How to cover a table made of coins. Handmade epoxy resin tabletop. Guarantee of success: preparation

There are many original and unusual ideas home decorating for hobbyists DIY crafts. Idea to do DIY coin table It will appeal to lovers of shiny, golden, eye-catching, attention-grabbing items. And also for those who never know what to do with their change. If you are one of these people and are in a hurry to get rid of inconvenient coins every time you go to the store, you better start collecting them. After all, you never know when a crazy idea will come into your head to build an entire table of coins with your own hands, from which in the future it will be impossible to take your eyes off. And when this fantastic idea does come to you, to implement it you will need to follow the following instructions.

First, of course, you need to have enough coins to cover the entire surface of your chosen table. Believe me, a table half inlaid with coins will not look the most attractive. In order not to make mistakes in the calculations, it is also worth taking into account the fact that we will be gluing coins along the edges of the table too. Another question is, what coins should you use to decorate your table with your own hands? This is entirely a matter of your taste, preference and convenience. For example, we used coins of 1 American cent, but even Russian pennies or Japanese Yens are suitable for inlay.

Whatever coins you use, you will most likely want to polish them to a shine, because among the large number of them you will probably come across old, tarnished copies.
How to do this? This is done easily and quickly with the help of a container that is a quarter filled with coins and a stain remover that is used to wash the coins. After rinsing the coins, drain the liquid into the sink. For coins we use a colander.

When the liquid has completely drained, transfer the coins to an old towel and dry them thoroughly.

We now have dry and shiny coins ready for use. We begin gluing the table surface from the edge. In order for the edge coins to lie “smoothly” on the surface, they need to be slightly rounded using pliers.

If you are not strong enough (and this is really not a very easy process) and you are not able to bend the coins, feel free to discard the pliers and seal the edges with flat coins. This will not spoil the composition in any case.
With the rest of the space on the table, everything is much easier, you just need to glue each coin carefully and thoroughly to ensure strength.

This process is not difficult, but long (the size of the table, naturally, also plays a big role).

What will cause you more trouble is coating the surface of the table with epoxy resin. You will need to place the table in a small, isolated and dust-free room and cover the floor under the table with a durable plastic sheet, otherwise, once you get a new rug, you can say goodbye to hardwood/carpet. We will cover the entire table with this mixture, including the edges, so dripping of resin onto the floor cannot be avoided. Resin will give our fantastic idea even more golden shine.

New modern building materials appear on the market every day, and there are so many ideas for decorating your home with handmade items.

We've collected some interesting ideas how to make a countertop with epoxy resin and make it original and unique appearance and also decorate the interior of the house..

Materials for making countertops
We'll show you step-by-step the process of creating an epoxy countertop yourself, with creative ideas and craft skills. The tabletop is made of coins, looks great and will decorate any interior. For this purpose, you can use coins of any countries that you still have after traveling. To do this you will need coins, epoxy resin glue, and a ruler. To create a product, the coins must be the same size. They must be thoroughly cleaned of oxides and dirt. Can be used for this special means, which will cope with this task in a few seconds.
Place the first row of coins on the countertop. If you have a rounded edge, you will need to bend the coins using simple tools - a steel ring and pliers.
Use a long straight edge or spirit level across your countertop to make sure your coin surface is level and that the coins will stay in place and won't fall off. Using glue, we glue the coins onto the surface of our tabletop.

Continue gluing coins until the entire surface is covered.


We cover the floor with a polyethylene protective layer to avoid damage to the floor covering. We install our tabletop on a stand so that we can move it freely around the perimeter of the product.
Make sure we have enough glue, then pour it onto the central part of the tabletop and carefully spread it over the surface using a wooden or plastic spatula.


Epoxy resin should cover the surface of the countertop with a thickness of at least 4-6 mm.
Work very well with the ends of the product; cover them well with resin.
In order for the remaining air to escape when pouring the resin, we heat the surface manually gas burner.
After removing the air, leave the surface for 2-3 days, this is necessary for the epoxy resin to dry completely. After 3 days you received the original fabulous tabletop.

Master class on creating a “money” tabletop. My translation.

First, if you want your coins to have a shine, you will need to polish them, quick way do this:

Fill the bowl about a quarter full with water, pour in some Tarn-X, and then swirl the bowl over the sink (in case of splashes) to evenly wet the coins in the liquid. It only takes a few seconds. When they are uniformly shiny, place them in a colander in the sink and thoroughly rinse off any excess product with water. Place the coins on a towel and dry.

