How to choose a Christmas tree. Christmas tree, Christmas tree, forest scent! How to choose a live Christmas tree for the New Year? Cons of an artificial Christmas tree

The day before New Year's holidays many are overcome with a feeling of joyful anticipation. Childhood memories with the smell of pine needles and tangerines linger in my memory. Adults want to give this feeling to their children. To create a festive atmosphere in your home, you need to prepare properly. When buying a live Christmas tree, it is important that it is beautiful and will delight your family for a long time.

Choosing a shape and size

To decorate the table, you can choose a small tree from 40 cm. The height of the Christmas tree for installation on the floor starts from 1 m. The more spacious the room, the larger the New Year tree that will decorate it can be. You should pay attention to the arrangement of furniture. It is possible that so that the forest beauty does not interfere with the passage, space will have to be made for it.

If the spruce will stand in the corner of the room, you can save a little by choosing a tree with an asymmetrical shape. The beautiful side will face the room, and the short branches at the back will be hidden. For a spacious room, you can look for a more lush green beauty with symmetrical branches. A Christmas tree installed in the middle of the room looks very elegant, and children or adults will be able to arrange a real round dance around it.

Time and place to buy

Many people believe that they need to buy a forest beauty in advance, while others try to postpone the purchase until the eve of the holiday. If the tree appears at home too early, by the solemn date it will lose its marketable appearance. It is unwise to search at the last moment: you will have to choose from leftovers and hastily install and decorate the Christmas tree. The optimal time for purchase is 3–7 days before the New Year. The selection at this time is decent and the prices are quite reasonable.

On the eve of the holidays, spontaneous sales points for fir trees appear in bus stops, roadsides and other crowded places. It's easy to bargain here, but you won't find good quality trees. The trees are dusty, caked and most often cut down too early - they are unlikely to last until the New Year.

Good selection at special Christmas tree markets. Unfortunately, it is difficult to find a tree here that has not been damaged during transportation. For transportation, the branches are tied tightly to the trunk; the tree stands in this position in the cold for a long time. A good seller will free the tree from its shackles and allow the buyer to examine it in all its glory.

Finally, it is worth paying attention to forestry and nurseries located near the city. Spruces are often grown there especially for the holidays. The trees are well-groomed, harvested on time and sold cheaper than in the markets. Of the minuses: there may be problems with packing the Christmas tree for delivery home. It is better to bring everything you need for this with you.

How to choose a fresh spruce

The tree should not be too dry or frostbitten. To check this, you need to grab the trunk and hit the cut on the ground: needles should not fall off from a living tree. The branches of a healthy tree are elastic, they bend easily and do not break even in the cold. Pay attention to the color of the needles: it should be rich green, without yellowness.

The trunk of a good spruce cannot be thinner than 6 cm. Otherwise, the tree was cut down too young. It is necessary to inspect the bark for fungus, mold and other diseases. A healthy and timely cut spruce will last a long time and will not shed its needles at least until the old New Year. The freshness of the tree can be easily determined by the rich aroma of the resin. It is this smell that creates a unique New Year's atmosphere in the house.

We bring the spruce home

To transport the branches, you need to tie them loosely to the trunk, trying to avoid strong creases. In the cold, everything becomes fragile - it is very important not to damage the wood during packing. To protect clothing from resin, it is recommended to wrap the branches and trunk with burlap or other suitable fabric.

Proper defrosting is important: the tree should not be brought into the room directly from the street. Give it half an hour to thaw in the entrance. Before installing the ate, it is better to humidify the air in the room by throwing a wet towel over the radiator. If the tree is purchased in advance, you should (should?) store it in the cold and decorate it just before the holiday.

Installation Rules

It is most practical to install the spruce in a bucket of sand. Before this, the trunk of the tree must be cleared of branches 20 cm from below and the bark must be planed. The most convenient way to do this is with a special knife or hatchet. The trunk is immersed as deep as possible in the bucket, the sand is compacted and the tree is leveled vertically. Such an unaesthetic stand can be decorated with fabric or colored paper.

30 11.2016

New Year is just around the corner, but you can’t decide which Christmas tree to choose?

30. 11.2016

Catherine's blog

Good afternoon, readers and guests of the “Family and Childhood” website. The holidays are just around the corner, but you can’t decide which tree to choose for the New Year? Then this article is for you. All the pros and cons of an artificial Christmas tree and a real live spruce. The choice is yours.

