Bath stoves drawings and sketches. Do-it-yourself metal sauna stove according to the drawing. Material for a metal stove in a bathhouse

To get the most in the bath optimal temperature, you need to have a properly selected, good stove. At the same time, the choice and arrangement should be taken very responsibly, because the chosen stove for the bath will affect not only the air temperature, but also its humidity.

If you use a low-quality stove, you will never be able to create good bath, being in which would bring rest, relaxation and relief from illnesses. And in order to choose a suitable stove, you should definitely figure out how the bathhouse differs from its closest “relative” - the Finnish sauna.

Connoisseurs know that between a real Russian bathhouse and, for example,

There is a real abyss. In saunas, air humidity is relatively low, but the temperature can reach 110-130 degrees. In the bathhouse, the temperature usually does not rise above 70-90 degrees. Only under the very ceiling, where extreme sports enthusiasts prefer to steam, does it approach the mark of a hundred degrees. But the humidity in a Russian bath can be 50-70 percent.

Therefore, the bath has a gentler effect on a person than a sauna. Moist air with the aroma of oak or birch leaves allows you to get rid of diseases that affect the respiratory tract. And the relatively low temperature (with high humidity, 60 degrees is perceived no worse than 120 degrees in a sauna) does not put much strain on the heart, stimulating the release of sweat containing salts and toxins.

Also, unlike a sauna, which heats up quite quickly and cools down quickly, a bathhouse takes longer to warm up, but retains heat for a very long time.

Having dealt with these subtleties, you can begin to choose a suitable stove.

What requirements must the oven meet?

Today you can see a variety of stove models on sale. They may vary in size, design and materials. You can buy a stove made of brick or metal, suitable for heating a small or large room. But do final choice should only be done after you have decided on the size of the bathhouse and steam room itself.

An approximate list of requirements for a sauna stove:

  1. Compactness. In most cases, baths have small size, which allows you to heat them relatively quickly.
  2. Fire safety. All the upholstery in a good bath (floors, ceilings, walls, shelves) is made of wood. Therefore, in some cases, one spark is enough for the whole thing to flare up.
  3. Power. This indicator is selected for a specific bath. A stove made of metal or brick must have sufficient power to quickly heat the bathhouse, heat the required amount of water, provide steam and hot air to bathhouse visitors, and also efficiently dry the steam room after all procedures are completed.

Yes, a sauna stove must meet only three main criteria. But if she doesn’t answer at least one, then she’s not suitable. It’s better to look for another model; fortunately, the modern market offers a huge selection.

Today, when you come to a specialized store, you can see two types of devices: steam generators and classic heater stoves.

Steam generators resemble huge electric kettles in design, usually square or rectangular in shape. Almost all models have a power control function. The heater stove can be replaced with it, or supplemented in order to humidify the air to the optimum level. However, steam generators are relatively little known to most people, and in addition, they differ sharply from conventional heater stoves. Therefore, despite their convenience and ease of use, they are little popular.

Installation diagram of a steam generator in a bath

Heater stoves are usually divided into two groups - closed and open. The former are most often made of stone or brick. They are the ones best suited for.

What are modern sauna stoves like?

Experts divide all modern stoves into two categories based on the type of energy used: wood stoves and electric heaters. Each of them has certain advantages, which you should definitely know about in order to avoid mistakes when choosing the right model.

The design of a metal stove can be very different. Some of them are made using handicraft methods, from scrap materials and using gas welding. Others are created in factories and have a special design developed by professionals. But they all differ in how quickly the temperature rises. It is enough to lay dry, high-quality firewood and set it on fire, so that after 30-40 minutes the temperature in the bathhouse rises to a level suitable for washing.

The danger of carbon monoxide poisoning is completely eliminated. The stove is covered on all sides with metal, preventing smoke from entering the bathhouse. The stones from which the heater is made heat up as a result of the flame transferring heat to the iron, and the iron conducts them to the stones and gives off heat to them.

Alas, the classic metal sauna stove has a serious disadvantage. The heat capacity of such furnaces is not too high. They heat up quickly and, rapidly transferring heat to the room, quickly cool down. Because of this, conditions suitable for uniform heating of the body are not created. To correct this, experts recommend lining them with brick, leaving only a gap of a few centimeters for a layer of air. This not only allows for a long time retain heat (brick has a high heat capacity), but also reduce the risk of burns.

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Some stoves even line the inside of the firebox with refractory bricks. This makes it possible to increase the heat capacity of the furnace and increase its service life.

In the manufacture of heater stoves, sheet iron with a thickness of about 5 millimeters is most often used. The water tank is located on either side - it depends on the installation location and the size of the bath.

