How to properly install a chimney in a house. Chimney in a private house. The main functions of the chimney

Heating equipment is installed after completion of construction work. To install a combustion product exhaust system, a chimney is removed through the wall. The design consists of several connected pipes made of steel or other modern materials. Attaching the chimney to the wall with your own hands is not difficult. To do this, you need to understand its structure and follow safety rules.

Chimney design

The optimal pipe length for smoke removal is from 5 to 10 m. If the structure is made shorter than the ridge, there will be poor draft. With a length exceeding 10 m, strong draft will provoke excessive combustion, therefore, fuel consumption will increase.

Less soot settles on a smooth inner surface, so it is increasingly used when installing a chimney. metal pipe.

They are gradually being relegated to the background, as they take up space in the room and need to be cleaned more often than chimneys made of modern materials.

When installing a chimney through a wall and then installing it outside the house, you need to install a protective box.

Advantages of external chimney

The chimney outlet through the wall is used in modern construction more often than the construction of brick structures.


  • the external chimney system does not take up space in the house, unlike brick chimneys;
  • can be installed in a long-built house when replacing the system;
  • is the best option for two-story buildings; there is no need to cut holes in the ceilings;
  • does not violate the integrity of the roof;
  • easy and quick installation.

An external smoke exhaust system can be installed both immediately after completion of construction work, and after a long time after the house is put into operation.


Like any kind building structures, the external smoke exhaust system has not only advantages, but also disadvantages:

  • the outer parts of the pipe must be insulated;
  • a chimney mounted through a wall has a lower efficiency than a vertical structure installed through the roof.

It is necessary to think over the location of the chimney structure so that it fits harmoniously into the design of the building.

What you need to know

There are rules that must be followed when installing the system:

  • It is important to correctly calculate the diameter of the pipe. It depends on the boiler power and other parameters. If you purchase a pipe of the wrong (small) cross-section, smoke may occur due to reduced draft. High thrust with an excessively wide pipe will increase fuel consumption.
  • When passing a chimney through a wall, a right angle (90 degrees) must be maintained.

The optimal distance between fasteners is considered to be 60 cm, the maximum step should not exceed 100 cm.

Sandwich pipe for chimney

Sandwich pipes for a chimney are a structure of two pipes nested one inside the other. The gap is filled with heat-insulating material with fire-resistant characteristics. Stone wool is most often used as insulation. The thickness of the layer affects the thermal stability of the entire structure and varies from 3 to 10 cm.

The pipes are made of stainless steel. Galvanized material can only be used when using wall-mounted gas boilers and low-power water heaters.

The thickness of stainless steel varies from 0.5 to 1 mm. The grade of stainless steel is chosen depending on its purpose.

The best option when installing a chimney in wooden house is the application of sandwich pipes. During operation of the heating boiler, the thermal insulation layer takes on the thermal load from the inner pipe. This prevents excessive overheating of the outer part of the chimney. This reduces the likelihood of a fire.

Stainless steel for sandwich pipes

The table shows the most commonly used stainless steel grades and their characteristics:

Brand AISIApplicationCharacteristics
430 For external casings of sandwich pipesBelongs to economy class. It reacts poorly to elevated temperatures and has sufficient resistance to atmospheric influences.
439 As an air exhaust from gas boilers and solid fuel installations with a power of up to 30 kW.The composition includes titanium, which increases thermal stability and resistance to aggressive environments.
316 The best option for any type of gas boilers.The composition includes molybdenum and nickel, which increase resistance to acids and influences high temperatures.
304 For boilers of low and medium power.They do not contain large number nickel and molybdenum. Refers to the economy version of the AISI 316 brand.

Low-cost models are used for the outer casing; more heat-resistant brands are used for the inside of the chimney.

Insulation classification

How does the thickness of thermal insulation material affect the ability to withstand temperature loads:

Only some brands of fireproof can withstand temperatures up to 850 degrees; you need to pay attention to this when purchasing insulation.

