The best zucchini salad for the winter. Zucchini with tomato paste for the winter. Best photo options

Zucchini for the winter tomato paste- the recipe is somewhat more complicated than other methods of harvesting zucchini, but it also rightfully bears the title of universal twist. The fact is that the vegetables themselves are an addition to the potato side dish, and the brine can act as a sauce for any meat dish.

We advise you to prepare more zucchini with tomato paste, as your family and guests will like them, they can be put on the festive table. The taste of the finished product is slightly spicy, but does not interrupt the taste of the vegetables themselves. They have a more delicate taste, the recipe of which is also presented below.

Zucchini for the winter with tomato paste ingredients

  • Zucchini - 3 kilograms;
  • Garlic - 100 grams;
  • Seasoning for Korean carrots - 2 tablespoons;
  • Sugar - 1 cup;
  • Sunflower or olive oil - 200 milliliters;
  • A bunch of parsley (small) - 1 piece;
  • Tomato paste - half a liter;
  • Salt - 1 tablespoon;
  • Vinegar 9% - 200 milliliters.

Zucchini for the winter with tomato paste cooking

We cut clean zucchini into cubes, without removing the peel.

We put the zucchini in a saucepan, add sugar and oil, vinegar, Korean seasoning, tomato paste, salt. Stir, put on fire, and after the contents boil, cook for exactly an hour. The contents must be stirred frequently.

An hour later, prepare the herbs and garlic. And then, and then you need to finely chop (garlic can be crushed with a crush), and then put in a saucepan and cook for 20 minutes.

Everything is almost ready! We lay out the salad in sterile jars, and then roll up the jars themselves. Turn over and, if desired, wrap. Once the salad has cooled, transfer the jars to a cool place for later storage.

Note that it is advisable to choose the thickest tomato paste. Many people note the exceptional spicy taste of such zucchini, and if you decide to prepare vegetables with tomato paste, which we offer, do not forget to pour plenty of sauce from the jar when serving on the table - this way they will be both tastier and more appetizing in appearance.

However, we will not stop there. Let's look at another zucchini recipe. As in the case of the first, at the output we will have delicious product and even more delicious sauce.

Zucchini with ketchup for the winter is not the most common snack. Housewives are accustomed to marinating zucchini or harvesting without sterilization, supplementing their taste with spices, herbs and garlic. This recipe calls for ketchup. It will enhance the aroma of zucchini, give them an unusual taste.

Much depends on what kind of ketchup you choose. Best suited, of course, home cooking. In addition, you can add chili peppers to it - this way it will turn out to be more spicy, and this spiciness will then be transferred to the zucchini.

This recipe is not only simple, but also opens up scope for culinary imagination. For example, you can use the already mentioned spicy ketchup. Many housewives advise: add lemon slices, hot pepper and even ginger to the zucchini. We will consider a recipe that includes a minimum of ingredients. The taste of both zucchini and ketchup will be pronounced and nothing will interrupt it. As a nice addition, even children can enjoy the zucchini themselves.

Zucchini with ketchup for the winter ingredients

  • Zucchini - 2.5 kilograms;
  • Vinegar - 1 glass;
  • Ketchup - 6 tablespoons;
  • Peppercorns - 12 pieces;
  • Cold water - 1.5 liters;
  • > Sugar - 1 cup

Zucchini with ketchup for the winter cooking

As always, wash vegetables. Now we cut the prepared zucchini into circles, trying to maintain a thickness of 1 centimeter. So the vegetables are well saturated with brine when they are in jars.

Now we take banks. It will take from 6 to 7 half-liter jars. We put zucchini tightly in them, throw 2 peas of pepper, however, you can throw 3 peas to your taste, but do not forget to take this into account when preparing the ingredients.

Let's do the marinade. Dissolve salt in warm water, put sugar and ketchup there. Let's bring the water to a boil. As soon as our marinade cools down a bit, pour vinegar into it. It will turn out a liquid of light red, even orange color. We pour it into jars, which we will cover with lids.

