Discussion on the topic: what is MOP in an apartment building? Electricity mop in a housing and communal services receipt Determination of common areas in an apartment building

These rules have been developed in accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses dated December 30, 2001 No. 195 FZ, Federal Law dated March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population”, Rules for the use of residential premises approved by the resolution Government of the Russian Federation dated January 21, 2006, No. 25, Rules for the maintenance of common property in apartment buildings, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 13, 2006, No. 491, Rules and standards for technical operation housing stock, approved by the Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia dated September 27, 2003 No. 170, Rules for the provision utilities citizens approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 23, 2006. No. 307, Rules fire safety in the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated June 18, 2003 No. 313.

1.1. The purpose of the Rules is:

— ensuring the safety of living in the house;

— regulation of relations for the use of common property in apartment buildings

— creating a favorable atmosphere for living;

- saving environment;

— maintaining public order;

— development and preservation of good neighborly relations.

The rules are intended to promote the respect and understanding between neighbors necessary for successful living together in apartment building.

The rules are mandatory for all owners of residential and non-residential premises, employers, tenants and family members of these categories of citizens, as well as temporary residents and guests, regardless of residence.

The management company, in pursuance of the requirements of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences, has the right to apply, depending on the nature of the violation, to the commission on affairs of minors and the protection of their rights, federal executive authorities, structural divisions and territorial bodies, administrative commissions and other bodies.

Compliance with fire safety measures.

2.1. Use of residential and non-residential premises by residents of the house, as well as premises public use carried out taking into account fire safety requirements in the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated June 18, 2003. No. 313.

Fire safety regulations are mandatory for everyone living in the house

2.2. Residents of the house if a fire (ignition) is detected both inside and outside the premises must immediately report it to the Criminal Code,

and by tel 01, 112, and, if possible, take all possible measures to eliminate it.

Rescue and fire-fighting equipment must be in good working order. Rescue and fire-fighting equipment must not be damaged or used for other purposes. The culprit of equipment damage is obliged to compensate for the damage caused.

2.4. It is prohibited to store explosive, flammable and combustible substances in apartments and basements, as well as to place them on staircase landings.

2.5. Smoking is prohibited in the entrances (in the elevator, on staircase landings) and basements, throw ashes and cigarette butts from windows, from balconies (loggias) onto the street and stairwells. It is prohibited to throw unextinguished cigarette butts into the garbage chute.

2.6. Landings and staircase openings, corridors, vestibules, passages must be free for possible evacuation in the event of a fire, natural disaster or emergency.

2.7. It is prohibited to store bulky items in common areas (old furniture, bicycles, baby strollers, as well as bulky waste, construction materials, etc.)

2.8. Access routes for fire and rescue vehicles must always be clear.

2.9. In order to maintain safety of movement, employees of the Management Company "SPK" have the right, in case of cluttering of passages and access roads, to clear them without a special reminder and at the expense of the culprits. Claims from owners of abandoned items for damages will not be accepted.

3. Safety measures for living in the house

3.1. The maintenance of residential and non-residential premises, as well as premises that are part of the common property in the apartment building, must ensure safe conditions residence and meet the standards established by the Rules for the Use of Residential Premises, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 21, 2006. No. 25, Rules for the maintenance of common property in apartment buildings, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 13, 2006 No. 491, Rules and norms for the technical operation of the housing stock, approved by Decree of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated September 27, 2003. No. 170.

3.2. Residents of the house must ensure that access to the entrances, basement, technical floor, roof, etc. of the house is inaccessible to unauthorized persons.

Entrance doors equipped with automatic locking devices must be locked.

3.3. Windows in stairwells and basements must be kept closed during the heating season, as well as at night and during windy or rainy weather.

Flower boxes are allowed to be installed only on the inside of the loggia.

It is prohibited to throw anything away, pour it out or pour it out of windows or loggias.

3.4. The elevator must only be used for its intended purpose. Young children can only use the elevator if accompanied by an adult. Adults are responsible for ensuring that children do not press the elevator call button unnecessarily and do not play around in the elevator cabin.

It is prohibited to transport heavy objects (furniture, large household appliances, etc.) in the elevator.

Upon completion of the transportation of goods, the elevator car must be properly cleaned.