How to choose pipe diameter

The internal diameter of the pipe must be the same as the cross-section of the outlet pipe, or wider. If the chimney pipes are wider than the pipe coming out of the boiler, an adapter is installed at the junction.

Dependence of pipe diameter on boiler power:

Chimney installation

Here is information on how to remove a chimney through a wall with your own hands. Installing a chimney through a wall is easy to do with your own hands.

General points

To prevent the insulation from melting, the first part of the chimney must be made in the form of a piece of pipe without a heat-saving layer. The fasteners are installed at a height protected from overheating. From here you can install a sandwich pipe.

Installation is carried out in two ways:

  1. Raise the pipe system in the room closer to the ceiling, then take them out.
  2. The pipes are routed through the wall at the level of the smoke pipe exiting the boiler. In this option, only one connecting elbow is formed. Therefore, traction will be better.

The boiler or stove is installed on a non-combustible base. The wall surface in contact with the boiler must also be insulated. Most often, a sheet of metal is attached to the wall and floor as a base.

Installation technology

Increased requirements are imposed on buildings made of combustible materials. When venting a chimney through a wall in a wooden house, you must take into account all fire safety standards.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a chimney correctly:

  1. For the pipe, a passage is made through the wall in accordance with SNIP standards. The distance from the pipe to the wall built from fire-resistant building materials, at least 25 cm. To a surface made of materials subject to combustion - 45 cm. In the second case, it turns out that you need to punch a fairly large hole. To make the hole for the chimney through a wooden wall smaller, the surface is sheathed with metal or other fire-resistant material. Make a hole of 25 cm, since the surface is insulated from fire.
  2. A metal box is mounted into a hole in the wall.
  3. The pipe is passed through a metal box, secured in the middle, and taken out. The pipe must be solid; elements cannot be joined inside the wall, as they will be problematic to maintain.
  4. All free space in the wall is filled with non-flammable thermal insulation material.
  5. The hole on both sides is covered with metal or other heat-resistant raw materials.
  6. A support platform for external pipes is mounted outside, which is held by metal brackets attached to the wall.
  7. An adapter in the form of a tee is installed on the outgoing segment.
  8. The lower part is removable. It functions as a glass to collect condensate. Some models are equipped with a fitting with a tap to which a hose is connected, through which the water accumulated inside is poured out.
  9. A chimney is connected to the upper part, which is brought to the desired height. To prevent debris from getting inside the pipe, a cap is installed on it.

The pipe brought out is secured to the wall using stainless steel clamps.

For more details on how to install a chimney through a wall, watch the video:

When exiting a chimney sandwich pipe through a wooden wall, you must follow safety precautions.

  • To ensure the correct direction of thrust, the joints are insulated with heat-resistant sealants.
  • When a chimney is routed through a wall at the intersection of the pipe and the wall, there is a possibility of ignition as a result of overheating. To prevent fire, it is recommended to increase the thickness of the heat-insulating material at the joints.
  • The pipe is secured to the wall using clamps installed at a distance of no more than 100 cm from each other.

Subject to compliance with all fire safety standards, it is possible to vent the chimney through the wall even in houses made of materials with low resistance to fire and high thermal loads.

Even a beginner in construction can install a chimney through a wall. The best thermal insulation material is stone and basalt wool. It is very important to correctly calculate all parameters, and only then proceed with installation. The safety of the building and its owners depends on compliance with all rules for installing a chimney.

The chimney in a private house is most often built invisible to the eye. This can be done even at the planning stage of building a house. If there are several chimneys in the house, then they are combined into one or two devices.

Installation of a steel chimney in a private house

The design of the chimney depends on the functional features of the devices for which they are intended. The complexity and configuration of the chimney depends on their location and power.

Types of chimneys:

  • ventilation,
  • gas outlets,
  • smoke

Ventilation systems

The main function of ventilation pipes is that they help remove polluted air masses from the room.

Originally made brick ventilation chimney

Ventilation ducts must be in those places where the room is least ventilated. It is especially important to place such pipes in the kitchen area, bathroom, and toilet.

