Pickled cucumbers under a plastic lid. Pickled cucumbers

Dear readers!

My pickled cucumbers always turn out just great. I have been pickling cucumbers using this recipe for many years and have never regretted it. My friend Ninochka shared the recipe with me; when I eat my cucumbers, I always think about her and thank her for this wonderful recipe.

When pickling cucumbers, I always use currant, cherry, horseradish leaves and dill sprigs with inflorescence, which gives a piquant taste and strength to the cucumbers.


For 3 liter jar

  • 2 – 2.5 kg cucumbers
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of salt (without top)
  • 2-3 currant leaves
  • 3-4 cherry leaves
  • 1 horseradish leaf
  • 1 dill branch (inflorescences and stem)
  • 3-4 peas of allspice
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic


We wash the jars, turn them over, and let the water drain.

We clean, wash and dry all vegetables and leaves.

Place half of the currant, cherry, horseradish, and dill leaves on the bottom of the jars.

We choose undamaged cucumbers and the variety should be the one intended for pickling. We cut off the tails on both sides and place them tightly in jars. The tails don't need to be cut off.

Peel the garlic and put it in jars without chopping it.

On top we put the second part of currant leaves, cherries, horseradish, dill.

Add salt and fill the jars cold water, better filtered.

Cover with plastic lids and shake to dissolve the salt.

Leave the jars for 3 days at room temperature, for salting.

Since water may leak out of the jars during fermentation, place deep plates under the jars. It is advisable to remove the lids from the jars, but you can leave them slightly open.

After 3 days, drain the water from the jars, boil and leave to cool.

We rinse all the contents of the jars well, put them back into the jars and fill them with cooled brine. You can not remove the contents of the jars, but simply pour boiled water into the jars, shake well, and drain the water. Repeat this 2 times.

If the pickled cucumbers will be stored in a cold place, for example in the basement, it is enough to rinse the cucumbers with cold tap water and cover with plastic lids. I do this at the dacha. I opened a jar of cucumbers over the weekend and couldn’t put it down, they were so tasty and crunchy.

And those jars that I store in the pantry, where the temperature is slightly lower than in the apartment, I wash cucumbers and currant leaves, cherries, horseradish, dill with boiled water, add 1 aspirin tablet to the jar and roll up the jars with iron lids. You can also close it with plastic ones, then you need to use good lids so that they close our jars of cucumbers hermetically. Place the plastic lids in boiling water and immediately close the jars. As the lids cool, they will tighten tightly and the jars will be hermetically sealed, which is what we need.

Turn the jars over and check for leaks.

I collected recipes from everywhere! I won’t cite sources, don’t be angry!

Recipe No. 1: Salty. Wash fresh green cucumbers (not overgrown) thoroughly, pour boiling water over them and immediately plunge into very cold water. Soak for 2-3 hours. Then place the cucumbers tightly in three liter jar, topping with washed leaves, dill, garlic and peas. Pour in the prepared cold saline solution (50 g of salt per 1 liter of water). Add 2 tablespoons of vodka and tightly close the jar with a plastic lid. Cucumbers pickled using this method should be immediately placed in a cold place (refrigerator, cellar, etc.).
Cucumbers retain their natural green, acquire a unique taste and are stored very well.

Compound: cucumbers - 2 kg, dill (umbrellas) - 2 pcs., black currant leaves - 5 pcs., cherry leaves - 5 pcs., garlic - 1 clove, horseradish (root or leaves) - 20g, peppercorns - 8 peas, salt - 75g, vodka - 50g, water - 1.5l

Recipe No. 2: Pickled cucumbers. I kept the cucumbers for 2 hours cold water, then washed them. In a sterilized jar I put all kinds of greens (horseradish leaves, cherries, overgrown dill), garlic, pepper cut into pieces, poured boiling water over it and covered it with a sterilized lid. After 10 minutes, I drained the water, boiled it again, poured it out and again left it for 10-15 minutes. Then she again poured the same water into the pan, brought it to a boil, added 3 tbsp. salt, 2 tbsp. sugar and 1 tbsp. vinegar essence, dissolved salt and sugar and poured boiling brine over the cucumbers. She closed the lid and rolled it up.
You get delicious, crispy cucumbers.

