The type of sport also affects. Does sport affect potency in men? How sports and physical activity affect brain activity

Is sport harmful?

How does sport actually affect health?

How does sport affect chromosomes?

Sports andaverage life expectancy.

What sports prolong life?

Sportprolongs life or vice versa? Doctors scare us either with the consequences of physical inactivity or with complications from physical overload. Where is the truth? Let's figure it out together with scientists.

Is sport harmful?

Of course, high performance sports can hardly be called a road to longevity: the pros’ hearts are strained, their joints burn, and their nervous system suffers from constant stress. But all this is only possible if you set yourself an excessive pace. And we cannot live completely without stress. Physical inactivity (this is when the body does not have enough movement) is, without exaggeration, a deadly thing.

So if we talk about sports as part of a healthy lifestyle (what used to be called physical culture, and now they call it fitness), this is the picture that emerges:


Sport improves blood circulation and oxygen supply to internal organs

By improving blood supply, sport improves the condition of cerebral vessels and prevents strokes

For the same reason, sport prevents senile dementia

Sport helps fight obesity

Sport helps prevent the development of type II diabetes

Sport improves psychological well-being due to the production of happiness hormones, endorphins.

Sport helps maintain muscle tone

Sport contributes to a more active sex life and prolongation of the age of sexuality

Sport helps fight bad habits

Sport helps to establish a relaxation regime

Sport helps to establish proper nutrition: there will be no sports results if you overeat or abuse alcohol

All this contributes to longevity, and most importantly, to maintaining activity for many years. It seems like nothing new. But let's see what those who regularly train look like at a very mature age.

Here, for example, is the American Ernestine Shepard. Now she is 81. And she was recognized as the oldest woman involved in bodybuilding back in 2010. Then they entered the Guinness Book of Records.

The most interesting thing is that Ernestina began to engage in sports only at the age of 56, and before that she led a sedentary lifestyle. The turning point came after her friends invited her to a pool party, and Ernestina went to choose a swimsuit. What she saw in the fitting room mirror did not please her, and she decided to correct her figure. I started with jogging and aerobic training in the gym. Then I got involved, changed my regimen, established proper nutrition, and at a very advanced age I started running marathons and took up bodybuilding professionally. She devotes herself to him now. For those who don’t believe, here is her page on Instagram:

And here is another Guinness record holder - the oldest active gymnast in the world, Johanna Quaas from Leipzig.

Now she is 92, but she took part in her first competitions 84 years ago, in the incredible 1934. Then she worked as a coach and wrote a textbook for young gymnasts. And in 1982, when some of us were still in the garden, and some were not even in the project, at the age of 57 Frau Kwaas returned to the sports arena and won the GDR championship. It's hard to believe, but Johanna is still competing. When videos of her training were posted on “ YouTube ", they immediately gained over 3 million views.

Well, this is Hiroshi Hoketsu, he turns 77 this March. He participated in his first Olympics in Tokyo at the age of 23. This was in 1964. Well, 44 years later, at the age of 67, Hiroshi again went to Olympic Games– this time to Beijing. He competed in dressage and performed there even more successfully than in his youth. By the way, Hiroshi did not stop there: at the age of 71, he represented Japan at the games in London. And it is this performance that he considers the culmination of his sports career.

Hiroshi was ready to compete in Rio 2016, but his horse Whisper turned out to be too old. Finding a new horse of the same level, as the athlete himself says, is very difficult. But he himself does not feel old, and says: in order to remain youthful, you need to have a goal.

As we see, all these people (and thousands and thousands of much less famous athletes) have not only become long-livers, but retain youthful strength and an excellent figure. And outwardly they look much better than most of their peers.

And there is another explanation for this. Not long ago, scientists found that sport affects the rate of aging at the DNA level.

How does sport affect chromosomes?

The answer was given by specialists from Saarland University in Homburg, Germany. Their study was published in the journalCirculation: Journal of the American Heart Association. A group of scientists led by Professor Ulrich Laufs observed telomeres.

Telomeres are the ends of chromosomes, their protective tips, so to speak. They can be compared to an eraser at the end of a simple pencil.

Telomeres are unable to connect with other chromosomes or their fragments, and this saves the chromosomes from chaotic fusion with each other, that is, from mutations.

Telomeres protect the genetic program and are responsible for the integrity of DNA.

