What is better: a well or a borehole for a home. Well or well: how to choose which is better? Well or well for permanent residence

Well builders are ready to present many arguments that would prove that such structures are a brilliant invention. If you turn to specialists from companies involved in drilling wells, you will be able to hear from them your advantages and disadvantages of the mentioned water source. And you, in turn, can independently decide for yourself the question of what is better - a well or a borehole. Pros and cons, user reviews will allow you to understand this.

The main advantages of wells: minimal costs and versatility

It is worth recognizing that wells are quite often used in suburban areas, this is due to a number of advantages that these structures have. Among the advantages, minor installation costs should be highlighted. You can dig a well without the use of heavy equipment; any villager, gardener or summer resident will be able to cope with this.

You can purchase a pump for a well at an affordable price; this equipment will cost less than what is used in a well. If you still cannot decide for yourself which is better - a well or a well, it is recommended to consider the pros and cons of these structures. Among the advantages of the well, one can also highlight its versatility. This quality lies in its relevance for those areas where power outages are quite common.

Why else should you choose a well?

A well or well, the pros and cons of which are recommended to be considered before starting work, must be equipped correctly. In this case, we are talking more about a well, which, if all the rules are followed, will be ready to serve for a long time, it can be used for about half a century, during this period you will be able to get tasty and fresh water that does not contain chlorine, and also does not has a rusty taste.

Disadvantages of wells: the possibility of water contamination and the need for maintenance

It also happens that suburban areas are located close to the city, where the environmental situation is quite deplorable. This cannot but affect the quality of water. The source of filling the well is the aquifer; it is located at a depth of 5 to 30 m, where groundwater flows. After floods and rain, they are not always of high quality.

When summer residents think about what is better - a well or a borehole, they carefully consider the pros and cons, and the disadvantages of wells. Among the latter, it is certainly worth highlighting the need for timely care and periodic use. If you operate the well irregularly, then within 4 years silt will appear in it. Among other things, the walls must be thoroughly washed and cleaned twice a year. If necessary, treat with disinfectants and replace the bottom filter.

Why summer residents refuse wells

As you know, the well is filled with surface water, the volume of water supply is limited to approximately 250 liters per hour. If you need to provide water to a small cottage, then the specified amount may simply not be enough. After all, you will have to not only water the green spaces and garden, but also fill the pool, as well as solve many household problems. Thus, for larger areas this volume of water will not be enough.

Benefits of wells

If you are also deciding which is better - a well or a borehole, the pros and cons, the advantages of these systems are definitely worth considering. All the reasons why you should choose a well or abandon it have been discussed above, now it’s time to get acquainted with the main advantages of wells. Since ancient times, spring water has been considered the cleanest and healthiest. The well is fed with water from the depths of the earth; the liquid there does not mix with the upstream melt water. That is why, if you decide to build a well, you will get a unique opportunity to use a high-quality product.

Additional advantages of wells include hygiene. The system has a narrow neck that is closed with a lid, which prevents leaves, debris and small animals from getting inside. Insects and amphibians cannot penetrate through a narrow pipe. In the case of wells, they quite often become the cause of rotting processes, which contributes to the proliferation of microbes dangerous to human health. If you are considering a well or borehole as a potential source of water, it is recommended to evaluate the pros and cons of these structures. For example, a well is famous for its high volume of water reserves. This distinguishes it from a well. The latter is quite often built on clay, while the sand layer allows for high water yield and a stable flow of water. According to experts, the supply of water in sandy soils is almost inexhaustible, and it is precisely on such layers that, as a rule, wells are drilled.

Why else is it worth choosing a well?

If the well is equipped according to all the rules, then its care will be reduced only to monitoring the operation of special equipment. This design will not require annual cleaning. Water can be purified by installing a filter. If you still cannot decide what will be better for you - a well or a well, the pros and cons of these devices should be considered. For example, among the additional advantages of wells, one should highlight their rather long service life, which can reach 50 years or more. Everything will depend on how well the work was carried out. It is also impossible not to take into account timely maintenance and the chemical composition of the pumped water.

The main disadvantages of the well

Summer residents sometimes refuse wells for the reason that they can be quite expensive. When it comes to a sand well, you can get by with low costs, because most of the work will be done yourself. But the arrangement of an artesian system involves financial costs. The cost also depends on the time of year, drilling depth and equipment used. It is necessary to add to the expense item the costs of the head, pumping equipment and

Disadvantages of a well: possible smell of water

You can choose for a long time which is better - a well or a borehole; the pros and cons of these systems are described in the article. Perhaps these factors will help you make your choice. As practice shows, when the material used for constructing a pipe is not very high-quality steel, the water in the well can acquire a metallic taste and a rusty color. There is no single correct solution to this issue. You can be guided by your own opinion, taking into account the allocated budget, as well as the frequency of use of the structure. If your priority is low cost and ease of installation and operation, then it is better to choose a well, while for solving domestic needs that require the need to obtain a large volume of water, it is better to prefer a well.

