Can pregnant women eat rolls with eel? Can pregnant women eat rolls? Japanese cuisine and its benefits

Pregnancy is always an exciting period in the life of any woman. At this time, every pregnant woman needs to be extremely attentive and careful when planning her diet, while constantly thinking about the health of her unborn child. After all, many of the products not only may not be useful for the baby, but may even cause him harm. Therefore, in order for a child to be born healthy, any woman should approach the choice of food set with great care.

Until recently, such gastronomic representatives of Japanese cuisine as sushi and rolls were classified as exotic dishes. Now they have ceased to be a curiosity and many even cook them in their kitchens on their own. Such gastronomic representatives have gained wide popularity among the population of our country. If you go to a sushi bar, you will notice that it is never without visitors, there are always customers there, and this is direct proof of the popularity of sushi and rolls.

But now we are not talking about an ordinary woman living in ordinary conditions, but about one who is in an interesting position. Is it possible for her to eat such dishes and will they harm her unborn child?

Japanese cuisine and its benefits

While in Japan, food that uses sushi and rolls has long been traditional, the same cannot yet be said about our country. But, at the same time, such dishes are quite popular among us. At first they were extremely suspicious of such food. For a long time they could not understand how to use ingredients that, it would seem, are absolutely incompatible with each other. But in reality everything turned out to be somewhat different. The combination of products included in the dishes turned out to be not only harmonious, but also tasty.

It is difficult for a woman who is a gastronomic fan of sushi and rolls to deny herself the pleasure of enjoying these dishes during pregnancy. The products contained in these dishes undoubtedly bring certain benefits to our body, since they are a source of vitamins and minerals, which a pregnant woman’s body simply cannot do without. This is necessary not only for herself, but also for her unborn child:

  1. Fish is a valuable nutritious product not only when a woman is pregnant, but also under normal conditions. It contains huge amount valuable substances that are beneficial for the growth and development of the fetus. However, this does not apply to all types of fish without exception.
  2. Rice is an irreplaceable product that is a permanent part of any person’s daily diet. It contains all the vitamins and minerals the body needs. Rice cereal is also useful during pregnancy. No one has any doubts about this.
  3. A set of savory ingredients is served on the table for a reason, but is wrapped in a special sheet called nori. The basis for its production is red algae. It's no secret that seafood is extremely rich in iodine. Without this important element unable to work normally thyroid gland. The presence of an algae component will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the woman and her unborn child.
  4. Japanese cuisine has another important advantage. All of them are dietary in nature. During pregnancy, this circumstance becomes especially relevant for any woman.

It's no secret that during pregnancy a woman is usually prone to gaining extra pounds. A standard portion consists of 8 rolls. With them, the body will receive 500 calories. But its use gives a fairly good feeling of satiety. Therefore, the ratio of these figures is quite acceptable.

Possible restrictions

Is everything as simple as it might seem upon superficial examination? Why is it sometimes taboo when a pregnant woman eats rolls? The reasons for this are as follows.

The main reason is that Japanese rolls contain raw fish products. This may pose the following dangers:

  1. The fish included in the dish is not heat-treated, and this can cause a number of infectious diseases.
  2. Eating raw fish can cause helminth infestation (for example, diphyllobothriasis).
  3. Such dishes have a very limited shelf life. If storage conditions are not met or sales deadlines are violated, they can cause food poisoning. The risk of infection is very high, since sometimes the requirements of the sanitary and hygienic plan are violated during their production. This, unfortunately, still happens. Therefore, doctors unanimously believe that a pregnant woman should not eat rolls and sushi. Do not forget that the dish comes with a number of components that will not be useful for a woman during pregnancy.

Ginger is served with sushi and rolls. He is capable of causing allergic reactions. The likelihood of their occurrence increases especially during the period when a woman is expecting an unborn child.

The dish is served with wasabi, which is a spicy seasoning. Any spicy food during pregnancy is not recommended for women, as it can cause problems in the digestive tract.

Not a single serving of sushi or rolls is complete without soy sauce. If it is absolutely natural and prepared according to classical technology, then it will benefit the woman. However, there are serious doubts that a cafe or restaurant will offer just such a sauce. Most likely, it was manufactured using accelerated technology and the benefit from such a product will be zero.

What sushi and rolls are allowed for a pregnant woman to eat?

A woman can eat those rolls that are made from vegetarian products or have been heat-treated. But even in this case, consulting a doctor before using them will never hurt. Currently, it is allowed to wrap anything in bucket bins. Therefore, the choice should be made on those ingredients that will not harm the unborn baby.

The best way to eat food is to prepare it yourself. The expectant mother herself will decide what needs to be included in the dish and will prepare it according to all the rules in compliance with the requirements of the sanitary and anti-epidemic regime. This will be much safer, both for herself and the unborn baby.

If you don’t have the time or desire to make them yourself, then you can enjoy this dish in a Japanese restaurant. When visiting it, the choice should be hot or vegetable rolls. It is advisable that they do not contain hot seasonings or sauce. You can eat them without fear that they will ruin your figure.

