Linden m. Small-leaved linden: photo, description, varieties. Linden in medicine

In Europe, as well as in the regions of East Asia, such a persistent and productive tree species as small-leaved linden is common. It is quite often used for alleys and various parks, as well as in deciduous and mixed forests. The tree itself grows up to 20 - 30 m in height, the crowns reach 19 m in diameter. It is quite durable, can live up to 600 years, while possessing an unusual dense crown. It grows quite quickly and its growth per year reaches 1.5 m in height, as well as up to 40 cm in width.

In principle, by the age of eight it can grow up to five meters, and by thirty it is a fully grown tree. Very resistant to wind and drought, as it has good root system. Over the course of six years, she has been building up the core central root element, which goes quite well underground in about the same way as its upper part. In adulthood, it becomes highly branched and shades the entire ground beneath it.

Description and characteristics

The main feature is its endurance to external influences. It does not require much lighting and can easily withstand windy weather and frosts down to minus forty degrees. Can be grown on various soils, except those where nearby groundwater is located.

Another advantage is its decorative nature. Its design is ideal - the trunk is very even, the crown is very thick and dense, easily withstands pruning, blooms excellently and emits an unsurpassed aroma. It is the most common of all types that are necessary for the formation of parks, alleys, as well as for teaching shaded areas and for other purposes in landscape design.

And also one of the advantages is that it serves as an excellent honey plant. Bees are very well lured by its aroma and the honey obtained from its inflorescences has a very high qualities and healing properties.

And its most useful characteristic is its medicinal qualities. You can tell its color for making tea. Not only its color, but also its roots, buds, and charcoal from it have medicinal properties. All its components can have antipyretic, diuretic, diaphoretic effective medications and are needed for colds and other inflammatory diseases.

Main varieties and their detailed descriptions

On at the moment Many varieties of this plant have already been bred and they all have an excellent crown, which itself forms it. All of them are not afraid of the effects of wind, are excellent honey plants and feel good in the city. Here are the main varieties of small-leaved linden:

For hedges The following varieties of small-leaved linden are very often used:

  1. Greenspice is a resistant linden variety.
  2. Pallida is a variety from Europe.
  3. Orebro is a large-leaved variety.

Linden trees for hedges are all cut in one row, thus forming an ideal crown for them. Due to the fact that they are thick and dense, they easily create the effect of a green fence that is impossible to get through.

Methods of propagation of small-leaved linden

Linden can also reproduce in a variety of ways, like other plants, namely:

Planting small-leaved linden

To plant this plant, we perform several steps:

  1. Prepare a hole for planting up to one and a half meters in diameter and the same, or even more, depth.
  2. For alleys, the distance between planting trees must be maintained at three or four meters, and for hedges - two.
  3. Place about 15 cm of pebbles, crushed stone or broken brick on the bottom.
  4. About 10 cm of compost is poured on top, adding up to 55 g of superphosphate.
  5. Place it in a hole so that the neck of the root is level with the earth's surface.
  6. Fill the mixture with turf, humus, and sand in a ratio of 1: 2: 2.
  7. Water well.

Caring for small-leaved linden

For complete care, the following conditions must be met:

Pests and diseases of small-leaved linden

Possible pests and diseases:

To combat these listed pests and diseases, all kinds of insecticides, actelliks, and acaricides are used, and to combat aphids, you can use a soap solution.

Small-leaved linden (Tilia cordata) is common in different regions Russia. It can be found in the Urals, the Caucasus, Crimea, and Europe. The tree blooms at the end of June and bears fruit annually. It is often used for alley plantings in landscape design. Linden blossom is in demand in pharmacology, perfumery and in the production of liqueurs, cognacs, and tea substitutes.

Description and varieties of linden

Small-leaved, long-lived tree with a spherical crown and dark bark. Grows up to 38 meters. The age of the plant reaches 1200 years. In young crops the bark has a red tint, in old ones it is covered with black-green bark. Linden is light-loving, grows singly or in plantings. Propagated by seeds. Undemanding to soil. Grows best in sunny, open, well-drained areas rich in humus.

On the territory of Russia there are 8 species of plants, wind-resistant, with beautiful crown shapes. They are excellent honey plants and are not afraid of urban conditions.

