Guppies and catfish in one aquarium. Who to introduce guppies into a shared aquarium with?

Guppies are very peaceful, viviparous fish and will get along with any fish. But choosing a neighbor for a gupik who will not offend them is already more difficult, and you need to approach this issue seriously. Since gupeshki are very peaceful and small in size, many inhabitants of aquariums can offend them, chase them around the aquarium, and pull them. And sometimes there can even be fatal cases for guppies.

So, so that there are no annoying incidents and your guppy are safe and feel comfortable, let’s look at such a question as the compatibility of guppies with other types of fish.

Of course, the simplest and most ideal option is to keep only guppies. You can choose exactly the color scheme that you like from among the wide variety of guppy species. There are a lot of colors and colors of guppies. And if you put guppies with different color scheme and colors, the aquarium will look very beautiful and impressive.

But still, if you decide to combine guppies with other fish, choose neighbors.

Guppies are fully compatible with neons

Compatibility of guppies, what fish get along with them?

Some of the most suitable fish are:

  • battles
  • cockerels
  • platies
  • iris
  • Molinesia
  • rasboras
  • swordtails
  • Congo tetras
  • neons
  • zebrafish
  • thorns
  • small species of characin fish

Most compatible with catfish:

  • catfish plectostomus
  • catfish corridors
  • cockroach
  • small medium-sized catfish

You can also try combining with:

  • gourami
  • barbs
  • acne
  • labeo

Guppies are not compatible at all, and who should not be placed with guppies:

  • discus
  • pseudo discus
  • African cichlids
  • angelfish
  • Koi carp
  • goldfish
  • astronotuses
  • South American cichlids

Also, do not combine guppies with shrimp because some types of shrimp are small and guppies may perceive them as food and will eat them. And there are types of shrimp that can be the other way around.

In general, compatibility is a relative concept. Here, for example, is the swordtail. Almost everywhere it is written that swordtails and guppies are compatible, but in many cases this is not the case. Swordtails can nip guppies, eating their tail or fins. Also, during spawning, the male swordtail can chase the guppies around the aquarium. The same situation is with cockerels. They can also offend guppies during spawning. It often happens that incompatible fish species get along well with guips.

You can try combining guppies, for example, with angelfish. But both need to be introduced as young fish, then they get used to each other.

You need to understand that the compatibility of fish depends not only on the nature of the fish, much depends on the volume of the aquarium. If the aquarium is overcrowded, territorial disputes may arise. Also, when combining fish, take them into account temperature conditions water in which they are more comfortable to live, as well as pH and acidity.

Try to choose neighbors for guppies of similar size and build. The more the fish is behind the guppies, the more likely it is that it will offend your guppy.

On the issue of compatibility of guppies and gourami in the same aquarium, there are many mutually exclusive opinions on different sites. Some say that guppies and gouramis constantly compete and fight, while others say they best friends, still others argue that this is a matter of chance. There are also various conflicting aquarium fish compatibility charts that I don't want to focus on. I tried to distill the scattered information and present it to you. I don’t claim to be the ultimate truth on the issue of compatibility between guppies and gourami; I invite everyone to draw their own conclusion.

Guppies are not compatible with gouramis because conflict can arise between them, including predation.

The reasons for the conflict: bright color and lush fins that the fish will want to gnaw, as well as the small volume of the aquarium.

Opinion 2. The compatibility of guppies and gourami is random

The compatibility of guppies and gourami in the same aquarium is random and depends on the nature of the individual fish.

Gourami are extremely peaceful fish with rare exceptions.

Marbled gouramis are more aggressive than others. Solar (gold) and pearl gourami more peaceful.

Adult guppies and gouramis get along quite well, but gouramis will eat baby guppies. If you don't need fry, then why not?

Opinion 3. Guppies and gourami are great neighbors

Honey gouramis are quite compatible with guppies. They are larger in size, but do not eat guppies or pull their fins. They like peace and quiet. Gourami are gentle, calm fish that avoid conflicts and reproduce periodically.

I had 8 gouramis and a whole bunch of guppies. They didn't pay any attention to each other.

If gouramis and guppies grew up together, this guarantees them a peaceful neighborhood.


