What is included in the concept of tko. See what “TKO” is in other dictionaries. Concept of municipal solid waste

Let's figure out what MSW or MSW is?

Federal Law No. 458 of December 29, 2014 - Federal Law introduced changes to the very concept of solid waste. A new term has appeared, TKO. What is municipal solid waste? This is household waste from residential buildings. But the concept of solid waste is broader; it also includes waste generated at enterprises, similar in composition to household solid waste. The concept of municipal solid waste includes several more groups of waste.

All municipal solid waste can be divided into two groups:

  1. Biological waste.
  2. Household waste, in other words, ordinary garbage.

Thus, MSW is the most diverse group of waste. Of all the diversity, the main varieties can be distinguished:

  • biological remains
  • synthetic MSW
  • cellulose
  • petroleum products

MSW management

Changes in federal law also affected the removal of solid waste. If previously management companies had to do this, they also set the cost of removal for residents. Now this is the responsibility of regional operators. A specific export scheme has been established. The waste is transported to a nearby MSW landfill.

It is worth understanding that it is impossible to suddenly switch from the old system to the new one. This is planned to be done gradually. The reference year is 2017. The rules for handling municipal solid waste are prescribed in regulatory documents and are gradually being finalized.

Regional operator

This term refers to a legal entity involved in the management of solid waste in a designated area. To do this, it is necessary to conclude an agreement for the provision of services with management companies or directly with the owners.

The operator is selected through competition. The contract with him is concluded for a period of 10 years. Previously, the fee for this service was calculated based on the area of ​​the premises available to the owner. Now the fee will be set based on the standard for municipal solid waste per person.

The accumulation standard is the average volume of MSW per unit of time, according to Federal Law No. 89.

MSW disposal

There are several ways to get rid of unwanted junk.

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The most financially profitable way. But at the same time, it has a detrimental effect on nature and irrationally occupies the territory. MSW storage is carried out in special landfills and landfills equipped with the necessary facilities.

Burial sites should be located outside residential, recreational, water protection zones, medical institutions, and places of public recreation. The burial of radioactive, toxic, that is, hazardous waste is unacceptable.

During the decomposition of waste, harmful fumes are produced. They cause damage to the condition of the soil cover, nearby ground and surface waters, atmosphere, and can also cause harm to humans. When gases are released, there is a high probability of their ignition. In such a situation, landfill gas requires proper handling, that is, it needs to be collected and disposed of.

The advantage of this method is its low cost. But at the same time, this requires large territories, which in the future will be unsuitable for economic work and life. To correct the situation it will be necessary to spend large number time and invest a lot of money into it.


The most popular way. At the outlet, ash is formed, occupying a significant less space, than the initial MSW. As a rule, the remaining ash is removed. This method has disadvantages. During the combustion of MSW, large amounts of toxic substances are released.

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Residues of substances have a detrimental effect on the nature in the vicinity of this place. To get rid of this disadvantage, it is necessary to use afterburning furnaces. They carry out neutralization harmful substances. Modern incinerators have a cleaning system and an electricity generator.

The advantages of this method are low financial costs and a reduction in the volume of balances. In addition, the heat released during the combustion process can be used to generate electricity and for heating. The main disadvantage is toxicity.

A type of combustion is pyrolysis - thermal decomposition of waste in the absence of air. It helps preserve environment.


Thanks to composting, up to 30% of MSW is recycled, this applies to safe organic waste. To facilitate the fight against MSW, their systematic sorting is necessary. Increasingly, in Russian yards you can see containers for certain types of MSW. For example, containers for plastic containers, broken glass, paper.

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Garbage containers for hazardous MSW are becoming increasingly popular:

  • used batteries
  • used thermometers
  • old lamps

To prevent hazardous household waste from causing irreparable harm to the environment, it must be sorted.


MSW is a sought-after recyclable material; the recycling of household waste makes it possible to produce a large number of products, for example, paper products, glass containers, and various scraps of metal and plastic.

Recycling waste into recyclable materials allows you to not only reduce the amount of waste disposed of, but also save natural resources, the number of which is decreasing every year.

Types of waste suitable for recycling:

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  • Scrap of ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Metal residues are sorted through a magnetic separation process, pressed, packaged and sent to foundries for remelting.
  • Plastics. Reusing polymer residues is problematic due to the degree of contamination. In addition, recyclable materials do not meet quality requirements. It is more expensive to process polymers into recycled materials than to produce primary ones. Recycling is carried out only if there are no strict requirements for the resulting material.
  • Glass container. Used for the production of technical glass used in construction. To do this, cullet is sorted, cleaned, dried, crushed and heated, followed by remelting.
  • Waste paper. After collecting paper waste, the raw materials are first sorted. Afterwards, waste paper is obtained and cleaned. The pulp may subsequently be bleached and ultimately sent to paper production. New paper is produced using recycled and virgin raw materials combined.
  • Wood. This material is in demand in construction. Recycling allows you to save on the costs of producing primary products.
  • Used electronics. When recycling used electronic circuit boards, you can obtain gold, silver, palladium, as well as nickel, iron, copper and glass polymers. The sorted metal is then sent to a smelting furnace.
  • Petroleum products. Asphalt, bitumen, oils.

Each type of waste has its own processing technology. Mixed MSW is sorted using various types of separation.

Standards for the accumulation of municipal solid waste

At the beginning of 2016, a new clause on the removal of solid municipal waste appeared in receipts for payment of housing maintenance.

What does this concept mean?

What is municipal solid waste?

Solid municipal or, as they are also called, household waste includes a fairly wide list: waste from residential and industrial, commercial and public premises, fallen leaves, remnants of repair materials, waste from yard areas, spoiled food.

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In other words, they include everything that ends up in garbage containers near high-rise buildings.

Municipal solid waste also differs in the method of processing and handling, source of origin, level of hazard, composition and other characteristics.

However, not everything can be thrown into bins in the yard. The law specifies the rules for handling and clear separation of municipal waste.

Can be thrown into trash containers:

  • wood and plant waste;
  • small debris collected by wipers (dust, cigarette butts, etc.);
  • food waste and spoiled food;
  • textile items
  • materials used for packaging (cardboard), waste paper and newspapers.

The following should not be thrown into trash containers:

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  • bulky waste after renovation;
  • liquid and oil products;
  • pet feces;
  • expired medications and other pharmaceutical waste;
  • toxic substances.

All this waste must be removed to individually with the help of special services. This is especially important for municipal waste hazardous to health, such as broken light bulbs and used energy-saving lamps.

You need to know the basic rules for handling them.

Such things contain mercury, which even in small quantities has a detrimental effect on human health.

Most of us do not think about the consequences that are possible due to violations of the rules for handling municipal waste. Garbage can sit in containers for several days and cause unpleasant consequences: contamination (in the case of organic waste), poisoning (mercury) and possible fire.

