DIY broiler room. How to make a broiler cage with your own hands? Drawings, photos and descriptions of work stages. Materials for a warm room in the country

Raising meat-type chickens requires creating conditions for the birds under which the production yield will be maximum. A feature of broilers is intensive fattening and rapid weight gain. Therefore, a chicken coop for broilers should be maximally adapted for mass fattening of chickens up to 3–4 months.

Differences in chicken coops for broilers and layers

Broiler chickens gain maximum weight by 3–4 months, after which they are slaughtered.

Therefore, the main features of a chicken coop for broilers are as follows:

  • availability of natural and artificial lighting;
  • absence of drafts;
  • does not require heating (when raising poultry from spring to autumn);
  • mandatory ventilation;
  • does not need nests;
  • You may need space for cages;
  • when growing in cells - the presence of a feeder and drinker in each cell;
  • for outdoor cultivation - the presence of an enclosure for walking.

The chicken coop for egg-bearing birds is additionally equipped with nests, and its dimensions take into account the maintenance of small batches of chickens and adult birds.

Where to build on the site

Requirements for the location of the chicken coop on the site:

  1. On the north side, the poultry house should be protected from the wind by trees or another building. Accordingly, there should be free space on the south side.
  2. If the landscape is uneven, then the chicken coop is installed on a hill. In the lowlands there is increased dampness, including from groundwater, so the house will also be damp, and this is harmful for broilers.

Did you know?The ancestors of modern chickens are the Bankev chickens, which live in India. Their natural weight does not exceed 1 kg. Meat breeds bred by humans do not have the same resistance to disease as their wild ancestors, and therefore require mandatory prevention of infectious and other diseases.

Drawing up a project and calculating dimensions

First of all, you need to decide on the method of raising broilers:

  • floor;
  • cellular.

With a floor option for 1 sq. m place 3–4 broilers. When placing cages, the cages are installed in several tiers, and then in 1 section there can be from 10 to 30 heads. The minimum number of chickens in a cage is 10.
After determining the growing method, it is necessary to measure the site for construction and find out the maximum possible size of the future poultry house.

General requirements for the premises:

  1. The roof of the poultry house should be gable. Snow does not accumulate on it, and it warms up faster from the sun.
  2. The window must occupy at least 10% of the total area walls to provide sufficient natural light.
  3. The insulation used to cover the walls must be moisture resistant, maintain the indoor air temperature well, and be resistant to rodents and pests.
  4. When rearing in a poultry house year-round, it is advisable to equip a vestibule to limit the exposure of the flock to cold air.
  5. If broilers are raised using the floor method, you will need to equip an enclosure. It may be completed later.

Calculation of room sizes:

  1. The standard cage height is 50 cm. When placing cages in 3 tiers, taking into account the minimum height from the floor of at least 60 cm, the minimum height of the poultry house is 2.1–2.5 m.
  2. The width of the chicken coop for broilers is at least 2.5 m, taking into account the width of the cages.
  3. The minimum vestibule size is 1.5×1.5×2.1.

If you equip a walking enclosure, then its dimensions are taken into account at the rate of: 4 broilers per 1 sq. m.

How to build a chicken coop for broilers with your own hands

The construction of a chicken coop will consist of:

  • site preparation;
  • foundation markings;
  • performing the foundation;
  • installing a chicken coop frame;
  • construction of buildings (floor, walls, roof);
  • insulation;
  • installation of lighting, ventilation, water supply systems;
  • installation of internal equipment of the poultry house (cages or perches, feeders, drinkers).

Did you know?One of the largest meat breeds- gate. Average weight of a rooster of this breed- 7 kg. But there are also individuals of 10–12 kg.

Required materials

The poultry house can be built from wood materials, stone or brick. Each material has both advantages and disadvantages.
I would like to note the advantages of structures made from wood materials:

  • they are much cheaper than brick buildings;
  • they are easier to install and dismantle.

Regardless of the material chosen, the house still needs to be insulated to create a comfortable microclimate for growing chickens. For construction you will need a variety of materials.

For the foundation:

  • sand and gravel for the pillow;
  • pipes and fittings for columnar foundations;
  • concrete.

For the chicken coop:

  • beam;
  • wood boards for cladding;
  • boards, slats;
  • insulation;
  • bitumen mastic.

Tools for work

Working tools:

  • shovels and for transporting materials during foundation construction;
  • hammer;
  • roulette;
  • construction cord, pegs for marking the foundation, brackets for fastening.