Now let's start sterilization. This is done very simply: put a towel on the bottom of a wide pan, fill the pan itself with water so that a quarter of its volume is free. We put on a slow fire, put the jars on a towel and bring the water to a boil. It now takes 12-15 minutes to sterilize zucchini, it doesn’t take longer.

It remains to twist the jars, turn them over, as usual, with the lids down and wait for cooling. All is ready! They will be stored until winter and the entire cold season, if the technology has been exactly followed.

Many chefs like to make salads from zucchini for the winter, this is a very popular preparation and, accordingly, there are quite a lot of recipes for it. In this article, we will cover five interesting recipes zucchini salads for the winter - proven, reliable and simple.

What is good about a jar or another of such blanks on a shelf? The fact that at any time, without wasting time on cooking, you can enjoy a delicious snack that will remind you of summer and its warmth. If guests unexpectedly come to you, if you want to please those gathered for festive table on some holiday, if you need to tasty feed your family on a weekday, but you either don’t feel like cooking, or there is no time - preparations always save at such moments.

Zucchini salads have gained immense popularity due to their wonderful taste and ease of preparation. This appetizer can be called without exaggeration one of the most popular. We will talk about five interesting options cooking salads from zucchini for the winter.


You will need: 4 kg of zucchini, 2 cups of vegetable oil, 1 kg of tomatoes, onions and bell peppers, 3-5 tbsp. sugar, 3 tbsp. salt, 2 tbsp. acetic acid 70%, 1 tsp. ground black pepper.

How to cook zucchini salad for the winter. It is better to use small zucchini, from which seeds are not cut, however, other options are acceptable. Peel the zucchini, peel, if necessary, the core with seeds, cut into slices, put in a large enameled container where the salad will be cooked. Cut the peeled onion into rings, fry in ¼ cup of oil until browned, transfer to the zucchini. Randomly chop the tomatoes and peppers, put in the zucchini, pour in the remaining oil, season with sugar, pepper, salt, mix, put on medium heat, bring to a boil and cook, stirring, 40 minutes after boiling. Season the salad at the end of cooking with vinegar, mix, then simmer for another 5-10 minutes. Arrange the salad in hot sterilized jars, roll up, turn upside down, wrap, cool in this position. Keep this salad in a cool place.


You will need: 3 kg of zucchini, 200 g of sugar, 3-4 sweet peppers, 2 hot peppers, 1 head of garlic, a glass of vinegar 9% and vegetable oil, 1 liter of tomato juice.

How to cook a salad of zucchini with pepper for the winter. Twist the peeled garlic cloves and both types of pepper in a meat grinder (removing the seeds from them). Pour the juice into a saucepan, pour in the oil, add the twisted products, add sugar, salt and mix, boil the mixture after boiling for 30 minutes over low heat. Peel the zucchini, cut into small cubes, put in the mixture in a saucepan, cook for 7-10 minutes, then pour 1 cup of vinegar into the saucepan, boil for another 5-7 minutes. Pour hot mixture into sterilized jars.


You will need: 2 kg of zucchini and cucumbers, 500 ml of vegetable oil, 1 glass of table vinegar and sugar, 2 tablespoons each. salt, ground black pepper, mustard, garlic passed through a press, chopped parsley, chopped dill.

How to cook a salad of zucchini with cucumbers. Cut the zucchini (preferably young ones) into slices or cubes along with the peel, if it is soft, cut the cucumbers in the same way. Finely chop parsley and dill, mix with zucchini and cucumbers, adding also pressed garlic, oil, vinegar, mustard, pepper, salt, sugar. Leave the mixed salad for 1 hour to infuse. Next, the salad is laid out in sterilized jars and rolled up with lids.


You will need: 4 kg of zucchini, 2 kg of beets and onions, 400 g of sugar, 200 ml of vegetable oil, 4 tbsp. salt, 3 tbsp. vinegar, 1 tsp cinnamon, a few pieces of cloves, ground black pepper.


Hello my dear readers! Last year I swore that I would not prepare anything for the winter, except for pickles. But, summer came and spun me in a whirlpool of jams, pickles and other winter joys. Today we will explore different delicious recipes zucchini salad for the winter.