Comparative review of a well and a well

If you, too, can be classified as one of those summer residents who decide what is better - a well or a borehole, the pros and cons, it is recommended to consider photos of these devices. If we think objectively, then comparing these structures is incorrect. When it comes to a relatively primitive one, even in this case it will be superior to a modern well in matters of manufacturability. In addition, the construction of the well should be carried out with an eye to the location of the septic tank. According to the standards, there should be 200 m or more between these systems; this is hardly possible on an area of ​​8 acres. Whereas with the help of a well these problems can be solved.

The fact that it will be cheaper to dig a well is also important, but it is questionable. A shaft with a depth of 10 rings, which is standard, will cost a summer resident $1000, this is not that expensive, but there is no need to talk about the high quality of water from such a well. This is due to the fact that it will be only a slightly filtered product of human activity. In spring, the water will become completely cloudy, and its level will depend on seasonal fluctuations. It also happens that in summer the water completely disappears. For this reason, this method of saving can be called questionable. If you are still deciding which is better - a well or a borehole, the pros and cons, a comparative review will allow you to understand it. For example, a well also has its disadvantages, which were discussed above. Therefore, when choosing a specific option, it is necessary to take into account not only the material side of the issue, but also the sanitary requirements prescribed by the standards.

Factors influencing the choice of water source

When quite high demands are placed on the quality of water, and the volume must cover all needs (despite the fact that the material side of the issue is not very important), the optimal solution would be If, ​​when examining the site, you notice that the groundwater level is too high or low, then a well on the sand will be the only right solution, because its arrangement will not require unnecessary expenses or great effort. Such conditions can persist in swampy areas where the groundwater level lies 3 m from the ground surface.

If you still haven’t decided which is better - a well or a well, you should definitely evaluate the pros and cons of these devices yourself, based on the opinions of experts. Thus, if the groundwater in the area lies at a depth of 5 to 10 m, then you can safely start digging a well. However, it is recommended to first obtain data from neighbors or geologists for this, because water from such a depth is allowed to be used not only for domestic needs, but also for drinking.

Advantages of some wells

Summer is still far away, but some summer residents are thinking about what is better - a well or a borehole, the pros and cons, disadvantages and advantages of wells they are considering for this. But before that, you need to figure out what types of wells exist; among them, one of the most popular is the Abyssinian well. Its advantages are a short time for arrangement, the possibility of construction in the basement or in another room, the tightness of the structure and high productivity.

A well or a well (pros and cons, types of wells are discussed in the article) - you can choose yourself, but you can also first consider a filter well, which is drilled into sand. The arrangement is carried out in just one day, and small-sized equipment can be used for this. As a result, you will be able to use water with minimal iron content.

Regular water supply is one of the conditions for comfortable human living. Centralized communications are usually present in apartment buildings, but private housing construction has to be equipped independently. Of the existing water supply options for suburban areas, the choice most often arises between two sources: a well and a borehole. These two options have fundamental differences. And the question is not only about price. A dilemma arises: a well or a well, which is better for private water supply?

Where does the water for the water supply come from?

Before thinking about the source of water supply, it would not hurt to find out what kind of water this source will supply us. Aquifers can be divided into three types:

  • Verkhovodka. The layer closest to the earth's surface. The maximum burial depth is 4 meters. Its fullness depends on precipitation and has its maximum value during the spring melting of snow. The minimum level or complete absence of water occurs in the autumn-winter period. This water is only suitable for irrigation. During the construction of a well or borehole, this layer must be isolated to prevent it from getting into drinking water.
  • Groundwater. Located below the perched water, it is an immutable aquifer. This means that the water level in the well will be the same as in the rock. Saturation of the ground aquifer occurs due to the filtration of precipitation, river water and other aquifers through the soil. The depth of this aquifer reaches ten, and in some places even 40 meters.
  • Artesian waters. They are located between layers and are under pressure. When drilling an artesian well, water rises above the aquifer, and in some cases it can gush out. Artesian waters are protected from pollution by impermeable layers. Therefore, it is most suitable for use. However, to “extract” such water it is necessary to go deeper than 40 meters.

Which is better: a well or a well depends on the depth of the aquifer, but the lower the aquifer, the purer the water

The depth of each aquifer varies in different areas!

What kind of structure can be built?