Step by step instructions

Before you start, prepare the tools for work, materials and check the dimensions on the drawing again. Preparatory work During construction, they include clearing space for a chicken coop. The site is marked with pegs and construction cord in accordance with the construction plan.

Did you know?Broilers- These are birds obtained by crossing several breed lines. Initially these were the Cornish (paternal line) and Plymouth Rock (maternal line) breeds.

A layer of soil under the foundation is removed - about 20 cm. The removed soil can be used to create flower beds or be used to fill the beds on the site.

Pouring the foundation and laying the floor

  1. Preparation of the foundation consists of making holes for the foundation pipes, installing these pipes and creating a cushion of gravel and sand in the pit between the installed pipes. The thickness of the gravel cushion is 20 cm. Columnar foundation- these are pipes into which fastening fittings are inserted under the posts of the chicken coop. The inside of the pipes is filled with concrete. When the concrete hardens, a timber frame for the floor is secured to the reinforcement.
  2. The grounding depth of the pipes is 1 m. The distance between them is at least 0.75 m. The pipe must rise above the level of the gravel-sand cushion by 0.2 m, and the reinforcement for fastening the wall posts must be at least 0.25 m.
  3. To put the timber harness on the reinforcement, groove holes are drilled in it.
  4. Waterproofing is laid on concrete pillars. It can be roofing felt in 2-3 layers.
  5. The timber is fastened with self-tapping screws.

Construction and insulation of walls

Roof construction

The roof is made from durum varieties wood There are 2 options: with and without a small attic. The attic improves air exchange and helps extend the life of wooden elements. For a roof with an attic, the roof deck is made of boards or slabs. Then the ceiling beams are installed and the covering is completed.

For a roof without an attic:

  • the main frame is mounted on support pillars;
  • covered with boards and insulation, just like the walls.

The finished roof can be covered with slate or metal tiles. When installing the roof, you also need to install ventilation pipes. The height of the pipes is 2 m, the diameter is at least 20 cm.

Setting up a chicken coop

Internal arrangement begins with the installation of a lighting and heating system for the nursery of small chickens (brooder). For winter breeding of broilers, a heating system is installed.

The walls are treated with lime, and wooden surfaces painted over. The window is covered with mesh. Ventilation ducts or vents should be equipped with a mosquito net, since insects are the most active carriers of pathogens.

If the birds will be kept in cages, then first form and install the racks, and then the cages. They are equipped with internal or external feeders. Install an automated water supply system. If the birds are kept without cages, then install perches, drinkers, feeders, and also equip a tray for ash baths.

Important!Plastic and materials that are not resistant to moisture should not be used for lining poultry houses. By accumulating dampness, such material will serve as a basis for the development of mold and other fungi.

A manger for chickens (brooder) with air heating to +35 °C is installed separately. The air temperature in the rest of the chicken coop should not fall below +12 °C. If the temperature is too low, the broiler will spend the energy received from the feed on maintaining body temperature rather than on growth.

Video: practical advice for arranging a chicken coop

Cage installation

When keeping poultry in cages, it is necessary to create racks for cage sections. Cages can be ready-made, purchased, or made from mesh. The cages are placed on metal or wooden racks in several tiers.

The minimum height of the cage is 50 cm. Increasing the height will provide the birds with a large volume of fresh air, which is important for the prevention of diseases.

Feeders and drinkers

It would be optimal to place feeders on the outside of the cages on special mounts. Feeders are made from polypropylene pipes or other material. The size of the mesh cells near the feeder should be 14x14 cm - this will provide broilers with more comfortable access to food.

Important!Nipple drinkers for day-old chicks are equipped with a 3600 nipple, which can move in any direction, and for older ones - with a 1800 nipple.

An automated system with drinkers is installed on the inside of the cage. Instead, you can equip vacuum drinkers, but they will need to be installed in each cage.
Number of nipple drinkers - 1 pc. per cage of 10 broilers. The pressure throughout the water supply line must be the same.


Litter is a natural insulator that keeps the chick comfortable.

May consist of:

  • straw;
  • sawdust;
  • husks;
  • peat

Requirements for bedding are good moisture absorption, low risk of injury. The litter provides natural occupation for the bird and the implementation of natural reflexes - loosening and digging the soil. The thickness of the litter is at least 20 cm.

What else should you take care of?

