Vampires in real life. Vampires exist in real life. General concept of creatures

Are you interested in vampires? No, not the ones that sit in the swamps, they are called leeches. What about the real ones? Well, there are others like that. Only to meet them requires considerable courage, bordering on suicidal fearlessness.

Where can you find a real vampire?

A little theory. It is only in horror films that vampires can be found in cemeteries and graves, where they lie in wait for random passersby to scare them half to death and feast on fresh blood. There is really nothing for them to do there. The corpses of bloodsuckers are of the same interest as an ordinary person is interested in rotten herring.

Rather, you need to look for them where their food is - blood. But this is not the main condition. The worst thing for a vampire is light. This means that its habitat must be protected from the direct rays of the Sun. This is a matter of principle. As you know, vampires are immortal creatures. They can only die from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, which huge amount in the sun's rays. So they are hiding from him.

Therefore, the conclusion suggests itself. Vampires can be found far from daylight, near many defenseless victims. But where is it? Have you ever read in the news about vampire victims? This does not mean the gossip of journalists, but real events. I must admit, these happen a little. And those that make it into the press or the Internet are deleted or recognized as “canards.” Yes, this is often the case.

The fact is that their small tribe very much protects itself from publicity. They don't necessarily need to eat every day. One meal is enough for several years. This is provided to them by the continuously appearing “hot” spots on the planet. This is the place where the demons of the night will definitely appear!

The massacre in Syria or the Ukrainian Maidan is the right place for them! A feast without publicity is guaranteed. But who will figure out why the victim died: from a bullet or from a bite. Where there are many victims, the reasons are not well understood. Especially if it's about political situation! An ideal situation for a vampire. While the media is screwing people up, you can do whatever you want.

Dangers and Benefits of Meeting a Vampire

There are, of course, strange individuals who are eager to find a vampire in order to join their ranks themselves. Some people think it's cool. It's their own business. Only the existence of demonic entities is not sweet. And they will not accept everyone into their tribe. So, if you want, you will need to pass a number of tests that not everyone can do!

More often, meetings are sought in order to obtain answers to various questions. Bloodsuckers, like any entity associated with the Devil, have an almost unlimited source of information. Any riddle is not a problem for them, since they draw knowledge directly from the energy field of the planet, controlled by Dark forces. For example, you can learn everything about the plans of enemies, the tricks of competitors, plans for revenge, from vampires.

This is a dangerous matter. Because you have to make your way to a place where they won’t give you a penny for your life anyway. And here, even under the cover of darkness, you will have to communicate with a creature whose reactions are unpredictable.

In addition, the bloodsucker will have to be persuaded to help you. What he wants in return is completely unclear. Most often they demand gold, less often - gems. They do not need the noble metal for enrichment. They make various devices out of it that protect them from harmful ultraviolet radiation. Sometimes they pay Dwarves for shelter in underground caves. It must be said that vampires are not interested in money in our understanding of the word. This tribe can get everything anyway, but wealth does not attract them.

Most often, it is almost never possible to find a vampire precisely because a living person who cannot be bitten has no other attraction for him. So why should he reveal himself and enter into dubious “negotiations”?

Do vampires exist in reality is a question that interests more and more people. This is due to the fact that the popularity of the vampire theme has gone through the roof lately. Films and TV series are being made, books are being published. Representatives of the vampire race are presented not only as killers, but also as creatures capable of love. Creatures who are not alien to nobility and compassion.

Vampire story

The birthplace of vampirism is considered to be Transylvania.

The most famous vampire of all time is Count Dracula, glorified by Bram Stoker.

Fans of bloodsuckers call Stoker's novel " Vampire Bible». Prototype of the Count became a voivode from Wallachia Vlad Tepes. He was distinguished by bloody cruelty, the brutal torture to which he subjected his enemies was the reason for such bloody popularity. Over time, in people's minds, the story of Tepes was transformed into the image of Count Dracula. The image of a vampire in a black cloak is glorified in many works.

The Countess was also awarded the title of vampire. Elizabeth Bathory. Her complicated, bloody biography does not confirm that she has porphyria. From a medical point of view, she is attributed to a mental disorder.

Description of vampires

Thanks to artistic sources, we know what vampires look like - blood-sucking creatures that attack their victims at night. They bite into the neck of the unfortunate person and either suck out the blood, killing him, or turn someone like him into themselves.

The appearance of bloodsuckers is characterized by pale and dry skin, sharp fangs and long nails.

They are afraid of direct sunlight, so they wear closed clothes. They sleep exclusively in individual coffins.

