Cozy workspace at home. Home workplace in a small apartment. Create a personal archive

Combining a living room with a work area will help you in a situation where you don’t have the opportunity to set up your own office. In this case, the room acquires two functions at once: it combines the possibility of rest and work.

Living room with work area: pros and cons

This design solution has its positive and negative qualities. Good side is that such a combination, in addition to saving space, makes the interior more original. In addition, living rooms usually have good lighting, which creates favorable working conditions.

But there are also pitfalls. For example, extraneous sounds from the recreation area can distract from work, and household members, not wanting to disturb the person working, simply will not be able to have a good rest.

Before deciding on this design move, it's worth weighing the pros and cons.

Where should the work area be located?

If you decide to combine a work area with a relaxation area, you first need to decide on its location. The office should be located in the side of the room, for example, in the corner. If it is located in the center of the room, household members will not be able to rest.

It is especially appropriate to locate the work area near a window that will provide natural light.

The work area can become completely isolated if it is placed on a balcony or loggia. It is very important to take care of insulating this area so as not to freeze during the cold season. If the balcony is small, you can destroy the partition so that everything you need fits in this area. But when locating the work area in this place, it is worth considering the disadvantages, for example, noise from the street can distract from work, and dust in the warm season can cause damage to equipment.


One zone will be the hall, and the second will be the office. The division must be clear. You can apply your own ideas or borrow them from famous designers. There aren't many options for a pentagonal room. A piano will fit well into the fifth corner.

Workplace zoning provides comfort to both the working person and his household. Partitions are used for this different types. For example, solid partitions provide complete insulation. Screens and curtains can act as light partitions, which will additionally create coziness in the room. You can also separate the work area with furniture if you place cabinets so that they hide the entire work area.

Decorative panels will serve not only as screens, but also as decoration. Aqua panels or 3D panels will look very beautiful and stylish. Plastic screens connected to electricity, in addition to the above functions, will be an additional source of light, and in the dark everything looks as impressive as possible.

You can put it as a partition large aquarium: it is quite expensive, but the result compensates for the costs. This method will delight guests with its originality and beauty.

The work area can be highlighted using color. If the living room interior is quite bright and catchy, it is recommended to make the work area in neutral colors to ensure maximum concentration on work.

However, do not forget about the main rule: the work area, in addition to comfort and discreet style, should not stand out too much in the living room. In this case, the room will not look harmonious.

In addition to these techniques, you can also transform the space, for example, create a niche in the wall. This solution will be as comfortable as possible for the employee. It is possible to place the work area on a small podium; this will qualitatively highlight the work area among other items, but it will not be very convenient or practical.

It is recommended that the work area be positioned with its back to the main part of the living room so that the worker is not distracted. However, placing the office facing the seating area can also be beneficial if there are small children who need to be looked after.

Furniture placement

Most important point in this case - convenient and beautiful placement work furniture in the room. With the space for receiving guests, everything is simple: you should place a TV, a coffee table, a sofa or a couple of armchairs here. The coffee table can be classic or “transformable”, which can be expanded if desired, making it look like a full-fledged dining table.

A convenient solution for the work area is furniture on casters, which can be easily removed, for example, during the holidays, when the family is expecting a large company.

Of course, it will be more convenient for the company to relax in free space.

In order to successfully place the necessary furniture without the effect of cluttering the room, you first need to remove from the room what you can do without. Excess furniture and objects will clutter up the space as much as possible and interfere with free movement. Bulky furniture also looks outdated; it is better to replace it with multifunctional items.

After this you need to place the desktop - essential element the interior where most of the work is done. It can be placed diagonally in relation to the room itself. This way the entire corner of the room will be occupied, which will make the work area especially cozy. The table itself should not be too large; a plus is the presence of drawers and compartments for placing equipment (computer, printer, etc.).

If the size of the table allows for excess, you can place sweet photographs, decorative candles or figurines on it.

The main thing in this matter is not to overdo it, so that the accessories do not distract from the important work.

In especially small rooms you can use extendable tables– when assembled, they take up virtually no space. On balconies or loggias, you can use the window sill as a table if you expand it with plasterboard. Often in small living rooms the work area is hidden from prying eyes, for example, hidden in a closet.