Recipe No. 3: Pickles. For a three-liter jar - two heaped tablespoons of salt, pour warm water and that's it. Keep it in the house for three days, store it in the refrigerator or cellar.

Recipe No. 4: Crispy pickles. Brine: for 1 liter of cold water (boiled or filtered) - a little more than 1.5 tablespoons of salt, 1-2 cloves of garlic (cut into slices on the bottom), then cucumbers,
on top of cucumbers - green :
several dill inflorescences, currant leaves, cherry leaves with twigs, horseradish leaf.

Recipe No. 5:Here good recipe"crispy" pickles. Wash the cucumbers and pre-soak them in cold water for 4 hours (we do not cut off the “butts” of the cucumbers). Then place the cucumbers in clean jars with spices, fill with brine, close the jars with plastic lids and place in a cool place (room temperature should be about 20°C). After a few days, when the fermentation process begins (the plastic lids on the jars swell), open the lids slightly to let the air out - then the cucumbers will be crispy. After a day, close the lids again and the pickles can be placed in the refrigerator.
Such pickles should be stored in a cool place (for example, in a cellar or refrigerator). This way they are perfectly preserved all winter and remain crispy (and quite spicy - due to the garlic).

Recipe No. 6: I offer a simple and reliable method of pickling cucumbers , which I have been using for many years, there are no conventions in it - I put the cucumbers in 3-liter jars, on the bottom of the bed I put any weeds that come to hand: dill, cherry leaves, currants, and if they are not there, then whatever comes to hand, any dried herb, add 1 teaspoon of ground red pepper and pour salted brine (on the egg), add salt to the water until the egg floats to the surface of the water and is the size of a 2-kopeck coin. I cover it with a nylon lid. That's all. I put the cucumbers in the cellar on the floor; they leak a little. You can use it anywhere, in a vinaigrette, in a pickle, in salads; if the cucumbers seem salty to you, you can soak them in plain water for an hour.

Recipe No. 7: Salty with hot pepper. In a jar (any jar) put cucumbers, all the seasonings, I also put hot peppers. Brine: for 1 liter. well or spring water 250 grams of salt. When the salt dissolves, pour the brine into jars and leave for 2 days. Then drain the brine and pour clean water, close with plastic lids. And that’s all. This is how my mother, about 40 years old, and I salted. There is nothing tastier; everyone who tried our cucumbers considered them the most delicious.

Recipe No. 8: Ancient recipe pickled cucumbers. Brine: for 1 liter of cold water, 2 tablespoons of salt. Cucumbers 8 kg. I wash it and put it under the tap with cold water in a basin for 2-3 hours. I put it in an enamel bucket (garlic, horseradish root, currant leaves, dill with umbrellas - you can never have too much seasoning). Layers - seasoning, cucumbers...). I pour cold brine above the cucumbers and keep them under pressure for 3 days. Fermented. I take out the cucumbers and wash them under the tap with cold water. I put it in sterile jars of any size. I strain the brine through a colander. I boil it and pour it into jars with cucumbers. I roll up the cans. I keep it in my apartment. Excellent pickled cucumbers.

Recipe No. 9: With smart advice. Be sure to add mustard seeds, as much as possible of any herbs (dill, parsley, horseradish, cherries, currants) so that there are no empty spaces left and only fill with hot brine (for 1.5 liters of water - an incomplete 100g shot glass or three tablespoons of salt ). I keep it in the cellar.