In films, bloodsuckers easily hide among people, but as soon as they see blood and smell it, they immediately lose their composure.


You can find descriptions of vampires in the legends of many nations, which indicates the spread of the phenomenon throughout the world.

They are called differently and have striking external differences.

Interesting! Our classic Alexey Tolstoy wrote entertaining stories “The Family of the Ghoul” and “The Ghoul”.

Legends about blood-sucking non-humans in different parts of the world did not arise by chance; scientists believe that in Empires were considered people suffering from a rare hereditary disease. Illiterate people were afraid of them, so they appeared scary stories about bloodsuckers rising from their graves.


Disease porphyria was discovered only at the end of the 20th century. It is transmitted exclusively by inheritance and is very rare nowadays.

A person is born with the inability to produce red blood cells on their own, his body starves from a lack of iron and oxygen, and the pigmentation of the skin is impaired.

  • Patients are afraid of direct sunlight; ultraviolet radiation destroys hemoglobin, which is valuable to them.
  • The skin of the unfortunate is dry and thin, ulcers easily form on it, and over time it turns brown.
  • They cannot tolerate garlic because the acid it contains increases the symptoms of the disease.
  • Due to dry skin, the lips shrink, exposing the teeth.
These features appearance and the behavior of patients with porphyria and formed the basis of the myth about vampires who are afraid of light and garlic.

The disease affects the mental state of people.

They become unsociable, and those around them treat them with fear, turning them into outcasts.

If in the modern world we realize that a person is sick, there is a scientific explanation for this. But in the Middle Ages there were at least such people kept away, and at most persecuted. With such a life, it is easy to believe that you are a monster and begin to take revenge for hatred, responding with aggression to aggression. The consumption of blood by such patients could be caused by mental disorders, or they tried in such a strange way to get rid of the torment caused by the disease.

Interesting! In the 11th century, porphyria was common in Transylvania, which may have made this area the cradle of vampirism. From a scientific point of view, the cause of the outbreak of the disease was consanguineous marriages among local residents.

If porphyria is a physical illness, then Renfield syndrome- mental illness. Sufferers of this disorder have a craving for drinking the blood of animals and people. Cases of such vampirism have been documented among serial maniacs. Chase And Kürten. They drank the blood of their victims.

Do vampires exist today?

In New York Professor Stefan Kaplan decided to study the likelihood of the existence of vampires in our days, for this he created a special science center Vampire Research Center.

Having devoted more than 20 years of his life to the study of bloodsuckers, Kaplan proved that vampires real life indeed there are, but they are not the ruthless killers they are usually portrayed, and there is nothing supernatural about their existence.

Yes, these people drink human blood, they cannot live without it.

Scientist developed special vampire profile, to compile a card index of real natural bloodsuckers, separating them from charlatans pretending to be vampires for the sake of PR. The survey was conducted in different countries.

During the course of the research, a secret file cabinet of 1,500 real blood-drinking individuals appeared at the institute.

  • According to the questionnaire, the vampire is thin and pale; a priori, he cannot be fat.
  • He has an attractive appearance, takes good care of his health, does not take medications, and everything chemical is alien to him.
  • He has no harmful bad habits, he doesn't smoke.
  • Usually she looks good and young, according to their theory, drinking blood saves from diseases and preserves youth.
As for the dose, it is small. Followers of Dracula consume everything a couple of drinks per week. They do not use violence to get their favorite drink. " Donor" - there is no other way to put it, there may be friends or acquaintances who know about their addiction. Some buy a dose of blood.

Usually blood is taken from a cut on the finger (similar to taking blood for a test). 20-30 ml is sucked out of the wound. blood. The procedure itself is called suction. And it is clear that after it the “donor” does not become a vampire.

Modern vampires are not afraid of light, are not alien to religion, are very friendly with others, and are caring parents and children.

They are not much different from us, they just drink a cup of blood from time to time instead of coffee.

Psychologists call this phenomenon hematomania and are classified as mental disorders, but the doctor Kaplan considered Dracula's modern children to be quite normal, and considered their dependence to be one of the physiological characteristics of the body.
In addition to lovers of live blood, there is another type of vampires who feed on other people's energy.

The harm caused by such " thieves", perhaps more than from Kaplan's true bloodsuckers.

After meeting such an energy ghoul, you feel weak, depressed, squeezed like a lemon, headaches are possible, and systematic loss of energy is fraught with more serious illnesses.

Vampires are not the living dead, but ordinary people who, due to mental illness or physiological addiction, consume blood.