Among the available varieties of small-leaved linden, 5 varieties are most often found:

Flowers plants They have not only analgesic properties. They are used as diuretics, anticonvulsants, and anti-inflammatory drugs. Decoctions and infusions are made from plants. The wood is used to make drugs that help with dysentery, diarrhea and other stomach diseases. Baths and saunas are equipped with it. It retains heat perfectly and releases a wonderful aroma.

Linden blossom fragrance is added to perfume products. Notes of linden can be heard in the fragrances Jo Malone French Lime Blossom, Elizabeth Arden 5th Avenue, L Artisan Parfumeur La Chasse aux Papillons, Annick Goutal Eau du Ciel.

Features of planting a tree

You can grow a tree seedling yourself or buy it at a garden store. For the second option, you will need to prepare a landing hole. The diameter of the hole must be at least 50 cm, the depth - 50 cm or more. When forming an alley, trees are placed at a distance of 4 meters from each other. 15 cm of pebbles, crushed stone or ordinary broken bricks are poured into the bottom of the pit. 10 cm of compost is poured on top, 55 g of superphosphate is added.

The young tree is placed so that its root collar is flush with the ground. The resulting cavities are filled with a mixture of humus, turf and sand in a ratio of 2:1:2. Water generously.

The tree does not reproduce well by cuttings. You can use 2 more methods:

For the first method, ripened seeds are collected from small-leaved linden yourself. Place them for 6 months in a cold place in damp sand or sawdust. In the spring, before sowing, the seeds are scarified: the hard shell of the seed is slightly sawed off. Everything is sown superficially. Germination is observed after 3 years. Young shoots must be watered regularly and covered for the winter.

USDA zone 3. Grows wildly throughout almost the entire European part of Russia, in Western Siberia, Crimea and the Caucasus, in Western Europe. It grows in the forest zone, one of the forest-forming species. This is the most resilient representative of the genus; it goes further than all other broad-leaved species to the north, reaching Petrozavodsk and Kotlas, and to the east, reaching Krasnoyarsk. It can withstand temperatures down to -48°C without damage. The lifespan of linden trees is 150 years. An important feature of linden is its adaptability to different conditions. On open places, especially in rich soils, small-leaved linden can grow into a large tree with a trunk diameter of up to 1 meter. At the same time, under the forest canopy or on poor soils, linden is only a relatively tall shrub. It is characterized by great shade tolerance, high frost resistance, is sensitive to drought, is moderately demanding on soil conditions, tolerates urban conditions more or less well, and retains dust well. It perfectly withstands crown molding and is one of the most important tree species, most widely used in gardens and parks of a regular style. This is an important medicinal plant. Flowers with bracts are used in medicine. Their infusion is used as a diaphoretic for colds and as a bactericidal agent. In the south of Western Siberia there are several centers of natural distribution of small-leaved linden, which are sometimes considered as an independent species - Siberian linden (Tilia sibirica Bayer). Small-leaved linden is absolutely stable in Tomsk.

Linden is one of the true wonders of nature. Linden is a favorite tree in estates and parks. She, like a queen, blooms at the height of summer, when all the other trees have long since faded. Its subtle, enchanting scent seems omnipresent: it envelops, intoxicates, lures you into the shade of trees, invites you to hide from the sultry summer sun. Linden is a whole forest pharmacy. People turn to him for help with a variety of ailments: coughs, colds, sore throats, burns, headaches and many others. It cuts perfectly and therefore will never outgrow your garden.

Crown diameter of an adult plant (m): 20

Height of an adult plant (m): 30


Small-leaved linden is a tree up to 30 m tall, with a compact oval crown and a slender cylindrical trunk.

It is characterized by great shade tolerance, is sensitive to drought, tolerates urban conditions more or less well, and retains dust well. It perfectly withstands crown molding and is one of the most important tree species, most widely used in gardens and parks of a regular style. Tolerates transplantation well. It cuts perfectly and therefore will never outgrow your garden.

Suitable for creating hedges.

A valuable honey plant and a whole “forest pharmacy”: people turn to it for help with a variety of ailments: coughs, colds, sore throats, burns, headaches and many others.

Plant lifespan
Durable, lives up to 400 years or more.


