Functions of the family in the socialization of the child. Functions of the family in the socialization of children. Family - as an institution of socialization

Family Functions - In certain historical periods, in different socio-economic conditions, the family performed and performs all or most of the functions listed below. Sometimes some of these functions are assumed by the state, some social institutions (for example, religious communes).

It is important to understand that over time in the family, the proportion of each of the functions may change. Some functions come to the fore, and some to the second or disappear altogether. The appearance of children in the family highlights the function of education and life. In a young family, sex may be in the first place, but not in an elderly one.

Under capitalist relations in the state, the status function of the family is higher than under socialist ones. This is due to the fact that the family for many is a source of power and inheritance.

Families that adequately perform all or most of the functions are called functional. In case of violations of many functions (especially priority ones), such families are called dysfunctional. Family functions are the main subject of work of psychologists involved in family counseling.

Partially, the functions listed below intersect, for example, educational and educational, economic and household, but the subject of each function is unique, so they should not be confused.

reproductive function

The reproduction of life, that is, the birth of children, the continuation of the human race. Caring for the physical and mental health of the younger generation.

educational function

Formation of the child's personality. The systematic educational impact of the family team on each of its members throughout his life. The constant influence of children on parents and other adult family members. Family and public education are interconnected, complement each other and can, within certain limits, even replace each other, but in general they are unequal and under no circumstances can they become so. Family upbringing is more emotional in nature than any other upbringing, since its "guide" is parental love for children, which evokes reciprocal feelings of children for their parents. However, disorder in education can turn into mutual hatred, this must also be taken into account.

Teaching function

The family is teaching the next generation. Here they teach to speak, walk, read, count, etc. etc.

Communicative function

Mediation of the family in the contact of its members with the media, literature and art. The influence of the family on the diverse connections of its members with the natural environment and on the nature of its perception. Organization of intra-family communication, leisure and recreation associated with communication. Mutual cultural and spiritual enrichment.

It is important to understand that the Russian word "communication" and the Latin "communicatio" comes from "general". That is, it is in the family that the first experience of sharing in common, finding something in common with another person takes place, without which the further socialization of a person is unthinkable.

emotional function

Function of emotional satisfaction. Lack of warmth and mutual understanding, love can be the cause of emotional and behavioral difficulties. The emotional function of the family is the satisfaction of its members' needs for sympathy, respect, recognition, emotional support, and psychological protection. This function provides emotional stabilization of members of society, actively contributes to the preservation of their mental health.

Spiritual and psychotherapeutic function

Spiritual communication is the development of the personalities of family members, spiritual mutual enrichment. Psychotherapeutic - allows family members to arrange spontaneous psychotherapy sessions.

Entertaining and recreational function

Joint organization of entertainment and recovery after work. Concern for the health and well-being of family members. Recreation, organization of leisure.

Sexual-erotic function

It exists to meet the sexual needs of the family, regulates the sexual behavior of family members. Ensuring the biological reproduction of society, thanks to which families turn into clans that go on for generations.

Household function

Satisfaction of family members with their biological and material needs. Satisfying the need to preserve their health - household methods. Family nutrition, acquisition and maintenance of household property, clothes, shoes, home improvement, creation of home comfort, organization of life and life of the family, formation and spending of the household budget.

economic function

Household management by family members. Formation of strong economic ties between them. The norms of family life include the obligatory help and support of each family member in case he has economic difficulties. Social production of means of subsistence, restoration of the forces spent on production of their adult members. Having your own budget. Organization of consumer activity.

status function

The inheritance of certain statuses, for example, a place in culture, nationality, a place in a social stratum, etc. The place of this function is especially great in class societies.

Function of primary social control

Ensuring the fulfillment of social norms by family members, especially those who, due to various circumstances (age, illness, etc.), do not have sufficient ability to independently build their behavior in full accordance with social norms. The family is a small social group, in which they learn to build their behavior in accordance with existing social norms. Moral regulation of the behavior of family members in various spheres of life, as well as the regulation of responsibility and obligations between spouses, parents and children, representatives of the older and middle generations.