I repeat, I suggest you draw your own conclusion.

What would I do? I would choose a larger aquarium so that the guppies and gouramis do not have territorial conflicts. I would arrange a sufficient number of plants and shelters for the fry. I would listen to the advice and choose a less aggressive type of gourami. If possible, I would take younger fish so that they grow up together and get used to each other.

Thank you for your attention!

P.S.: This is my first time writing in this format; it would be interesting to know readers’ opinions about the usefulness of such information. Please rate using stars below or leave a comment.

A typical question for aquarists who are planning to keep Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) in a community aquarium is: “What fish get along with guppies?” It is important to avoid living with predatory fish such as red tail shark, Sumatran barbs, angelfish, large cichlids, eels, and mastacembelas. The best aquarium neighbors for small viviparous fish (3-7 cm) are small fish with a peaceful character.

Fish that are suitable for housing with Poecilia reticulata

Eat large number freshwater aquarium fish that can live with in peace and harmony. The listed types are the safest options. They mate with these viviparous Petsilievs in terms of similarity in living conditions and behavioral characteristics.

Corydoras catfish are relatively slow swimmers and are almost always found in the lower layers of the aquarium. They are characterized by their small body size and calm disposition, and gradually clean the aquarium of food debris. Guppies swim in the upper and middle layers of water, so corydoras will not catch them. However, you cannot add salt to the water in which catfish live (and platies love such water), otherwise they will die.

See how guppies and Corydoras catfish live in the same aquarium.

Indian glassfish, or Malaysian glassfish - it is often confused with glass catfish, but it is absolutely different types. Glassfish are peaceful and quite hardy fish; they are excellent companions for guppies and other small tropical fish. The transparent body of the body makes them unique; even their skeleton and internal organs are visible. The Malaysian glassfish is characterized by schooling behavior, swimming in a group of 5-7 fish. It is not recommended to buy fish with fluorescent coloring. It is precisely “colored” glass fish that are more sensitive to the parameters of the aquatic environment, and during illness, the colored pigment can open wounds, introducing infection into the water.

Mollies, platies, and swordtails are viviparous fish of the platies family, which are best compatible with guppies. All fish are related species and can reproduce in a common aquarium, producing hybrid offspring. Guppies, mollies and platies will not conflict with each other. But swordtails, especially adult males, can terrorize veiled-tailed fish, so it is better to stock fish with short fins with “swordtails.” Mollies prefer to live in pairs. If a pair of moths and several guppies live in a spacious aquarium, the result will be a wonderful neighborhood.

The neon tetra is the most popular freshwater and tropical fish. It can be kept with any peaceful species of fish; it is even nicknamed “the pearls of the aquarium.” Neon tetras are characterized by an iridescent blue body with a reddish tint. They create a strong flock of 6-10 individuals, and calmly swim in the upper and middle layers of water. Can make great company viviparous fish without disturbing them.

Rasboras are distinguished by the metallic color of their scales, they are clearly visible, which simplifies the care of these fish. Hardy, peaceful, swim in a school of 6-8 fish. They can be placed with guppies in a common aquarium, since their personalities are perfectly compatible.

Dwarf Loaches - Like all loaches, they are very peaceful fish. However, some types of loach can grow larger in size compared to guppies. Dwarf loaches remain small throughout their lives, rarely growing more than 5 cm in length, so they are comparable to platyfish. They love to swim in a flock, so immediately place them in a flock of 3 or more individuals. You can build several shelters in the aquarium and add live plants, since these loaches love to hide and rest.

Endler's guppies (lat. Poecilia wingei) - it was previously believed that viviparous Endler's fish are relatives of Poecilia reticulata. It later turned out that these are different species, although both are native to Central America. There are certain similarities between the species; they can interbreed in the same aquarium. Viviparous endlers are suitable for tropical aquariums containing a variety of viviparous poeciliids. It should be taken into account that Endler's fish grows up to 3.8 cm in length, so it cannot be housed with larger species. Place them in groups of 6-8 or more at a time, create shelters for them, otherwise they will be eaten. Poecilia reticulata will ignore them, but under proper conditions.

