Who is to blame if the tap on the riser in an apartment building breaks? If a riser, battery or pipe burst, flooding the neighbors: who is to blame, what to do Destruction of a tap on a hot water supply riser

Help dispel doubts. In the evening, a pipe in the riser in the bathroom burst, not the valve, but the main pipe itself. Accordingly, there is no way to block it in the apartment, only in the basement of the house itself. While they were looking for locksmiths, the person in charge of the house flooded the apartment below us from a hot riser. And on the same day they changed the pipe along the hot riser in the basement and the water pressure was very weak. Could this have had an impact? The threads of the pipe are all rotten, the housing office says - this is your fault, sort it out with your neighbors yourself. What should we do? What to do to defend your rights? Ruslan There is an answer Oleg Alekseevich Gorbunov answers Lawyer Good afternoon. We have no idea which of the risers could have influenced what.

A pipe burst due to a rotten thread, whose fault is it?

Fast. Government of the Russian Federation dated August 13, 2006 N 491): “...2. The common property includes:...e) mechanical, electrical, SANITARY and other equipment located in apartment building outside or inside premises and SERVING MORE THAN ONE RESIDENTIAL and (or) non-residential premises(apartments); … 5.
The common property includes in-house engineering systems of cold and hot water supply and gas supply, consisting of risers, branches from the risers TO THE FIRST DISCONNECTING DEVICE LOCATED ON BRANCHES FROM THE RIPPERS, THE SPECIFIED DISCONNECTING DEVICES, collective (common house) cold and hot water, THE FIRST SHUT-OFF AND REGULATING VALVES ON THE BRANDS OF INTERNAL APARTMENT WIRING FROM RISERS, as well as mechanical, electrical, sanitary and other equipment located on these networks.

It flooded us and our neighbors - the valve was torn off, the threads rotted

If you have suffered property damage due to a malfunction of the water supply system, you need to contact the Housing Office in writing, draw up a statement in which you indicate: - your details, full address and telephone number; - in the main part of the application you need to describe the problem in detail, indicate the exact location of the leak, when exactly it occurred, the date and time, and also render a verdict on the damage incurred material damage; — it is worth attaching photo or video materials to the letter, which clearly shows the full force of the flow. Make 2 copies of the application. You can submit your application in person or send it by mail, with an inventory and notification.

You should definitely contact the management company that services your home or the Emergency Dispatch Organization in your area. The appeal is drawn up exactly like the application, and you need to keep a copy for yourself.

The hot water riser burst

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 No. 354, if during the inspection a dispute arose between the consumer (or his representative) and the contractor or other interested participants in the inspection regarding the fact of a violation of quality public services and (or) the amount of deviation from the quality parameters of the utility service established in Appendix No. 1 to these Rules, then the consumer and the contractor, other interested participants in the inspection determine, in accordance with this paragraph, the procedure for further inspection of the quality of the utility service. Any interested participant in the inspection has the right to initiate examination of the quality of a public service. If to conduct an examination of the quality of a public service it is necessary to select a sample of the corresponding communal resource, then the contractor is obliged to carry out or organize the selection of such a sample.


On the outlet coming from the starvation water riser, the thread to which the faucet is attached was torn off, shutting off the water to my apartment. My apartment and the apartments below mine flooded with water. The neighbors are demanding compensation from me for the losses incurred.

The housing office tells me that it is not my fault that the thread was torn off, but tells the neighbors that it is my fault. What are my actions in this situation? question number No. 3200328 read 254 times Urgent legal consultation 8 800 505-91-11 free
  • Neighbors have the right to sue you (for damages), and you involve the Criminal Code - since this impulse due to the fault of the management company (common building engineering networks).

Personal consultation Thanks for your answer!
  • It’s not your fault, it’s the housing office’s fault.
  • If the thread on the riser is torn off, who is to blame?