Socialization function

The family is central to socialization. This is primarily due to the fact that it is in the family that the primary socialization of the individual is carried out, the foundations of his formation as a personality are laid. The family for the child is the primary group, it is from it that the development of the personality begins.

Protective function

In all societies, the institution of the family provides, to varying degrees, the physical, economic, and psychological protection of its members.

Teaming up function

G. Navaitis singles out complexity as the most important feature of family functions. Every need that is satisfied by the family can be satisfied without it, but only the family allows them to be satisfied in a complex, which, if the family is preserved, cannot be split up or distributed among other people.


Andreeva T.V. family psychology

The work of a participant in the All-Russian Internet project “Pedagogical experience. Innovations, technologies, developments»

All-Russian pedagogical portal METODKABINET.RF ( www.method cabinet.rf)


"The role of the family in the socialization of the child"

Rechkina Lyubov Fedorovna,

organizer teacher,

additional education teacher


"Krasnoselkup Center

additional education for children"

The family, from whatever point of view it is considered, is such a multi-layered social formation. It combines the properties of social organization, social structure, institution and small group, is included in the subject of study of the sociology of education and more broadly - socialization, sociology of education, politics and law, labor culture, etc., allows you to better understand the processes of social control and social disorganization, social mobility, migration and demographic change; applied research in many areas of production and consumption, mass communications is inconceivable without referring to the family; it is easily described in terms of social behavior, decision-making, construction of social realities, etc.

Speaking about the functions of the family, it should be remembered that we are talking about the social results of the life of millions of families, which are found at the level of society, have generally significant consequences and characterize the role of the family as a social institution among other institutions of society.

It is important to emphasize that these are the functions of society, as if assigned to institutions specialized in their implementation, and therefore, determine the uniqueness, profile of this institution, and the functions that accompany the action of the main ones. It is impossible to divide the functions of the family into primary and secondary, all family functions are the main ones, however, the need to distinguish among them those special ones that make it possible to distinguish the family from other institutions has led to the identification of specific and non-specific functions of the family.

Specific functions of the family stem from the essence of the family and reflect its features as a social phenomenon, while non-specific functions- these are those to which the family was forced or adapted in certain historical circumstances

These include giving birth (reproductive function), supporting children (existential function), and raising children (socialization function) remain with all changes in society, although the nature of the relationship between family and society may change in the course of history. Since human society always needs the reproduction of the population, there always remains a social need for the family as a social form of organizing the birth and socialization of children, and in such a peculiar form, when the implementation of these societal functions occurs with the personal motivation of individuals to a family lifestyle - without any external coercion and pressure. The presence of personal needs in the family and children, personal desires and inclinations for marriage and the family is a very important circumstance, showing that the existence of the family and society is possible only because millions of people feel the need for children, and only thanks to this is the reproduction of the population. If we imagine, imagine other forms of social organization of population reproduction, based not on personal motives of people, but on coercion, then these forms can no longer be considered a family in the usual sociocultural sense, relevant to all types of families known from history.

Non-specific functions of the family, associated with the accumulation and transfer of property, status, organization of production and consumption, household, recreation and leisure. Connected with each other by concern for the health and well-being of family members, with the creation of a microclimate conducive to relieving stress and self-preservation of the I of each and others. All these functions reflect the historical nature of the relationship between the family and society, reveal a historically transitional picture of how exactly birth, maintenance and raising children in the family. Therefore, family changes are most noticeable when comparing non-specific functions at different historical stages: under new conditions, they are modified, narrowed or expanded, carried out completely or even disappear altogether.

In the words of Antonov A.I., the family is a community of people based on a single family-wide activity, connected by the bonds of matrimony - parenthood, and, thereby, carrying out the reproduction of the population and the continuity of family generations, as well as the socialization of children and the maintenance of the existence of family members.

As mentioned above, one of the main functions of the family is the socialization of the younger generation.

Socialization is the process by which a child learns the behaviors, skills, motives, values, beliefs and norms inherent in his culture, which are considered necessary and desirable in it. The agents of socialization are the people and social institutions involved in this process - parents, siblings, peers, teachers, church representatives, television and other media. Although all of them can have a great impact on the child, The family is usually the most significant part of a child's world. For this reason, it is usually considered as the primary and most powerful agent of socialization, which plays a key role in the formation of personality traits and motives; in the direction of social behavior; in the transfer of values, beliefs and norms inherent in this culture.