For individual water supply, several options are possible:

  • well;
  • Abyssinian well;
  • filter well;
  • artesian well.

A well is a cheap option for arranging water supply

A well is the simplest design for water supply. The depth of such a structure varies from 5 to 15 meters, which depends on the depth of the aquifer. Construction of a well is considered the cheapest option for arranging a water supply. However, the quality of its water depends on climatic conditions and proper construction.


  • relative cheapness of construction;
  • water supply is uninterrupted;
  • accessibility and ease of use;
  • there are no problems with removing an accidentally dropped object;
  • subject to timely cleaning and proper operation, it can last up to 50 years.


  • possibility of contamination by perched water;
  • small volume of supplied water;
  • the entry of foreign objects into the water, which can lead to its contamination by bacteria and microbes;
  • the need for constant water withdrawal to avoid siltation;
  • Regular cleaning and disinfection is required.

Unlike a well, electricity is not required to get water from a well.

Abyssinian well or needle well

In fact, this is a well with a depth of 4 to 12 meters. From such a structure the same water is obtained as from a regular well. The difference is in the construction method, in which a pipe with a sharp end is manually driven into the ground to the required depth.

The water from the Abyssinian well is cleaner due to the fact that there is no access to foreign objects and high water into the structure. However, such a structure is not possible everywhere. In addition, you will have to buy a self-priming pump.


  • construction will not take much time;
  • it is possible to equip a well in the basement or other room;
  • the tightness of the structure prevents foreign objects from entering the water;
  • with rare exceptions, water from an Abyssinian well can be consumed without purification;
  • fairly high productivity;
  • in favorable conditions, service life up to 30 years;
  • It is possible to restore a well after it fails due to a clogged filter.


  • due to the geological features of the area, the construction of an Abyssinian well is not possible everywhere, but only on soft and loose soils;
  • the water layer must be at least 8 meters, since the self-priming pump used to extract water is not capable of lifting it from a greater depth;
  • the impossibility of connecting several water points without reducing the pressure;
  • the need for constant use of the well due to the threat of siltation.

An Abyssinian well equipped in a basement or other room does not need to be insulated for the winter

Filter well (for sand)

Its depth does not exceed 30 meters. Drilling such a well will cost less than an artesian one, but it will last for a maximum of 15 years. This is provided that the work will be carried out by professionals.


  • drilling is carried out in one day;
  • small-sized equipment is used to construct a well;
  • The iron content in water is minimal.


  • Possible reduction in water yield in winter;
  • the construction of several similar wells in the neighborhood can lead to a decrease in the aquifer;
  • Regular use is necessary to prevent siltation.

Artesian well - expensive, but reliable

Its depth is more than 30 meters. Drilling an artesian well is not cheap. In addition, the pressure under which the water is not always sufficient, so using a pump will entail additional waste.

However, the quality of water and the durability of such a structure are an undeniable advantage. To reduce costs, you can drill a well for several houses.


  • high productivity due to the high water yield of limestone;
  • uninterrupted water supply regardless of the time of year;
  • the ability to connect several water points without reducing pressure, which allows you to use one well for several owners;
  • surface water pollution is eliminated;
  • regularity of use is not important;
  • The service life of an artesian well is about half a century.


  • high cost of construction;
  • high mineralization of water is possible, especially saturation with iron;
  • the need for permits for drilling a well.

Using groundwater without permission is fraught with penalties.

We make a choice focusing on the required volume of water

The saturation of the well depends on the season and climate. On average, the maximum that can be extracted from such a structure in an hour is 200 liters. If this amount is enough for you, then you can get by with a well. To provide yourself with an uninterrupted water supply in sufficient quantities, you will have to drill a well. However, please note that the sand well must be constantly used, otherwise silting will occur and the structure will fail.

Financial aspects of construction

Some owners are primarily interested in the price of such structures. It will definitely be cheaper to build a well. Its continued use may be more expensive. The quality of water supplied by wells is most often unsatisfactory. Therefore, in addition, you have to purchase a cleaning system. Plus annual bottom cleaning and disinfection.

Sometimes the deep occurrence of groundwater makes the construction of a well more expensive, and the occurrence of quicksand makes it impossible. You can reduce the cost of drilling a well by agreeing with your neighbors to share the use. In addition, the service life of a well is longer than that of a well. Therefore, the price of the issue is decided in each case separately.

When thinking about whether a well or a well is better for water supply, they often focus on the cost of building a structure. But do not forget that human health depends on the quality of the liquid consumed. The most suitable water for consumption can be provided by an artesian well. It will also help arrange uninterrupted water supply in private housing construction. You choose what is more important to you.