The crown is oval. The upper branches of the crown are usually directed upward, the middle ones go almost horizontally, and the lower ones, especially in edge trees, hang down.


Leaves are up to 6 cm long, rounded-heart-shaped, slightly unequal, with a serrated edge, with a long-pointed apex, long-petiolate (up to 3 cm), dark green, glabrous, sometimes shiny, bluish on the underside. In autumn they take on a beautiful light yellow color.


The bark is thick, unusually smooth, gray in young specimens, brown-gray in old trees, dissected by various flat longitudinal grooves into plates.


The flowers are yellow, fragrant, collected in inflorescences of 5-8 flowers, with a characteristic light green bract (the peduncle is fused with the midrib of the bract leaf in its lower half).

Flowering lasts 12-17 days. The flowers are very fragrant.

Flowering time

June, July,


The fruits are spherical nuts without ribs.

Ripen in August-September.

They remain on the tree all winter.


Small-leaved linden is not picky about soil, but prefers fertile and well-drained soils. It has great shade tolerance.


Pour about 15 cm of pebbles, crushed stone or broken brick into a prepared hole 1.5 m x 1.5 m deep, then about 10 cm of compost, adding up to 55 g of superphosphate to it. Place the plant, straightening the roots, in the center, without deepening the root collar.

Fill the mixture with turf, humus, and sand in a ratio of 1: 2: 2 and water well.

Plants with an open root system are planted in spring and autumn. Plants with a lump of earth from a container - from spring to late autumn.


Care: loosening, weeding, fertilizing, mulching, sanitary and formative pruning, preventive treatment against possible diseases and pests.

Watering is regular.

Absolutely frost-resistant.

Complex and nitrogen fertilizers.

Pests: aphids, scale insects, lilac hawkmoth, cutworm, tubeworm, leafworm, nun silkworm, moth. Protection - insecticides

Diseases: white rot, sooty fungus, leaf spot. Protection - fungicides.


Propagated by seeds, layering, shoots, cuttings, grafting. The growth ability is maintained until old age.

It grows throughout almost the entire European part of Russia, in Western Siberia, Crimea and the Caucasus, in Western Europe. In culture for a very long time. The best companion of oak and maple.

Small-leaved linden (heart-shaped) - photo, medicinal properties medicinal plant.

Small-leaved linden

Small-leaved linden has long been known for its medicinal properties, but only in the last century were carried out scientific research who studied it chemical composition and confirmed its beneficial properties.

Latin name: Tilia cordata.

English names: small-leaved lime, littleleaf linden or small-leaved linden.

Family: Malvaceae - Malvaceae.

Synonym: Linden is heart-shaped.

Parts used: buds, flowers, leaves, bark, wood ash.

Botanical description: a tall tree (20-40 meters) has a straight trunk, an oval, compact crown formed by upper branches growing upward, middle branches growing horizontally and lower branches hanging down.

The leaves are medium sized (6 cm), bare on top and dark colored. green, have a bluish color on the underside. Yellowish-white small flowers, collected in inflorescences of 5-7, have an unusually pleasant aroma. Blooms from late June, early July for 10-15 days.

How linden grows and blooms

Habitat: temperate climate zone of Europe, Asia and North America.

Collection and preparation. The flowers and leaves of cordate linden are collected only during flowering. This time lasts about 2 weeks. Linden flowers collected at other times bring less benefit and produce a high percentage of unusable raw materials.

Harvesting is done in dry weather. To collect, carefully separate the inflorescences along with the bracts of the linden leaves. Lay out in a thin layer in rooms without access to sunlight and with good ventilation. You should not mix the medicinal raw materials, as the flowers are extremely delicate and fragile. When dried, the aroma disappears, flowers and leaves become dry and brittle. Small-leaved linden flowers and leaves are stored for up to 2 years in dark and dry rooms. They try not to shift it from place to place, because the raw materials are easily crushed.

Chemical composition. Small-leaved linden flowers contain huge amount flavonoids and essential oils that determine the medicinal properties of this medicinal plant. Flavonoids regulate the permeability of the walls of blood vessels, make them more elastic, and prevent sclerotic lesions. Linden blossom is rich in tannins, which have an anti-inflammatory effect, and glycosides, which cause the diaphoretic effect of linden. Thanks to these glycosides, linden blossom tea is recommended for use for colds. In addition, linden blossom is rich in vitamin C and carotene, which our bodies independently synthesize vitamin A.