Mudrik A.V. considers the family as the most important institution of socialization of the younger generations, which is a personal environment for the life and development of children. Its quality is determined by a number of parameters of a particular family.

Socialization- it is the process of assimilation by an individual during his life of social norms and cultural values ​​of the society to which he belongs. The content of the concept of "socialization" includes:

Assimilation of social norms, skills, stereotypes;

Formation of social attitudes and beliefs;

Entry of the individual into the social environment;

Introduction of the individual to the system of social relations;

Self-actualization I personality;

Assimilation by the individual of social influences;

Social learning accepted in society forms of behavior and communication.

The purpose of socialization there are personal qualities that the child must acquire, and social behavior that he must learn.

Younis believes that socialization is a process of mutual or joint regulation throughout the rest of the lives of the parties involved in socialization, and not a process of transferring control from parents to the child as he becomes more independent and able to regulate his behavior on his own. Maccoby suggests that the duration of parental influence is determined by the strength and reasonableness of their relationship with the child, established during middle childhood. In some cases, the contribution of parents to the joint regulation of behavior suppresses the will of children, in others it helps to increase their autonomy within such relationships. In addition, interaction with parents allows children to exercise and improve social skills, which will then prove to be very useful when interacting with peers.

In the most general form, socialization is defined as the influence of the environment as a whole, which attach the individual to participation in public life, teach him to understand culture, behave in groups, assert himself and perform various social roles.

The leading social institution for the socialization of the child's personality is the family. The family is a "house" that unites people, where the foundation of human relations is laid, the first socialization of the individual..

Family- the most important institution of socialization of the younger generations. This is a personal environment for the life and development of the child, the quality of which is determined by a number of parameters. The socio-cultural parameter depends on the educational level of the parents and their participation in society; socio-economic is determined by property characteristics and employment of parents at work; technical and hygienic depends on living conditions, home equipment, lifestyle features; demographic is determined by family structure. Whatever side of the development of the child we take, it will always turn out that the family plays a decisive role in its effectiveness at one stage or another. The family introduces the child into society, it is in the family that the child receives social education, becomes a person. In infancy, he is fed, cared for, at a younger age they are engaged with him, and in preschool, the world is opened to him. They help the younger student in their studies, and the teenager and the young man choose the right path in life. In the family, they strengthen the health of children, develop their inclinations and abilities, take care of education, the development of the mind, the upbringing of a citizen, decide their fate and future. Humane traits of character, kindness and cordiality of the child are laid in the family, he learns to be responsible for his actions, learns to work and chooses a profession. Family life for a child is the same as social life for us..

Personality socialization depends on the activity of the child, his participation in work, on what influence the environment has on expanding his horizons, how society and the state care about the future generation. Are the age and individual characteristics of the child taken into account in the learning process, can he independently solve his problems, how much is his independence encouraged, how does his self-confidence develop? These personality traits are brought up in the family, at school.

Summing up, it must be said that the future personality of a person, and therefore his future life, depends on the extent to which the family is socially prosperous, on the extent to which the family takes care of the child.


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The role of the family in the process of socialization of the individual is incomparable in its strength with any other social institutions, since it is in the family that the personality of a person is formed, the foundations of morality are laid, norms of behavior are formed, and the social roles necessary for successful adaptation in society are mastered. Recently, the modern family has been undergoing significant transformations: the moral foundations and traditions of the family are being destroyed, vital human values ​​are being lost, and the socio-psychological effect of family communications is weakening. This negatively affects the socialization of children in the family and leads to antisocial behavior of the younger generations. The article presents the results of a survey of the population of Tyumen and experts, revealing the role of the family in the socialization of the individual. The opinions of experts on the conditions and functions of the family that have a positive impact on the formation of personality are given.

personality socialization

family functions

family institution

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3. Pivovarova I.V., Ustinova O.V. The role of state policy in the revival of the institution of the family // Modern problems of science and education. - 2015. - No. 2 [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: http://www..