Some models are made of stainless steel or regular zinc-plated steel. Their main advantage is their low weight and quick warm-up. Unfortunately, their durability is relatively short, and, even worse, they are not able to accumulate heat. It will be hot in the bathhouse as long as the fire is burning in the stove. But it is enough for the wood to burn out, and after just 10-20 minutes the temperature in the steam room will begin to rapidly decrease, which does not please users at all.

An alternative could be a cast iron stove. Yes, it weighs significantly more - sometimes up to 200 kilograms, which significantly complicates the installation process. But it is practically eternal. High temperature, high humidity - all this cannot cause the slightest harm to cast iron. Just look at the drawings of sauna stoves to be convinced that this is truly a monumental thing. It is equally important that a cast iron stove, due to its massiveness, can retain heat for a long time. Even when the wood has burned through without a trace, it will be hot in the bathhouse for a long time. But such a furnace also takes much longer to heat up, that is, it has high thermal inertia.

Of course, another integral advantage of a classic stove-stove is the subtle smoke. Many people cannot imagine a real sauna without this smell.

Electric heaters are significantly different from conventional stoves. However, they differ in better side. They are safe, convenient to use and very easy to operate. They have only one serious drawback - electricity tariffs are rapidly rising, and to maintain good heat in the steam room, an electric heater must work continuously.

The main design advantage of electric heaters is the multi-layer body made using sheet steel. It allows you to increase heat capacity and also reduce the risk of burns due to accidental contact. It is important that electric heaters usually have special overheating fuses and thermostats. Many users like that the electric oven can be turned on and off at any time.

When choosing an electric heater, be sure to consider the operating voltage specific model. It can be 220 or 380 volts. Models with power exceeding 7 kilowatts usually have a voltage of 380 volts. Don't forget that although stoves with a stainless steel body are more expensive than galvanized ones, they can last much longer.

If you decide to purchase an electric heater made in Europe, make sure you can connect it. After all, most European models are grounded, which reduces the likelihood of electric shock. And in our country, not all sockets provide grounding.

Construction of a stone stove for a bath

You can watch how to make a stove-stove with your own hands in this video

Building a stove that will be made entirely of brick is an expensive process. In addition, you will also spend quite a lot on the construction of such a serious structure. large number time.

You should also always consider the dimensions and. On the one hand, the stove should occupy a minimum of space, and on the other hand, it should provide sufficient heat to heat several people. Below in the drawings you can see various designs of heater stoves that are suitable for almost any size bathhouse. Accordingly, the upper ones are for large baths, the lower ones are for small structures.

Diagram of a metal stove-heater

Here is a drawing of a stove that you can make yourself.

  1. External brickwork;
  2. Furnace frame;
  3. Internal brickwork;
  4. Wire clamps;
  5. Water heating tank;
  6. Chimney;
  7. Heating stones;
  8. Steam hatch;
  9. Protective grille;
  10. Plank;
  11. Fire door;
  12. Blower door;
  13. Support metal sheet.

The diagram shows the most commonly used stove-stove design, which is suitable for any small bathhouse. It will create the necessary temperature in the room, which will allow several people to steam at the same time.

The metal frame of such a stove-heater is made of steel sheet with a thickness of 5 mm. You also need to place a tank for heating water directly on top of the stove itself.

In the cold season, such stoves can heat a room of 10 m3 in about 2 hours, while the temperature of the stones can reach and be more than 300 degrees Celsius.

In this video you can see how a simple metal stove-stove was made with your own hands

Design of a metal stove for a bath

Pure metal sauna stoves are no less durable and reliable.

Drawing of the simplest iron stove for a bath

It is recommended to line the iron stove with fire-resistant bricks to avoid serious injuries and burns instead of pleasure during bathing procedures. The oven can be made from ordinary sheet iron, but a more reliable and durable design will be made from chrome steel.

Diagram of the design of a modern metal sauna stove made of chromed steel

Naturally, when arranging one should take into account everything that is mandatory when constructing any furnace. Be sure to consult with experts about this point, even if you decide to build the stove yourself.

Another scheme for arranging a metal stove for a bath, which you can make yourself

Installation of a metal furnace

When installing a metal stove for a bath, you must adhere to certain recommendations:

- of course, a heating stove for a bath. Modern industrial production offers many models to replace traditional wood-burning heaters: liquid fuel, gas with a metal body, operating on pellets. Factory products are equipped with many functions and are fuel efficient. And their maintenance is minimal.

