Folk remedies for tanning. Homemade folk remedies for tanning in the sun. How to deal with pale face and neck

For a beautiful and lasting tan you need special products. The choice of such products is quite wide. Manufacturers present tanning products in the form of different textures:

  • Creams. This is a rich product that is best used on dry to normal skin. It is well suited for the body, but for the face it is preferable to choose a lighter texture - milk.
  • Spray. It is evenly distributed over the skin, forming a protective, non-sticky film.
  • The oil is more suitable for those who want to get a rich tan without drying out their skin. It attracts the sun's rays. Natural oils have a low SPF protection factor, no more than 10, and for cosmetics it can reach up to 30.

To choose a product, you need to understand what phototype your skin belongs to:

  • First refers to the dermis, which does not perceive tanning in any way. She is very pale, immediately turns redder in the sun, gets burned and then peels off. With this type, maximum protection or even a complete block is needed. You need to choose products with SPF 50+.
  • Second
  • On the third The phototype tans well, although in the absence of protection the skin tends to burn. Therefore, in the first few days you need a tanning product with SPF 30+. Then you can lower it a little to SPF 20+. The product preserves the tan.
  • Fourth allows you to tan perfectly, the skin produces enough melanin. Therefore, you can use oils with low SPF. They enhance and speed up the tanning process. But the skin needs protection, so you need a product with SPF 20+.

In terms of texture, then you should choose based on your preferences. The oil will be stickier, so sand will cling to your body. The milk and cream spread well over the skin and moisturize it. For quick application and hard-to-reach areas, a spray is suitable.

It is important thatproduct for a beautiful tan in the sun had protection againstUVB/ UVArays. The composition must contain natural ingredients such as titanium dioxide, then the product will be safe and effective.

Skin preparation products:

  • Exfoliation. Peeling or scrub is used to remove dead skin cells. You can use ready-made store-bought options, but homemade ones also work well. Soft and delicate products with small particles are better suited. Finely ground coffee, apricot kernels, and grapes have natural exfoliating properties.
  • Getting rid of body hair. Before going to the beach, you need to do hair removal. This is especially true for laser and other types of hardware hair removal, since you can sunbathe only a couple of weeks later, so as not to get pigmentation. And after regular depilation with wax or sugar, you can go out into direct sunlight after 24 hours.
  • Nutrition. Foods containing carotene, that is, all red vegetables and fruits, can help produce melanin. You need to start consuming them in advance of the beach season. On vacation, it’s worth including more fish and seafood. And vegetable oils and nuts contain a lot of vitamin E, which keeps the skin young. While on the beach, you need to drink as much water as possible, as the sun greatly dries out the dermis.
  • Drugs.

You need to sunbathe in the morning before 11 a.m. or in the evening after 4 p.m. The sun is safe at this time. There is virtually no risk of getting burned. In addition, the amount of time on the beach should be increased gradually. At first it is generally advisable to be in the shade.

After the beach you shouldn’t go swimming straight away, as the tan continues to form for another two hours. You can’t use scrubs or bleaching products after your vacation, and it’s better to use a softer washcloth.

You need to start using special that will prepare the skin, for example, a spray from Yves Rocher. It is applied three weeks before the beach season.

If the skin does not tan, or there is no desire to be covered with a golden hue, then it is better to use on the beach sun protection products. In addition, these products will prepare the dermis for ultraviolet radiation, promoting the production of melanin. Well proven:

  • "Anthelios XL SPF 50+" - body and face milk from "La Roche Posay";
  • "Amber Soler" from "Garnier" with SPF 50+, "Expert Protection" cream. This is a hypoallergenic product that suits all skin phototypes on the face and body. The milk is waterproof;
  • "Waterlover SPF 50+" from "Bioterm". The advantage of this product is that it leaves no residue and is quickly and easily absorbed. The cream is hypoallergenic and is available in different SPF formats. Therefore, it can be reduced as the skin gets used to it without changing the line of sunscreen. The milk is enriched with vitamin E, glycerin and thermal plankton extract;
  • Sun Beauty Sublim Tan cream from Lancaster SPF 50+. Apply to face, neck and décolleté;

Folk recipes for a perfect tan:

  • a mixture of beer and olive oil;
  • iodine. It is added to and applied to the skin before going out into the sun.

After the beach to maintain your tan you need to take a bath with black tea or potassium permanganate.

The best products for a beautiful tan at sea:

  • intensive tanning oil “Crazy Tan Oil” from “Mixit”. Contains coconut and raspberry extracts, they protect the skin from the sun, and ylang-ylang essential oil reliably moisturizes it;

Read more in our article about products for a beautiful tan.