    In this case, the inspection report must indicate the date and time of the re-inspection. The re-inspection act is signed, in addition to the interested participants in the inspection, also by a representative of the state housing inspection in Russian Federation and a representative of a public association of consumers. The contractor is obliged to hand over 1 copy of the re-inspection report to the indicated representatives.

    P.S. In accordance with paragraphs. 150, 153 of the above Rules, the contractor is exempt from liability for violation of the quality of provision of utility services if he proves that such a violation occurred due to force majeure circumstances or due to the fault of the consumer; The contractor is released from liability for causing harm if he proves that the harm was caused due to force majeure or violation by the consumer of the established rules for the consumption of utility services.


    of the Rules, the common property includes in-house utility networks for cold and hot water supply and gas supply, consisting of risers, branches from the risers to the first disconnecting device located on the branches from the risers, the specified disconnecting devices, collective (common house) cold and hot water meters, first shut-off and control valves at the outlets of the intra-apartment wiring from the risers, as well as mechanical, electrical, sanitary and other equipment located on these networks. According to clauses 2.1,2.2,5.8 of the resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2003 No. 170 “On approval of the Rules and Standards of Technical Operation housing stock", an organization engaged in the maintenance of housing stock must carry out regular inspections of the cold water supply system, check the serviceability of shut-off valves and the absence of leaks.

    If an examination of the quality of the provision of a utility service is possible at the place of its provision, then the consumer and the contractor and other interested participants in the inspection determine the date and time of a repeated inspection of the quality of the utility service with the participation of an invited expert. In this case, the inspection report must indicate the date and time of the re-inspection, who initiated the examination, which inspection participant will invite the expert, and from which organization the expert should be invited (if this is determined by the interested participants in the inspection at the time of drawing up the inspection report). Expenses The contractor is responsible for carrying out the examination initiated by the consumer.

    The costs of conducting an examination initiated by another participant in the inspection are borne by such participant. If none of the interested participants in the inspection initiated an examination of the quality of the utility service, but at the same time there is a dispute between the consumer and the contractor, other interested participants in the inspection regarding the fact of a violation of the quality of the utility service and (or) the amount of deviation from the quality parameters of the utility service established in Appendix No. 1 to these Rules, then the date and time of the re-inspection of the quality of the utility service are determined with the participation of representatives of the State Housing Inspectorate of the Russian Federation and representatives of the public association of consumers invited by the contractor.
    Sincerely, lawyer Nuriakhmetova Svetlana Maksimovna Elistae/address Do you have an answer to this question? You can leave it by clicking on the Reply button Similar questions During renovations in my apartment, workers flooded the neighbor below hot water. He refused to do the repairs using my workers and received the amount for the repairs from the country. There is no cold water in my apartment.
    And this is due to the fact that the owner of the neighboring apartment simply cut off the pipes. My apartment has water meters (both hot and cold), but the housing department assigns general house needs to me every month, citing some kind of law. My apartment has cold and hot meters. water. According to them, I also provide information for payment. No one is registered in my apartment and there are no water meters. Suddenly, they brought a bill for water, which was calculated according to the standard for 4 people.

    A utility failure occurred in an apartment building. Due to a broken tap on the riser cold water A pipe burst in one of the apartments and there was a flood. The owner of the apartment demanded that the management company compensate for the damage. She added moral damages and examination costs to the costs of eliminating the consequences of the flood. In the lawsuit, the woman stated: management company“improperly performed duties for the maintenance of the common property of the apartment building.”

    What did the courts decide?

    The city court, where the plaintiff filed her claim, granted the claim. But the judicial panel for civil cases of the regional court overturned the decision of the lower court.

    Then the woman appealed to the Supreme Court.

    What did the Supreme Court decide?

    The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation pointed out the following facts:

    1. Appellate judges had to establish “the presence of guilt of the parties in the accident that occurred”.

    2. Appeal did not take into account the court decision that entered into force on another claim injured resident of the same house, in the same flood. Meanwhile, according to Art. 61 of the Code of Civil Procedure, the circumstances established by a court decision that has entered into force are mandatory, they are not proven again and are not disputed.