There are many options for homemade devices for a steam room, depending on the type of room. For example, there are so-called cold stoves, that is, those whose outer walls do not warm up above 50°C. This is an important advantage, since this design prevents you from getting burned. Such units require a long period of continuous kindling. Heating occurs through special air ducts. They take air from the floor and heat it, passing it through the combustion chamber. Warm and soft steam comes out from above without burning anyone. In such a bath it is easy to regulate the humidity level and heating temperature.

Unlike “cold” stoves, “hot” stoves quickly and efficiently heat up the steam room due to the hot walls, the temperature of which can reach up to 100°C. Careless touching them can result in burns, and the degree of air heating in this case is difficult to control. And this threatens heat stroke.

Made of brick

A good and simple “cold” sauna stove structurally looks like this: the combustion chamber is made of refractory brick, with an ash pan located underneath it. To preserve the heat, cobblestones are placed on top of a steel or cast iron grate. Their mass is calculated from the ratio: 20–30 kg of stones are required for 1 m 3 of steam room. This proportion is true for continuously operating devices. If heating occurs periodically, that is, after heating the room to the desired level, it is extinguished, then the amount must be increased by 2 times. Sometimes, for better heat retention, cast iron pigs are added in a ratio of 20% to 80% stone.

The walls themselves, in addition to brick, can be made of ordinary or rubble stone. Sometimes granite or pebbles are used for construction. The weight of each element is from 1 to 5 kg. Don't try to build with silicon - it will simply burst when heated.

When laying a heater, only clay and sand can be used as a binding solution. Ordinary cement mortar will not withstand high temperatures and will not last even a year.

The clay is soaked in water for several days and mixed with sifted sand to the consistency of thick sour cream. It is preferable to take mountain sand rather than river sand. Its edges are uneven, unpolished and provide better grip.

A stove made of baked bricks with stones weighs a lot, so you will have to make a foundation for it. For this, a pit with a depth of 70 cm is sufficient.

15 cm of sand and crushed stone are poured onto the bottom. Then everything is filled with a layer of concrete, preferably with reinforcement. The frozen foundation is covered with rolls of roofing material on top for waterproofing.

Let's note some points:

  1. The corner of the bathhouse where the stove is installed must be thermally insulated and reinforced. In addition to the risk of fire, there will be a large temperature difference, which can lead to cracks in the walls.
  2. The first row is laid dry on a roofing felt substrate without mortar.
  3. The remaining blocks are moistened with water during operation, each new row is laid with dressing (offset relative to the previous one).
  4. It is necessary to ensure that the sides of the bricks facing the inside of the combustion chamber are intact, without chips or cracks. The wall here should be as smooth as possible, since any pothole provokes the destruction of the structure. At the same time, you cannot coat the internal surfaces with clay - once it dries, it will begin to peel off and clog the chimney.
  5. After completing the masonry work, the stove must be dried. To do this, either it is left for 15 days with good air flow, or it is heated several times in a gentle mode.

Video: laying a heater with 3×3.5 bricks


Metal stove

Unlike brick structures, metal units are compact and quickly warm up themselves and heat the room.

A metal stove also needs a foundation. Although its mass is much less than its stone counterpart, nevertheless, a reliable foundation must be made for it.

The starting material will be plate steel or pipes large diameter. The design of such a stove will be similar to a stone one. The only difference is the firebox. It is customary to make it two-chamber, so that fuel can be burned in the second compartment. This scheme allows you to increase productivity by 20%.

The body must be completely welded - tack welding is not suitable here.

The main disadvantage of a steel furnace is the extensive hot surface, which is dangerous for people. However, this is easy to fix. After installation, the body is simply lined with refractory bricks, leaving gaps for convection.

Video: making a metal stove for a bath step by step

Drawings and diagrams of metal furnaces

Before we dealt with the issue of constructing sauna stoves, we ourselves spent a lot of time studying this topic. Therefore, we know that people who have an idea about the designs of sauna stoves usually do not deign to explain everything from the basics, and most of the texts on the Internet are completely written by those who are not at all in the subject.

Listen to the article

Designs of sauna stoves: general points and differences for different types

So what is a stove? This is a fire built inside a container. But combustion is an oxidation reaction of fuel, therefore, it cannot occur without oxygen. Therefore, we will call a furnace that container through which, at least temporarily, with the dampers open, flowing air moves.


This movement is called "traction" and it occurs when there is inlet and outlet openings.

Of course, such a definition suffers from incompleteness, because it does not apply to. IN In them, heating occurs due to the passage of current through a material with high resistance. This releases heat.

But let's return to furnaces, where heat is released due to a chemical reaction. The art of the stove maker is to skillfully vary the amount of incoming air and the amount of firewood in the stack in order to achieve them uniform combustion and maximum complete combustion.

