When and how to collect dandelion root. Dandelion roots - uses and contraindications. How to properly collect dandelion roots

Yellow dandelions, so familiar from childhood, will help add vitamins to the body depleted after winter. And also get rid of many health problems.

Dandelion season has already begun, and you can find many yellow heads among the green grass. So why are these flowers so useful?

First of all, they are completely edible. Unlike many flowering plants, dandelions are safe for humans and animals, however, you need to know where and when to collect them.

1 The heads of dandelions contain a whole range of vitamins: beta-carotene, a precursor of vitamin A, and there is more of it in the leaves than in carrots, B vitamins (1,2,6), ascorbic acid. Fresh dandelion leaves can replenish vitamin C reserves early spring, when its content in the main sources is significantly reduced. As you know, ascorbic acid indirectly helps strengthen the body’s defenses and promotes the absorption of iron, and therefore normalizes hemoglobin levels. By the way, dandelion leaves also contain iron.

2 Tinctures and decoctions of dandelion flowers have anti-inflammatory properties; they are used for obsessive coughing and inflammation in the mouth and throat. Rinsing with a solution of alcohol tincture of dandelion flowers will help stop a cold at its earliest stage.

3 Dandelion has a mild laxative property, which is useful for a tendency to constipation, especially in combination with fiber, a mild diuretic effect helps the kidneys, and a diaphoretic property helps reduce fever during illness. The choleretic effect of dandelion flowers is also clearly expressed, which is why flowers are not recommended for use by people suffering from gastritis and blockage of the bile ducts.

4 Dandelions, which grow everywhere in our latitudes and are perceived as weeds, have been studied quite well by biologists, so in their healing properties There is no doubt - they are scientifically confirmed. Thus, it is known that dandelion root contains inulin, a polysaccharide that lowers blood glucose levels and also helps cleanse the body of toxins.

5 A dandelion mask perfectly tones and rejuvenates the skin, helps get rid of unwanted freckles and slight pigmentation.

The list of medicinal properties of dandelion is very long - it is recommended for arthritis, hypertension, insomnia, as a mild sedative, to increase appetite and even enhance lactation.

When and how to collect dandelions

The most important rule is that any plants, including dandelions, can only be collected in “clean” places, that is, as far as possible from sources of air and soil pollution. Flowers for a wreath can be picked near the road, but they are not suitable for salad and medicine. Go to the forest, field, park, where there are no gasoline fumes.

Right now, when the active growth of everything green has begun, dandelion rosettes are not difficult to recognize among the grass. While flowering has not yet begun, collect young dandelion leaves - it is during this period that they contain the maximum useful substances, later they will be directed by the plant into flowers.

Dandelion flowers can be collected throughout the flowering period, but they are most useful in early May, and the concentration of healing substances is maximum at dawn and in the middle of the day, when the sun is at its zenith.

Dandelion leaf salad

Young dandelion greens taste quite bitter - this is how our taste buds react to the glycoside taraxacin, which is found in excess in the root, but also imparts bitterness to the leaves. This substance not only increases appetite, it stimulates the immune system, since it takes an active part in the formation of leukocytes. But, by the way, it is in the young leaves, even before flowering, that it contains maximum quantity beta-carotene and ascorbic acid.

For the simplest vitamin salad, rinse the dandelion leaves well with cold running water and soak for 5-7 minutes (this will leave less bitterness). Then dry and cut into small pieces. Cut into thin slices fresh cucumber, grind green onions, add a handful of hazelnuts (can be replaced with chopped almonds). For dressing you can use pure olive oil or linseed oil, or a mixture of oil with soy sauce. Salad should only be eaten fresh; when stored, it loses all its beneficial properties.

One of the representatives of the “green healers”, from which both flowers and roots are dried, is the medicinal dandelion, familiar from childhood, which, thanks to digging and plowing, has become one of the most aggressive weeds. But it did not cease to be useful and healing.

All parts of the plant can be harvested from dandelion. Flower baskets are collected during their full bloom, young leaves in the first couple of weeks from the beginning of their growth until the moment of flowering, and the roots are dug up in the fall, until the soil freezes.