Before I had time to take a breath after the epic, they brought me another batch of zucchini and zucchini. As my friend said: "The more you remove them from the field, the more actively they appear and grow, grow! If only they shared a secret with my wallet!"

Zucchini salad for the winter - delicious recipes

General notes on salad preparation technology

  1. We agree immediately so that I do not repeat the same thing in all recipes: we pack the salads in sterile jars, twist them with sterile lids. Those that are prepared without sterilization are cooled “upside down” on the lid, wrapped up. Sterilized salads are cooled on the lid, but without wrapping.
  2. Wash all the vegetables, remove the husk from the onion and garlic, remove the seeds from the pepper. We do not clean young zucchini and do not scrape the middle.

Zucchini salad for the winter you will lick your fingers - recipes from my collection

In this section, I will tell you zucchini salad recipes that are not very familiar in our area. They were brought to me by friends from all over the world.

Ingredients for Recipe #1

  • Three large young zucchini with a total weight of about three kilos.
  • Big bell pepper(preferably red).
  • 500 g tomatoes (like cherry or cream, with dense pulp and rather thick skin).
  • 600-700 g fresh cucumbers.
  • A head of red onion (or just onion).
  • 50 ml olive oil (or good sunflower oil).
  • 25 g salt.
  • 80-120 g of sugar.
  • 120 ml 9% vinegar (apple, grape, fruit).
  • Ground black pepper.
  • 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard (any non-spicy)
  • Chopped greens of oregano, thyme, basil, dill.

How to cook

Ingredients for Recipe #2

  • 2.8 kg of zucchini (zucchini, squash).
  • One and a half kg of onions.
  • One kg of bell pepper.
  • 250 g hot capsicum.
  • 350 ml wine vinegar (4%).
  • 150 g salt.
  • 350-450 g of sugar.
  • 600 ml not spicy mustard(American, Bavarian, Dijon).

How to cook

  1. Zucchini, onion, bulgarian and hot peppers chop with a knife into small pieces (the size of a dry pea). Mix all ingredients in a deep bowl.
  2. Place the chopped vegetables in a large colander and let drain for at least one hour.
  3. We return the mass of zucchini and their “fellow travelers” to the bowl, salt, mix with our hands, cover with cling film (the mixture itself, not the bowl). Forget about zucchini salad until the morning.
  4. In the morning, we again throw the salad into a sieve or colander, let it drain for 2-3 hours. After that, squeeze out excess moisture in portions with your hand.
  5. We mix sugar, vinegar, mustard, boil, put the vegetable mixture in the marinade.
  6. Cook, not allowing to burn, stirring carefully, 30 minutes. If after the specified time the consistency seems liquidish to you, then “boil” further. Zucchini salad according to this recipe should have a medium-thick consistency.
  7. We lay out the finished snack in jars, twist, turn over, warm.

    On a note

    For greater safety, you can sterilize the salad. We sterilize half-liter jars for 15 minutes, roll up and cool on the lids.

My remarks

Ingredients for Recipe #3

  • Four kg of young thin zucchini.
  • Three kg of onions.
  • One pod of red hot pepper.
  • 180 ml vegetable oil.
  • 180 ml 9% vinegar.
  • Two cloves of garlic.
  • Chopped dill (optional).
  • Coarsely ground black pepper.
  • 80 g salt.
  • 120 g sugar.

How to cook

My remarks

  • According to the same recipe, they make a salad of cucumbers and zucchini for the winter. Replace part of the zucchini in the recipe with cucumbers in any proportion. In any case, it turns out very tasty.
  • If desired, add a couple of bay leaves, a little allspice, thyme or savory to the recipe (they are very “friendly” with zucchini).

Zucchini Ankle Bens Salad with Tomato Paste for the Winter - Recipe


  • 5-6 zucchini with a total weight of three kilos.
  • 2.5-3 kilos of bell pepper.
  • Three kilos of tomatoes (preferably cream).
  • 500 ml tomato paste.
  • 6-8 heads of onions.
  • 300 ml vegetable oil.
  • Half a kilo of sugar.
  • 750 ml of water.
  • Three tablespoons of 9% vinegar.
  • Two to three teaspoons of curry
  • Salt.