The selection of a chair is very important: comfort during work affects performance and does not harm the musculoskeletal system.

A transparent table and chair will harmonize with any interior without attracting undue attention. It is appropriate to place an outlet near the table so that you do not have to stretch wires and extension cords across the entire room, which will cause discomfort to the residents and will look sloppy.

To store things, you can use racks, which can also serve as a screen. Don’t forget about hanging shelves, which take up virtually no space. They can be filled with literature, folders, and so on.

Placing a sofa in the work area is not best solution because it reduces labor productivity. On the contrary, placing a cork board on the wall is very convenient. You can attach notes, reminders, and current documents to it, this will help you save important sheets, which household members may mistakenly throw away or simply get lost in a pile of other papers. In addition to practical benefits, this element can be used as a decoration that attracts attention.

Despite all the options, the most convenient is making custom-made furniture. This method will help bring all your design decisions to life.


It is known that colors affect the performance and general psycho-emotional state of a person:

  • Cool shades of colors increase concentration at work;
  • Bright colors (yellow, green, blue) influence the creative mood; this is an ideal option for people whose work is related to creativity and the need for creative thinking. However, you should not use these colors separately, as they will distract from the main work;
  • Blue has a calming effect and helps to concentrate, while blue is too relaxing and distracts from details;
  • Red color in small quantities gives a supply of energy and confidence in own strength;
  • Warm shades will only distract from the task at hand; this is the worst option for accountants and those whose work involves precise calculations and in-depth analysis.


Most often they give preference to the classic or colonial style. A discreet style is ideal - hi-tech, minimalism, loft. This style will not distract from work and will not allow you to relax too much. They also use the colonial style in a diluted form.

Ladies, especially lovers of needlework, prefer to decorate their workplace in Provence or shabby chic style.

Is it possible to find space for a home office in a small apartment? Where and how to organize it? We have prepared a lot interesting ideas And useful tips for those who work from home.

For owners of small apartments, the issue of organizing space is always acute. Especially when it comes to a workplace where it’s not easy to allocate an extra piece of space. And sometimes you can’t do without such a zone - some people take work home, and some even work without leaving their apartment. So, where to put the computer, and how to set up an impromptu office?

1. In the corner

Corners are often overlooked, even in small spaces. But they are the ones who can help when you need to find a place for a compact workplace. Here you can put a corner table (fortunately, modern furniture manufacturers offer a variety of options) or use a wooden tabletop instead. This option allows you to equip even the most secluded corner in the apartment as a workplace - behind the door, in the hallway or in the kitchen.

2. Outdoors

Fresh air promotes better brain activity. IN summer period you can work on an open balcony, and a properly equipped loggia will allow you to work productively even in the cold season. In many apartments, the balcony serves as a closet; unnecessary things are stored here, thereby cluttering up the usable space.

If it is assumed that the office will be located on the balcony all year round, then it needs to be insulated. It is advisable to lay a soft rug on the floor, and equip the place itself with additional open shelves. Furniture for such a space should be compact and comfortable for a working person. If you don’t need anything else besides a computer, then the workplace can be designed in a minimalist style.

3. On the windowsill

If you can’t use the balcony, you should pay attention to the window sills. First of all, the workplace will always be filled with natural light. If you need to place several workplaces, you can make a kind of extension of the window sill and equip the place with an additional plastic or metal tabletop.

In order to make it convenient to work here at night, you need to hang several lamps adjustable in height and position on the wall. This option looks most advantageous in a Scandinavian interior.

4. In the closet

Fans of extraordinary solutions will certainly enjoy a workspace set up right in the closet. So a seemingly bulky piece of furniture that was inherited from your grandmother can be an excellent helper for those who work at home.

It is better to re-equip the inside of the cabinet to suit your needs - make convenient organizers, free up space under your feet, make a pull-out shelf for the keyboard. Such a workplace will look relevant in any interior, and an old cabinet will fit especially impressively into a vintage and rustic interior, and will also be appropriate in a space decorated in Provence style.

5. In a niche or pantry

A study can be made even in an awkward niche that seems useless and visually spoils the space. It is best to equip such a place with plasterboard shelves. They are able to visually add depth to the space, and if they are long and occupy most of the wall, they will visually expand the walls.

