How breasts grow during pregnancy. How long after conception does the breast enlarge, how do the mammary glands change? When do changes begin and how long do they last?

The mammary glands are a sensitive organ, especially if hormonal changes occur in the body. This process is especially relevant when a woman is in an interesting position.

Most expectant mothers early stages pregnancy feels pain in the chest, and they wonder: why is this happening? Today we will talk about this phenomenon and try to find the answer to this question.

Main and a clear sign Even though fertilization has taken place, there remains a delay in menstruation. Until this is observed, it is quite difficult for a woman to determine her position, especially if the conception is unplanned, because on the first day the test is unlikely to show two stripes; at least 7 days must pass. The female body is wisely and intelligently created, and if the expectant mother is especially attentive, she will be able to notice that her mammary glands have become sensitive and pain has appeared.

Changes begin to occur within a few days after fertilization, but quite often a woman does not pay special attention to this symptom, since this condition is observed in many women before menstruation.

It is impossible to name the exact time when breasts begin to hurt and grow, because each organism is individual, but we can say with confidence that this symptom is one of the first to appear in many people. As a rule, the pain goes away at the end of the 12th week and subsequently returns again before childbirth, shortly before the baby starts feeding. For some, unpleasant sensations may persist throughout pregnancy, but up to 12 weeks they are pronounced, and after that they do not bring discomfort to the mother.

It is also believed that in first-time mothers, pain and swelling are observed later than in women who have already had a pregnancy. They feel these changes earlier.

Nature of pain

Each organism has its own individual threshold of sensitivity, therefore pain is perceived differently: some feel a slight tingling in the nipple area, while others have pain so intense that any touch to this organ causes severe discomfort.

In addition, the mammary glands become larger, thicken, and a network of small vessels appears on the surface to ensure the necessary blood circulation.

Do breasts always hurt during pregnancy?

Pain and enlargement of the mammary glands during this period are a normal condition., but there are times when the expectant mother does not feel any pain, and this is also a normal condition, because each body is individual and tolerates such changes in its own way.

If a woman knows that she is pregnant and there are no changes in her mammary glands, this is not a reason to panic and be upset, she needs to see a doctor and get advice.

How long has this been going on

Throughout the first trimester of pregnancy, the body undergoes enormous hormonal changes and by the end of 12-13 weeks the adaptation ends. By this time, the strength of toxicosis decreases, which also indicates the end of the restructuring. Therefore, it is believed that it is at this time that pain and discomfort decrease and cease to bother the woman.

How to reduce pain

We bring to your attention several simple but effective ways to reduce discomfort in the chest during pregnancy.

  • First of all, you need to review your wardrobe and purchase comfortable underwear made from natural and high-quality fabric. Breasts gradually grow before giving birth, so the expectant mother will need several bras throughout her pregnancy. They must match the size, shape and support it well. It is advisable to choose wide straps to avoid pressure on the shoulders and discomfort.

  • An important place on the list is occupied by hygiene and skin care of the mammary glands. Taking a contrast shower, rubbing and air baths will be helpful. When taking a shower, you need to use personal hygiene products that soften and moisturize the skin.
  • The expectant mother needs to avoid drafts and not get too cold to avoid excessive sensitivity. Also, you should not be in crowded places where there are large crowds of people, so that the woman is not accidentally hit. It is important to remember that nipple stimulation is a dangerous activity at this stage, because such an activity increases the tone of the uterus, which is dangerous and can even cause premature contractions.
  • And of course, you need to be attentive to yourself and your condition, learn to notice any changes and be sure to talk about them to your doctor, who can tell you how best to act in a given situation.

Other possible causes of chest pain during pregnancy

Some women begin to produce milk even before giving birth and, if nothing is done, stagnation of milk in the ducts of the mammary glands or lactostasis may occur.

The following symptoms occur with lactostasis:

  • The mammary gland becomes tense, and unpleasant pain occurs.
  • A lump can be felt in some areas or segments of the breast.
  • The breast skin may become red.
  • After the milk ducts empty, discomfort and pain remain.