How to cook

Korean zucchini salad - recipe


  • One kg of zucchini.
  • 180 g carrots.
  • 180 g onions.
  • Two large fresh sweet peppers (multi-colored).
  • 70 ml 9% vinegar.
  • 60 ml vegetable oil.
  • 6-8 cloves of garlic.
  • Red hot ground pepper.
  • 60 g sugar.
  • 15 g salt (more than half a tablespoon).
  • 7-8 g spice mixture for Korean carrots.

How to cook

My remarks

Salad for the winter of zucchini and eggplant with tomatoes


  • Four medium-sized courgettes or zucchini
  • Three small eggplants
  • 1-2 small multi-colored bell peppers
  • 8-10 tomatoes (cream or cherry)
  • Two tablespoons of 9% vinegar.
  • One teaspoon of salt.
  • Crushed black pepper.
  • 300 ml olive or other quality vegetable oil (more may be needed)
  • 7-8 cloves of garlic.
  • Sprigs of thyme or savory (optional).

How to cook

  1. Cut young zucchini and eggplant with a knife or a Mandolin vegetable cutter into thin circles. Cut small cream tomatoes and cherry tomatoes in half, large ones in quarters. Cut the peppers in half or quarters.
  2. Brush the vegetables with a brush with some olive oil, arrange in one row on baking sheets, salt, sprinkle with coarsely ground black pepper.
  3. Bake in the oven at 180°C for about 45 minutes or until the vegetables are tender. After 20 minutes, the slices can be turned over and baked on the other side. Vegetables are also baked on a grill or a metal sheet on coals.
  4. Quickly fold hot vegetables into jars, alternating layers of chopped garlic and herbs.
  5. Pour in a mixture of boiling oil with vinegar and salt.
  6. Roll up immediately, wrap in several layers of something warm. Transfer completely cooled canned food to storage for the winter in a dark, cool room.

My remarks

Zucchini salad Mother-in-law tongue - recipe


  • Three kilos of young zucchini.
  • Three carrots.
  • Half a kilo of tomato paste or one and a half liters of ground tomatoes.
  • 12-15 cloves of garlic.
  • A large pod of hot pepper.
  • 180 g sugar.
  • 1800 ml refined vegetable oil.
  • 180 ml 9% vinegar.
  • Salt.
  • Sugar.

How to cook

The blank is called Mother-in-law's tongue, not for the form of slicing zucchini with "tongues", but for its sharpness!

Zucchini Salad with Rice - Recipe


  • 4 kg of zucchini.
  • 4 kg of tomatoes.
  • 1.3 kg of carrots.
  • Three sweet peppers.
  • 600 g of onions.
  • 600 g of rice.
  • 5 tablespoons of sugar.
  • Half a glass of vegetable oil.
  • Chopped dill.
  • Any spices.
  • Salt.

How to cook

  1. Rinse the rice in cold vodka 4-5 times. Boil, but not until fully cooked, it should remain quite elastic inside, half-baked.
  2. Tomatoes without skin turn into puree with any kitchen gadget, heat to a boil, put salt, sugar, vegetable oil. Boil five minutes.
  3. Throw zucchini chopped into cubes with pepper, finely chopped or grated carrots on a coarse grater, finely chopped garlic into the brew.
  4. Boil the brew for twenty minutes, lay the rice, cook for forty minutes.
  5. Pour into jars, tighten the lids, cover with warm, simmer until cool.

I will end today's meeting. I specifically presented a variety of recipes - without sterilization and with sterilization, spicy, spicy, neutral, traditional and practically unknown to a wide range of readers.

I look forward to your comments with great impatience and excitement. I really need them. Bye and good luck to everyone!

Always yours Irina.

Today we listen to the Wind and the Cry from the highly respected Maestro Ennio.

Ennio Morricone

Zucchini with tomato paste for the winter is so delicious that you simply have no right not to cook this appetizer for your family.

