How to get rid of slugs on strawberries using folk remedies. How to deal with slugs on strawberries: the most effective methods of gardeners Slugs on Victoria how to deal with them

The strawberries are ripening, and the beds are summer cottage pleasing to the eye with green succulent leaves and ripening berries. But one fine day you discover that disgusting slippery slugs have appeared on them, and the ripe red berries have been eaten and are not suitable for picking! How to protect berries without using chemicals? How to get rid of slugs on strawberries, because otherwise there will be no harvest?

Fighting slugs manually

The most labor-intensive method to help effectively get rid of slugs on strawberries is to collect the pests by hand. But what to do, because the berries are already ripening, and it’s too late to use chemicals, and in general it’s undesirable, because you want to grow healthy products in your garden. Hand-collected slugs should be taken away and burned.

Wood ash will help get rid of slugs on strawberries

Another way to help get rid of slugs is to use ash. Regular wood ash. If you don't have a stove, you can get ash after a fire. First, sift it, and then spray it over the beds. Of course, the berries will become dirty from the ash, but you can wash them, but you will no longer see slugs on the strawberries.

Beer - slug trap on strawberry

To get rid of slugs on strawberries, many gardeners set up beer traps. To do this, pieces of rags are moistened in beer and laid out between the bushes in the garden bed. Slugs love dampness. They are hot during the day, so they will bunch up on the wet cloth and you can easily collect them. Snails are also caught this way.

Mulching with sawdust to combat slugs on strawberries

It will not be difficult to get rid of slugs on strawberries if you mulch the beds well with a thin layer of small sawdust - this is something that pests definitely do not like.

Mustard powder or salt

They will also help in pest control mustard powder or salt, they are scattered around the plants. These caustic substances are destructive to the delicate skin of slugs and become a serious obstacle in their path. You can use a strong solution of table salt to spray the strawberries.

A decoction will help get rid of slugs on strawberries capsicum

Counts effective means against slugs on strawberries, spray strawberries with dry powder or a decoction of hot capsicum. To prepare a decoction, 0.5 kg of dry pepper pods are infused in 10 liters of water for 2 days, then boiled and infused for another 1 day. To spray, the solution must be diluted in a proportion of 0.1-0.5 liters per 10 liters of water and add 40 g of finely ground laundry soap (for better adhesion).

Coffee is an effective slug repeller on strawberries

According to recent research by scientists, caffeine has a detrimental effect on nervous system slugs and snails. A 1-2% coffee solution can kill a large individual, and a 0.1% solution repels most pests in a summer cottage. To prepare a 0.1% coffee solution, you need to dilute a double dose of instant coffee in a cup of water or pour the drunk coffee under the plants. coffee grounds(which, by the way, is a good remedy for preventing “blackleg”).

We hope that these simple tips will help you effectively get rid of slugs on strawberries in a short time without the use of chemicals.

From the very beginning of summer, the gardener's eye is pleased with the beds overflowing with strawberries.

However, all this joy can be destroyed in an instant with the appearance of nasty slugs, which for some reason are very fond of strawberries and other ripe berries.

And then summer residents begin to sound the alarm... But don’t panic, it’s better to read our article on how to get rid of slugs on strawberries.

Slugs (also called slugs) are ugly pests that appear on root crops and strawberries (they especially love plants with tender leaves).

However, this is not the worst thing. Slugs very often spoil the presentation of vegetables and fruits by leaving a slimy trail in the place where they just crawled. After this, the appetite immediately disappears.

Usually the so-called naked slug operates in our beds. This is quite a serious enemy, which means that we need to fight it using drastic methods.

During the day you are unlikely to see these pests, since slugs are primarily nocturnal. On sunny days they usually hide under plants or in cracks in the soil.

Slugs prefer to live in a warm and slightly humid place. By systematically watering your plants, you create a favorable environment for the birth of new pests.

Harm or benefit?

We can say that slugs are omnivores: they do not disdain slop, ripe strawberries, fallen apples, sown grain, everything is suitable for consumption.