Watch lalius, neon, catfish and guppies in a community aquarium.

General rules for compatibility with guppies in a home aquarium

When choosing fish for a community with guppies in an aquarium, you need to know a few general rules that you should follow:

    1. Only fish with similar temperament and behavior can be kept in the tank. Male guppies usually have long and bushy fins, so those neighbors who can pluck them should not live with them. Guppy are not compatible with aggressive, fast species, otherwise stress and physical exhaustion of the victims cannot be avoided.
    2. Diet and Water Requirements – Make sure to select fish that prefer the same food and water conditions as the guppies. Check the pH level, hardness, and temperature of the aquatic environment.

  1. It is best to keep all fish in a spacious tank with adequate swimming and hiding space. One fish should require an average of 50 liters of water.
  2. Proportionality of fish - Poecilia reticulata are considered small fish, so it is advisable to keep them with the same neighbors. Large “comrades” will be seduced by the size of defenseless guppies and may eat them or take food from them.
  3. Small bottom-dwelling fish species can be kept with viviparous Guppy, which rarely swim to the bottom.

Compatibility of guppies with other fish

If you are not satisfied with an aquarium that is inhabited only by guppies, you can try adding other small fish that are not predators to them. Neons, some types of catfish ( speckled catfish, sticky catfish), gours, loaches, tetras, small species of characin fish, various types Corydoras can get along well with their neighbors. But it is possible that one representative of these fish will show aggression towards small roommates.

Compatibility of angelfish and guppies. Some inexperienced aquarists are confident that the existence of these two fish in the same body of water will not lead to anything bad. They are convinced that peaceful and shy angelfish will become excellent neighbors for little pets. But this is only true if the guppies’ neighbors are still fry.

Compatibility of guppies and swordtails. These fish are not always ideal neighbors. They get used to some owners, and to others they are enemies. After all, there are cases when swordtails bite their neighbors and also eat their cubs. It is advisable that the aquarium has a lot of plant thickets, they will help the fish hide.

Compatibility of Barbs and Guppies. It is not recommended to plant fish in community aquarium. After all, the brightly colored tail fins of the latter will become a target for the bites of the former. Therefore, you should pay attention to less aggressive fish than barbs.

Compatibility of guppies and goldfish. These two species cannot be planted in the same aquarium. This could even endanger the life of a small, harmless guppy. Therefore, it is better to find her another candidate for a good cohabitation.

Guppies are exactly the fish that novice aquarists should first pay attention to. They are quite unpretentious in terms of keeping conditions, so they are particularly survivable. These adorable little creatures with a large tail instantly captivate the eyes of any person with their graceful movements, as well as their extraordinary beauty. But in order for the fish to live in a calm environment and not hide from aggressive neighbors, think carefully about who they will be in the aquarium with. Or maybe it's better to leave the guppies alone.

Which fish are neon's best friends?

Neons are small freshwater fish of the Characin family. IN wildlife very active and nimble, they can quickly hide from predators, maneuvering among dense plants. Body dimensions reach 3 cm in length, life expectancy depends on water temperature: from 1.5 to 3 years. Behavioral characteristics: due to their peaceful disposition, they can get along both with each other in a school and with other species of fish. Guppy fish and neons, platies and neons, catfish and neons get along well in the same aquarium. This compatibility is beneficial for beginning aquarists, since these types of fish will definitely not harm each other.

What else needs to be considered for compatibility? Neon males are brighter in color than females; the contrast of scales depends on the species. But they have one thing in common - a horizontal strip runs through the body, which sparkles with a “neon” flicker even in the dark. This feature can be attractive to predatory fish and those who do not welcome more beautiful neighbors near them. So place a school of neons of 5-7 fish or more in a spacious tank with shelters, so that in case of unforeseen attacks, they can hide in time.

Rules for settling in a community aquarium

Who Neons Can and Can't Get Along With

Unpretentious gouramis are excellent neighbors


Are they compatible with each other?

On compatibility with representatives of other species

Compatibility Criteria

To understand whether compatibility between species is possible, you need to familiarize yourself with the criteria for complete, partial compatibility and incompatibility. With complete compatibility, you can calmly observe the life of the fish; with partial compatibility, there are threats of competition; if there is no compatibility as such, the fish do not need to be placed in the same aquarium at all.