Useful and healing properties of linden

The main beneficial and medicinal properties of small-leaved linden (heart-shaped) are to delay the onset of the inflammatory process, protect healthy tissues from inflammation and relieve it. Also, linden blossom and leaves have antipyretic, diaphoretic, antiseptic, and expectorant properties. Linden promotes the regeneration process, removes sodium chloride from the body, relieves spasms, lowers blood pressure, accelerates the excretion of urine and bile, improves the activity of the endocrine glands, has a sedative, enveloping and softening effect.

Linden blossom is used for colds, acute respiratory infections, flu and inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, cough and bronchitis. Linden is recommended for gastritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, colic associated with kidney and gallstones, intestinal and stomach spasms. Also, folk remedies from small-leaved linden are used for joint diseases, hemorrhoids, rheumatism, ulcers, burns, neuralgia, neuritis, menopausal syndrome, vascular and hypertensive crises.

Small-leaved linden (heart-shaped) is an excellent honey plant, linden honey (one of the best) is an excellent medicinal folk remedy.

Linden tea - beneficial properties

Linden tea

Linden tea is widely used in folk medicine as an anti-cold and anti-inflammatory agent. It is recommended to drink it for bronchitis and pneumonia, colds. Linden tea also relieves fatigue, tidies up the nervous and digestive systems, relieves headaches, insomnia, and unpleasant cramps.

It also has a beneficial effect on female body, helps in restoring the menstrual cycle. Linden tea is indispensable for diseases of the blood vessels. In addition, it has medicinal properties that eliminate digestive problems and removes toxins.

Linden tea helps with urolithiasis, cystitis and inflammation of the urinary tract, relieves swelling, as it has a diuretic effect.

How to brew linden tea

How much linden blossom to use for brewing depends on personal taste. The more flowers, the richer and more aromatic the tea. But this does not mean at all that there is more benefit.

Therefore, when brewing tea, you need to focus on 2-3 teaspoons of linden flowers per glass of boiling water. Leave for about 10 minutes and you can drink. It is not recommended to drink linden tea more than 2-3 cups a day.


Self-medication is dangerous! Before treating at home, consult your doctor.

