Stewed eggplants with vegetables in the oven. Eggplants with vegetables in the oven

Eggplant with vegetables in the oven is a wonderful dish that your whole family will love. It is tasty, light and healthy. After all, it contains all the vitamins of summer vegetables. Eggplants baked with tomatoes and cheese will please even those who can’t imagine eating without meat. Try it and see for yourself.

There is no need to peel the eggplant for this dish, as it will lose its shape after baking. Therefore, it is necessary to take young vegetables. If you come across not very young eggplants, then you need to get the bitterness out of them. To do this, after cutting, they need to be immersed in salted water for 20-30 minutes. This method will help get rid of the bitter taste of overripe vegetables.

The sour cream and cheese mixture with garlic for eggplants can be replaced with a dressing made from olive oil And soy sauce. Add different seasonings: for example, oregano and thyme - and this dish will become a little different. You can cook zucchini or zucchini in the same way. The taste will be a little different, but it will also be delicious.

To the table, eggplants with vegetables, baked under sour cream sauce must be served hot. Melted cheese with spicy garlic sauce - best combination for ripe, juicy, summer vegetables. This dish would be a great light lunch on a hot summer day.


  • 4 eggplants
  • 2-3 tomatoes
  • 2 potatoes
  • 2 bell peppers
  • 1 onion
  • 5 cloves garlic
  • 200 gr. sour cream
  • 2 tbsp. mayonnaise
  • 100 gr. hard cheese
  • salt and ground pepper to taste
  • greens to taste


  • Step 1

    Before preparing this dish, you must wash and dry all vegetables.

  • Step 2

    Onion cut into rings or half rings, 2-3 millimeters thick.

  • Step 3

    Boil the potatoes a little in their skins, peel them and cut into small circles. Firstly, this will reduce the cooking time, and secondly, when acid from tomatoes or other vegetables gets on raw potatoes, such potatoes become hard - so they must first be brought to half-cooked.

  • Step 4

    We clean the tomatoes from the stalk and skin by blanching. Blanching tomatoes is a method of removing the skins from vegetables using temperature changes. That is, cut the top of the tomato crosswise and put it in boiling water for a few minutes. Then quickly remove and place in ice water. After which the skin can be easily removed without damaging the tomato pulp. Then we also cut the tomatoes into circles 3-4 millimeters thick.

  • Step 5

    Sweet bell pepper remove seeds and cut into small rings: as thick as the previous vegetables.

  • Step 6

    We cut off the tails of the eggplants, and cut the vegetables into slices lengthwise, without cutting to the stalk, to make a “book”. We put slices of potatoes, tomatoes, peppers and onions into each “page” of our eggplant “book”.

  • Step 7

    In a bowl, mix sour cream with mayonnaise, add salt, ground black pepper and crushed garlic. For such a dish, you can take sour cream and mayonnaise of any fat content, but it is better to have a richer one: mayonnaise - 67% or 73%, and sour cream - 30%. Since eggplants have a spongy structure and absorb all oils and fats well. Garlic does not have to be crushed in a mortar or crushed through garlic: you can simply chop finely with a knife. Then the taste will not be so pronounced.

  • Step 8

    Grate hard cheese on a coarse grater. Mix cheese with mayonnaise and sour cream.

  • Step 9

    Place eggplant “books” on greased vegetable oil baking tray Pour the sour cream and cheese mixture over the eggplants.

  • Step 10

    Cover the baking sheet with foil and place in the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 40 minutes.

  • Step 11

    Ready baked eggplants with cheese can be sprinkled with finely chopped dill or parsley. Also interesting and harmonious is the combination of cilantro and basil with tomatoes and eggplant.

Eggplant with vegetables in the oven is a wonderful dish that your whole family will love. It is tasty, light and healthy. After all, it contains all the vitamins of summer vegetables. Eggplants baked with tomatoes and cheese will please even those who can’t imagine eating without meat. Try it and see for yourself.


  • eggplants - 3 pieces;
  • tomatoes - 2-3 pieces;
  • potatoes -2 pieces;
  • sweet pepper - 2 pieces;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • sour cream - 200 grams;
  • mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons;
  • hard cheese - 100 grams;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • ground black pepper - a pinch.

Eggplants with vegetables in the oven. Step by step recipe

  1. Before preparing this dish, you must wash and dry all vegetables.
  2. Cut the onions into rings or half rings, 2-3 millimeters thick.
  3. Peel the potatoes and cut into small circles.

Advice. You can boil the potatoes a little in their skins, and then cut them into slices. Firstly, this will reduce the cooking time, and secondly, when acid from tomatoes or other vegetables gets on raw potatoes, such potatoes become hard - so they must first be brought to half-cooked.

  1. We peel the tomatoes from the stalk and skin and also cut them into circles 3-4 millimeters thick.

Advice. Blanching tomatoes is a method of removing the skins from vegetables using temperature changes. That is, cut the top of the tomato crosswise and put it in boiling water for a few minutes. Then quickly remove and place in ice water. After which the skin can be easily removed without damaging the tomato pulp.

  1. Peel the sweet bell pepper from the seeds and cut into small rings: as thick as the previous vegetables.
  2. We cut off the tails of the eggplants and cut the vegetables into slices lengthwise, without cutting to the stem, to make a “book”.

Advice. There is no need to peel the eggplant for this dish, as it will lose its shape after baking. Therefore, it is necessary to take young vegetables. If you come across not very young eggplants, then you need to get the bitterness out of them. To do this, after cutting the eggplants, you need to immerse them in salted water for 20-30 minutes. This method will help get rid of the bitter taste of overripe vegetables.

