Flakes "SibTar" Wheat germ - “Friends, wheat germ is a valuable and rich product! Make your body happy, it will definitely thank you!” Eating wheat flakes for weight loss and just like that Sprouted wheat flakes benefits

Many doctors and nutritionists recommend starting the day not with the usual cup of black tea or strong coffee, but with a hearty breakfast. But often in the morning there is not much time to prepare it. To recharge yourself with the energy you need throughout the day, you should consume it for breakfast. wheat flakes. This dish is not only easy and quick to prepare, it also has a lot of beneficial properties.


The benefits of wheat flakes are quite multifaceted.

  • Their regular consumption helps to normalize the functioning of the intestines, since this product contains a large proportion of fiber. By eating wheat flakes, you can forever forget about such a serious problem as constipation. In addition, you can get rid of nausea, heaviness in the stomach, pain and increased gas formation.
  • This product contains large number useful substances, for example, zinc, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, there are vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of the human body (A, E, D, group B).
  • This product allows you to reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood, so such dishes are strongly recommended for people with diabetes mellitus and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Germ flakes are particularly beneficial because they contain large amounts of fiber. They are recommended for breakfast not only for adults (especially older people), but also for children. It is worth paying attention to such a breakfast for those people who lead an active lifestyle, care about their health and strive to improve their well-being.

The beneficial substances in the germ flakes allow you to quickly restore strength if you experience increased physical or mental fatigue. They should be taken regularly during rehabilitation, when a person gets rid of ailments such as colitis, dysbacteriosis or gastritis. If you include wheat flakes in your breakfast menu regularly, you can prolong youthfulness of the skin, improve appearance curls and nails.

The structure of grain porridges contains such a useful component as betanin, which allows the human body to quickly overcome various infectious diseases, slowing down inflammatory processes and promoting faster rehabilitation. Therefore, it is worth having wheat flakes for breakfast during colds or ailments that are inflammatory in nature. Since this product removes harmful toxic substances from the human body, it helps minimize the risk of developing colon cancer.


Wheat flakes are prohibited for those people who suffer from intolerance or allergic reaction on the components that make up wheat. Included of this product gluten is included, so it can cause serious harm to the body for those people who are hypersensitive to a similar component of wheat grains.

People who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as stomach ulcers, should include wheat flakes in their diet with extreme caution. The maximum intake of wheat flakes for an adult should not exceed 30 g per day.

Diet food

Wheat flakes are very useful for people who who are trying to get rid of extra pounds.

  • Cereals help you feel full quickly: a very small amount of porridge is enough to get rid of the feeling of hunger for a long time. And don’t let the high calorie content of this product scare you: the calories received from porridge are quickly converted into energy.
  • They allow you to replace your usual desserts and sweets. If you combine wheat flakes with fruits, berries, honey, you can make not just a healthy, but also a delicious dessert.
  • Flakes contribute to the “correct” disposal of excess weight: their regular use allows you to normalize digestion processes, satisfy hunger, protecting the human body from stress. Therefore, the extra pounds disappear gradually.
  • They allow you to increase muscle mass, and also keep her in a healthy state. When a person is actively involved in sports, the protein he eats, which is contained in large quantities in this product, plays a special role for him.

In addition, there are no restrictions on the time when they can be eaten. The best option is to eat cereal porridge for breakfast or lunch. By adding a little raisins or other dried fruits to wheat flakes, they make small snacks when the main meals are still very far away. This product can also replace unhealthy chips or crackers.

Popular recipes

Wheat flake porridge

The easiest option is to make porridge from wheat flakes. To do this, you need to add 3 to 4 tablespoons of dry flakes with a small amount of water. Nutritionists recommend preparing such porridges by boiling them for several minutes over low heat.

Flakes instant cooking, which you just need to pour boiling water over and wait a little, have virtually no benefit to the body. They contain large quantities of various dyes, preservatives, and substances that improve the taste of the product. To add beneficial qualities to this dish, you can add a variety of fruits. These porridges go well with finely chopped apples or bananas. You can add strawberries or raspberries to make the taste of the dish more pronounced.

Many young ladies who watch their figure prefer to eat wheat flakes, pouring them with a glass of kefir or yogurt and adding finely chopped dried fruits as a sweetener: figs, dried apricots, prunes and raisins.


You can make cookies as a dessert. Such a dish will not only be tasty, but also quite dietary.

  • 200 g wheat flakes;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • a little sugar or substitute.