When it comes to saving usable space, you should also pay attention to little-used spaces in the apartment. For example, in some homes where storage systems are properly organized, there is no need for a pantry. It can become an impromptu office. True, here you need to think carefully about the lighting. It is advisable to equip such a workplace with built-in lighting, hang several compact sconces on the wall, and place a lamp with soft directional light on the table.

6. Economy options

If there is very little space in the apartment, there is no way to apply the above ideas, then folding mini-offices can help. They are often compact hanging systems that, if necessary, turn into convenient tables. They do not take up much space and are suitable for those who work on a laptop.

In the modern world, more and more people work without leaving home, for example on the NeoText copywriting exchange. Many beginning entrepreneurs set up a smaller version of their office in their own apartment, which helps save on renting space. And those people who work via the Internet don’t even need an office. But working from home is not so easy. Firstly, the interior of most apartments does not imply the presence of a workplace, and working for dining table or sitting on the couch is very difficult. Secondly, there are a lot of distractions at home that make it difficult to concentrate on work, and as a result, productivity drops.

How to avoid mistakes and properly design your workspace at home? There are several options for the location of the workplace, its layout and organization. This way you can create suitable and comfortable working conditions for yourself without disturbing the comfort and atmosphere of your home. Previously, we wrote about, and placed special emphasis on. Now let's look at new ideas for organizing your workspace at home.

Workplace at home in a separate room

This option is, of course, the best. If your apartment has a separate room that can be used as an office, then you are very lucky. For rooms with an open layout, another option is suitable - fence off your work area with a wall or shelving, highlight this place with color. You can use screens or curtains to create a comfortable working environment.

It is best if your office has a door that will not only protect you from temptations home comfort and regular trips to the refrigerator or sofa, but will also protect against extraneous sounds that often distract from work processes.

The office should be equipped with everything necessary so that you do not need to go to other rooms and look for the necessary items. This way you can save time and complete your work quickly and efficiently.

Workplace at home on the balcony

If your apartment is not very large, but is, then you can organize a workplace there. First, you will need to get rid of all the things stored there (usually the balcony serves as a storage room) and carefully insulate the balcony. Choose materials that don't take up much space to preserve valuables. square meters.

It is best to install a radiator on the balcony or install a heated floor. But you can also use mobile heating devices powered by electricity.

Pay special attention to wiring, lighting and the required number of outlets. To create a workspace at home on the balcony, you will need a small table that you can fit along a small wall. We also advise you to purchase a small cabinet or several spacious shelves where you can store important documents, reports or necessary manuals.

Workplace at home in the pantry

No balcony? No problem. Many apartments have small storage rooms that are used differently by different owners. If you have a small dressing room or storage area in your closet, then you won’t be able to use it as a workspace. But in most cases, the pantry is a room with very strange functionality. It usually stores things that people don't use. You can continue to store junk that no one needs, or you can clear out the closet and use it. Creating a mini-office in this room is not easy, but it is quite possible. Try to use the entire height of the pantry as much as possible to relieve your work surface. Do you use your printer often? Don't put it on the table, but put it up on a shelf. This way you will save space, but also keep the printer within reach.

An excellent option for using pantry space is hanging fasteners on which you can place the things you need.

Try to use light colors in your home's workspace in the pantry, as they visually expand and enlarge the space. Avoid bright colors, patterns and large quantity different materials.

Particular attention should be paid when designing such a workplace. There is no window in the closet, so there will be no natural light either. Try to place the lamp above the work area, and not on the ceiling. To avoid taking up useful desk space, attach the lamp to the wall or build it into a shelf above the desk. The light source should be either directly above the workplace or on the left side. Choose a light bulb with suitable brightness. Remember it's cold white light puts you in a better working mood, but makes you more tired.

Workplace at home on the windowsill

This workplace design option is very common because it is easy to implement. If in your home, then you just need to buy a suitable office chair and place a shelving unit or cabinet next to your workplace. If there is a battery under the windowsill, then it is best to move it, since it will interfere with your comfort.