What happens if the combustion is still ongoing, but the air is blocked? Instead of carbon dioxide, dangerous monoxide will begin to form - carbon monoxide. But why block the pipe if it is so dangerous? – The draft is blocked so as not to cool the stove when the wood burns out, because heat flies into the chimney along with the air.

So, we know about the role of air. Let's look at a diagram of the simplest draft furnace. What must be present in it? Three things:

  • inlet (air vent or firebox door);
  • firebox (aka firebox);
  • outlet (chimney).

The first division of the stoves can be carried out according to the presence or absence of a blower: Without it, they are called “blind hearth ovens”. In this case, air is supplied through the open firebox door. Here's what both look like in cross-section:


Now let's ask ourselves: what do all sauna stoves have?, but is missing from the stoves that heat houses? Of course it is heater. All sauna stoves, even electric ones, have a container in which the stones are stored. The stones themselves are used as batteries– they accumulate heat. This is necessary so that the high temperature in the steam room lasts longer. Their other function is creating light steam, but in this capacity they are needed only in the Russian bathhouse.

There are two classifications of heaters according to different characteristics: one takes into account contact with fire in the firebox, the second – contact with air.

If there are gaps between the firebox and the heater through which the flames lick the stones, then this continuous heater.

If the barrier is solid, then it is called a heater deaf.

When the container with stones is inside.

Stoves are either brick, or metal. There is no other option. The first ones are considered very inertial - It takes hours to heat them up, just like it takes hours to cool them down.. The latter are able to heat up in half an hour and during the same time manage to overheat the steam room. Great property!

When choosing a design, you determine for yourself how inertial its body should be. At your disposal not only “clean” options: pure brick, pure, but also combined. For example, you can increase the inertia of a metal stove either by using internal lining of the firebox and heater, or using external. Moreover, the option with a casing and lining at the same time is not excluded).

Important! Answer the question, what is the optimal time for lighting the stove for you - it is this that determines the degree of inertia of the body.


What happens when fuel burns? Heat is released and combustion products are formed - steam, gases and solids. The latter we call soot, soot, and all together - smoke. At the moment of leaving the furnace, this mixture is also heated to several hundred degrees. And if you don’t put some kind of heat-intensive obstacle, all this heat will simply fly away into the chimney to increase the greenhouse effect on our planet.

However, once upon a time, not only were there no obstacles, but there were no pipes either. Because they weren’t made from wood! Therefore, the first method for removing smoke is chimneyless, “black”.

In its simplest version it is pile of stones arched over a fire. IN modern version this is a brick hearth that keeps the same pile of stones from spreading. But the principle is the same: light a fire under the stones, wait for the wood to burn out, release the smoke into the street through or - and you can steam by pouring water on the heated stones.

Then it appears smoke collector– akin to a kitchen hood – the same separated from the stove. A similar option can still be found in the bathhouse today.

Then appears chimney pipe. And if it is simply inserted into the stove (into the firebox or heater - it doesn’t matter), then such a stove will be called direct flow. Heat is not removed from the furnace gases, so it has the lowest efficiency.

But heat is a pity, so the inventors’ idea went this way: what if we increase the path that the smoke travels inside the stove? This is how the system appeared smoke circulation, where the smoke runs with obstacles inside channels that lead it up and down, or horizontally to the right and left. The system is excellent for heat extraction, but with its drawbacks - channels, especially horizontal ones, must be cleaned regularly, otherwise there will be no traction.

An alternative to the smoke circulation system is bell stove. It has no channels and is practically independent of traction. Hot furnace gases, leaving the firebox, end up under the hood, where they actively share heat with the furnace mass. New portions of hot furnace gases rise, displacing cooled ones down and into the chimney.

However everything said about the chimney primarily applies to brick stoves. It's rare to see a metal stove with smoke circulation. Usually they are primitive - direct-flow, except that they have flame dividers. And their sizes are much smaller than brick ones, there are no passages, and there is no heat-intensive material - where to take the heat?

The stove ends at the chimney. What remains is optional - tank or heat exchanger, which can also be indicated on the diagram of the sauna stove. But it is better to talk about this when analyzing specific structures, to which, in fact, we are moving on.

Scheme of a stove for a brick bath

From what was said above it already follows that circuit diagrams brick oven some:

  • direct flow;
  • with smoke circulation;
  • bell-shaped

However, each allows for many implementation options. In other words, the above diagrams clearly demonstrate the characteristic, but do not exhaust the possible.