Recipe No. 10: Salted with dill. I do this. In a clean 3-liter jar, put currant leaves (5 pieces), dill (I use scissors to cut all the dill along with the umbrellas, only without the roots, into 3-4 cm pieces, take a large handful of this cutting). I place clean cucumbers, pre-soaked in cold water, in a jar vertically and very tightly. I place peeled garlic cloves between the cucumbers. I lay the cucumbers up to the hangers, and put the greens on top again in the reverse order. Dissolve salt in cold boiled water - two tbsp. small heaped spoons per 1 liter of water. I fill the cucumbers to the very top of the jar (usually a 3-liter jar takes 1.5 liters), cover it loosely with a lid, put the jar in a bowl - the brine may leak out during fermentation. On the second or third day foam will appear, this is normal. After three days, pour the brine from the jar into a saucepan, boil and pour over the cucumbers, let stand for 10 minutes, drain and boil again. Pour boiling brine, if it is not enough (it should reach the cut of the jar), add boiling water. Immediately roll up the lid and turn the jar over. I don’t wrap anything, but you can cover it. From my own experience, I know that the most important thing is not to add anything when rolling - whatever the cucumbers were pickled in, that’s what to cover.

Recipe No. 11: Simply salty. I make everything simpler. I put spices in a 3-liter jar - black currant leaves, horseradish, cherry and oak leaves, dill and garlic (down the jar and on top of the cucumbers). I put the cucumbers in and fill them with regular non-chlorinated cold water (for example, from a well), add about 3 tablespoons of salt to the jar (depending on the size of the cucumbers) and wait for it all to ferment. After this, I remove the foam with a spoon (if it has formed), fill the jar to the top with ordinary water (if some of it leaked out during fermentation) and close it with a plastic lid. That's all! Sometimes a white precipitate may form at the bottom of the jar (and on the cucumbers), but this does not affect the taste in any way - you just need to rinse the cucumber removed from the jar in water before using it.

Recipe No. 12: Like lightly salted. For a 3-liter jar of cucumbers I put two tablespoons of salt and three tablespoons of sugar. They come out like lightly salted ones. Or two tablespoons of sugar - more salty. Add only dill inflorescences and garlic to the jar, after the first pouring of boiling water. a sprig of tarragon. I pour boiling water over the cucumbers, drain them, put salt, sugar, 5-7 peppercorns, and cloves into the water. I boil and pour the cucumbers again. I pour a tablespoon of vinegar into the jar. essences. I close it with a plastic lid. I also salt the tomatoes, only I add five tablespoons of sugar.

Recipe No. 13: "For lazy people." The trick is that you don’t need to boil the brine and roll up the lid. After the above-described preparation, a “pound” made of two layers of a wide bandage is placed on top of the cucumbers (gauze will not work!!!) dry mustard (2 teaspoons) is poured onto the bandage. The edges of the bandage rise. All this is tied with thread, the excess bandage is cut off. It turns out to be a ball with dry mustard inside. This ball or, as we call it, a “pound” is placed in the brine on top of the cucumbers under a plastic lid. After fermentation is complete, you need to add a little brine (2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water) to the top, because Some of the brine will spill out during fermentation. Pound mustard does not affect the taste. It is used to prevent mold from appearing. In the cellar, the cucumbers are still fresh. In the apartment they also stand fine, but since March they have lost their “crispness”. You can open the jar, take as many cucumbers as you need and close it again. Cucumbers do not spoil.

Recipe No. 14: Oak. In a 3-liter sterilized jar we put spices and herbs: horseradish leaf, dill umbrellas, bay leaves, allspice peas, garlic, currant, cherry and oak leaves. Place the cucumbers (standing). Place a horseradish leaf on top and sprinkle 100 g of coarse salt. Fill with unboiled cold water (from a spring, well or well) and close with a plastic lid. Turn the jar over with the lid down and leave for a while (until morning or evening) so that the salt settles down. That’s it. Turn the jar upside down and put it in a cool place (cellar). They make wonderful pickled cucumbers. Minimum time. One bad thing: you need a cellar.