We made the tabletop into the desired shape from plywood and then painted it. Since our front end was rounded, we started there.

The husband pressed a long metal ruler to the end of the table so that the coins would not move until they were completely fixed with glue.

So how did you bend the coins? - you ask. Here's how: My husband found an old titanium ring and wound some insulating tape so that the inner size of the ring would fit the size of the coin inside. After some trial and error, he discovered that by pinching the coin inside with pliers, he could create the correct fold to match the fold of the table edge... However, be warned, this is HARD. I tried my best and couldn't bend a penny. Even my husband wore gloves to protect his hands while he worked.

NOTE: If you don't want to (or can't) bend the coins, don't focus on the radial end, make a right angle. In the end, this is a feature that you can completely do without.

Once the first line of bent coins was glued down, the job was just to cover the entire table with coins.

We used coins of the same size, but the denominations are different, there are even Canadian and Bahamian coins. They were glued with an offset relative to each other. My husband later cut off the coins hanging on the edge using a Dremel. Using heavy tin snips, he also cut small “patches” of coins to fill in the empty spaces and joints.

All this took him about two nights. By that time the table was completely covered with coins, we worked on it for 6 nights.

Next comes the worst part: coating our work with epoxy resin. We install our tabletop in a small room, the floor of which is covered with a thick layer of plastic film. The epoxy takes several days to dry and during this time you need to protect the drying area from dust, hair, animal hair, etc. (close the room, the ventilation hole, if you can).

You may notice that our epoxy is tinted with the “golden orange” color, this is not on purpose - we had it lying around for a very long time, and since it is expensive (about $100), we decided to use it anyway. Plus, this shade just makes the coins look a little more gold and it looks pretty nice.

After everything is filled with epoxy resin, you need to level it so that the ends are also covered with the composition. Its excess will flow onto the film. They can be collected with a spatula and applied to uncoated areas at the ends.

Is your piggy bank about to burst with coins? And there’s nowhere to put it, and it’s a pity to throw it away? Well, it's time to put your coins to work and make beautiful crafts from them. We have put together a selection of great ideas and step-by-step master classes for you. Today you will understand that it was not in vain that you saved coins all this time.

For crafts, you can use both current coins and those that have long gone out of use. Most often, craftsmen use 1, 5 or 10 kopecks. For jewelry (bracelets, necklaces, brooches, etc.), it is better to choose foreign coins, if you have them - they look more respectable in accessories.

How to drill a hole in a coin?

Let's answer this question at the very beginning, because it will be useful to you for many crafts. To make everything clear, we have found two short training videos for you.

If you have a drill, make a hole in the coin according to these instructions.

If you don’t have a drill, we will make a hole in the coin using a regular sewing needle.

You won't always need holes, but some of you will find them useful.

How to connect coins?

There are two options here. If you made holes in the coins, you will need wire or special rings for jewelry. All this can be easily found in the creativity departments.

If you want to make coins volumetric craft or paste them over any object, you need to glue them together. To do this, it is best to use a glue gun. It's convenient and reliable. If you don't have one, choose superglue that can hold metals in place.

Now let's get to the fun part. Take advantage of the master classes and get to work!


Wash the coins in soapy water. It is best to keep them in liquid for several hours. Coins are quite dirty, and this craft will be used often. Next, dry the coins well.

We will need:

  • plastic bowl;
  • polyethylene;
  • glue;
  • coins.

Instead of a plate you can take balloon. True, in this case the craft may turn out a little askew and not entirely stable. The plate will most likely have to be thrown away, so take the unnecessary one. However, if you are very careful, it will survive.

Wrap the plate in plastic wrap. For reliability, you can secure it with tape. Start gluing the coins. Important point– glue them by the side edges. Don't worry if the glue bleeds a little; We'll sand it down later.

Leave the structure to dry for 4-5 hours. Then carefully free it from the bowl and plastic. Take some fine sandpaper and carefully remove any excess glue. Cover the coins with ornamental varnish on top - for reliability.

3D star

You can place any other figure. The main thing is to have a stencil or draw the outline yourself. If you are making a star, you can put the number 23 with coins and use the panel as a gift for Defender of the Fatherland Day. You can make a gift for Valentine's Day in exactly the same way - just choose a heart as a stencil.

We will need:

  • photo frame;
  • velvet paper;
  • stencil.

Insert velvet paper into the photo frame. Remove the glass - we won't need it. Draw a star. Lay out its outline in one layer. Then add another layer of coins. Gradually reduce their number, increase the volume.