Tanning products are not just a desire to buy another jar, but necessary protection for the skin. Without them, it gets burned, turns red, and then begins to peel off. Therefore, for a beautiful and lasting tan you need special products.

The choice of such products is quite wide. Manufacturers present tanning products in the form of different textures:

  • Creams. This is a rich product that is best used on dry to normal skin. It is well suited for the body, but for the face it is preferable to choose a lighter texture - milk.
  • Spray. It is evenly distributed over the skin, forming a protective non-sticky film.
  • Oil It is more suitable for those who want to get a rich tan without drying out their skin. It attracts the sun's rays. Natural oils have a low SPF protection factor, no more than 10, while cosmetic oils can reach up to 30.

To choose the best product for a beautiful tan, it is important to consider various factors. First of all, you should focus on your skin. It is necessary to understand which phototype she belongs to:

  • First refers to the dermis, which does not perceive tanning in any way. She is very pale, immediately turns redder in the sun, gets burned and then peels off. All this is accompanied by pain. You will never get any tan. Therefore, with this type you need maximum protection or even a complete block. You need to choose products with SPF 50+.
  • Second the type is characterized by a light honey-colored tan, which is very difficult to obtain. The skin quickly burns and turns red. She can produce some melanin herself. Therefore, for the first seven days of tanning, you need to use a protection product with SPF 50+, and then you can switch to SPF 30+.
  • On the third The phototype tans well, although in the absence of protection the skin tends to burn. Therefore, in the first few days you need a tanning product with SPF 30+. Then you can lower it a little to SPF 20+. But in this case, the product helps to prolong the durability of the tan.
  • Fourth your skin type allows you to tan perfectly, it produces enough melanin. Therefore, you can use oils with low SPF. They enhance and speed up the tanning process. But the skin still needs protection, so you need a product with SPF 20+.

As for the texture, you should choose based on your preferences. The oil will be stickier, so sand will cling to your body. The milk and cream spread well over the skin and moisturize it, which is good, because the sun dries it out quite a bit. And for quick application, a spray is suitable, since it can be applied to those areas that are difficult to reach.

It is also important that the product for a beautiful tan in the sun has protection against UVB/UVA rays. And the composition must contain natural components like titanium dioxide, then the suspension will be safe and effective.

Skin preparation products

For a beautiful and even tan, proper preparation is necessary. A few simple manipulations will ensure a minimum number of problems.


First of all, you need to get rid of dead cells. For this purpose, peeling or scrub is used. You can take ready-made store-bought options, but homemade remedies also work well. In any case, soft and delicate products with small particles are better. Finely ground coffee, apricot kernels, and grapes have natural exfoliating properties.

Getting rid of hair

In addition, you need to do hair removal before going to the beach. This is especially true for laser and other types of hardware hair removal, since you can sunbathe only a couple of weeks later, so as not to get pigmentation. And after regular depilation with wax or sugar, you can go out into direct sunlight after 24 hours.


Foods containing carotene, that is, all red fruits and vegetables, can help produce melanin. You need to start consuming them in advance of the beach season. On vacation, it’s worth including more fish and seafood, as they contain polyunsaturated acids. And vegetable oils and nuts contain a lot of vitamin E, which keeps the skin young.

And during your stay on the beach you need to drink as much water as possible, since the sun greatly dries out the dermis.

To reduce your skin's sensitivity to sunlight, you should discuss taking antibiotics and oral contraceptives with your doctor in advance.

Tanning scheme

You only need to sunbathe right time. This should be done in the morning before 11 a.m. or in the evening after 4 p.m. The sun is safe at this time. There is virtually no risk of getting burned. In addition, the amount of time on the beach should be increased gradually. At first it is generally advisable to be in the shade.

Activities after sunbathing

You should not immediately go swimming after the beach, as the tan continues to form for another two hours. You should not use scrubs or bleaching products after your vacation. It is better to take a softer washcloth.

Preparation Tools

In advance, you need to start using special products for a beautiful tan that will prepare the skin, for example, a spray from Yves Rocher. It is applied to the face and body three weeks before the beach season.