3.5.If a faulty engineering equipment, accidents and other unforeseen circumstances in an apartment or common areas, residents of the house must immediately notify the management office of the SPK management company or the emergency service, and, if possible, immediately take measures to eliminate them.

The management company must ensure immediate localization of the accident within the time limits established by the Rules and Standards for the Technical Operation of the Housing Stock, approved by the resolution of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated September 27, 2003. No. 170. The costs of eliminating the accident that arose through the fault of the person living in the house are borne by the culprit, and the damage is compensated by him voluntarily or in court.

3.6. Unauthorized connection to common house power supply, heat supply, water supply, sewerage and gas supply systems is prohibited.

It is prohibited to pour liquid waste containing residues of cement, asbestos, chalk into the sewer system, as well as throw away other garbage, rags, personal hygiene items, etc. that can cause clogging of the sewer system. Repair work to eliminate any damage (malfunctions) caused by improper use of plumbing equipment is carried out at the expense of the owner of the premises through whose fault the damage occurred.

3.7. It is prohibited to unauthorizedly carry out any work in common areas or on individual elements of common property, as well as to rebuild, complete or liquidate individual elements of common property.

4. Providing access to residential and non-residential premises.

4.1. Residents of the house are obliged to provide access to the residential or non-residential premises they occupy for:

— inspecting the technical and sanitary condition of indoor equipment related to common property, and performing the necessary repair work at a pre-agreed time with the management company’s employees.

— taking IPU readings

— detection and elimination of accidents at any time of the day

4.2. In cases where the owner does not live in the premises, the owner is obliged to notify the management company about this and leave on the management company information about a contact person who can provide access to the premises or hand over duplicate keys.

4.3. If a resident of the house replaces or installs additional locks on any doors, he must immediately notify the manager of the building and provide copies of the keys to the new additional locks.

5. Carrying out repair and construction work in residential and non-residential premises.

5.1. Before the start of repair and construction work in an apartment (non-residential premises), it is necessary to bring it to the attention of the manager of the installation.

— on working days from 13.00 to 15.00 (for rest of young children)

On weekdays from 23.00 to 8.00 hours

- on weekends and holidays from 21.00 to 9.00 hours

Lifting materials to the site is carried out using a passenger-and-freight elevator (if available), or only by stairs.

5.4. Persons entering and leaving the premises of the house must independently remove containers, boxes, as well as dirt and debris. Garbage removal in passenger elevators is prohibited. Garbage must be packed in bags or other containers to prevent spillage of bulk materials, contamination and damage to common areas.

5.5. Reconstruction or redevelopment of residential premises must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. A person who has unauthorizedly rearranged or re-planned residential premises bears the responsibility provided for by law. To carry out reconstruction or redevelopment of residential premises, as a result of which the size of the common property in the apartment building is reduced, the consent of all owners of the premises in the house is required. During the work, unimpeded access to the room being rebuilt must be provided to monitor the condition of load-bearing and enclosing structures, sound and waterproofing, elements of general building heating systems, water supply, sewerage, ventilation, grounding, electrical supply, fire alarm.

5.6. If it is necessary to disconnect any engineering systems of the house during repair and construction work on the premises, you must obtain the appropriate permission from the Criminal Code. Self-disconnection is prohibited.

5.7. It is prohibited to carry out repair and construction work on external facade walls without permission from the Criminal Code (installation of air conditioners, changing the color, size and configuration of windows and doors)

6. Maintaining public order.

6.1. Residents of the house must not commit or allow the commission of any actions that violate the rights and legitimate interests of neighbors in the house.

6.2. All occupants of the home are strongly advised to avoid excessive noise from:

- slamming doors, running up stairs, knocking out carpets, loud music, etc.

It is necessary to always install radios, televisions and other audio and video equipment at a moderate volume, allowing sound to spread only within the room.

It is necessary to avoid loud sounds indoors with open windows and doors, as well as on balconies (loggias, terraces).

6.4. In common areas and in the local area it is prohibited:

    Drinking beer and drinks made on its basis, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, or consumption of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances;

    Violation of public order, expressing clear disrespect for society through obscene language, offensive harassment of citizens, as well as destruction or damage to other people's property.