To obtain the most productive indicators, it is necessary to observe the temperature, humidity and air exchange regimes in the room. To do this, artificial lighting, a ventilation system and a heating system are installed in the chicken coop.


The lamps should illuminate the poultry house evenly. According to sanitary standards, per 1 sq. m area should account for 4 W of light. You can install regular lamps, LED or energy-saving ones. Whatever lamps you install, the important indicator will be the duration of illumination, not the type of lamps.


Power ventilation system- 6 cu. m per 1 kg of live weight. Ventilation can be done in the form of supply and exhaust pipes or using a fan.

Lack of oxygen can cause malfunctions cardiovascular system chickens and lead to a decrease in the productive qualities of broilers. Air currents should not occur at the level where the chicks are housed - this can cause colds.

Video: ventilation in the chicken coop Anyone can build a chicken coop for broilers with their own hands. The selection of materials for construction depends on your preferences, while the quality building material found in a fairly wide price range.

Did you know? According to research by Aviagen and Cobb, lighting color does not have any significant effect on weight gain in broilers.

Comfortable conditions for broilers will ensure high productivity of your livestock.

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For breeding broilers recommended to use cages and enclosures . Let's look at how to make them yourself, as well as what materials and tools are used for this.

Literally translated from English language The word "broiler" means "to fry." The fact is that this term refers to chickens up to eight weeks old, whose average weight is 1.3 kg. Only young chickens of meat breeds have the highest growth rate. But to achieve such a high rate, broilers must be bred correctly. In addition to the correct balanced nutrition For rapid growth, natural maintenance of the bird is necessary. Let's consider Toak Can make cages for broiler chickens with your own hands , and what equipment, lighting and placement should be used in such cages.

Requirements for cages for raising broilers

Exists two main approaches to raising broilers – keeping them in a cage or on the floor. For quick weight gain and easy care of the bird, it is recommended to keep broilers in cages.

Such cages, first of all, must be easy to maintain. Depending on the number of broilers, you need to purchase or make a cage of a suitable size yourself. The cage size is calculated based on one square meter per 10 individuals.

Broiler Cage Lighting

Until the 20th day, chicks should be constantly under lighting. Then you should turn off the lights every day, first for half an hour, then for an hour, until the daylight hours for the chickens reach 16 hours. Broilers should remain in this mode until slaughter.

At the same time, the light intensity should also gradually decrease. For the first 10 days of the chicks’ life, it should be 4 W per square meter, before the 20th day - 2 W, and after the 20th you can reduce the rate to 1 W.

When raising broilers in a cage, lighting is necessary

Placing cages for broilers

Broiler cages should be placed exclusively in a warm and dry room, without drafts or dampness. If necessary, a specific temperature regime maintained using various heat sources, for example, heating pads or electric lamps. In summer, adults can be kept outdoors, but the cages must be under cover. In bad weather, they should be removed to a warm and dry place. Therefore, for ease of transportation, wheels can be attached to the cages.

Cage Maintenance

It is recommended to keep broiler chickens until 30 days of age. in cages on mesh shelves that should be attached to the top guide rail. Chicks up to 20 days of age should be kept in the upper cages, where a higher temperature is maintained. To ensure heating the cage additionally electric lamps are installed. Until 10 days of age, broilers should be re-lined with paper on the shelves daily, and droppings should be removed from the tray at least once a day. To keep the cage area clean and fresh, cleaning can be done more frequently.

Standard sizes of cages for broiler chickens

At production of cages for broiler chickens It should be taken into account that for 10 heads there must be at least a meter of square meter of cage area.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of materials. The fact is that a fairly large weight will be placed in a small area, so the structure needs to be further strengthened. The floor covering must be at least 2 cm thick. Additional diagonal reinforcement is also required.

Among the most common types of cells are:

  • for 10 heads – KK-10;
  • for 20 heads – KK-20;
  • for 30 heads – KK-30.

DIY cage battery for broilers

For convenience of keeping meat breeds chickens used cell battery . With proper skill and availability necessary materials and tools you can make it yourself. Let's look at what a cell battery is, what tools and materials are needed, and how to make one yourself.

What's happened chicken cage battery

Many veterinarians claim that safe and complete breeding of meat poultry is only possible in cages. However, it has been proven that cell battery use also allows for veterinary safety. This design was invented by Russian craftsmen. Its manufacture requires metal plates, plywood, slats and screws. Cell battery includes six cells. Each cage holds eight chickens. This design can only be used for keeping broilers.