Gas exhaust systems

Gas flue pipes are used if the house uses a gas heating system. They remove combustion products outside the room, and thus ensure the safety of using the heating system. Pipes must be able to withstand a variety of influences harmful substances. As soon as combustion products enter the chimney, they immediately react with the moisture that is already in the pipe. As a result of this, an oxidation process occurs, which can cause destruction or internal deformation of the pipe. Also, such a chimney helps to increase draft.

Diagram of the device and design of the flue pipe of the chimney

Smoke pipes

Chimneys are used when heating equipment that runs on solid fuel is installed in the house - these can be stoves or fireplaces. There are most of them in the house, which is why they are often combined into one or more.

device diagram and design of a brick chimney

Chimney pipes

The chimney design is quite simple; it involves the use of special pipes through which polluted air or combustion products are discharged outside the room.

Pipes are:

  • brick,
  • metal,
  • ceramic,
  • polymer.

Distinctive features of a brick chimney

Despite the fact that today there is a very large number of materials that can be used to construct a chimney, brick chimneys have still been very popular for many years.

Brick chimney

This type of chimney has its advantages. It cannot be plastered inside, which will help save on finishing materials. It is also worth considering that the masonry of a brick chimney must have a joint of 1 cm. If it is recommended to use cement-lime or lime mortar indoors, then in the upper part of the building you can already use ordinary concrete mixture for masonry.

Advice. In order to use a brick chimney in a house, it is necessary to make a more powerful foundation for the building - brick will add extra load to the walls of the building and to its foundation.

In addition to the advantages, there are also a certain number of design disadvantages. Brick, due to its rough surface, can accumulate dirt. That is why such a pipe becomes clogged with soot very quickly.

Since combustion products exit through a brick chimney, oxygen condensate is formed, which makes the brick pipe susceptible to destruction. It happens that a piece of brick breaks off and falls into the pipe. All this can significantly narrow the chimney channel and make it difficult for air masses to escape.

To ensure a long service life of a brick chimney, it is recommended to insert an asbestos-cement pipe inside. The gap between the brick and the pipe is filled with concrete mortar.

An example of using an asbestos cement pipe

Ceramic structures

Ceramic pipes are ready-made structures for constructing a chimney. They are sold in a modular design. Its inner tube is made of acid-resistant, heat-resistant and durable ceramic.

Ceramic chimney pipes have a number of advantages and have a very smooth surface. Thanks to this, soot does not accumulate on it, which is formed as a result of the passage of contaminated air masses formed during the combustion process.

Installation of a ceramic pipe for a chimney

Like brick chimneys, ceramic chimneys are quite heavy. It is for this reason that it is worth using a foundation for the structure.

Metal chimneys

As for metal pipes for chimney construction, due to their lightness, they have recently become very popular. They also have a smooth surface, which eliminates the accumulation of soot. Accordingly, the air will flow much better.

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Pumps for pumping out sewerage in a private house

High-quality thermal insulation is quite simple. For this, basalt wool is used, which is laid inside the pipe. It will only be necessary to correctly determine the thickness of the material, since a large thickness can completely or partially block the pipe and it will be very difficult for air masses to escape.

Installation of a metal chimney pipe

As a rule, metal chimneys are made of stainless steel, which is very resistant to all climatic, weather and other influences.

Modern chimney pipes are polymer structures. The pipe itself is very soft and has quite a small weight. The chimney will be distinguished by its practicality and durability. You can install the pipe yourself, and any beginner can handle it.

Modern polymer chimney

Most often, polymer pipes are used if the house has a system gas heating(boilers or columns). Such pipes can only be inserted into a chimney that is made of brick.

Types of chimneys

Today there are two types of chimney structures: a structure located inside the building and a chimney outside the house. They differ not only in the materials from which they can be constructed, but also in size and type.

Drawings and design of internal and external chimneys in a private residential building

Typically, brick or ceramic pipes are used to build a chimney inside a house. It is more rational to use metal chimneys outdoors, as they are resistant to temperature changes and are not exposed to moisture.