In many modern houses, window sills are narrow and do not allow them to be used as a work surface. There is a simple way out of this situation - to visually extend the window sill by replacing it with a tabletop. You can attach the tabletop to the side walls. If the window sill is very long, then you will need another attachment point in the middle. A cabinet can take on this role. This way you will get not one, but two jobs. Above and next to the window you can place several shelves for storing documents. The advantage of such a workplace is natural light and a pleasant view outside the window.

Workplace at home: ideas

You can set up a workspace at home without having a balcony or a storage room. Based on the capabilities of your apartment. If you have a niche in the wall, then use it. If the room is disproportionately narrow, then block off one of the sides to create a small office room and give the second room the correct shape.

In a spacious and wide room, you can create a niche yourself by placing your workspace between two cabinets. If you like appearance closet, then you can decorate your workplace even in it! Your working day will begin not with a long trip by transport, but with the turn of a key. And it will end the same way.

It is worth noting that to work fruitfully at home you will need endurance and self-organization. Therefore, try to equip your workspace at home with everything you need so that you don’t have to leave it.

Workplace at home - photo

People I know often stay late at work to take a class at an online school or finish a freelance project. This is explained by the fact that it is more familiar and convenient to work in the office.

My article will help them and you organize what Americans call a home office - a workplace at home in order to work and study productively. Especially if you do not live alone and in a small apartment.

Designate a separate place

Step outside the couch and take your laptop off your lap. Otherwise, in a couple of months your back will feel pain, your eyes will feel tired, and even the strongest motivation will turn into procrastination.

Look into the following corners - there will probably be a place for a desktop or at least a folding tabletop:

  • at the window;
  • on the balcony;
  • in the closet;
  • between cabinets and openings;
  • in a niche, in a corner;
  • in a separate area created using partitions.

“A workplace in a one-room apartment should be mobile and multifunctional. Instead of a computer table, you can buy a universal folding one, which will turn into a dining table when guests arrive.

Instead of traditional personal computer use a combination: monitor + laptop. After work, the monitor is easy to remove, and if it has a large diagonal, it can easily replace a TV. And the table will be free for other needs.”

Alena Podmasko, stylist at Leroy Merlin

“The main mistake a freelancer makes is to work in bed or on a soft sofa/chair. Especially if you work with texts. There is always a temptation to merge with the pillows and hang out on YouTube in a soothing atmosphere or take ten tests like “which Disney princess is your closest in spirit.” I've fallen into this trap many times. Now I have organized a home workplace at a regular desk.

Life hack 1. Working from home all the time is tiring, so I compiled a map of coffee shops within walking distance and with stable Wi-Fi.

Life hack 2. Find places with happy hours - for example, at Point 242 there are discounts on coffee until 10 am, at Doubleby - until 12. This will motivate you to leave the house early. And it’s good to start the day with a cup of good coffee.”

Katerina Karslidi, editor-in-chief of the portals and

Ideally, if the chosen corner has enough space, a lot of light and you can look out the window. So it’s better to insulate the balcony than to clear out the pantry.

“A favorite trick of designers is to turn a one-room apartment into a two-room apartment, turning the balcony into an office. Replace double-glazed windows, install heated floors, and insulate the walls. Just keep in mind that heating radiators are not allowed on the balcony.”

Margarita Simonenko

Don't sacrifice form for functionality

Remember: furniture serves you and your needs, not you. Invest in a comfortable chair, a beautiful table, and stylish wall shelves that will fit into the interior. Don’t turn the corner into a soulless “cubicle” - no matter what, you’ll want to run away from your home office.

“Light-colored furniture is suitable for a small apartment; dark furniture looks more bulky. A glass table looks weightless and visually expands the area. But weigh the pros and cons: the glass tabletop is unusually cold and requires careful handling and more careful maintenance.”

Margarita Simonenko, designer-architect of the service of ready-made construction solutions "TNOMER"

“I spend most of the day at my desk: I work, rest, eat, and turn on movies at night. Initially, the corner was designed for my husband: he needed a place for both a computer and for working with papers. Therefore, the keyboard moves back, freeing up space. There were other requirements for the place: that it occupy a minimum of space, be protected from the dog (that’s why the table has a long back wall so that the dog doesn’t get under it and pull out the wires); so that I could sit next to my husband. It’s more convenient for us to communicate, watch memes and TV series: while one is working, the other is resting. Everyone is busy with their own business, but at the same time together, and not in different corners.