If your skin does not tan, or you do not want to be covered with a golden hue, then on the beach it is better to use sun protection products. In addition, these products will prepare the dermis for ultraviolet radiation, promoting the production of melanin. The following products have proven themselves well:

  • “Anthelios XL SPF 50+” body and face milk from “La Roche Posay”;
  • "Amber Soler" from "Garnier" with SPF 50+ cream "Expert Protection". This is a hypoallergenic product that suits all skin phototypes on the face and body. The product is waterproof;
  • "Waterlover SPF 50+" from "Bioterm". The advantage of this product is that it leaves no residue and is quickly and easily absorbed. The cream is hypoallergenic and is available in different SPF formats. Therefore, it can be reduced as the skin gets used to it without changing the line of sunscreen. In addition, the milk is enriched with vitamin E, glycerin and thermal plankton extract;
  • "Dior Bronze SPF 50+." Designed for use on the face. Protects against the influence of free radicals and prevents the formation of age spots;
  • stick for application to sensitive areas “Anthelios SPF 50+” from “La Roche Posay”;
  • Sun Beauty Sublim Tan cream from Lancaster SPF 50+. Apply to the face, neck and décolleté;
  • emulsion "Alpine Solar Defense SPF 50+" from "Cholley". The product provides protection against UVB/UVA rays.

Watch the video about before and after tanning products:

Traditional recipes for a perfect tan

But to get a beautiful and even tan, you can use folk remedies. Their main advantage is their availability, benefits for the skin and the absence of harmful components in the composition. The following work well folk remedies for a beautiful tan:

  • vegetable oils such as olive, peach, almond. They contain vitamin E and antioxidants, so the tan turns out beautiful, golden. They additionally moisturize and nourish the skin, preventing premature aging;
  • a mixture of beer and olive oil;
  • iodine. It is added to olive oil and apply to the skin before going out into the sun.

It is also useful to drink carrot and peach juices, black tea and St. John's wort decoction. These drinks enhance the production of melanin in the skin. They are recommended to be drunk throughout the day.

After the beach, to fix your tan, you need to take a bath with black tea or potassium permanganate.

The best products for a beautiful tan at sea

When going on vacation, you need to take with you several products that will make the tanning process safe and of high quality, for example:

  • Spray "Amber Soler" from "Garnier SPF 30+". Suitable for fair skin that is already slightly tanned. It spreads quickly and easily over the surface;
  • spray “Sublim Sun “Protection and Moisturizing” SPF 30+” from L’Oreal. Thanks to green tea, the skin is protected from free radicals. Helps improve its condition after bleach and salt water. It can be applied to the face;
  • Anthelios tanning oil from La Roche Posay. The product is waterproof. Protects against UVB/UVA rays;
  • tanning oil from Garnier. Can only be used for dark and dark skin. SPF is very low, but the oil moisturizes the dermis well;
  • intensive tanning oil “Crazy Tan Oil” from “Mixit”. Contains coconut and raspberry extracts, they protect the skin from the sun, and ylang-ylang essential oil reliably moisturizes it;
  • spray “Ideal Soleil Bronze SPF 50+” from “Vichy”. Protects the skin, moisturizes, leaves no residue or stickiness. The result is a beautiful, golden tan.

Tanning products are a must to get a beautiful color and avoid problems. You need to select them depending on your skin phototype. Manufacturers offer a wide selection of products with different levels SPF and texture.

Abuse of sunbathing undoubtedly does not bring health benefits. In order to give the skin a beautiful dark color, folk tanning products are used.

The best tanning recipes

The recipes described below can be used for the face. If desired, apply them to the neck or any part of the body.

Tanning masks

Mask components:

  • coffee;
  • cocoa;
  • olive oil;
  • jojoba oil;
  • cocoa butter;
  • natural henna;
  • rhubarb juice;
  • cream;
  • sour cream;
  • raw egg yolks;
  • cream;
  • fresh carrots;
  • vegetable oil;
  • glycerol;
  • beeswax.

Cocoa or coffee can be dissolved with water to obtain a thick substance; such a 10-minute mask is applied daily for a week. The product gently cleanses the surface and transforms the color of the skin of the face, neck or entire body. To moisturize the skin, it is advisable to use oil rather than water. Oils that are excellent are: cocoa, olive, jojoba and the like. The natural dye henna works well not only on hair, it is successfully used for skin care. Henna powder should be mixed traditional way, then apply to the desired areas for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Dry skin normally accepts a cream mask to which juice squeezed from rhubarb roots has previously been added. This product is not washed off, just wait 20 minutes and at the end wipe the skin with a napkin. Rhubarb juice goes well with sour cream or yolk, the exposure time of such a mixture is also 20 minutes, after the procedure, wash with tea or water. A mixture of finely grated carrots and vegetable oil, sour cream or cream. The carrot mask should remain on the face or body for 20 minutes, and finally wash with water or tea. The orange vegetable goes well with melted beeswax or glycerin; the product only needs to be applied for 5 minutes, then rinsed off thoroughly.