A chimney inside the house can also be made in two ways, more about this in the video

The chimney can be used in both brick and wooden building. Only the chimney in a wooden house must be properly constructed, since wood chars very quickly. There is a special technology for constructing a chimney in a wooden structure.

Construction of a chimney in a wooden house

Most often, there are several chimneys in a wooden house. But the number of such structures largely depends on the amount of equipment used in the house. The house must have a heating system with a separate chimney and may have a fireplace, which also has a separate chimney.

All chimney structures in the house must be installed on the roof of the building and made in compliance with all norms and standards.

Chimney in a wooden house

In order to properly build a chimney in a wooden house, it is necessary to draw up design documentation and contact specialists in this field who can correctly draw up a chimney project.

The life safety of everyone living in the house depends on a properly built chimney, and the equipment itself will work better. The latter applies to gas heating boilers and pipes for fireplaces.

The chimney in a wooden house should only be in a vertical position. Of course, there is an exception to the rule. You can build it with a deviation that is no more than 30 degrees from the vertical position. If it is necessary to bring the pipes outside, and this cannot be done without moving the chimney pipe, then the size of such a transfer can be no more than 100 cm.

Options for building a chimney in a wooden house made of timber

As for the removal of the chimney on the roof of the building, it will largely depend on the type of roof and the type of roof itself.

Advice. When building a chimney on the roof, it is worth considering the direction of the wind, which is most common in this region. This is necessary due to the fact that if the chimney pipe is connected to a heating boiler, then wind masses can enter the pipe and thereby cause intermittent combustion of the fuel substance.

If there is, then the smoke exhaust pipe must be constructed with high quality. This will prevent smoke from entering the room and allow it to escape outside.

Recently, a chimney for a fireplace in a wooden house has been a rather complex structure that uses “pipe-in-pipe” technology.

The chimney itself consists of three components:

  • stainless steel pipes;
  • layer of thermal insulation material;
  • steel pipe.

Initially, a stainless steel pipe is wrapped in heat-insulating material, which can be secured to it using wire or any other material. After this, the finished structure is inserted into a metal pipe, which will have a larger diameter than the internal one.

Methods for installing chimney pipes in a wooden house

In addition to this method of constructing a chimney, there is another way; a plastic stocking is used for this. Its main advantage is that it heats up very quickly and cools down quickly. It can also be used when it is necessary to make a fairly large number of chimney passages.

The main component of the heating system, powered by fuel combustion, is the chimney. Its installation must be approached responsibly and seriously, because not only the proper functioning of the heating equipment, but also the overall safety of the house and the health of the residents depends on it. A chimney in a house must be made to remove combustion products and create draft to maintain combustion.

If you plan to place or in a private house, then you should think in advance to properly erect the structure with your own hands. Among the many types of chimneys, they have been very popular for many years. The cost of a brick chimney is relatively low, but its design is very labor-intensive.

Design requirements

The chimney installation must include the following requirements:

  • the chimney must be made as vertical as possible; if there are horizontal sections, their size should not exceed 1 m in accordance with fire safety requirements
  • if the house has a flat roof, the pipe needs to be made 1 m higher; for a pitched roof, the height of the pipe will depend on the position relative to the ridge
  • for good traction, the total must be at least 5 m
  • The width of the chimney channel depends on the heat transfer power of the fireplace; the higher the power, the wider the channel.

Brick chimney with your own hands

Before you start building a chimney with your own hands, you need to be absolutely confident in your strengths and capabilities; it is better to consult with a specialist in advance or even entrust the work to him completely.

Preparation for work consists of drawing up a detailed drawing of the chimney; in many ways, the choice of a suitable diagram will depend on the type of fireplace or stove:

  • for wood-burning models it is enough to do brickwork with your own hands or a double version made of masonry with
  • gas-powered models will need an insulating, acid-resistant steel or ceramic pipe, which is placed inside the masonry.

Read also: Chimney box

It is necessary to determine the location of the fireplace according to the requirements (preferably near a load-bearing wall or walls made of non-combustible material).