This condition is dangerous because if no action is taken, lactostasis can turn into mastitis, that is, inflammation of the mammary glands will begin. With such inflammation, a woman not only experiences acute pain, but also a rise in temperature, and an admixture of pus appears in the milk itself.

This is a rather dangerous condition, so if the expectant mother has similar symptoms or the pain is too pronounced, there is no need to be lazy, but you should consult a doctor for help.

Video about the first possible signs of pregnancy

Pain, swelling and breast growth are some of the symptoms that may occur during pregnancy. But there are a number of symptoms that indicate an interesting situation, and by watching this video, you can understand and learn about them in more detail. This information will be especially useful for those who plan to soon become a happy mother.

Useful information

Very often during pregnancy, doctors may prescribe. You can learn more about the purpose for which such drugs are prescribed and how they are useful for the expectant mother and her child. Unfortunately, many women during this period are faced with such an ailment as a runny nose, so a very reasonable question arises: which ones can be used so as not to harm the baby? Also, sometimes mothers encounter diseases when they cannot do without.

It is also worth mentioning headaches, which can torment women during this period, so it is important to know which safe and effective ones exist. We invite you to understand these topics in more detail so that you are fully prepared.

At what stage or week of pregnancy did your breasts start to hurt? Or maybe you noticed other first signs of your interesting situation? Share your story, because this information may be useful for other women. We will also be glad to receive your feedback on this article in the comments.

With the onset of conception in female body changes occur in the mammary glands, which are difficult to miss. Under the influence of hormones, breasts enlarge and become more sensitive in early pregnancy.

These changes are sometimes attributed to premenstrual syndrome, since they appear even before the pregnancy is diagnosed. But at this stage it is already developing new life. It is important to understand how breasts change during pregnancy and what to watch out for.

Breast growth is observed in all women preparing for motherhood. From the first weeks they notice that the mammary glands become more voluminous. This is explained by the growth of the glandular tissue of the breast and milk ducts - their growth is stimulated by the hormones estrogen and.

Despite the intensive growth of the breasts while expecting a baby, after childbirth these changes may disappear - in many women they may return to their original appearance. There is no need to worry if the breasts do not change at the beginning of pregnancy - sometimes the process of their enlargement starts a little later, closer to the sixth month.

Sensitivity and pain

Against the background of hormonal changes, expectant mothers notice pain in the chest. At the same time, the nipples become sensitive, and the glands become more tense and dense. This indicates that the body is actively preparing for.

Precisely because hypersensitivity breasts, many women begin to suspect pregnancy yet. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether breasts hurt in the early stages of a normal pregnancy will be positive.

This pain will be more pronounced than before menstruation, since there are much more hormones in the body.

Darkening of the areolas

Areolas are dark areas of skin around the nipples. With the onset of pregnancy, they darken and enlarge, and characteristic pimples appear on their surface. The size of the areolas can increase from 3-5 to 4-7 cm.

After the baby is born, these changes will disappear, the color and size of the areolas will become the same.

Nipple discharge

Many women mistakenly believe that breast discharge, namely colostrum, begins to be produced just before childbirth or only after the birth of the baby. Actually this is not true. Of course, everything is individual. But breast discharge can appear even in the early stages of pregnancy, closer to the 12th week. And this is a completely natural phenomenon.

You should not worry about the appearance of discharge from the breast; you need to pay more attention to caring for the mammary glands. To avoid staining underwear and outerwear with secreted colostrum, you can use special pads for bras.

Venous network on the chest

As a pregnant woman's mammary glands increase in size, blood flow to their tissue also increases. This is why a network of veins appears under the skin, resembling a cobweb.

This is a completely normal phenomenon that occurs in all women expecting a baby. After childbirth and graduation breastfeeding There will be no trace left of the venous network.