This is most likely a pathology than the norm, but we are loyal to smokers and those who like to drink a glass at lunch. Likewise, a vampire’s need to suck some blood from a friend’s finger can also easily become the norm for society.

Many young women are interested in vampire themes. Thanks to books and feature films, a recognizable image of a vampire was created. This is the ideal romantic hero. He is devilishly beautiful, powerful and deadly. He is also aristocratic, sophisticated and stylish. His soul is torn from internal conflict between the desire to preserve humanity and survive. Not only ordinary people, but also numerous pundits would like to know whether vampires exist in our time.

History of vampirism

A vampire (ghoul or ghoul) is a dead person who rises from the grave at night in order to feast on human blood. Sometimes he can take the form of an animal, such as a dog or a bat. Contrary to the image created by the cinema, not only people who were bitten by other bloodsuckers became vampires. After death, suicides, excommunicated people, evil sorcerers, as well as those who died a terrible violent death could turn into ghouls.

Stories about night bloodsuckers are found in the culture of almost all peoples, even the most ancient. These creatures had different names and could differ in appearance. But their essence was the same - they drank blood. Vampire-like analogues in different cultures:

Appearance of the bloodsucker

The vampire is a living corpse, which is why he looks the part. It is only in Hollywood films that you can see immortal handsome men dressed in expensive brand clothes and driving sports cars. In fact distinctive features bloodsuckers are:

Fear of sunlight causes ghouls to hide during the day. They may not sleep in coffins, but they tightly curtain the windows in their houses. If they need to go outside during the day, they wear dark glasses and apply sunscreen to their skin.

Bloodsuckers are hunters. If blood is shed in the presence of a vampire, he may betray himself by inappropriate behavior. It will only attack a lone victim if it is sure that no one will come to its aid.

Places where ghouls live

Cemetery territories, but more often gloomy and dark castles were considered a haven for ghouls. These are majestic Gothic buildings that inspire horror and awe with their appearance. They fascinate no less than their mysterious inhabitants. Therefore, many books have been written and many films have been made about the places where vampires live.

The most famous blood-sucking villain to live in the castle was Count Dracula. However, not all vampires were secular nobles. Therefore, we can assume that the peasant ghoul could well be satisfied with a cellar, cave or old house. And Hollywood directors prescribed evil spirits in castles.

Another common place of residence for ghouls is a cemetery. On the one hand, it is not clear what they should do there, because these creatures are not scavengers. But finding a living person at night in such a place is problematic. But on the other hand, ghouls are not living people. They, like ghosts, have no reflection in the mirror. Therefore, the cemetery for them is not only a home, but also a bed.

Modern bloodsuckers differ significantly from their ancestors. They do not wear long cloaks with red lining and do not sleep in coffins. They are indistinguishable from ordinary people and they live in ordinary apartments. These creatures have even adapted to daylight using numerous sunscreens. They have assimilated a long time ago. Only a few liters of blood stored in the refrigerator can give them away.

Methods of protection

Previously, people were so afraid of blood-sucking evil spirits that they tried to protect themselves from it with everything possible ways. They tried not to engage in open combat with these creatures. Therefore, they did everything possible to prevent a dead or living person from being reborn into a vampire.

You could protect the deceased from being reborn as a vampire or prevent the newly created ghoul from getting out of the grave in the following ways:

All babies who were born in a “shirt” were treated with fear and suspicion. In addition, anyone who was born with teeth, an extra nipple and hair, and a tail could become vampires. The vampire fate was also prepared for the one whose mother did not eat salt and garlic during pregnancy. Often such children were killed immediately after birth. And the graves were left open for three years to look after the body.

Documented facts of the existence of vampires

Myths and reality are often intertwined. The same applies to the topic of the existence of vampires in real life. Facts suggest that the panic over blood-sucking evil spirits that occurred in Europe in the 18th century was not without cause. Government officials were drawn into the hunt for ghouls. All cases were fully documented by the authorities.

Attack of European Ghouls

The first large-scale outbreaks of vampirism began in East Prussia. In 1721, Peter Blagojevica died at the age of 62. Soon after this, neighbors began to watch at night as Peter wandered near his former home. His son complained that his dead father came, knocked on the door and asked for food. The young man was very frightened, and a few days later he was found dead.

After this, Blagojevica disappeared for several days. After which he appeared again and began to attack the neighbors. Some of them were found dead and completely drained of blood.

Beginning in 1725 and for nine years, a subject of the Habsburg Monarchy, Arnold Paole, terrorized people after his death. Paole was a farmer and died while making hay. His death was very mysterious. The doctor found characteristic marks on the neck; there was practically no blood in the body. A few days after the funeral, Paole began appearing in the village and attacking people.