6.5 Complaints regarding the actions of neighbors in the house must be submitted only in writing to the Criminal Code.

7. Creating and maintaining a favorable atmosphere for living

7.1. Residents of the house must not commit or allow the commission of any actions that violate the rights and legitimate interests of their housemates to peace, comfort, health and a favorable living environment.

7.2. All residents of the house must take care of the cleanliness of their apartment, including taking care of windows, balconies, loggias and external doors.

7.3. All residents of the house must also take care of the cleanliness and safety of common areas and individual elements of common property in an apartment building. Damage or contamination caused by negligence or intentionally (broken corners and jambs, scratches, drawings, abandoned garbage, dirt, etc.) of walls, windows, railings, entrance doors and basement doors, elevator cabins, bells, mailboxes, etc. .p. are eliminated by the perpetrator himself or at his expense. Damage and pollution caused by children living in the house are eliminated by their parents or at their expense.

7.4. a person who spills any liquids on the floor in common areas must immediately ensure that they are eliminated.

7.5. Garbage of all types (ash, litter, bottles, bags, food waste etc.), packed in garbage bags, must be thrown into trash cans

It is prohibited to leave bags of garbage and waste on staircases and other common areas.

7.6.Bulky waste ( construction waste, cardboard from household and office equipment, plastic, etc.) are allowed to be thrown into designated containers only in crushed form. To remove heavy and (or) bulky waste (old furniture, building materials, etc.), special transport should be ordered.

7.7. It is prohibited to feed street dogs and cats, as well as birds, with food waste, especially when throwing garbage out a window or balcony (loggia).

7.8. If rats, mice and harmful insects appear in the house, you must immediately report this to the EC UK.

Shake out or clean beds, mattresses, bedspreads, clothes, shoes, etc. in the entrance of the house, as well as from windows and through the railings of balconies (loggias) is not allowed.

To dry clothes, you must use special rooms in the entrance or a special area in the yard.

7.9. In order to preserve the aesthetically attractive appearance of the balcony (loggia), it is prohibited:

- hang ropes, install dryers for drying clothes, clothes, carpets and other things outside the loggia

- hang linen, clothes, etc. above the parapet

- storage of furniture on the loggia, building materials, old household appliances etc.

7.10. It is prohibited to post notices on the walls of stairwells, elevator doors, entrance doors, etc.

Common areas in an apartment building

In accordance with the Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building, approved by Government Decree of August 13, 2006. №491 , The common property includes:

- premises in an apartment building that are not parts of apartments and are intended to serve more than one residential and non-residential premises in this apartment building (including landings, stairs, elevators, elevator and other shafts, corridors, strollers, attics, technical floors and technical basements, which contain engineering communications, other equipment);

— enclosing load-bearing structures apartment building(incl.

foundations, load-bearing walls, floor slabs, balcony and other slabs, load-bearing columns and other enclosing load-bearing structures);

— load-bearing structures of an apartment building (incl.

windows and doors of common areas, railings, parapets and other enclosing non-load-bearing structures);

- mechanical, electrical, sanitary and other equipment located in an apartment building outside or inside the premises and serving more than one residential and non-residential premises (apartments);

- a land plot on which an apartment building is located and the boundaries of which are determined on the basis of state cadastral registration data, with elements of landscaping and landscaping;

- other objects located within the boundaries land plot, intended for maintenance, operation and improvement of the home, including transformer substations, heating points, intended to serve one apartment building, collective parking lots, garages, children's and sports grounds located within the boundaries of the land plot on which the apartment building is located;

— in-house engineering systems of cold and hot water supply, gas supply, drainage system, heating system, electricity supply.

Common property must be maintained in accordance with legal requirements Russian Federation.

inspection of common property carried out by premises owners and responsible persons;

— ensuring the readiness of in-house engineering power supply systems and electrical equipment that are part of the common property for the provision of public electricity supply services, ensuring the required temperature and humidity in common areas, as well as their lighting and cleaning;

— ensuring fire safety measures;

— collection and removal of solid and liquid household waste, maintenance of landscaping and landscaping elements;

— current and major repairs, preparation for seasonal operation.

Services and works do not include:

— insulation of window and balcony openings, replacement of broken glass windows and balcony doors, insulation of entrance doors in apartments and non-residential premises that are not common areas;

- cleaning and clearing of land plots that are not part of the common property, as well as landscaping and care of landscaping elements (including lawns, flower beds, trees and shrubs) located on land plots that are not part of the common property.