During cell division, chromosomes also divide, and with them their telomeres. But with each such division, these tips are shortened, as if they are erased, like the same eraser. When there is nothing left of the “gum”, the chromosome loses its ability to divide. As soon as there are many such chromosomes unable to divide, the cell stops dividing and then simply dies. The more such dying cells, the less the tissues of all vital organs are renewed. This is how our biological clock works: aging of the body begins at the DNA level.

But, as German scientists have found, this clock can be slowed down. The group of researchers we mentioned determined the length of telomeres in the blood cells of runners and their peers who did not engage in sports. The experiment involved 20-year-old athletes who ran 73 kilometers per week. And also 50-year-old runners who covered a distance of 50 kilometers every week.

What did it turn out to be? Athletes' telomeres turned out to be longer than their healthy, but not as active, peers. It turned out that the enzyme telomerase is activated in the leukocytes of runners as a result of constant stress. It seems to complete the end sections of chromosomes, preventing telomeres from quickly shortening.

Moreover, the effect of telomerase activity was most noticeable in older runners: their telomeres were significantly larger than those of their non-athletic peers.

The findings of German experts were confirmed by American scientists from the University of California. For 5 years, they followed a group of 35 men who were diagnosed with stage 1 prostate cancer. 10 participants in the experiment started playing sports, the rest maintained their usual lifestyle.

After 5 years, the athletes’ telomere length not only did not decrease, but increased by an average of 10%. And among those who continued to live as they were, their telomeres became 3% shorter.

Intense training slows down the aging process at the cellular level

Sports andaverage life expectancy

Yes, it affects this too.Average life expectancyis gradually approaching 80 years in countries with unequal incomes of people, with different levels medicine and access to it and with different ecologies, under one condition: they go in for sports en masse. In China, for example, the standard of living far from large industrial centers still leaves much to be desired, and there are also questions about public medicine. We are generally silent about the environment: blue skies in Beijing are rare even in clear weather, smog hangs over the cities, and tons of all kinds of rubbish are poured into water bodies. But it’s not like millions—hundreds of millions of people—do physical education there. And they live there for an average of 76 years: not a shame even in front of the richest countries.

In the USA the picture is also generally prosperous, despite the fact that, for example, with proper nutrition things are, to put it mildly, not very good. Men live there on average 75 years, women - 81. Americans are taught sports from elementary school, and the salary of a physical teacher can compete with the salary of the governor.

You can also give an example of a focus on fitness Western Europe, as well as Japan, where mass sports are promoted as part of the national culture.

For comparison: average life expectancy in Russia– only 66.5 years for men and 77 years for women. There's room for improvement, right?

And yes. Not long ago, the World Health Organization once again changed the age scale, officially extending the age of youth. From now on, everyone who is under 45 years old is considered young. Middle age According to the WHO classification, it lasts up to 60 years.

What sports prolong life?

Almost everything, actually. But here are the types that doctors highlight as the most beneficial for health (once again: we’re not talking about professional sports!):

  1. Running. With regular training, he is able to delay biological death by 14 years. And the age of activity will be extended to 16 years. Running also reduces the likelihood of getting cancer and improves the prognosis for those who do get it.
  2. Nordic walking. Involves the muscles of the shoulder girdle, having a beneficial effect on the respiratory system. Nordic walking significantly improves the condition of people suffering from asthma. And for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), it is simply the elixir of life.
  3. Skis. Also very useful for maintaining lung health due to active work shoulder girdle. In addition, they promote hardening and, as a result, reduce the number of respiratory infections.
  4. Swimming. A sport suitable for almost everyone. Gives the necessary load to the muscles and cardiovascular system, but at the same time spares the joints. Has no age restrictions. Reduces the risk of heart and vascular diseases by 40%.
  5. Tennis. According to research, it reduces the likelihood of cardiovascular disease by half.
  6. Chess. Yes, yes! Although they do not develop muscles, they improve blood circulation in the vessels of the brain. And this reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease and other age-related diseases. In addition, chess helps improve IQ. And, as scientists have found, the higher a person’s intelligence, the longer he lives. Perhaps, precisely because smart people play more sports and are less susceptible to bad habits and are less likely to overeat.

RESUME : Medical research in recent years proved: sport does not just prolong life. It prolongs youth, and at the DNA level, preventing the death of chromosomes and, as a result, cells. It doesn't matter how old you are according to your passport. Play sports and forget the fear of old age: it is likely that, after living a long life, you will never meet it.