The bodies of potential vampires were exhumed and studied, witnesses interviewed, and incidents carefully documented. The investigators were especially struck by the amazing preservation of the corpses. Some scientists tried to explain these cases as premature burials or an outbreak of rabies.

The respected French scientist and theologian Augustin Calmet conducted a huge research work, dedicated to various evil spirits. Its result was an essay entitled: “Treatise on the appearance of vampires and spirits in Hungary, Moravia, etc.” This treatise, if it did not confirm the existence of bloodsuckers, then admitted it. When starting to study the problem of vampirism, Calmet was skeptical. However, by the end of the study his beliefs were shaken.

Scientific explanations

Modern scientists have been able to find real evidence of the existence of vampires. In fact, these are not mystical, immortal and evil creatures, but ordinary people. They suffer from various rare genetic pathologies, such as porphyria. And also from such a mental disorder as Renfield Syndrome.

Porphyria disease

Scientists suggest that stories about ghouls were born as a result of the influence of porphyria. This disease could occur among residents of small villages in Transylvania, where incest took place. In patients, heme reproduction is impaired. People cannot stay in sunlight for a long time, as it destroys hemoglobin. And garlic only aggravates the disease due to the sulfate acid it contains.

A person with porphyria looks like a ghoul. His skin is pale due to lack of sunlight. It has a grayish tint, thin and dry. The skin around the lips especially dries out. Because of this, the incisors begin to stand out. Against the background of physical pathology, mental disorders also develop.

A person suffering from an advanced form of porphyria looks like a typical ghoul. Among those executed during the long fight against vampires, there were many patients with porphyria. From 1520 to 1630, more than 30 thousand people were killed.

Scientists were able to describe the disease and find its cause only in the 20th century. A effective treatment developed only towards the end of the last century. It is believed that without this pathology the world would never have known the myths about Dracula.

Renfield syndrome

A mental illness that is dangerous to others, when the patient feels an irresistible desire to drink human blood, is called Renfield syndrome. It was named after the character in Bram Stoker's novel, who ate flies, birds and rats. He was sure that, together with the blood of the dead, he would receive their strength and become omnipotent.

Usually the disease begins in childhood, when the patient accidentally tastes blood and this causes him great anxiety. With age, these feelings intensify and become sexual in nature. Most often, men suffer from this disorder.

The disease occurs in three stages. In the first, the patient mutilates himself and drinks his own blood. In the second stage, he begins to kill birds and animals. Often these people are regular customers of butchers, buying blood from them. At the third stage, the patient begins to hunt for human blood. Most often it starts by stealing blood from hospitals. And ends with terrible murders.

Almost half a century ago, in Dusseldorf, maniacs Richard Chase and Peter Künter were caught. They were called vampires. It was proven that they killed and drank the blood of their victims, whom they lay in wait on country roads.

In 2002, a couple was convicted in Germany for committing murder and making a sacrifice to Satan. Daniel and Manuela Ruda kidnapped and killed a young man. They smashed his head with a hammer, inflicted 66 puncture wounds and drank his blood. After that, they carved a pentagram on the dead man’s stomach and had sex in a nearby coffin. The couple were confident that such actions would ensure their immortality.

In 1985, a vampire was found in Russia. It turned out to be Alexey Sukletin, who killed, dismembered and ate more than seven women. Sukletin drank the blood of his victims, and prepared stews and cutlets from the butchered bodies.

It is impossible to say with 100% certainty that real vampires do not exist. There are a lot of secrets and mysteries in this world. But is it worth looking for bloodthirsty bloodsuckers in other worlds, if a person himself commits actions that any monster would envy?

There are a considerable number of myths and theories about what a real vampire looks like. Some say that the creature must be tall and skinny, but this is just a legend. There are many legends that witches and vampires were extremely light and tall. It is possible that such a description was suitable for the evil spirits that lived in ancient times. Nowadays, their build can be completely different.

If you decide to become a part of this evil community yourself or find one of them, then you should definitely know all the features that distinguish this evil spirits from ordinary people.

In fact, there are both tall and short, thin and plump creatures. They can be plump, stocky and completely squat. Regarding the myth about the paleness of their skin, so opinions differ here. On the one hand, yes, a vampire can be identified by their deathly pale skin, but they don’t always have it like that. Certain eyewitnesses say that after the vampire finishes “feeding,” his cheeks turn sharply pink and his lips become scarlet, although before that they were almost bluish.