It is important to follow the handling rules and teach this to your children. After all, the health of those around you and your family directly, as well as the environmental situation as a whole, depends on how seriously you take them.

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The minor inconvenience of calling special services cannot be compared with the danger to which innocent people are exposed.

Amendments to the law on municipal waste accumulation

Recently, several significant amendments have been made to the legal act for the accumulation of municipal solid waste.

  1. The distinction between waste from industrial and residential areas has been abolished.
  2. The organization of a unified control system for the disposal of all waste is prescribed.
  3. A new calculation of payment for the removal of household waste has been determined.
  4. Standards have been introduced for the accumulation of waste per inhabitant of an apartment or entirely from a retail space per area.
  5. To resolve all organizational issues in the regions, a MSW operator is appointed. His appointment is carried out by the administration bodies (a competitive selection is carried out). The main requirements: availability of serviceable transport for waste removal and permission for this activity from Rospotrebnadzor.

Over the past year, various tests have been carried out, as a result of which standards for solid waste accumulation were developed and calculated. This is exactly what the new column in the payment receipt for housing maintenance reflects.

Determination of standards for the accumulation of municipal waste

The new instructions clearly define the standards for each category of persons who are subject to the rules of treatment.

These include:

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  • owners of residential premises;
  • owners of adjacent territories;
  • individual entrepreneurs renting production premises.

Standards are determined using special measurements once a season carried out by the MSW operator. To do this, choose a residential area in which at least 2% of the total population is concentrated for small cities, 1% for large cities and 0.5% for cities with a population of over a million.

To carry out such measurements, special equipment is used - special containers and large plastic bags. The separation of solid waste from all three categories is clearly monitored and the possibility of mixing is eliminated. After such work has been carried out, a waste report must be compiled for each day.

The next step is to calculate additional coefficients using specially derived formulas:

  • average daily standard;
  • average quantitative standard for each season;
  • annual standard (daily rate multiplied by the number of days in a year);
  • average monthly standard.

After the experimental containers are filled, the mass and volume of waste is measured.

To do this, a number of steps are performed.

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  1. Leveling all waste.
  2. Using a special ruler, the volume of collected waste is measured. The measurement takes place from top to bottom, and the length of the ruler is one and a half meters.
  3. A dynamometer is used to measure the mass, and then the mass of the empty tank is subtracted from the obtained value.
  4. If the weight of the waste is less than 10 kg, it can be weighed using a loading vehicle.

All obtained results are entered into a special table, after which the average value is displayed for all types of solid waste separately (residential, household, industrial).

The MSW operator is an entrepreneur who is legally responsible for all payments made and carries out further work with them.

What do the norms depend on?

For ordinary residents apartment buildings I'm probably wondering what the norms given on the receipts depend on, why are they not the same for everyone?

They are influenced by the following factors:

  • level of amenities of the living space (presence of a central heating system, sewage system, etc.);
  • availability of containers for separate collection various types garbage (plastic, paper, etc.). (in this case, the mass of solid waste is significantly less);
  • weather conditions (for example, in the northern regions of our country the heating season has been significantly extended);
  • presence of green plantings in the local area.

To accurately compile standards, data from developed and undeveloped areas is used. Great value has a way to heat the home.

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After a complete study, a sanitary passport is drawn up for each type of premises, which, without fail, indicates the number of people living in the high-rise building (for entrepreneurs - places in a cafe or restaurant); level of improvement and grooming of the surrounding area (presence of landscaping work and sidewalk paths).

If separate waste collection takes place, data on its measurement shall be indicated.

MSW standards for each person

For uniform calculations within the whole country, a special instruction has been created, which specifies approximate savings rates for each consumer.

  • average daily for the year;
  • average daily for the season;
  • average annual

They are calculated taking into account population density.

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  • comfortable housing (there is central heating, gas and water supply, waste collection is carried out separately);
  • poor housing (stove heating, lack of constant water supply and sewerage, waste collection is not carried out, private houses are allocated separately);
  • liquid waste (a separate line includes waste accumulating in basements and cesspools).

The final decision on the amount of standards for the accumulation of municipal solid waste is made by local governments. They are adjusted every 5 years.

Temporary standards

Such standards are valid for individual entrepreneurs while the MSW operator takes measurements and calculates constant indicators.

The calculation of temporary standards is based on the occupation of each specific organization. Usually the average value of the amount of garbage is used. According to the instructions, temporary standards should be adjusted once a year.

Each type of activity has its own coefficient. To calculate the number of waste accumulations, it is multiplied by the existing standards and the number of working days.

Nowadays, many areas of individual business use average temporary standards: stores (hardware, grocery, manufactured goods), trays and sales tents, transport offices, various service enterprises.

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The calculation of temporary standards does not include bulky waste. If such waste appears, it is included in the calculations and multiplied by a factor of 1.5. For large cities, the rate of accumulation of solid waste from production is at least 2 times less than from residential areas.

New standards. Are they necessary?

The adopted law on municipal waste management is aimed, first of all, at maintaining a favorable environmental situation in places where large numbers of people live. In addition, real indicators of solid waste accumulation in production are being calculated.

The measures taken will help:

  • increase the number of enterprises involved in solid waste disposal;
  • establish safe disposal of hazardous waste and proper handling of it;
  • build new plants to process certain types of waste;
  • destroy illegal landfills and bring to justice those responsible for their creation.

The instructions for the solid waste management law clearly define disposal measures for manufacturing enterprises. Now special organizations responsible for waste disposal will not be able to refuse to accept waste. Accordingly, the need for unauthorized landfills will disappear.

New rules for handling municipal waste in a difficult environmental situation couldn’t come at a better time. Their compliance, both by ordinary owners of residential premises and by production companies, will ensure cleanliness and order in every city.

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What is municipal solid waste and how to handle it

TKO is an abbreviation that appeared relatively recently. Previously, the name “MSW” appeared in all documents. In addition to changes in the name of the waste group, some amendments were made to the law regarding the rules for handling MSW and the procedure for calculating standards. Therefore, the topic of the article is relevant for most of our population.

What kind of waste is this? Law on MSW

The concept of “municipal solid waste” (MSW) was established and defined in the Federal Law of December 29, 2014 No. 458-FZ (as amended on November 28, 2015). Aspects of this law regulate certain waste management requirements.

According to the law, MSW is waste that is constantly generated in residential buildings as a result of the use of any goods by residents. MSW also includes items that have become unusable as a result of their consumption by residents of houses for personal and household purposes. In addition to waste accumulated during the life of individuals, the MSW group consists of waste generated in the work of organizations and individuals registered as individual entrepreneurs, which in its component content is close to residential waste.

The law specifies the rights and obligations of government authorities different levels in the area related to MSW management. It also specifies the rules for obtaining a license for organizations that wish to collect, transport, process, and dispose of municipal waste.