It is important to set the flue gas temperature. Chimney made of brick will last longer if the temperature of the exhaust gases is high, so it is ideal for heating options for a private house with solid fuel. Low temperatures will lead to the formation of condensation on the walls of the chimney.

Water reacts with combustion products (especially gas) and forms caustic compounds that destroy the furnace structure.

Next, all sizes and distances to the nearest buildings or flammable objects are calculated. It is also important to properly prepare high-quality materials (brick, cement, sand), tools and equipment.

Stages of chimney laying

The most common type is a mounted chimney, which is a continuation of the exhaust vent of a fireplace or stove for a private home.

The following main stages are distinguished in the installation of a chimney:

  1. The top pipe (furnace neck) is laid out: smooth, but a few rows before the ceiling it stops
  2. Gradual expansion of the masonry (fluffing) at the intersection of the pipe and the floors. Expansion of the furnace device is achieved by gradually moving the brick outward by ¼ of its length. The joint between the fluff and the ceiling can be easily laid with your own hands using insulating material
  3. After the overlap, the masonry is narrowed as at the base, the pipe is smooth again
  4. Extend the masonry from the street side (otter) to protect against moisture between roofing material and chimney, the joint is also waterproofed (apron) with metal and other materials
  5. After the pipe is brought out through the roof, the masonry narrows again (the neck of the pipe), and the chimney is laid out evenly. The height of the pipe neck depends on the type of roof and strictly complies with safety requirements
  6. The head is laid out; this element of the chimney is decorative
  7. Installation of a cap (umbrella) for protection from precipitation.

In the case when metal or

Ecology of consumption. Estate: Each private house has a special system for heating rooms, and today we will consider an equally important issue - how to install a chimney, since, first of all, your safety depends on it.

Any heating system needs a chimney. The correct design of the external chimney affects the efficiency of the heating system, as well as its safety. That is why the organization of this element of a private home should be approached with special responsibility.

According to the general classification, the following 3 types of chimney designs are distinguished:

  • mounted;
  • indigenous;
  • wall

The rules for constructing chimneys of all three types are quite similar, but it is still necessary to understand that each individual design has its own characteristics and is strictly applied under certain conditions.

Wall chimneys

Such chimneys form part of the wall, that is, they pass, like ventilation, in the internal wall space. Such chimneys are most often used for fireplaces. In this case, the installation of a chimney in a private house must be planned at the wall design stage. It is important to note that the wall for the fireplace is made of red brick, which is highly resistant to high temperatures. And even in cases where the walls are built from a different material (for example, wood), the area for the chimney is lined with red brick.

Wall chimney installation

The chimney should not be installed at the intersection of walls or at the corners of the building. The thickness of the chimney walls should not be less than half a brick. In order to connect a stove or fireplace to a wall chimney, it is necessary to equip changeover sleeves. These structural elements are part of the smoke channel and have a horizontal direction. The reversible sleeves are laid out of brick, and the length of the elements should not exceed 2 meters.

In order to create sleeves, you need to take 2 steel corners. In this case, the corners are sealed into the fireplace during its construction. They are placed 6-7 cm below the outlet channel. The free ends of the elements are sealed into the chimney. In this case, they are placed in the pipe at the same distance from the outlet channel (6-7 cm).

The corners are placed either strictly horizontally or with a slight slope towards the smoke outlet. A brick is laid along the formed base of the corners, placing it flat (this determines the distance of 6-7 cm.)

The walls of the sleeve can be ¼ brick thick, that is, here the brick is laid on its edge. Laying is carried out with vertical bandaging of seams. It begins with organizing the base, which is located on the floor or top of the fireplace. The foundation on the floor should be a flat area filled with concrete. The first row of bricks is laid on top of the foundation. The corners must be aligned. After this, they begin further laying the brick chimney. At this stage, it is important not to forget about the need to organize free space under the door to clean the smoke exhaust duct. In a wooden house, for safety reasons, it is necessary to line the area in front of the fireplace with sheet metal. They do the same with the sleeves.