Bath stove design: direct flow

Metal furnace with lined fuel core

Lining is the lining of the inside of the stove with fireclay or simply refractory bricks. At the same time, the inertia increases sharply, and with it the heating time. So, if you need to overheat the steam room in half an hour, the lining will be superfluous.

BUT! It has one important advantage: it increases the service life of the furnace, because its body is subjected to lower temperature loads. And this is in addition to the fact that such a stove retains heat longer.

We show the most simple diagram with firebox lining and closed heater:

Options for placing a water tank on a metal stove

You have already seen above that you can simply place the tank on top of the stove and everything will heat up. But you can do it differently.

Below - schemes for combining a heater and a tank, from the simplest ones, where a bucket is buried in stones or the heater is placed in a separate container where stove gases enter, and the tank stands directly above the fire (the water will boil before the stones heat up) to variations on the theme of rational use of the top of the stove, where you can separate the space for the tank horizontally or vertically, or you can go around the heater on both sides, leaving an air pocket on one of the opposite sides, which is said to promote heat exchange. Full information is provided.

Options for the location of the tank and heater:

Yes, and of course, always, when there is a need for hot water, you can replace the tank with a heat exchanger of one type or another. If you are interested in learning more about this, read.

Metal heater made of pipe

On our website you can find information about how to make such a heater. Here we will only present the diagrams themselves with some comments.

So, the owner has two options for a pipe stove:

  • vertical;
  • horizontal.

Usually they take a pipe of half a meter diameter. The figure shows that the pipe can be lined from the inside(or you can leave it as is, then it will burn out faster). The fireclay along the walls is shown in yellow.

The owner is also free to choose a stove with a blind hearth or ash pit. The difference between them was discussed above. But pay attention to the oven door with a blind bottom- in order not to keep it open, holes are drilled in it, which provide air flow if the pipe is not blocked by a damper at the top. If you lengthen it a little due to the blower, then the draft will be regulated by opening blower door. Then the holes become redundant.

The water tank is shown in both pictures, but is actually optional. Some make it lower by welding a metal box with a lid on the side of the stove - this for ease of pouring in the absence of cold water supply in the bathhouse.

The horizontal stove has a completely different structure - it turns out to be a heater open. This is a welded basket for stones - With such a stove you won’t be able to get good steam.

Yes, and in the picture we depicted the grate (under the flame) as recognizable, but in reality its grate perpendicular to the direction you see here.

The water tank is welded to the back wall of the stove.

Useful video

Not just diagrams, but also a description of the advantages and disadvantages of vertical and horizontal structures (not necessarily made of pipes). Plus interesting life hacks.

Even more diagrams, even more explanations about them. However, the main concern of the author of the video is that you succeed. So sauna lovers don’t have to watch it).

We hope that you have received some kind of holistic understanding of what a sauna stove is. Other things can only be learned from practice and experiment. Good luck to you!

Where to buy

It is also possible to obtain useful information from professionals – employees of different types.

When creating a bathhouse, the question of heating it always arises. Choosing from ready-made options, it is better to give preference to one that is not only of high quality, but also economical. If you don’t have the funds to build a stone heating source, you can make a sauna stove with your own hands.

Requirements for metal heat sources

When making a stove yourself, it is important to keep on hand the necessary tools, a set of drawings for the construction of homemade sauna stoves, and have experience as a welder. When working with steel sheets, keep in mind that at a temperature of +150 degrees, a change in the properties of iron occurs, at +250 its endurance under constant loads disappears, and at +550 the steel becomes dark brown, which indicates a change in linear properties.

You need to work especially carefully when heating the metal to +900 degrees! At this temperature, unwanted deformation of the future furnace is possible.

Taking these nuances into account will ensure:

  • long-term accumulation of thermal masses;
  • warming up the bath and raising its temperature in a short time;
  • high level of safety for people washing themselves.

In addition, these ovens do not require much space due to their small size.

Pros and cons of metal stoves

The bathhouse must support temperature regime from +50 degrees. For this purpose, it is recommended to install homemade metal sauna stoves. Their use has the following advantages:

  • small-sized structures, which is important for small rooms;
  • you cannot suffocate, since such an iron “homemade product” removes combustion products through the chimney pipe;

  • Due to the high heat transfer coefficient, the steam room quickly warms up. On average about 1.5 hours;
  • shelf life, which directly depends on the quality of the work performed and materials;
  • absence of smoke when lighting a bath with raw wood;
  • low cost.

Such homemade metal stoves also have some disadvantages:

  • small dimensions of the structure exclude use in spacious bath rooms;
  • rapid cooling period. In order for the stove to heat, the heat must be constantly maintained;
  • high probability of ignition of objects located near the walls of the structure.