Dissolve sugar or sugar substitute in water. Pour the resulting solution over the wheat flakes and leave until they swell and increase in volume. Drive in raw egg and mix thoroughly. You need to form small balls from the prepared dough. It is recommended to first cover the baking pan with parchment and grease it with a small amount of olive oil so that the baked goods do not stick and are better separated from the baking sheet. Cookies are baked in an oven preheated to 180–200°C. When the cookies are browned, they can be removed from the oven.

Salad with wheat flakes

You can go beyond baking cookies and prepare an unusual and original salad that includes grains. To prepare it you will need:

  • 1 bell pepper;
  • two thirds of a glass of wheat flakes;
  • 5-6 cherry tomatoes (can be replaced with regular tomatoes, taking 1-2 fruits depending on size);
  • lettuce leaves;
  • 50 grams of cashew nuts;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of balsamic vinegar (can be replaced with lemon juice);
  • salt and pepper are added to taste.

Peel the pepper from the core and seeds, cut it into strips. Fry the nuts in a dry frying pan over low heat, stirring constantly so that they do not burn. Cherry tomatoes need to be cut in half, and regular tomatoes are cut into small cubes.

Tear the lettuce leaves with your hands. Make salad dressing by mixing in a container olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper. Pour the resulting dressing over the lettuce leaves, add all the remaining ingredients and mix well. The salad is ready to eat. You can diversify this dish by adding soft cheese or a small amount of cottage cheese. You can also experiment with dressing using unsweetened yogurt or low-fat sour cream.

On the Internet you can find many positive reviews testifying to the benefits of cereals and their positive effects on the body. People use this product for preparing breakfasts and also for variety of dishes. It is especially liked by those who are on a diet or adhere to balanced nutrition for weight loss.

For a review of Nordic wheat flakes, watch the following video.

"The Diet store sells wheat germ flakes. How are they useful and how should they be taken?" Olga Eremicheva, Ramenskoye

Answers a reader's question obstetrician-gynecologist at Moscow polyclinic No. 82 Irina Andreevna SVIRKINA.

I became acquainted with wheat germ flakes seven years ago. Nobody advised me to buy them, but I just saw them in the store and read on the packaging that this is an environmentally friendly product that normalizes digestion and eliminates the body from harmful substances preventing it from functioning properly.

After I started taking these flakes - I don’t remember if it was a week or more - I began to experience pain when urinating. At first I was worried that some kind of inflammation had started, but I soon became convinced that it was my little sand. When my shoulder joint started to hurt later, I already knew that it was the salts that began to wash out of the joints.

Gradually, month after month, my body was freed from the toxins that had accumulated in it for years, and my intestines were cleansed. At my... I won’t say how old I am, I feel like a girl. I have reached such a stage of purification when the body itself tells me what to eat. The nutty flavor of germ flakes is now my favorite.

Every morning I eat the entire daily dose of cereal at once with yogurt or cottage cheese, 7-9 spoons. This dose contains the same amount of protein and other substances beneficial to the body as is contained in the meat that people usually eat in a day. Therefore, I don’t need sausages, kebabs, or carbonates. I can eat a piece of something meat on a holiday, but the body immediately “tells” that this may cause joint pain.

My usual food is vegetables and fruits. My husband and I carry beets and carrots from the dacha, apples and oranges from the store in our backpacks. The day usually begins with juices. On an empty stomach, an hour before breakfast, you need to drink a glass of freshly prepared juice or eat some fruit, such as an apple, to remove from the body the poisons that have accumulated in the intestines overnight. I don’t drink milk at all, but I enjoy fermented milk products: cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir.

Of course, I wholeheartedly advise my patients, especially pregnant women, to eat wheat germ flakes. The fact is that during pregnancy, especially in the first months, it is not recommended to take synthetic drugs, including vitamins, and germ flakes contain a full range of natural vitamins and microelements required for the development of a new creature. After all, wheat germ contains everything valuable that is in the grain and from which the shoot of the future plant should then appear.

Wheat germ is very helpful in treating impaired ovarian function. They contain substances that normalize hormonal background, restore the cyclicity of menstruation. By removing waste from the genital organs, germ flakes help to establish normal blood microcirculation in them, and this is very important in the treatment of infertility. Moreover, these flakes are an excellent food for unhealthy skin. A woman comes in and has acne on her face, shoulders, and back. And when she goes on a diet, plus takes germ flakes, the skin clears up, the acne scars on it smooth out, and there is no trace of the rash left. Other skin diseases - psoriasis, eczema - are also effectively treated in the same way.