Root chimneys

This type of chimney is a separate brick riser, with a separate foundation, which is not adjacent to the wall and, thus, is located at a certain distance from the stove or fireplace. Root chimneys are built of brick.

The main advantage of such a chimney is the ability to connect several smoke sources to one pipe at once. But it is important that all ovens are placed on the same level. That is why such a chimney is used for houses with multiple placement of stoves.

Chimney installation

The installation of a chimney in a private house begins with laying the foundation. First, a pit is dug that matches the size of the chimney. The depth of the pit is about 30 cm. A layer of crushed stone with gravel is poured into the bottom of the pit, and then a layer of sand. The thickness of these layers should be approximately equal (that is, 15 cm each). Crushed stone and sand are compacted and leveled.

After preparing the “pillow”, you can begin pouring the cement screed. It is recommended to do this with a liquid solution, since in this case better leveling of the surface is achieved. Then you should wait until the screed has completely hardened and only then begin the actual laying of the chimney. First, lay the first layer of brick. Angles are then drawn using a level or plumb line.

The masonry is raised to the level at which the chimney sleeve should be connected. It is connected to the stove using metal corners. The free ends of the corners are inserted into the chimney. The joint is thoroughly coated with a clay solution. The sleeve is organized like a wall chimney. Next, normal bricklaying continues.

Mounted chimneys

Do-it-yourself chimney installation of this type is the most common. In addition, the resulting chimney is lightweight. The chimney is installed directly on the fireplace or stove. This type is most often used in sauna stoves. The advantages of this type of chimney include the possibility of creating it from steel or asbestos cement.


Device metal chimney practically no different from the previous two types. The only difference is that there is no need to organize smoke exhaust hoses, since the chimney is installed directly on the stove. Also, mounted chimneys do not require a foundation.

In order to achieve the best results in the construction of this type of chimney, you can use the following tips:

  • the chimney must be routed so that it is as close as possible to the ridge of the roof;
  • The height of the chimney above the roof is selected based on the distance to the ridge. The optimal pipe height can be determined from the following diagram:
    - if the distance from the ridge is less than 1.5 meters, the height of the chimney above the roof should be 50 cm;
    - at a distance to the ridge of 1.5 to 3 m, the chimney can be brought out to the height of the ridge;
    - if the distance to the ridge is more than 3 m, the chimney may be below the level of the ridge.
  • In case of close proximity to trees or wooden buildings, the chimney pipe is wrapped with a ceramic chimney pipe. This is necessary to reduce the likelihood of a fire;
  • the chimney must end with a canopy that protects the pipe from precipitation;
  • there should be a mesh at the end of the chimney, which is designed to prevent unburnt fuel particles from escaping from the chimney.

How to install a wall chimney, see details in the video:

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Coaxial chimneys

All three previous types of chimneys are used for boilers and stoves that operate on solid fuels (peat, firewood, coal, etc.). But lately they have become more and more common gas boilers. For such boilers, the chimney design is slightly different from solid fuel ones. In this case, a coaxial chimney is often used.

In order to understand the features of such a chimney, you should understand the concept of “coaxial”. The term means that a second one is hidden inside one pipe. The pipes are connected to each other with special jumpers that prevent the two surfaces from touching. Thus, each pipe can fulfill its role - one removes combustion products outside, the second is intended for intake of fresh air. It should be clarified that such a system does not interact with the interior.

One of the main components in the heating system is the smoke exhaust channel.

Installation of a boiler chimney in a private house

- a rather complex and important process, since not only the proper functioning of the heating device, but also the health of the residents of the house depends on proper operation.

The functions of the chimney are to drain harmful products, which are released during the combustion of fuel along with smoke, so it is impossible to allow at least part of these substances to leak into the room.

Another, no less important, factor in the arrangement of a chimney is its fire safety. It is necessary to ensure its correct passage through the floors and roof, and also to isolate it from walls built of flammable materials. By following all the rules when constructing this heating system, you can ensure its excellent operation for many years, naturally, carrying out annual maintenance.