Inflorescences need to be collected at the time of continuous flowering in April-May. Just remember that for medicine, plants growing along the sides of highways and in major cities, are not suitable. Collection must be carried out without compacting the collected raw materials. It begins when the dew has completely disappeared, and the collection itself is best done in cloudless weather when the plants have fully opened their baskets. Collected flowers must be free of damage, visible diseases, dirt and debris. When harvesting, only the flower basket is torn off; a small pedicel, up to two centimeters, is allowed. Airtight containers should be avoided. The collected inflorescences, when transferred to dryers, must be cleared of impurities consisting of parts of other herbs and debris. There should be no more than five hours between collection and the start of drying, if the temperature is not higher than 20-22 degrees, but if the temperature is higher, then it is worth reducing the time to two to three hours.

To dry dandelion inflorescences, use either frame drying trays with a bottom made of plastic mesh, with a 3x3mm or 2x7 mm mesh, or use electric dryer trays. The drying process itself takes place at ambient heated air temperature on the roof (up to 42 degrees), or in an electric dryer up to 55 degrees. You should not raise the temperature higher in the hope of speeding up drying. At higher thermometer readings, irreversible metamorphoses in medicinal raw materials may follow, leading to a deterioration in its quality.

The raw material is considered dried if the inflorescence crumpled in the palm remains so. If at the same time the inflorescence crumbles or breaks with a crunch, then it means that the raw material is overdried and should be slightly moistened, and only after three hours should it be packed for storage.

Store in glass, earthenware or paper containers, away from sources of heat and sunlight, for up to three years.

It is not customary to dry dandelion leaves, since many beneficial compounds are destroyed by drying. And although many write how well they are able to dry it. But it should be noted that the dried leaf, in the official pharmacopoeia, has no meaning. Dandelion leaf is good in its raw form for salads. But the "old" leaves have many bitter compounds and should not be eaten.

Dandelion root is spindle-shaped, whole, there are no branches or appendages, “fleshy”, from 12 to 56 centimeters in length, from 0.7 to 2.8 cm in diameter, the taste is bitter and astringent. When broken, a milky juice of a milky white hue is released. There is no aroma. The time for its collection begins from the moment the soil thaws and lasts until the buds appear, and the second wave of collection begins in August and lasts until the onset of frost. During these periods, dandelion root contains the largest amount of necessary medicinal substances. In the fall, the content of sugars and inulin increases, so the autumn harvest is more valuable in a medicinal sense.

For collection, they use digging out the roots with special narrow and long shovels or using flat-toothed forks. Collection by “pulling” the roots is irrational, since it allows you to pull out only a small part of the entire length of the root. After removing the roots from the ground, you need to shake them off the soil, cut off the leaves, with most of the thickened stem, and put them in a basket. Airtight containers must not be used. The roots are covered with damp cloth on top and treated for drying for three hours.

Before laying them out on the dryer, you need to wash the roots in running water with a brush to remove the soil, shake them off and cut them into pieces 1 to 2 cm in length, then lay clean, white, thin paper on the dryer and spread the cut roots in a one-dimensional layer. You can dry it either in a cooling oven or in an electric dryer. At first the temperature is from 55 to 68 degrees, and after five hours it is 35-48 degrees. Drying is considered complete when the root pieces become elastic and rigid. If they break with a bang, then the raw materials are overdried.

Dried roots can be stored either in tightly closed glass jars or in canvas bags, in rooms without sun and excessive humidity. Shelf life is no more than one and a half years.

Drying is one of the oldest methods of preserving and storing medicinal plant materials. It allows you to preserve all medicinal compounds, subject to all rules. Because the enzymes contained in their raw form begin the process of autolysis, and after a couple of hours, oxidation processes begin in the heat. All the processes taken together lead to the fact that first the dried material oxidizes and then finally deteriorates. The collected plant parts must be dried as soon as possible. The most accessible and most common is air drying. Most biologically active compounds are destroyed by direct sunlight, and when the wind blows, volatile compounds erode. Therefore, you need to dry it in a thin layer, in the shade or in special dryers, or in attics, without strong drafts, but also without “standing” air. But artificial heat drying of flowers and roots is more suitable if there is a smooth heating control.