Much has been written about the influence of sports on the figure. Less is said about how exercise shows up on the skin. Unfortunately, no research has been conducted on this matter. But personal experience athletes confirms: the gym and training according to a normal, personally developed system are better than all creams, balms and lotions!

The effect of regular training:

  • Cleansing pores through sweating.It's an axiom: the more intense the exercise, the more we sweat. This helps the body cleanse itself from the inside. Not a single cleanser, even the most advertised one, can cope with the task of cleansing as effectively as sweat does. To ensure proper cleaning, you need to drink more water during training and not use cosmetics before training. Interesting fact! During menstruation, the production of estrogen, which prevents sweating, is suppressed. Use it!
  • Activation of microcirculation processes.Regular exercise doesn't just improve nutrient delivery. The body gets rid of toxins, breakdown products and waste faster and more efficiently. Of course, this has a positive effect on the condition of the skin.
  • Improving the condition of the vascular system.Cyclic contraction and relaxation of muscles during exercise increases the elasticity of the walls of capillaries and large vessels. And this is a remedy against premature aging and wrinkles.

However, there are some nuances that are negative character. “Drying” and the accompanying dehydration (dehydration) lead to problems with the epidermis - the outer (visible) layer of the skin. In addition, athletes who adhere to strict diets are familiar with a condition in which the body itself breaks down - as they say, catabolizes - its own skin proteins in search of nutrition. As a result, sudden weight loss or weight gain results in unaesthetic stretch marks, which can only be removed in a cosmetologist's office.

Which sport should an active lady choose?


The more we load the muscles, the more intensely the body reacts, because exercise on exercise machines puts it in a state of stress. A sure sign of such stress is a characteristic burning sensation in the muscles being worked. At this moment, the endocrine system receives a signal: hormones are needed for recovery! The body sends these hormones directly to the part of the body that has just experienced “training” stress.

Strength training, in principle, helps your body look younger. The muscles become toned and stop sagging like limp rags. For ladies who practice regular squats with light weights, this effect is clearly visible in the buttocks, which are tightened, lifted and acquire that seductive shape that attracts men's gaze. Thanks to the targeted action of hormones, strength training even helps get rid of the first stages of cellulite. The only main thing is not to overwork and not get carried away with “drying”. The optimal schedule is three strength training sessions per week for 45 minutes.


In many ways it is inferior to the “rocking chair”. To achieve similar results, you will have to do more than just swim at a leisurely pace, posing as a regal undine. You will have to work with maximum intensity.

Regular, intense swimming exercises perfectly develop all muscle groups, with the main load falling on the back area. This shapes your posture and your entire figure. Lymph drainage is activated, which allows the body to quickly get rid of metabolic products, which, of course, affects the condition of the skin.

Unfortunately, in our latitudes, such activities are only possible in swimming pools, the water in which is disinfected with chemical reagents, which can affect sensitive skin. In some cases, the water is chlorinated, so moisturizers will be needed to restore the hydrolipid mantle.

Exercises borrowed from yoga

Mega-popular yoga is trending among people who want to look younger than their age. However, there are many caveats. Firstly, it is difficult to find a competent specialist who will actually teach yoga, and not a set of exotic body movements. Secondly, the desire to tighten your figure and improve your appearance can be implemented much faster in the gym - you can see the first positive changes in the mirror within three months. Thirdly, yoga as a teaching was created not for aesthetic purposes, but as a way of spiritual improvement and involves a radical change in many aspects of everyday life. The changes that occur with the bodies of adherents of this teaching are rather side effect, and not the result they were striving for.

The path to youth and attractiveness lies through a beauty salon

Of course permanent classes Sports strengthen muscles, improve the condition of the spine and, in general, improve your health. Look - all the athletes look 5-10 years younger than their peers. However, this only applies to the body and does not always apply to the condition of the skin. If you are already over 40 and suddenly became very concerned about your appearance and rushed into sports, you will be seriously disappointed. No amount of training will return the skin to its former elasticity. Why?

Let's start with the fact that physical activity does not help in any way to produce the required amount of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. But how youthful the appearance will be depends on these biologically active substances. Therefore, even with a slender, chiseled figure, stretch marks and wrinkles are not excluded.

You should not expect that sports will smooth out wrinkles, age spots, the effects of photoaging and dark bags under the eyes will disappear. Of course, the skin will probably look healthier, but the relentless passage of time has not been canceled. With age, many processes fade. If you can restore these processes occurring in muscle tissue in the gym, then when it comes to the skin, welcome to the cosmetologist’s office. Mesotherapy, biorevitalization, hardware procedures - only these “dumbbells” and “barbells” can restore real youth to your skin.