Reasons for changes

Changes in the breast occur under the influence of hormones. After conception, estrogen and progesterone are intensively synthesized in the female body. Intensive development also begins, which causes the production of the hormone prolactin.

Under their influence, a woman’s breasts begin to actively prepare for lactation. It increases due to the proliferation of glandular and connective tissue, and its blood supply improves. All this leads to increased sensitivity of the mammary glands.

How long do unusual sensations last?

Breast discomfort and pain usually improve by the second trimester of pregnancy. This is explained by the fact that hormonal background by this time it will stabilize.

But this does not mean that the mammary glands have stopped preparing for breastfeeding. Their growth and development continues throughout pregnancy, but is no longer so noticeable to the woman.

If there are no changes?

If pregnancy occurs, hormonal changes do not bypass any woman. But if in the early stages of pregnancy the breasts do not hurt, we are not necessarily talking about pathology.

This may be explained by the lower susceptibility of a woman’s mammary glands to hormonal changes - this is an individual phenomenon that is the norm. Some women experience intense breast growth only in the second half of pregnancy.

In addition, not all women are attentive to their body and think about how their breasts hurt in the early stages of pregnancy. Due to their own inattention, they miss the first signs of pregnancy.

What symptoms should you be wary of?

Sometimes women are worried because their breasts do not grow and remain soft to the touch. This is not always a reason to panic, but a woman is advised to listen to her feelings and possible symptoms troubles.

So, the following may be cause for concern:

  • from the genital tract of any intensity;
  • sudden increase in body temperature for no apparent reason;
  • asymmetrical breast growth, the presence of bulges and depressions;
  • general weakness.

If you have any of the symptoms, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Also requiring attention is a condition when the breasts stop hurting in the early stages of pregnancy or return to their original volume.

If tension and sensitivity of the mammary glands are completely absent, we can talk about conditions such as or.

How to care for your breasts in early pregnancy

Increase, changes appearance breasts and discharge from it during pregnancy is a temporary phenomenon.

After the end of lactation, the mammary glands most often return to their previous volume, but at the same time stretch marks and sagging skin often appear on them. To maintain the beauty of your breasts, you need to take care of them from the first weeks of pregnancy.

During the washing process, there is no need to treat the areolas and nipples with detergent. The fact is that soap destroys the protective layer of the skin, drying it out. On the delicate skin of the areola, this can cause cracks and irritation.

While you are pregnant, your body undergoes enormous changes. Breasts are no exception. It not only increases in size, but also changes all the time. What is happening to her, what to expect and what to prepare for, Woman`s Day has collected all the information in one collection.

Once a woman becomes pregnant, her body expects a lot of new things. Noticeable changes also occur in the breasts.


MD, professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Yale University School of Medicine, author of A Woman's Guide to Sexual Health

From the very beginning of pregnancy, a woman's body begins to produce huge amount hormones.

Including in the mammary glands, to prepare the expectant mother for breastfeeding. You may observe all the changes known and described by obstetricians and gynecologists, or only some of them, but one thing is certain: your breasts will never be the same while you are carrying a child inside you.

1. They get bigger.“During pregnancy, it’s not just the belly that grows. From the very beginning, the amount of adipose tissue and blood flow to the breast increases, due to this the mammary glands also enlarge. In just the first six weeks of pregnancy, many women's breasts grow one size."

Photo by @xenia_sobchak

2. They get heavier. Due to increased blood flow and expansion of glandular tissue, the breast begins to swell. The whole body, including the chest, begins to retain fluid - this side effect an increase in the hormones progesterone and estrogen in the body, explains Dr. Minkin. As a result, by the ninth month of pregnancy, each breast gains an average of 400 g in weight.

3. They hurt. The downside to the “restart” of all systems caused by pregnancy is that the breasts become more tender. Therefore, an increase in blood flow, tissue swelling, fluid retention in the body - all this can manifest itself as painful sensations. In fact, such pain in the mammary glands is one of the very first signs of pregnancy.