When fighting slugs, you need to take an integrated approach and not forget about preventive methods.

ATTENTION! If the berries are already ripe, then you cannot use chemicals, as the strawberries will become toxic. And we want to grow an environmentally friendly product in our garden.
  • The most difficult of all methods of controlling slugs is to pick them up by hand;
  • Another way that will help get rid of pests - using ash. Ash can be obtained from a stove or from a regular fire. Before working with ash, it must be sifted through a sieve several times. Apply a thin layer of ash to the strawberry bushes. Of course, it will become very dirty, but it can be easily cleaned with water, but slugs will no longer spoil the berries;
  • You can also sprinkle the perimeter where strawberries grow small sawdust- this is something that slugs really dislike;
  • Mustard powder or salt will help just as much. Use strong solution of table salt for spraying plants. For the very delicate skin of slugs, this solution will be destructive.
  • Another option is to make traps, as shown in the video below.

The easiest way to get rid of snails (slugs) from a strawberry bed is using regular wood ash. Ash can be obtained from a stove or after a fire. Initially, sift it and spray it over the strawberry beds. The strawberries will be dirty with ash. After harvesting, the berries can be washed and dried. Thanks to this, snails (slugs) will no longer appear on strawberry bushes. There are other ways to get rid of snails - link in the source.

Of course, collecting snails by hand is not a rewarding task at all!

How to get rid of snails on strawberries?

In addition to ash, you can use sawdust, sand, and seed husks (in the southern regions, husks are the most common remedy). Cover all furrows with any of these products - snails and slugs will not be able to get to the berry bushes.
In general, mustard, tobacco, red capsicum, and garlic are used to combat snails, both in dry form and in infusions.

You can plant plants in high beds.

How to get rid of snails on strawberries?

When fighting snails in strawberries or in your summer cottage, you should not use chemicals, since there is a considerable risk of human poisoning.

You can evict an annoying neighbor from your garden using natural remedies:

1) Plant garlic, parsley, lavender or mustard on the strawberry plantation. Snails do not tolerate these plants.

2) Use of traps. You can lure snails in a container with a soap solution (dissolve 1/3 of a piece of laundry soap in 1 liter of water). During the night, 7-10 snails crawl into the container. You can also lure snails onto watermelon rinds. Then put them in salted water.

3) The main enemies of snails are hedgehogs. Feed a hedgehog at your dacha and there will be no trace of the snails left.

4) Spray the area where the snails live with coffee, sprinkle the soil with tobacco dust, chalk or slaked lime. These products are good at repelling snails.

5) Barrier strips, for example, made from plastic bottles, are good at preventing the penetration of snails. In this way you can protect your strawberry plantation. The snails will not be able to overcome the high barrier.


How to get rid of snails in your garden?

Yes, snails in a summer cottage are not a very pleasant neighborhood. Therefore, it is better to get rid of them.
I'll add to all the previous answers. You can also scatter egg shells or fine gravel or pine needles around the beds. Snails do not like to crawl on thorny objects.
You can also sprinkle salt or crushed superphosphate around the beds. These substances dehydrate the snails and make it difficult for them to crawl.
You can plant sage or rosemary around the beds; snails do not like their smell.
You can make traps from plastic bottles. Cut off the neck, pour beer into the bottle and dig it into the ground. Place the cut neck on top of the bottle, first turning it over so that it looks like a funnel. The snails will roll into the bottle.
You can scatter various cardboards, boards, and wet rags around the area. During the day, the snails will hide there, and you can walk around in the morning and collect all the snails.
You can also put dry nettles under the bushes of tomatoes, peppers, and cabbage. Snails don't like it either.

Fight against uninvited "neighbors".