Cell battery - invention of Russian craftsmen

Broiler cage drawings

Drawings and photos of cells will help you make your own cell battery for keeping broilers. The photo shows a cage that is suitable for raising both small chickens and adult birds until slaughter.

Cell battery drawing

Tools and materials

For the production of broiler cages no expensive materials required. And for the job you will need tools that are available in the arsenal of every homeowner.

Materials for making broiler cages :

  • metal mesh;
  • plywood sheets;
  • wooden slats;
  • metal sheets;
  • screws;
  • metal reinforcing plates.

Instructions on how to make a cell battery

First of all, they are produced cell battery supports . For this, 6 racks are used, 16.5 cm long. The cross-sectional size of the racks should be 70x20 mm. It is also necessary to use slats 1.4 meters long, three of which have a cross-section of 100x20 mm, and two - 50x20 mm.

As a cage cover, you can use a sheet of plywood, the length of which is 70 cm and the width is 140. Plywood sheets are also used to make the side walls of the battery.

Required element cell battery are special trays used to collect poultry droppings. For manufacturing, you can use both plywood and metal sheets. The trays should have sides, about 2 cm high, so that bird droppings remain inside. Plywood pallets are easier to make and easier to replace. However, metal ones are easier to clean and more durable.

The rest of the cage should be made of mesh large enough to allow the chickens to stick their heads out to drink and eat. Pallets and drinkers should rest on rack guides, the cross-section of which is 20x20 mm. Therefore, you will need 66 cm slats in the amount of 54 pieces.

If desired, you can additionally equip cell battery for broilers with wheels. This will allow you to take them out into the fresh air in the summer, and also easily move the cages if necessary.

Pallets and drinking bowls can be purchased ready-made, or you can make them yourself. To make drinking bowls, you can use tin sheets. And to secure the feeders and drinkers, brackets should be used.

This option for making a battery from cells is the simplest option for raising broilers at home.

How to make an aviary cage for broiler chickens

An aviary cage is a structure for keeping broiler chickens. In such a cage, the chickens are kept on a mesh floor. This design can have one or several tiers. Three or more tiers save space and make bird care as simple and convenient as possible.

Single-tier cage-aviary

Drawings and dimensions of the enclosurefor broiler chickens

Broiler aviary is a large cage, the size of which is 2 by 1.25 meters. In this case, the bird drinkers are located along the edges, and there is a tray under the cage. In such an enclosure you can accommodate up to 10 large individuals and several times more chickens.

Materials and tools

Making an aviary cage for broiler chickens not much more complicated than ordinary cells. Simple tools that every summer resident or village resident has in their household, as well as materials that are easy to find on sale, will be useful for the work.

Basic materials for making an aviary cage :

  • large metal mesh;
  • large sheets of plywood;
  • reinforcing plates;
  • metal slats;
  • sheets of metal;
  • metal pipes or plates for legs;
  • screws.

Step-by-step instructions for making an aviary cage for chickens

First we make the frame. To make it you will need metal sheets. If the aviary is on legs for easy care of the bird, then they should be made of metal pipe or plates. Metal slats are used to connect all structural elements.

The side walls of the aviary are made of metal mesh with holes large enough so that the birds can reach the feeders and drinkers. Don't forget to provide litter trays. They can be purchased, or you can make them yourself from metal sheets. It is important that the trays have high enough sides to allow droppings to remain in them. Place a sheet of plywood on top. Make drinking bowls and feeders from metal sheets.

Cage equipment for broiler chickens

Not enough build high quality and convenient broiler cage . To breed poultry, you should also purchase or make additional equipment for the cage yourself. Let's look at how to make feeders, drinkers and other equipment to make the cage easy to maintain and comfortable for the birds.