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In each subject Russian Federation According to the law, special organizations must be created to carry out all actions with MSW - regional operators. When selecting regional operators that are legal entities, a competition is held, as a result of which the winning organization receives permission to carry out activities for the management of solid waste in the regions of the entire subject of the Russian Federation for a period of at least 10 years.

Manufacturers and importers of products are required by law to dispose of waste generated after consumption of these products. If this obligation is not met, a certain amount of environmental tax is paid by importers and producers.

This law came into force on January 1, 2015, except for some of its aspects, for which other effective dates were determined (or changed).

Hazard class

The entire list of types of waste that make up MSW can be viewed in the FKKO. According to this classification catalog, it is also possible to determine the hazard class of a particular type of municipal waste. As a rule, a larger number of different groups of MSW are classified as waste hazard class IV or V.

Rules of circulation

All rules for the management of MSW are specified in detail in the document “On the management of MSW” dated November 12, 2016 No. 1156 established by the Government of the Russian Federation. Let's get acquainted with some aspects of the Rules.

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The document states that all manipulations with MSW must be carried out in conditions of safety for people and the natural environment.

The organization appointed by the regional operator draws up an agreement with consumers, according to which this organization becomes responsible for all stages of municipal waste management. The operator’s activities are determined by the region’s program in the field of MSW management and are carried out in accordance with the corresponding territorial scheme.

Actions related to the collection, transportation, processing, disposal, disposal and storage of MSW are carried out directly by the regional operator itself or with the help of other organizations working with waste.

MSW storage locations for consumers are determined in an agreement concluded with the regional operator. Waste collection can be carried out:

  • in houses in garbage collection chambers equipped with special containers;
  • in containers of various sizes located in specially designated areas on the street;
  • in disposable (bags) or other containers provided by the operator himself.

Bulky waste should be stored:

  • in bunkers on sites;
  • in a specially designated area for large-sized waste.

According to the Rules, the priority technology for processing MSW is the one that allows automated waste sorting. Also, preference in waste disposal is given to technologies that ultimately ensure the production of secondary raw materials for various industries.

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An important point when processing MSW is the exclusion of hazardous waste (classes I and II) from the total mass so that it does not end up in landfills.

Everything is stated in the Rules possible reasons, in accordance with which the activities of regional operators may be terminated.

Accumulation standards

The standards for the accumulation of MSW are specified in Decree of the Russian Government of April 4, 2016 No. 269.

Pay attention! When determining standard values, waste generated during cleaning of local areas is also taken into account.

For any differentiated category of objects, standards are determined separately. To establish standard values, waste is measured in accordance with established rules.

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In order to calculate standards, special formulas are used that determine the following indicators:

  1. The average daily standard for the season, which can be expressed in different units of measurement depending on the use of mass or volumetric values.
  2. The average daily standard for different seasons (periods of the year), which can also be expressed in units of mass or volume per 1 calculation unit/day.
  3. Average monthly and annual standards.


The density of MSW (formerly MSW) is determined in the process of calculating waste accumulation standards. This is an important indicator, to establish which it is necessary to know the volume and mass of garbage. For this purpose, the accumulated waste is leveled and its parameters are measured using a special ruler. After this, the MSW is weighed and the mass of the container is subtracted from the resulting total mass. Using the obtained numbers, the subsequent calculation of the average density of waste is carried out, in which it is necessary to determine daily norm savings (depending on the number of residents), average monthly and average annual standards, annual MSW standards. Only by calculating the standards can the average density be determined.

Additional information! The above calculations must be carried out by specialists in compliance with the standards and formulas specified in our legislation. In addition, certain equipment is required to carry out such work.

MSW disposal

Every year, over 70 million tons of MSW are generated in our country. Almost all of the waste can be recycled. However, in Russia, most municipal waste is simply stored in landfills, the area of ​​which is constantly increasing. This method of waste disposal is irrational both from an economic and environmental point of view. Therefore, the issue of proper processing of MSW requires close attention of the authorities and environmental services.

Let's look at the main methods of municipal waste disposal that exist today.

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Burial. The cheapest way. However, it has many disadvantages. When waste decomposes in landfills, toxic substances are released into the external environment, polluting water, atmosphere and soil. At the same time, huge territories are required, which after the liquidation of the landfill will be unusable for a long time. When implementing this method, it is necessary to comply with the rules for the location of polygons: they must be created outside the boundaries settlements, recreation areas and water protection, medical institutions.

Burning. A common method today. The product of the process is ash, the volume of which is much less than the volume of MSW before combustion. The ash is usually taken to landfills. This method also has certain disadvantages associated with a negative impact on the environment. Therefore, they are trying to improve it through the use of afterburning furnaces with a gas purification system and an electrical energy generator.

An environmentally more sustainable method is pyrolysis - the decomposition of waste in the absence of air at high temperatures.

Composting. A method for decomposing the organic component of waste. Its essence is to create compost heaps in which waste is stored. In such heaps, decomposition of organic components occurs due to the activity of microorganisms. The disadvantage of this method is that during biodegradation of waste, bad smell. The method also requires preliminary sorting of waste.

MSW recycling. Most waste can be recycled to produce new materials and products. The method allows you to save natural resources, protect the environment and obtain a cheap raw material base.

Different components of MSW are processed in different ways.

Metal materials are sorted, pressed and packaged, after which the processed waste is sent to metallurgical enterprises for the purpose of remelting.

Plastic components serve as raw materials for the production of new products: polyester sheets and fibers, etc.

From glass residues, technical glass is obtained, which is used in construction work. During the processing process, raw materials are sorted, cleaned, dried, crushed and heated for further melting.

Paper waste (together with fresh raw materials) is used to produce new paper. The collected waste paper is sorted, cleaned, in some cases bleached, and then sent to pulp and paper mills.

Wood waste produces many building materials(for example, fiberboard, chipboard), fuel briquettes, pellets, etc.

Discarded electrical appliances are often a source of non-ferrous metals and polymers suitable for further use as raw materials.

Oily waste (asphalt, bitumen) is also processed.

Thus, each type of MSW is processed according to different technologies Therefore, the most important stage of this disposal method is waste sorting.

Television correspondents talk in a video about one of the modern landfills for solid waste located in the Vologda region, the principles of its operation and the problems of unauthorized landfills

Innovations regarding the rules for working with MSW are not yet clear to every resident of our country. The change in the name itself (MSW to MSW) and the updated process for making payments for the provision of waste management services caused a lot of controversy. Unfortunately, only outdated methods of recycling solid municipal (household) waste remain unchanged.

What is MSW and how to handle it?