What New Year would be complete without an elegant Christmas tree sparkling with colorful lights? If there is no Christmas tree in the house, no one in our country will understand you. Everyone who comes will ask: “Where is the Christmas tree? What, don’t you have a Christmas tree?” And children generally cannot imagine this holiday without the most important symbol: “It’s New Year!” And every time they look forward to this joyful ritual, decorating the Christmas tree.

There are families who every year take out an artificial Christmas tree, I'm no exception. Others decorate only live spruce (or pine). Everyone chooses for themselves, you just have to consider the pros and cons, weigh the pros and cons.

Pros of an artificial Christmas tree

1) Wide range of choice. There are so many artificial Christmas trees out there now: a variety of colors and sizes. You can choose an already decorated Christmas tree if there is absolutely no time for this, but you still want to create a New Year’s atmosphere in the house.

2) Duration of use. Unlike a real tree, which will go to a landfill immediately after the New Year holidays, an artificial one can be used for several years in a row.

3) Simple installation that even children can do.

4) Compact storage. Artificial Christmas trees are usually sold packaged in boxes. If you don’t throw away the box, you can carefully fold it and keep the Christmas tree somewhere on the mezzanine all year round.

5) Availability for purchase. Artificial Christmas trees can be bought at almost any time of the year, but sales of real ones begin mainly after December 20th.

Cons of an artificial Christmas tree

1) Lack of aroma of real coniferous wood, associated we have a forest, winter, Santa Claus, a fairy tale.

2) Great price. A good artificial tree and a good price. But this cannot be 100% considered a disadvantage. For example, if the cost of an artificial tree is divided by its service life, it may be much cheaper than buying a live tree every year.

Pros of live spruce

1) Of course, the smell of pine needles, the real smell of the New Year. By the way, this smell is not only pleasant, but also useful, since the needles have bactericidal properties. No wonder everyone likes him so much.

2) Absence of any difficulties associated with storage. Even the most beloved holidays tend to end. After all the fun is over, the New Year's "beauty", no matter how sad it may sound, will go to the trash.

Cons of live spruce

1) Constantly falling off needles is probably the main disadvantage. You have to often walk around with a broom, and if the floor is covered with carpet, you also have to remove the needles stuck in it.

2) Fire hazard. If you come across a low-quality electrical garland and a short circuit occurs, the tree may catch fire, unlike artificial trees, which have recently been made from difficult materials. flammable materials

3) Difficulties in transportation. The tree has been purchased, but it still needs to be delivered home. It’s good if you have a car, or the tree is sold near your home, but if not, then you’ll have to choose a smaller tree or give it up altogether.

4) Difficulty in installation. Problems arise when the tree is already at home. Usually you don’t think about this when purchasing, especially if you are purchasing a living tree for the first time. Some “handed” men make special stands from wooden blocks, others “plant” a tree in a bucket of sand.

5) Time limit for purchase. As mentioned earlier, and everyone knows that sales of real directly before the New Year. During this difficult period, we still need to find time to buy a Christmas tree.

If you choose a Christmas tree, no matter artificial or real, the main thing is that it is of high quality. A low-quality real spruce can ruin your mood with early yellowing or falling off needles. An artificial Christmas tree made from low-quality materials can undermine the health of the entire family.

That's all for today. I hope you find my advice useful. After all New Year It’s already close, and it’s time to make a choice. Good luck with your choice. Bye, bye everyone.

The traditional New Year's tree is the common spruce. But before the holidays, you will also find pine and fir in the markets.

Many people prefer pine primarily because of its low price. Pine, unlike spruce, has thin and long needles. Therefore, it looks fluffier and less itchy. Pine, as a rule, sheds more slowly than spruce and has a stronger pine aroma, which is accompanied by the active release of sticky resin. This may cause some inconvenience.

The most expensive New Year tree is considered to be fir. It has quite long and lush needles of a rich green color, which are also almost not prickly. Therefore, decorating this tree is a pleasure. Fir also lives at home longer than spruce and pine. It hardly crumbles.

But even this seemingly perfect Christmas tree has a drawback. Fir has a very weak smell of pine needles compared to others. So don't forget to buy some flavoring.

Despite some differences, all these trees are called Christmas trees. And the principles of their choice are no different.

1. Buy on time

On this issue, people are split into two camps. Some believe that a live Christmas tree should be put up closer to the holiday, not earlier than December 27th. Otherwise, the tree simply will not be worthy of the old New Year.

Others are sure: there is no point in putting it off until later. The fact is that trees are cut down about a month before the New Year. And after that they are stored in the cold, without water or any replenishment. Therefore, it is better to take your spruce home right away.

