What is kurt - the composition and beneficial properties of cheese, step-by-step recipes for preparing it at home with photos. Kurt - what are the benefits and harms of fermented milk balls? What is kurt and how to eat it

National dishes not only demonstrate the generosity and breadth of soul of the people, but also have a very tangible practical meaning. They were created in accordance with the characteristics of the climate and habitat and ensured the survival of people during certain periods. This happened with kurut.

What is it?

Kurut (kurt) is a fermented milk dish in the form of dried balls. They taste like cottage cheese and cheese at the same time, have a salty taste and sour milk aroma. It is more correct to call kurut dry young cheese. The dish appeared in Central Asia and was originally the food of nomads. White balls are very nutritious, but at the same time for a long time can be stored and easily transported without taking up much space.

Kurut is based on goat, cow or sheep milk. In the southern territories of Kazakhstan, the dish was prepared from mare’s milk, in the western territories - from camel’s milk. The balls are small in size - about the size of an apricot, although the Bashkirs preferred kurut the size of an orange. Various spices can be added to them, which affects the taste and shade of the balls.

They are consumed dry, used as a seasoning, added to fatty soups and broths, or diluted with milk or kefir to obtain a hearty drink. Subject to certain temperature conditions and humidity levels, the product can be stored for up to 7-8 years.

To prepare the dish, milk must first be turned into katyk, removing the moisture from it. The result is a condensed milk mass, which is distributed into gauze bags and hung for several days. During this period, the liquid completely flows out of the mass and remains in the bag. It can be used as a standalone product. But if you salt it and form balls that are dried in the sun for several days, you get kurut.

It should be dry enough to be rock hard. The tougher it is, the longer the product is stored.

In ancient times, the kurt was highly valued. Due to its nutritional value and versatility of use, it was considered a filling food and could be turned into a complete lunch, dinner, or simply a quick boost of strength. This was very valuable for nomadic warriors - a bag with kurut was tied to the saddle, thanks to which it was possible to abandon the use of a field kitchen and speed up the movement of troops and improve their maneuverability.

In addition, the kurt was stored for a long time and made it possible to use large number milk, avoiding its souring. In Asia, it was often dried for future use and used as bread. Since the dish contains vitamin C and other vitamins and minerals, and also has a high nutritional value, it was included in the menu of wounded and weakened people. Due to its antibacterial and antiseptic properties, the product was used to treat the umbilical cord of newborns.

Today, kurut can have several varieties:

  • dried salty product, which is obtained by abundantly salting fermented milk mass and drying it for a long time in the sun, has the appearance of balls or cylinders and has the saltiest taste;
  • boiled and dried kurut is prepared by first boiling the milk mass, after which it is formed into balls that are dried in the sun; the dish has a more delicate creamy taste and aroma;
  • pasty - the raw material is also boiled, but not dried, but stored in storage containers and used for adding to soups and liquids.

Benefits and harms

Kurut contains large amounts of vitamin D and calcium, so it is good for bones and teeth. Its consumption during pregnancy will help prevent the development of rickets in the child. It is useful for older people, whose calcium content in the body decreases, which increases the risk of fractures. If you consume this type of cheese after injuries and bone fractures, the restoration of the skeletal system will be faster.

Kurut not only helps to fill you up, but also perfectly quenches thirst. Nutritional value like others healing properties are largely due to the presence of fermented milk streptococci and nutrients in kurut. During the cooking process, kurut is enriched with special microorganisms that improve the digestibility of the product.

Despite the fact that it turns out to be very concentrated, the body completely absorbs it.

Asian cheese is good for the digestive organs. Possessing antibacterial properties, it suppresses pathogenic intestinal microflora, promoting the development of beneficial ones. As a result, a person not only gets rid of poor digestion and its consequences, but also increases his protection against intestinal infections.

The product has the ability to relieve attacks of nausea, which can be useful for certain diseases, during travel, and during pregnancy. Eastern healers recommended cheese for exhaustion and anemia. It will be useful for increased physical, including sports, stress, and intellectual fatigue.

It is rich in proteins, so it will help build muscle mass, will have a positive effect on the condition of the skeletal system, teeth, and hair.