Have you ever thought that regular morning exercises and walks in the forest can affect your income? What connection? Very durable and natural. We have already discussed that our lifestyle affects the good performance of memory and brain. In the last article we talked about nutrition for memory and brain function. Today I want to talk about what physical activity affects the brain. Let's see how sports and the brain interact. People who lead an active lifestyle, in general, have a higher overall level of intellectual development compared to those who do not lead such a lifestyle. Why, you ask?

There is a common, understandable pattern: during physical activity, blood flows to the brain from nutrients and oxygen, and our brain consumes huge amount oxygen, it is vital for him. But this is not the only effect. Sports and the brain are connected by more complex mutual influences. Let's consider which ones.

How does sport and physical activity affect brain activity?

Moderate, non-destructive physical activity leads to stimulation of many organs and tissues of the body, including stimulation of the work of nerve cells in the brain, as well as acceleration of the development and branching of neural processes (dendrites).

Moreover, it was initially assumed that this effect extends to areas of the brain responsible only for motor functions. But over time, during research it turned out that this development effect neural networks extends to other areas of the brain, including learning, thinking and memory.

That is, during physical activity, branches of our nerve cells begin to intensively form and grow. Namely, their growth and development determine all intellectual processes.

Professional sports and the brain

Then, you say, professional athletes (track and field athletes, boxers, skiers) must be super intellectuals. And you'll be right.
The possibilities for their development are really much higher than the possibilities of a person who lies on the couch all the time.

And, by the way, if you read the biographies of modern athletes, you will see that these are versatile personalities who are interested in many things and many of them have achieved significant success outside of sports, but no one knows about it.

But there are two reasons why not all of them professional athletes show high intellectual abilities. Firstly, everyone has development potential, but not everyone realizes it. Personal qualities and values ​​are no less important than acquired skills.

If an athlete is used to watching TV or playing games after training computer games, then can we say that he is realizing his potential? And there is not always time in the training schedule for studying, reading and classes.

Secondly, moderate loads in professional sports are not always observed. In some cases, an athlete regularly experiences incredible effort and stress. And this just negatively affects the functioning of the nervous system. Therefore, not everything is useful.

What are the consequences of good brain performance?

High-quality and regular physical activity develops our body and brain. The consequence of this is our faster, better thinking, clarity of thought, less fatigue and greater mental endurance.

High-quality thinking and less fatigue lead to you being more successful in your work tasks, training, projects while maintaining the quality of work, which ultimately has a positive effect on your income.

What types of physical activity are most beneficial?


Any, even the most gentle, gymnastics that you perform regularly helps improve blood circulation throughout the body, including the brain. Helps enhance brain nutrition.


Especially in the fresh air, it is beneficial for enriching cells with oxygen. A oxygen starvation for the brain is tantamount to degradation. After all, it is the brain that can least of all survive without access to oxygen.

Fresh air is the factor that has an immediate effect. If you've been struggling with a difficult task for a long time, try going out into the fresh air and taking a slow walk. As a rule, during such walks, insight and new thoughts come.


The combination of load on all muscle groups in combination with respiratory loads has a beneficial effect on the blood supply to the brain and its development. Swimming and walking are the most safe types loads that can be applied to almost everyone.

Breathing exercises

It supplies the head with oxygen, which benefits our memory in every way. Does not require additional time, can be performed between tasks, in any environment.


Static exercises with stretching and flexibility development, additional breathing techniques ensure the development of both the body and your brain.


Any type of dancing (pairs and singles) is an excellent activity. In addition to a comprehensive load on the body, dancing trains well coordination, body control, and is beneficial for posture and often lifts our spirits. And they also train the aesthetics of movements.

If your health and time allow, then you can engage in any sport at an amateur or semi-professional level: running, skiing, cycling, athletics and much more.

Team sports (football, volleyball, tennis, badminton and others)

They deserve special attention because they combine several important points: physical activity, lots positive emotions, training attention and reaction speed. Also, team sports often take place in the fresh air, which is extremely beneficial for the brain. So play for your health!

What to avoid when playing sports?

The most important thing in any physical activity is to follow a number of rules in order to physical exercise brought benefit and did not harm.