Tanning wash

Coloring products:

  • cocoa;
  • ground coffee;
  • black tea;
  • decoction of string;
  • chamomile decoction;
  • onion peel;
  • rhubarb roots.

Ground coffee, cocoa powder or a strong infusion of black tea is a good basis for washing; in the best case, the skin will acquire tone and a natural dark shade. A concentrated decoction is prepared from a mixture of chamomile and chamomile, which is also suitable for coloring facial skin. Using onion peel, which is a famous natural dye, you can also change the color of your skin; just prepare a dark decoction from it. As a cleanser, use a strained decoction or freshly squeezed juice from rhubarb roots. It is more convenient to apply the listed liquids with a cotton swab; wiping twice a day is sufficient.

Tanning toner


  • chamomile;
  • series;
  • cocoa;
  • black tea;
  • coffee.

Ice massage provides a powerful tonic result. You can improve the ice by making it coloring. Rubbing products are prepared extremely simply: you need to make ice in molds using coffee, tea, cocoa, chamomile infusion or string herbs as a basis. We recommend using strong black tea not only frozen, but also in fresh, since it acts like a tonic.

Gives a beautiful dark tone to the skin of the whole body

Baths and tanning diet

Simple recipes for color baths

  • potassium permanganate;
  • black tea;
  • chamomile;
  • series;
  • leaves walnut;
  • cosmetic clay;
  • cinnamon;

All kinds of folk remedies for tanning act differently; it is impossible to predict how much the skin color will change and what exactly it will be after one or more external treatments. The result depends on the characteristics of the skin. Make rose water by pouring it into your bathtub large number potassium permanganate and immerse yourself in it. The black tea mentioned above is suitable for this procedure. The strong tea leaves to steep for a while and then added to the bath. Healthy baths with herbs - chamomile and string - not only help you tan without the sun, but are also beneficial for the whole body. Just 3 sessions of baths based on a decoction of walnut leaves also darkens the skin for about a week. A well-known product in cosmetology, blue clay can be used not only for wrapping the body or cleansing the skin of the face, but also as a supplement when taking a bath. After making a mixture of Cambrian clay, henna and cinnamon, dissolve it in the bath.

Stay in the water for 10-30 minutes, do not forget to wash your face during the process, and after the procedure, dry your body naturally, without a towel. Proper preparation for taking such a bath is necessary; it consists of using a scrub to cleanse the skin of the body. For example, use a coffee scrub.

Nutrition for tanning

We have listed the most popular folk remedies for sunless tanning, but there are other measures aimed at increasing the skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation. You can increase the amount of foods rich in carotenoids in your diet.

Carotenoids are found in the following foods:

  • sea ​​buckthorn, camelina, red palm, corn, walnut, mustard and pumpkin oils;
  • many types of spices such as saffron, turmeric, ground red pepper, cloves, fennel;
  • popular drinks, such as white, black and green teas;
  • a number of common berries: sea buckthorn, watermelon, rose hips, rowan, black currant;
  • healthy vegetables: sweet potato, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, cabbage, sweet pepper, eggplant, tomato;
  • bright fruits: apricot, plum, mango, persimmon, guava, papaya, passion fruit, avocado;
  • it is worth mentioning a few more items: legumes, asparagus, watercress, spinach, wild garlic, green onions, oak leaf lettuce, arugula, lettuce, parsley.

If you have serious health problems, we strongly recommend that you consult with specialists before using any folk or traditional cosmetics. It doesn’t matter whether they are taken internally or applied externally. The listed food products should be consumed in moderation; ideally, the diet should be developed individually, taking into account the characteristics of the body, body type and age.

Good afternoon In this article we will talk about the possibility of tanning at home. You will learn a lot of ways to get a dark skin tone in absolutely safe ways. Get acquainted not only with cosmetic products, but also with folk remedies. Such useful information will allow you to maintain your health and even save your personal budget.

The benefits and effect of tanning at home

And natural sunbathing does us more harm than good. Exposure to ultraviolet light activates the release of melanin, which gives the skin a dark tint. However, such exposure dries out the epidermis, which leads to premature aging of the skin.

In addition, doctors say that tanning on a constant basis can even lead to cancer. Active appearance is also a bad sign. It is these characteristics that make it necessary to resort to safer methods that can be done at home.