Recently, the environmental community has been literally in a fever due to the simultaneous adoption of several serious regulations that are restructuring the entire system of environmental control and supervision in Russia. So, on the eve of the New Year, we received an unexpected legislative “gift” - Federal Law No. 458-FZ dated December 29, 2014 “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On Production and Consumption Waste”, certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation and the recognition of certain legislative acts as invalid (provisions of legislative acts) of the Russian Federation" (hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 458-FZ). This document radically changes the waste management system, affecting the fundamental concepts and principles of environmental law.

We will not dwell in detail on all the changes provided for Federal law No. 458-FZ. Let us only note that they touched upon almost all aspects of waste management: issues of ownership of waste, the procedure for licensing waste management activities, vocational training persons authorized to handle waste, and much more. In addition, the terminology used in the field of waste management has also undergone changes.

The innovations also affected the most frequently generated waste - household solids. So, in Art. 1 of Federal Law No. 89-FZ of June 24, 1998 “On Production and Consumption Waste” (hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 89-FZ) a new term has appeared for this category of waste:

solid municipal waste - waste generated in residential premises during consumption individuals, as well as goods that have lost their consumer properties in the process of their use by individuals in residential premises in order to satisfy personal and domestic needs. Municipal solid waste also includes waste generated during the activities of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and similar in composition to waste generated in residential premises during consumption by individuals;

In addition, new terms relating to the management of MSW were introduced into this article:

from Federal Law No. 89-FZ

standard for the accumulation of solid municipal waste - the average amount of solid municipal waste generated per unit of time;

municipal solid waste management operator - an individual entrepreneur or legal entity engaged in the collection, transportation, processing, disposal, neutralization, and burial of municipal solid waste;

regional operator for the management of municipal solid waste […] - operator for the management of solid municipal waste - a legal entity that is obliged to enter into an agreement for the provision of treatment services with municipal solid waste with the owner solid municipal waste that is generated and collection sites for which are located in the area of ​​activity of the regional operator;

balance of quantitative characteristics of the formation, recycling, neutralization, burial of solid municipal waste on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation - the ratio of the amount of generated solid municipal waste and the quantitative characteristics of their disposal, neutralization, burial, transfer to other constituent entities of the Russian Federation (receipts from other constituent entities of the Russian Federation) for subsequent disposal, neutralization, burial;

Thus, the term “domestic solid waste (MSW)”, which is familiar to us, has been replaced by “municipal solid waste (MSW)”. In our opinion, the new term is more consistent with established environmental practice. In addition, completely new concepts of MSW management operator and regional MSW management operator, which are understood as organizations of the utility complex, were introduced into the field of waste management.

In accordance with Federal Law No. 458-FZ, from January 1, 2016, Federal Law No. 89-FZ will be supplemented with Art. 13.2, which contains requirements for the development and implementation of regional programs in the field of waste management, incl. with MSW. Such a program will have to include the values ​​of target indicators in the field of waste management (including MSW), the achievement of which is ensured as a result of the implementation of the program, a list of activities for waste management (including MSW) indicating the expected results , as well as information on the financing of these activities. These measures should be aimed at stimulating the construction of waste treatment, recycling, neutralization, and disposal facilities (including MSW); co-financing the construction of facilities for the collection, transportation, processing and disposal of waste from the use of goods; stimulating waste recycling, identifying places of unauthorized waste disposal, etc. The list of activities will be taken into account when developing the activities of the relevant state programs and will be subject to agreement with the territorial bodies of the authorized federal executive body (i.e. with Rosprironadzor). The regional program will be required to be published on the Internet.

From January 1, 2016, Federal Law No. 89-FZ will also be supplemented by Art. 13.3, according to which, in order to organize and carry out activities for the collection, transportation, processing, disposal, disposal, disposal of waste, the authorized executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation will approve a territorial scheme in the field of waste management, incl. with MSW. This scheme will have to be developed in accordance with territorial planning documents and include data on the location of sources of waste generation, on the amount of waste generated, on targets for the neutralization, recycling and disposal of waste, on the location of waste collection and accumulation sites, on the location of treatment facilities , recycling, neutralization, disposal of waste (including MSW) on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, etc. The scheme will also be subject to approval by Rosprirodnadzor and will be publicly available on the Internet.

From January 1, 2016, Federal Law No. 89-FZ will be supplemented with an entire chapter - Ch. V.1 “Regulation of activities in the field of municipal solid waste management” (Articles 24.6–24.13).

In accordance with Art. 24.6 collection, transportation, processing, disposal, neutralization, burial of MSW on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation will be carried out by a regional operator in accordance with the regional program in the field of waste management and the territorial scheme of waste management, while the rules for handling MSW approved will have to be observed Government of the Russian Federation. The management of MSW, which is waste from the use of goods, will be carried out taking into account the features established in Art. 24.2 of Federal Law No. 89-FZ. The status of a regional operator will be assigned to a legal entity on the basis of a competitive selection conducted by authorized executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for a period of at least 10 years. The grounds for depriving a legal entity of the status of a regional operator will be determined in the rules for handling MSW.

According to Art. 24.7 The owner of the MSW will enter into a public agreement with the regional operator in accordance with the standard agreement approved by the Government of the Russian Federation (the agreement can be supplemented by agreement of the parties with other provisions that do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation). The regional operator will not have the right to refuse the owner to enter into an agreement if the owner’s waste is generated and the places of their collection are located in the operator’s area of ​​activity (by the way, the regional operator will have the right to carry out activities on the territory of another constituent entity of the Russian Federation in accordance with the rules for handling MSW and taking into account the agreement , concluded between the constituent entities of the Russian Federation). This situation cannot but rejoice, because it turns out that the owners of solid waste disposal facilities - regional operators - will have not only rights, but also responsibilities.

Based on Art. 24.8 regulated activities in the field of MSW management will include:

Provision of services for handling MSW by a regional operator.

All listed types of activities will be carried out at prices determined by agreement of the parties and not exceeding the maximum tariffs that will be established by executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation authorized in the field of tariff regulation, for each organization carrying out these types of activities, and for each of the listed types of activities . A single tariff for the service of a regional operator for the management of MSW, as well as tariffs for the processing, neutralization and disposal of MSW, will be subject to regulation.

According to Art. 24.9 tariff regulation will be carried out by executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or local government bodies. A unified tariff for MSW management services will be established in relation to regional operators, and other tariffs subject to regulation will be established in relation to MSW management operators. Tariffs will be calculated based on the pricing framework established by the Government of the Russian Federation. Methods for regulating tariffs and criteria for their application will be determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. In the event of changes in tariffs at the initiative of the state (for example, due to changes in legislation), a procedure will be provided for compensation of lost benefits for MSW operators. Federal executive body authorized in the region government regulation tariffs in the field of MSW management, will monitor tariffs.