Pairs of gourami and fish, compatibility:

  • Angelfish and gouramis: fully compatible
  • Barbs: partially compatible
  • Bettas: not compatible
  • African Cichlids: Incompatible
  • South American Cichlids: Incompatible
  • Corridors: fully compatible
  • Danio: fully compatible
  • Discus: Partially compatible
  • Loaches: partially compatible
  • Goldfish: incompatible
  • Gourami: partially
  • Guppy: partially
  • Koi carp: incompatible
  • Boots: completely
  • Mollies: completely
  • Astronotuses: incompatible
  • Pecilia: completely
  • Plecostomus: completely
  • Rainbows: completely
  • Rasbory: completely
  • Labeo: completely
  • Swordtails: completely
  • Tetras: completely
  • Acne: partially
  • Piranhas: incompatible
  • Shrimp: not compatible
  • Floating aquarium plants: fully

See also: How to care for chocolate gouramis?

Who do betta fish get along with in a community aquarium?

Rules for keeping Betta splendens in a common tank

Description of compatibility with certain fish species

Cockerels and guppies - it is believed that guppies and bettas live in water with different parameters, therefore they are only conditionally compatible. There have been examples of successful compatibility, but it’s not always worth the risk. Bettas can chase guppies throughout the aquarium until their fins are torn off. Guppies can live at temperatures of 18-28 degrees, although 22-25 degrees is a more tolerable temperature for them. The diet of both fish is the same, so some breeders did not have any difficulties in keeping them.

Angelfish and bettas - compatibility is not bad, provided there is a spacious tank. These fish practically ignore each other, without attracting attention to themselves. The cockerels would rather fight among themselves than bother the angelfish. However, during spawning, angelfish become more aggressive and can drive all their neighbors, including labyrinths. Provide plenty of cover and plants in the nursery to keep everyone safe.

Gourami - all species are close relatives of cockerels, so compatibility can be excellent. Gourami are curious creatures, tenacious and active, they also feed and breathe through gills and atmospheric oxygen. The cockerels do not bother them, sometimes the opposite happens. Place them together in a tank of at least 70 cubic liters. All Macropods have the same enemies: they are large and predatory fish, with whom it is not worth settling them.

Look at the cockerels in company with the gouramis.

Mollies and bettas can live in an aquarium because they tolerate the same water parameters. But one fact is that mollies prefer slightly brackish water, but bettas do not. Temperatures of 24-27 degrees are optimal for keeping. At low temperatures, both fish begin to get sick. Mollies are viviparous fish that must breed in a separate spawning tank so that no one destroys their fry.

Botsia are aggressive hydrobionts alone, so they can only be added to males in a flock of 4-7 fish. In the aquarium, bots are small, reaching only 8 cm in length. Peaceful, they can be kept with similar neighbors, provided there is space and shelter. Cockerels practically do not conflict with them.

Corydoras are suitable as neighbors for many fish. They have a calm disposition, interesting body color, and bring a lot of benefits. If the cockerel does not finish the food, the corridor will pick it up. Catfish swim at the bottom of the aquarium, bettas only sleep at the bottom. Compatibility between them has been proven; cockerels rarely bother Corydoras. Corridors, like labyrinths, can use atmospheric air for breathing. Such a pet can survive under critical conditions. Catfish do not tolerate salt and organic matter well, just like bettas. The water in a community aquarium should be changed once a week.

Choosing aquarium neighbors for angelfish

Compatibility table: angelfish and other species

What species do these pets live peacefully with? To avoid mistakes in stocking, you should consider their compatibility with other fish. As a rule, they get along well with many peaceful species, but there are exceptions to the rule.

Look at a community aquarium with angelfish.

Barbs are small fish that strive to pinch the beautiful fins of any neighbors, be they angelfish or other beauties. Sometimes they live peacefully, but Sumatran barbs, cherry barbs, and tiger barbs can constantly harass the beautiful angel cichlids. They demonstrate their superiority and play “catch up” or “hide and seek”, which leads to stress. It is impossible to do without shelters or relocation. Although barbs are cute creatures, they are too annoying. In addition to them, even gouramis, guppies or labeos can become very loose.