Naturally, vegetable rolls cannot be compared with a real Japanese dish. But the right to choose belongs to the woman. She must choose between temptation and safety. After all, the health of the unborn child may be at stake. For a responsible expectant mother, the advantage will certainly be in the direction of health.

Video: is it possible to eat sushi and rolls during pregnancy?

Should a pregnant woman limit her consumption of sushi? The harm and benefits of sushi for the body of a pregnant woman. Recommendations for selection.

Busting Myths: Yes to Sushi During Pregnancy

Every second pregnant woman has heard warnings about the dangers of Japanese traditional dish- sushi.

There is no scientific evidence that eating sushi during pregnancy risks complications for the baby in the womb.

Can pregnant women eat sushi and rolls?

In order to know whether pregnant women can eat sushi, consider the composition of this dish.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the organs and systems of the body are formed in the fetus. IN different types fish contains 2-35 mcg of folic acid (vitamin B9), which ensures the full development of the embryo. Folic acid participates in the process of formation and development of blood cells, nerve cells and prevents the risk of developing intrauterine defects, such as malformations of the spine and brain.

Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, which fish are rich in, are involved in the maturation of the fetal central nervous system and brain function. Polyunsaturated acids reduce high blood pressure in pregnant women.

Rice is rich in easily digestible carbohydrates, potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus, which are necessary to avoid malformations of the embryo.

Before birth

It is equally important to use fish dishes in the third trimester of pregnancy. Folic acid contained in fish reduces the risk of early delivery and the birth of a premature baby.

On later Pregnant women suffer from constipation in 60% of cases. The pressure of the uterus on the intestines blocks the movement of feces, and the resulting swelling of the extremities reduces fluid intake, which thickens the feces. Eating rice for these symptoms is undesirable because of its “strengthening” qualities.

Women who have gained excess weight are also advised to give up rice, which can cause even greater weight gain.

If a pregnant woman feels well, she may well treat herself to Japanese cuisine.

What types of rolls are best to choose?

Japanese rolls have many varieties. They differ in the composition of ingredients and method of preparation.

Is it worth eating hot?

Hot rolls are heat-treated, so they are safe to eat. Fish in rolls can be smoked or lightly salted. Often, hot rolls are wrapped in tamago - a Japanese omelette, fried in a thin layer and wrapped in a roll.

Should I eat it with soy sauce and wasabi?

Standard additions to rolls are wasabi and soy sauce.

Natural soy sauce is beneficial for digestion, and the antioxidants in its composition have a positive effect on the renewal of body cells.

Fake soy sauce is a surrogate; it is a synthetic product that contains heavy metals and toxins. It is strictly prohibited for pregnant women to use it.

Wasabi is a spicy seasoning that is added to soy sauce. Doctors do not recommend consuming spicy foods during pregnancy. They cause heartburn and increased gas formation and cause dehydration.


They differ from hot rolls in that they are baked in the oven. Their main ingredient is a creamy sauce or cheese that becomes crispy during baking. Any “cold” roll can be made baked.

With salmon or shrimp

Shrimp and salmon are some of the popular ingredients in rolls. Eating lightly salted salmon is not only possible, but also necessary for a pregnant woman. Shrimp are easily absorbed by the body, saturate it with iodine and have a positive effect on the formation of the bones of the unborn child. Acceptable rate consumption – 100-150 g per week.

When pregnant women should not eat rolls

The rolls contain raw fish with a high mercury content (sea bass, halibut, fresh tuna, sea trout, etc.). Acceptable values ​​are ˃0.29 ppm.

  1. Allergic reactions to roll ingredients.
  2. Hot tempura rolls.
  3. Hot spices included.
  4. Constipation.
  5. Overweight.
  1. Used in making rolls sea ​​fish, which is practically odorless compared to river water. Unpleasant smell speaks of stale products.
  2. Freshly prepared rolls do not have stale ingredients.
  3. Rice in rolls should be warm. Cold, falling apart rice indicates that the sushi was prepared a long time ago and was waiting for its buyer.

If a pregnant woman likes to treat herself to Japanese cuisine, there is no reason to deny herself the pleasure. Rolls do not pose a danger to the expectant mother and child, provided that the pregnant woman feels excellent and has no contraindications to eating sushi.

Useful video

A pregnant woman's diet should be complete and varied. This is important for maintaining the health of the woman herself, as well as for the proper development of the fetus. However, at the same time, restrictions are imposed on some products, for example, from the 20th week you need to use salt more carefully, you should not overuse canned food and products containing dyes and unnatural ingredients. And regarding some dishes, expectant mothers have doubts. Among these questions is the question “Can pregnant women eat sushi?”

Why shouldn't pregnant women eat sushi?

Some types of fish, such as mackerel or shark, may have high levels of mercury, which is not safe for your baby. In addition, sushi is a perishable product, raw fish after 6 hours of exposure room temperature may cause food poisoning, which to the expectant mother also not helpful at all. You need to be even more careful with sushi ordered at home, as well as sold in supermarkets. It is very difficult to know exactly their expiration date and production time, and therefore it is better for the expectant mother not to risk her health. Pregnant women definitely don’t need this kind of sushi.