  1. Reservoir for drinking. You can even make it from empty plastic bottle. There should be a nipple at the end of the bottle to make it easy and convenient for the bird to drink. A nipple-type drinker can also be connected to a water supply or to a sufficiently large container. For a cage with a large number of birds, the volume of the water tank should be at least 5 liters. In this case, you should check the availability of water daily, change the water if possible and wash the tank.
  2. Feeder. When installing and choosing a feeder, preference should be given to those that can be positioned so that only a small part of the feeder is inside the cage, and the rest of the feeder is outside. This will make it easy to fill the feeder and also clean it if necessary. For example, you can make feeders from PVC pipes, sawing it lengthwise. Place it behind the cage and secure it carefully. This way, the chickens will be able to stick their heads in to eat without throwing food around.
  3. Pallet. A tray should be placed under the cage to collect droppings, feathers and other debris. It can be purchased separately, based on the size of the cage, or you can make it yourself. For its manufacture, metal sheets or plywood are most often used. You can also assemble a pallet from timber. To do this, a frame is made with the same perimeter as the cage, a sheet of plywood or fiberboard is laid on top and nailed. All that remains is to cover the inside with linoleum or other material that is easy to clean.
  4. Lighting. When raising broilers in cages, it is very important to organize proper lighting. Accommodation lighting fixtures in the passages of the cage is not the most effective option, because additional equipment will create shadows and the light will be distributed unevenly. Therefore it is recommended to use LED lighting. For example, led lamp, which is 2 meters long, provides enough illumination for a three-meter cage. In this case, the light is distributed evenly across the entire width of the cell. Such lamps can be purchased, or you can make them yourself.

Manufacturing cages for broiler breeding will make keeping chickens as convenient as possible. In addition to making cages or enclosures, you will need to purchase or make your own drinking bowls, feeders, lighting fixtures and trays.

In the first day of their short life, chickens that have barely hatched from eggs are often very weak and susceptible to environmental influences. Therefore, to preserve them, it is necessary to create a constant comfortable temperature regime. To solve this problem, you need to make a special structure that will combine these properties. How to make a box for chickens with your own hands that meets all the requirements - this will be discussed in this article.

Box Features

First, we need to decide what size we will make such a house with our own hands, which is also called a brooder. Its volume will depend on the number of young animals that we are going to place. If, for example, 50 chickens are expected to arrive, then the area of ​​the chicken house cannot be less than 0.5 square meters. Its optimal dimensions will be 1000 millimeters in length and five hundred in width. A sufficient height of the structure will be 500-600 millimeters.

To make a chicken house, you can use various warm materials and insulation. And a given constant air temperature inside the structure can be maintained using an ordinary medium-power electric light bulb, which is fixed on top of the chicks.

Materials for building a brooder for chicken chicks with your own hands can be thick cardboard with its subsequent insulation. Ordinary plywood with a thickness of no more than four millimeters is also suitable, wooden blocks with a thickness and width of 20 millimeters, as well as plastic. The structure can be made from almost any flat material, the only important thing is that it is warm. For example, it can be assembled from sheets of fiberboard or chipboard, nailing the material onto small wooden blocks.

Making a box

We will do the best for you simple design for newborn chicken chicks made of plywood and wooden blocks. We will fasten all the structural parts with wood screws and small nails. And to preserve heat inside the brooder, we insulate it with felt.

Tools and materials

In order to make a box with our own hands, we will need some tools and materials, namely:

  1. hammer;
  2. wood hacksaw;
  3. plywood sheets;
  4. blocks 2 by 2 centimeters thick;
  5. small nails;
  6. wood screws measuring 1.6 centimeters;
  7. felt;
  8. electrical wires;
  9. 100 watt light bulb;
  10. door hinges;
  11. universal glue;
  12. flat metal mesh measuring 50 by 100 centimeters.

Step by step instructions

  1. We cut bars of a given length, which will later become the frame of our structure. We will need four bars one meter long and the same number of bars 0.5 meters long.
  2. Then, again with a hacksaw, we cut the plywood and make from it three sheets measuring 50 by 100 centimeters and two sheets for the end parts of the box measuring 50 by 50 centimeters.
  3. We assemble a frame from the prepared bars, screwing them with self-tapping screws, and using small nails we nail plywood sheets to the frame bars.
  4. We fix on top, using door hinges, a folding flat metal mesh, enclosed around the perimeter in a frame of bars.
  5. At the top of the chicken house we fix an incandescent lamp.
  6. We glue felt on all the outer sides of the structure and its bottom for insulation.

That's all, the house for housing 50 newborn chicks is ready. We made it with our own hands.

All that remains is to install this structure on a warm bedding, turn on the incandescent lamp, cover the top with an old blanket, heat the air inside to a given temperature, pour some sawdust on its bottom or cover it with cloth, and then load newborn chickens into it.

Photo gallery

Video “Do-it-yourself brooder for chicks”

In this video, a man talks and shows in practice how he made a wooden box (brooder) for newborn chicks in a short time. I recommend that you watch the plot of this video and get answers to all your questions.