One of essential elements improvement of a suburban area is the choice of a water source. Well or well - which is better?? To find out, you need to carefully analyze the advantages and disadvantages of each option and decide which one is more suitable.

Hydrogeological features of the site

Before we begin to consider the strengths and weaknesses of both options, we need to at least in general terms imagine what a suburban area is from the point of view of hydrogeology. In other words, what are the characteristics of groundwater and perched water.

Under high water refers to the upper aquifers located as close as possible to the surface. Often these layers fill in the spring due to melting snow or precipitation. In autumn and summer, the perennial water is noticeably depleted or disappears completely.

Verkhodka is suitable for the construction of shallow ones, mainly for household needs - for example, for watering a vegetable garden. There is a lot in such water harmful substances, so you can't drink it. But in the summer, when water is needed most, high-water wells can dry up.

Below the high waters lie groundwater . Their depth varies between 10 and 20 meters. Groundwater is filled by filtering atmospheric precipitation. There are many factors that influence the depth of their occurrence, and human economic activity plays an important role in this. In addition, these factors include the presence of bodies of water nearby and meteorological conditions. If you build a well (or well) on surface waters, then the influx of water, as well as the flow rate per hour, will be more or less constant. Distinctive feature groundwater (if we compare it with artesian water) is that it is in a non-pressure state.

Artesian aquifer is located even lower, between two waterproof layers. That is why the water here is under pressure sufficient to flow out of a drilled well. Although in this case you will have to drill quite deeply - from 200 to 1000 meters, maybe even deeper.

Artesian water is of the highest quality and ideal for drinking. Moreover, it can be mined in unlimited quantities, so would be the perfect solution.

Between the ground and artesian aquifers there are the so-called sandy waters (often at a depth of 45-50 meters). The quality of this water is not high, but it is suitable for drinking. It is characteristic that it can only be extracted in limited quantities - no more than 500 liters per hour.

Strengths and weaknesses of wells

If you ask a builder which option is better, he will give dozens of arguments proving that a well is an ideal method of water supply, which has no equal and cannot be equal. If you ask about this from an employee of an enterprise that produces, it turns out that wells are much better. Each extraction method has its own advantages and disadvantages, all of which are discussed below.

Pros of wells

  1. Minimal construction costs . Due to the insignificant digging depth, there is no need to use heavy special equipment, therefore, almost every village resident or owner of a country house can afford construction. A pump for a well is also inexpensive, which cannot be said about well pumping equipment.
  2. Long service life . If you build a well correctly, it will last for more than half a century, providing tasty and clean water, which has neither a “rusty” taste nor the smell of bleach.
  3. Versatility and autonomy , which is especially important for regions where power outages often occur.

  4. Wells are easy to clean and carry out repair work on them in view of large diameter rings
  5. Wide range of materials for construction - from ordinary logs to reinforced concrete rings.
  6. For digging no permission required from environmental authorities , which cannot be said about an artesian well.

    Wells can also do without expensive equipment.

Cons of wells

  1. Great risk of contamination . Water quality may be affected by deteriorating environmental conditions even in neighboring populated areas. And leaves, insects, and various debris can easily clog an open source of water.
  2. Low water intake . The main source of filling the well is groundwater, which is why the water supply rate in most cases does not exceed 250 l/h. And if during maintenance small house This is enough, but for watering the garden or garden, arranging a swimming pool and other household needs, this, alas, is not enough.
  3. The well needs constant care . If you don’t do this, then in three years it will silt up. Moreover, approximately every two years you need to wash the walls, treat them with disinfectants and, if possible, change the filter.
  4. One of the advantages - no need to use special equipment - can also become a disadvantage. Everything will have to be dug by hand. , which will be especially difficult at great depth of the mine. By the way, if it (the depth) exceeds 20 meters, then further digging will be completely impossible.
  5. Very important choose the right place to dig. It often happens that all efforts are in vain - there is either no water at all, or its volume is not enough to service the entire area.

Strengths and weaknesses of wells

Spring water has always been considered the purest. The fact is that wells take water from the very depths, where it (the water) does not mix with the upper melt. If you decide to equip a well on your site, then you will have the opportunity to use an exclusively high-quality and useful product.

Pros of wells

Disadvantages of wells

Well pump prices

well pump

What to choose - a well or a borehole?

If we think objectively, then comparing these two structures with each other is, to put it mildly, incorrect. Even a relatively primitive “sand” well is many times superior to a well in terms of manufacturability. Moreover, when building a well, the location of the septic tank should be taken into account (according to established standards, there must be at least 200 meters between them , which is hardly possible on a plot of 8 acres). But a well can solve all problems.