Cichlids from Africa and South America - although they are closely related to angelfish, they can exhibit territorial aggression and predatory behavior. Cichlids are solitary fish, or “family men”; not many breeders manage to keep them in peace and harmony with other aquatic inhabitants. Angelfish are uncomfortable with them, so settlement is possible only with individual compatibility, which is checked at a young age.

Cockerels are good neighbors for medium-sized cichlids. They can live on their own. Male bettas are more likely to conflict with each other than with other fish. One caveat - during spawning, the female and male angelfish are aggressive towards the cockerels; if there is nowhere to move them all, organize additional shelters in the tank.

Corydoras catfish live with almost everyone without conflicts or claims, and scalars are no exception. Catfish live in the lower layers of water, angelfish - in the middle layers. They can ignore each other without interfering with their lives and food.

Danio – if the fish grew together, it’s very good. If zebrafish are introduced to them as new neighbors, they will be mistaken for food. It won’t be possible to eat everyone, they will give them unpleasant endurance tests, proving their superiority. Danios swim in the upper layers of water, and angelfish are good at reaching them. You can install a lot of thickets, shelters, a spacious tank so that everyone can hide. For small fish, constant stress is extremely harmful, so take a closer look at how the cichlids react.

Goldfish - you can keep such luxurious fish with comparable Karpovs. And with scalars the content is unlikely to be successful. Goldfish live in cool water, and cichlids live in warm water. In addition, goldfish and angelfish are incompatible in character - a more active cichlid will tear off the fins of such a neighbor. And another important factor is that goldfish quickly pollute the water, while cichlids love cleanliness.

Guppies are small ornamental fish. They get used to angelfish from a young age. But as cichlids mature, they can harm guppies. In adults, predatory instincts awaken, which is extremely unpleasant for the guppy - it is small, bright and beautiful. If the question arises - where did the guppies go? The answer is obvious - they were eaten by angelfish.

Look at the confrontation between gourami and angelfish.

Mollies are viviparous, colorful fish. Keeping cichlids of this species will be successful if they grow up together. Sometimes mollies nibble on the fins of angelfish. Over time, they get used to each other, but in case of prolonged conflicts it is better to keep them separately.

Ternetias are small omnivorous fish. Naturally, angelfish will be perceived ambiguously, or rather, as food. According to their living conditions, they are suitable for each other and eat almost the same food. But thorns can suffer physically from the harassment of cichlids. Compatibility can be called relative, because there certainly were cases when thorns and scalars got along together. However, thorns are small hydrobionts; large neighbors are dangerous for them.

Discus fish - these aquarium fish can become good companions for cichlids. Angelfish and discus have similar housing conditions and diets. Even their body shape is slightly identical - both discus and angelfish have difficulty collecting food from the bottom due to their disc-shaped symmetry. Therefore, both of them will be able to eat from a special feeder. The differences between them - discus are schooling fish, they feel comfortable in a school of 5-6 individuals, and angelfish swim in pairs and love wide space. Availability large tank For both types it will be a big plus.

Compatibility with shellfish and crustaceans

Gourami - compatibility with other fish

Compatibility of aquarium gourami fish within a species

Naturally, fish of the same species will get along better with each other than with representatives of another species. However, with gourami things are not so simple. They have very strong competition between males for the attention of females. This fight can be very dangerous, no better than an attack by aggressive fish of another species. Based on this, no less than two or three females per male should be introduced into the aquarium. In this case, everyone will remain safe and happy.

The peculiarity of gourami is its thin and long fins, which attract the attention of aggressive fish.

Compatibility of gourami with other fish

These fish are quite small, so they need to be wary of large predators. However, not only them: some small fish also, for some reason, do not like gourami and are not averse to roughing them up. Thus, we cannot talk about the compatibility of gouramis and cichlids, cockerels, parrots, astronotuses, and goldfish.

It is also difficult for them to get along with shrimp, discus, and we are not talking about the compatibility of gouramis and guppies. There are no such extremes in confrontation with these fish, but the atmosphere in the aquarium will clearly be turbulent.