Types of metal furnaces

There are 3 options:

  1. Open – with a small volume water tank and an open heater. To enhance the heat capacity coefficient of such a sauna stove, you will need to cover the stones with a galvanized lid.
  2. Closed. To increase the heat capacity, the outside and inside are lined with refractory bricks using metal fasteners, and a special grate is placed.
  3. Combined. With this option, a complete set is formed: 2 valves, a firebox, a grate, 2 pipes (10 cm and 14 cm in diameter), a blower and 4 holes are provided for a pipe and a bypass elbow. For this, steel sheets about 0.5 cm thick are used.

Sauna stoves also come in cold and hot types. The first is suitable for heated rooms. It is impossible to get burned on its walls, since they only warm up to +50 degrees. The second option does not allow you to control the temperature in the bathhouse and is used when using the steam room irregularly.

Types of stoves depending on the type of fuel:

  • electrical - housing with heating element and special elements for heat insulation;
  • wood-burning Requires a lot of wood as fuel long time heating the room and constant monitoring;
  • gas. They are convenient and reliable thanks to the presence of a safety device that reacts when the gas supply level decreases or when it is completely turned off.

Metal wood stove

Features of heating sources for baths and saunas

In a traditional Russian bathhouse, it has long been customary to provide a lot of steam and less heat. For this purpose, a closed heater is used, located above the firebox. It is lined with heat-resistant brick on the inside while maintaining a small air gap. For such a bath you need to heat the stones up to +500 degrees.

The Finnish sauna requires a low level of humidity - 5-15% and a temperature range of up to +85 degrees. The heater is used open, with slightly heated stones. To supply steam, just pour water on it.

Main components of metal furnaces

Their presence is provided in all bath structures.


This is a two-chamber device. The upper part (furnace) is necessary for burning fuel, and the lower part (ash pan) is necessary for accumulating and collecting ash. These two compartments are separated by a grille, and each of them has a door. Often the lower compartment is left open for air flow, using it as an ash chamber. You can also make holes in the firebox door (dimensions 20x25 cm) with a damper to regulate the air supply.


Above the firebox door, located opposite the entrance, rods measuring 1 cm or more are fixed. The door of the heater itself should “look” at the steam room. Next, stones without mica content are placed in it. It is undesirable to use granite. The more cobblestones, the larger the hot surface.

It is better to mount a hatch in the upper part of a sauna stove made of metal with your own hands to create access to the bottom of the compartment and ensure maintenance of the heater. A chimney cover is installed above it. The last stage is the installation of a water tank.


This is a pipe for removing the resulting smoke and heating the water supplied to the stones. The chimney must be insulated, because due to its high temperature It's easy to get burned.

Its dimensions must correspond to the dimensions of the iron stove. The thickness of the passages should be equal to half a brick.

It is better to purchase a chimney already assembled with an outer pipe, an internal chimney, and a deflector.


It is mounted above the firebox. A tap is built into its lower part to gradually supply liquid to the hot stones. On the chimney side, the tank is covered with a steel semicircle with a hole for the chimney pipe. A lid with a handle is mounted on the part of the container that will be filled with water. Just like the chimney, it is better to buy a ready-made tank.

Additional items

These include doors and grilles. To save time, they are purchased ready-made.

Making metal stoves with your own hands

There are many drawings and options, but the set of constituent elements is approximately the same.


To get started you will need to prepare:

Grate for the furnace

Important nuances

You first need to determine the location for the future structure. If necessary, a foundation and two rows of bricks are laid. A pit 70 cm deep is made under it. Its bottom is sprinkled with sand and broken bricks on top. Next, the frame and formwork are installed, after which the surface is filled with concrete.

Foundation for a metal sauna stove

Important to remember:

  • the gap between the stove and the wall is at least 1 m;
  • Foil must be attached to the wall near the structure;
  • it is better to make a chimney from a sandwich pipe with a heat-insulating layer;
  • at the junction of the roof and the chimney it is necessary to form a passage unit;
  • It is better to surround the structure with bricks to prevent burns.


This simple variety has several ways to create it.

Option 1

Using an iron barrel without a bottom or top. The resulting container is half filled with bricks placed on edge and a grate laid on top. Stones are placed in the remaining 2/3 of the space and a chimney is installed. At the end, such a homemade stove in the bathhouse is covered with a lid made of sheets of steel.