You might be interested in information about what it is

And the fact that it is cheaper to dig a well also raises doubts. A standard ten-ring depth shaft will cost about $1,000—certainly not inexpensive. But there is no point in talking about the quality of water obtained from such a well - it is nothing more than slightly filtered products of our vital activity. In spring, the water is cloudy, its level depends on seasonal fluctuations, and in summer it may disappear altogether. Therefore, this method of saving is highly questionable.

Be that as it may, wells also have disadvantages, we have already considered them. Therefore, when choosing one option or another, you need to take into account not only the material side of the issue, but also some sanitary requirements.

Let's consider the most common options that influence the choice of a particular water source.

  1. If your requirements for water quality are high, its volume should completely cover all needs, and the material side of the issue does not worry you too much, then the best option is an artesian well.
  2. If the groundwater level is too low/high (and in swampy areas it can already lie three meters from the surface of the earth), then a well “in the sand” is the only right solution that does not require much effort and financial costs.
  3. If groundwater lies in the area at a depth of 5-10 meters, then you can safely start digging a well. To do this, it is recommended to obtain information from geologists or from neighbors who have already built a well. As already mentioned, water from such a depth is mainly allowed not only to be used for domestic needs, but also to drink.


As it turned out, there is no single correct solution . It all depends on the hydrogeological situation and, of course, financial capabilities. But if you have enough money, then it’s better to drill a well.

In short, a well is definitely better than a well, but everything depends on the purposes for which the water will be used. And from finances, of course.

Video - Which is better - a well or a borehole?

When installing communications in a private home or outbuilding, for example, a bathhouse, garage, barn, connection to the central networks of municipal water pipelines is rarely chosen as a source. This is understandable - in the event of a breakdown on the pipe route, you have to endure inconvenience, and in some areas the supply is irregular, maintenance and use of the system is expensive, and in some places there is no possibility of connecting to the central channel at all. For private use, boreholes or wells are used. They are installed on the farm’s territory and provide consumers with water in the required quantity. But which is better: a well or a borehole? Let's look at the pros and cons of the systems and how they are designed.

Sources: what are they?

The first step is to determine at what level the usable water is located. There are 3 main types of underground sources.

  1. Verkhodka is the layer closest to the surface of the earth, located at a depth of no more than 4 meters. Filling occurs as precipitation falls; it is especially rich during the period of snow melting and river floods. The obvious disadvantage of this layer is its contamination - the thickness of the soil is not sufficient to purify the water, therefore it is not suitable for drinking, but is quite suitable for irrigation. Therefore, a well in a country house can be of small depth, this is enough for economic use.
  2. Groundwater is the middle layer, located at a depth below 10 meters. Due to the thick layer of soil, sediments and river water undergo a sufficient degree of purification. This water can be used for food and household purposes.
  3. The artesian spring is located between layers of impermeable rocks below 40 meters and is under pressure. When drilling wells, water rises above the level of the layers containing it; it is the cleanest and most suitable for use.

Depending on the availability of a particular source on the site, as well as based on the needs, they choose which is better - a well or a borehole.

Mine well

Most old way extraction of water for the farm. This is an ordinary classic well, it has the most simple design and provides access to top and groundwater. It is advisable to install it to a depth of up to 15 meters.

How to make a well with your own hands?

The following procedure must be followed:

  1. Mechanically or manually dig a hole to the desired level.
  2. The walls of the well are arranged with special concrete rings. The seams at their joints must be carefully sealed so that foreign objects and living creatures living in the upper layers of the soil do not penetrate into the water.
  3. The bottom of the well is covered with gravel of various fractions up to 30 cm thick - it will filter the water coming from below from large impurities.
  4. The last stage is the installation of a canopy that protects the water from external contaminants. This can be a simple lid or a design with a door.

The undoubted advantage that such a well has is the price. This is the cheapest structure capable of providing water for a subsidiary farm. The cost of concrete rings depends on their size and ranges from 1500-5000 rubles. The price of lifting the soil and installing walls also depends on the size of the shaft and the complexity of the process, on average 1800-3000 rubles/ring. If you decide to carry out the installation yourself, then you only need to spend money on concrete elements, which is very profitable.

If there is an electrical source, water can be pumped from such a well using a pump. Otherwise, mining is done only with a bucket by hand.

Abyssinian well

It is a driven pipe up to 15 meters long with a diameter of 1 inch. A filter is installed at the tip, and a pump is installed at the ground part. In essence, this is a water well, only very compact. Allows installation anywhere - on site or indoors. Limitation: hard soils. The advantages include tightness: when accessing groundwater, the ingress of polluting perched water is excluded. The disadvantages are the impossibility of constant use due to the threat of silting (cleaning is required).