You can get rid of snails using your hands))).
This is the simplest and safest, but long and tedious method. Snails are nocturnal, and they need to be collected after rain or towards sunset, when they begin to crawl out of their hiding places. But to attract them, you can also create artificial shelters, where they will hide there during the day (old boards, wet rags, cabbage leaves etc.). After that, all that remains is to check the meta and collect the “harvest”.
If you have a personal reservoir (pond) in your garden, keep several toads and frogs there.
To combat snails, you can also use the method of insurmountable obstacles. Because of their delicate and soft body, snails are not able to overcome the barrier consisting of various fragments of piercing and cutting objects. The water barrier is also insurmountable for them.
You can use grapefruit peel as a trap. To do this, you need to make a hole in half of the peel and place this trap like a dome overnight. This smell attracts snails, and in the morning all that remains is to check the traps and destroy what has accumulated in them overnight.
They also avoid contact with copper. When you touch it, the snails receive a small electrical discharge. And now special tapes with a battery are sold for these purposes.
For exotic lovers, we can recommend a method of fighting snails by spraying plants with a 1 or 2% aqueous solution of caffeine. Caffeine is quite capable of killing them. From side effects This method can be distinguished by the fact that it discolors the leaves of some plants in the treated areas. A caffeine concentration of 0.1% can already scare away snails, putting them into a stupor, a state of confusion, and increasing their heart rate.
To obtain a caffeine concentration of approximately 0.1%, you need to dilute a double dose of instant coffee, or slightly less than natural coffee, in a cup of water.

When at rest, the mollusks are wide and short. When muscles contract, they suddenly become thinner and longer. On the surface of the body of such creatures there is a secretion large number mucus in the form of foam. It is necessary to protect it from drying out in too hot weather. This substance also prevents the slug from injuring its body during friction when it moves.

Their body color is gray-brown. In the head section, the mollusk has two pairs of special tentacles. At the end of the first are the eyes. The second pair is designed for tactile sensations.

Slugs are nocturnal. During the daytime, they carefully hide under the shade of strawberry leaf blades or under wood. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, these animals quickly dry out, which leads to their rapid death.

Harmful mollusks live for about 1-2 years. They lay their eggs once a year. Their number does not exceed forty pieces. After one month, the eggs hatch into full-fledged mollusks. They can grow to adult size in a couple of months.

When do they appear on strawberries?

Slugs most often feed not only on ripe young strawberries, but they also love the juicy leaves of this plant. In addition, there are several other important factors for the appearance of this pest on fruit beds:

  • too hot summer;
  • excessively high yield levels;
  • an unkempt area with a lot of weeds;
  • a large amount of dead organic matter in the garden bed;
  • overly waterlogged and dense soil;
  • high density of strawberry rows.


The presence of slugs in your garden beds can be determined by several signs:

  • the appearance of deformed fruits;
  • the presence of white mucus inside the berries;
  • formation of holes on leaf blades;
  • small silvery spots on plants.

Fighting methods

Many gardeners prefer traditional methods in the fight against slugs.

  • Infusion of hot pepper. Fresh vegetables (one kilogram) are filled with water (10 liters). In this form, everything is left to infuse for two days. Afterwards the broth is boiled for an hour. It is cooled and the pods are thoroughly ground. The liquid is placed in a cool place for a short time. Then they take it out and spray it on diseased seedlings.
  • Sprinkle with eggshells or nut shells. To protect strawberries from snails, the ground around them is treated with this component. In this case, such a product acts as a prickly barrier for slugs.
  • Applying dry soil. These mollusks love moist areas, so in order to completely get rid of them, a layer of dried soil is poured onto the ground. This should be done after you water the plants.
  • A solution with ammonia and vinegar. To make this composition, you need to mix them with water (1 part of the components to 6 parts of water). Afterwards, the infected stems and leaf blades are thoroughly treated with the resulting solution.

Gardeners often use various baits for them. So, you can place old boards, plywood or even roofing felt near the strawberry rows. It is also recommended to moisten the ground on which they will be located with water, this will further attract pests that quickly accumulate on such materials.

In order to get rid of these animals, you can scatter sharp barriers (pine branches, sharp gravel, sawdust, river sand) in different parts of your summer cottage. These mollusks cannot overcome such obstacles due to their special body structure.