    What was the decision? A neighbor who suffered from a flood filed a lawsuit against the management company and the neighbor who had this tap on the cold water riser. The court decided the dispute in favor of the plaintiff, however, it ordered the money to be paid only to the management company, and did not take anything from the neighbor.

    3. The appeal should have taken into account what equipment the shut-off valve that caused the flood belongs to, and who is responsible for its proper operation. To do this, the judges had to refer to the following documents:

    • Housing Code, which lists the list of equipment for which the management company is responsible.
    • Rules for maintaining common property in an apartment building(approved by government decree No. 491 of August 13, 2006). The document reveals what is included in the common property. Thus, it also includes “general building engineering systems for hot and cold water supply, consisting of risers, branches from the risers to the first shut-off device.” Management companies of apartment buildings are responsible for the proper maintenance of common property and are responsible to the owners for violation of obligations.
    • “Technical regulations on the safety of buildings and structures” No. 384 of December 30, 2009. According to the regulations, first disconnect devices And shut-off and control valves on branches of intra-apartment wiring are elements of in-house utility networks . This equipment cannot be classified as common property in an apartment building, since Housing Code its location is envisaged both indoors and outdoors.
    If the equipment is located in an apartment, this does not mean that it is used only to service this apartment.

    What did the RF Armed Forces decide and what should you remember?

    The RF Supreme Court found the management company guilty. The owner of the apartment was compensated for the damage.

    • The first shut-off devices and shut-off and control valves on the branches of the intra-apartment wiring are elements of the intra-house utility networks.
    • Shut-off and control valves located on pipes and passing through private apartments are designed to serve several residential premises at once. Thus, they belong to common property and management companies are responsible for them.
    • If an accident occurs, the taps are broken and the neighbors flood, the management company, and not the owner of the apartment, must reimburse the material costs.
    • The replacement of the shut-off valve by the apartment owner does not relieve the management company from fulfilling its responsibilities for maintaining the common property of the apartment building.

    It is impossible to live in isolation in an apartment building. If something happens to neighbors, the other residents may unwittingly be involved in it. A similar situation happens when heating pipes break in an apartment. This article will tell you who is to blame and who will be liable for compensation.

    The battery burst, the neighbors were flooded - who is to blame?

    What to do when the heating becomes unusable and the neighbors suffer? Where to find the culprits?

    First you need to find out whose fault the accident occurred. Who is to blame: the owner of the apartment or the management company that monitors the condition of the heating pipes of the entire house. If the heating breakthrough occurred due to the fault of the owner, then he will compensate for the damage to the neighbors flooded from below. If it is the fault of the management company, then it will bear all costs of repairing the premises.

    The Housing Code imposes obligations on the apartment owner to keep the property in good condition and monitor the pipes. If necessary, he must make repairs.

    If the pipes are in poor condition, you need to contact the housing office and call a specialist. The invitation of a specialist must be officially formalized. It is necessary to fill out a request, which will be registered and a repair time will be scheduled. After the work is completed, an acceptance certificate is issued, which is signed by the owner of the apartment and the specialist.

    If all stages are followed, the management company will bear full responsibility for improper installation of heating pipes.

    At his own expense, the owner of the apartment must repair those appliances that have stopped working due to his fault. For example, faulty plumbing. However, repairs to these devices can only be carried out by a company specialist with the consent of the housing office. If the owner changes the plumbing himself, then if the neighbors below flood, all responsibility will most likely fall solely on him.

    The management company must carry out repairs and conduct routine inspections heating system in apartments at least 2 times a year. After the inspection, a report with the results is issued. If the owners do not allow a specialist into the premises, then this amounts to improper use of communications. And in the event of an accident, the owner of the premises may be found to be at fault.

    Heating season or not, the subtleties of the issue

    Since in winter the water flows through the pipes is very hot—over 55 degrees Celsius—there is a high risk of burns if the heating breaks through. If pipes are leaking, then it is not advisable to do anything on your own. Before the arrival of specialists, it is necessary to save flooded property, documents, and valuables.