The vitamin composition is represented by vitamin A, which is involved in the production of sex hormones and helps improve the condition of the visual organs. Together with vitamin E, it participates in the renewal of cellular structures, is responsible for saturating them with oxygen, and reduces the speed age-related changes cells. Ascorbic acid has an immunostimulating effect, increases the body's resistance to environmental factors, colds, and infections. This is very important, since a lack of vitamin C leads to apathy, increased fatigue, and problems with blood vessels.

The content of B vitamins is high, which makes kurt useful for nervous system, skin. It helps strengthen nerves, relieves anxiety, and relieves insomnia. The mineral composition, in addition to calcium, includes iron, copper, sodium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus. The product is useful for arthritis and other joint diseases that lead to stiffness. The presence of proteins, zinc and B vitamins makes the product valuable for men's health. The level of testosterone in the blood increases, the quality of sperm improves, which affects reproduction.

When consuming, please remember that Kazakh, like any kurut, is quite high in calories. The energy value is 260 kcal per 100 g of product. At the same time, the product is rich in fats - 100 g covers up to 50-70% of the body's daily need for fats. The dish should be consumed with caution, especially if you are obese, diabetes mellitus. Excessive consumption can cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract - abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

The product should be discarded if you are lactose intolerant. Saturation with fat leads to increased cholesterol, so kurut is not recommended for people suffering from diseases cardiovascular system, atherosclerosis.

Pregnancy is not a contraindication to taking cheese, but you should eat it with caution and reduce the dosage.

Preference should be given to varieties that have undergone heat treatment. Can be preserved in raw kurut dangerous bacteria listeria. They provoke diseases that can lead to miscarriage and fetal death.

During lactation it is better to avoid the product - there is a high probability of developing allergic reactions at the baby. The high salt content makes this cheese dangerous for problems with the liver and kidneys, and hypertension. But even healthy person should not abuse kurut, which is saturated with sodium. This provokes swelling and deterioration of all body systems.

Cooking recipes

At factories, kurt is prepared by purifying and pasteurizing milk. Then the mixture is cooled to 50 C, and lactic acid bacteria are introduced into it, acting as a starter. After ripening, a dense clot is formed, which is decanted and then pressed under the influence of high temperature. Next, salt is added, the composition is distributed into molds, where it hardens. The finished balls are prepared for sale.

As a rule, the fat content of the product is 7%. You can get a low-fat analogue by removing the cream from the milk, turning it into low-fat milk.

To make cheese at home, you first need to prepare katyk. A ready-made drink purchased in a store will not work; it does not have the required fat content and may contain preservatives and other additives. Then, from 3 liters of goat or sheep milk and 500 ml of katyk, you need to make a starter by mixing these ingredients.

The mixture should ferment for 3-4 days, after which the fermented mass should be put on fire. Thick-walled containers should be used so that when the liquid evaporates, the raw materials do not burn. Wide dishes with high walls are ideal.

The evaporation time depends on the desired consistency of the kurut. If it is added to soups and used in the form of a paste, then it is enough for the volume of the mass to be halved.

If you plan to roll balls, then you need to simmer the milk until its consistency begins to resemble milk. Now you should salt the kurut to taste (usually 1 tablespoon of water is taken per 1 liter of liquid). Roll into balls from a dense mass and dry them in a well-ventilated place, laying them out in one row for several days. Paste-like kurut can be placed in jars, closed and stored in the refrigerator.

How to use it correctly?

Kurt can be consumed as an independent dish or added to salads and main courses. It goes well with vegetables, but when consumed with meat, the food may be overly heavy. If you add cheese to broths, they acquire richness, creamy taste, and in addition, they neutralize its excessive fat content. If you dissolve the product in kumiss, katyk, kefir or even water, you will get a nutritious fermented milk product.

You can serve salted balls with alcoholic drinks; traditionally, such dishes are harmonious with beer and kvass. You can also serve it with kefir. Due to its high calorie content, it is better to consume kurt before 16-18 hours. It is not recommended immediately before bedtime - due to excessive fat content, heartburn and nausea are possible.

Watch the video recipe for making kurut below.

Kurt cheese belongs to durum varieties which are obtained from milk. This dish is a national product for residents of Central Asia. Each country has its own characteristics of the production of this product, but still there are traditional recipe. For this cheese, you can use sheep, goat and cow milk; curdled milk is prepared on its basis. It is transferred to a linen bag, which is hung for 2-3 days to separate the whey. After this, the resulting mass is combined with salt and made into balls with a diameter of no more than 5 cm, which are placed on wooden boards and exposed to the sun. Cover the top of the cheese with a towel. A maximum of 4 days are spent on drying.