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Surely each of you has been familiar with dandelion since childhood. Its fluffy sunny buds were the first flowers given to their mother, and the girls were taught to weave elegant wreaths from dandelions. Sometimes, among the sunny flowers, a fluffy white “parachute” was found: as soon as you blew on it a little, it instantly scattered like lush white snow around, spreading seeds throughout the clearing. This amazing plant Just one look can lift your spirits. Its lush buds, like a little sun, remind everyone that the long-awaited summer has come. Did you know that dandelion is not as simple as it seems at first glance? It turns out that back in the hoary old days it was called “Russian ginseng.” From the very top to the elastic root, dandelion is a unique plant that can give a person energy, nourish and help fight the most complex diseases. Healing potions were prepared from it, added to dishes and drinks, and Russian beauties knew very well that dandelion can give strength and youth to the skin and hair. How is this plant useful, how to properly harvest and when to collect dandelion roots, how to use it for treatment? We will talk about this and much more in this article.

About the sunny flower

Dandelion, also known as Taraxacum in Latin, belongs to and is widespread throughout the world, with the exception of deserts and snowy poles. This plant is a perennial, there are about 1000 species. It reproduces by seeds, which are easily carried by the wind, which is why it is often perceived as a weed. Flowering continues from May to June, but can last until late autumn. The yellow dandelion has a tap-shaped root that flares out at the top. Its inner part is white, sometimes with a yellowish tint; the outside of the root is darker and has small thin shoots. The plant has white milky juice, thick, with a bitter aftertaste. In some countries, dandelion is grown on an industrial scale. All parts of the plant are valuable and are used in pharmacology and the cosmetic industry, in folk medicine. Dandelion is also used in the food industry.

Useful qualities

Treatment helps with many ailments. Its uniqueness in content huge amount sucrose and inulin - this natural polysaccharide consists of fructose. It is able to lower blood sugar levels, that is, it works like insulin, familiar to every diabetic. The presence of the root is useful large quantity trace elements, organic acids, flavonoids and vitamins A, C, E, B2 and PP. It contains triterpene compounds, sterols, proteins, carbohydrates and fatty oils, which include linoleic, cerotin, lemon balm, oleic and resin, mucus, choline, saponins, iron and manganese salts, phosphorus and potassium, and rubber substances in the roots.

Dandelion heals

Treatment with dandelion root will help with many diseases. It is extremely useful for diabetics and people suffering from: Improves the secretion of gastric juice, promotes the outflow of bile, acts as a mild laxative and antispasmodic. Will help people with low acidity stomach, for gastritis, hepatitis, problems with the pancreas. Removes toxins, cleanses the blood, restores, normalizes metabolic processes and helps to tone up. In medicine this does not end there: for mental disorders, sleep disorders, to increase appetite and as a diuretic, dandelion is also useful. Its root treats gout, liver diseases, it is drunk for high temperature and jaundice. Since ancient times, harvesting dandelion roots was almost obligatory in families where a baby was expected. It increases the amount of milk in lactating women, treats mastopathy and is used to prevent breast cancer. Even then, people knew perfectly well how and when to collect dandelion roots.

For slimness and beauty

This is truly an amazing plant! Harvesting dandelion roots and consuming them will help not only in the fight against diseases, but will also preserve youth and get rid of extra pounds. To lose weight, you can not only make tea from the root, but also add the powder ground in a coffee grinder to your food. This may surprise you, but raw dandelion root is useful for adding to salads, boiling and stewing. To do this, you need to thoroughly rinse the roots under running water, and then soak them in cold salted water for half an hour (salt will remove the bitterness). Then peel the roots and grate them; use them in this form for salads. If you first boil the root in salted water (about 10 minutes), then you can add it to side dishes, stew it, or simply fry it. You will like the taste - it will be a little reminiscent of chicken. There are a variety of recipes. Decoctions are made from dandelion root, it is added to many dishes, to wine and tinctures, and aromatic tea is prepared.