    In the summer, the management company carries out routine inspections of pipes in high-rise buildings. The house, whose residents are warned about this three days in advance, is checked by running cold water under pressure through the pipes. If the batteries in any apartment are worn out or leaky, they will leak. Therefore, the management company asks that all apartment owners be at home at a certain point in time during the inspection.

    If the owner notices that water is flowing in his or a neighbor’s apartment during the inspection , then he needs to contact repairmen. They will change the batteries at the expense of the management company.

    A riser burst in an apartment - who is to blame, what to do

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 491 of August 13, 2006 approved the “Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building,” which contain clauses stating that water supply and sewerage networks are part of the common property.

    Apartment owners pay monthly to the HOA for the maintenance of this property. This means that the management company must monitor the condition of the heating system, including the riser.

    If she did not follow up and repair the riser on time, she will pay for the damage to the residents of the house unilaterally.

    What should you do if the riser in your apartment bursts?

    1. It is necessary to fix the riser breakthrough. The best solution an act will be drawn up in the presence of a representative of the management company.
    2. The next step is to assess the damage to all residents. It must be compiled with the help of an independent expert.
    3. Fill out a letter of claim and send it to the management company.
    4. If, after receiving the letter, the management company does not voluntarily take measures to pay the damage to the residents, then you need to seek help from a lawyer and go to court. You can also reimburse the costs of a lawyer from the Criminal Code.

    We find out the causes of the accident

    The heating system of the apartment consists of:

    • a riser that runs through the toilet;
    • supply pipes (return);
    • connections between pipes;
    • batteries

    No one is safe from these pipes bursting. This happens often and there can be several causes of accidents:

    • old equipment that has become unusable due to a long service life;
    • careless use of batteries;
    • incorrectly installed heating pipes;
    • pipes may burst during a scheduled inspection by the services of the management company, as described above.

    How to behave, where to go

    If an accident does occur, you should immediately call the housing office and report the break. If the accident occurred at night, you need to notify the emergency services. The telephone numbers of these organizations should always be at hand.

    It is advisable to photograph or videotape the fact of flooding, as well as the condition of the apartment. Because in reality, the housing office doesn’t really like to pay repair costs. In addition, he is trying to prove that everything is the fault of the residents, since they did not notice in time the malfunction of the equipment that needed repair.

    After eliminating the accident, it is necessary to immediately record the damage caused. After the commission has examined the premises, the owner is issued a certificate. But it is better to make an independent assessment of the damage by inviting an outside specialist for a fee.

    Who pays for the damage?

    If a pipe breaks in an apartment due to the fault of the management company, it compensates the damage to the residents. If she refuses to pay or repair in the presence of all supporting factors, then such a non-standard case can be considered in court.

    You can hold residents accountable and compensate for damages for flooding of neighbors:

    • if there are facts supported by documentation about the negligence of the apartment owner, due to which the batteries became unusable;
    • having a professionally compiled assessment of the damage incurred.

    If the apartment is municipal

    Who pays for damage if the property is rented?

    The user to whom the property is rented is also responsible for routine pipe repairs. Replacement of pipes is not included in such repairs. This applies to major renovations carried out by the apartment owner.

    Housing owners can be individuals, organizations or public entities that provide apartments for rent.

    Such a public entity may be a municipality. He carries out renovations of the apartment, as he is the full owner. Contacts the management company of the house and entrusts it with repairs and subsequent financing.

    In what cases does the owner's liability arise in a privatized apartment?

    The owner is fully responsible in a privatized apartment for careless handling of the heating system, for untimely calling a technician, for do-it-yourself repair pipes and their replacement without a representative of the management company.

    The exception is for residents who received an apartment from a cooperative and it is in the process of privatization. In this case, until the last payment is made, the premises belong to the property of the cooperative.

    In what cases does tenant liability arise?