Kurt has a dry, salty taste with a creamy undertone. Depending on the ingredients used, this cheese can be sweet, sour, spicy and even spicy. The color of the product may also differ, so it may be white or dark.

How to store?

Kurt cheese is highly resistant to temperature changes and can be stored without refrigeration. A properly prepared product will be suitable for consumption for 8 years. It is best to store the kurta in hanging bags made of canvas material in a ventilated room.

Useful properties

The benefits of kurta cheese lie in its composition of minerals and vitamins. The unusual properties of this product include the fact that it has the ability to suppress nausea. Considering this, it is recommended to use it for people on the road who suffer from motion sickness. Kurt has the ability to restore beneficial intestinal microflora, and it is also quickly and easily absorbed by the body.

This cheese contains vitamin A, which is necessary for visual acuity, and it also promotes growth, cell renewal and also improves immunity. This product also contains vitamin E, which resists the aging process of cells and saturates the body with oxygen. This cheese also contains large amounts of vitamin D, which reduces the risk of osteoporosis and cancer. There is a kurta and ascorbic acid, which strengthens the immune system and increases the body's protective functions.

Kurta contains calcium in large quantities, which strengthens bone tissue and also improves metabolism in the body. This mineral also takes an active part in the formation of collagen, which is necessary for youthful skin. Kurt cheese is an excellent tonic, which is recommended to be consumed during exhaustion, anemia, as well as during periods of mental and physical stress.

Use in cooking

Kurt cheese is a universal product, as it can be combined with almost any food. This is an excellent independent dish that many people like to eat with beer. In addition, kurt cheese is included in the recipe for some soups and salads, and it also goes well with both fish and meat. You can also prepare various sauces and dressings based on this product. a huge number dishes.

How to make homemade kurt cheese?

This product is very easy to make at home; you don’t need any special culinary skills. You need to take milk, the temperature of which should be approximately 33 degrees and combine it with 4% of the starter. The milk will ferment for about 7 hours. After this, the curd needs to be heated to 60 degrees and left for about half an hour. Then the whey must be removed, and the cheese curd must be poured into a canvas bag and left to compress for a couple of hours. The next step is to add salt to the cheese mass and form it into balls, which need to be placed in the sun or in a special dryer. After a few days, after the cheese becomes hard, it is ready to eat.

Harm of Kurt cheese and contraindications

Kurt cheese can be harmful to people with individual intolerance to the product. It is also worth considering the rather high calorie content of the product, which means that it is not recommended to abuse it for people who are watching their figure or want to lose weight, as well as for those who are obese. It is also not recommended to eat Kurt cheese in large quantities for people who have problems with the kidneys, heart and blood vessels, as it contains a large amount of salt.

😉 Greetings to everyone who came to this site in search of information - Kurt Cobain: biography... Gentlemen, you have come to the right place.

Late autumn. Peter. One of the many monochrome streets. Gray sky, light drizzle, “Something In the Way” playing in the headphones. We stop and see a torn red inscription on the wall of a five-story building: “I hate myself and want to die.” My friend quietly asks: “Don’t you think that, no matter what, he’s still alive?”

Kurt Cobain is not just a musician, he is a cult personality, an idol of generations. While some have already “got over” Nirvana, others are just starting to listen to it, adding to Cobain’s large army of fans.

The unforgettable MTV never tires of playing the “Smells Like Teen Spirit” video; teenagers buy cheap guitars and diligently memorize the passage from “Come As You Are.”

Biography of Kurt Cobain

Kurt Donald Cobain was born on February 20, 1967, (USA, Washington State, Aberdeen). Zodiac sign – His name is quite famous in the world of rock music. Legendary vocalist and guitarist of the rock band Nirvana, American singer, songwriter, musician, artist. He died at the age of 27...

Millions of girls fall in love with a long-dead man whom they only saw in photographs. But Kurt Cobain was burdened by fame. He tried to live in his own separate world, but, alas, he could not hide anything from the omnipresent press and annoying admirers.