In the same way you can lay out a flower or, for example, a Christmas tree. Imagine!

Mirror or frame

You can use coins to decorate a mirror or make a photo frame. This will add zest to the interior.

We will need:

  • wooden or cardboard frame;
  • ornamental varnish;
  • sandpaper;
  • acrylic (optional).

If you are making a frame from scratch, you will need to make a thick backing. To do this, use plywood. If you are decorating a finished one, then perhaps it should be sanded and painted so that the spaces between the coins look beautiful.

Simply lay the entire surface of the frame in an even layer or pattern. You can add a second layer to hide any gaps that occurred when you laid down the first batch of coins.

If desired, you can decorate the coins with metallic spray paint.


Worried about birds? This means your coins can be used to decorate a bird feeder. The result will be a beautiful and useful craft.

We will need:

  • finished house;
  • plywood.

If you don't have finished house, you'll have to make it from scratch. You can take a cardboard box and line it with plywood. The most important thing is that the roof is strong enough, otherwise it will not withstand the load of coins. Glue the coins in rows from bottom to top. It is better to lay the last row additionally.

We would not advise you to cover the roof with an ornamental varnish, as this may harm the birds. Only do this if you have a special non-toxic varnish.


If you have interesting coins from different countries, which you brought for good luck, it’s time to get them. Why keep such beauty in a piggy bank where no one can see it? And carrying them in your wallet is somehow boring. If you really want to attract luck and money, always keep coins with you - make a bracelet with your own hands.

We will need:

  • metal rings;
  • accessories for a bracelet.

Drill two holes on each side of the coin. If the rings are thin, do this with a needle. Fasten the rings and connect them to each other. Add a clip.

Now your lucky coins will always be with you!


Coins – great way transform old interior items. Take a look at the vase decorating tutorial. Perhaps it will inspire you to remake something else.

We will need:

  • vase;
  • acrylic paints;
  • ornamental varnish.

It is best to paint the vase in one tone. Acrylic fits perfectly on glass, so it is better to choose it. Next, we cover the entire surface of the product with coins. The gaps won't look unsightly if you painted the craft in advance.

Many people like to give money trees made from coins to their friends. Why not give a vase in which you can put beautiful twigs or flowers? Same money tree, only more interesting.


Typically, decor in the form of large letters is very popular with teenagers. So if you have a child school age, offer him this idea. Or decorate your entryway. And letters made from coins can also be a good gift.

We will need:

  • letter stencils;
  • cardboard or plywood;
  • paints.

If you want to make letters on cardboard, choose the thickest one (the kind usually used for boxes). Letters can also be cut out of plywood, if you have such an opportunity.

You can take letter stencils from our selection - this way you will save your time. Next, simply paint the letters cut out from the template to hide the spaces between the coins. Fix the coins in one layer. If the material allows, you can lay out the second and third layers.

You can use this tutorial to make your own anniversary gift. Lay out the numbers from the coins, give the hero of the occasion such a “medal” - let it attract wealth.


Not sure how to decorate your homemade tray? Or do you need to hide a worn surface? Coins will come to the rescue again.

We will need:

  • ready tray;
  • coins;
  • glass;
  • dye.

If you are making the tray from scratch, you will need to sand and paint it. If this is a remake of a finished item, you can skip this step. Glue the coins to the bottom in any order. Or post a pattern.

Then the surface must be covered with glass that matches the size of the craft. If you don’t have glass, coat the craft with several layers of varnish. Do not leave coins just like that - the contact with food will be too close, and this should not be allowed.


Here's another great way to keep coins for good luck and wealth on your person. With a little effort you can make a beautiful fashionable necklace. Massive accessories are now in trend, so it makes sense to master this craft.

We will need:

  • accessories for necklace;
  • hammer;
  • rings.

Using a hammer, all the coins need to be slightly flattened. This will help remove the pattern from them, polish and thin them. Still, it’s not very nice to wear ten-kopeck coins around your neck, right?

Now make small holes in each coin. Insert metal rings and attach them to the fittings.

If you work well with a hammer, no one will even guess that you made your jewelry from ordinary coins.


Coins are used to lay out ceilings, floors and a wide variety of furniture. If you have a few thousand extra coins, you can do this. If your supplies are more modest, make a decorative table for the country house.

We will need:

  • table;
  • glass;
  • coins.

We glue the coins with superglue or a glue gun. To make the process go faster, you can apply it not to the coins, but to the surface of the table itself. Move in small sections so that it does not have time to dry out.

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