The table was not designed for a child at all. Now we think that the surface could be made longer. If we had one more workplace, my daughter could easily sculpt or draw between us. During full gatherings, we remove the keyboard under the monitor and sit the child on our laps. Previously, dishes accumulated in the middle of the table - now children's pencils and toys. And yes, it instantly appears in an uncleaned open notebook rock painting child.

I like the monitor stand on my desk - I hide little things under it: some cosmetics, workbooks and pens. Previously, we kept office supplies in a nightstand with drawer, but now it is sealed with tape: protection from children’s hands.”

Anna Maslennikova, freelance developer on maternity leave

Appreciate the vertical

“You can save space by using the vertical: choose a high bed under the ceiling, and organize the workplace directly under it. This scenario requires additional lighting, especially if the corner is away from the window. Install a sconce above the table or place a floor lamp on the side.

Place everything that can be hung on the wall: replace the bedside table with shelves, a regular table with a wall-mounted tabletop, mountains of papers with vertical storage systems or labeled boxes stacked on top of each other. Put current tasks on a magnetic board.”

Margarita Simonenko, designer-architect of the service of ready-made construction solutions "TNOMER"

Hide the table

“The table is the central part of the work area and requires the most space. The problem is solved if you hide it in a closet or chest of drawers. A retractable or folding tabletop is even more compact and is also easy to clean. The simplest solution is a secretary or bureau.

You can also use a window sill as a work desk by expanding it slightly. Or make a hanging tabletop that visually lightens the space.”

Margarita Simonenko, designer-architect of the service of ready-made construction solutions "TNOMER"

Maintain order

Tame your technology. If you use the entire arsenal of office equipment, one table will not be enough for you. Consider where the printer, scanner, speakers will be located, whether they will have enough sockets and whether it is possible to replace several different devices one multifunctional one. Can you do without them altogether? For example, to scan documents, an application on a smartphone is enough (Doc Pro - Book Scanner to PDF, Scanner Pro, etc.). You simply take a photo of the document, and the program enhances and saves the image.

Manage your wires. There are special clips and cable holders, or you can get by with regular office clips. Label the same cables.

Organize chaos. Think about where to store office supplies and other small items. Place nearby what you should always have at hand. Personally, it’s easier for me to start if I have a stylish notebook in front of my eyes (not necessarily a Moleskine). An anti-stress toy that is pleasant to twirl in your hands can help the developer concentrate. Place the rest in labeled boxes.

“One-room apartment in Novosibirsk, the owner works mainly from home. He lives alone, so the work area is not fenced off. During the day there is enough natural light: it falls from the window on the left, the apartment is on the 10th floor. Local lighting is provided in the evening and at night.

The workplace is a built-in table with a Wi-Fi router hidden under it. The cabinet serves as a stand for the printer. The home office fits seamlessly into the interior and does not take away from the space.”

Separate personal and work

“The brain needs help to focus. If it is difficult to divide the space (as in a one-room apartment), build conditional boundaries. For example, create two accounts on your own computer. Use one for professional activity- block some time-wasting sites there, remove shortcuts for games. The other is for a “free lifestyle”. It will be easier for you to maintain productivity in your work profile because you will have to take a conscious action to switch to procrastination.

Examples of other life hacks: change into more formal shoes or put on a shirt and suit, change the chair to an office chair, set a timer for a time intended only for work tasks.”

Maria Shumikhina, psychotherapist and coach, board member of the International Association for Psychoanalysis of Business and Organizations.


  1. Knees cannot replace a table, and a sofa cannot replace a chair. Invest in comfortable furniture.
  2. Even in a one-room apartment you can find a separate corner for work. As a last resort, screw a folding tabletop to the wall and bring a folding chair.
  3. Anything that can be hung on the wall, hang it on the wall.
  4. Keep your workplace tidy: recycle excess papers, sort out wires.
  5. Separate personal and work space.

Bonus tip: Even in the perfect workplace, remember to take a break!