The depth of the well must be at least 12 meters - it is from this level that the pump can lift water.

An Abyssinian well can be a source of water supply for a home: it supplies relatively clean water suitable for drinking and household use.

Features of the design of simple structures

Any well in the country can be installed all year round, even in winter. The top layer of soil freezes shallowly; it can be warmed up by lighting a fire. In the spring, during the period of snowmelt and floods, excavation and installation can only be carried out if you know the level of the source in other periods. There is a risk of making a mistake with the depth due to the saturated water content. Fluctuations in levels are within 1-2 meters. The optimal development time is autumn and winter.

Where to install and how to make a well? Use common sense when deciding this issue. Water layers are located evenly in the depths of the soil; strong differences practically do not occur, so the location is determined by convenience.

If the year turns out to be dry and the water has receded, you can always increase the depth by adding a concrete ring of smaller diameter and height.


Wells should be cleaned regularly or as they become dirty. If you notice a change in the smell or color of the water, it means it’s time to clean the source.

First of all, find the possible reason:

  • water entered the well from the upper, dirtier layers;
  • for some reason, cracks appeared in the walls or the seams became depressurized and contaminants penetrated through them;
  • accumulation of debris and dust on the surface of the water due to the unprotected top of the shaft;
  • rare use of the well.

Preventative cleaning of wells should be carried out after winter period when the snow melted. This will reduce the likelihood of re-contamination by melt and flood waters. Cleaning can be done either independently or using the services of specialists.

Well for water

A modern method of extracting water to meet the needs of the home and household. It is a pipe deeply buried to the lower layers with installed filters and a pump.

There are 2 types of wells:

  1. On sand (up to 30 meters, less often - up to 80 meters).
  2. On limestone (artesian, below 30 meters).

The advantages of both options include:

  • high quality produced water;
  • a large supply that can satisfy all household needs.

Main disadvantages:

  • in comparison with wells they have a higher cost of the device;
  • If the lifting pump fails, it is impossible to manually obtain water.

Filter well

This has access to the lower layers of groundwater, cleaner waters. Wells are drilled to sand layers that provide filtration at the production level. Usually the depth reaches 30 meters, with the exception of in some areas - up to 80 meters.

The well is a submerged pipe with a diameter of up to 133 mm. It is advisable to entrust the deepening to professionals, then the installation will last a long time - up to 30 years.

The cost of drilling a well for sand is on average 2000-3000 rubles per meter, taking into account the material.

Pros of use:

  • quick installation in 1 day using oversized equipment;
  • does not require permission for installation or licensing;
  • medium power pumps can be used;
  • contains an optimal level of iron and other impurities that are not harmful to health.


  • the threat of siltation requires periodic cleaning;
  • if there are similar installations in neighboring areas, a decrease in the amount of produced water and pressure, respectively;
  • in winter, the water may decline due to lack of replenishment of the source.

Artesian well

Provides the purest water from the deepest springs. Well pipes have a diameter of up to 324 mm. Deepening is carried out using special equipment to a depth of up to 240 m (depending on the geological conditions of the area), reaching impenetrable limestone layers, due to which high-quality water purification and protection occurs. Accordingly, the cost of installing a well is high, so it is often installed on several houses or yards.


  • there is no contamination with sludge, therefore no cleaning is required;
  • high productivity (up to 5000 cubic meters per hour);
  • service life - over 50 years with proper installation;
  • the amount of water does not depend on the time of year and the number of connected farms;
  • The possibility of surface contamination is completely excluded.


  • the main one is the high cost of installing the source (depending on the depth, pipe diameter, complexity of insertion: from 2000 to 3500 rubles/meter);
  • a permit is required to develop a well (bureaucratic processes may take several months) with further payment of a tax for the use of the resource;
  • risk of high mineralization of water, which will require additional purification.

Features of well construction

In order for a water extraction installation to serve for a long time and reliably, you need to take a responsible approach to its installation and choice of material.

For drilling wells, seamless steel pipes no seams. It is better not to use galvanized ones - over time they will pollute the water with particles and compounds harmful to the body.

The ideal option is to install plastic pipes inside steel. They are not subject to corrosion and other changes during operation. A “multilayer” water well will last longer without the need for repairs, it is easier to clean, and the quality of the water supplied from it is higher. But its device will cost much more (3000-6000 rubles/meter).

Water quality control

At home, it is almost impossible to determine the composition of the liquid. Especially if we are dealing with a recently installed source.

It is recommended to collect water 3-4 weeks after installing a well or borehole. Then it acquires a permanent, stable composition. Based on the results of the analysis, you can select the best way purification, which will ensure safe consumption for various needs. These may be special installations for well shafts or filters for local use.