Zucchini with tomato paste for the winter: recipes

Recipe number 1.

on refined sunflower oil sauté 2 chopped onions, toss with a large grated carrot. Average Bell pepper clean from seed pods, cut into strips. Chop the tomatoes into small cubes. Add 3 large chopped garlic cloves, a couple of spoons tomato sauce, toss the sliced ​​zucchini. Simmer the mass under a closed lid for no more than 20 minutes. Lay the workpiece in containers, tighten with seaming lids.

Recipe number 2.

You will need:

Zucchini - 3 kg
- sweet pepper - 8 pcs.
- sunflower oil - ½ tbsp.
- vinegar essence - a tablespoon
- garlic clove
- ground black pepper
- granulated sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon
- salt - 1.5 tbsp. l.
- tomato sauce - 200 g


Chop the zucchini into cubes, and the peppercorns into strips. Stew prepared vegetables in vegetable oil after 20 minutes of boiling. Salt, mix with vinegar, sauce, sugar and salt, simmer for another 40 minutes. Before you finish stewing, add black pepper and garlic to the workpiece. Pour the hot mixture into a container, tighten the lids.

Please your family and.

Zucchini cubes with tomato paste for the winter

Required products:

Zucchini - 2 kg
- tomato sauce - 70 g
- garlic head - 5 cloves
- chili - 2 pcs.
- bullseye
- Bulgarian pepper
- carrot
- table vinegar - 110 ml
- sunflower oil - 1 tbsp.
- granulated sugar - 1 tbsp.


Chop the zucchini into random cubes. Grind vegetables in a blender, mix with refined oil, sugar, table vinegar, add salt. Lay out the zucchini cubes, add the gravy of vegetables and tomato. Stew for a while, pack in jars and twist.

Be sure to prepare and.

Preservation of zucchini for the winter with tomato paste.


Zucchini - 6 kg
- seasoning - 4 tbsp. spoons
- garlic - 200 g
- acetic acid - 1 tbsp.
- sugar - 1.5 tbsp.
- salt - two tablespoons
- bunch of greenery
- tomato sauce - 2 jars

How to cook:

Wash the zucchini thoroughly, cut into small cubes. Transfer to a saucepan along with sunflower oil, sugar, seasoning and sauce. Put on fire, bring to a boil, cook with stirring for 1 hour. Throw chopped garlic, chopped greens, cook for another 20 minutes. Transfer the finished salad to the prepared container, after corking, cool and transfer to a storage place.

Canned zucchini for the winter with tomato paste.

Cut the zucchini into thin circles, salt, leave for a while so that excess water is gone. Fry the slices in a skillet until golden brown. Fry the peeled onion in a pan. For a liter jar you will need 100 g of onions. Grate the carrot, add to the onion. You can add any spices you like to canned vegetables. In this case, the greens must be crushed as finely as possible or passed through a meat grinder. Add garlic to greens, sauté butter. Pack vegetables in containers, shift with vegetable mass, pour sauce diluted with water, lemon juice and sugar. Screw on the caps.

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Caviar "Shop".

Required products:

Carrot - 155 g
- zucchini - 1 kg
- tomato sauce - 2 tablespoons
- onion - 200 g
- garlic clove - 2 pcs.
- pepper, salt
- oil for frying
- dried herbs
- Lavrushka

Cooking steps:

Peel the zucchini fruits, cut them into small pieces, fry in hot fat with constant stirring so that they do not burn. Transfer the vegetables to a saucepan or cauldron. Grate the carrots, chop the onions, fry individually for vegetable fat. Put the pasta, parsley, garlic, salt, season with spices. At the end, pour in 155 g of boiled water, simmer over low heat, stirring occasionally. The mass should be stewed for an hour. Caviar should not be too liquid or dry. Let the caviar cool, chop in a blender, transfer to a cauldron again, boil. Sterilize the lids with jars in advance, fill with caviar, sterilize in boiling water for one hour. Roll up, let cool completely, transfer to a cellar or pantry for storage.