants (vitamin K antagonists).

    Side effects of Vikasol

    In some cases noted side effects Vikasol symptoms manifested in patients:

    • redness (flushing) of the face, skin rash (urticaria), itching, bronchospasm;
    • hemolytic anemia, hemolysis in newborns with congenital deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase;
    • pain and swelling at the injection site, allergic reactions on the skin;
    • hyperbilirubinemia, jaundice;
    • dizziness, drop in blood pressure, cold sweat, palpitations, distortion of taste.


    • increased blood clotting,
    • thromboembolism,
    • hypersensitivity to menadione.


    In case of overdose, in rare cases, hypervitaminosis K occurs, manifested by hyperprothrombinemia and hyperthrombinemia. In isolated cases, infants develop toxicosis, manifested by convulsions.

    Analogues of the drug Vikasol, list

    In the pharmacy chain there are the following structural analogues of Vikasol according to the active substance (list):

    1. Vikasol Vial;
    2. Vikasol Darnitsa;
    3. Vikasol solution for injection 1%;
    4. Menadione sodium bisulfite.

    Other drugs, analogues in terms of their therapeutic effect

    1. Beriat;
    2. Immunin;
    3. Conine 80;
    4. Cryoprecipitate;
    5. Recombinant;
    6. Thrombin;
    7. Etamzilat.

    Please note that the instructions for use of Vikasol ampoules and tablets are not suitable for analogues and cannot be used as a guide to dosage or replacement of the product. Any change in the prescribed treatment regimen must be agreed with the doctor - this is important!

    Synonyms Vikasol - Vitamin K, menadione.

    Conditions and shelf life– store in a place protected from light and out of reach of children at a temperature of 5 to 8°C. Shelf life – 2 years.