Most gardeners in the fight against snails prefer proven and effective chemicals.


To prevent slugs from appearing in strawberry beds at all, you need to do some procedures regularly. Do not forget to promptly remove all debris and organic residues from the soil.

Remember that you should not feed them to poultry (chickens, roosters, ducks). After all, these mollusks are often carriers of various infections, which can cause animals to get sick and die.

Remember that they are also repelled by various odorous plants. Such plantings include garlic, sage and rosemary. You cannot water the rows too often. Excessively moist soil will only attract slugs and contribute to their spread.

Some gardeners advise planting strawberry seedlings in artificial raised beds. Their height must be at least 30 centimeters. Also, many advise periodically removing thickening from berry beds, as it attracts slugs and some other pests. To do this, the rows of seedlings need to be thinned out.

Do not forget to regularly weed and loosen the soil with strawberry plants. These procedures can be replaced by mulching. To prepare mulch, pine branches or chopped sawdust are most often used.

Strawberry beds delight the eye with green, juicy leaves and ripening berries, when one day you discover disgusting slippery slugs on them. But the worse thing is that the ripe red berries are eaten and are not suitable for picking. We need to quickly get rid of slugs on strawberries, otherwise we won’t see a harvest.

Slugs description

Slugs (also called slugs) are ugly pests that appear on cabbage. root vegetables and strawberries (they especially love plants with delicate leaves). Slugs look exactly like ordinary snails, only without a shell. The body color of this mollusk is usually earthy - greenish or gray, but sometimes quite bright orange specimens are found. Usually the so-called naked slug operates in our beds. This is quite a serious enemy, which means that we need to fight it using drastic methods.

Latest articles about gardening

If you notice holes in the leaves of vegetable and fruit crops, from which there is a trace of a silver color, it means that you have slugs in your garden. In addition to leaves, these mollusks also eat the vegetables themselves: tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, etc. They are very fond of soft strawberries and strawberries. However, this is not the worst thing. Slugs very often spoil the presentation of vegetables and fruits by leaving a slimy trail in the place where they just crawled. After this, the appetite immediately disappears. You are unlikely to see these pests during the day, as slugs are primarily nocturnal. On sunny days they usually hide under plants or in cracks in the soil. Slugs prefer to live in a warm and slightly humid place. By systematically watering your plants, you create a favorable environment for the birth of new pests.

Chemical means to control slugs on strawberries

The fight against slugs in the garden can be carried out using chemicals. Metal hydride is considered particularly effective against shellfish. Granules of this chemical are simply scattered over the beds. They are very popular with slugs, which eat them with pleasure, resulting in intestinal poisoning and death. You can sprinkle powdered metal hydride in areas where slugs gather. In this case, it will penetrate their skin and also cause poisoning. In addition to metal hydride, slugs can be controlled using freshly slaked lime or ground iron sulfate. A mixture of bleach (1 part) and stove ash (4 parts) is quite effective. Often, to combat slugs, tobacco dust is used, which is scattered over the beds. After the mollusks have shed the poisoned mucus, the chemical treatment should be repeated.

Ecological methods of controlling slugs on strawberries

The number of dark, damp areas should be reduced as much as possible, garbage and organic residues should be removed, and weeds should be weeded out. In the fall, dig deep into the soil; this precaution will help destroy the eggs of not only slugs, but also many other pests in the area, as they will freeze in the winter.

Attract the slugs' natural enemies: birds, frogs and hedgehogs. Build birdhouses for birds, a small pond for frogs, install a hibernation house for hedgehogs, lay out bait, and feed them with milk.

If slugs appear in the garden, nature will tell you how to fight it. The most economical and environmentally friendly way to protect against the appearance of slugs on your site is to use aromatic herbs that they do not like. Garlic, sage, and rosemary are planted around the perimeter of the beds.

Folk remedies for fighting slugs on strawberries

Since environmental methods are not always effective, folk preventive remedies are used together with them.