Everything must be done in such a way as not to get further problems with regulatory organizations, and also to feel completely safe, and for this it is worth studying the mandatory rules and regulations for the design and operation of chimneys of heating devices. This is especially true for brick stoves and fireplaces.

  • The oven must have its own foundation. This condition is important because this structure should not depend on other foundations of the house. In case of shrinkage or other unexpected movements of the soil, distortion common foundation may lead to damage to the masonry of not only the stove, but also the chimney. The appearance of seemingly minor and unnoticeable cracks can pose a serious threat to the health of residents.
  • The blower hole must be at a height of at least ten centimeters from the floor, as it must provide a sufficient flow of oxygen, thereby ensuring normal combustion of fuel and draft in the chimney.
  • For fire safety purposes, the stove must be located at least 25 centimeters from the building walls made of flammable materials. A the best option The walls will also be insulated with heat-resistant materials.
  • When constructing the internal structure of the stove, where the chimney with smoke exhaust channels actually begins, it is necessary to strictly follow the layout of the rows. Blocking at least one of the channel openings can threaten the house with smoke with all the ensuing consequences.
  • The stove body itself should be 35-40 centimeters below the ceiling. Next comes the chimney pipe.
  • It is very important to arrange the correct cutting of the chimney passage through the attic floor. Brick protrusions should have steps seven centimeters high before entering the ceiling and after exiting the groove in the attic.
  • If the attic floor is insulated with flammable insulation materials, a sand layer of at least five to seven centimeters must be laid on top of them.
  • When fireproofing in the attic, the distance from the inner wall of the chimney to combustible materials must be at least 50 cm. For this purpose, the chimney skirt is laid out, which is located directly in the attic floor.
  • The wall thickness of a brick chimney pipe should be 12–15 centimeters.
  • If the pipe comes out on the roof on at a distance of more than three meters from the ridge horizontally, its height should be no more than 10 degrees along the slope from the horizon. If the pipe is located at a shorter distance, it should rise above the ridge by at least half a meter.
  • These rules are provided by fire safety services and must be strictly observed.

Chimney for metal stoves and boilers

Chimneys for cast iron stoves are simpler in structure and come in two types:

  • The first of them, shown in the figure, is more complicated than the second in execution, since it passes inside the building through all the ceilings. The procedures for arranging it in the roof and waterproofing the seams around the pipe will be especially labor-intensive.

But the advantage of this chimney is that it retains more heat in the rooms and that it can also heat the second floor or attic through which the pipe will pass.

  • The second option for the chimney metal furnace is a structure that runs almost entirely along the street. Only part of it remains inside the house, which is fixed horizontally. This is a branch section from the heating device, which can be straight or in the form of a so-called elbow. It exits through the wall onto the street and enters a vertical chimney that rises parallel to the wall. Such a device is safer, and the pipe will not take up excess space in the room. Its arrangement will not cause trouble with waterproofing on the roof and its passage through the ceilings.

But when making such a design, the pipe for it must be selected with a thicker thermal insulation layer, which can reach a thickness of up to 10 cm. Without such insulation, the smoke in the pipe will quickly cool down, the draft will decrease, and condensation may also form, which is extremely undesirable for the stove .

Parts for metal chimney

If earlier in order to make a decent chimney you had to tinker a lot or spend a considerable amount on ordering a tinsmith, today manufacturers of ventilation and heating systems They produce finished parts of various configurations.

Such chimneys are available in different diameters, heights and insulation thicknesses. In addition, other accessories necessary for installing a smoke exhaust system on the wall and protecting it from moisture getting inside are also sold. An approximate list of parts intended for this purpose:

  • Pipes of different lengths, equipped with special locking grooves for fastening them to other structural parts.
  • Metal corner transitions made at different angles.
  • Crimp clamps in various sizes.
  • Mounting brackets
  • Floor, wall and ceiling stands and pipe passages.
  • Tees also made at different angles.
  • Deflectors, fungi, spark arresters and thermal fungi.
  • Connecting elbows with the required angle range.
  • Other small parts required for chimney installation.