4. Pivovarova I.V., Cherepanova V.N. Features of the socialization of children in a modern family. // Philosophy. Sociology. Culturology. Bulletin of the Chelyabinsk State University. - 2015. - No. 9 (364). - S. 125-130.

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6. Ustinova O.V., Pivovarova I.V. Overcoming the Crisis of the Family Institute in Russia // Izvestia of Higher Educational Institutions. Sociology. Economy. Politics. - 2014. - No. 1. - S. 78-82.

7. Khairullina N.G., Moskatova A.K., Nedosekina A.G., Obidina Yu.S. and others. Social and humanitarian problems of our time // Personality and society. - Saint-Louis, MO, USA, 2013.

8. Ustinova O.V. Deformation of values ​​system as a reason of demographic crisis in Russia. Scopus // Life Sci J. - 2014. - 11 (8s). - R. 465-468.

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The crisis of the family, starting from the end of the 90s of the XX century, predetermined the reassessment of the life values ​​of the young generation of Russia under the influence of the new socio-economic and socio-political situation and the transformation of the value orientations of the main agents of socialization in the family - parents and the older generation. The family itself can no longer cope with the process of forming the personality of a Russian citizen, which is out of its control, there is a significant deformation of intra-family relationships, alienation of children and parents, indifference and disrespect for each other. The immediate environment of children has a greater influence on them and their value orientations. Tobacco, alcohol, drug, screen, computer gaming and other addictions indicate the degradation of the spiritual and emotional sphere of the child's personality, the consequences of which are antisocial behavior of younger generations.

There is an urgent need for new forms and types of interaction between children and parents, urgent measures to create a comfortable environment for the socialization and upbringing of the child in the family.

To analyze the role functions of the family in the process of socialization of the child's personality, the authors used the results of a sociological study of the population of the city of Tyumen and an expert survey.

Table 1

Conditions for raising children in order to adapt them to modern society



Formation of moral values ​​(honesty, truthfulness, commitment, sincerity, reliability, goodwill, decency, responsibility, justice, tolerance, etc.)

Education of patriotism, love for the Motherland

Introduction to a healthy lifestyle

Building courage and resilience

Development of mental abilities

Instilling diligence, organization, self-discipline, responsibility

Give a good education

Learning a profession that can provide financially for yourself and your family for life

Formation of citizenship

Raising Faith in God

Formation of business abilities

Instilling skills and ability to use circumstances to achieve your goals

Not offered

Assimilation of values, norms, culture, patterns of behavior of modern society

Not offered


Not offered

Formation of family values ​​(to be a father (mother), husband (wife))

Not offered

Analyzing the obtained results, we can draw the following conclusions: respondents and experts put the formation of moral values ​​in the first place among the conditions of upbringing (51.6%). In second place, according to experts, is the factor of assimilation of values, norms, culture, patterns of behavior of modern society.

The respondents unexpectedly put a healthy lifestyle in second place and experts in fourth place as the main condition for raising children in order to adapt them to modern society, which we can agree with, since the example of parents always has a huge impact on children, and an unhealthy lifestyle negatively affects children. their value orientations and behavior.

It is alarming that the respondents ranked one of the last places (9) as the condition for the education of patriotism and love for the Motherland. In fact, it is very difficult to adapt a child to society if one does not instill in him love for the state in whose life of society he is going to participate. Experts put this factor in fifth place.

The formation of a civic position, according to experts (10th place) and respondents (8th place), is not such an important factor in raising children, which can be argued, since the civic position of an individual is one of the criteria for his socially active position, and hence the result his socialization.

The development of mental abilities, education, instilling industriousness, organization, according to respondents (3-5 places) and experts (6, 8, 7 places), are quite important components in raising children, which we can agree with, since socialization will be more successful in literate, intelligent, educated, organized and hardworking people.

The vast majority of experts (84%) single out mutual moral responsibility as the main characteristic of the family. For other characteristics of the family as a whole, the number of experts who spoke out was approximately the same (from 35 to 45%) (Fig. 1): based on marriage and consanguinity; based on certain values ​​and norms; community of life and residence; general lifestyle; having certain family roles and functions; forming a socially active personality.

Rice. 1. Expert opinions on the main characteristics of the family that contribute to the socialization of the child in the family, %.