Literally translated from English, the word “broiler” means “to fry.” The fact is that this term refers to chickens up to eight weeks old, whose average weight is 1.3 kg. Only young chickens of meat breeds have the highest growth rate. But to achieve such a high rate, broilers must be bred correctly.

In addition to proper balanced nutrition, rapid growth requires natural maintenance of the bird. Let's look at how you can make broiler cages with your own hands, as well as what equipment, lighting and placement should be used in such cages.

Requirements for cages for raising broilers

There are two main approaches to raising broilers - keeping them in a cage or on the floor. For quick weight gain and convenient care of the bird, it is recommended to keep broilers in cages.

Such cages, first of all, must be easy to maintain. Depending on the number of broilers, you need to purchase or make a cage of a suitable size yourself. The cage size is calculated based on one square meter per 10 individuals.


Until the 20th day, chicks should be constantly under lighting. Then you should turn off the lights every day, first for half an hour, then for an hour, until the daylight hours for the chickens reach 16 hours. Broilers should remain in this mode until slaughter.

Yulia Petrichenko, expert

At the same time, the light intensity should also gradually decrease. For the first 10 days of the chicks’ life, it should be 4 W per square meter, until the 20th day - 2 W, and after the 20th you can reduce the rate to 1 W.

Cell placement

Broiler cages should be placed exclusively in a warm and dry room, without drafts or dampness. If necessary, a certain temperature regime is maintained using various heat sources, for example, heating pads or electric lamps. In summer, adults can be kept outdoors, but the cages must be under cover. In bad weather, they should be removed to a warm and dry place. Therefore, for ease of transportation, wheels can be attached to the cages.

Cage Maintenance

It is recommended to keep broiler chickens up to 30 days of age in cages on mesh shelves, which should be attached to the top guide rail. Chicks up to 20 days of age should be kept in the upper cages, where a higher temperature is maintained. To ensure heating of the cage, additional electric lamps are installed. Until 10 days of age, broilers should be re-lined with paper on the shelves every day, and droppings should be removed from the tray at least once a day. To keep the cage area clean and fresh, cleaning can be done more frequently.

Standard sizes of cages for broiler chickens

When making cages for broiler chickens, it should be taken into account that for 10 birds there must be at least a meter of square meter of cage area.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of materials. The fact is that a fairly large weight will be placed in a small area, so the structure needs to be further strengthened. The floor covering must be at least 2 cm thick. Additional diagonal reinforcement is also required.

Among the most common types of cells are:

  • for 10 heads – KK-10;
  • for 20 heads – KK-20;
  • for 30 heads – KK-30.

DIY cage battery for broilers

For the convenience of keeping meat breeds of chickens, a cage battery is used. With the proper skill and availability of the necessary materials and tools, you can make it yourself. Let's look at what a cell battery is, what tools and materials are needed, and how to make one yourself.

What is a chicken cage battery?

Many veterinarians claim that safe and complete breeding of meat poultry is only possible in cages. However, it has been proven that the use of a cell battery can also achieve veterinary safety. This design was invented by Russian craftsmen. Its manufacture requires metal plates, plywood, slats and screws. The cell battery includes six cells. Each cage holds eight chickens. This design can only be used for keeping broilers.

Broiler cage drawings

Drawings and photos of cells will help you make your own cell battery for keeping broilers. The photo shows a cage that is suitable for raising both small chickens and adult birds until slaughter.

Tools and materials

Manufacturing broiler cages does not require expensive materials. And for the job you will need tools that are available in the arsenal of every homeowner.

Materials for making the cage:

  • metal mesh;
  • plywood sheets;
  • wooden slats;
  • metal sheets;
  • screws;
  • metal reinforcing plates.

How to make a cell battery - instructions

First of all, the cell battery supports are made. For this, 6 racks are used, 16.5 cm long. The cross-sectional size of the racks should be 70x20 mm. It is also necessary to use slats 1.4 meters long, three of which have a cross-section of 100x20 mm, and two - 50x20 mm.

As a cage cover, you can use a sheet of plywood, the length of which is 70 cm and the width is 140. Plywood sheets are also used to make the side walls of the battery.

A mandatory element of the cage battery are special trays used to collect poultry droppings. For manufacturing, you can use both plywood and metal sheets. The trays should have sides, about 2 cm high, so that bird droppings remain inside. Plywood pallets are easier to make and easier to replace. However, metal ones are easier to clean and more durable.