Important components in the chimney device

It is very important to correctly design the most complex components of the chimney - its passages through the attic, interfloor covering, roof, and also through the wall if the main pipe runs entirely along the street.

Interfloor and attic floors

The most difficult thing is to correctly route pipes through ceilings, walls, and roofs.

The chimney passage in the ceiling, made of wood, is framed with special pipes that isolate it from flammable materials to prevent them from igniting. The pipe has a larger diameter than the pipe, so when they are connected, a gap is formed, which also helps protect against overheating.

Chimney passage through the ceiling

There should be a distance between the chimney and the ceiling in which it is necessary to place foil or asbestos non-combustible material, the thickness of which should be at least 7-9 cm. The foil insulator is laid with foil inside.

The pipe is solid. The passage through the wooden ceiling is covered with a metal flange

It is important to remember that at the point of passage in the ceiling, the pipe cannot have joints, but must be continuous.

The same thing - on the floor

If a pipe is intended to pass through a room on the top floor, then a casing should be arranged around it, with holes for ventilation through which hot air will flow into the room. They are usually drilled out from the top and bottom of the casing. Such protection is needed in order to avoid accidentally getting burned on a very hot pipe while firing the stove.

On the ceiling and floor of the second floor, where the pipe passes through the ceilings, metal parts of the flange pipe remain, which cover the flammable materials of the floor and ceiling.

Passage through the wall

The passage of the chimney pipe through the wall is designed in the same way as through the ceiling, using special pipes placed on the chimney, which will help isolate flammable materials from high temperatures. Also, the section of the pipe that will be located in the wall is wrapped in a heat-resistant material with a thickness of at least 7-10 cm.

Roof passage

The most difficult place is the pipe penetration through the roof. It requires special attention in work, since the safety of the sheathing and insulation from external moisture, as well as the general fire safety of the house, will depend on it.

To do this, waterproofing is installed around the outside of the pipe using a special tape or a “penetration” on the flange, which is secured with adhesive-sealant and screwed on top with self-tapping screws.

Particular attention to thermal insulation of the roof structure

To prevent overheating of the sheathing, the pipe must be wrapped in heat-resistant material and pass through a metal panel from the inside of the roof.

The final stage of chimney installation is to install an umbrella on top of it, which will protect against dirt and water getting inside.

Conditions for normal operation

The design should:

  • effectively remove gaseous waste from fuel combustion;
  • be safe and comfortable for home;
  • have good traction;
  • withstand high temperatures;
  • be protected from moisture and condensation;
  • be resistant to external aggressive environments.

Chimneys can have a square or cylindrical shape, the latter is considered optimal, since it is less susceptible to the accumulation of soot and soot.

Other parameters that are also indicated by building codes:

  • alloy steel parts produced for the installation of chimneys are distinguished by anti-corrosion qualities and are thick in in 0.5 cm;
  • the diameter of the pipe should be the same size as the furnace pipe or be slightly larger;
  • chimney arranged for brick oven, is equipped with pockets that are located in the lower part of the smoke exhaust channels and have a depth of 20-25 centimeters. Doors are installed on them, through which soot deposits are removed;
  • a metal chimney cannot have more than 3 turns;
  • the turning radius of a metal chimney cannot be greater than the diameter of the pipe;
  • the pipe must have a height of at least five meters.

All these conditions will help create normal draft in the chimney and effective removal of combustion products hazardous to health.

A short video tutorial on installing a chimney in a private house

It must be remembered that the choice of a chimney does not depend on its external data, but on the stove on which it will be installed, as well as on the fuel used and other heating parameters. Therefore, before purchasing or constructing a chimney, you must consult a specialist.

And one more warning - for some inexperienced builders, the abundance of requirements for arranging stove heating and chimneys, in particular, may seem like unnecessary “nit-picking”, which can, if desired, be ignored. Believe me, these rules were developed by life itself, based on centuries of experience and careful engineering calculations. It’s sad, but more than once their neglect has been paid for with human lives.