Lime blossom treatment

  1. Angina(acute tonsillitis). Recipe for a mixture of small-leaved linden flowers. 1 tablespoon of the crushed mixture (take the raw materials equally), pour 1 glass of milk, water (1:1), bring to a boil, wrap and leave for 30 minutes. Squeeze and bring to original volume. Drink instead of tea.
    Gargling for a sore throat. Pour 10-15 grams of linden blossom into 200 ml of boiling water, add 5 grams of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), wrap and leave for 30 minutes. Use for gargling.
  2. Asthenic syndrome(chronic fatigue syndrome, fatigue). Pour 1 tablespoon of linden flowers into 200 ml of boiled water room temperature, cover, leave for 6 hours. After 6 hours, heat in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, leave for 15 minutes. Strain and add to original volume. Drink a glass for 14 days.
  3. Vascular atherosclerosis. Pour 1 tablespoon of linden blossom into 200 ml of boiled water, close the lid and heat in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes. Leave for 45 minutes. Strain and top up to original volume. Sweeten with honey and drink everything hot at night.
  4. Infertility. After meals, drink 50 ml of juice squeezed from small-leaved linden flowers.
  5. Bronchitis acute(inflammation of the bronchi). Pour 1 tablespoon of linden blossom into 200 ml of boiled water, close the lid and heat in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes. Leave for 45 minutes. Strain and top up to original volume. Sweeten with honey and drink hot at night when coughing.
  6. Acute bronchopneumonia. Pour 2 tablespoons of heart-shaped linden flowers into 600 ml of boiling cow's milk, leave until morning, strain. Drink in 3 doses during the day, 1 hour before meals.
  7. Bronchitis acute(inflammation of the bronchi), Acute bronchopneumonia. A mixture of 1 kg of honey, 200 ml of fresh juice from the leaves, 200 ml of olive oil, 100 g of buds, 50 g of linden blossom. Pour birch buds and linden flowers separately with 500 ml of boiled water, close with a lid and heat in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes. Strain. Pour into the mixture of honey and aloe juice, add olive oil. Drink 1 tablespoon 15 minutes before meals. Shake before use.
  8. Bronchitis acute(inflammation of the bronchi). Pour 1 teaspoon of linden blossom into 200 ml of boiling water, cover and leave for 45 minutes. Strain and top up to original volume. Drink 200 ml warm at night or 2-3 times 100 ml before meals.
  9. High temperature. 2 tablespoons of small-leaved linden flowers per 400 ml of boiling water, wrap and leave for 20-30 minutes. Prepare a more concentrated infusion at the rate of 3-4 tbsp. crushed inflorescences per 400 ml of boiled water at room temperature. Boil for 15 minutes, strain. Drink as an antipyretic folk remedy during the day.
  10. Haemorrhoids. Apply a bandage soaked in mucus from boiled linden leaves to the inflamed nodes.
  11. Acute hepatitis. Burn the linden block and grind it into powder. Drink 1-2 times a day 1 dessert spoon of powder with 50 ml of milk for pain in the liver.
  12. Acute glomerulonephritis(kidney disease). It is necessary to cleanse the stomach, give the patient hot diaphoretic tea from the leaves of small-leaved linden,). Put the patient to bed, surround him with bottles of hot water, cover with a warm blanket and let it sweat. When the patient feels better, give him dairy foods until the swelling disappears. If the patient cannot tolerate cow's milk, give him almond milk, or add a little soda to the milk to prevent bloating. Then gradually switch to crackers, vegetables, fruits, but without salt. When switching to meat, you must first give rabbit, and then chicken, beef. Do not give beef broth until complete recovery, since it contains a lot of salt, even without being salted.
  13. Flu. Pour 10-15 grams of small-leaved linden flowers into 200 ml of boiling water in a thermos, leave for 1 hour, strain and top up to the original volume. Drink during the day as a diaphoretic folk remedy.
  14. Viral diarrhea. Grind the linden blossom into powder and drink with spring water without restrictions.
  15. Viral diarrhea. Prepare the finest powder from the ash of the cordate linden tree and take 3-4 teaspoons throughout the day.
  16. Exudative diathesis. Sprinkle weeping rashes with powder from crushed fresh linden blossom or ash.
  17. Climax. Brew 1 tablespoon of linden blossom with a glass of boiling water, cover and let it brew. It is better to brew in the evening. And in the morning, drink it at once, after straining it. Sweeten with honey if desired. Take the decoction once a day for 30 days. Helps with hot flashes.
  18. Measles. Pour 1 tablespoon of small-leaved linden flowers into 200 ml of boiling water in a thermos, leave for 1 hour. Strain and top up to original volume. Sweeten with honey and drink hot at night. Store the infusion in a thermos for no longer than 24 hours.
  19. Chronic laryngitis. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over 1 tablespoon of flowers, close the lid and heat in a boiling water bath for 30 minutes, remove from heat and leave for 10 minutes. Strain and top up to original volume. Sweeten with honey and drink hot at night when coughing.
  20. Radiation sickness. Infuse 2 tablespoons of heart-shaped linden inflorescences in 1 liter of boiling water for 30 minutes, strain and squeeze. Drink 200 ml before meals for a month. Repeat the course of treatment after a break of 12-14 days.