The rest of the cage should be made of mesh large enough to allow the chickens to stick their heads out to drink and eat. Pallets and drinkers should rest on rack guides, the cross-section of which is 20x20 mm. Therefore, you will need 66 cm slats in the amount of 54 pieces.

If desired, you can additionally equip the broiler cage battery with wheels. This will allow you to take them out into the fresh air in the summer, and also easily move the cages if necessary.

Pallets and drinking bowls can be purchased ready-made, or you can make them yourself. To make drinking bowls, you can use tin sheets. And to secure the feeders and drinkers, brackets should be used.

This option for making a battery from cells is the simplest option for raising broilers at home.

How to make an aviary cage for broiler chickens

An aviary cage is a structure for keeping broiler chickens. In such a cage, the chickens are kept on a mesh floor. This design can have one or several tiers. Three or more tiers save space and make bird care as simple and convenient as possible.

Drawings and dimensions of the enclosure

The broiler aviary is a large cage, the size of which is 2 by 1.25 meters. In this case, the bird drinkers are located along the edges, and there is a tray under the cage. In such an enclosure you can accommodate up to 10 large individuals and several times more chickens.

Materials and tools

Making an aviary cage for broiler chickens is not much more difficult than conventional cages. Simple tools that every summer resident or village resident has in their household, as well as materials that are easy to find on sale, will be useful for the work.

Basic materials for making an aviary cage:

  • large metal mesh;
  • large sheets of plywood;
  • reinforcing plates;
  • metal slats;
  • sheets of metal;
  • metal pipes or plates for legs;
  • screws.

Step-by-step instructions for making an aviary cage for chickens

First we make the frame. To make it you will need metal sheets. If the aviary is on legs for easy care of the bird, then they should be made of a metal pipe or plates. Metal slats are used to connect all structural elements.

The side walls of the aviary are made of metal mesh with holes large enough so that the birds can reach the feeders and drinkers. Don't forget to provide litter trays. They can be purchased, or you can make them yourself from metal sheets. It is important that the trays have high enough sides to allow droppings to remain in them. Place a sheet of plywood on top. Make drinking bowls and feeders from metal sheets.

Cage equipment for broiler chickens

It is not enough to build a high-quality and comfortable cage for broilers. To breed poultry, you should also purchase or make additional equipment for the cage yourself. Let's look at how to make feeders, drinkers and other equipment to make the cage easy to maintain and comfortable for the birds.

  1. Reservoir for drinking. You can even make it from an empty plastic bottle. There should be a nipple at the end of the bottle to make it easy and convenient for the bird to drink. A nipple-type drinker can also be connected to a water supply or to a sufficiently large container. For a cage with a large number of birds, the volume of the water tank should be at least 5 liters. In this case, you should check the availability of water daily, change the water if possible and wash the tank.
  2. Feeder. When installing and choosing a feeder, preference should be given to those that can be positioned so that only a small part of the feeder is inside the cage, and the rest of the feeder is outside. This will make it easy to fill the feeder and also clean it if necessary. For example, you can make feeders from PVC pipe by sawing it lengthwise. Place it behind the cage and secure it carefully. This way, the chickens will be able to stick their heads in to eat without throwing food around.
  3. Pallet. A tray should be placed under the cage to collect droppings, feathers and other debris. It can be purchased separately, based on the size of the cage, or you can make it yourself. For its manufacture, metal sheets or plywood are most often used. You can also assemble a pallet from timber. To do this, a frame is made with the same perimeter as the cage, a sheet of plywood or fiberboard is laid on top and nailed. All that remains is to cover the inside with linoleum or other material that is easy to clean.
  4. Lighting. When raising broilers in cages, it is very important to organize proper lighting. Placing lighting fixtures in the passages of the cage is not the most effective option, because additional equipment will create shadows and the light will be distributed unevenly. Therefore, it is recommended to use LED lighting. For example, an LED lamp, which is 2 meters long, provides enough illumination for a three-meter cage. In this case, the light is distributed evenly across the entire width of the cell. Such lamps can be purchased, or you can make them yourself.

Manufacturing cages for breeding broilers will make keeping chickens as convenient as possible. In addition to making cages or enclosures, you will need to purchase or make your own drinking bowls, feeders, lighting fixtures and trays.

If you have made broiler cages yourself, please share your experience in the comments. You can also offer readers your own drawings of bird cages or original ideas for the manufacture of cage equipment.