    Tenants are also required to maintain heating in proper order. If it is proven that the tenant intentionally damaged the property, only then will he be held liable. And he will also be obliged to compensate for the damage caused not only to the neighbors, but also to the owner.

    So don’t immediately panic when the battery in your apartment bursts. If you flooded your neighbors, caused damage to your apartment - record everything right away and begin to find out, together with the employees of the management company, what the cause of the accident was. If you are blamed for everything and forced to bear the costs of the damage caused, and you do not agree with this, then you need to go to court.

    The desire to save, alas, cannot be stifled or killed. And even the fact that the stingy pays twice does not sober up consumers. Although, to be honest, an expensive product may turn out to be of poor quality - or the result of shoddy production.

    When changing the plumbing in an apartment, there is a great temptation to buy such “trifles” as they are cheaper. At the time of purchase, hardly anyone thinks that this saving will cause a flood, big expenses and headaches.

    Why is the faucet leaking?

    If we talk about old plumbing, there are several reasons:

    Wear of rubber and O-ring
    Bad - as an option, swollen flax strand
    Wear of the oil seal liner
    Breakage of the conical box
    Incorrect installation

    Because According to the law, the faucet is classified as internal property, and the owner of the property is responsible for its technical condition and breakdown. As for incorrect installation, it is possible to prove this, but difficult. Therefore, when replacing a mixer (and any other equipment), contact the specialists of your management company or a third-party organization, but with the obligatory conclusion of a contract for the work.

    If a new faucet leaks or breaks, then with a 99% probability it is a factory defect. The remaining one percent can be given to the strongest water hammer. In this case, the heating system as a whole will suffer. And not only in one apartment, but throughout the entire house.

    What to do?

    If you discover a leak coming from below, do not panic. Record the location of the leak, and then go down to your neighbors - take a photo, shoot a video from the “scene of the incident.”

    Neighbors should contact the management company, call specialists to inspect the premises, draw up a report and assess the damage. Your presence is required. You participate in the procedure, and then, if you agree with the actions and conclusions of the commission, you sign the inspection report. It will indicate the date of flooding, the area of ​​damaged property, and a list of things that were damaged. This document will form the basis for calculating damages and compensation in a settlement or trial.

    If you were not invited to inspect the premises, this is grounds for refusing compensation for damage to neighbors. You have the right to disagree with the inspection report and the amount. In this case, the commission’s decision will have to be challenged in court.

    After assessing the damage, you can and even need to negotiate amicably with your neighbors. Provided that the amount of compensation suits you, it is not excessive and corresponds to the condition of the premises at the time. If the issue is not resolved peacefully, then it will have to be resolved in court. During the proceedings, a forensic examination will be ordered and another independent assessment will be carried out. All these legal costs will be paid by the perpetrator. Plus moral damage. Yes, it is possible that the court will knock off the original amount of damage, but a new one will come up.

    Initially, one way or another, the owner will have to compensate for damage to property - due to a leaking or broken faucet. And then the moment will come when the owner can demand compensation for his damages from the seller or manufacturer of low-quality equipment.

    To do this, you must submit a claim to the seller/manufacturer of the mixer and submit the equipment for examination to a certified center. According to the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, Art. 22, the examination is carried out within 10 days. This period is relevant if you require compensation for the amount paid for the product and damage from its operation.

    When the examination establishes and confirms the presence of a manufacturing defect, excluding incorrect operation of the equipment or transportation, you apply for compensation in full to the manufacturer/manufacturer of the mixer. The legality of the actions is confirmed by the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, Art. 14, and art. 1095 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

    The seller/manufacturer is obliged to compensate:

    Product cost
    The amount of damage you compensated to your neighbors
    Legal costs, if any
    Examination costs
    Moral damage

    Those. compensate for all consumer losses incurred as a result of the sale of goods of inadequate quality.

    How to avoid such situations?