Of course, the effect of masks, washes and baths with coloring products is noticeably inferior to UV rays. The color appears, but it is absolutely not bright, and sometimes it is barely noticeable. However, the result is there and its advantage is harmlessness.

In addition, many products, on the contrary, have a positive effect on the epidermis. Vegetable pulp moisturizes, nourishes and vitaminizes the skin. Rubbing with ice tones it, and juices make it more elastic. Various colored scrubs help not only to add color, but also to make the epidermis smoother.

Unfortunately, there are also methods that, in addition to tanning, can cause peeling. It never hurts to be neat, so in these cases, don’t forget about moisturizer.

Basic rules for creating a tan

There are uniform rules that apply to preparation before any method of tanning. This stage will allow you to achieve the desired effect and avoid stains:

  • Before starting the procedure, scrub your entire body, including your face. It is best to do this 1-2 days in advance, as small particles remove the protective layer of the skin. Peeling will remove dead cells and the color will “stick” stronger and more evenly;
  • If you have dry skin, then first you need to moisturize it well. For three days, moisturize your entire body at least in the morning and evening. You can choose soft milk, nourishing lotion or a richer cream. Smooth and uniform skin also contributes to a more even tone;
  • Before using any product, check for allergies. It may not show itself in food, but it will have a different effect on the body. Be sure to apply a small drop to the crook of your elbow or other hidden area. Even if very slight itching and barely noticeable redness appear, it is better to avoid this remedy. Keep in mind that the result will not appear immediately, but after about 3 hours;
  • If you decide to use a special tanning cream, remember that it must be applied to dry skin. Even small drops from undried hands will immediately appear and cause stains;
  • Do not take breaks while applying any product. Even a fraction of a second can give you ugly borders. The same applies to layers: they should be uniform;
  • Please note that any product is most absorbed by certain places on the body. It is on the armpits, elbows, knees and the area between the fingers that a minimum of coloring pigment should be applied. If you haven’t taken this into account, you can wipe off dark spots with a hard washcloth or alcohol;
  • Don’t forget that after your artificial tanning session you need to dry a little and wait until the product is absorbed. Moreover, do not put on clothes right away. There is a high probability that it will not only become colored, but will also take some of the color from the skin area.


There are several products that can give you an artificial tan without harm. Among them are various tanning creams for home use, and even special napkins.

All these cosmetics can help you achieve a good skin tone, which can be obtained only after 3-5 courses of sunbathing. In addition, she has almost no contraindications or allergies. It does not negatively affect the epidermis, but on the contrary, it contains moisturizing components.

The disadvantages include the fragility of the result, cost and varying quality. Nowadays it is quite difficult to find a product that will give not a red, but a chocolate tone. It's even harder to find a product that won't stain or come off. However, if you adapt and find the perfect cosmetics, then all these disadvantages can be forgotten.

How to use self-tanner correctly

This type of cosmetics is considered one of the most common among those who decide to give up aggressive tanning. All of these products contain a certain pigment that turns the top layer of skin dark. It usually appears after 2-3 hours, but there are exceptions.

By the way, a more chocolatey color can be achieved through constant repetition. They need to be carried out every 3-5 days. Some layering will make the tan even richer and longer lasting.

You can achieve the desired effect using several rules:

  • Scrub your entire body and epilate in advance. and dead skin particles contributes to a more uniform result;
  • Do not apply self-tanner immediately after showering, as it can clog into open, wide pores;
  • Dry your body completely with a towel, even if it’s been a while since you showered. There is a good chance that the warm air in the room could cause sweat, which is also a liquid;
  • Apply a rich cream to your lips and eyebrows, and hide your hair under a cap;
  • The order in which you apply the self-tanner is not important. However, we remind you that elbows, knees, palms and armpits should be smeared last ;
  • It is better to prefer a creamy lotion or a spray, since they have a more uniform structure;
  • Do not stretch out the procedure, because self-tanning is quickly absorbed. Don't forget about boundaries and uniform application;
  • It is best to smear the product while wearing disposable gloves. If you have not done this, when completing the procedure, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water several times. More attention should be paid to the finger bend area;
  • Don't put clothes on right away. It's better to wait at least 10-20 minutes.

Folk remedies for tanning at home

The choice in favor of folk remedies is due to the safety and low cost of the products used. Many of them are found in every home, so there is no need to buy them specially. We will look at the most popular and proven ways to get a natural tan at home.