Option 2

Bricks are not used for the construction of the stove. Sequence of work:

  1. Prepare diagrams and necessary tools.
  2. In a long pipe, cut a hole for the blower with dimensions of 5x20 cm. Inside the pipe above it, fix the mount for the grate.
  3. For the firebox, make a hole 25x20 cm. Above it, mount fastenings for rods, the size of which is about 1 cm.
  4. On the other side of the oven, create a hole into which the liquid will flow. Place stones in the heater.
  5. Make a slot for the chimney. Install a tap at the bottom of the pipe.
  6. Form a lid on the heating tank with a slot for the chimney, a hinge and a handle.

Option 3

This stove has 2 heaters. It is made by analogy with the previous ones. The difference is that 4 plates are used to connect two heaters.

Other possible varieties

In addition to stoves, the following are relevant:
Potbelly stove

  • a conventional horizontal oven. A propane cylinder and scrap metal scraps are used. Openings for the doors and chimney are cut, a grid of grates is fixed to the corners, and the lid is installed in its original place. Legs and doors are installed;
  • vertical boiler for a bath. It consists of a firebox, a water tank and a heater closed type. It will be necessary to pre-form blanks for the bottom of the lid and partitions, and carry out the process of welding round grates. The constituent elements are made according to the scheme described above.

Many drawings of sauna stoves made of metal provide for horizontal and vertical design options with the firebox opening into a separate room, with a closed and open heater. A homemade potbelly stove is also common. This is an ordinary metal box with a door and a pipe. It requires a lot of fuel with a low heat transfer rate.

Final finishing

Regardless of the type and size of the sauna stove, the structure must be treated with heat-resistant enamel. To do this, the surface is degreased, and then the organic composition is applied in several layers.
Application of heat-resistant enamel

Finished furnaces cannot be put into operation immediately. First of all, forcefully or naturally dry the bathhouse.

By following these tips and having experience in welding, you will get a stove that will bring you joy for many years. Choose an option that will optimally fit into the bath room and will not “eat up” additional space.

The humidity and temperature of the air, comfort and benefits for the body depend on the stove in the bathhouse. A sauna stove must be equipped with a tank for heating water, a chimney and a heater pocket for stones.

If you have a great desire to build a sauna stove with your own hands, and not to hire specialists, be sure to read this article several times, you can even print it out on a piece of paper and use it directly as a cheat sheet. At the same time, you will save significantly and gain invaluable experience, which will allow you to build similar structures for money in the future. External decoration plays an important role, because a bathhouse is a place of relaxation, both physical and moral, and the appearance of the stove plays an important role in this! After external finishing, the stove in your bath should become its “highlight”, an exclusive decoration that is simply pleasant to look at, like a painting.

The sauna stove is placed either with a combustion door into the adjacent room, or directly into the steam room, where firewood is stored. Naturally, it is better for the firewood to be supplied from the next room; if the size allows you, do just that.

Water tanks are mounted either behind the stove body on supports (floor or wall mounting), or they are mounted directly above the stove firebox. At the same time, a stationary floor mounting of the tank is safer than a wall mounting.

Calculation of tank volume for a sauna stove

The volume of a water tank is calculated by taking from seven to ten liters of water with a temperature of at least fifty degrees per person. So, if you plan to visit a steam room with 3-4 people at the same time, you should choose a tank with a volume of at least 40 liters.

How to calculate the volume of the steam room and firebox of the stove?

It is not enough to measure the dimensions of the room. You also need to take into account the material of the surfaces. If the room has windows, a glass door, or surfaces made of tiles, bricks, or concrete, their area should be measured. For each square meter the area of ​​such surfaces add one and a half cubic meters to the volume of the room, which will be taken into account when choosing the size of the stove. The minimum power of a sauna stove is 8-10 kW.

Oven requirements

A sauna stove must be safe (both in terms of fires and for human health - not cause burns if accidentally touched and prevent smoke from entering the room), the temperature must be regulated, and the dimensions must correspond to the volume of the room.

Metal heater stove, is it suitable for a bath?

This furnace design is the simplest. For work you will need sheets of steel with a thickness of at least 5 mm, welding machine and a grinder (or gas cutter), pipes for supplying and draining water, refractory bricks, stove clay mortar, stones, pipes for the chimney, faucet, stove doors with latches and hinges, a metal profile for mounting the stove support.

The structure itself consists of a water tank with pipes and a tap connected to it. The tank is heated from the back wall of the stove, the internal space of which, in turn, is zoned into a firebox and an open heater. Flue gases are disposed of through a chimney exiting the firebox through the heater and the walls of the bathhouse.

First of all, it is necessary to cut out the bottom and side walls of the future stove from steel sheets and connect them by welding. We weld corners inside the stove - they will support the sheet of metal on which we will lay the stones.