Both have their own truth, but we still advise you to take care of buying a Christmas tree in advance. The closer the holiday, the less choice. And one more thing: plan Christmas tree shopping in the morning. You will need good daylight.

2. Use a tape measure

Before going to the market, measure the space that you can allocate for a Christmas tree. Write down the parameters and take a tape measure with you. You should not rely on being able to determine the dimensions by eye. A tree that is too small may get lost among the interior items, while a tree that is too large will rest its crown on the ceiling or simply look bulky and out of place.

3. Find the nearest Christmas tree market

The Christmas tree market is an accessible and at the same time quite reliable place. In big cities, hundreds of outlets open before the holidays. The bazaars begin operating no later than December 20, and close a few hours before the chimes strike. Therefore, you will definitely have time to walk through the rows.

It is better to choose the nearest retail outlet because it will be safest to bring the tree to the apartment yourself, without using transport.

You can take a risk and use online services. For example, on the website you can look detailed description New Year tree, photos and video review, as well as arrange delivery by courier or pickup.

4. Pay attention to the trunk

So, you took your measurements and found yourself at the Christmas tree market. There are dozens of trees around you. The first thing you should pay attention to is the barrel. It shouldn't be too thin. For a medium spruce, pine or fir with a height of 1.5–2 m, the minimum diameter is 6 cm.

There should be no mold or dark spots on the bark. But the presence of resin, on the contrary, good sign. This is an indicator of the quality and health of the tree.

5. Smell the Christmas tree

A healthy tree should have a distinct pine aroma. If at the market you are already accustomed to this smell and do not feel it, then take a few needles and knead them in your hands. If you do not feel the smell in this case, it is better to pass by such a tree.

6. Pay attention to color

Deep green color, bluish tint - signs quality wood. But yellow and orange indicate that the tree is old and dehydrated. This one is unlikely to fall off before the New Year holidays.

7. Pet the needles

Run your hand through the branch. If the needles are not left in your fingers, this is a good sign. And yes, it shouldn't hurt you. The needles of a healthy tree are soft and elastic.

8. Bend the branch

The strength of the branches is no less important than the freshness of the tree itself. The weak simply cannot withstand the gravity and will sink under their weight.

Don’t be afraid of the sidelong glances of the sellers, take one branch and bend it a little. Like needles, it should be elastic. If it breaks, the test fails.

Also pay special attention to the lower branches, they should be directed upwards.

  1. Be careful when transporting. Immediately after purchasing, tie the tree with ropes, cover it with a cloth or bag and take it home. If you can’t live without a car, then a small trunk or back seat won’t do. It is better to transport the tree on the roof of the car.
  2. Under no circumstances should you bring a tree from the street directly into warm room. Such a temperature difference is destructive. It’s better to leave the tree in the entrance for a while.
  3. You need to bring the tree into the apartment with the top of its head first. This is not folk sign, you won't break anything just like that.
  4. Do not place a live spruce near a radiator, fireplace, or indeed any heat source. This will dry out the tree and the needles will fall off faster than you expected.
  5. Take care of the tree. Place it in a bucket of water or soil and spray the crown so that the needles remain fresh and fragrant for as long as possible.

How to choose an artificial Christmas tree

This option has a lot of advantages. Firstly, with the right approach, an artificial Christmas tree will last you for many years. This is much more economical than purchasing a live tree every year. Secondly, your conscience will be clear, because in this way you do no harm at all environment. And most importantly: the needles of the plastic tree do not fall off at all!

1. Require certificates

An artificial tree can be toxic. And this is not only a constant smell of plastic in the house, but also harms the health of family members. Therefore, be sure to ask the seller for papers that confirm the quality of the materials used. This document is usually called a certificate of conformity. You can also ask for a fire safety certificate.

2. Pay attention to the material

Most often, artificial trees are made from PVC, fishing line, soft plastic or fiber optics. The price of the product will vary depending on the material. Yes, the most budget option- spruce made of PVC film. In general, this product imitates well appearance living tree. The main thing is to carefully fold the Christmas tree after purchase and try not to crush it, as it is easily deformed and difficult to restore.

The fishing line will cost a little more. But a Christmas tree made of such material looks impressive and festive due to its fluffy branches. But don’t expect any resemblance to natural wood.

Soft plastic is more expensive than fishing line and PVC film. But it has all the above advantages. This artificial spruce looks like a real one. And at the same time, she is quite fluffy.

The fiber optic tree connects to the network and lights up like a garland. It’s not even necessary, it itself creates a festive atmosphere. The tree is safe for an apartment, as it operates under a minimum voltage of 12 V. This tree costs more than other artificial trees.