  • There is also something like this effective remedy from slugs: pour 1 kg of fresh or 0.2 kg of dried hot pepper pods with 10 liters of water in a closed enamel or plastic container and leave for 2 days. Then boil the infusion for an hour, cool, grind the pods, close the concentrate tightly and place in a cool, dark place. For spraying, take about 150 ml per 10 liters of water.
  • Slugs and snails really don’t like rough surfaces. It is necessary to pour insurmountable strips of coarse sand, crushed eggshells or nut shells around those plants where gastropods were seen, creating a kind of prickly barriers.

  • Slugs and snails cannot resist beer, even when it has expired (they are true connoisseurs of this drink and, according to German gardeners, prefer its dark varieties). You can take advantage of this addiction by digging glasses into the ground and filling them halfway with beer. Those who are especially immoderate simply drown in beer; those who are more abstinent “fall off” next to the “life-giving source.” The method is original and, as it turns out, very effective - two or three such “feasts” and you can forget about slugs until the end of the season. Instead of glasses, other containers will do. For example, in the lowest areas you can install a whole basin, or you can get by with glasses made from plastic bottles. Or take plastic bottles whole, pour some beer and place it flat on the ground, slightly crumpling one side so that the bottles become flat and do not roll around.

  • If you think logically, slugs that prefer high humidity will be less fond of dry soil. These conclusions were made by summer residents decades ago, when they began to dry the soil in order to drive slugs out of the territory. Many simply sprinkle the top layer with dry soil, thereby protecting the soil after watering; some simply normalize watering more efficiently, for example, by arranging drip irrigation. But there are also solutions to arrange good drainage under the beds. This may be relevant and even effective, but it is labor-intensive and expensive.

Mechanical methods of controlling slugs on strawberries

This method of pest control is recommended by many, but it is effective specifically against those representatives of this class of dacha living creatures that are unable to escape from you. This way you can collect the Colorado potato beetle, as well as our persistent slug, which, when detected, simply cannot hide from us. Collecting slugs by hand is much easier, faster and cheaper than buying special poisons for them. Moreover, you will not do absurd things, for example, finding a slug and spraying poison on it, which only affects directly. Well, why use poison in this case if the enemy in front of you cannot run? Collect the slugs in a bucket or other container, take them outside the dacha, and then come up with the most humane way to “say goodbye” to the pests.

Articles for gardeners

Slugs on strawberries are a common occurrence. These pests, in addition to being disgusting, cause great harm to crops. Numerous methods have been invented to combat them. Each of them is effective in its own way, so you can only figure out which one is right for you through trial and experimentation.

How to deal with slugs on strawberries

How to get rid of slugs on strawberries: fighting slugs with improvised means

From the very beginning of summer, the gardener's eye is pleased with the beds overflowing with strawberries.

However, all this joy can be destroyed in an instant with the appearance of nasty slugs, which for some reason are very fond of strawberries and other ripe berries.

And then summer residents begin to sound the alarm... But don’t panic, it’s better to read our article on how to get rid of slugs on strawberries.

Slugs and slugs - who are they?

Slugs (also called slugs) are ugly pests that appear on cabbage, root vegetables and strawberries (they especially love plants with delicate leaves).

However, this is not the worst thing. Slugs very often spoil the presentation of vegetables and fruits by leaving a slimy trail in the place where they just crawled. After this, the appetite immediately disappears.

Usually the so-called naked slug operates in our beds. This is quite a serious enemy, which means that we need to fight it using drastic methods.

You are unlikely to see these pests during the day, as slugs are primarily nocturnal. On sunny days they usually hide under plants or in cracks in the soil.

Slugs prefer to live in a warm and slightly humid place. By systematically watering your plants, you create a favorable environment for the birth of new pests.

Harm or benefit?

We can say that slugs are omnivores: they do not disdain slop, ripe strawberries, fallen apples, sown grain, everything is suitable for consumption.

Slugs not only cause harm by eating greens in the field, they also eat others just as much. dangerous pests. However, in the end, the harm from the activities of slugs is much greater than the benefit.