On the front wall we cut out a rectangular hole for the door, and from the cut out rectangle we make a door. You can weld it around the perimeter with strips of steel for a tighter fit. We drill several holes in the lower part of the door or front wall of the firebox to allow air to enter the stove. We weld the door hinges and the hinge for the bolt.

To make a chimney, we will prepare a pipe and make a hole in the sheet of metal on which the heater will be located. We weld the pipe to the steel sheet.

Let's start installing the water tank. It consists of three walls and a bottom, hermetically welded together and the back wall of the furnace. We weld the inlet and outlet pipes for water to one of the side walls of the tank. Then we weld the tap at the bottom of the tank. We install the entire structure on a frame made of steel profiles or on a brick base 20-30 cm high. We cover the metal parts of the stove with fireproof paint. We lay stones on top (soapstone, porphyrite, basalts, etc.) ranging in size from 5 to 12 cm. We install the chimney and chimney, pour water into the tank, cover it with a lid and ignite the finished stove, checking the structure for the presence of draft and the absence of smoke in the room.

To modernize a potbelly stove for a bath, you can equip it with an ash pit with a grate and a box for collecting ash. This will greatly simplify cleaning the stove, and the ash door will help to better regulate the draft, and, accordingly, the temperature and rate of fuel combustion. For the same purpose (regulating the heating temperature of the stove), as well as to reduce heat loss through the chimney, it is equipped with a valve. It can be a gate type or any other.

Gate valve - view 2

Sauna stove made from a pipe or an old cylinder

The difference between this design and the previous one is that the water tank is located directly above the firebox. For work you will need: a pipe for the stove and tank (wall thickness 1 cm, diameter 50 cm, height 150 cm); pipe for the heater (the wall thickness is the same, and the diameter is 35cm); mortise valve; metal fittings; hinges for doors; steel sheets with a thickness similar to pipes; tools for welding, metal cutting.

Pipe sauna stove

  • We divide a pipe of larger diameter in two using a grinder. From one part (length 60 cm) we will mount a water tank, from the second (90 cm) we will construct a heating device for a bathhouse.
  • We make markings on a sheet of steel to cut out a circle equal in diameter to the pipe - the furnace body. To do this, it is convenient to use a can of paint or a marker. This circle will serve as the bottom of the structure. We weld it hermetically to the pipe.
  • We immediately make the legs of the structure. To do this, we strengthen the bottom of the sauna stove with a metal frame made of profiles. Frame height 10-15 cm.
  • After the stove stands firmly on its legs, draw a 25x7 cm rectangle on the body. This piece of metal will be the blower door. We cut it out with a grinder, equip it with hinges, a handle and a latch.
  • We make a grate. Its task is to pass air from the ashpit into the combustion zone, hold fuel and not prevent ash and ash from entering the lower chamber of the furnace. Such a grid can be made from pieces of reinforcement or a sheet of metal with holes cut in it. The grate must be secured by welding in the inner part of the pipe at a height of 12-15 cm from the bottom.
  • The firebox will be located above the grate. We cut out the door for it with dimensions of 25x30 cm, departing from the level of the grate about 20 cm. We install the door in the same way as the ash door.
  • We will construct the heater from rebar. By bending it in different directions, we give the reinforcement rods the shape of a basket, and fasten them together with plastic wire. This is where we will place the stones for the stove. We install the “basket” on the top of the pipe. Here we cut a door of any shape and again equip it with hinges and a latch.
  • Next we will deal with the water tank. The body of the tank is a pipe, 60 cm long. For this pipe we cut out the bottom, in which we in turn cut a hole and pass the chimney pipe through this hole. We secure the parts by welding. We cut in a tap closer to the bottom of the tank.
  • Now we assemble the two parts of the stove together so that the tank is located strictly above the firebox. We make a weld.
  • It is convenient to make the lid for the tank double-leaf. We cut out a circle, divide it into two equal parts, one of which is tightly welded to the tank, the other is attached to the first half with loops. To make it more convenient to open the tank, we equip the lid with a bracket handle made of reinforcement.

Thus, from the most simple materials You can quickly and cheaply build a sauna stove with your own hands, and it will not differ functionally from its purchased counterpart! By doing the work efficiently and slowly, you will get a result that will delight you and your guests for many years!

Do-it-yourself row masonry of a sauna stove - photo report

Everything is very simple, just look at the photos and do exactly the same, of course you need to use suitable materials and mixtures!

Zero row of the oven base: Second row of the oven base: Second row and air chamber Fourth row - blocking the vent We put the grate Third and fourth row of fireclay bricks We cover the fireclay brick with regular We lay the fifth row of fireclay bricks Installing the fire door Finished combustion door Appearance ovens at this stage We make a lattice on which the stones will lie