A somewhat smaller number of experts (less than 23%) chose such family characteristics as connections, interactions and relationships of people with the aim of reproducing the human race; fulfilling certain social needs; fulfilling certain personal needs of the individual.

In general, such characteristics of the family as mutual moral responsibility, based on certain values ​​and norms, forming a socially active personality, ensure the successful socialization of the child.

Based on the results of a survey of respondents and experts, the main tasks of the family in raising a child and the degree of their significance were determined (Fig. 2-5).

Rice. 2. The main tasks of the family in raising a child, according to the respondents (0 - no data), %.

Rice. 3. The main tasks of the family in raising a child, according to the respondents (0 - no data), %.

Rice. 4. The main tasks of the family in the process of socialization of the individual, according to experts (0 - no data), %.

Rice. 5. The main tasks of the family in the process of socialization of the individual, according to experts (0 - no data), %.

In table. 2 shows the results of a comparative analysis of the opinions of experts and respondents regarding the main tasks in the process of raising and socializing a child.

table 2

The tasks of the family in the process of raising and socializing the child

Family Tasks



Adaptation and adaptation to modern society (assimilation of social norms, values, cultural patterns)

Self-realization by a person of his creative abilities (self-development)

Regulation of conduct, responsibility and obligations

Financial support

Development of moral spiritual values

Assistance in acquiring social status

Organization of leisure and recreation

Getting an education

Not offered

In the first place among the tasks of the family, the majority of respondents put the self-realization of their creative abilities, and the majority of experts - adaptation in modern society and the assimilation of its basic values, norms and rules. Respondents chose adaptation in modern society as the second most important task, and experts - self-realization of their creative abilities.

The choice of priorities by respondents and experts for most family tasks is almost the same. There is a difference only in the development of moral, spiritual values. Respondents identified this task as the seventh most important, and this fact causes particular concern for our children - what basis will underlie their upbringing if the family does not implement the task of forming moral values? It seems that the parents themselves need to be taught how to carry out the socialization of children, what should be the direction of these processes.

The experts assigned the third place to this task, realizing all its significance in the socialization of the individual.

Summing up, the authors note that the role functions of the family as the direction of its life activity in accordance with a certain role and purpose, the role behavior of individuals in the family are different depending on the purposefulness, living conditions, environment, interactions with the environment and the family members themselves among themselves.


Linnik T.G., Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of State and Municipal Administration and Law, Tyumen State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Tyumen;

Silin A.N., Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor of the Department of Marketing and Municipal Management, Tyumen State Oil and Gas University, Tyumen.

Bibliographic link

Pivovarova I.V., Pilipenko L.M. FUNCTIONS OF THE FAMILY IN THE PROCESS OF SOCIALIZATION OF THE CHILD'S PERSONALITY // Modern problems of science and education. - 2015. - No. 2-3.;
URL: (date of access: 02/01/2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

A family is a socially sanctioned and relatively permanent association of people related by kinship, marriage or adoption, living together and economically dependent on each other. Being a necessary component of the social structure of any society and performing multiple social functions, the family plays an important role in social development. “The social order,” emphasized F. Engels, “in which people of a certain historical era and a certain country live, are determined ... by the stage of development, on the one hand, labor, on the other, the family.” Through the family, generations of people are replaced, a person is born in it, the race continues through it.

For a child, a family is an environment in which the conditions for his physical, mental, emotional and intellectual development are formed.

The primary socialization and upbringing of children takes place in the family, and the obligation to take care of old and disabled members of society is also largely realized. The family is also a unit of life organization and an important consumer unit.

The family is the source and mediating link in the transfer of socio-historical experience to the adolescent, and, above all, the experience of emotional, gender-role and business relationships between people. With this in mind, we can rightfully assume that the family has been, is and will be the most important institution for the upbringing and socialization of a teenager.

At one time, J.-J. Rousseau noticed that each subsequent teacher has less influence on the child than the previous one.

