Solution to the problem: cucumber leaves wither in the greenhouse - what to do

Both in hot weather and under normal climatic conditions, foliage withers, what to do in this case is not clear. After all, watering is carried out systematically, and the greenhouse protects from hot sunlight, and the leaves of cucumbers wither.

Why do cucumber leaves wither in a greenhouse: how to identify the cause

It would seem that a greenhouse is a wonderful place with a favorable environment for growing plants, but growing cucumbers, on the contrary, the plants disappear in the greenhouse.

Leaves can wilt in cucumbers for the following reasons:

  • Drought or insufficient watering;
  • Fungal and viral diseases of plants;
  • Improper care and nutrition of crops.

The most common reason for the wilting of cucumber leaves in a greenhouse, as in an enclosed space, is excessive hot weather and insufficient watering of the plants. Plants do not get enough moisture and begin to wilt and dry out.

Improper cucumber care, such as watering directly onto the leaves, fertilizing with harsh chemicals and improper weaving, can all destroy the plant, starting from the leaves.

The most dangerous enemy for cucumber leaves are fungal diseases and viral diseases, which can multiply throughout the garden and enter greenhouses through sand on shoes, dry plants, which often moisten the soil. Sometimes the cucumber leaves themselves do not just wither, but also dry up, forming a dry and yellow leaf.

How to find out why cucumber leaves wither in a greenhouse and dry up

The leaves of cucumbers can wither from the heat, in this case they can be revived with ordinary watering, but if the leaves still wither and begin to dry, the plant must be processed.

Why cucumbers wilt and then dry:

If any symptoms appear, you need to examine the entire plant, roots, leaves and ovaries in order to know exactly what factor affects the wilting and drying of cucumber leaves. After detecting unfavorable factors, they must be eliminated, and the plants and soil must be treated with a special solution.

Why do cucumber ovaries wither in a greenhouse?

Cucumber is a very delicate plant from root to ovary, therefore cucumber ovaries often suffer. This part of the plant is very rarely damaged by pests, mainly the ovaries suffer from improper plant care.

If absent, the reasons for the wilting of the ovaries are as follows:

  • Dense planting;
  • Stopping growth;
  • Incorrect plant feeding technology;
  • Weak pollination.

With a dense planting, cucumber ovaries weaken, the flow of oxygen to them deteriorates, moisture and flowers evaporate poorly. Without blooming, they begin to dry, as a result, the fruit does not grow. The growth of a cucumber grown in a greenhouse stops growing after a strong drop and on the street, when herbicides get on the plant when cultivating the land.

Fertilizing the rhizomes of cucumbers, which is carried out with chemical preparations, if carelessly leads to wilting of the leaves, if the drug gets on the leaves and lashes of the plant.

Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse, very often the ovaries wither from insufficient pollination. The flowers seem to have started, but they cannot open. Improving the pollination of cucumbers will help their correct sowing from several varieties or planting with dense planting.

When cucumbers wither in a greenhouse - what to do

What should be done at the first signs of wilting of cucumber leaves in the greenhouse? When the leaves, whips or ovaries of cucumbers wither, you need to examine the plants and find out why such a process occurs, and only when the reason becomes clear can you begin to save the harvest. Preparations need to be selected the right ones, which prevent the withering of cucumber leaves and restore the growth of the plant. How to proceed further?

For white rot, mold and fungal diseases of cucumbers, Photosporin and Trichodermin are the best. The preparations are used to treat not only the leaves of the plant, but also the soil throughout the greenhouse.

If cucumber ovaries dry up in a greenhouse, the plant must first of all be saturated with moisture and dry ovaries removed. You need to closely monitor the temperature in the greenhouse. If the reason for the wilting of cucumber ovaries is insufficient pollination, insects must be urgently admitted into the greenhouse.

When the whips have withered on the cucumbers, only spraying the plants with special preparations will help. Fungicides such as Topsin, Previkur, Bayleron. In addition, the cucumbers should be provided with high-quality watering and a normal temperature regime, in which there would be no evaporation in the greenhouse.

Why seedling leaves wither (video)

Cucumbers are unpretentious plants and bear fruit well, up to 10 kg of fruit can be harvested from one cucumber bush per season, so the cultivation of cucumbers should be given a little more attention. Simple rules for planting, caring for the plant during the period of active growth and development of the whip and leaves, as well as proper feeding will bring a rich harvest of fruits.

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