The maintenance of the common property of the house is ensured owners of premises by concluding a management agreement for an apartment building with the management organization, or with service providers, homeowners association(housing, housing-construction cooperative or other specialized consumer cooperative).

The costs of maintaining common property in an apartment building are borne by the owners of the premises, making appropriate payments, while the owner’s expenses must be proportionate to the area of ​​the residential premises, which are individually owned.

In accordance with Art.

165 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, management organizations are obliged to provide citizens, upon their requests, with information about established prices for services and work on the maintenance and repair of common property in apartment buildings and residential premises in them, about the amount of payment, about the volume, list and quality of services provided.

In cases of provision of services or performance of work poor quality the consumer has the right to file a claim for a reduction in the amount of payment for the maintenance of common property to the responsible person. The fact that inadequate quality of services and work has been identified reflected in the act.

An application to change the amount of the fee can be sent within 6 months after the relevant violation (written or oral) and is subject to mandatory registration by the person to whom it was sent.

When applying in person, a copy of the application is marked with the date of receipt and registration number.

In case of refusal to satisfy the stated requirements on a voluntary basis, the consumer has the right to file a claim in court.

The procedure for using the local area by owners of residential and non-residential premises in an apartment building

Often, the owners of premises in a residential building have conflicts regarding the procedure for joint use of a common territory. As a rule, this issue is especially acute for owners of non-residential premises, as well as new residents. The yard is often closed by a barrier or gate, and all parking spaces in the local area are distributed among the “old-timers.”

How to solve the problem and gain access to the yard and parking?

First of all, it is necessary to understand the mechanism of legal interaction between residents of an apartment building, as well as the procedure for using the territory adjacent to the house. To do this, let's look at the questions:

1. How is the land plot under the house formed and how are the rights to it registered by the residents of the house?

The owners of premises in an apartment building own by right of common shared ownership the common property in the apartment building, including: the land plot on which the house is located, with elements of landscaping and improvement, other objects intended for maintenance, operation and improvement of the house and located on the specified land plot(Clause 1, 2 of Article 36 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation). The owners of premises in an apartment building own, use and, within the limits established by this Code and civil legislation, dispose of the common property in the house.

At the same time, the formation of the land plot on which the apartment building is located is carried out by state authorities or local governments (clauses 4, 5 of Article 16 Federal Law dated December 29, 2004 N 189-FZ “On the entry into force of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation”). From the date of the state cadastral registration of the land plot on which the apartment building and other real estate objects included in such a building are located, such land plot passes free of charge into the common shared ownership of the owners of the premises in the apartment building.

Paragraph 3 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated July 23, 2009 N 64 “On some issues in the practice of considering disputes regarding the rights of owners of premises to the common property of a building” explains that the right of common shared ownership of common property belongs to the owners of premises in the building by force of law outside depending on its registration in the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It.

At the same time, if the land plot under the house has not been formed and state cadastral registration has not been carried out in relation to it, the land under the apartment building is owned by the relevant public legal entity(Clause 67 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation No. 10, Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation No. 22 of April 29, 2010 “On some issues arising in judicial practice when resolving disputes related to the protection of property rights and other property rights”).

At the same time, within the meaning of parts 3 and 4 of Article 16 of the Introductory Law, the owner does not have the right to dispose of this land in the part in which a land plot for an apartment building should be formed. In turn, the owners of premises in an apartment building have the right to own and use this land plot to the extent necessary for their operation of the apartment building, as well as the objects that are part of the common property in such a building.

Thus, from the moment the land plot under the house is formed, it is presumed to be in common ownership of the owners of the premises.

Taking into account all of the above, we can say that even if the land plot under the house is not formed properly, this does not prevent the owners of the premises from owning and using it within the established limits, including installing fences (subject to the appropriate procedure) .

2. How is the procedure for using the local area determined, is it legal to restrict access to the local area (installation of gates, barriers)?