In accordance with Art. 24.10 to calculate the volume and (or) mass of MSW when concluding contracts with MSW operators, it will be necessary to be guided by the rules for commercial accounting of the volume and (or) mass of MSW, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. In cases determined by the Government of the Russian Federation, the volume and (or) mass of MSW is planned to be determined based on the standards for the accumulation of MSW established by the executive authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation or local government bodies. The procedure for determining standards for the accumulation of MSW will be established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

According to Art. 24.11 all information relating to regulated types of MSW management activities (including information on tariffs and parameters of tariff regulation) will be publicly available and must be published on the Internet.

Based on Art. 24.12 the legality and validity of establishing and changing tariffs will be checked at the federal and regional levels, and scheduled and unscheduled inspections are expected to be carried out (for example, based on citizens’ requests).

In addition, according to Art. 24.13 now, for the construction, reconstruction and (or) modernization of facilities used for MSW management, it will be necessary to draw up an investment program based on the territorial scheme in the field of waste management, which will have to contain planned and actual values ​​of performance indicators of MSW management facilities, a list construction, reconstruction and (or) modernization activities, the volume of financial needs, program implementation schedule and preliminary calculation of tariffs in the field of MSW management. The procedure for development, coordination, approval and adjustment of investment programs will be established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Thus, by the end of 2015, the Government of the Russian Federation and the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation will have a lot of “paper” work to do, because they must develop and approve a lot of by-laws in the field of MSW management before Chapter comes into force. V.1 of Federal Law No. 89-FZ, i.e. until January 1, 2016

In addition, according to clause 9, which will also be supplemented from January 1, 2016, Art. 23 of Federal Law No. 89-FZ, the costs of paying for the NVOS when placing MSW will be taken into account when setting tariffs for the operator for the management of MSW, the regional operator in the manner established by the principles of pricing in the field of MSW management.

Let's note one more important point: from January 1, 2019 Art. 23 of Federal Law No. 89-FZ will be supplemented with paragraphs. 6 and 7, on the basis of which, when placing waste at waste disposal sites that do not provide an environmentally friendly environment, no payment for environmental impact will be charged, however, it should be noted that the exclusion of environmental pollution (due to the implementation of environmental protection measures, the availability of technical solutions and structures that ensure environmental protection ) will need to be confirmed by environmental monitoring results.

As we can see, the changes provided for by Federal Law No. 458-FZ significantly limit the rights of local governments in the field of waste management. If now they can organize the collection, removal, disposal, and recycling of waste themselves, then starting from January 1, 2016, they will only be able to take part in all waste management operations, and village self-government bodies will only be able to participate in the collection and transportation of MSW, district - in the processing, disposal, neutralization and disposal of solid waste, and urban - in all of the above operations within urban districts.

In our opinion, all this is only for the better. During her career, the author has repeatedly worked with village administrations on the issue of concluding contracts with licensed landfills and can confidently state that there is chaos and a complete lack of understanding of the system of environmental control and supervision in general and safe waste management in particular.

Significant progress towards achieving safe waste management can occur if natural resource users comply with the following norm of Federal Law No. 89-FZ, which will come into force on January 1, 2017:

from Federal Law No. 89-FZ

(as amended, which will come into force on 01/01/2017)

8. Burying waste that contains useful components that are subject to disposal is prohibited. The list of types of waste that contain useful components, the disposal of which is prohibited, is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Thanks to the changes provided for by Federal Law No. 458-FZ, another gap in the legislation, which has already been mentioned more than once, has been closed. So, from January 1, 2016 Art. 12 of Federal Law No. 89-FZ will be supplemented with clause 10 as follows: “The use of municipal solid waste for the reclamation of lands and quarries is prohibited.” One of the author’s articles, previously published in the “Ecologist’s Handbook,” was devoted to this issue. The fact is that many unscrupulous users of natural resources are currently trying to “dispose” of their household and construction waste, filling voids from mining or trenches, pits, quarries, passing off this process as land reclamation. Moreover, there are cases of approval (!) of projects for such reclamation. Over the past couple of years, several explanatory letters from Rosprirodnadzor have been issued to explain this situation. And now, fortunately, the norm in question will be enshrined in law, which will eliminate any discrepancies.

We briefly reviewed the innovations in the field of solid waste (now MSW) management that await us in connection with the adoption of Federal Law No. 458-FZ. We advise our readers to study in more detail this document, especially the timing of entry into force of its individual provisions. Time will tell how it will work in practice. Let's hope that the adoption of this legal act will not cause another round of bureaucratization of the environmental control system, but will lead to a real improvement in the environmental situation in our country.

For more information on these changes, see:

– Prokhorov I.O. Waste management: new terminology and new concepts // Ecologist's Handbook. 2015. No. 2. P. 8–24 (http://www.profiz.ru/eco/2_2015/458-FZ/);

– Zhelyabovskaya D.S. Implementation of the provisions of the Federal Law of December 29, 2014 No. 458-FZ: draft legal acts // Ecologist's Handbook. 2015. No. 4. pp. 14–28 (http://www.profiz.ru/eco/4_2015/458-FZ_proekty/).

For more information about this, see: Nelzikova E.A. On the new procedure for licensing activities for waste management of hazard classes I–IV // Ecologist's Handbook. 2015. No. 3. P. 36–45 (http://www.profiz.ru/eco/3_2015/licenz/).

Previously, such a document was called the “comprehensive development program in the field of waste management.”

For more information about this, see: Lamikhova M. Ecological collection: what, where, when? // Handbook of ecologist. 2015. No. 4. pp. 39–48 (http://www.profiz.ru/eco/4_2015/eco_sbor/).

See Lamikhova M. Land reclamation or unauthorized waste disposal? // Handbook of ecologist. 2014. No. 12. P. 38–44 (http://www.profiz.ru/eco/12_2014/rekult/).

M. Lamikhova, environmental engineer, Ecological Center Group of Companies

The event is traditionally held under the Patronage of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and is held with the organizational participation of the Center for Environmental Industrial Policy of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Committee of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry on Entrepreneurship in the Housing and Public Utilities Sector, the ERBA Association, and the All-Russian Public Organization " Business Russia", UNIDO Center, Associations "APET" and "RATEK".

Our enterprise submitted the declaration of payment by March 10, 2017, but due to the incorrect operation of the Natural Resources User Module, we were unable to display the presence of small and medium-sized enterprises (hereinafter referred to as SMME) reporting at the enterprise and the deadline for submitting it to the authorized body. Later, when the Module started working, we made an updated calculation and submitted it to the Rosprirodnadzor Department on April 27, 2017. The fee amounts remained the same, and in the calculation, except for one new line with data on SMSP reporting, nothing has changed. Can Rosprirodnadzor fine us for the fact that the updated calculation was not submitted by March 10, 2017?

Is it necessary to update information about the facility providing NVOS?

Payment for utility services hides many things that are incomprehensible to common man notation. We continue to reveal their meaning for you, and now it’s your turn to find out what MSW is in an apartment receipt.