Even though I am a gynecologist, the first question I most often ask my patients is “How does your intestines work?” Very often, it is intestinal problems - constipation, fermentation in the intestines - that cause blood stagnation in the pelvic area, intoxication, which then lead to diseases of the female genital area. Germ flakes help very well to get rid of these misfortunes. And in general, I am now firmly convinced: if all our women adolescence were given these miraculous flakes, most of them would never know what a cyst or fibroid, mastopathy or endometriosis is.

However, I would like to warn readers that wheat germ flakes are not a medicine that you drink for a while and you are already healthy. Restoring your health with this natural food product— the process is very long, it lasts for years. And if you don’t have patience, then there’s no point in starting. Moreover, the older a person is, the more slagged his body is, which means the longer it will take him to free himself from all this nasty stuff.

My second warning concerns the recommended daily dose of germ flakes. The packaging indicates that you need to take them 2-3 teaspoons three times a day, and then the average weekly dose is 150 grams. Perhaps over time you will come to this level, but for starters, I would advise you to take a spoonful or even half a spoonful once a day. Moreover, the older a person is, the more careful he should be, because cleansing the body can begin very actively and painfully. One of my sixty-year-old patients, who started right away with the recommended daily dose, suddenly began to feel so “broken” one day that she had to call the emergency room. And this served as a good lesson for me.

So, you try a little. If you like it, it feels good in your mouth, you can increase the dose: today you take a spoonful, tomorrow - two. You can take only one spoon a day for a week or a month. This will also be of great benefit. If, having increased the dose once again, you feel nauseated, then there is no need to rush into it. By the way, pregnant women, when they experience toxicosis (and this is also a cleansing of the body), should temporarily refrain from taking flakes, because they can increase nausea and vomiting.

In one of my patients, taking germ flakes caused itching, swelling, and then it turned out that she was allergic to bread. This should also be kept in mind. The packaging of the flakes states that they should not be taken if you have acute cholecystitis. But with acute cholecystitis, a person is admitted to the hospital. And most of us suffer from chronic cholecystitis, its cause is our unhealthy diet, fatty and smoked foods. In this case, germ flakes will not only not harm you, but will also help improve your diet. Wheat germ flakes can be sprinkled anywhere - in soup and porridge, rolled oats and ice cream. You can use the following recommendations.

Culinary dishes And cosmetics from wheat germ flakes

Apple salad. Cut 4-5 peeled apples into strips, add 4-5 teaspoons of wheat germ flakes, 3-4 crushed walnuts and 1 tablespoon of honey. Season with sour cream or cream.

Carrot salad. Grate 2-3 large carrots, add 1 apple, cut into strips, 4-5 teaspoons of wheat germ flakes, 1 tablespoon of honey. Season with sour cream.

Delicacy with beans. Mash the boiled beans thoroughly, add a little bean broth, tomato juice and 4-5 teaspoons of wheat germ flakes. Stir to make a puree. Grate the cheese and mix with the puree. Add ground pepper if desired. Pour the entire mixture into a frying pan, bring to a boil and cool. Serve with croutons.

Cheese paste. Mix 200 grams of feta cheese thoroughly with 4-5 teaspoons of wheat germ flakes, add 3-4 finely chopped garlic cloves and 1 tablespoon of chopped herbs.

Nourishing mask. Grind 1 tablespoon of wheat germ flakes with 1 tablespoon of water - distilled, well purified or mineral. Add 1 egg yolk, mix everything thoroughly. Apply to face and neck, leaving the area around the eyes free. After a few minutes, when the layer of the mask dries a little, apply another one on top, and so on, until the nutrient mixture runs out. Keep the mask on your face for another 20 minutes, then remove with wet swabs and wash with purified cool water.

A toning mask for aging skin that prevents the appearance of wrinkles. Mix the juice of 1 lemon with 3 tablespoons of wheat germ flakes. This mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for about a week. If necessary, add 1 teaspoon of yogurt to a small portion of the mixture and apply to the face for 20 minutes. The same mask should be done 2-3 times a week, the course is 20 procedures.

"Women's Health"

Wheat germ flakes rich in vitamins and minerals such as: vitamin B1 - 22.7%, vitamin E - 47%, vitamin PP - 17.8%, magnesium - 77.3%, phosphorus - 168.6%, iron - 46.7% , manganese - 435%, zinc - 114.2%

What are the benefits of wheat germ flakes?