The law places the authority to dispose of common property in an apartment building within the competence of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building (both residential and non-residential). The competence of the general meeting also includes making decisions on the limits of use of the land plot on which the apartment building is located, including the introduction of restrictions on its use (clause 2, clause 2, article 44 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

Legal relations related to the installation of fences in local areas apartment buildings in the city of Moscow and their dismantling, are regulated by Decree of the Moscow Government dated 07/02/2013 N 428-PP “On the procedure for installing fences in residential areas in the city of Moscow” (Procedure), in accordance with paragraphs 4, 7 of which installation of fencing devices is carried out on the basis of decisions made at general meetings of the owners of the premises of all such apartment buildings with subsequent approval by the Council of Deputies of the municipal district, on the territory of which it is planned to place the corresponding fencing device.

Thus, the installation of a gate (fencing device) at the entrance to the courtyard of a residential building must be carried out on the basis of general meetings of owners and agreed with the Council of Deputies of the municipal district.

3. Is it legal to restrict the rights of owners of non-residential premises, as well as new property owners (new residents) to use the local area in comparison with the rights of home owners; What is the procedure for determining the use of the local area?

The procedure for determining shares in the right of common ownership of common property in an apartment building, both for owners of residential and non-residential premises, is established by Article 37 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation in proportion to the total area of ​​​​the premises belonging to a particular owner.

According to Article 39 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the owners of premises bear the burden of maintaining common property in an apartment building, the share of participation of each owner in bearing such expenses is determined by the share in the right of common ownership of the common property in such a house of the specified owner.

Thus, when determining the rights to use common property in an apartment building, the law does not make any division between the rights of persons who own residential or non-residential premises, and also does not distinguish the rights of owners depending on the duration of their ownership of real estate. Access to the local area should also be carried out taking into account the balance of interests of the owners of residential and non-residential premises.

In accordance with paragraphs 6, 11 of the Moscow Government Decree dated 07/02/2013 N 428-PP “On the Procedure for installing fences in residential areas in the city of Moscow”, Entry into the local area of ​​vehicles of owners of premises in an apartment building and other persons is carried out in the manner established by the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building.

Installation and maintenance of fencing devices is carried out at the expense of the owners of premises in an apartment building. Relevant information about the approval by the general meeting of owners of the relevant Procedure for the use of the local area can be requested from the Management Company and from the Chairman of the House Council. It is possible to challenge the relevant decisions of the general meeting of owners of premises in the house in court (the prospects for such an appeal must be determined taking into account the statute of limitations, depending on the time the relevant decision was made).

4. What is the procedure for obtaining reports on the use of funds for the operation of the gate (maintenance of security)?

To obtain information on the grounds and procedure for using the local area, you must send a letter to the homeowners association (HOA) or to the Management Company (depending on who the management organization is) for clarification of issues and to obtain copies of certain documents. The letter must contain the following points:

  • on what basis (on the right of ownership or right of lease) do the owners of premises in the house use the local area;
  • provide copies of documents confirming the rights of the owners of premises in the house to a land plot in the local area (a lease agreement with a plurality of persons, another document on the provision of a land plot certifying the rights to a land plot);
  • on what basis was the installation of gates (fences, barriers) restricting entry to the local area of ​​the house carried out;
  • provide a certified copy of the minutes of the General Meeting of House Owners, at which the decision was made to install the specified gate (restricting access to the local area of ​​the house);
  • provide certified copies of the minutes of the General Meeting of House Owners, establishing the procedure for the use of the adjacent territory by the owners of residential and non-residential premises in the House;
  • provide certified copies of the minutes of the General Meeting of House Owners regarding the establishment of the amount of fees for the maintenance of such gates and the maintenance of security paid by the owners of premises in the House.

In accordance with the provisions of paragraph 3 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 23, 2010 N 731 “On approval of the standard for information disclosure by organizations operating in the field of management of apartment buildings,” the Management organization is obliged to provide, at the request of the owner, including the following information:

  • information on the main indicators of financial and economic activity (including information on the annual financial statements, balance sheet and its annexes, information on income received for the provision of services for the management of apartment buildings (according to separate accounting of income and expenses);
  • information on expenses incurred in connection with the provision of services for the management of apartment buildings (according to separate accounting of income and expenses), estimates of income and expenses of a partnership or cooperative, a report on the implementation of estimates of income and expenses of a partnership or cooperative);
  • information on the work performed (services provided) for the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building and other services related to achieving the goals of managing an apartment building, including information on the cost of these works (services) and other services;
  • information about the utility services provided, including information about suppliers of utility resources, established prices (tariffs) for utility resources, standards for the consumption of utility services (standards for the accumulation of municipal solid waste);
  • information about the use of common property in an apartment building;
  • information about major repairs of common property in an apartment building.