  1. In sports there should be no risk of injury, especially heads (boxing, martial arts, extreme sports). If you care about your intellect and at the same time want to engage in such sports, try to protect yourself as much as possible with protective equipment.
  2. Classes should be held in such a way that you Not felt completely exhausted. Good job gives slight fatigue, which after some rest is replaced by a surge of strength.
  3. Lack of strong and frequent extreme activities. To some extent, extreme activities are possible, but only occasionally. Frequent releases of stress hormones, including adrenaline, cause our brain activity aimed at survival. Our other intellectual resources, important for work and study, fade into the background. I think you know how difficult it is to concentrate when you are nervous and afraid. For good functioning of attention and memory, a calm positive mood is necessary. Remember this if you often find yourself in stressful situations.

As you can see, everyone can find suitable physical activity for themselves. Sports and the brain, sports and intellectual activity are wonderfully combined and complement each other. Remember that any minimal activity is better than no activity. Even five minutes of gymnastics in the morning has a small but valuable effect.

Physical education, sports and health are closely interconnected. Influence of environmental factors, rhythm modern life, constant presence in environment aggressive microorganisms weaken people's health. That is why it is so important to strengthen the body’s defenses in all available ways - balanced diet, timely treatment various ailments, preventive measures aimed at strengthening the immune system, as well as through physical activity.

Relevance of physical activity

In conditions of development technical progress With the advent of computers, smartphones and other “devices” that make work and daily life easier, people’s physical activity has sharply decreased compared to even the last decade.

This leads to a gradual decrease in a person’s functional abilities, weakening of his musculoskeletal system, changes in the functioning of internal organs - changes, unfortunately, for the worse. Lack of movement and energy consumption leads to malfunctions in all systems (muscular, vascular, cardiac, respiratory) and the body as a whole, contributing to the occurrence of various diseases.

That is why the influence of sport on human health is so important. Physical education and sports sometimes become the only forms of physical activity available to a person, with the help of which the natural need for movement and exercise is satisfied.

The influence of movement on systems and organs

Many articles have been said and written about how sport affects human health. scientific research, even dissertations. Let's try to present all this information in a concise and accessible form. So, sport is good for health for the following reasons:

  • Strengthens the musculoskeletal system: muscle volume and strength increases, skeletal bones become more resistant to stress. During training in the gym or when jogging, swimming, cycling, oxygen supply to the muscles improves, blood capillaries that are not used at rest are activated - moreover, new blood vessels are formed. Changes under the influence of regular training chemical composition muscle tissue: the content of energy substances increases in them, which leads to intense metabolic processes, protein synthesis and the formation of new cells. Systematic physical education prevents the development of diseases of the support and movement organs, such as osteochondrosis, herniated intervertebral discs, arthrosis, atherosclerosis, and osteoporosis.
  • The nervous system is strengthened and developed. This occurs due to increased agility, speed and improved coordination of movements. Sports activities contribute to the constant formation of new conditioned reflexes, which are consolidated and formed in successive rows. The body gains the ability to adapt to more complex loads and perform exercises in a more efficient and economical way to achieve the desired results. The speed of nervous processes increases: the brain learns to react faster to stimuli and make the right decisions.
  • The functioning of the cardiovascular system improves. The influence of sport on the human body is expressed in increasing the endurance of the heart and blood vessels. Training forces all organs to work intensively. During exercise, muscles need increased blood supply, which forces the heart to pump a larger volume of oxygenated blood per unit of time. At rest, the heart pushes approximately 5 liters of blood into the aorta in one minute: during training, this amount increases to 10 and 20 liters. The heart and blood vessels of a person involved in sports quickly get used to the stress and just as quickly recover from it.

  • The functioning of the respiratory system improves. At physical activity Due to the increased need of tissues and organs for oxygen, breathing becomes deeper and more intense. The amount of air passing through the respiratory organs per minute increases from 8 liters at rest to 100 liters when running, swimming, or exercising in the gym. The vital capacity of the lungs also increases.
  • Immunity increases and blood composition improves. In people who exercise regularly, the number of red blood cells increases from 5 million in one cubic mm to 6 million. The level of lymphocytes (white blood cells), whose task is to neutralize harmful factors entering the body, also increases. This is direct evidence that sport strengthens protective forces - the ability to withstand adverse environmental conditions. Physically active people they get sick less often, and if they are exposed to bacterial or viral aggression, they cope with it much faster.
  • Metabolism improves. A trained body better regulates the content of sugar and other substances in the blood.