Recipe No. 15: Light marinade. Horseradish, dill, cherry leaf, garlic, vinegar. Brine: 1.5 liters of water, 4 tbsp. level spoons of salt, a few peas of black pepper. The recipe is designed for a three-liter jar, which includes 1.5 liters of brine. Boil the brine. Place horseradish, dill and cherry leaf at the bottom of the jar. Place the cucumbers, pre-soaked (for 5-6 hours) in cold water, tightly. Add some seasonings (in the middle of the jar and on top). Cover the top with two cucumbers to make it easier to drain the boiling water. Pour boiling water twice for 5 minutes. Before pouring the brine, add 2-3 cloves of garlic. Before rolling, add 1 teaspoon. a spoonful of table vinegar. Turn the rolled jars over, cover and leave to cool.

Recipe No. 16: Salted in jars.

1. Place the cucumbers in a jar, fill with brine to the top, cover with gauze and leave for 3-5 days for salting. Drain the brine from the jars, set to boil, pour cold water into the jars, shake to rinse the cucumbers. white plaque. Rinse 2-3 times. Pour the washed cucumbers with boiling brine (in small portions, warming the jar so as not to burst), add 2 tablespoons of vodka and roll up or close with tight plastic lids. Store pickled cucumbers in a cool place.

2. Place spices at the bottom of the jar, then cucumbers, which must be kept in cold water for 5-6 hours, changing it 2-3 times. Fill the cucumbers in a jar with boiled and cooled brine (50 g of salt per 1 liter of water). Place the spices on the cucumbers and tie the jar with gauze. We keep it at 18-20 degrees for 4-5 days. We drain the brine, and after washing the cucumbers in chilled boiled water, put them in jars with fresh, well-washed spices. Fill with boiling brine, not adding 1.5 cm to the top of the jar. We seal hermetically and immediately sterilize (10-15 minutes).

3. Prepare cucumbers, spices and containers as usual. Pour cold water into the jar to the top, place a piece of gauze on the top layer of spices and pour 1.5 tablespoons of coarse salt on top. Seal with a plastic lid. Store pickled cucumbers in a cool place.

For a 3 liter jar:

cherry leaves

currant leaves

dill umbrellas

horseradish root (cut into slices)

Recipe No. 17: Sweet and sour marinade. I prepare the brine like this: add 3 tablespoons of salt and 4 tablespoons of sugar to one and a half liters of water. Of course, you can add just one spoonful of sugar, but I like it that way. As always, you have to navigate according to your own tastes. I fill the jar to the very top, pour in a teaspoon of seventy percent vinegar essence. I have never been able to pickle cucumbers without vinegar, although I tried. They do not have their own acid, like tomatoes. Here are the tomatoes, I salt them without vinegar. I close the jars with sterile lids and roll them up. Somewhere in the corner of the apartment I lay a warm rug on the floor, turn the cans upside down and cover them with an old warm fur coat. Let them sit until they cool down.

Recipe No. 18: Pickles with crunch. Cucumbers should be washed and dried (do not damage the skin). Place tightly into 3-liter pre-sterilized jars.
Brine: for 1 liter of water - 2 tbsp. spoons of salt (not iodized) and 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar. Pour into a large saucepan, where there are already dill corollas, currant leaves, cherries and horseradish (naturally, everything must be cleaned and washed). Put on fire, but do not bring to a boil. Fill the jars with cucumbers with brine without greens (through a strainer). Cover with lids and let stand for 15 minutes. Then the brine is poured back into the pan and brought to a boil. During this time, the jars of cucumbers should be covered to prevent them from cooling.
In each 3-liter jar, throw 2-3 cloves of garlic, add a teaspoon of oak bark and a teaspoon of vinegar essence. Pour boiled but slightly cooled brine again (again through a strainer). Roll up the lids of the jars and place them upside down on pieces of paper to see if there are any leaks (this means the lid has not been properly rolled). After cooling, hide the jars of pickled cucumbers in a cool and dark place; a basement or crawl space is better.