    This information is disclosed by the management organization by decision of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building on the basis of a management agreement in cases where the management organization is entrusted with organizing overhaul this building, as well as a partnership and a cooperative, with the exception of cases where the owners of premises in an apartment building form a capital repair fund on the account of a specialized non-profit organization carrying out activities aimed at ensuring capital repairs of common property in an apartment building (regional operator);

  • information about general meetings of owners of premises in an apartment building, the results (decisions) of such meetings;
  • report on the management organization’s execution of the management agreement.

Thus, information on the costs of maintaining the common property of an apartment building must be provided by the Management Organization at the request of the owner.

If the costs of maintaining the gate (security, fencing, barrier) are not subject to collection through the Managing Organization, but are collected directly by the House Council, the amount of such costs must be established by a decision of the General Meeting.

Having collected all the necessary information, the owner of the non-residential premises himself or with additional legal assistance can resolve his issues depending on the data he has collected through negotiations with representatives of the residents or, in case of disagreement, through judicial proceedings.

Legal advice

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Many people receive receipts that include payments for MOP.

What is MOP?

You will learn about this in this article.

What is MOP in construction

The concept stands for “places of general visiting.”

These are places that are available for general use, that is, for absolutely everyone.

Such places are the property of the residents of the house. They cannot be sold without obtaining consent. But still, strangers can use them without the consent of the residents.

For example, a guest can stand under the porch of the house in rainy weather or leave the car in the parking lot.

The purpose of these places is the comfort of people. In such places, finishing is rarely done. Their appearance completely unimportant to people.

It should be noted that some people are afraid of such places. This is because incidents from accidents on the roof to robberies in the entrance very often occur in them.

List of MOP

Types of such places:

  1. Staircase and elevator.
  2. Corridor for storing things. For example, strollers.
  3. Attic.
  4. Garage inside the basement of the house.
  5. Boiler rooms.
  6. Fence.
  7. Roof.
  8. Railing.
  9. Porch.
  10. Light or heating inside the entrance.
  11. Yard Perhaps a children's or sports ground.
  12. A riser used for heating apartments.
  13. General purpose valves or taps.
  14. Garbage pipe in the entrance.
  15. Systems necessary for connecting cable television or the Internet.
  16. Smoking areas.
  17. Car parking.
  18. Equipment for general use. For example, a common pump or tools.
  19. Basement. Not always considered common. Sometimes access to the basement is closed, and a certain person has the key. Guests will not be able to visit it.
  20. A pole with a light near the house.

All of the listed rooms or items are necessary to make the residents of the house, as well as their guests, feel as comfortable as possible.

Good to know: in some buildings it is fashionable to see a sign with the new abbreviation “KUI”, which means nothing more than a storage room for cleaning equipment.


In fact, the abbreviation MOP can also stand for “rag for cleaning and washing the floor.” And also as “junior service personnel”. These are workers who perform certain functions.

Watch the video that explains what to do if cleaning standards in public areas are not followed:

Greetings, dear readers. Today we will figure out what MOP is in an apartment building (MCD). MOP stands for common areas, in other words, it is our joint common property.

Article 36 Housing Code The Russian Federation explains which premises of apartment buildings belong to the MOP. In principle, this is the entire area of ​​the house except for apartments that are personally owned by the owners, and the area of ​​the local area.

Feel the difference

Do not confuse the concepts of MOP and common property of MKD. As for the non-residential premises of the house and land plot, not all of them are accessible to residents. No one will let you into the basement or attic unless absolutely necessary; you will not be able to get into the elevator shaft or onto the roof.

Common areas are entrances, elevators and courtyard areas. Of course, if there is a winter garden on the roof of your house, you will be able to stay there. And if the general meeting of apartment owners decided to equip storage rooms in the basement, you will have your own key to access it.

We care and protect

If you are interested in a complete list of the common property of the apartment building, read the article “Yard, entrance and ...”. Of course, it is our responsibility to pay for the maintenance of common property, but we must understand that the more carefully we treat it, the longer it will serve us.

And you will have to repair and put things in order less often. Of course, it won’t become cheaper - the tariffs developed by the municipality are the same for everyone (if the houses are of the same type), but it will definitely be more comfortable, quieter and cleaner.