As observations show, out of all the diversity of the surrounding world, which in one way or another affects a teenager, the "intimate social circle" is of particular importance. This circle includes parents and close people. The uniqueness of family upbringing is that, being a small group, the family most fully meets the requirements of the gradual introduction of a teenage child to social life, taking into account his gender-role repertoire and the gradual expansion of his horizons and gender experience. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the family is not a homogeneous, but a differentiated social group, it includes members of the family who are different in age, gender (women and men), and professions. This allows the teenager to most widely show their gender capabilities, to quickly and fully realize the needs of the gender-role repertoire.

Thus, socio-pedagogical science has data that the family is the first and most significant educational institution for the adolescent's sex-role socialization.

Family Functions:

reproductive function family consists in the reproduction of life, that is, in the birth of children, the continuation of the human race. This function includes elements of all other functions, since the family participates not only in the quantitative, but also in the qualitative reproduction of the population. This is, first of all, connected with the familiarization of the new generation with the scientific and cultural achievements of mankind, with maintaining its health, as well as with preventing the reproduction of various kinds of biological anomalies in new generations.

The family participates in the social production of the means of subsistence, restores the strength of its adult members expended in production, manages its own economy, has its own budget, and organizes consumer activity. All this, taken together, is economic function families.

Both adults and children are brought up in the family. Of particular importance is its impact on the younger generation. That's why educational function The family has three aspects.

The first is the formation of the child's personality, the development of his abilities and interests, the transfer to children by adult family members (mother, father, grandfather, grandmother, etc.) of the social experience accumulated by society; the development of a scientific worldview, a highly moral attitude to work; instilling in them a sense of collectivism, the need and ability to be a citizen and master, to observe the norms of socialist community life and behavior; enrichment of their intellect, aesthetic development, promotion of their physical improvement, health promotion and development of hygiene culture skills.

The second aspect is the systematic educational impact of the family team on each of its members throughout his life.

The third aspect is the constant influence of children on their parents (and other adult family members), which encourages them to actively engage in self-education.

The success of this function depends on the educational potential of the family. It is a set of conditions and means that determine the pedagogical possibilities of the family. This complex combines material and living conditions, the size and structure of the family, the development of the family team and the nature of relations between its members. It includes the ideological-moral, emotional-psychological and working atmosphere, life experience, education and professional qualities of parents. Of great importance are the personal example of the father and mother, the traditions of the family. It is necessary to take into account the nature of communication in the family and its communication with others, the level of pedagogical culture of adults (primarily mother and father), the distribution of educational responsibilities between them, the relationship of the family with the school and the public. A special and very important component is the specificity of the process of family education itself. The family unites people of different ages, often gender, with different professional interests. This allows the child to fully express their emotional and intellectual capabilities.

The family has the most active influence on the development of spiritual culture, on the social orientation of the individual, and on the motives of behavior. Being a micromodel of society for the child, the family turns out to be the most important factor in the development of a system of social attitudes and the formation of life plans. Social rules are first realized in the family, the cultural values ​​of society are consumed through the family, the knowledge of other people begins with the family.

The range of influence of the family on the upbringing of children is as wide as the range of social influence. Sociologists have attached more and more importance to communicative function families. The following components of this function can be named: family mediation in contact of its members with the media (television, radio, periodicals), literature and art; the influence of the family on the diverse connections of its members with the natural environment and on the nature of its perception; organization of intra-family communication. If the family pays sufficient attention to the performance of this function, then this significantly enhances its educational potential.

Social status function ensures the presentation of a certain social status to family members, the reproduction of its social structure. Each person brought up in a family receives as a heritage some statuses close to the status of members of his family. This, first of all, refers to such important statuses for the individual as nationality, social status, place in the urban or rural way of life, etc. In class societies, belonging to a certain social stratum provides the child with the opportunities and rewards characteristic of this stratum, and in the overwhelming majority of cases determines his future life. Of course, class status can change due to the efforts of a person and favorable circumstances, but the beginning of the future must be sought in the family of this person. The family must necessarily carry out role-based preparation of the child for statuses close to the status of his parents and relatives, instilling in him the appropriate interests, values ​​and shaping his way of life.

medical function Most often it is preventive in nature. It consists in observing a healthy lifestyle, giving up bad habits, active recreation, mastering hygiene skills, and conducting recreational activities. Family members should have information on health issues, turn to medical workers for advice and assistance in a timely manner, and follow their instructions.

family crisis - family breakdown, an increase in the number of illegitimate children, early motherhood, an increase in family alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse among parents, an increase in offenses (parents are serving sentences in prisons, isolation wards, colonies, etc., and children are in orphanages).