If a person, for some reason, is forced to work from home (remotely), he has to face the task of properly arranging his workplace. It’s great if you can make a study. But usually there is not much space. You need to arrange a loggia, storage room, dressing room, and use a small area in the room correctly and as quickly as possible. Let's look at the intricacies of arranging a workplace.


During school years, everyone had to do homework. For this you needed a table and a chair. I developed good posture and smooth, beautiful handwriting. There are no problems with arranging a home workplace for schoolchildren. There are special tables for students and boards for washable markers. It can be more difficult to create your own workplace, because it depends on the type of work.

In your own living space you can do manicures, pedicures, eyelash extensions, sew toys, and paint pictures. Also, people working remotely can talk with clients of a bank or company, negotiate, consult, and sell. The World Wide Web helps with this. But these are special conditions, although there are also negative aspects to such work.

It's more fun with friends and colleagues. There's no arguing with that. There is a possibility that you will have to say goodbye to them in this situation. It seems that there is only trouble and loneliness at home. From a psychological point of view, working from a home rather than an office can be difficult. Homebodies cannot understand why someone would refuse a job with such conditions. Wages is the main motivation.

It’s easy to create a comfortable workplace; it’s important to decide on this type of work.

Basic interior elements

To successfully remodel your living space, as well as create an ideal workplace, you need to make a list of the furniture that you will need during work. This list should include the essentials. After this, the available resources must be assessed.

It’s worth deciding whether the furniture you have is suitable or whether it would be better to buy something else.

The dimensions and configuration of the furniture determine what area should be turned into a workplace. If you need to focus on the available square meters, problems may arise with furniture. It will have to be purchased, made to order, and it is important to strive to get by with a minimum amount of it. Large investments and unnecessary expenses are absolutely useless.

The second list should consist of things that you would like to have on hand. If you limit yourself to only the most necessary (and for a long time), there will probably be discomfort. Working from home will be interesting and convenient.


To work well, you need noise insulation (for example, when working on a video chat, with a phone). A partition or additional wall is an urgent need. Repairs may be needed. The workplace area at home should not be large for this reason. Otherwise, adaptation will turn into an insurmountable obstacle, an unattainable goal.

It is advisable to allocate as much space as needed (no more, no less). It is important to rationally distribute space without disturbing the harmony of the environment as a whole. One roll of wallpaper should be enough to create the perfect background. It can be expensive wallpaper or simple. You can always buy a small can of paint, even during a difficult time for anyone to find a suitable vacancy.

A carpet, tapestry, or painting will do: they will help hide the imperfections of the walls at first if the area used is small. Having received your first profit, you can change the situation.

Lighting matters. Sometimes you need to purchase table lamp, sconce or floor lamp, change the wiring diagram if we are talking about a cozy closet, a small workshop where there are four walls and a door. A partition or screen will help you change the design inside your own room. If the entire apartment is at the disposal of one person, a workplace can be separated using a partition solely for the sake of aesthetic pleasure, to make it easier to remain neat and disciplined. Zoning will emphasize the importance of the work.

Door, lock and key

It is not advisable to ignore your household members while working from home. It’s good if only one partition separates the workplace. Children, spouse, pets can distract and clarify at any time necessary information, ask a question. In this case, the communicative function of the family will not be disrupted. This is why homebodies often don’t like working in an office (it interferes with enjoying the world around them, loved ones, and relatives).

It’s worth trying to explain to everyone that this is about work, explain the essence of your responsibilities, the goals of the tasks, ask them not to distract you again, and forget about pranks until the evening. You should not hope that after discussion an agreement will be concluded and no one will violate its points. You can imagine options such as installing a door or creating a completely isolated space.

A working day must remain a working day. Part-time work and flexible hours are additional conditions for working from home, which are sometimes excluded by the employer.

A desk drawer with a lock and key and shelves with lockable doors allow you to store things that need to be restricted. These could be needles, knives, important papers. A door that closes with a latch or lock will also help create space for activity without restrictions (quiet work, appropriate movements, expression of emotions).

Let's consider the subtleties of furniture arrangement.

How to arrange furniture?

The available space determines how the furniture should be arranged. To delimit space, not only walls, partitions, screens are used, but also the color of the decor, as well as the compactness of the furniture details.