  21. Mastitis. Apply plant buds (or boiled young bark) crushed to dough into dough as compresses.
  22. Migraine. Pour 1 teaspoon of small-leaved linden flowers into 200 ml of boiling water, wrap and leave for 30 minutes. Strain and top up to original volume. Drink 100 ml warm 15 minutes before meals. Cover your head with linden leaves and tie it with a scarf.
  23. Neurasthenia. Pour 1 tablespoon of linden blossom into 200 ml of boiling water in a thermos, leave for 1 hour. Strain and top up to original volume. Drink a glass for 14 days. Store the infusion in a thermos for no more than 24 hours.
  24. Neuroses. Heat 2 tablespoons of inflorescences together with small-leaved linden flowers, stirring frequently, in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes in 200 ml of boiled water, remove from heat and leave for 45 minutes. Drink 400-600 ml of decoction with honey at night.
  25. Burns. Scrape the cambium from the inside of the linden bark. Apply this mixture to burns.
  26. ARVI(acute respiratory viral infection). Pour 1 tablespoon of small-leaved linden inflorescences into 200 ml of boiling water, cover and leave for 30 minutes, add 1 tbsp. honey and juice from half. Drink warm, 50-100 ml as a diaphoretic.
  27. ARVI. Pour 2 tablespoons of linden blossom into 400 ml of boiled water, close the lid and heat in a boiling water bath for 45 minutes. Leave for 15 minutes. Strain and top up to original volume. Drink during the day.
  28. Poisoning. Drink a cup of linden blossom infusion or herb every day after lunch and in the evening for dizziness during poisoning.
  29. Mumps. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over 1 tablespoon of small-leaved linden flowers, close the lid and heat, stirring frequently, in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes. Leave for 45 minutes. Strain and top up to original volume. Sweeten with honey and drink hot at night.
  30. Mumps. After meals, drink 50 ml of juice (for children - 1-2 teaspoons per meal), squeezed from linden blossom.
  31. Gout. Apply buds or pulp from the cambium of small-leaved linden bark (also boiled young bark) to the consistency of dough to a dough consistency.
  32. Kidney stone disease. Pour 1 teaspoon of heart-shaped linden flowers into 200 ml of boiling water, wrap and leave for 30 minutes. Strain and top up to original volume. Drink 70 ml infusion before meals.
  33. Prostatitis. Grind a burnt linden tree firebrand into powder. For 7 days in a row, make a drink from this powder in the form of coffee and drink it in the morning.
  34. Cold. Pour 10-15 grams of small-leaved linden inflorescences into 200 ml of boiling water, cover with a lid and heat in a boiling water bath for 30 minutes. Leave for 10 minutes. Strain and top up to original volume. Drink the infusion as a diuretic.
  35. Cold. Drink an infusion of small-leaved linden inflorescences, leaves or flowers, leaves.
  36. Umbilical hernia. Give linden blossom tea or 1/2 teaspoon of pure chalk, ground with cream, for umbilical hernia in children.
  37. Liver cancer. Burn a block of cordate linden wood and grind it into powder. Take 1-2 times a day, 1 dessert spoon of powder with 50 ml of milk for pain in the liver.
  38. Rheumatism. Cover the sore spot with inflorescences scalded with boiling water along with linden blossom, wrap with plastic wrap and a warm scarf.
  39. Angina pectoris(angina pectoris). Mix 200 ml of skim cow's milk and 200 ml of boiled water, throw in a pinch of dried chamomile flowers, linden blossom and black elderberry - mix everything, bring to a boil in a water bath and remove from heat. Strain and drink instead of tea.
  40. Convulsions. Heat 2 tablespoons of inflorescences in a boiling water bath for 10 minutes in 400 ml of boiled water and drink 400-600 ml at night with honey.
  41. Tracheitis. Pour 1 tablespoon of linden blossom into 200 ml of boiling water, close the lid and heat, stirring frequently, in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes. Leave for 45 minutes. Strain and top up to original volume. Sweeten with honey and drink hot at night when coughing.
  42. Lupus. Sprinkle weeping rashes with fresh linden or birch charcoal powder.
  43. Cholelithiasis (cholelithiasis). Burn a piece of small-leaved linden wood and grind the ash into powder. Drink 1-2 times a day, 1 dessert spoon of powder with 50 ml of milk for pain in the liver.
  44. Acute cystitis(inflammation of the bladder). Pour 1 teaspoon of linden blossom into 200 ml of boiling water, cover and leave for 30 minutes. Strain and top up to original volume. Drink the infusion 2-3 times a day, 100 ml before meals.
  45. Epilepsy. Pour 1 teaspoon of linden blossom into 200 ml of boiling water, cover and leave for 30 minutes. Strain and top up to original volume. Drink the infusion warm at night, 100 ml.

Contraindications. Individual intolerance, possible allergic reactions. It is important to remember that tea made from small-leaved linden (heart-shaped) flowers is, first of all, medicinal tea. Therefore, they do not need to be abused and replaced with regular tea. Linden blossom increases the body's immunity and has diaphoretic properties, which leads to excessive excitement nervous system and additional stress on the heart.