As for the obvious protruding fangs, it is also impossible to give any definite answer. Some say that their fangs always protrude, even when their mouth is closed. However, there is a theory that they stretch only as the feeding process approaches and during it. That is, when a creature sees its victim, feels its pulsating veins, the blood seething in them, and it is ready to attack. In this case, the teeth increase in size due to thirst.

There is another common myth - Vampires have a fear of light. It is widely believed that a vampire simply needs to be exposed to sunlight and his body begins to collapse, his skin literally explodes with a hiss and the creature turns to ash. Maybe something similar happened to the ancient ancestors of modern evil spirits. However, modern offspring have long been adapted to light and do not experience such reactions. Still, they do not at all like to appear under the scorching rays of the sun, but there will be no hissing and special effects with burning in the rays of the sun, as in films.

How do modern descendants of Dracula live?

Is it possible to turn into a vampire in our time? These creatures have always attracted people with their mystery, the charm of dark forces and their enormous power, with which comes enormous opportunities. Attitudes towards these creatures have always been very different: for some they aroused only adoration, while others ran away in fear. The former were always looking for a way to summon them and join the ranks of these incredible creatures. Some people despised them for this, some simply laughed, and some generally believed that such people belonged in psychiatric hospitals. However, there were those who had incredible knowledge and shed some light on this question of “How to become a vampire?”

At this moment, a person looking for an answer to a question and already doubting the reality of all this, lost all doubts about this truth hiding in the darkness of the night. But where does such a desire come from? Unanswered love, suffering, incredible loneliness. Many of those who have thought about such a transformation cannot fully explain their cherished desire and, moreover, they do not fully understand the improbability of the process, as well as the complexity of their future survival. They naively believe that vampires are the rulers of the human race and can do absolutely anything. In fact, this is not true at all.

From today's elite there are very few such representatives of darkness. In fact, they hide because of their lifestyle and stay away from public life and socialization.

They stay away from crowds because they fear for their existence, and some of them are simply trying to cope with the incredible madness that is inextricably linked with their “life.” If you have thoughts like “How to become a vampire’s girlfriend?” just because you are bewitched by this “eternal love”, the spirit of which is saturated in science fiction books and films, then you need to know that this is just a myth. These creatures are ghouls who mainly care only about ensuring that fresh blood does not stop regularly flowing into their body. Blood is their most basic need. They will do absolutely anything for her.

Often dreams of becoming a creature of the night come to those who extremely dissatisfied with my life and simply wants some changes. These people naively believe that replacing their humanity with something else is exactly what they need, and only after that they will be able to experience incredible, all-encompassing happiness. However, this is just another myth, since a creature that is dependent on human blood as if on drugs cannot be happy by definition.

All that awaits kind person, who sets foot on this path after he converts - this is eternal torment, suffering, sorrow and loneliness. And, of course, boredom, from which there will simply be no escape, no matter where the transformed person goes.

What awaits those who decide to become a ghoul?

However, there is also such a thing that a strong desire to join the small “army” of darkness appears out of nowhere and only increases every day. If you actually start to feel the urge to go somewhere and look for someone, then it is likely that you have fallen under vampire "call". This call, which the people around you cannot feel, will be the beginning of something new for you. Here you don’t need to look for any opportunities, since fate has already decided everything for you. And “life” awaits you ahead, filled with incredible strength and abilities, growing with every active day, as well as an incredible thirst for blood and longing for your old life.

Do not deceive yourself into thinking that you can become a being of darkness for only a few days or hours, and then you will simply return back to your former life. There is no turning back from this path. This new “life” is filled with a wide variety of dangers. Present in it:

  • Simple hunting.
  • Fight against opponents equal in strength or even superior to you.
  • In order to survive, you will have to learn to exist among people, constantly hide in plain sight and keep your secret with incredible caution.

When the strongest loneliness overwhelms your soul and you want someone to be nearby. Someone who will share your experiences and torments. This someone will be the so-called neophyte - this is a person who wants to become a ghoul.

How to become a vampire in real life

The most banal option for turning into a creature of the night is the bite of another vampire. There is no way you can summon or attract this vampire; he will find you at night. The process itself is very complex and painful; it involves a complete restructuring of the body. The process can last from several days to several weeks. Throughout the entire period of treatment, a more “mature” vampire should be nearby.

If a person has any serious health problems, then he can simply die, unable to withstand the extreme agony. No painkillers will help here, since the transformation occurs at the cellular level in the area of ​​the brain and spinal cord.

Such attacks of agony can be survived, and the power of a nearby vampire can help you with this:

  • He will constantly nourish the strength of his ward with the help of his own blood in order to support the changes that his body undergoes.
  • He will make sure that in an attack of incredible pain the ward does not harm himself.
  • He will protect his convert during metamorphosis, since at this time the ward is incredibly vulnerable.