Making a choice

Which is better - a well or a borehole - is not an entirely correct question. They are used for different purposes and for extracting water from different layers of the earth. If you need a source for irrigation, it is optimal to install a shallow shaft well on the site. The price of his device is the most affordable, you can dig it yourself, then the savings will be maximum.

Drilling wells will cost more, but the quality of the water they produce is much higher. They can be used to supply water to an entire house through a system of pipes and taps. It is important here that a reliable pump and cleaning installation is installed if necessary.

An Abyssinian well can also provide a house with water, but in small volumes, since the pump power is relatively small, and the production of water by the system will not provide high pressure.

Which is better - a well or a borehole, depends on the geological conditions, financial capabilities and needs of a particular farm.

Sooner or later, dacha owners who are not lucky enough to have a centralized water supply think about finding a source of water. In this case, the only option remains underground horizons. In order to decide which method of water extraction to choose - a well or a borehole, you should find out the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

Well and well: differences

Let's look at the cost, complexity of maintenance and ease of use of a well and a borehole, as well as what service life and water quality should be expected in both cases.


Due to the absence of the need for drilling and the use of heavy equipment, constructing a well will cost a much lesser amount. And even if you pump water from a well not manually, but with a pump, its cost cannot be compared with the price of well equipment.

The cost of a well depends on its depth and, accordingly, the required number of rings. Today, one concrete ring costs an average of 2 thousand rubles, and digging it in heavy clay soil costs about 15 thousand rubles. For example, for a well 12 meters deep you need 15 rings. Thus, this turnkey well will cost about 65-70 thousand rubles.

The cost of constructing a well primarily depends on the depth of drilling. It also reflects the time of year and the equipment used. We must not forget about the costs of purchasing casing pipes, a head and a pump.

Typically, the cost of drilling one meter of a well, carried out by drilling specialists, starts from 1.8 thousand rubles for “steel 20” pipes with a wall thickness of 4.5 millimeters and a threaded connection. And it remains constant regardless of the required depth.

In addition, the well should be equipped with a pump, for which you will have to pay from 30 thousand rubles. Then the total price of the well will start from the amount of 100 thousand rubles. To use water for drinking purposes, the well must be equipped with a filtration system, the price of which will be 50-250 thousand rubles.

Did you know? Although 70% of the Earth's surface is covered with water, only 1% is fresh. The problem of lack of resources is getting worse every year. Over the past fifty years, more than 500 conflicts related to access to drinking water, and 21 of them ended in hostilities.

Ease of use

The oldest method of extracting water from underground sources. It is extremely versatile and performs its functions even in the absence of electricity; in this case, water can be obtained with an ordinary bucket.

However, the well has a limited supply of liquid, on average 150-250 liters per hour. Therefore, if you need to service a large area, especially with a lot of green space or a swimming pool, this amount may not be enough. In addition, a shallow well dug into high water is completely dependent on precipitation and can become shallow in dry times.

Artesian layers have a virtually inexhaustible supply, and you will not be limited in watering or other household needs. But if there is a power outage, it will be impossible to get liquid from the column. Therefore, in order to avoid finding yourself in a similar situation, you should provide an autonomous electricity generator or storage tank, which, naturally, will lead to even greater material costs.

Difficulties of care

The well must be used regularly, otherwise after 3-4 years it will begin to silt up. In addition, it should be cleaned and washed at least twice a year, and, if necessary, also treated with disinfectants.

There is no need to clean the well; there is a filter for this. Caring for it consists only of monitoring the correct operation of the equipment.

Unlike a pump, well water will not have a rusty taste. However, the ecological state of the surrounding area may affect its quality. Typically, the depth of the aquifer is from 5 to 25 meters. This is not much, so it can get into it from precipitation, runoff from nearby industries, or chemical fertilizers from farms.

Water from a well is of better quality, since it is extracted from deep horizons. Spring water has always been valued for its purity and benefits; it practically does not contain nitrates and salts of harmful metals. And thanks to the closed neck of the well, leaves, insects, frogs or any debris do not fall into it. However, this water may have a metallic or rusty taste.

Important! Please note that groundwater are actually technical. And to bring them to drinking quality, further purification is necessary, for example, with a filtration system.

A properly constructed well will perform its functions properly for 30-50 years. The key to its long service life is care and timely cleaning.

A well-built well will also last for quite a long time - at least 25 years, depending on the selected equipment, maintenance, operating conditions and chemical composition liquids and soils. Artesian wells are characterized by higher durability - up to 50 years.