In 2017-2018, many consumers for the first time encountered a line such as “payment for MSW management” in their payment receipts. In 2019, this line became familiar to all residents of apartment buildings, because the Government of the Russian Federation removed this service from general building needs.

What is hidden behind the mysterious acronym “solid waste management”, what is that line on the receipt and what do we pay for?

What is MSW management?

The abbreviation stands for very simply: “municipal solid waste”. This concept has been included in the Housing Code since 2016.

How to pay for MSW using a receipt

In summary: garbage and waste removal is what MSW is in the receipt for housing and communal services, it’s just that the abbreviation is still unusual for us.

When household waste was included in general house needs, no payment was allocated for it, and the cost was distributed in multiples of the area of ​​the apartment or other premises in apartment building. It is now a separate utility and has its own line item.

The fee standard is determined depending on the number of people living. The tariff is set at the regional level and depends on various factors:

  • actual number and volume of containers used;
  • availability of conditions and opportunities for sorting and separate storage (this will make it possible to set a lower tariff than for unsorted waste);
  • the predominance of waste that is not subject to burial and incineration (garbage that should be recycled).

Officials calculate the standard based on the average “production” of waste by one person. Age, health and social status do not play a role in this case. The municipal service for the management of municipal solid waste is controlled by the state and municipal authorities in terms of setting tariffs and the performance by service operators of their duties. And in the document you will find the tariff that is approved in the region.

At the beginning of 2016, a new clause on the removal of solid municipal waste appeared in receipts for payment of housing maintenance.

What does this concept mean?

Solid municipal or, as they are also called, household waste includes a fairly wide list: waste from residential and industrial, commercial and public premises, fallen leaves, remnants of repair materials, waste from yard areas, spoiled food.

In other words, they include everything that ends up in garbage containers near high-rise buildings.

Municipal solid waste also differs in the method of processing and handling, source of origin, level of hazard, composition and other characteristics.

However, not everything can be thrown into bins in the yard. The law specifies the rules for handling and clear separation of municipal waste.

Can be thrown into trash containers:

  • wood and plant waste;
  • small debris collected by wipers (dust, cigarette butts, etc.);
  • food waste and spoiled food;
  • textile items
  • materials used for packaging (cardboard), waste paper and newspapers.

The following should not be thrown into trash containers:

  • bulky waste after renovation;
  • liquid and oil products;
  • pet feces;
  • expired medications and other pharmaceutical waste;
  • toxic substances.

All this garbage must be removed individually with the help of special services. This is especially important for municipal waste hazardous to health, such as broken light bulbs and used energy-saving lamps.

You need to know the basic rules for handling them.

Such things contain mercury, which even in small quantities has a detrimental effect on human health.

Most of us do not think about the consequences that are possible due to violations of the rules for handling municipal waste. Garbage can sit in containers for several days and cause unpleasant consequences: contamination (in the case of organic waste), poisoning (mercury) and possible fire.

It is important to follow the handling rules and teach this to your children. After all, the health of those around you and your family directly, as well as the environmental situation as a whole, depends on how seriously you take them.

The minor inconvenience of calling special services cannot be compared with the danger to which innocent people are exposed.

Amendments to the law on municipal waste accumulation

Recently, several significant amendments have been made to the legal act for the accumulation of municipal solid waste.

  1. The distinction between waste from industrial and residential areas has been abolished.
  2. The organization of a unified control system for the disposal of all waste is prescribed.
  3. A new calculation of payment for the removal of household waste has been determined.
  4. Standards have been introduced for the accumulation of waste per inhabitant of an apartment or entirely from a retail space per area.
  5. To resolve all organizational issues in the regions, a MSW operator is appointed. His appointment is carried out by the administration bodies (a competitive selection is carried out). The main requirements: availability of serviceable transport for waste removal and permission for this activity from Rospotrebnadzor.

Over the past year, various tests have been carried out, as a result of which standards for solid waste accumulation were developed and calculated. This is exactly what the new column in the payment receipt for housing maintenance reflects.

Determination of standards for the accumulation of municipal waste

The new instructions clearly define the standards for each category of persons who are subject to the rules of treatment.

These include:

  • owners of residential premises;
  • owners of adjacent territories;
  • individual entrepreneurs renting production premises.

Standards are determined using special measurements once a season carried out by the MSW operator. To do this, choose a residential area in which at least 2% of the total population is concentrated for small cities, 1% for large cities and 0.5% for cities with a population of over a million.

To carry out such measurements, special equipment is used - special containers and large plastic bags. The separation of solid waste from all three categories is clearly monitored and the possibility of mixing is eliminated. After such work has been carried out, a waste report must be compiled for each day.

The next step is to calculate additional coefficients using specially derived formulas:

  • average daily standard;
  • average quantitative standard for each season;
  • annual standard (daily rate multiplied by the number of days in a year);
  • average monthly standard.

After the experimental containers are filled, the mass and volume of waste is measured.

To do this, a number of steps are performed.

  1. Leveling all waste.
  2. Using a special ruler, the volume of collected waste is measured. The measurement takes place from top to bottom, and the length of the ruler is one and a half meters.
  3. A dynamometer is used to measure the mass, and then the mass of the empty tank is subtracted from the obtained value.
  4. If the weight of the waste is less than 10 kg, it can be weighed using a loading vehicle.

All obtained results are entered into a special table, after which the average value is displayed for all types of solid waste separately (residential, household, industrial).

The MSW operator is an entrepreneur who is legally responsible for all payments made and carries out further work with them.

What do the norms depend on?

Ordinary residents of apartment buildings are probably wondering what the standards given in the receipts depend on, why are they not the same for everyone?

They are influenced by the following factors:

  • level of amenities of the living space (presence of a central heating system, sewage system, etc.);
  • availability of containers for separate collection of various types of waste (plastic, paper, etc.). (in this case, the mass of solid waste is significantly less);
  • weather conditions (for example, in the northern regions of our country the heating season has been significantly extended);
  • presence of green plantings in the local area.

To accurately compile standards, data from developed and undeveloped areas is used. The method of heating your home is of great importance.

After a complete study, a sanitary passport is drawn up for each type of premises, which, without fail, indicates the number of people living in the high-rise building (for entrepreneurs - places in a cafe or restaurant); level of improvement and grooming of the surrounding area (presence of landscaping work and sidewalk paths).

If separate waste collection takes place, data on its measurement shall be indicated.

MSW standards for each person

For uniform calculations within the whole country, a special instruction has been created, which specifies approximate savings rates for each consumer.

They are:

  • average daily for the year;
  • average daily for the season;
  • average annual

They are calculated taking into account population density.