With coffee

Collect the coffee grounds after drinking and apply them all over your body. Leave it on for at least 15-20 minutes and rinse off. Coffee will give your skin a chocolate tone.

With carrots

Grate several carrots (the number depends on the number of zones). Add a little water and squeeze the pulp a little with your hands. After this, apply to face and body, rubbing in a little. Keep for about 20 minutes. Not recommended for very white skin as it gives a yellowish tint.

With cocoa

Dilute cocoa with water or milk to the consistency of sour cream. Leave on face or entire body for 15-25 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

With turmeric

Dilute a few tablespoons of turmeric with water until thick. Apply to face and body skin for 10-15 minutes. Please note that the spice is very drying to the skin, so use a moisturizer afterwards.

With oils

Mix St. John's wort, walnut and coconut oil in equal parts. Add to mixture essential oil carrots (25-35 drops per 0.5 cup). Apply all over your body, including your face. You can wash it off after half an hour.


With coloring drinks

Brew black tea, cocoa or coffee until the color is fully intense. Strain the drink into a separate bowl and cool. Wash your face with this solution every morning and evening, including your neck and décolleté.

With herbs

Pour a few tablespoons of string and St. John's wort hot water. Let it brew for at least an hour. Wash your face morning and evening.

With onion peel

Pour boiling water over the peels of several onions and put on fire. Cook until a dark color appears. Wash your face, neck and chest morning and evening.

With rhubarb

Pour hot water over the rhubarb root and let it cook. After 20 minutes, the mixture can be removed from the heat and strained. It is best to wash your face with this solution twice a day.


With potassium permanganate

Dissolve about 200 gr. potassium permanganate in the bath and plunge into it, rinsing your face. There is no exact time, everything is individual. You need to look at the color of your hands. If it has a golden tone, then you can climb out. After this, do not wipe with a towel, but dry naturally.

Warning: ceramics are very difficult to clean pink color potassium permanganate.

With tea

You need to brew 200 gr. brew black tea in the bathroom and let it brew for at least 15 minutes. It is recommended to lie in the bathroom for up to half an hour. It is better to dry naturally.

With herbs

It is best to take 100 grams. daisies and strings. Brew in the same way as tea. You can lie in the bath for 20 to 40 minutes. Do not dry yourself with a towel afterwards. This method can tan your face and body completely safely.

With iodine

Need to be added to clean water just a few drops of iodine. Even this dose will give a beautiful golden hue over time. You should take a bath in the usual way.



You can freeze some coffee, black tea, string, carrot juice or other coloring drinks. Wipe your face in the morning. This procedure also greatly tones the skin. Contraindicated for those with rosacea.

Rhubarb juice

You need to squeeze out a little juice from fresh rhubarb root and pour it into a bottle. Wipe your face or entire body in the morning. Please note that this juice has a drying effect.

Carrot juice

Make freshly squeezed juice from several carrots and pour into a container. Wipe the body twice a day with a cotton pad or soaked cloth.

With butter

Add a few drops of iodine to any nourishing oil. This composition must be rubbed into the skin. Repeat until the desired effect appears.

Additional Methods

Tanning lamp at home

If you have a quartz lamp in your home, then it will come in handy. It not only kills germs, but also provides ultraviolet radiation. The face, neck and décolleté area are well tanned under it. Such sessions can be held once every few days. Stay under the light for no more than 5 minutes, using special glasses and sunscreen in a solarium.

Also on sale you can find special booths or chairs for tanning your face. They are sold exclusively for home consumption. They also replace a solarium and are not very safe. By the way, the cost of this technology is quite high.

Proper nutrition

If you want to tan quickly, nutrition can also help. Naturally, it alone will not be enough, but in tandem with coloring procedures, the effect will please you.

Include as many red and orange vegetables and fruits in your diet as possible. They contain a pigment that can also color the skin. If possible, you can drink juices from them. Natural soy products and beef liver also help.

As for vitamins, you can buy drops or capsules containing beta-carotene. They will have a beneficial effect on your skin tone.

Compliance with details

Maintaining a beautiful tan will help not only proper diet, but also sufficient water consumption. Try to drink at least 1.5 liters. per day. Do not use scrubs, peelings and hard washcloths for a while, as they will immediately remove the resulting effect.

Remember to moisturize your skin by applying creams or lotions twice a day. Use gels with a not very aggressive cleansing composition in the shower. In addition, there are masks that cleanse well, but at the same time whiten the skin. That is why read the annotations and look at the composition.

If you want to have dark skin color for as long as possible, then constantly repeat the procedures. This is the only way to maintain the effect for a long time.