What happened in April '94? Nobody knows. In the last month of his life, Kurt felt extremely bad. He was tormented by stomach pains, which he tried to eliminate with the help of heroin, as if not realizing that this was not a solution.

Due to drug addiction and a complete loss of interest in everything around him, Kurt canceled planned concerts and left for Seattle. There he spent his days alone, depressed, depressed by the behavior of his wife, who did not appreciate him at all.

He missed his daughter Frances. His daughter was Kurt’s greatest joy, and his life collapsed when, returning from a rehabilitation clinic, he entered his house, extended his hands to her, and she, frightened, recoiled and stammered, looking at her mother: “Who is this? Where is my dad?

With Courtney Love and daughter Frances

Dark story

On April 8, 1994, Kurt's body was found by an electrician who came to fix a wiring problem. Kurt lay in his home's greenhouse with a 12-gauge shotgun strapped to his chest for three days. (House address: 171 Lake Washington Blvd. E.). Why did he kill himself, who knows?

The detective investigating the death of Kurt Cobain suggested that it was not a murder, but a murder. Perhaps Kurt's wife, Courtney Love, is involved here. However, the police denied this version and tried to quickly hush up all the details of what happened.

The idol of millions of people is gone. Grunge is dead. I understand this, looking at the crowds of guys in black and red T-shirts with bleached hair. They all light menthol cigarettes with matches and try not to focus their eyes on one point. But... maybe this is one of those details that reminds us of Kurt Cobain?

Shy and powerful, quiet and frantic, cynical and sentimental, fragile and powerful... What would Kurt Cobain be like now if he had lived to see his 50th birthday? Who knows?
We can only remember what he was like.

Kurt's first few years were truly serene and happy. At such a time, the child grows joyfully under the warm streams of approval from adults, confident that he is the most skillful, the most talented, the most beautiful. The whole world is at his feet, and all the people around are very nice. In the future, such a child will excel in everything he does, because already now he produces the most excellent, the best doodles, Easter cakes and everything else in the world.
Kurt, for example, could become a doctor. For it has been noticed that this is exactly what often happens if children are fascinated by anatomical atlases more than fairy tales or comics. They are sitting above medical books and look at the illustrations where people are dismantled into layers and where they show what is hidden inside the human body. Such children, captivated by the picturesque complexity of anatomy, often become doctors.
Kurt did not go into medicine, but he never forgot those childhood impressions and once even bought all the goods in some American store like Medtechnika.

But it’s not just about the doctor’s career; after that, everything turned out differently. He was one of those children who completely change if they experience their parents' divorce - they become withdrawn and gloomy. They cannot forgive adults who broke their warm, complete life, who destroyed the algorithm to which they themselves were taught from birth. And for those men and women who stand next to their mothers and fathers, such children can feel nothing but hostility.
Kurt began to behave badly, throwing stones at cars, calling and teasing the police. Usually he avoided punishment for relatively serious offenses, but he constantly received cuffs and slaps on the head from his father for accidentally dropping something or spilling a glass of water. It is not surprising that later he allowed himself impudent and wild antics with a grin, and for occasional awkwardness and oversight he became terribly angry with himself. The father never tried to mend the deteriorating relationship, instead he simply moved away and ignored his son. And Kurt’s mother “went into isolation” for a while and became like those parents who hide their weed somewhere in the house, but scold their teenagers for smoking. Or they come drunk and lecture the children like that.
One day, Kurt decided that he was secretly adopted. Something like this could somehow explain the child’s lack of parental love. He even came to the conclusion that he was not just a foundling, but a native of another world - parallel or alien. All my life I yearned for an unknown homeland somewhere in distant space and tried to find people like myself. He said that he had met a couple of them in his life and even managed to understand their common mission on Earth.

At school he stood out greatly - by his behavior, nervousness, hairstyle, musical tastes. And then he also managed to make friends with a guy, not knowing about his friend’s gay orientation. And everyone else, as usually happens, knew about it. And, of course, Kurt was also instantly classified as a minority. Soon, for him, all the old school troubles faded in comparison with the new ones. However, he didn’t stop being friends with that guy, he just found it necessary to set the record straight: “Sorry, buddy, I’m from a different camp...”, but he still didn’t give up on his friend.
He was one of those schoolchildren whose talents can only be appreciated by unusual teachers. There were two such people in his life. The literature teacher loved people with unconventional thinking and always admired his writings, even the most deliberately provocative ones. And the art teacher in high school, who often praised Kurt, valued his work so highly that he always secretly sent them to various competitions. Secretly - because a nervous teenager probably wouldn’t like it. But the teacher always handed over the prizes and certificates to the winning recipient.