Do you want your hair to be healthy? After each wash, rinse them with a decoction of dandelion root. The skin will be moisturized, the hair will become stronger, and the ends will not split. If you have dry scalp, dandruff and irritation, then such procedures are simply necessary for you. To care for facial skin (especially dry skin), prepare a lotion: pour a glass of crushed root with a glass of good vodka and leave for 10 days. Afterwards, strain the tincture and dilute with purified water (1:2). Wipe your face morning and evening.

Procurement of raw materials

When to collect dandelion roots? In spring - in April-May, and in autumn - in September and October. It should be remembered that raw materials can be collected from the same place once every three years. The roots are dug up with a shovel and then thoroughly shaken off the ground. Afterwards they need to be washed thoroughly and all small root shoots removed. Now all that remains is to dry the roots from excess moisture and use them for their intended purpose. If you plan to prepare them for future use, then you should know how to dry dandelion root correctly.

Drying for the winter

The main thing is to thoroughly dry the raw materials; the slightest moisture remaining in the root can ruin all your efforts. Properly harvested roots break in two with a crash. How to dry dandelion root?

There are two ways:

  • Dry in the open sun for 1-2 weeks (the room should be ventilated).
  • In the dryer (at a temperature of 45-50 degrees).

Afterwards, the raw materials are placed in cloth bags and stored in this way in winter. Avoid using plastic containers or jars, as moisture ingress will lead to rotting and the product will be damaged.

Now you know how to dry and when to collect dandelion roots. We will focus on several recipes that will help in the fight against illness and help improve health.

"Coffee" drink

Dandelion will be an excellent alternative to the usual coffee, but most importantly - much more healthy. It will not contain caffeine, but it will also tone and energize you in the morning. To do this, the roots should be fried: rinse them from the soil, dry them and put them in the oven. The main thing is not to overcook; they should acquire a brownish tint and dry completely, but not burn. Afterwards, all that remains is to cool and grind your future brewed “coffee” in a coffee grinder. Add a little ground cinnamon if desired. This drink invigorates, improves immunity and strengthens bones.

Invigorating tea

Very healthy drink. It is effective for all of the above diseases, acts as a general strengthening, sedative and tonic. Pour half a teaspoon of crushed root into a cup and pour boiling water over it, cover and let it brew for 20 minutes. If you like hot tea, use a thermos. Dandelion root can also be used in combination with other medicinal herbs; it is often included in preparations.

Healing decoction

For half a liter of boiling water you will need a tablespoon of chopped roots. Boil the broth for 10 minutes, strain and take a quarter glass before meals. This medicine can be stored for no more than a day.

Root tincture

This medicine can be prepared from both dried and fresh roots. Take ½ cup of crushed raw materials and pour a bottle of good vodka. Leave in a dark place for two weeks, then strain and store in a cool, dark place. This medicine should be taken one tablespoon before meals. The tincture is used externally as a lotion to treat skin diseases.


In conclusion, let us dwell on no less important point. No matter what beneficial properties dandelion root has, it also has contraindications for use. Firstly, we should not forget that everything is good in moderation; excessive consumption can cause diarrhea and nausea. Dandelion roots, like any other product or plant, can in very rare cases cause individual intolerance. If you feel unwell, stop treatment for a while; perhaps it was the cause of your ill health. People prone to intestinal weakness should use the plant with caution. It has laxative properties and may aggravate the condition. It has a choleretic effect, which means it cannot be used if there are gallstones or blockage of the ducts. If a stomach ulcer worsens, caution should also be exercised.

May is just around the corner - the month of dandelions. ABOUT beneficial properties A lot of these flowers are known, but what do we know about the roots of the plant? How to prepare them and use them correctly?

Dandelions have interested herbalists at all times. They were used to treat the liver and get rid of digestive system problems. All parts of the plant were used - flowers, leaves and roots. All this can be eaten. But more valuable in medicinal purposes roots are considered. They contain large quantities of vitamins A, B and D. The roots are rich in minerals - iron, potassium and zinc, which help remove toxins from the body and support liver function.