The process itself can only be carried out by a vampire with a huge reserve of strength, since this process requires incredible efforts of will not only from the convert, but also from him and from this same vampire the outcome of the entire transformation directly depends. It is for this reason that a strong vampire will not make just anyone his ward.

Therefore, if you decide to do this, then be prepared for the fact that something will be required of you in return. For example, in return, you can offer an experienced vampire to introduce him to a girl who only dreams of becoming a vampire's girlfriend. Of course, in most cases nothing good awaits this girl.

However, You should never, under any circumstances, do the following:

It is important to remember that the most important reason for appealing to children of the night is for their personal gain in the process. If you have the qualities that he needs, then he will very simply agree to this process, otherwise you may simply suffer (this is in the best case).

Now you can find many advertisements on the Internet that offer to become one of the vampires. However, if you follow this ad, you are very likely to fall for ordinary fraud or some psychopath who thinks she is a vampire. Vampires have long since stopped using the Internet as a means of finding neophytes, as they have already encountered problems with the law and various authorities. Now they act much more carefully and secretly.

Therefore, if your desire cannot be quenched by the usual method of a bite, since a real vampire simply does not communicate with you, then you can very well use other methods, right at home.

How to go to the side of darkness using a spell

There is a certain “Ritual of Initiation”, which can be mentioned quite often. They say that after it, you will become a real vampire. And such a proposal is very interesting, since its conditions are much simpler and more accessible compared to metamorphoses after a bite. However, the truth of this ritual is rather doubtful.

The point here is not even that real vampire magic is wielded exclusively by selected vampire magicians, who are extremely problematic to find, because even their own people consider them hermits and unsociable. This category of vampire magicians belongs to the highest elite, of which very few can become a part.

They choose their students so carefully, as far as possible, while the students will have to undergo all sorts of tests and extremely difficult tests. This is how sifting occurs. These checks last for years and even centuries. Only after these checks does the initiation ritual become available to the adept, the secret of which is known only to dark magicians who are not accustomed to divulge their secrets in any way, therefore it is very unlikely that rituals that are in the public domain have at least something in common with the truth and will provide an opportunity become a real vampire.

At the same time, you should understand that after such a ritual, gigantic opportunities will open up for you and after training with ghoul magicians, you will be far from an ordinary vampire, but part of a special elite, which everyone fears as much as they respect. In addition, you will have access to such powers and knowledge that others can only dream of. A small feature of this caste of vampires is that they not only drink the blood of their victims, but use the victim’s entire body to satisfy certain needs, if you know what I mean... Perhaps that is why they are disliked and feared.

Vampirism by nature

There are people in this world who, from birth, have a certain inclination. They are usually called "natural vampires". They are quite rare. However, it should be understood that having a tendency towards vampirism and being a vampire are two completely different things. Since innate skills still need to be developed.

This development occurs through intensive training and meditation. At some point, certain tendencies will begin to manifest themselves more and more strongly.

Attention, TODAY only!

In the culture of every nation you can find references to blood-sucking monsters. However, in order to understand whether vampires exist in real life, or whether they are just a figment of people's imagination, it is necessary to understand the very essence of these creatures.

Basic characteristics of vampires

A vampire in the mythology of the peoples of Europe is a lower creature that came to life after death and fed on the blood of a person or.

Various legends attribute to them many supernatural skills. Among them:

  • the ability to transform into animals;
  • the ability to send damage and disease;
  • superhuman strength;
  • regeneration;
  • immortality.


In the Middle Ages, people believed that such a bloodthirsty monster could not only be born, but also become. Therefore, they are conventionally divided into categories:

  1. Firstborn.
  2. Killed by a violent death.
  3. People who have made a contract with the Devil.


All creatures of Darkness, whose diet becomes human life force, belong to this category. It includes deities and their minions, demons and monsters generated by otherworldly forces.

Examples of such creatures are:

  1. Amam is a demon in ancient Greek mythology who punished sinners. He drank their life force, and the body itself was torn into pieces.
  2. Kali is an Indian goddess, a symbol of destruction. Considered one of the most bloodthirsty deities in Hinduism.
  3. Chivatateo - in Aztec mythology, servants of the Moon Deities. They kidnapped children at night and drank their blood.
  4. Sakhmet is the consort of God Ptah in Egyptian mythology. She was the patroness of battles. It was believed that she, tormented by thirst, forced people to carry out massacres in order to get enough.
  5. Empusa - Hecate's assistants. They lured children whose parents had angered the goddess into caves and drank their blood there.
  6. Akshar - demons Sumerian mythology. They mainly hunted children and pregnant women.