  1. In each “page” of our eggplant “book” we put slices of potatoes, tomatoes, peppers and onions.
  2. In a bowl, mix sour cream with mayonnaise, add salt, ground black pepper and crushed garlic.

Advice. For such a dish, you can use sour cream and mayonnaise of any fat content, but I prefer fattier ones: mayonnaise - 67% or 73%, and sour cream - 30%. Since eggplants have a spongy structure and absorb all oils and fats well.

Advice. The garlic does not have to be crushed in a mortar or pressed through a garlic press: you can simply chop it finely with a knife. Then the taste will not be so pronounced.

  1. Grate hard cheese on a coarse grater. I prefer "Russian" or "Dutch".
  2. Mix cheese with mayonnaise and sour cream.

Advice. Some housewives do not add grated cheese to the dressing, but sprinkle it on top: I prefer it when the cheese is soaked in sour cream and garlic flavor. And a golden crust will form in any case.

  1. Place the eggplant “books” on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil.
  2. Pour the sour cream and cheese mixture over the eggplants.

Advice. The sour cream and cheese mixture with garlic for eggplants can be replaced with a dressing made from olive oil and soy sauce. Add different seasonings: for example, oregano and thyme - and this dish will become a little different. You can cook zucchini or zucchini in the same way. The taste will be a little different, but it will also be delicious.

  1. Cover the baking sheet with foil and place in the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 40 minutes.
  2. Ready baked eggplants with cheese can be sprinkled with finely chopped dill or parsley. Also interesting and harmonious is the combination of cilantro and basil with tomatoes and eggplant.
  3. The same dish - baked vegetables with cheese, can be prepared in a slightly different interpretation, namely: each of the vegetables cut into slices - onions, potatoes, tomatoes, Bell pepper and eggplants - fold into a pyramid, alternately placing each vegetable and coating it with sauce. But in this case, the eggplant needs to be cut into slices. This will not change the taste, but you will get a completely different presentation of the dish.

Eggplants with vegetables baked in sour cream sauce should be served hot. Melted cheese with spicy garlic sauce is the best combination for ripe, juicy, summer vegetables. This dish would be a great light lunch on a hot summer day. On the “I Love to Cook” website you can find many more wonderful recipes that will help you prepare quick and tasty dishes from ordinary vegetables.

The eggplant itself is very delicious vegetable, and if you combine it, for example, with tomatoes, it will turn out even more tasty dish. Add a little sweet pepper and cheese, then you get “food of the gods.” It is nutritious and healthy dish, which will not be the last place on your table and will be appreciated by many close friends and household members. Eggplant baked with vegetables is a beautiful summer vegetable dish that doesn’t require much time or ingredients to prepare: eggplant, tomatoes, cheese and bell peppers.

Ingredients for preparing eggplant baked with vegetables:

  1. Fresh eggplants 3–4 pieces (medium size)
  2. Onions 3 bulbs
  3. Carrots 2 pieces
  4. Garlic 2-3 cloves (to your taste)
  5. Fresh tomatoes 2 pieces
  6. Salt at your own discretion
  7. Ground black pepper at your own discretion
  8. Vegetable oil 150 ml
  9. Parsley and dill at your own discretion

Products not suitable? Choose a similar recipe from others!


  1. deep bowl
  2. Cutting board
  3. Sharp knife
  4. Kitchen stove
  5. Wooden spatula
  6. Baking tray
  7. Pan
  8. Cutlery
  9. Serving dish or serving plates

Preparing eggplant baked with vegetables:

Step 1: Prepare ingredients.

We buy eggplants fresh, not wrinkled. Wash thoroughly under running water and cut off the tail. Cut them into circles no more than 0.5 centimeters thick.

Place in a deep bowl, add salt, mix and set aside. For 20 minutes. Then we wash it again cold water and place on a towel to drain the water and remove the bitterness.

We wash the carrots and remove the skin. Slice thin straw.

Select medium tomatoes, wash and place in boiling water for up to 10 minutes, so that the skin comes off. After that, remove it and cut the tomatoes into rings.

Onions must be peeled and washed thoroughly, then cut in small pieces. We do the same with garlic.

Step 2: Fry the ingredients for baking.

Dip the carrots into hot vegetable oil and fry until golden brown, then add finely chopped onion and garlic, sauté simmer for 5-7 minutes, add a little salt. Remove from heat.

Step 3: Bake the eggplants in the oven.

Grease a baking tray well with vegetable oil and place the eggplants on it, cover with foil and place in a preheated oven. up to 150 degrees for 20 minutes so that they are baked.

Then we take it out, turn it over and put it in the oven. for another 10 minutes. After this, remove the foil, on each piece of eggplant you need to lay out a ring of tomato and a fried mixture of carrots, onions and garlic (you can do it the other way around, first lay out the mixture and then the tomatoes). You can also place whole cloves of garlic between the eggplants to enhance the taste. Add some salt on top and pepper to taste. Cover with foil again and send back in the oven for 10-15 minutes for complete baking of everything.

Step 4: Serve eggplant baked with vegetables.

Place on a plate with wide brims, garnish with parsley and dill, fresh lettuce, and can also be served with boiled potatoes. Enjoy your meal!

5 minutes before the dish is ready, you can remove it from the oven, remove the foil and grate the cheese on top. Send back. The eggplants will be covered with a golden crust and will taste more appetizing and juicy.

This dish can be used as an independent snack, for example, at a party with strong alcoholic drinks. Or, alternatively, serve as an original side dish for baked meat or fish. In addition, such eggplants can be used as an independent hot dish and served with a variety of side dishes, rice, buckwheat porridge, potatoes, etc.

Eggplants with vegetables are very tasty, both hot and cold.