Everyone thought about Kurt: well, this one will go to art college and become an artist or something like that. Yes, even if he was a musician - many of his relatives were interested in music, and this interest was encouraged in him. He could choose from at least two types of art, and he was even guaranteed a scholarship to two educational institutions.
But punk rock already dominated his mind, which seemed to him more honest than other styles and with the help of which he wanted to speak frankly with the world.
However, because he did not want to do something clear and definite, he was actually kicked out of the house.

He was without a corner for a long time, did not know where he would spend the next night. Sometimes after parties he would spend the night with one friend or another, but no one was willing to shelter him for a long time, not even those with whom he played music. It happened that Kurt spent the night on the street, under a bridge, and often spent his days in the public library and read, read...
In general, working for food did not attract him at all. Only once or twice has he been honored with something similar - for example, he once found himself among those who do not rest at the resort, but work. In one Polynesian town he was hired as, let's say, a chimney sweep. It was not a difficult task, but he slacked off and often, when he went to clean another fireplace, he hid somewhere and just watched TV. This, of course, did not last long. And he wanted further experiments.
In a certain sense, he became a legend of his native Aberdeen even then. They said about him: “Among our punks there is one so-o-oh!.. He manages to live without working anywhere, he doesn’t give a damn about all the inconveniences and problems!..” Well, it’s not that he didn’t really give a damn, but making money He seemed fundamentally unwilling to do anything other than music.

And then Kurt went into the teeming musical groups Seattle, he had been wanting to go there for a long time. And it was in Seattle that the unexpected happened - his group began to be praised, they were invited to record an album, and their songs began to be played on the radio. All this was both long-awaited and exceeding all expectations.
Although prosperity was still far away. Perhaps the most miserable, hungry time in his life was the period when the first contract had already been concluded (the millionth, by the way), and there was absolutely nothing to eat, because the money had not yet been paid.

When the tour began, Kurt learned what real pain was. Although it seemed to him that he had known everything about this for a long time.
Even if we don’t talk about mental suffering in childhood, at school, or those that are characteristic of a caring, intelligent and sentimental person who experiences the cruelty of the world... Even if we don’t talk about all this, it’s worth remembering his eternal bronchitis or how he was still in school the curvature of the spine and the displacement of the disc gave him “wonderful” sensations and led to the fact that he definitely had to wear a corset. But this guaranteed inconvenience and ridicule, so he “forgot” the doctors’ recommendations. And instead of a corset, I began to wear a guitar for a long time - playing it, and my spine became even worse, much worse.
And when fame began to turn its face towards him, the eternal pain in his back was supplemented by hellish pain in his stomach, which nothing could relieve, they even made him forget about his problems with his spine. It hurt almost always, but especially when eating. The doctors tried on all the diagnoses, fed him a bunch of different drugs and all to no avail. Then they started saying that it was psychosomatics. And he was already going crazy from constant pain, became irritable, angry, and inevitably began to think about a radical way to end the torment - along with life.

However, they say that in 1992 some new medicine did help him. What kind of medicine it was, and whether it was a medicine at all – who knows. But it is known that when he discovered that drugs reduced pain, he secretly switched to their regular use. For a very long time, none of his relatives knew about his torment or his new habits.
To those who grieve inconsolably for Kurt Cobain, who joined the famous “Club 27”, to those who diligently search for the reasons for his suicide, experts sometimes say: you forget about the changes that occur to a person under the influence of drugs - irreversible and very strong.
Yes, his little daughter Frances made Kurt look at the world differently, and he, it would seem, should not have abandoned her in this world, which he considered terrible. Yes, his wife Courtney Love is a completely controversial character and for a number of reasons will always be under suspicion. This is all true. Anything could happen, including murder. But still, we shouldn’t forget how altered the consciousness of someone whose brain is destroyed by drugs is. Even if he stopped taking them, the train of thought of such a person can be absolutely incredible, and his decisions unpredictable.
Unlike the ending, it is always predictably sad.

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