However, there are many other fish with which gourami have excellent compatibility in the limited space of the aquarium. We can talk about the compatibility of gouramis and neons, as well as zebrafish, bots, barbs, swordtails, tetras, catfish, and minors. Good compatibility between angelfish and gourami. In general, gourami is very peace-loving fish, they will never chase fry and rarely come into conflict with representatives of another species. They only feed on gourami small food. Female gourami feel most comfortable in the vegetation of the aquarium and only occasionally float up to get air bubbles. Males can be aggressive, but only within the species and because of the female. The main disadvantage of these fish is that they are very poor at defending themselves, which is why they so often become victims of predators.

Gourami are great for home aquariums: they are beautiful, unpretentious and peaceful. But if the owner wants to save the lives of these beauties, he needs to take care of good neighbors for them in advance.

Angelfish: compatibility with other fish

Angelfish (Latin for “angel fish”) attracts with its grace and unusual shape. These pets are loved by many aquarists for their unique graceful appearance, original colors, and gentle, peaceful disposition. They are considered the most popular aquarium fish family cichlids. We will consider further what varieties of these inhabitants of domestic reservoirs are most famous, what are the conditions of their maintenance, and with whom these representatives of cichlids feel comfortable in the neighborhood.

What kind of scalars are they?

These representatives of the underwater fauna come from South America, where their favorite habitats are the slowly flowing or completely stagnant waters of local reservoirs, densely overgrown with reeds.

The flat, as if laterally flattened, body shape of the angelfish allows it to easily move between the vertically growing stems of aquatic flora. They are comfortable here: they can easily hide from their predatory counterparts and spawn in silence. They usually live in small flocks of 20 or a little more individuals.

The body shape of the angelfish, unusual for fish, resembling a crescent, was formed by extending the dorsal and anal fins, while the fins on the abdomen were transformed into threads that palpated and recognized surrounding objects.

The natural habitat has shaped the color of the angelfish: the light silver background of the fish’s body is crossed by vertical stripes of dark color, constantly changing saturation depending on the degree of illumination. These transverse stripes are nothing more than the protective coloring of the fish, making them invisible in the reeds. Only the eyes are sharply accentuated by bright red spots.

These aquarium pets are characterized by:

  • graceful manner of movement;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • ability to coexist with non-aggressive fish species;
  • reverent care for one's offspring.

Varieties of exotic fish

We create the right conditions of detention

Who could be the angelfish's neighbor?

It is impossible to say that the angelfish fully corresponds to its translated name of the angelfish: it, like many cichlids, is guided by the instincts of a predator.

An attempt to add this fish to some other aquarium inhabitants does not always end successfully. Simply put, for example, angelfish will easily eat every little thing, and there are some restrictions for adult representatives of other breeds.

Large breeds of aggressor fish themselves will begin to attack the angelfish. You can try to add fish to them that can quickly hide, for which our cichlid representatives will be dangerous only at night.

Based on the above, these angelic pets are compatible with:

  • catfish;
  • pseudotropheus;
  • zebrafish, which will need to be able to dodge and hide quickly;
  • Pecilia on a partnership basis;
  • labeo and tetras, if grown together.

In a word, everything about the compatibility of different fish breeds is relative. Angelfish from the Cichlid breed. A priori, this means that she is a predator for which any small fish is food. And any larger fish with the same predatory tendencies will not miss the opportunity to fray the delicate fins and antennae of the angelfish. It probably makes sense, when buying this cichlid, to agree with the seller about the possibility of returning it to the pet store in case of such incompatibility.

Guppy - aquarium fish, known to everyone. They can be kept in the most spartan conditions. With good care, they will delight you with bright colors and fancy tail shapes.

Guppies - for beginner aquarists

Guppies - aquarium fish small size and bright, interesting colors. Any person who has ever encountered aquarium farming knows about them. All experienced fish farmers inhabited their first aquarium with guppies.

Fish have a unique survival rate. No matter how inexperienced a novice aquarist is, these fish will definitely survive. They do not require complex water systems or expensive equipment to maintain them. They will survive even in three liter jar. Flocks of these babies have been found in rivers middle zone Russia, where warm wastewater is discharged. These are the descendants of the collections of unlucky aquarium owners.