Implementation mechanism - changing the policy of all departments in the field of preparing for family life, teaching parents to perform their functions related to raising children and caring for them, clarifying the responsibility of parents for raising children and caring for them, educating law-abiding citizens.

It is necessary to develop an interdepartmental program of preparation for family life - education, health care in educational institutions, preventive work of specialists from all departments at the place of residence or close to the place of residence (clubs for expectant mothers, clubs for future young families, clubs for young families).

It is necessary to create (in any department or on an interdepartmental basis) centers for helping young mothers, single young mothers, underage mothers with the possibility of living in these centers.

It is also necessary to expand the types of institutions for social and pedagogical support in different departments. It is necessary to amend the Law "On Education" of the Russian Federation with a list of educational institutions and specialists providing social and pedagogical support, to enter there all the names of the institutions of social and pedagogical support that are available today (Family Education Center, Psychological, Medical and Pedagogical Service, Center for Psychological and Medical -social assistance, Crisis Center, Social Hotel, Center for Social and Labor Adaptation of Teenagers, etc.). It is necessary to coordinate these issues with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection.

The first conclusion is that Russia's transition to a qualitatively different path of economic development has had a significant impact on the life of the family. Today it is too early to talk about the final social consequences, but the financial situation of families at the moment leaves much to be desired in many respects.

The second conclusion is that the deterioration of the financial situation of the family, associated with the decline in the prestige of a number of professions, led to a reduction in the educational potential of parents.

The third conclusion: the state policy in the field of employment, by its uncertain actions, does not guarantee against unemployment, does not form its social order to the family and school for the vocational training of young people.

Fourth conclusion: the insufficient attention of state functional institutions to families at risk leads to the criminalization of Russian society due to the expanded reproduction by these families of offspring similar to themselves.

The fifth and main conclusion is that the national interests of Russia require urgent measures for the social support of the family as the main component of the structure of society and the priority subject of raising children.

Similar information.

16. Family as a primary institution of socialization.

Interest in the problem of socialization, in particular in the family, has not faded over the years due to the high importance of the child's socialization for his future life in society.

At the initiative of the President of Russia, the year 2008 was declared the Year of the Family in our country. Addressing the parliamentarians, the head of state stressed that holding the Year of the Family in Russia would allow the state, society, and business to unite efforts around the most important issues of strengthening the authority and supporting the institution of the family, basic family values. The importance of the family as the primary institution of socialization is recognized at the state level. It is sociological studies of the family that serve as a solid basis for the development of state social policy. In the positive development of the family, its preservation, society, the state is interested in a strong reliable family, every person needs, regardless of age. The socializing function of the family is decisive in the development of the human personality.

Socialization is the development and self-change of a person in the process of assimilation and reproduction of culture, which occurs in the interaction of a person with spontaneous, relatively directed and purposefully created living conditions at all age stages. (Mudrik)

One of the main institutions of socialization is the family. What a child acquires in the family in childhood, he retains throughout his subsequent life. It is in the family that the foundations of the child's personality are laid, and by the time he enters school, he has already more than half formed as a personality.

A child is not born a member of society. "He is born with a predisposition to sociality and then becomes a member of society." The comprehensive and consistent entry of an individual into the objective world of society or into a separate part of it is called socialization. Primary socialization is that first socialization to which the individual undergoes in childhood and through which he becomes a member of society. Secondary socialization is each subsequent process that allows an already socialized individual to enter new sectors of his objective world, society.

It is clear that primary socialization is usually the most important for the individual, since in the process of primary socialization the primary world of the individual is constructed, and it is the family (under normal conditions) that acts as the primary conductor of the individual, the first stage of socialization, the condition and source of its development. Of the institutions of socialization considered separately, it is the family that has been and remains the most important and influential.

The family is the most important institution for the socialization of the younger generations. It is a personal environment for the life and development of children, adolescents, young men, the quality of which is determined by a number of parameters of a particular family. These are the following options:

Demographic - family structure (large, including other relatives, or nuclear, including only parents and children; full or incomplete; one-child, few or large).