Usually these were adults who had unfinished business. However, children, especially unbaptized ones, could also become vampires.

Typical representatives of this group:

  1. Striga - in Moldavian and Romanian mythology, a hanged man who turned into a vampire.
  2. - in the mythology of the Slavic peoples, a living dead who was incorrectly buried. Every night he crawls out of his grave and harms people and livestock. According to legends, he has primitive animal habits, he feels nothing but hunger, and does not remember who he was during his life.
  3. Mora is an unbaptized girl who killed herself. According to Slavic mythology, she persecuted unfaithful husbands and negligent wives. Maura took revenge on them for not appreciating what she would never have.
  4. Ubor is a reborn man who was unjustly killed. In Bulgarian mythology, this is a spirit that burns with a thirst for revenge on its offenders.


There are also many legends according to which people deliberately made deals with demons and other monsters, exchanging their lives and blood for their help. Such deals usually had dire consequences for people. They became silent slaves of the entities, and were forced to carry out all their instructions.

It was also believed that witches and magicians became such vampires after their death.


Depending on the type and characteristic features vampire methods of fighting him differed in different beliefs. However, there are a few that are almost always mentioned.

These include:

  1. Garlic. People believed that these creatures did not tolerate its scent well, and therefore it was often used in funeral rituals. Usually, garlic beads were hung around the neck of the deceased or placed in the mouth.
  2. Aspen stake It was believed that aspen has magical properties, and therefore a stake from this tree can put the resurrected evil spirits to rest.
  3. Silver. Nails, stakes, chains and other things made of silver were also often used in burials. People believed that, like aspen, it had magical properties and would not allow the dead to escape from the grave.

In various literary sources you can also find references to the fact that sickles, scythes, or simply stones were placed in coffins. All this was done in order to prevent the vampire from leaving his coffin.

Human vampirism

Scientists were able to accurately answer the question about the existence of vampires in real life only in the middle of the 20th century. Until then, the opinions of even the most prominent scientists differed.

First mention

In the 18th century The first attempts were made to scientifically determine vampirism in humans.

According to the records found, landowner Peter Blagojevich was buried in 1725. However, less than a month later, his fellow villagers began to die one after another. Each of them said that they saw Peter's corpse, and a few days later, they themselves died. To establish the truth, local residents called a priest and the military. Having dug up the coffin with his calving, they discovered that traces of decomposition had hardly affected him, but his hair and fingernails had grown back significantly. There were also dried streaks of blood around the mouth.

The priest's report on the case was delivered to higher authorities and then published in major newspapers.

From then on, people, and especially rural residents, began to dig up graves and pierce the hearts of the dead with stakes. Many burial rituals also appeared to avoid transformation dead person into a vampire.

Scientific background

Only after the transition of medicine to a higher level, scientists found that the vampire as a mythical monster does not exist, and all mystical manifestations of human vampirism can be explained from a scientific point of view.

Physical illnesses

A number of human diseases can cause symptoms that make them look like a vampire. In the Middle Ages, medicine was not so developed, and therefore it was impossible to determine that this was a physical deviation and not a manifestation of mystical power. Such people were not treated, but were immediately exterminated out of ignorance.

Thus, due to coma or narcolepsy, a person could fall into a vegetative state. In this case, the characteristic features of this condition are:

  • low blood pressure;
  • weak shallow breathing;
  • lack of response to external stimuli.

Medicine at that time could not determine that he was still alive and he was buried. Due to the vegetative state and air reserves in the coffin, death occurred within a few hours, or even days. Because of this, the expected degree of decomposition differed from the actual one.

It is easy to explain the “growth” of nails and hair. After death, the human body stops producing glucose, which makes the process of cell division unrealistic. However, along with this, moisture also leaves the body. This exposes more hair and makes your nails appear longer.

Psychological diseases

Sometimes the need to drink blood can be seen in psychologically unbalanced people. They also do not belong to dark creatures, but are simply sick.

Actions dictated by faith

Often ritual sacrifices, in particular the exchange of blood, were of a religious nature. When performing the ritual, believers used the blood and bodies of animals, and sometimes people. Outsiders could also find places for such ceremonies. The uninitiated could not explain their findings and attributed them to mythical forces.