Guppies have their own unique contributions to genetics. They served as wonderful material for studying the transmission of hereditary characteristics and species changes. An attentive fish farmer can observe similar processes at home.

And in nature there are calico guppies or!

The experience of dispersing these small fish to combat malaria mosquito larvae in shallow water bodies of India, Africa and America has been successful. The nimble fish have sharply reduced the population of a carrier of a serious disease.

Origin and homeland of guppy fish

The homeland of the aquarium fish guppies is the north of the South American continent. Their flocks are common in rivers and lakes of Venezuela, Guiana, and the famous islands of Trinidad and Barbados. Quite a long time ago, Europeans transported them to the Old World to revive garden ponds and palace fountains. Fish quickly settle into warm-water reservoirs with fresh water. Since then, the appearance has changed a lot: the fish’s homeland would not recognize it now. Instead of nondescript tailed babies, we can now observe luxurious individuals of deep malachite, blue, red, marbled tails, bicolors, and also with an upper fin that flutters like an aviator scarf.

Creation of living conditions and maintenance

When breeding selected species of guppies, fish require special maintenance. For purebred specimens, an aquarium containing at least 50 liters of water is required. Here you will have to take care of the water acidity level - about 7 pH, and hardness - up to 25 dH. For ordinary, non-pedigreed fish, it is enough to simply let the water sit for about a day or simply pass it through a household appliance.

The optimal water temperature in the aquarium for fish is about 24 degrees. If the temperature is lower, up to 18 degrees, individuals are able to live longer, but they easily catch it. An increase in temperature leads to the fragmentation of individuals and a reduction in the duration life cycle. How long do guppy fish live on average? Males - from 2.5 to 3 years, larger and dull females - from 3.5 to 4 years.

It is better to pour coarse sand or small stones into the bottom of the aquarium, place several bushes unpretentious plants. This is more for external aesthetics than for the fish themselves. Among aquatic plants, such as guppy fry, they like to hide; adult specimens do well without thickets. But they willingly eat.

Guppies are quite active aquarium fish. They love to jump out of the water. Therefore, the aquarium should be closed, and the height of the side above the water level should be left seven centimeters.

Fish retain intense coloration in good light. It is better to combine artificial lighting using fluorescent lamps and sunlight during daylight hours. Thoroughbred specimens require the installation of good filtration devices and.

What to feed

If an aquarium is started for a child, parents should explain to him in detail how to care for it. An important point is the rules for feeding fish. Overfeeding will cause feed to settle to the bottom. This causes water to spoil faster. It is already recommended to replace it by a third every week, and completely change it every four months. Underfeeding will reduce the brightness of males. Adults should be fed once a day, preferably at a certain hour, in small portions.

So, guppy fish? Any food, experienced fish farmers will say.

However, fish love live food and grow well from it. Therefore, it is worth giving them bloodworms, rotifers, daphnia, and mosquito larvae. The addition of modern store-bought food containing vitamins helps maintain the brightness of the color.

Without much damage, fish can starve for two weeks. Once a week it is recommended to give them a fasting day.

Fish reproduction

Guppies, whose reproduction occurs practically without the creation of special conditions, are viviparous species. Males and females acquire the ability to reproduce from about four months of age.

The approach of childbirth can be determined by the shape of the female’s abdomen: it takes on a peculiar angular shape. It is better to place the female in a separate container. When the fry are born, they are returned to the general aquarium. The fish are quite capable of eating their own fry. Therefore, babies should be kept separately for some time until they are old enough.


There are specific diseases of guppy fish.

Males may have a split or broken tail. It spoils them appearance. The reasons for this problem may be inbreeding, incorrect or inadequate feeding, rarely replaced water, or insufficient enrichment of water with oxygen. Individuals with defects should be placed in a separate aquarium, the conditions of detention should be monitored and the feeding regime should be changed.

Another disease is fin compression. It is caused by changing conditions in the aquarium - fluctuations in temperature or water composition, poor quality feeding. To treat males, a solution of sea or table salt is introduced into the water.