Socio-cultural - educational level of parents, their participation in society.

Socio-economic - property characteristics and employment of parents at work.

Technical and hygienic - living conditions, housing equipment, lifestyle features.

The modern family differs very significantly from the family of the past not only in a different economic function, but also - which is even more important for us - in a radical change in its emotional and psychological functions. Relationships between children and parents have been changing over the past decades, becoming more and more emotional and psychological, i.e. determined by the depth of their attachment to each other, because for an increasing number of people it is children who become one of the main values ​​​​of life. But this, paradoxically, does not simplify family life, but only complicates it. There are reasons for this. Let's name just a few of them.

Firstly, a large number of families are one-child and consist of two generations - parents and children; grandparents, other relatives, as a rule, live separately. As a result, parents do not have the opportunity to use the experience and support of the previous generation on a daily basis, and the applicability of this experience is often problematic. Thus, the variety introduced into interpersonal relationships by the elderly, siblings (brothers and sisters), aunts, uncles, etc., has disappeared.

Secondly, while maintaining the traditional division of "male" and "female" labor, the first in the mass of families (except for villages and small towns) is reduced to a minimum. The status of a woman has risen in connection with her typical leading role in the family (in the household) and outside employment.

Thirdly, since the relationship of spouses is increasingly determined by the extent and depth of their attachment to each other, their level of expectations towards each other rises sharply, which many cannot realize due to the traditions of culture and their individual characteristics.

Fourthly, the relationship between children and parents has become more complicated and problematic. Children early acquire a high status in the family. Children often have a higher level of education, they have the opportunity to spend most of their free time outside the family. They fill this time with activities accepted among their peers, and do not always care about the approval of their pastime by their parents. The authority of parental authority today often does not work - it must be replaced by the authority of the personality of the parents.

socializing functions of the family. Whatever side of the development of the child we take, it will always turn out that the family plays a decisive role in its effectiveness at one or another age stage. Therefore, we restrict ourselves to a few aspects.

    First, the family provides physical and emotional development of a person. In infancy and early childhood, the family plays a decisive role that cannot be compensated by other institutions of socialization. In childhood, primary school and adolescence, its influence remains leading, but ceases to be the only one. Then the role of this function decreases.

    Secondly, the family influences the formation of the child's psychological sex. In the first three years of life, this influence is decisive, because it is in the family that the irreversible process of sexual typing takes place, thanks to which the child learns the attributes of the sex assigned to him: a set of personal characteristics, features of emotional reactions, various attitudes, tastes, behavioral patterns associated with masculinity (male properties ) or femininity (feminine properties). The family continues to play a significant role in this process at subsequent age stages, helping or hindering the formation of the psychological sex of a teenager, a young man.

    Thirdly, the family plays a leading role in mental development of the child(American researcher Bloom found that the difference in the IQ of children who grew up in prosperous and dysfunctional families reaches twenty points), and also affects the attitude of children, adolescents and young men to study and largely determines its success. At all stages of socialization the educational level of the family, the interests of its members affect the intellectual development of a person, on what layers of culture he assimilates, on the desire to continue education and self-education.

    Fourth, the family is important in mastery of social norms, and when it comes to the norms that determine the performance of his family roles, the influence of the family becomes cardinal. In particular, studies show that the choice of a spouse and the nature of communication in the family are determined by the atmosphere and relationships in the parental family. Parents who themselves experienced a lack of attention in childhood or who failed to successfully resolve their childhood conflicts or problems associated with puberty in the family, as a rule, are not able to establish a close emotional connection with their child.

    Fifthly, fundamental principles are formed in the family. human values, manifested in social and interethnic relations, as well as determining his lifestyle, spheres and level of claims, life aspirations, plans and ways to achieve them.

    Sixth, the family plays an important role in the process social development a person due to the fact that her approval, support, indifference or condemnation affect the claims of a person, help or hinder him to look for ways out in difficult situations, adapt to the changed circumstances of his life, withstand changing social conditions. The values ​​and atmosphere of the family also determine how it becomes an environment for self-development and an arena for self-realization of its members, possible aspects and ways of both.