The attitude towards life changes. Physically active people are more cheerful, less susceptible to sudden mood swings, irritability, depression and neuroses.

The impact of sport on a growing body

Medical statistics show how sports and children’s health are connected. According to doctors, 70% of frequently ill children and adolescents do not play sports and often skip physical education lessons. Mental stress at school, constant sitting at the computer or in front of the TV at home lead to the fact that the body does not receive physical relaxation.

This contributes to functional disorders and turns schoolchildren or students into “young old people”, susceptible to the most various diseases, which were previously more often diagnosed in older people (pathologies of the skeletal system, vascular and heart diseases).

The influence of physical education and sports on the body of schoolchildren and students is invaluable - it is young and growing people who need constant loads and movement. The sedentary lifestyle of modern children is of extreme concern to doctors and teachers.

Popularization of sports

The beneficial effects of physical activity on a person are evidenced by medical research, practical observations, facts and even oral folk art: numerous proverbs about health and sports (“Whoever plays sports gains strength”, “Strong in body - rich in business”, etc. .).

Modern medicine and pedagogy are trying to popularize sports and instill in the mass consciousness a positive attitude towards physical education. In schools and higher education educational institutions health and sports days are held, schoolchildren are given free passes to visit swimming pools and training rooms. However, the percentage of those who ignore the importance of physical activity for health is still high.

You should play sports with a reasonable approach and moderation: overload during training is unacceptable. There is also a risk of traumatic injury, so do not forget about safety precautions.

Hello, dear blog readers about healthy way life site!

The topic of today's article is "The influence of sports on human health." I hope that the information will be useful to you.

Modern life is designed so that a person can live comfortably. Buses, subways, cars - all this helps a person live and get to work. And in addition, smartphones and computers have appeared, which are so attractive to spend all your free time. Thus modern man decreased motor abilities.

A person’s functional abilities decrease, frequent fractures, brittle bones. Yes, a sedentary lifestyle leads to fractures, since the blood circulation of bone tissue deteriorates, as a result of which the bone tissue is not fully supplied with nutrients. The muscles become flabby and the amount of muscle decreases, but the amount of fat in the body increases.

Fat replaces muscle in the body. But lack of movement also affects the internal organs of a person. The heart muscle stops working at full capacity, blood vessels and the respiratory system deteriorate. Due to the deterioration of the performance of all organs, it leads to chronic diseases.

Sport affects human health. And in some cases, playing sports is one of the easily accessible types of physical activity. After all, no one bothers you to go jogging or jumping rope in the morning or evening. It is in our nature to engage in sports.

Why you need to play sports

Firstly, playing sports strengthens muscles, improves bone tissue, oxygen flows much more easily to all muscles, thereby improving cell metabolism and lipid metabolism. A person becomes more resilient and sport also develops character. Thanks to sports, it appears large number blood vessels, the condition of the cardiovascular system improves.

The benefits of sport even lie in the fact that it is good prevention of osteochondrosis. And osteochondrosis is a very insidious disease. Also, playing sports prevents the formation of hernias, arthrosis and osteoporosis. Has a beneficial effect on nervous system person. When playing sports, speed and agility improve, as well as reaction speed.

Brain activity improves Due to new movements and team games, for example, playing basketball, it develops lateral skills and promotes quick decision-making. Stress is relieved. Therefore, after a difficult working day or week, you need to go to the gym. In the process of physical activity, endorphins are produced, hormones of happiness, which improve mood and give a feeling of satisfaction with life.

Helps cope with depression. And the heart begins to work at full capacity, pushing blood well into the vascular bed. Blood circulation throughout the body improves, metabolism improves. By simply running, you can avoid myocardial infarction and stroke. Even pregnant women benefit from light exercise, as oxygen is better supplied to all cells, and it also provides the unborn child with oxygen.

Therefore, even for pregnant women, it is useful to move rather than lie down. Doing yoga helps maintain harmony and prevents you from getting upset over trifles. The lungs are working at full capacity. Immediately after the birth of the baby, you need to start doing simple exercises with the child; gymnastics classes on a fitball are also suitable. This will give pleasure to both the child and the mother, and both will strengthen their muscles and bone tissue.

Those who suffer from anemia are advised to exercise. Red blood cells and lymphocytes increase their number, which subsequently strengthens the immune system. A person who loves sports also loves life and feels fully present in life. He is not at risk for depression or other mental illnesses.

I offer an excellent video for motivation to exercise...