Measures to combat slugs with improvised means

When fighting slugs, you need to take an integrated approach and not forget about preventive methods.

ATTENTION! If the berries are already ripe, then you cannot use chemicals, as the strawberries will become toxic. And we want to grow an environmentally friendly product in our garden.

  • The most difficult of all methods of controlling slugs is to pick them up by hand;
  • Another way to help get rid of pests is to use ash. Ash can be obtained from a stove or from a regular fire. Before working with ash, it must be sifted through a sieve several times. Apply a thin layer of ash to the strawberry bushes. Of course, it will become very dirty, but it can be easily cleaned with water, but slugs will no longer spoil the berries;
  • You can also sprinkle the perimeter where the strawberries grow with fine sawdust - this is something that slugs strongly dislike;
  • Mustard powder or salt will help just as much. Use a strong solution of table salt to spray the plants. For the very delicate skin of slugs, this solution will be destructive.
  • Another option is to make traps, as shown in the video below.

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How to get rid of slugs on strawberries

The strawberries are ripening, and the garden beds at the dacha delight the eye with green, juicy leaves and ripening berries. But one fine day you discover that disgusting slippery slugs have appeared on them, and the ripe red berries have been eaten and are not suitable for picking! How to get rid of slugs on strawberries, because otherwise there will be no harvest?

Manual pest control

The most labor-intensive method to help get rid of slugs on strawberries is to collect the pests by hand. But what to do, because the berries are already ripening, and it’s too late to use chemicals, and in general it’s undesirable, because you want to grow healthy products in your garden. Hand-collected pests should be taken away and burned.

Wood ash will help get rid of slugs in the garden

Another way to help get rid of slugs on strawberries is to use ash. Regular wood ash. If you don't have a stove, you can get ash after a fire. First, sift it, and then spray it over the beds. Of course, the strawberries will become dirty from the ash, but you can wash them, but slugs will no longer appear on the strawberries.

Beer for catching pests in the garden

Many gardeners catch slugs on strawberries for beer. To do this, soak pieces of rags in beer and place them between the bushes in the garden bed. Slugs love dampness and are hot during the day. Therefore, they will collect on the wet cloth and you can easily get rid of them. Snails are also caught this way.

Slugs don't like sawdust

It will not be difficult to get rid of slugs on strawberries if you mulch the beds well with a thin layer of small sawdust - this is something that pests definitely do not like.

Mustard powder or salt

Also, mustard powder or salt will help in the fight against strawberry pests; they are scattered around the plants. These caustic substances are destructive to the delicate skin of slugs and become a serious obstacle in their path. You can use a strong solution of table salt to spray the plants.

Capsicum decoction for spraying plants

Dry powder or decoction of hot peppers is considered an effective remedy against slugs on strawberries. To prepare a decoction, 0.5 kg of dry pepper pods are infused in 10 liters of water for 2 days, then boiled and infused for another 1 day. To spray, the solution must be diluted in a proportion of 0.1-0.5 liters per 10 liters of water and add 40 g of finely ground laundry soap (for better adhesion).

Coffee is an effective repeller of many pests in a summer cottage

According to recent research by scientists, caffeine has a detrimental effect on the nervous system of slugs and snails. A 1-2% coffee solution can kill a large individual, and a 0.1% solution repels most pests in a summer cottage. To prepare a 0.1% coffee solution, you need to dilute a double dose of instant coffee in a cup of water or pour drunk coffee grounds under the plants (which, by the way, is a good way to prevent “blackleg”).

How to deal with slugs on strawberries

Slugs already appear on the berries. They are noticeable right away - you will see beautiful shiny leaves. This is the first sign that your strawberries have slugs. What is most remarkable is that they do not eat the berries, the slugs only bite into them, spoil them and immediately move on to another. Thus, from one slug you can get about 500 grams of substandard strawberries. Of course, you can remove them manually, but such a task is too tedious and thankless. However, you can do without chemicals in the garden.