Cleaning up work

Let us recall what types of work are necessary to ensure the normal condition of the MOP:

  • Identification of faults and breakdowns of individual structures and equipment located on the territory of the MOP.
  • Checking availability and operation lighting fixtures in and around entrances.
  • Maintaining regulated temperature in the entrances and air humidity.
  • Carrying out cleaning of premises and local areas.
  • Compliance with fire safety rules, maintenance of fire-fighting equipment and alarm systems.
  • Removal of solid household waste.
  • Landscaping in summer and snow removal and removal in winter.

Next, we will look at what is included in the mysterious line in our “Residential Maintenance” receipts - it is this that usually causes greatest number questions - paying from 400 to 1,000 rubles (and sometimes more), without knowing why, is a great pity.

Revealing the secret

I’ll say right away that I’m giving a specific example, the figure varies depending on the region: for the maintenance of MOP per 1 m 2 of apartment area the tariff is 9.99 rubles, which, for example, for an apartment of 63 m 2 - an ordinary three-room apartment - is 630 rubles . So, what is included in the mysterious 9.99 tariff:

  1. Sweeping the floor - every working day.
  2. Washing the floor - once a month, the 1st floor landing and the elevator car - every working day.
  3. Washing windows, walls, entrance doors and radiators – once every six months.
  4. Cleaning the attic and basement – ​​once a year.
  5. This also includes maintenance and cleaning of the garbage chute, but we don’t have one.

For more precise standards for cleaning entrance premises, see the article “Our home is our fortress.”

Cleaning the local area – 2.40 rubles.

  1. Sweeping sidewalks and areas near the entrance in the warm season - Monday, Wednesday, Friday.
  2. Emptying bins and collecting garbage from the rest of the territory is the same.
  3. Removing snow from sidewalks in winter - as it falls.
  4. Mowing the grass - 2 times in the summer.
  5. Painting of children's and children's equipment sports grounds, other decorative elements - once a year in the summer. Repairs - as needed.
  6. Clearing the roof of snow, eliminating icicles and ice - as necessary.

Preparing apartment buildings for the summer and winter seasons – 1.31 rubles.

  1. Pressure testing, repair and washing heating system– 1 time per year.
  2. Replacement of broken glass, repair of windows and doors - as necessary.
  3. Cleaning of ventilation shafts – once a year.

Minor repairs and inspection of the condition of the MOP - 1.60 rubles.

  1. Checking work ventilation system, smoke removal systems, maintenance and replacement of small parts in electrical equipment - once every six months.
  2. Elimination of emergency situations - as necessary.
  3. Deratization and disinfestation (control of rodents and insects) – once a year.
  4. Checking the operation of MKD engineering systems and eliminating minor problems - constantly.
  5. This also includes maintenance of gas equipment - once every 3 years, but we don’t have it.

Current repair of MOP – 3.58 rubles.

  1. Repairing broken doors, windows, railings - as needed.
  2. Entrance repairs - whitewashing, painting, plastering - once every 5 years.
  3. Roof repair and elimination of moisture leaks - as necessary.
  4. In a panel house - restoration of seams between slabs - as necessary, but at least once every 5 years.
  5. Repair of engineering systems and equipment - as necessary.
  6. Restoring sidewalks, roads and blind areas to normal appearance when they are destroyed - as necessary.
  7. Other repairs to equipment that is in common ownership - as necessary.

If anyone noticed, garbage removal is not on this list, just like there are no other types of work. This is because in our receipt they are listed as separate lines and are not included in the MOP maintenance.

Tricks of the Criminal Code

Have you noticed how much work is done as needed? No, of course, they will actually be completed, but there is a suspicion that these types of work are included in the calculation with a fair margin.

On the one hand, if we take care of our common property, the management company or homeowners association will keep more of the money collected for themselves. On the other hand, the management organization will be able to carry out more work to improve and improve the comfort of the home with a larger amount of stored funds.

And if you are not lazy and create a house council, it will check that not a single penny collected from residents goes to inappropriate needs.

MOP existed in Soviet era– in this regard, nothing has changed. The only thing that has changed is that we now pay for its maintenance ourselves, and our rich state does not have funds for the needs of housing and communal services.

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