4. They become stringy. And the blue branches of the veins become more and more noticeable as pregnancy progresses. “This is because veins, like all systems in the body, adapt to increased blood flow,” explains Dr. Minkin.

5. Nipples get bigger, become more obvious and stick out more often than they usually did before pregnancy. The areola becomes larger and darker. Everything is fine, “this is a consequence of high estrogen levels,” the doctor reassures. Montgomery's glands (small tubercles scattered across the areola) also enlarge and secrete an oily substance that protects the nipples and areolas from cracking or drying out during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Photo GettyImages

6. They flow. This happens in the second and third trimester of pregnancy, when the expectant mother suddenly discovers yellowish discharge from the nipple. This colostrum is a woman’s very first milk, which appears in the second half of pregnancy or in the very first days after childbirth. Colostrum does not necessarily have to flow abundantly; it can also be found in the form of a crust on the papilla, in which case, of course, the woman will not feel any discomfort from dampness in the breast area. This is a natural process. Just use special breast pads.

7. Stretch marks appear on them. Increasing volume causes the skin to stretch. And if it is not elastic enough, stretch marks may appear. You can tell that the skin is stretching by itching. To soothe itching and keep breast skin supple, doctors recommend using moisturizer after showering and before bed.

8. Your tender breasts have become fuller, heavier, and now more than ever they need support. The best investment now is in a support bra. Properly selected, it will make life easier and support your back. Choose bras with a wide band under the cups (which now should never be underwire), with wide straps and the ability to adjust nipple access. When choosing between cotton and synthetic, prefer cotton: it allows the skin to breathe. And for good sleep At night, wear a cotton sports bra or a special maternity bra.

9. They've changed forever. After you wean your baby off the breast, your nipples will gradually return to their previous color and your breasts will return to their pre-pregnancy size. But due to the fact that the skin has been stretched, the stretch marks that appear will not go away. However, instead of yearning for firmer and perkier breasts, embrace your new ones - they are the true sign of motherhood.

The state of pregnancy is the interaction of complex processes that occur in the body expectant mother. Everything that happens to a woman for nine months is aimed at proper gestation and successful development of the fetus. The most important organ that bears obvious changes is the female breast.

From the very first days of pregnancy, the mammary glands begin to prepare the most valuable product, which is vitally necessary for the unborn baby - breast milk. And, of course, she needs careful care throughout her pregnancy. Let's consider the main points of growth and swelling of the mammary glands.

When do breasts start to grow?

Breasts begin to grow and change from the very first day of pregnancy. This is how she prepares for lactation. The most rapid growth occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy. From the very first days after conception, most women note that their breasts seem to “get heavier” and aching sensations appear. And before the onset of the birth itself, the female breast takes on its final shape; as a rule, during the arrival of colostrum, the breasts are at their maximum size.

Signs of breast growth

In order for milk to appear in the breasts of the expectant mother, hormones such as progesterone and estrogen are necessary. Thanks to them, milk ducts are formed. They make a woman’s breasts denser and more voluminous. During pregnancy, it may become one or more sizes larger. Around 12-14 weeks, colostrum forms in the breasts. It looks like a yellowish liquid.

Self-help for breast swelling

Of course, changing bust sizes can bring discomfort. Therefore, you should take care of your health in advance and purchase a special bra for pregnant women. It was created specifically to help a woman maintain the beauty of her breasts during and after pregnancy. The most important thing is to choose the right size for this accessory. It is unacceptable if he tightens his chest. Choose a bra without wires, with wide straps and an ergonomic clasp. And if milk leaks, you can use special breast pads. Even if you purchased a large package, they will not be lost. The pads will come in handy not only before, but also during breastfeeding. To keep your breasts toned, you should not ignore physical exercise aimed at strengthening it. A contrast shower and massage with a terry towel will also help with this.

Why don't breasts grow?