How to properly collect dandelion roots

Dandelion is a powerful detoxifier. Dandelion roots collected in the fall are used for medicinal purposes. It is better to collect them after heavy rain has passed. It will loosen the soil near the roots that grow deep. It is in the hard and long roots that plants contain nutrients. During autumn harvesting of roots, they contain more insoluble fiber inulin than fructose.

When using the roots in cooking, it is better to collect the roots in the spring and preferably before the dandelions bloom. At this time, they contain little fiber and taste less bitter. Spring dandelion roots contain a substance that stimulates bile production and liver function.

How to properly collect dandelion roots?

* It must be collected away from highways and contaminated areas treated with chemicals.

* Opt for the largest and most active plants. Leave small flowers for bees, beetles and birds.

* Using a fork or a special root remover, carefully pry up the wet soil. It is important not to damage the roots and preserve their original appearance as much as possible, otherwise they will quickly deteriorate.

* After the root is removed from the soil, it must be gently shaken to remove excess soil.

Proper storage of dandelion roots

Fresh dandelion roots are used in cooking and medicine, but they can also be preserved for future use.
To do this, they are first washed well, cut and dried. Then they wrap each root with twine, thread or wire to then hang it in a dry, cool room with good ventilation. After a few days, when the roots are completely dry, they are cut into pieces, packed into glass jars and stored for no more than a year. When properly dried, the root becomes dark and creamy white inside.

Using Dandelion Roots

There are several ways to use dandelion roots:

* Tincture

Dandelion root infused with alcohol has anti-inflammatory properties, is used as a diuretic and blood cleanser, and helps rid the liver, spleen and gallbladder of toxins.

The tincture helps normalize blood sugar levels, reduces stress, eliminates age spots, cleanses skin with eczema, and removes acne.

* Infusion, tea

Tea or infusion made from dandelion roots contains antioxidants that help normalize blood sugar levels and improve digestion. Infusion and tea have diuretic and mild laxative properties and help cleanse the liver.

* Compresses

Poultices and compresses from dandelion roots can treat many skin diseases - acne, eczema, psoriasis, rashes, abscesses, boils.

By roasting dandelion root and steeping it in water, you can create a delicious coffee-like drink. And if you mix it with roasted chicory root and add cinnamon, the medicinal coffee will acquire an even more piquant taste.

This product made from dandelion roots is valuable for its nutritional and medicinal properties. Dried and crushed roots of the plant are added to regular vinegar, improving its taste. This product is added to salads and soups. If you add this vinegar to water, you can get an alternative to apple cider vinegar, which is very beneficial for the intestines and gastrointestinal tract.

For example, to obtain a beneficial remedy for the stomach, the properties of apple cider vinegar can be enhanced by adding dandelion roots to it: to the bottom liter jar Place dried dandelion roots 2/3 full and pour apple cider vinegar (preferably homemade) to the top. Leave the product in a dark, cool place for six to seven weeks. Used in the same way as apple cider vinegar. The product must be filtered before use.


Any medicinal herb relatively safe, but may not be useful to everyone. It is important to choose the right dosage and concentration. Before taking dandelion root products, it would be a good idea to consult with your doctor.
For example, it is not advisable to take dandelion roots for people:

* For those suffering allergic reactions during the flowering of ragweed, chrysanthemums, calendula, yarrow, chamomile, and aster.

* Pregnant women and nursing mothers.

* With stones in gallbladder, obstruction of the biliary tract.

* With stomach ulcers, gastritis.

* With bowel irritation.

Excessive intake of dandelion may cause heartburn or skin irritation.

Dandelion root has been used in alternative medicine since ancient times. They were treated with it various diseases or simply strengthened the body as a whole. It has been proven that dandelion root, which has minimal contraindications for use, is an excellent antidote and anticarcinogenic agent. In addition, it has a unique ability to invigorate the body, increase its strength and eliminate the symptoms of chronic fatigue.

Dandelion: a brief description

The above plant is one of the most common flowers in the entire earth, which has incredible healing abilities. All its parts are used in folk medicine.

Dandelion perfectly helps with liver damage from toxins, helps restore the body after strokes, increases milk secretion in women, relieves inflammation of lymph nodes, and eliminates rashes due to furunculosis.