Regarding homemade sushi, then you also need to monitor the expiration date of fish and other ingredients and, preferably, eat a portion of sushi immediately, without leaving it for storage. In this case, the question of whether pregnant women can have sushi should be decided independently based on the recipes that you usually use.

What kind of sushi can pregnant women eat?

Japanese cuisine is not only sushi and rolls with raw fish, but also a whole range of other dishes, including vegetable dishes, soups, sushi and rolls with smoked fish and much more. These dishes are safe enough for pregnant women, so you can safely order them in a good restaurant or at home. Therefore, we can say that sushi is not prohibited during pregnancy, but you need to eat it with reasonable caution. Moreover, fish and vegetables are very important for the development of the baby, since they contain large number useful substances, which means, subject to sanitary conditions, they must be included in the diet of the expectant mother.

The question of whether you can have sushi during pregnancy has one more nuance. Sushi is often served with soy sauce and wasabi, which are also unlikely to be useful for the expectant mother. In any case, before combining sushi and pregnancy, it is better to consult a specialist to avoid negative consequences.

Pregnancy is a time of change in a woman’s body. Some of them are cause for concern. Tastes, attitudes toward smells, and food preferences may change.

And even if you didn’t like something before, during pregnancy there is an irresistible desire to try it.

The culprit of such changes is hormonal balance, or rather its change. Quantity female hormone– estrogen decreases and its place is taken by the pregnancy hormone – progesterone.

If you have never eaten sushi and rolls, and during pregnancy you really want to try something different and unusual, do not rush to try everything indiscriminately.

Another situation: if you were fond of Japanese dishes before pregnancy, do not think that such delicacies as sushi and rolls are allowed to be enjoyed while pregnant.

Significant changes have occurred in the body, and you cannot know how your body will react to this or that component contained in rolls and sushi.

Important! The choice of food products must be approached with prudence and caution. Your condition and the health of your unborn baby depends on the diet you choose.

Therefore, before enjoying something unusual and delicious, evaluate how safe it is.

So is it possible to eat sushi during pregnancy?

Are Japanese delicacies good for pregnancy?

The components included in sushi and rolls are quite healthy.

They are a source of valuable microelements, while remaining a low-calorie dietary product, which is important for those who are afraid of gaining extra pounds during this period.

The main component is a dietary product. Its benefit lies not only in the fact that it is the richest source of all necessary nutrients. Rice goes well with other foods and is perfectly digestible.

  • Fish;

Seafood enriched with protein and microelements. The main supplier of iodine.

In addition, the fish contains fatty acids Omega-3, they have a beneficial effect on the functioning brain activity fetus It is worth considering that not all types of fish can be beneficial.

  • Nori;

A special sheet in which the components of the dish are wrapped. It is made from brown algae.

It is algae that is the most important source of iodine for humans, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland. She, in turn, is responsible for metabolism, which is important during pregnancy.

Why is it worth introducing a “taboo” on eating sushi?

There are good reasons why you should avoid sushi during pregnancy.


The presence of raw fish in sushi is the main and most compelling reason.

Sushi and rolls are perishable foods. The exact manufacturing time of a product cannot be determined by eye.

It is difficult to answer how fresh all the components of sushi and rolls, especially fish, are.

Know! Even if the portion eaten does not cause harm to anyone else, a not very fresh dish can cause significant harm to a pregnant woman.

At the very least, indigestion. In addition, compliance with sanitary standards in catering establishments often leaves much to be desired.

Soy sauce

Purchased from a trusted manufacturer, such a sauce will be useful, but prepared in sushi bars and served with sushi and rolls, it will not only not be beneficial, but can also be dangerous.



  • One of the hot seasonings that can negatively affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Cause heartburn and nausea, which are already constant companions of a woman during pregnancy (see article on the topic: Heartburn in pregnant women, how to get rid of it?>>>).

Is sushi allowed during early pregnancy?

It would seem that what can happen if you eat a small portion of sushi and rolls? And the pregnancy is not yet visible.

But it is in the first trimester that the formation of the baby’s internal organs occurs.

Important! If any negative consequences occur, treatment will be extremely limited, since many medications, even from the list of acceptable ones, are not recommended for early stages pregnancy.

The question is asked: why create unnecessary problems for yourself? Isn’t it easier to wait?

Rolls during pregnancy are a different matter. Some varieties will not harm the condition of mother and baby.

What can you enjoy at a Japanese establishment?

Is it possible to eat rolls during pregnancy and which ones are better to choose?

When visiting Japanese establishments, when choosing rolls, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  1. Stop your eyes on vegetable fillings or types of sushi and rolls, the ingredients of which have been heat-treated. For example, with fried eel, boiled crab meat;
  2. Rolls are allowed during pregnancy, because anything can be wrapped in nori. Before choosing a dish, pay attention to the main ingredients of the rolls:
  • whether they contain components that can cause allergic reactions or other negative phenomena.

By the way! If you have the opportunity to make sushi and rolls yourself, but still want to use raw fish, pay attention to the type of freezing.

Use only products of reliable quality. It is those prepared at home that can do good and not harm.

For other nutritional rules during pregnancy, read the book