  • Vitamin B1 is part of the most important enzymes of carbohydrate and energy metabolism, providing the body with energy and plastic substances, as well as the metabolism of branched amino acids. A lack of this vitamin leads to serious disorders of the nervous, digestive and cardiovascular systems.
  • Vitamin E has antioxidant properties, is necessary for the functioning of the gonads and heart muscle, and is a universal stabilizer of cell membranes. With vitamin E deficiency, hemolysis of erythrocytes and neurological disorders are observed.
  • Vitamin PP participates in redox reactions of energy metabolism. Insufficient vitamin intake is accompanied by disruption of the normal condition of the skin, gastrointestinal tract and nervous system.
  • Magnesium participates in energy metabolism, synthesis of proteins, nucleic acids, has a stabilizing effect on membranes, and is necessary to maintain homeostasis of calcium, potassium and sodium. A lack of magnesium leads to hypomagnesemia, an increased risk of developing hypertension and heart disease.
  • Phosphorus takes part in many physiological processes, including energy metabolism, regulates acid-base balance, is part of phospholipids, nucleotides and nucleic acids, and is necessary for the mineralization of bones and teeth. Deficiency leads to anorexia, anemia, and rickets.
  • Iron is part of proteins of various functions, including enzymes. Participates in the transport of electrons and oxygen, ensures the occurrence of redox reactions and activation of peroxidation. Insufficient consumption leads to hypochromic anemia, myoglobin deficiency atony of skeletal muscles, increased fatigue, myocardiopathy, and atrophic gastritis.
  • Manganese participates in the formation of bone and connective tissue, is part of enzymes involved in the metabolism of amino acids, carbohydrates, catecholamines; necessary for the synthesis of cholesterol and nucleotides. Insufficient consumption is accompanied by slower growth, disturbances in the reproductive system, increased fragility of bone tissue, and disturbances in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.
  • Zinc is part of more than 300 enzymes, participates in the processes of synthesis and breakdown of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, nucleic acids and in the regulation of the expression of a number of genes. Insufficient consumption leads to anemia, secondary immunodeficiency, liver cirrhosis, sexual dysfunction, and the presence of fetal malformations. Research recent years The ability of high doses of zinc to disrupt the absorption of copper and thereby contribute to the development of anemia has been revealed.
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Good afternoon, dear guests!

Lately I have become interested in healthy eating! I used to eat anything. I have a terrible sweet tooth, I can eat coffee and chocolates like seeds) Previously, my diet consisted only of sweets with tea, chips with juice, I could eat like that endlessly. One day I suddenly realized that my body is not a garbage pit into which I can throw all the rubbish. Proper nutrition is a very big topic that can be studied endlessly. This enormous knowledge. I decided that I would start with the basics, as little as possible. harmful products with all sorts of monosodium glutamates, with all sorts of preservatives, less sweet, salty, fried. More cereals, more vegetables and fruits. And I have never regretted it! I feel much better now. No, I never felt bad, of course. But today I clearly have more energy, desire to do something, etc.))

Okay, let's move away from the stories and move directly to my favorite cereal.

I was incredibly happy to see them on the shelf in the hypermarket, because I had heard a lot about wheat germ oil) I thought that using them internally would be absolutely magical!)

So what is good about wheat germ?)

With regular consumption of wheat germ, metabolic processes improve, digestion is normalized, and waste and toxins are removed from the body. So for the people suffering overweight I highly recommend eating them! Wheat germ also contains almost all amino acids! Also, cereals increase immunity, cleanse the body, strengthen bone and muscle systems, improve hair condition and much more!

I was also very surprised that per 100 grams of cereal there is 45 grams protein !!! Honestly, this is the first time I've seen this!)

In order not to make you blush, I decided to look for some contraindications to the use of wheat germ flakes, and this is what I found:

DAMAGE TO WHEAT GERM Despite huge amount beneficial properties, there are still contraindications for use for wheat germ. Sprouted wheat and meal are not recommended for use by people suffering from inflammatory diseases gastrointestinal tract and kidneys, especially in the acute stage. People prone to diarrhea should use this product with caution. You should also remember that wheat grains and germs contain gluten, so they should not be added to food for people suffering from celiac disease (gluten intolerance). In rare cases, in the first days after starting to use this product, a slight digestive upset is observed, this is due to the body getting used to the new product. However, if the unpleasant symptoms do not go away or intensify, then it is better to refuse to take wheat germ, since, most likely, this indicates an individual intolerance to the product. Childhood is not a contraindication to the consumption of wheat germ. If the child does not have intolerance to semolina or wheat porridge, then you can give him sprouted wheat. However, given that they contain large amounts of protein and fiber, this product should be introduced gradually, starting with small quantities. You can add ground sprouted wheat grains to cereals, side dishes, fruit or vegetable purees, starting with 1/4 teaspoon. Wheat germ can also be harmful healthy person, if wheat grains that have been treated with chemicals (to increase shelf life) or improperly stored (for example, mold has appeared) are used for germination.