Also dandelion root fresh used in dietetics. The juice from the leaves of this plant has a remarkable diuretic effect.

Some Russian healers advise eating 10 dandelion stalks - and within three weeks, health problems will disappear by themselves.

Dandelion root: healing composition

The above product contains the following substances that are of significant value to the human body:

  • inulin;
  • triterpene compounds;
  • carbohydrates;
  • sterols;
  • fatty oil;
  • rubber;
  • resins;
  • proteins;
  • mucus;
  • vitamins.

All of the above components of dandelion root exhibit all those healing abilities that affect increasing appetite, purifying the blood and even increasing the amount of milk in a nursing mother.

Dandelion root: medicinal properties

The above folk medicine has the following effects on the human body:

  • produces a cleansing effect;
  • acts as a mild sleeping pill;
  • promotes the excretion of bile;
  • lowers body temperature;
  • has an expectorant and sedative effect;
  • destroys viruses, bacteria and worms;
  • regulates appetite;
  • accelerates the breakdown of fats in the body;
  • normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and their systems;
  • has a positive effect on connective tissue;
  • acts as a mild stimulant and tonic (used for loss of strength, fatigue, chronic fatigue syndrome, nervous overstrain);
  • regulates general metabolism.

Indications for use of the above remedy

Alternative medicine recommends treatment with dandelion root for the following diseases:

  • atonic and chronic spastic constipation;
  • cholangitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • problems with the genitourinary system;
  • jaundice;
  • mastopathy;
  • malignant tumors in the breast in women;
  • stomach ache;
  • sclerosis;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • tuberculosis;
  • hypoacid gastritis;
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • anemia;
  • eczema;
  • gout;
  • allergy.

In addition, a tincture from the above medicinal product is used by specialists for blood cleansing.

Also, the properties of dandelion root are amazing in the treatment of diabetes. The fact is that they contain a substance such as inulin, which is an analogue of plant insulin.

Dandelion root: contraindications

  • blockage of the bile ducts;
  • acute gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • gastroduodenitis.

Experts warn that the use of the above remedy for the treatment of various diseases should be strictly under the supervision of a doctor. Because if you overdo it, you may experience unpleasant side effects such as vomiting and nausea. In some cases, patients experienced severe dizziness and diarrhea. So be careful.

Use of the above remedy

This raw material is actively used in the following industries:

  • alternative medicine;
  • cosmetology;
  • cooking.

Dandelion root is popular in the form of tinctures, syrup and powder. For example, to increase appetite, it is enough to regularly use the tincture. In addition, this remedy will prevent constipation and relieve cramps.

Experts note that dandelion roots produce extremely delicious drinks. Coffee made from this raw material perfectly invigorates, strengthens bones, and saturates the body with ascorbic acid no worse than citrus fruits. At the same time, the above drink rids the human body of harmful caffeine, remarkably tones and gives the feeling of real high-quality coffee. To do this, dandelion roots need to be roasted in the oven until dark brown. Next, grind them in a coffee grinder. You can even brew this raw material in a Turkish tea pot. Sometimes you can add a pinch of cinnamon to this drink for a piquant taste.

Dandelion roots for weight loss

Nutritionists note that all parts of this plant work in the fight against extra pounds: both the leaves and the root of the dandelion. You can freely buy the above raw materials at the pharmacy and use them to unique properties correct your figure.

How does a person lose weight using dandelion roots? Alternative medicine has a simple answer to this question: thanks to their excellent diuretic and laxative effects. You can brew tea based on this ingredient.

Dandelion root is low-calorie product. Nutritionists advise their patients to use it with other vegetables to prepare a variety of dishes, such as salads and even soups. To eliminate bitter taste this product should be soaked for 35-40 minutes in cold salted water.

Dandelion root for healthy hair, nails and skin

The above raw materials are actively used in cosmetology. Based on it, a variety of hair, nail and skin care products are made. For example, lotions for dry skin types, which contain all parts of this medicinal plant: stems, flowers, leaves, dandelion root, are especially popular.