Take a close look at the tree in good lighting. There should be no glue smudges or unevenness on it. Stroke the product against the grain and tug at the needles. They should not break off at the first touch. And a high-quality artificial Christmas tree should not smell like plastic at all.

The most amazing holiday of the year is approaching, which carries many signs and symbols. One of the main attributes of the New Year's miracle is the Christmas tree. Not a single person can imagine an amazing magical holiday without this beauty. Many people think... Since childhood, the aroma of a Christmas tree and tangerines reminds us of such characters as Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. There is such a wonderful tradition associated with the Christmas tree as receiving gifts. After all, it is in Russia that children find gifts not in Christmas socks, as European children do, but under a fluffy coniferous representative. But not many people know how to choose a live Christmas tree for the New Year. If you have been entrusted with such an important task as choosing a Christmas tree, here are some tips to make this New Year unforgettable for you.

When to buy?

Of course closer to the New Year! - you will answer. But this is a very questionable decision. After all, the shaggy beauties are cut down almost at the same time, so if you expect to receive a fresh Christmas tree for the New Year, you will receive one cut down in early December, but not purchased for some reason. It's obvious that it's defective. In addition, the price of this representative of the coniferous culture will skyrocket on New Year's Eve. Therefore, the advice is this - buy a Christmas tree in advance. When to buy a live Christmas tree? Three to four weeks is best. And the price won’t bite, and you can choose what you liked, and not what’s left. But it’s best to store it in a cool place until the holiday approaches—on the balcony or in the garage. The thing is that from room heat the Christmas tree will begin to crumble ahead of time and will not last for more than two weeks. Therefore, storage conditions must be strictly observed.

How to buy?

To choose a worthy copy, you should carefully study the assortment. Take a closer look at the Christmas tree. It should be fresh and green. There should be no needles falling off it, otherwise this indicates that it was cut down several weeks ago. Bend the branches slightly. A tree that has been cut down recently will have them that are flexible and soft. And the stale one will break with a crunch. Also rub the pine needles - if they are fresh, they will fill the air with the unforgettable aroma of a fabulous holiday. Buying a Christmas tree is a very responsible and important matter. So take this seriously.

It is very important to choose a place for the green beauty. If you put it in a corner, you can choose a one-sided option. It costs much less, and you won't even notice the difference in the corner. Once you have decided where to place it, you should install it securely so that it will delight you with its presence for a long time. After that, you can embellish it.

Before the most fabulous winter holiday - the New Year, our thoughts are occupied by the question, where can we get the green beauty and how to choose it correctly?

“Christmas tree” we call absolutely any coniferous plant that will be decorated with multi-colored balls and garlands.

But gradation is certainly necessary when the question arises of purchasing that type of New Year tree that will delight the eye throughout the January holidays:

The simplest classification for live and artificial. Decide which one will be dressed up this year, and feel free to go to the store or surf the Internet in search of the best option;

It is worth distinguishing between the species of fluffy trees. For example, “Christmas tree” may well be spruce, pine or fir. Different appearance of needles, aroma of needles, dimensions and terms of use of a felled specimen;

Supporters of careful treatment of nature may recommend purchasing an unusual tree in a pot.

This option became available not so long ago and has already gained its fans. After all, a Christmas tree planted in a pot will not necessarily go to waste after the holiday is over.

If it stands for a week or ten days and does not crumble/wither, then it has a happy prospect for a “second life”.

Such a long-lived plant can easily be removed from a temporary pot and planted on your own personal plot, because the roots must be intact;

Artificial twinning also comes in various modifications, even “a la cedar”.

The appearance is selected according to your purely personal taste, the main thing when purchasing is to look at the hygiene certificate so that after the New Year your health does not suffer due to a toxic Christmas tree.

Live Christmas tree: selection method

Where to make such a purchase is very important. Since the trees are cut down immediately before the December-January celebration, there is a high probability of running into unscrupulous sellers who want to make a one-time profit.

A poor quality spruce can completely ruin the celebration. Therefore, do not rush to cheap copies “around the corner”.

Better pay attention to the following options:

1. A proven Christmas tree bazaar, which is found in almost every city (or even more than one).

Here you can view certificates, compare prices, and see with your own eyes all the external nuances.

In case of any problems, there will be a place to file a claim;

2. There are also many offers on the Internet for pre-New Year sales of live Christmas trees, both from individuals and forestries and companies.

But there are pitfalls: you can’t immediately see with your own eyes what you’re taking, you can’t touch it, you can’t inhale the pine smell.