    We live in a time when it is better to record and document every step we take. Therefore, when purchasing/installing plumbing and other equipment, keep all receipts, warranties, and certificates of work performed. Buy plumbing fixtures, tools and materials at retail outlets where you will be given a guarantee and a sales receipt. Invite UK specialists or mechanics from specialized organizations to install faucets, toilets, and bathtubs. Not forgetting, again, to conclude an agreement with everyone.

    How to identify a low-quality faucet?

    According to the manufacturer's catalogue. If the purchased model is not in the official catalog, it is definitely a fake.

    By weight. A good quality metal faucet is heavy. Chinese consumer goods are very light, even a child can hold them.

    By appearance. The chrome finish of the faucet is even, smooth, and uniform. Scratches, cracks, chips are unacceptable.

    According to packaging. Quality starts with the packaging paper, box, and inserts.

    Under warranty. The service life of a good mixer is 2-5 years.

    For the price. The more expensive the plumbing, the longer it will last. The quality of this product directly depends on the cost. Cheap taps, mixers, and watering cans often break and cause many problems for their owners.

    One of the reasons for faucet leakage can be poor-quality sealant. To avoid unpleasant consequences, use only high-quality sealing compounds, which you can now directly from the manufacturer.

    Are regularly erected apartment buildings, and disputes often arise between neighbors.

    One of the most common problems is when neighbors are flooded.

    If a riser in an apartment bursts, both the injured and the guilty party have to find out who is to blame.

    It often happens that the management company refuses to take responsibility for the incident. In that case the case may go to trial.

    If a pipe is leaking, then it is worth responding to the problem as quickly as possible. After all, as a result, your property or your neighbors’ belongings may be damaged. It’s worth figuring out who is responsible for the risers privatized apartment, what to do if the riser leaks.

    The organization that manages your home is required to monitor general building communications. But the water supply may leak in the bathroom in your apartment.

    The boundary between your property and the common property is usually clearly drawn. Fixing a water pipe break will fall on your shoulders if the leak is located near your pipe. Common house products include a hot water riser, sewerage, heating, as well as a cold water riser.

    About the reasons

    ATTENTION! Each case of flooding is individual, and the fundamentals of the law do not always allow one to achieve the desired result.

    It is worth having an idea about the heating system and its components:

    • batteries;
    • riser;
    • supply pipes;
    • connecting elements

    The most common causes of emergency situations are:

    • breakthrough during a scheduled communications check;
    • the system has failed due to its long service life;
    • incorrect installation, in this case, it is worth understanding who exactly carried out the work;
    • misuse of communications.

    Who will have to pay?

    If pipes break between floors, or problems with the riser are identified, then the blame falls on the shoulders of the management company. In this case, the organization must compensate the damage caused to the residents. If there are supporting factors, but the organization refuses to pay, then you should immediately go to court. Neighbors may be held liable if:

    • there are facts that confirm the negligence of the owners;
    • There is a professional damage assessment.

    Municipal apartment - solution

    Some people have a question about who will have to pay if the housing is rented. The person living in such a dwelling is responsible for routine repairs, but he is not required to repair the pipe. Replacing pipes in such a situation is part of a major overhaul, for which the owner must be responsible. The owner can be:

    • private person;
    • organization;
    • public entity, such as a municipality.

    ATTENTION! The responsibility of the owner of the residential premises for flooding cannot be disputed, because he owns the dwelling. If you don’t know where to call if there is a water leak, you can contact either the owner directly or the manager. The work will still be carried out by the management company, but it is the owner who finances the organization.

    Privatized housing

    When it comes to a home that is privately owned, the current and major renovation riser must be carried out by the Criminal Code. If it bursts or leaks, then the organization must carry out the necessary work. The risers that are located in such a dwelling are not the property of the residents. Therefore, the organization with which the agreement was concluded is responsible for their condition.

    But you need to understand that if the problem occurred in the wall after the cut-off product, then the blame rests with the residents.

    It is important to remember that Utility workers should periodically inspect pipes throughout the building. This is their direct responsibility. If you deliberately refuse to allow employees to enter the apartment, this may cause problems in the future. After all, because of this, you may be blamed for the malfunction of the system.