Compactness is important: everything should be at hand. In this case, the ergonomics of the workspace will be ideal.

A practical option

If you need to visit a furniture store, you should pay attention to transformable furniture, especially if corner placement is possible. It is more maneuverable, compact, and practical. A table with adjustable height and a hidden additional tabletop will be good option. True, you may want to use it more often for entertainment during guests’ visits or on holidays. One day you will get tired of constantly putting it back in place.

A more acceptable option would be a table on wheels, as well as a standard model. Sometimes you will have to buy a second one and place it next to the first one.

A chair with adjustable height and backrest position is a convenient piece of furniture for a home office. Tone is necessary during the work process. It is supported by a chair with a relatively hard seat and a similar backrest. When the muscles of the whole body are slightly tense, it is easier to concentrate and concentrate.

A chair on wheels is easier to move, for example, by opening a desk drawer. By pushing it back at the end of the day, you don’t have to worry about the safety of the floor covering.

If the workplace is set up in the bedroom, and there is a sofa or bed nearby, it is important to remember that it is better to walk around the room during a break. Moving to the sofa is not the best good idea. This will not give you the rest you need.


In the office, employees often do not have a large number of shelves at their disposal. All papers are systematized using folders, binders, and archives. Photos, vases with flowers, toys and other pleasant little things are now appropriate to place nearby to improve your mood. To do this, be sure to install shelves. This can be a whole cabinet, half the height of the wall, or a wall-mounted cabinet (half the width of the wall).

The configuration must be selected in accordance with the purpose, taking into account personal preferences.

Sometimes you need a cabinet with doors. In another situation, it will be easier to get things from an open shelf; in this case, doors may be superfluous. A workplace created at home provides a large area of ​​personal space, which is convenient. You can fantasize, dream, invent and bring ideas to life.

It is advisable to draw up a drawing in advance. This will make organizing the space much easier.


The surrounding atmosphere provides an appropriate mood and makes a certain impression on the employee himself and clients, managers, and relatives. The mood and thoughts depend on what color the walls and shelves are painted, what color the furniture is, what style the interior design is in.


The home workplace is often a small area. Therefore, it is important to use light color range in interior design. Due to this, even a person who does not like being in a confined space will be comfortable. Materials for wall decoration should be selected taking into account factors such as the degree of soiling. The required degree of coating resistance is determined by the risk of damage.

A child’s workplace, for example, requires the use of washable wallpaper. It is advisable to prefer them. A pen or felt-tip pen will not damage such a surface, which means that repairs will not have to be done soon.

An adult's workplace may also involve the use protective coating this type for walls. It all depends on functional responsibilities and professional skills. The dominant color in interior design should be unobtrusive, pleasant, close to neutral. If you like dark colors, the contrast method will help create the optimal space.

Combining colors is easy. This can be tested in practice: dark shades can be combined with light ones. At the same time, the impression of the workplace will not deteriorate, since some styles involve the use of dark shades.

Stylistic features

Each style in interior design appeared in order to evoke the desired emotions while decorating the room. Luxury, pathos, brilliance and tenderness of romanticism, baroque are a risk when it comes to the style of workplace decor. In some cases, it is important to create a unique atmosphere at your own discretion.

Based on your taste and opinion, you need to choose decor. A certain style, chosen in advance, helps to maintain the framework. It sets the tone and work spirit.

Details, little things, touches can be ridiculous and strange. If there is a lamp with a unique shade on the shelf, it's not bad. It is irrelevant in the office. If you choose a fashionable style and decorate it in a modern, stylish room, you can avoid mistakes. Fashionable solutions are universal. This is a great opportunity to try something unusual for yourself, new, learn something, broaden your horizons, change your stereotype. The changes won’t hurt your pocket, because the area being remodeled is small.

Combination with other rooms

Creating a room within a room is no easy task. A screen or partition seems like a better idea.

Pantry - all the pros and cons

Almost every apartment has a storage room. It is usually located a little further from the rooms, separately. Its doors will help you end your workday in a matter of minutes and hide this space from the eyes of guests. The person himself, working at home, will forget about business in a few minutes. These benefits are significant.