Classification of types of human vampirism

Clinical cases of a person manifesting a desire for blood or acquiring characteristic external signs can be divided into the following groups:

  1. Physiological disease.
  2. Psychological deviation.
  3. The need for emotional saturation.

Physiological diseases

Diseases in this group include the following:

  1. Porphyria.
  2. Coma.
  3. Narcolepsy.
  4. Rabies.


A hereditary genetic disease leading to disruption of pigment metabolism and an increase in the content of porphyrins in the blood and tissues. This disease affects internal organs and affects a person’s appearance.

Symptoms include:

  1. Pale skin due to lack of hemoglobin.
  2. Photophobia. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the skin is destroyed, causing suffering to the patient.
  3. The structure of the cartilage tissue is destroyed: the fingers become crooked, the ears and nose become pointed.
  4. The lips become thinner, exposing the incisors, and the gums bleed.
  5. Teeth may take on a pinkish tint.

Porphyria can only be treated with a bone marrow transplant. However, even this does not provide a 100% guarantee.


A life-threatening condition that is characterized by a sudden loss of consciousness, lack of response to external stimuli, shallow breathing and a slow pulse. The causes can be either injury or infection.

Patients experience a decrease in hemoglobin levels and, as a result, acquire a characteristic vampire appearance.


A physiological condition that manifests itself in slowness, lethargy, and fatigue. Patients experience irresistible daytime sleepiness and suffer from insomnia at night. Sometimes hallucinations occur immediately after waking up or falling asleep.

Our body cannot withstand disruption for long life cycle. Due to chronic fatigue, outbursts of aggression begin to appear, which are sharply replaced by apathy.

This disease is also characterized by a lack of appetite. As a result, hemoglobin levels decrease, which leads to changes in appearance.


This is another disease that can result in the appearance of a vampire.

Symptoms include:

  1. Depressed state, insomnia.
  2. Increased sensitivity to external stimuli: bright light, loud sounds.
  3. There is a fear of water, hallucinations, and obsessions.
  4. Salivation increases. Sometimes the liquid turns from white to pinkish. This indicates the presence of blood in saliva.
  5. An unhealthy appetite appears. The desire to consume something inedible or dangerous. Patients have a thirst for blood and increased aggressiveness.
  6. Paralysis of the facial muscles and musculoskeletal system.

This disease is fatal.

Psychological abnormalities

The emergence of a tendency towards vampirism can also be explained from a psychological point of view. In 1992, Richard Noll first described a case of human vampirism, the cause of which was the mental disorder of his patient. This disease was later called Renfield syndrome.

It consists of the following stages:

  1. A “chief incident” is a random action or circumstance that results in the patient tasting his own blood and finding it intriguing.
  2. Autovampirism. A person inflicts wounds on himself in order to observe the bleeding process and again feel that unique taste. He learns how to properly open the major veins and arteries to gain more direct access.
  3. In parallel with this, zoophagy develops - eating living creatures or drinking their blood.
  4. The next stage in the development of the syndrome is the emergence of an obsession to drink the blood of another person.

According to statistics, they are exposed to this disease mostly men.

Energy vampirism

Usually, the donor person himself loses some of his energy and, after communicating with this type of vampire, experiences fatigue and apathy.

People who tend to absorb another person's energy are sociable and easily strike up conversations with strangers. In the absence of the necessary nourishment, they fall into apathy and depression.

Vampires in the animal kingdom


Among this species, leeches are hematophagous. They feed on the blood of vertebrates, mollusks, worms, etc. They are often used in folk medicine to cleanse wounds and thin the blood.



This type has several subtypes, which are also hematophagous.



Many families of mites belong to the hematophagous species. In addition to the discomfort they cause when feeding, ticks are also carriers of various serious diseases.

Of the spiders, it is worth highlighting the species of jumping spiders. They prefer to feed on hematophagous insects.


This is the largest group of real vampires in nature. These include:

  1. Diptera insects. Female mosquitoes, horseflies, midges.
  2. Bedbugs. Bed bugs and the Predator family.
  3. Fleas.
  4. Some representatives of the order Lepidoptera and adults.


This type has three subtypes, where representatives of hematophages can be found.




Among mammals, hematophages include vampires. bats. There are 3 types in total:

  • ordinary vampire;
  • white-winged vampire;
  • hairy vampire.

They all live in Central and South America. They feed only on fresh blood of mammals, and sometimes attack people. Their saliva has an anesthetic property and the victim does not feel anything during the bite.


The existence of the mythical monster vampire was first described in the mid-18th century, and at the beginning of the 19th century. scientists have refuted its mystical existence. In the modern world, human vampirism can be found as one of the symptoms of a physical or psychological illness. This phenomenon is also common in the animal world. There's no evidence