Types of wells: their pros and cons

There are two types of wells depending on the depth of groundwater.:

  • mine;
  • Abyssinian.


If the groundwater is not deep and there is no need for large volumes of it, manual or mechanically dig a pit, strengthen its walls and arrange a head. In this case, you will get a shaft-type device, known to our ancestors. And modern building materials will make it more reliable and durable.

Such a well collects liquid from the permanent aquifer closest to the surface. In most cases, the well is dug by hand, then the earth is removed, and the walls of the shaft are strengthened with concrete rings, finishing material(stone, brick) or wood (larch, pine, oak).

When a well is dug, it goes deep into the solid layer below the aquifer. Liquid rises manually or an electric pump. It gradually flows down from the horizons and accumulates in the well in a certain amount. If you take all the water from the well, then new water will arrive only after some time.

Pros of a shaft well:

  • relatively low labor intensity and price;
  • work in conditions of lack of electricity;
  • easy maintenance due to large diameter;
  • ease of use.


  • limited fluid supply;
  • the likelihood of water pollution;
  • the need to clean the walls and bottom;
  • the likelihood of the well emptying in the heat.


Such a well is installed when there is no need for a powerful well. Its second name is needle well. It does not require heavy equipment or large excavations; it is dug by hand drilling or using compact equipment.

The construction of such a well consists of installing a pipe of small cross-section (up to 4 cm) to the depth of the upper aquifer. To better immerse the pipe in the ground, it is equipped with a conical tip with a diameter 4-5 cm larger than the diameter of the pipe itself. In this case, the lower part of the pipe is equipped with a filter that protects against contamination. The liquid is supplied to the surface by a self-priming pump.

The maximum depth of the Abyssinian well is 12-13 meters. Such a well can be installed in any convenient place, avoiding close proximity to gutters or drainage collectors. Also, there should be no clay at the water intake site to prevent the filter from clogging. It is necessary to take into account that the igloo well should be preserved for the winter: dismantle the pump, drain the water, and put a plug on the well.


  • greater volume of water than in a mine well;
  • simplicity of design;
  • relatively low costs;
  • cleaner water than in a regular well.


  • does not work without electricity;
  • needs to be preserved for the winter.

Did you know? Studies have shown that water reduces the potential risk of heart attack. It was found that people who drank six glasses of pure water a day were less likely to have a heart attack compared to those who drank just two glasses.

Types of wells with their pros and cons

There are two main types of wells - sand and artesian. Let's look at how they differ and what advantages and disadvantages each of these types has.

Sandy (filter)

The peculiarity of such a well is that it is drilled in sandy soil. Its depth can reach up to 30 meters, and its maximum service life is 15 years. Although practice shows that on average this figure is about 7 years, which is one of the disadvantages of this type of well.

Another disadvantage is the limited supply of liquid - about 500 liters per hour and its not very high quality due to precipitation getting into the aquifers. However, the dirtiest high water does not get into them, so the water will be of slightly better quality than from a well. In addition, to avoid silting, it must be used regularly.

However, if we compare it with the artesian one, the advantages include: lower cost, the use of small-sized equipment, short construction time and low iron content.


Pipe or artesian mines are called mines with a depth of over 20 meters, which take water from the artesian layer located between two waterproof layers. Such work is carried out only with the help of heavy equipment, and sometimes the drilling depth can reach 200 meters. An artesian well produces an average of 2 cubic meters of liquid per hour and, under favorable conditions, can last up to 50 years.

The well itself consists of plastic or metal casing pipes, a caisson, pumping equipment and automation systems. All work on its construction and connection must be carried out only by specialists.

Artesian water is usually of very good quality due to reliable protection from surface contamination. It can fully provide all the needs of a private home. However, before using water for drinking purposes, it must be chemically analyzed and, depending on its results, a purification system must be installed.


  • high performance;
  • good water quality;
  • durability of the structure;
  • Irregular use is allowed.
  • high cost of work and equipment;
  • high mineralization of water;
  • inability to work without electricity;
  • impossibility of cleaning in case of siltation.

Important!It is better not to dig even the simplest mine-type well yourself, but to invite specialists. Because there is a risk of encountering a so-called “floater”, which can lead to tragedy.

How to make a choice: to summarize

In order to decide on the method of water extraction at the dacha, you need to analyze several factors:

  • groundwater level;
  • volume of water required on the farm;
  • material capabilities;
  • possibility of installing pumping equipment.
There is no single right choice. If there is no need for large quantities water and you do not live in the country all the time, then you can use a simpler and cheaper method - a well. Otherwise good choice a more technologically advanced, but also expensive, well may become available. However, please note that in order to install deep-type structures, you must obtain permits.