Traditional medicine has its own recipes for preparing such a remedy: take equal quantities of each of the above parts of this flower and chop well (you should get about a glass of raw material). Then pour it with a glass of vodka, close it tightly in a jar and leave for about a week and a half (no more than 10 days). Next, strain the resulting lotion and add distilled water to it in double volume. Cosmetologists advise wiping dry skin with this product in the morning and at night.

Experts also note the usefulness of shampoos that contain dandelion roots. The use of this product significantly affects the health of the hair: it well moisturizes and nourishes the scalp, restores, tones, vitaminizes and refreshes. In addition, dandelion root helps stop hair splitting, prevents fungus, and relieves dryness and irritation.

Dandelion root in cooking

The beneficial properties of dandelion root are so great that resourceful cooks actively use it in preparing a variety of dishes so as not to miss their next opportunity to enrich the body with valuable substances. Here are some gourmet recipes that contain the above product:

  1. Original dandelion root salad. To prepare it, fresh dandelion root and carrots are grated. Add a variety of herbs, season with vegetable oil, add a little salt (to your own taste). Experts note that this dish perfectly helps to get rid of such an unpleasant phenomenon as tinnitus. Regular consumption of this salad will help solve the problem soon.
  2. Dandelion root casserole. To do this, boil this ingredient in lightly salted water (no more than 12 minutes). Prepare rice and mix it with grated boiled dandelion root. Place the resulting mixture on a baking sheet. Pour milk whipped with milk on top chicken eggs. Bake in the oven for about 43 minutes at moderate temperature.
  3. Roasted dandelion roots. Boil this ingredient in lightly salted water. Then soak in beaten eggs and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Fry in butter. Culinary experts note that the taste of the above dish is reminiscent of chicken meat. Original! Is it true?

Recipes for medicinal products from dandelion root

There are many different types of alternative medicine effective medicines based on the above raw materials:

  1. For anemia, chronic constipation, rheumatism, it is recommended to grind dandelion roots into powder, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for an hour. The resulting product should be consumed 50 ml every 6 hours before meals.
  2. To reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood, Russian healers advise taking 2 g of dandelion root powder with a sufficient amount of water every 8 hours.
  3. To normalize sleep, against worms and for hypertension, you should prepare a decoction of the above medicinal product. To do this, you need to take 5 level tablespoons of crushed raw materials, pour 300 ml of boiling water and cook for about 25 minutes. Then let the broth cool and strain. It is recommended to take half a glass before meals, three times a day.
  4. For joint inflammation, Russian healers advise preparing the following decoction: take 3 parts each of crushed dandelion roots, black elderberry, barberry, tansy flowers, hop fruits, 4 parts each of knotweed and St. John's wort, 2 parts each of blueberry leaves and flax seed. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Take three tablespoons this fee and brew in 0.5 liters of boiling water in a thermos.
  5. Allergy symptoms will be perfectly relieved by a decoction of burdock and the roots of the above plant. Take the crushed raw materials of these two components in equal quantities. Then leave 2 tablespoons of the resulting mixture in 3 cups of boiling water for 24 hours. In the morning, strain the product and drink half a glass every 5 hours.

How to properly prepare dandelion roots

The most favorable time to prepare the above raw materials is autumn. After all, it is then that many useful substances (sucrose, glucose, fructose) accumulate in dandelion root. Medicinal properties it will therefore be much higher.

So, this raw material needs to be dug up, cut ground part, lateral roots. Next, the dandelion roots should be washed thoroughly under running water. Then it is recommended to air dry them for several days. This is done in order to stop the secretion of milky juice from them.

High-quality dried dandelion roots have the following characteristics:

  • have a dark brown or light brown tint;
  • have a bitter taste;
  • no smell.

The shelf life of such raw materials is no more than 5 years.

  1. If you plan to treat thyroid diseases using this folk remedy, then it needs to be harvested in April.
  2. You cannot collect the above raw materials if the plant grows near highways.

Dandelion root - affordable and effective remedy from many ailments. It is only recommended to use it only after advice from an experienced specialist. Remember: self-medication in most cases does not lead to the desired result!