    Housing in the cooperative department

    In this case, it is worth considering whether the apartments were fully or partially purchased by the cooperative. If not, they are owned by the HOA. This suggests that their maintenance should be carried out in the same way as other apartments.

    What should you pay attention to?

    It is necessary to take into account a number of nuances in order to figure out who is right and who is wrong. The tap on the riser allows you to shut off the flow of hot water or sewerage. If we turn to the legislation, then the organization in charge of the building is responsible only until the first floor covering.

    The disconnecting product is usually located on a branch of the riser. If a breakthrough occurs before it, then the organization remains to blame. Those pipes that are inside the home can be changed and repaired by residents. They are responsible for their condition. To determine who is at fault it will be necessary find the breakthrough site.

    ATTENTION! If the pipe is damaged after the shut-off valve, the owner is responsible for the damage. In another case, the management company is considered to be at fault.

    But in some cases, according to a court decision, the blame is placed on the organization, even if the breakthrough occurred after the locking product. It is not uncommon for a radiator or heating pipe to break through.. This occurs due to untimely replacement, or due to too high pressure. That is why the organization that monitors these moments is found guilty.

    It also happens that To determine who is guilty, the judge orders an examination. It allows you to find out what exactly caused the flooding. Experts are of the opinion that the optimal solution would be to conduct such a check before the trial. This is necessary for the reasons that sometimes it is impossible to establish the true cause several days after the breakthrough.

    If you can't reach an agreement, what should you do?

    IMPORTANT! If you are of the opinion that it is not your fault that the flooding occurred, then you should not pay anything to your neighbors. In this case, it is worth sending them to the management company.

    If you cannot resolve the problem peacefully, then you need to prepare for legal proceedings. This is fraught with long terms, but the result may be justified. If an examination has not been carried out before after the breakthrough, then it must be ordered in court. You can also challenge the results of the inspection through the court if you do not agree with them.

    When applying to the judicial authorities with a claim against the manager, it is worth asking for a replacement of the defendant. At the same time, it is necessary to emphasize that the organization does not bear due responsibility for the common property, and therefore does not do its job.

    But if you understand that the problem was your fault, then the best solution would be to compensate for the damage caused. In this case, you can make payments either of your own free will or by court decision. But be careful when paying yourself. Indeed, in this case, you will need to draw up an appropriate agreement so that there are no claims against you in the future.

    The agreement must include the following information:

    • full surnames, first names, patronymics of the parties;
    • details for which payments will be made;
    • the reason for the dispute, the specifics of the situation;
    • the date and time at which the breakthrough occurred;
    • the damage that was caused, as well as the amount of payment.

    Where to look for help?

    If a breakthrough has occurred, then you need to contact the organization that services your home as quickly as possible. Even when an accident occurs at night, it is necessary to call emergency services. That is why it is worth keeping the necessary numbers at hand.

    In order to subsequently have evidence of damage and the fact of flooding, it is worth filming what is happening on video, or taking appropriate photos. Practice shows that housing and communal services are not always happy to compensate for the damage caused.

    It often happens that the organization tries to make the residents guilty. This could lead to the fact that the residents did not report a communications fault in a timely manner. After the problem is resolved, you need to contact the organization to record the damage caused. Remember that you should contact the property manager for this; you can also contact a special appraisal company.

    ATTENTION! If a pipe burst, and after the accident was eliminated, an inspection was carried out, then you should have the corresponding report in your hands.

    Often a leak occurs due to the fault of housing and communal services or management companies, but the organizations do not react in any way to residents’ requests. In such cases, it is not enough to report the accident; it is necessary to file a complaint with the state. housing inspection. There is also the opportunity to contact local authorities.

    If it was possible to document harm or damage to personal belongings, then this is a compelling argument for appealing to the judicial authorities.

    Useful video

    This video explains detailed instructions about what to do if you flood your neighbors.