  • comfortable housing (there is central heating, gas and water supply, waste collection is carried out separately);
  • poor housing (stove heating, lack of constant water supply and sewerage, waste collection is not carried out, private houses are allocated separately);
  • liquid waste (a separate line includes waste accumulating in basements and cesspools).

The final decision on the amount of standards for the accumulation of municipal solid waste is made by local governments. They are adjusted every 5 years.

Temporary standards

Such standards are valid for individual entrepreneurs while the MSW operator takes measurements and calculates constant indicators.

The calculation of temporary standards is based on the occupation of each specific organization. Usually the average value of the amount of garbage is used. According to the instructions, temporary standards should be adjusted once a year.

Each type of activity has its own coefficient. To calculate the number of waste accumulations, it is multiplied by the existing standards and the number of working days.

Nowadays, many areas of individual business use average temporary standards: stores (hardware, grocery, manufactured goods), trays and sales tents, transport offices, various service enterprises.

The calculation of temporary standards does not include bulky waste. If such waste appears, it is included in the calculations and multiplied by a factor of 1.5. For large cities, the rate of accumulation of solid waste from production is at least 2 times less than from residential areas.

New standards. Are they necessary?

The adopted law on municipal waste management is aimed, first of all, at maintaining a favorable environmental situation in places where large numbers of people live. In addition, real indicators of solid waste accumulation in production are being calculated.

The measures taken will help:

  • increase the number of enterprises involved in solid waste disposal;
  • establish safe disposal of hazardous waste and proper handling of it;
  • build new plants to process certain types of waste;
  • destroy illegal landfills and bring to justice those responsible for their creation.

The instructions for the solid waste management law clearly define disposal measures for manufacturing enterprises. Now special organizations responsible for waste disposal will not be able to refuse to accept waste. Accordingly, the need for unauthorized landfills will disappear.

New rules for handling municipal waste in a difficult environmental situation couldn’t come at a better time. Their compliance, both by ordinary owners of residential premises and by production companies, will ensure cleanliness and order in every city.

Since the beginning of 2018, a new line has appeared in residents’ receipts: MSW management. This abbreviation made many residents scratch their heads - what is it, what is it for, where do the new amounts come from? In fact, everything is simple. MSW management is the new name for “garbage removal.”

What is MSW?

MSW or municipal solid waste is essentially the same household garbage that we throw in a trash container. What is MSW? These are: food waste, plastic, paper, metal, etc. The new name appeared in 2016, when the first official regulations appeared, providing not only for waste removal, but also for its disposal, processing, burial, etc. In short, the degree of responsibility for garbage thrown out by residents increased.

“Garbage removal” and “MSW management” - what’s the difference?

Almost none for residents. The main difference is the organization that provides the service. Previously, it was enough to simply take the garbage to the landfill. Been doing this management company or ZhKO. Residents paid these organizations using a single receipt. Garbage was also included in the list of household services.

Since the beginning of 2018, these responsibilities have been transferred to the regional operator - a company that will deal not only with the removal, but also with the disposal of waste in the region. This is a whole process: sorting, processing, neutralizing and burying waste. Actually, this is what we will pay for according to the receipt. And since now all this is handled by a separate large organization, the management of MSW was transferred to the category of public utilities and made a separate line in the payment slip.

All official documents are also ready. In 2017, the rules for the management of solid waste () were approved and changes were made to the rules for the provision of utility services. The rules of the game have been established, all that remains is to follow them correctly. In addition, after the release of these rules, there is no doubt that the new waste management system will firmly become part of our lives.

By the end of this year, each region will choose a regional operator and set tariffs for waste removal.

Who will take out the garbage?

Until a regional operator has been selected and the regional authorities have set tariffs, the management company will remove the waste (MSW). If these two conditions have not yet been met by the city, then residents most likely will not see the wording “MSW management” on their receipt. As soon as they are completed, garbage trucks will arrive from the relocation operator and a new utility service will appear in the payment system.

Management companies will also participate in the general process. They will ensure that the container sites are in good working order and clean, and that the containers themselves are always intact and standing where they should be. The management company will also monitor where the garbage collection point itself is located, whether it is located too close or too far from residential buildings.

Will the fee for a new line in a payment order increase?

The fee for handling MSW will depend on the family members who live in the apartment. Whether a person is registered on a permanent basis or lives there temporarily is not important. For each living person, a standard will be set for the amount of waste generated. The size of this standard will depend on the decision of regional authorities.

The size of the fee will depend on several factors:

  • whether the garbage is sorted or not. For those who separate waste into paper, glass and metal, a separate, reduced tariff will be established. Since the regional operator will have to do fewer operations with garbage;
  • Will the region calculate fees for MSW management based on total area apartments. This option is possible and should be established by the regional executive authorities.

Why are changes needed?

After reading this article, many residents will have a question: why switch to new system? After all, everyone understands that the cost of a new public services will be higher than the usual “garbage removal”.

The fact is that there is nowhere else to take out all household waste. Landfills and legal dumps are overflowing and it is becoming increasingly difficult to find a place to bury garbage. Therefore, more and more often waste is not transported to the landfill and the contents of the vehicle are left in the nearest ravine. Here is the new landfill. It’s logical that it’s time to take a new path and focus on waste disposal and recycling. This is precisely the goal of the latest changes.

There is a second reason. It’s familiar to everyone: garbage is collected at the wrong time or not at all. People complain, but it is difficult to control the operation of garbage trucks. Now a specific organization will be responsible for this.

MSW waste is an acronym that arose relatively recently. Somewhat earlier in the conversation, as well as in documents, this type of waste was referred to as MSW (solid biological waste).

In addition to changing the abbreviation and list of MSW waste, the Federal Law introduced changes to the methods of waste disposal. We will tell you more about everything in the article.

What is it?

Municipal solid waste - interpretation of MSW waste. The concept was officially established by Federation Law No. 458-FZ of December 29, 2014.

Based on the content of this Federal Law, MSW is all waste that is generated and accumulated in residential premises as a result of human activity, as well as consumer goods that have expired. Also, the legislation classifies municipal solid waste as garbage that is generated as a result of the activities of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

Thus, we can come to the conclusion that MSW is the waste that is generated as a result of human activities, enterprises and organizations.

Types of MSW

Waste related to MSW is divided into 2 categories:

  • biological - those that are also called waste;
  • non-biological - ordinary household waste.

Consequently, municipal solid waste includes most of the city's garbage. Biological MSW is food and plant waste, bones, etc. Non-biological waste is synthetic waste (glass, plastic, cellulose, textiles, polyethylene, etc.)

Differences between MSW and MSW

MSW - solid municipal waste. MSW - solid biological waste. The first concept officially, according to established law, replaced the second. Therefore, solid waste remains only in colloquial speech, it no longer appears in the documentation.

MSW waste is a more expanded concept than household waste. The thing is that MSW includes not only waste that is regularly removed from residential buildings and apartments, but also garbage that accumulates in offices and enterprises during the working day.