Video recipes for home tanning for face and body.

Until many years ago, it was not customary for women to sunbathe, because only peasants who had to work in the fields all day had tanned skin. Only the aristocrats remained pale. Today the situation has changed radically, dark-skinned women look very attractive and sexy, and pallor is more perceived as a sign of illness and weakness.

Folk remedies for tanning in the sun

There are a considerable number of products that are used during sunbathing and swimming. Among them are creams of cosmetic origin, vitamin complexes and products that can imitate tanning on the skin. But it is better to give preference to those products that make up home cosmetics. They, in turn, have a gentle effect on the skin and make the tan smoother and more beautiful.

According to research by scientists, products that contain antioxidants, amino acids, fatty acids and other substances can help in this matter. There are products that are taken orally and those that are applied to the skin to enhance tanning.

Many women know from their own experience that diet and sun rays make the tan on the skin simply dazzling. This result lasts quite a long time, it goes on smoothly and irresistibly.

There are a large number of products that promote tanning. Among them it is worth highlighting:

  1. Apricot – 0.2 kg of fresh fruit, which contains iron, phosphorus and beta-carotene, allows you to get a perfect tan in a short time.
  2. Carrots are a home remedy for tanning in the sun, thanks to which the skin has the ideal shade and becomes elastic. In addition, it is protected from excessively scorching sun. Before going to the beach, it is recommended to drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice, perhaps with the addition of cream for better absorption. True, you should not overuse this vegetable so that your skin does not get a yellow tint.
  3. Tomato – contains water (prevents dehydration) and lycopene, which improves the production of pigment that gives the skin a golden glow. Must be consumed stewed tomatoes(cooking should take a little time) with oil for quick absorption of substances.
  4. Fish products and cheeses are another folk remedy for quick tanning in the sun thanks to amino acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids. It is enough to eat a few slices of cheese for breakfast, and for fish you can take herring, tuna and other seafood. It is important to remember that sunbathing on an empty stomach is not recommended, so as not to harm your health.
  5. Fresh juices are extremely effective drinks for getting an even tan - lemon, tangerine, orange and grapefruit. Before going to the sea, you need to start drinking them a few weeks in advance. Usually they drink one glass daily on an empty stomach. Regarding lemon juice, it is better to dilute it with water and add a little honey. According to research, this has a beneficial effect on liver function, which often leads to abnormal skin pigmentation.

A very popular substance among home remedies is coffee oil. 50 grams of natural product must be ground and mixed with 100 grams of oil of any nut. The resulting mixture should sit for one week in a dark place, after which it should be filtered. Coffee grounds It is used like a skin scrub, and the oil should be applied half an hour before tanning. The skin is nourished useful substances, which is highly recommended for people with pigmentation.

It is important to note that nut oils promote an even golden tan, but it is better to limit the process of sunbathing to 20 minutes to avoid sunburn.

A good home remedy for a quick sun tan is regular iodine. It helps to get an even tan, especially at sea, since sea water also contains iodine. To make your own lotion, you will need half a glass of olive oil and 5 drops of iodine.

All this is thoroughly mixed and rubbed into the skin each time before going to the beach. Olive oil moisturizes the skin, removing fine wrinkles, makes the skin soft and silky, and iodine, in turn, does not lead to sunburn. Usually, after several procedures, each person can determine for himself the specific dosage of the components to obtain the expected effect.

Folk remedies for sun tanning, reviews

Anastasia, 32 years old. I just love Orange juice That's why I drink it very often. And when I found out that it also helps to get a beautiful, even tan, this drink became an integral part of my trips to the sea or river.

Konstantin, 26 years old. My wife always eats carrots before sunbathing, and at first I thought it was just a love for this vegetable. After she explained to me about the benefits of it for tanning, I decided to try it on myself. Indeed, the result was not long in coming; now we eat carrots and drink freshly squeezed juice from them with the whole family.

Folk remedies for a good tan in the sun they also have a positive effect on human health, so instead of spending fabulous money on cosmetics, it is better to use the products that are in every home.

Video about the rules of a beautiful tan

A beautiful and even tan makes the body more attractive. Not using special means, it will not be possible to achieve such an effect. Many people are stopped by the fact that commercial tanning spray can harm the skin. Fortunately, a similar and absolutely harmless drug can be made at home.

In this article, we will tell you how to prepare instant tanning lotions and give your skin a golden hue after natural or artificial ultraviolet exposure. You should also have anti-burn medications at your disposal, because prolonged exposure to the sun can lead to burning of the skin, followed by peeling and redness.