Although usually payment is required only after receiving the green beauty, if you don’t like it, you’ll have to look for options again;

3. In flower centers and pavilions where all kinds of flora are sold, there are often also seasonal offers of Christmas trees in pots or small (up to 1 m) cut trees.

The purchase also guarantees quality, because large stores care about their reputation. Although prices may be slightly high, especially if it is conifers from European countries (Holland, for example);

4. It is not necessary to buy a felled spruce or pine tree. If you have time and desire, then you can choose a Christmas tree yourself in the Forestry or nursery.

There they are grown for these purposes. You must first pay the receipt, and then feel free to go choose the most beautiful green friend.

How to recognize quality or substandard

There are “three pillars” that you should immediately pay attention to:

1. – appearance,
2. – aroma,
3. – tactile contact.

A visually pleasing Christmas tree, pine or fir should be thoroughly tested.

Many magic sellers manage to spray the needles with a special composition for gloss and emerald greenery, because we all know that withered and dull needles are a sign that such a plant may not survive until the end of the holidays (it was frostbitten or cut down too early).

Natural pine needles will be slightly oily; just rub it with your fingers. Natural green clearly visible in the daytime, you just need to carefully examine the needles on different branches.

Lushness and fluffiness– good quality Christmas tree. The lower branches should point upward. Broken branches on the trunk are not an option.

A symmetrical arrangement of branches is not necessary; the spruce can be more magnificent on one side. This is good if you have it in a corner at home, then you won’t have to deliberately cut off extra branches.

Falling needles are not suitable for us. You can take the tree by the trunk, lift it and lightly tap it on the floor.

If a massive needle fall occurs, discard this specimen immediately. You can also simply pull the needles; they should be firmly attached to the branch.

Elastic and not brittle - this means that the tree was cut down recently and will last for a long time.

The smell of fresh pine needles is magical, it cannot be confused with anything. You can crush a couple of needles between your fingers, so you can feel the aroma better. The needles do not emit a pungent odor; they do not emit an unpleasant odor.

If you feel a very weak aroma, it means the spruce is dry and not fresh. A putrid fan coming from both the needles and the trunk can be a sign of mold, rot or fungus.

Examine the cut carefully; usually the manifestation of rot will be most visible on it.

Elasticity and resilience both needles and branches are determined by a simple attempt to break. If there is a dry cracking sound, or even worse - they break easily, do not buy such a tree.

It is frozen or dried out, which means it will wither and fall off at the very beginning of the holidays. If the branches do not bend well, they can be easily damaged during transportation.

Fir is the longest-living holiday tree - it will last the entire two New Year's weeks. Pines survive for about ten days. But the spruce should be brought into the house on the eve of December 31, because it will delight its household for only a week.

Any seller must have the Forestry stamp and certificates. The prices for live spruce vary widely (on average 500-1,300 rubles).

Artificial PVC Beauty

Most of these units are produced and assembled in China. They are cheap (from 800 rubles), but often of extremely poor quality.

The use of toxic plastic in the production of Christmas trees not only leads to allergic reactions, but can also contribute to a fire even from heating with a Christmas tree garland.

Enough are produced by domestic companies.

The price will not bite (about 2 thousand rubles), and quality certificates, as a rule, guarantee the environmental safety of such products.

Expensive, high-quality and even exclusive Christmas trees can be purchased in European countries or America. Many online stores offer such options.

In Russian stores you can also buy spruce from a good foreign manufacturer, just be prepared to shell out a tidy sum (from 10 thousand rubles on average).

What to look for when buying an artificial PVC Christmas tree:

The smell of chemicals, toxic, pungent, indicates the use of plastic that does not meet the standards. The aroma should be either an unobtrusive coniferous one (when using a special harmless flavoring agent) or completely absent;

A visual inspection should not reveal bald spots, burnt out needles, or a “bald” trunk and branches. The color can be identical to natural green, and colored Christmas trees are also in fashion (silver, coated with frost);

Cast or prefabricated plastic Christmas tree. The first is more expensive and more attractive;

In stores you can find designs with branches attached to the trunk on hinges or hooks. The first option is more convenient to assemble/disassemble;

Decide in advance where you want to place the Christmas tree. Based on this, the height (from 110 cm to 170 cm for the apartment version) and dimensions are selected;

The quality of the needles is great value: soft and fluffy to the touch, needles hold tightly;

There should be no sharp edges, wires, or unsafe burrs at the ends of the branches;

Elastic branches should easily take the required shape; cracking, crunching and brittleness are not allowed.

The living beauty will delight you only for a season, and the PVC spruce will delight you until the 6-7 New Years.