It also happens that you are pregnant, but your breasts do not show themselves in any way: they do not hurt, they do not tug, they do not grow. There's nothing wrong with that. Most likely, such characteristics of the body. It is possible that active growth will begin shortly before the due date. But no matter what happens, it is always necessary to discuss any questions of interest to the expectant mother with a personal gynecologist.

During pregnancy, expectant mothers are interested in many questions related to the changes in their body during this wonderful period of their life. It is especially interesting to know at what time breasts begin to grow and why this happens. And it doesn’t matter at all at what age the pregnancy began, breast enlargement will happen in any case.

When does breast enlargement occur during pregnancy and what is the reason for this - this question is always of interest to women who are just planning to become mothers or are in the first trimester. They approach this event with special care, therefore they are interested in all possible processes in the body during their pregnancy in order to be fully prepared to meet any unforeseen situations. Also, some expectant mothers are interested in the question of breast enlargement, in order to feel like a real busty lady, at least temporarily, if she is the owner of small sizes.

Pregnancy is the most difficult stage in the life of any representative of the fair sex. And each of them tolerates it differently. If one of them did not have any negative side effects (toxicosis, etc.), then for the other, all this accompanies her for almost the entire “interesting” period. Changes in the body always occur on an individual basis, but breast enlargement during pregnancy is something that every woman will go through.

Each woman at this moment feels individual changes in the body under the influence of hormonal changes. The same applies when breasts become enlarged during pregnancy. But in any case, the modifications follow the same scenario:

Important! After breast augmentation during pregnancy, the stretch marks may have a reddish-purple coloration, but after the mammary glands return to their natural shape, the tint will go away and they will become transparent, barely noticeable. The main disadvantage of this factor is that stretch marks are almost impossible to get rid of.

How to prepare your breasts for the upcoming changes?

Any woman expecting the baby should start caring for her breasts as soon as the first weeks of pregnancy have begun. Breast enlargement is a pleasant thing, but if it is not given proper attention, then after the cessation of lactation it will completely lose its attractiveness. First of all, you should visit a mammologist, who, after an examination, will be able to characterize the current condition of the mammary glands and give suitable recommendations for its care. This examination is initially necessary in order to exclude the presence of any unwanted neoplasms in the breast, since many diseases occur without any symptoms and their presence can only be detected during a routine breast examination, which modern women do not often do.

In order for a woman’s breasts to retain their attractiveness after pregnancy and breastfeeding, no matter how much they have enlarged, you need to adhere to a number of recommendations so that the only way to return the bust to its former shape is not the idea of ​​breast enlargement:

Important! Future beauty depends on proper care female breast. Therefore, you should pay enough attention to it, massage it daily and carefully observe the rules of hygiene.

After some time, the child will get food from the mother’s nipples, so you should pay attention to them and prepare them for this important procedure. This is especially true for women with flat and inverted nipples. Although they tend to develop during pregnancy, it is still worth helping them with this. If they still do not begin to stretch at the onset of the 36th week of pregnancy, then it is necessary to massage them so that problems with feeding the baby do not arise.

Is it possible to maintain breast shape by refusing breastfeeding?

No matter how a woman tries to find possible ways to preserve your own breasts in their original form, nature cannot be deceived, because the enlargement process began with the onset of the first days of pregnancy. Connective tissue begins to grow long before the newborn is born. Therefore, by making sacrifices and refusing to breastfeed, a woman will only harm herself and deprive her child of many useful substances, which are hidden in mother's breast milk.

If there is no pregnancy, but the breast begins to swell and hurt upon contact, then this may indicate the presence of serious problems with it. In this case, you need to consult a mammologist.

It doesn’t matter how long it takes for breasts to begin to enlarge during pregnancy. At proper care behind it, a woman has every chance to maintain her elasticity and beauty after childbirth and the period of breastfeeding. The main thing is to start looking after your own bust from the first days of pregnancy. In case of the slightest deviations or other abnormal phenomena, you should immediately seek help from specialists.