Happy crunching!

That's it, that's enough! Otherwise, while we’re choosing, we’ll run out of cucumbers!

makes them crispy and very tasty. You can’t do without these cucumbers during a feast. This is a great appetizer and part of many salads.

For the first recipe you will need fresh dill, horseradish root, four cloves of garlic, one piece of fresh pepper, 70 grams of salt, 30 grams of sugar and a little black peppercorns. To make the brine, boil water with salt and sugar and cool to room temperature.

Now you need to cook fresh cucumbers bright green in color with dense flesh. Their length should be no more than 14 centimeters. Before salting, soak in cold water for six hours and rinse under running water. Place greens at the bottom of the prepared container under the cucumbers and add black peppercorns.

Fill the jar halfway, add the greens again and fill with cucumbers up to the shoulders of the jar. Fill it up to the neck again with herbs. Pour brine over the cucumbers, cover the jar with gauze and cover with a lid. Periodically remove any film and mucus that appears on the surface of the brine.

So it is necessary to keep the cucumbers for about ten days at temperatures up to 20 degrees Celsius. When the fermentation process is over, add fresh cold brine to the jar and seal it hermetically.

Cold pickling of cucumbers in a barrel.

For 100 kilograms of cucumbers there are five grams of leguminous hot pepper, 300 grams of garlic, half a kilo of horseradish leaves, three kilograms of dill, a little horseradish root, 300 grams of leaves from black currant, 300 grams of celery. You can add 300 grams of tarragon and other spices.

The brine must be prepared 24 hours before it is poured into the cucumbers. In ten liters of ordinary water at a temperature of 20 degrees, from 500 to 900 grams of salt dissolves. The larger the cucumbers, the more salt you need. The solution must be filtered through rolled gauze or linen.

To prevent mold from forming, rub the walls of a wooden tub or barrel with garlic. Black currant, horseradish and cherry leaves are laid out at the bottom of the container and along the walls. Now some of the herbs and spices are laid out at the bottom and the barrel is filled halfway with cucumbers. The remaining spices are placed on top. It is advisable not to place cucumbers on their sides, but to place their spout vertically down. This will make them better. After laying, the cucumbers are filled with brine.

Cucumbers should stand for two days in a barrel at a temperature of 18 or 20 degrees. When fermentation begins, add brine and close the barrel. A special hole in it is tightly closed with a stopper wrapped in gauze. Now the container is placed in a cool place where it will be stored.

The most optimal temperature for storing such cucumbers - 0 degrees. The barrel of cucumbers should not be heavily clogged. It is enough to simply cover it tightly with a wooden circle, on which a small oppression is installed. When the cucumbers are eaten, the moldy deposits from the mug and the surface of the brine are removed.

If you pour brine on the top of a barrel with cucumbers mustard powder, then mold will not form much. If the tongue hole in the barrel is in the lid, then the barrel is left in a standing position. If it’s on the side, lay it on its side.

Cold pickling of cucumbers under a plastic lid.

You will need 2 kilograms fresh cucumbers, a liter of water (spring, bottled, cold boiled), 2 tablespoons of salt, a tablespoon of granulated sugar, dill, currant, cherry or horseradish leaves. Garlic.

Cucumbers are washed, cut, and the tails are cut off. Place in a bowl of cold water. After two hours, wash the cucumbers again. The greens are washed and dried, the garlic is peeled and cut into cubes. Greens and garlic are placed in a sterilized jar, and cucumbers are laid out.

To make brine, you need to mix water with salt so that it is completely dissolved. Cucumbers are filled with brine and horseradish leaves are placed on top. Then cover the jar with a plastic lid and place it in a cool place. Cucumbers are stored in the refrigerator or cellar.

Wishing you bon appetit!