How do I use these flakes in food? IN oatmeal or oat bran, add 2 tablespoons of wheat germ flakes, 1 tsp. fiber and pour hot milk. Add 1 tsp to warm porridge. honey and some raisins or chopped banana. It turns out very tasty, I can’t do it any other way) I’ve heard that some people just pour milk over oatmeal and wheat germ flakes overnight, and eat it in the morning. I can't do that)

These flakes are also useful to use as a face mask. In general, in the photo you can read about the many uses of these wonderful flakes!)

In the modern world, when all life passes at an accelerated pace, it is difficult not to appreciate such an invention as instant cereal. To prepare this dish and get a delicious, nutritious breakfast, you don't need to be a first-class cook.

But are they as useful as they say?

What dishes can be prepared from wheat flakes?

There are a variety of options for preparing wheat flakes. You can pour boiling water, milk or cream over them, you can cook them over low heat, or you can cook them in a slow cooker. Those who want to experience the full variety of tastes are offered many recipes based on this product.

These are not only porridges of a wide variety of compositions, to which it is proposed to add to taste butter, milk, sugar, honey, maple syrup or jam. You can mix the product with fruits, berries, nuts.


Cooking method:

  1. The sugar substitute is dissolved in water, which is poured over the flakes until they swell.
  2. An egg is added.
  3. The cookies are formed with a spoon or by hand, placed on a baking sheet and baked in the oven at a temperature of 180-200 degrees.

These cookies are not only tasty, but also healthy. It is ideal for those who are struggling with excess weight, it has a pleasant taste, and does not contain flour and sugar - sources of fast carbohydrates.

The benefits of sprouted rolled wheat

This product has high biological value, contains vitamins B and E, and dietary fiber. It can be used in preparing porridges and added to baked goods. Sprouted wheat has a pleasant taste, quickly satisfies hunger, and regulates intestinal function.

Rolled sprouted wheat flakes are ideal for both children and the elderly. They can be recommended to those who lead an active lifestyle and care about their health. The composition of wheat flakes helps restore strength in case of fatigue and is recommended during the recovery period for diseases such as colitis, dysbacteriosis, gastritis, etc.

Wheat yummy for those on a diet

This is a unique product for those who want to lose weight quickly. This is especially true for wheat germ flakes. They contain vitamins and amino acids, which help remove toxins from the body and strengthen the immune system. To preserve nutrients in the body and to achieve maximum results when losing weight, it is recommended to fill them with fermented milk products. Eating cereal is good for breakfast and lunch.

With regular intake of wheat flakes for weight loss, the first results can be seen within a week. This may include removing sand from the kidneys, washing out salts from joints, and cleansing the intestines. Needless to say, this helps to improve well-being and leads to the effect of rejuvenating the body.

Many people are concerned about how to most effectively use wheat germ flakes.

There is no difficulty in this. They can be added to apple or carrot salad, or mixed with chopped cheese and garlic.

The use of the product is not recommended for people with gluten intolerance, as well as those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Also, do not expect that taking it will lead to instant weight loss. Here everything depends on proper nutrition in general, as well as a balanced diet so that the body does not suffer from a lack of nutrients.

What is the benefit and is there any harm from wheat flakes?

Useful properties:

  • strengthening bone and muscle tissue;
  • removal of waste, toxins and salts;
  • normalization of hormonal levels;
  • improved digestion;
  • lowering sugar levels;
  • restoration of hair, nails, skin condition
  • exerting a positive effect on the nervous, circulatory, cardiovascular system etc.

They contain starch, fiber, carbohydrates, iodine, chromium, B vitamins, phosphorus and others useful substances, thanks to which they are not only useful, but also often necessary for people who carefully monitor their health.

The use of this product may be harmful to those who cannot tolerate the substances contained in wheat.

Peptic ulcers, gastritis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract may also be a contraindication for use.

The convenience and benefits of eating cereal are undeniable. The speed of preparation saves time, and the variety of dishes in which this product can be used is impressive.

You can buy wheat germ flakes in any store, and regular use and the absence of contraindications will not only improve your well-being, but guarantee a good mood.