Composition of tanning lotions

How to influence the skin with external tanning products and after tanning, how to prepare them at home? You will learn about this by reading the article to the end. To enhance the tan on your body, you need not only to use sprays and lotions, but also to eat right. Melanin, a substance responsible for changing skin tone under the influence of sunlight, is well produced if the body has a sufficient amount of vitamin A. Therefore, before visiting a solarium or going to the beach, you should drink at least one glass of slightly sweetened carrot juice.

Homemade tanning lotion for tanning in the solarium or on the beach includes oils. Essential concentrates, fruit juices and herbal decoctions are added to them. What components can be used to create a highly effective tanning product?

  1. Coconut oil. This exotic product contains many saturated acids that deeply nourish the epidermis. If you add coconut oil to your tanning lotion, the product will not clog your pores, which is very important when high temperatures environment.
  2. Olive oil. The elixir does not cause allergies, so a spray based on it can be used by those with sensitive skin. As an additional cosmetic effect, olive oil has a smoothing and regenerating effect on the epidermis.
  3. Walnut oil. The product is used by those who dream of a dark and rich tan. The aromatic extract can be replaced with any nut oils.
  4. Linseed oil. It is also used as a base. Flax oil is suitable for those with fair and delicate skin.
  5. Citrus essential oils. It is better to add extracts of tangerine, orange, lime and grapefruit to homemade lotions if you already have extensive experience using tanning products. Citrus oils act quickly. Thanks to their use, the beautiful color remains on the skin for a long time.
  6. Wild carrot seed oil. The bright root vegetable is famous for its benefits for a beautiful tan. The vegetable can act on the skin not only from the inside, but also from the outside. Cosmetologists recommend adding wild carrot essential oil to tanning lotion for those with pale skin.

In addition to the base, coloring agents are added to the tanning spray. All elements are natural and completely safe for health.

  1. Coffee. The aromatic ground product not only gives a beautiful shade to the skin, but also enriches it with vitamins and minerals.
  2. Cocoa. Chocolate powder tones the epidermis and changes skin color, making it noticeably darker. With the help of cocoa you can achieve a bright southern tan.
  3. Tea. The strong black drink is used as an instant tanning product.
  4. A decoction of string and chamomile. The prepared herbal composition is used to give the skin a light golden hue.
  5. Carrot juice. Fresh root juice is added to tanning sprays as a strong coloring component. It gives a rich and long-lasting shade.

Now you know what to use to make your own tanning product. All that remains is to study homemade recipes to make your skin dark and glowing.

How to prepare tanning product?

You can become a dark-skinned beauty quickly and easily. You don't even need to leave your apartment. It is not at all necessary to buy a capsule for this, which is used by beauty salons.

A significant disadvantage of self-tanning is the inability to test it on a separate area of ​​the body. Homemade sprays and lotions have an advantage: check allergic reaction possible using separate components.

Fake tanning spray

When you can’t go to the warm sea under the hot sun, and the dream of dark skin haunts you, use a home self-tanner. You will need simple components:

  • carrot juice – 100 ml;
  • strong black tea – 50 ml;
  • ylang-ylang oil – 5 drops.

Mix the ingredients and pour the mixture into a container. Using a sprayer, apply the composition to the skin and wait until it dries. There is no need to rinse off the product. If the shade turns out weak, repeat the procedure, increasing the exposure time.

Tanning product for the beach and solarium

The composition should be applied immediately before direct contact with ultraviolet radiation. To prepare lotion, use the available products:

  • coconut oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • orange oil – 4 drops;
  • almond oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • rose extract – 4 drops.

Mix the ingredients until a creamy consistency is obtained. If the mixture turns out too liquid, add a little more coconut oil. Apply the composition in an even layer, without missing any areas. Rinse off after 15 minutes.

Cream for tanned skin care

Commercial after-sun lotion contains many chemical contaminants that can be harmful to delicate skin. Therefore, it is better to make a home remedy from natural products. You will need:

  • olive oil – 50 ml;
  • lavender extract – 5 drops;
  • wheat germ oil – 50 ml;
  • jojoba oil – a few drops.

Apply after-sun lotion to a clean body. The product can be washed off after 20 minutes.

To get a bronze tint on your skin, you need to try. You will have to use protective balms, stimulants, and even after-sun cream or spray. In conclusion, we invite you to watch an educational video in which Svetlana will talk about how to sunbathe correctly and remain attractive after ultraviolet exposure.