MSW and MSW have the same meaning, so there is nothing terrible for an ordinary person to confuse these 2 concepts. Important these abbreviations are for enterprises and organizations involved in the collection and disposal of waste near residential buildings and industrial buildings. After all, these enterprises work with documentation that exclusively refers to the reduction of MSW.

Before Federal Law No. 438, payment for garbage removal was based on the status of the premises - residential or non-residential, as well as on the number of square meters. After this law comes into force, payment for garbage collection services depends on the status of the consumer - an individual or a legal entity.

The fact is that ordinary residents of apartments and houses accumulate and take out much less garbage than what is collected from enterprises and offices. Of course, the payment for the former will be much less than for the latter.

Thus, MSW and MSW are practically equivalent concepts. Only the first remains spoken, and the second appears in documents and reports.

What waste is classified as MSW according to FKKO?

In the Federal Classification Catalog, a whole section is devoted to MSW waste. In block No. 7 you can find the categories to which this or that type of garbage belongs.

7 (30 000 00 00 0) - catalog number dedicated to municipal solid waste. Below is an “extract” from the FKKO, which reflects the lists of the main types of waste:

7 31 110 01 72 4 unsorted waste from apartments
7 31 110 02 21 5 bulky waste from apartments
7 31 200 01 72 4 garbage and swept dirt collected from the streets
7 31 200 02 72 5 garbage collected after cleaning park areas
7 31 200 03 72 5 sweeps and garbage collected from public flower beds and cemeteries
7 31 205 11 72 4 estimates collected near curbs near traffic roads
7 31 211 01 72 4 waste from snow retention grates
7 31 211 11 39 4 residue from snow melting equipment with a higher proportion of SiO 2 content
7 31 300 01 20 5 plant remains from lawns and flower beds
7 31 300 02 20 5 remnants of plant nature after sawdust of trees, cutting of bushes
7 33 100 01 72 4 rubbish from office premises, small-sized
7 22 100 02 72 5 rubbish from office and household premises, which is practically harmless
7 33 151 01 72 4 garbage from floating vehicles not intended to carry people

This is not a complete list of MSW waste from FKKO. But having already looked through a small excerpt from the catalog, you can see many repetitions with minor clarifications. There is no significant difference in this, except for differences in the categories of danger.

Some types of MSW also belong to some other sections of the classification catalogue: section No. 4 “Industrial and non-industrial consumer waste”.

Collection rules

MSW waste is garbage that is subject to certain handling rules. All these rules are spelled out in the official document “On the management of solid waste” dated November 12, 2016 No. 1156.

MSW waste management: collection, removal, disposal is carried out by a specially designated regional organization, which is fully responsible for the actions taken.

Places for collecting waste from residential premises are stated in the agreement concluded with such a regional organization. Most often, waste collection is carried out:

  • in containers or single-use packages provided by this regional organization;
  • in containers, trash cans or other large containers placed on a specially designated area on the street;
  • into waste collection chambers located in residential buildings.

This applies to small waste. Large ones are collected in the following places:

  • in special bunkers located on the sites;
  • in a specially designated area.

The main thing when following handling rules is to separate waste of hazard classes 1 and 2 from safe ones.

Disposal methods

There are several ways to dispose of municipal solid waste:

  • burial;
  • burning;
  • composting;
  • recycling.


Disposal of solid waste is the most financially profitable way to dispose of waste. It is financially beneficial, but harmful to the environment, since many types of MSW do not decompose at all or it will take several tens, and possibly hundreds of years. In addition, burial requires the use of vast areas of land. A special burial site is allocated for this purpose.

Landfills must be located behind residential areas, as well as away from water protection, recreational, medical and preventive areas, and park areas.

Some processed and landfilled waste can release dangerous gases that can harm the environment. This landfill gas also needs to be collected and disposed of.

Thus, we can come to the conclusion that burial has only one advantage over other methods of MSW disposal - low cost.


Incineration of MSW waste is the most common method of disposal. After burning garbage, all that remains is ash, which is easier to dispose of than the original form of solid household waste.

The disadvantage of combustion is that during the combustion process a large amount of harmful and even dangerous substances are released into the atmosphere. Therefore, carry out the recycling process huge amount garbage in this way under open air forbidden. For this purpose, special ovens are used that have the function of neutralizing the released gases.

The advantages of this method of MSW disposal include low financial costs, as well as the fact that after burning the garbage there is nothing left except ash, which is easy to dispose of. If you approach the waste incineration process rationally, the generated heat can be used to generate heating and/or electricity.

One of the methods for safe burning of waste has been developed - pyrolysis. Its essence lies in the thermal elimination of waste, but without the presence of air. In this way, no harmful gases or fumes are generated during the process.


Composting is only applicable for vegetable or food grade, since composting is nothing more than decomposition. Organic waste collected together is exposed to microorganisms, which, through their activity, transform the waste into compost.

Compost is considered the most best view fertilizers, since it consists exclusively of organic raw materials. This type of fertilizer is widely used in agriculture.

For composting MSW, a plot of land is allocated far from residential areas, where there is a lot of moisture and shade, and there is also the possibility of removing excess moisture.

If we judge the advantages of this method, there are several of them:

  • environmental safety;
  • cheapness;
  • getting something useful for agriculture fertilizers;
  • improving the condition of the land on which the composting process is carried out.

There are few disadvantages:

  • discharge large area land;
  • an unpleasant odor released during the decay process.

With the help of composting, it is possible to safely dispose of 35% of the total amount of MSW. But in order for this recycling process to proceed smoothly, it is necessary to sort organic waste from synthetic waste. To do this, in some yards, separate containers are installed for plastic, glass, etc. In European countries, this has been practiced for a long time.

In Russia, there is an active collection system for used batteries, old light bulbs, and used mercury thermometers.


Some MSW waste can find a “second life”. For this purpose, a disposal method such as recycling of recyclable materials is used. This method allows not only to reduce the amount of waste several times, but also to significantly save natural resources.

The following types of waste can be recycled:

  • ferrous and non-ferrous metals, which are sent under the press and then remelted;
  • timber, which helps reduce tree felling;
  • plastic, but recycling this material is much more expensive than its primary production;
  • glass, which is used as a recyclable material in construction;
  • petroleum products (oils, asphalt);
  • waste paper, which is used to make new paper;
  • used electronics.

Hazard class

The overwhelming majority of waste related to MSW have hazard classes 4 and 5. Class 5 includes the most environmentally friendly waste, and Class 4 includes low-hazard waste.

When disposing of class 5 waste, no official confirmation or preparation of a waste passport is required. This type of MSW waste includes saw cuts and fellings of trees, bush branches, leaves, and garbage collected from parks and alley areas. All this can be exported and liquidated without licenses or other documents.